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250 lines
BragTag version 1.30ß
'The TagLine Displayer'
Copyright(c) 1993
All Rights Reserved
BRAGWARE! -> Rick A.G. Bursey
169 Montana Drive Apt. 4
Stephenville, NF.
A2N 2T4
Internet: ap374@freenet.carleton.ca
I claim no responsibility for any damages or losses caused by the use or
misuse of this program. It is being distributed "as is" with no warranty of
any kind being expressed or implied. The user agrees to these terms by the
use of this program.
Introduction to BragTag
BragTag is a program which will display a humorous quote each time someone
logs onto or off of your BBS. It does this by creating two different files,
one containing ANSI escape characters and one containing just plain old ASCII
text. This way both groups of people can view the same tagline quote, those
who are using ANSI colour graphics and those who do not.
BragTag is very easy to setup because it comes with it's own configuration
utility. The easiest way to set up BragTag is to use this utility. BragCfg.exe
will prompt you for the proper information and then create a file called
"BRAGTAG.CFG", which is used by BRAGTAG each time it creates the two display
files. This utility has built in context-sensitive help to guild you through
the configuration process.
But if you would rather make your own config file with a text editor this
is the format of the config file:
SysOp Name <- SysOp put your name on this line
Header Line <- a line displayed before the quote box
Footer Line <- a line displayed after the quote box
ANSI File Name and Path <- the place to put this file when created
ASCII File Name and Path <- the place to put this file when created
PCBoard File Name and Path <- the place to put this file when created
WildCat File Name and Path <- the place to put this file when created
TagLine File Name and Path <- the place where your taglines are located
Clear Screen <- clear screen YES or NO
Border Style <- The border style to use in the display
Config File Explained
Here is a more detailed discription of the config file.
Sysop Name:
This line will contain the name that will be displayed to the users as the
SysOp. More than one name can be included here, but must be on the same
Header Line:
The line of text to display before the tagline box. This can be a greeting
of some kind or a small advertisement.
Footer Line:
The line of text to display after the tagline box. This too can be a
greeting of some kind.
ANSI File:
The name and location of the created ANSI file. This is where BragTag will
put the ANSI file. This will be the same path as the one you pass to your
BBS software so it can display this file to the callers. This is file that
contains the ANSI escape codes so that colour graphics will be displayed to
them while they are online.
Enter 'NULL' (without the quotes) on this line if you do not wish to use
this file format. This way the file will NOT be created.
The name and location of the created ASCII file. This is where BragTag will
put the plain text file. This will be the same path as the one you pass to
your BBS software so it can display this file to the callers. This file
does NOT contain anything but pure ASCII text so it can be displayed to
any caller while they are online.
Enter 'NULL' (without the quotes) on this line if you do not wish to use
this file format. This way the file will NOT be created.
PCBoard File:
The name and location of the created PCBoard file. This is where BragTag
will put the PCBoard compatable file. This will be the same path as the one
you pass to your PCBoard BBS software so it can be displayed th callers.
This file contains the @Codes (AT Codes) so that colour files can be
displayed from a PCBoard system. This file will NOT be displayed correctly
on NON PCBoard systems.
Enter 'NULL' (without the quotes) on this line if you do not wish to use
this file format. This way the file will NOT be created.
WildCat File:
The name and location of the created WildCat file. This is where BragTag
will put the WildCat compatable file. This will be the same path as the one
you pass to your WildCat BBS software so it can be displayed th callers.
This file contains the @Codes (AT Codes) so that colour files can be
displayed from a WildCat system. This file will NOT be displayed correctly
on NON WildCat systems.
Enter 'NULL' (without the quotes) on this line if you do not wish to use
this file format. This way the file will NOT be created.
TagLine File:
The name and location of the input data file which contains the taglines.
This can be any tagline file, even one that you are using with your favorite
off-line mail reader. If BragTag cannot find the file in this location it
not be able to create the two display files and will display a error message
to you the Sysop.
Clear Screen:
You have the option to clear the screen before displaying the PCBoard,
WildCat and ANSI files to callers. This works only for the PCBoard, WildCat
and ANSI colour graphics users. Put a YES or NO on this line. The default
for this option is YES, so if any value other than YES or No is on this
line the screen will be cleared before displaying the output files.
Border Style:
The border style to use in the display. The default is RANDOM or you may
pick one of the following styles:
┌───────────┐ ╔═══════════╗ ╓───────────╖
└───────────┘ ╚═══════════╝ ╙───────────╜
╒═══════════╕ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
╘═══════════╛ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ █████████████ ▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌
▓ DARK ▓ █ WIDE █ ▐ THIN ▌
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ █████████████ ▐▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌
As well as the above border styles you may also have NONE as a border style.
If NONE is chosen, no border will be created around the tagline.
If an invalid choice is entered on this line the program will choose a
border style at random. This way your display files will still be created
properly and your BBS software will NOT crash or whatever, because of an
inproper value being entered on this line of the configuration file.
All of the lines in the configuration file must be used, or you'll have
strange results in your display files. If you do NOT wish to have BragTag
create a specific file type, put NULL as the name of the output file. When
BragTag reads the config file it will not create any files that have NULL
entered as the pathname.
Both BRAGTAG and BRAGCFG will look in the current directory for the
BRAGTAG.CFG file. If BragTag cannot find the configuration file in the same
directory as it resides it will abort with a warning message, you will need
then to create the config file either with the BRAGCFG.EXE or with your own
text editor using the above mentioned format.
If you are calling BragTag from a BATCH file here is a list of the
errorlevels that could be returned to DOS upon completion:
Errorlevel Meaning
---------- -------
0 No error, program executed with no problems occuring
1 Could NOT open the tagline file properly, might not exist
2 Could NOT read the configuration file, might not exist
3 Could NOT write to or create the ANSI file
4 Could NOT write to or create the ASCII file
5 Could NOT write to or create the PCBoard file
6 Could NOT write to or create the WildCat file
Running the Program
Once you have the configuration file filled in properly all you have to do is
set up your BBS so that after a caller logs off it shells out to DOS and calls
BragTag to create the two display files. Also you will have to set up your BBS
so that it will display the proper file to callers when they log on (or off).
By the proper file, the ANSI graphic file to callers who wish to have ANSI
graphics displayed and the plain text file to those who don't. That's it,
there's not much to it at all.
Remember you can use any TagLine file as input, even one that you might be
using with your favorite offline mail reader, or any other file that contains
single lines of pure ASCII text.
About Shareware
BragTag is being distributed as Shareware, as such you may "try before you
buy". Shareware is NOT free software. You are licensed to operate the
Shareware distribution copy on a trial basis of 30 days. Then if you like it
and make regular use of it, you are required to pay for it.
If you find this program of value and continue to use it, please show your
support and send along a small registration fee of $10.00. For your
registration fee you'll get my thanks and a KEY file which turns the
SHAREWARE version into a REGISTERED version. This is a one time registration
fee, ALL future versions of this program will use the same KEY file, so if you
find a newer version of BRAGTAG out there, you will be registered on that
version as well. Not bad for $10.00, don't you think?
Files in this Archive
BRAGTAG.EXE - the main executable program.
BRAGTAG.DOC - this file.
BRAGCFG.EXE - the configuration utility program.
BRAGCFG.HLP - the configuration utility's online help file.
BRAGTAG.CFG - sample configuration file.
TAGLINES.TXT - sample text file containing over 9,000 taglines.
SAMPLE.ANS - sample ANSI (graphics) BragTag output file.
SAMPLE.BBS - sample WildCat compatable colour BragTag output file.
SAMPLE.PCB - sample PCBoard compatable colour BragTag output file.
SAMPLE.TXT - sample ASCII (text) BragTag output file.
FILE_ID.DIZ - BBS archive discription file.
ORDER.FRM - order form to use when registering.
VENDOR.DOC - a notice to shareware vendors.
04/26/93 - Version 1.00
Initial public release.
05/02/93 - Version 1.01
Cleaned up the output files a little bit as well as the way
BRAGCFG.EXE read and wrote the config files.
08/24/93 - Version 1.20
Added a few more border styles, now a random border style is
used each time BRAGTAG is called.
Border now surounds the tagline, not just on top and bottom.
Removed BBS name from config file, now displays SysOp name
08/28/93 - Version 1.21
Added BRAGTAG environment variable, now you can set this in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT so that you no longer need the BRAGTAG.CFG file and
BRAGTAG.EXE (or BRAGCFG.EXE) in the same directory.
Added the clear screen ability before displaying the ANSI file.
10/22/93 - Version 1.22
Removed the environment variable, too much hassle. Now the config
file MUST be in the same directory as the BRAGTAG executable file.
Added the ability to set the border style or pick a RANDOM style.
12/11/93 - Version 1.30ß
Added PCBoard and WildCat @Code compatability. This way the output
files can be properly displayed on these systems.
Added the NULL output file name so that all file types do not have
to be created each time BragTag is run