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│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· Call Back Verification ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
---=== Release 1.60 ===---
Copyright 1991,1993 Chris Holko.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· Table of Contents ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
├ Description 4
├─ Requirements .
├── Restrictions .
├ Support Files 5
└ User Message Files 7
├─ Files 8
├── Command Line .
├ Main Menu 9
├─ Security Validation Menu 10
├── Modified "userrec" Menu 11
├─── Modem Menu 12
├──── Long Distance Menu 13
└───── Miscellaneous Menu 14
├ A. Error Messages 16
├─ B. Session Control 19
├── C. Contacting the author 20
├─── D. User Restrictions 21
└──── E. CBVCFG.DAT layout 22
(CBV160) 1
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· WARRANTY ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
CBV (Call-Back Verification) has NO WARRANTY. Use of CBV, and any
accompanying programs/files IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. By your use of CBV
you agree to hold the author and parties directly or indirectly related
to the author faultless from the non-use, use, and/or misuse of CBV.
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
References not otherwise documented.
WWIV refers to World War Four Bulletin Board System
CBV refers to Call Back Verification Program
DOS refers to MS-DOS and/or PC-DOS
Copyright, Trademark, and Servicemark notices.
WWIV Copyright (c) 1987-1992 by Wayne Bell.
Turbo Pascal Copyright (c) 1982-1992 by Borland Int.
(CBV160) 2
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
Shareware is a unique method for the marketing of computer software.
Most of all the products are easily obtained from larger Bulletin Board
Systems worldwide. The basis behind the workings of the Shareware
system is the HONOR system. This means that the end user is free to
use the product for a limited trial period to see if suits their needs.
If the user continues to use the product after the trial period it is
expected of them to register the product with its author with any
stated fees, this is to reimburse the author for both his time spent
in developing the product and to provide incentive to maintain and
update the product.
You are free to test and use this program, CBV, to determine if it
suits your needs. If you continue to use this program beyond thirty
(30) days complete the registration form (REGISTER.TXT) and mail it
with the registration fee to the address listed on the form. Upon the
receipt of the completed registration form and fees you will be kept
advised on the status and availability of CBV, granted use of the
registered version, get timely support when needed, and possible use
of beta and specialized versions of CBV.
(CBV160) 3
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· DISTRIBUTION FILE CONTENTS ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
CBV is distributed as a complete package compressed into one archive
file. The archive file of the UNREGISTERED version may be freely
distributed so long as no charge is required to obtain the package and
no modification to the distribution package is made.
The naming convention the archive file is
CBV?MMRT.AAA AAA = Archiving method used.
MM = Major version number ie. 14
R = Revision number ie. 0
? = BBS Package Supported
R = Renegade
T = Release Type Specifier
Take time to examine the contents of the archive file, you will find
the following files with possibly a late text file addition.
[ ] CBV .EXE - The CBV program executable
[ ] CBVCFG .EXE - The CBVCFG program executable
CBVCFG .DAT - Sample CBV configuration file
CBVTRASH.DAT - Sample CBV phone number trash file
CBVAREAC.DAT - Sample Local Area Code(s) file
CBVTOLLS.DAT - Sample Toll-Call File
CBVCALLS.DAT - Sample Call-Only file
CBVMENU .MOD - Mod to run CBV from Main Menu
AUTOCFG .C - .C source for users of modified WWIV BBSes
CBV160 .DOC - This documentation
HISTORY!.DOC - List of revisions made to CBV
READ .ME - Last minute updates / notices
WELCOME .CBV - Sample user welcome message
LOCKOUT .CBV - Sample invalid/locked phone number message
NOLONGD .CBV - Sample no long distance calls message
PREPARE .CBV - Sample prepare for call back message
PASSWORD.CBV - Sample enter password message
VERIFIED.CBV - Sample account upgraded message
NOTOLLS .CBV - Sample no toll calls message
(CBV160) 4
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· CBV ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
▐ Description
CBV is a call back verification system designed for use with World War
Four Bulletin Board Systems. It is intended to provide an easy way for
WWIV users to self validate themselves without direct System Operator
intervention. CBV also enhances system security by recording the
complete phone numbers used for verification. It can also be
configured to lockout troublesome users, lockout specific area codes
and prefixes, and prevent users from gaining multiple accounts. CBV
can also be configured to offer long distance callers a customized
access level different from local callers.
CBV has its own built in communication routines, which auto-sense the
speed of the communication port, and can be used with high speed
modems. CBV also has built in safeguards to prevent accidental
corruption of system files. If for any reason CBV should abort because
of internal errors it will provide and explanation of said reason both
on the local screen and the system log. CBV uses direct DTR control to
disconnect callers and has an optional fall back option to use a modem
control string.
CBV was coded entirely in Turbo Pascal, features built in ANSI
interpetation, WWIV-ANSI interpetation, wordwrap, and a System
Operator interface based upon WWIV. CBV is comprised of approximately
3000 lines of code, the configuration program about 1000 lines.
▐▐ Requirements
Basically if you can use WWIV on your system the you should be able to
run CBV. All support files must be in the same directory with the CBV
▐▐▐ Restrictions
CBV can be adapted to any WWIV BBS using WWIV versions 4.10 and above
provided the following conditions are met.
> The length of the NAME, PASSWORD, and NOTE fields cannot be changed.
> The size of SL, DSL, and EXEMPT must not be changed.
> The size of AR, DAR, and RESTRICT must not be changed.
If you are running a modified version of WWIV where you have made
changes to the structure "userrec" you must compile the enclosed
source to DISPLAY.C with your modified source. This will produce a
program which will display field offsets into your modified "userrec"
which are needed by the CBVCFG configuration program.
(CBV160) 5
▐▐▐▐ Support Files.
CBV requires the following four data files to be present at all times.
CBVCFG.DAT is the name of the CBV configuration file. It is produced
by the program CBVCFG.EXE . This file cannot be edited by a word
processor or standard editor as it is NOT ASCII. No other program but
CBVCFG.EXE should be used to modify this file. The layout of the
configuration file is detailed in APPENDIX F.
This is an ASCII file, which can be edited using a ASCII file editor.
If you use a word processor to edit this file make sure it outputs as
ASCII. This file contains the list of all INVALID area codes,
prefixes, arecode-prefixes, and phone numbers. CBV can optionally add
numbers to this file to prevent callers from gaining multiple user ids
on your system.
Only one entry per line is permitted, comments may be on the same line
as any number provided the comment begins with a semi-color ";". All
entries must start at column one.
1 2
900 ; We don't want to allow 900 calls
976 ; Neither do we want 976 calls
555 ; Directory assistance... NOT!
911 ; Emergency, yeah, like no access
404-555 ; Lockout of specific areacode-prefix
404-555-9999 ; Locked out number <- bad user?
Basically there are certain numbers which should not be dialed, and
certain numbers which are reserved for specialized purposes. CBV also
prevents to the best of its ability users from entering invalid area
codes and prefixes. This means no "1"s or "0"s as the first number
of an area code or prefix, and only a "1" or "0" as the middle number
of the area code. Also, area codes and prefixes are supposed to
unique, however this cannot be guaranteed so CBV will not enforce it.
(CBV160) 6
▐▐▐▐ Support Files - Continued
This file contain a list of the areacodes that are *LOCAL* to your
BBS. Only one entry per line is permitted, and no comments are
allowed. You can create or edit this file with an ASCII editor.
If you have CBV versions 1.40-1.45 installed then the config program
for CBV 1.50+ will automatically create this file for you. You should
still check this file for validity of data.
This file contains the list of AREACODE-PREFIXES that you only want
CBV to call. This file is only accessed if the CBVCFG.Miscellaneous
option "(E) - Use CBVCALLS.DAT Call Only File" is set to "YES". Even
if set to no this file must exist, the data contained within will
simply be ignored. The file may be edited with an ASCII editor
following the rules set forth for the file "CBVTRASH.DAT".
This file contains a list of AREACODE-PREFIXES that are toll calls from
your system. TOLL calls are treated like other long-distance calls,
the call-back must be within the long-distance window, and the CBVCFG
option "Allow TOLL calls" must be set on. CBV checks the number entered
against this file to determine if it is a toll call. This file follows
are similar format to "CBVTRASH.DAT", however the numbers entered are
numbers known to be TOLL calls from the BBS. This is mainly used to
screen in AREACODE toll calls that do not require a long distance access
code to call.
(CBV160) 7
▐▐▐▐▐ User Message Files.
CBV requires that six message files exist before it will run. These
files are displayed to the user as needed. They are ASCII files and
rules for editing them are similar to the CBVTRASH.DAT file. WWIV ANSI
codes may be used freely within these files, however pure ANSI should
be avoided. A sample of each file has been included with the archive
This file is displayed to the user before he enters any information.
It purpose is to explain what call back verification is for. After
this file is displayed the program will ask the user if they wish to
This file is displayed to the user before the actual call back begins.
This is done immediately after the user has entered a number CBV has
judged to be valid.
This file is displayed once CBV has reconnected with the user BUT
before they have entered their password.
This file is displayed if the user has entered a phone number matching one
listed in "CBVTOLLS.DAT" and the SysOp has configured CBV not to allow
them, or if the long distance calling window is closed.
This file is displayed if the user has entered a long distance phone
number and the SysOp has not configured CBV to allow them. It will
also be displayed if the long distance calling window is closed.
This file will be displayed if the user enters a phone number in which
the area code, prefix, or whole number appears in the CBVTRASH.DAT
This file is displayed after the user has completed the verification
process, just after correctly entering their password. This is a good
method of describing what access they have, and to inform long distance
callers that they will need to call back again.
This file will be displayed if the option for "Check Call Only File" is
set to "Yes" and the user's AREACODE-PREFIX is not found in the
(CBV160) 8
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· CBV INSTALLATION ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
▐ Files
Extract all files contained within the archive file into the same
directory. It is suggested that CBV be placed in its on sub-directory.
When running the program make sure to switch to the same directory as
where these files reside.
▐▐ Command Line
CBV requires the path/filename to the CHAIN.TXT be present on the
command line. The path is not needed if the CHAIN.TXT file is in the
same directory as CBV. CBV will abort if it cannot find this file or
if it cannot read it.
To make the door available to your users, enter into CHAINEDIT either
by pressing "C" at the WFC or entering "//CHAINEDIT" at the main menu
prompt. It is recommended that CBV be the first entry listed in your
online programs list.
Example CHAINEDIT entry :
FileName : "CALLBACK.BAT %1"
SL : ??
AR : ??
300 Baud : N/A
Turn off pause : N/A
"N/A" means that they have not effect on the operation of CBV. If the
user does not want ANSI displays then CBV will strip ANSI as needed.
The option for pause is ignored by CBV.
"??" means that these values are strictly your preference.
(CBV160) 9
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· CBV CONFIGURATION ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
You must run the configuration program before using CBV. There are
many system dependant values which need to be altered to reflect your
system's configuration. CBV has the ability to alter the user's SL,
DSL, ARs, DARs, Exemptions, and Restrictions. Most of the fields
are self explanatory. CBV does simple error checking, and will not
correct values designed to cause problems. CBVCFG is divided into five
sections, main, security, userrec, modem, and long distance.
The only difference between UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE versions and REGISTERED
versions is a 3 second shareware notification message sent to users.
(A) `Goto Security Validation Menu '
(B) `Goto Modified "userrec" Menu '
(C) `Goto Modem Menu '
(D) `Goto Long Distance Menu '
(E) `Goto Miscellaneous Menu '
The above options change to their respective menus.
(F) `BBS Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX ' {404-426-6426}
Change this number to reflect your BBSes phone number. This
is used only when CBV displays the example phone number entry.
It is reccommended you enter your BBS phone number into the
"CBVTRASH.DAT" file too. (Well, only other restriction)
(G) `PATH to main BBS directory '
Enter the <drive\path> to your main BBS directory. This is the
same directory where BBS.EXE resides. If not properly set CBV
will be unable to locate the file "RESTORE.WWV" and will not be
able to determine if the BBS is running under SHRINK.
(S) `Save Configuration and Quit '
Choose this option to save any changes you have made to your
configuration. After saving the program will exit to the previous
task, usually DOS.
(X) `eXit without saving '
Choose this option NOT to save any changes you have made to your
configuration. This is good if you forgot something or changed
something inadvertently.
(CBV160) 10
(A) `Maximum SL allowed to use CBV '
This option specifies the highest SL a user can have and still use
the call back verification program.
(B) `Validated SL ' ( 0 / 255 )
(C) `Validated DSL ' ( 0 / 255 )
These options specify the SL and DSL given to users who
sucessfully complete the call back verification.
(D) `Validated AR ' { }
(E) `Validated DAR ' { }
These options specify the AR and DAR flags given to users who
sucessfully complete the call back verification. Press the letter
of the flag you wish to toggle on or off. To exit the routine
without making changes press the Escape key, otherwise press the
RETURN key to keep changes. Valid keys are "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP".
(F) `Validated Restrictions ' { }
This options controls which restrictions are active on callers who
sucessfully complete the call back verification. Press the letter
of the restriction you wish to toggle on or off. To exit the
routine without making changes press the Escape key, otherwise
press the RETURN key to keep changes. Valid keys are
(G) `Validate Exemptions ' { }
This option controls which exemptions a user gets once they
sucessfully complete the call back verification. Press the number
of the restriction you wish to toggle on or off. To exit the
routine without making changes press the Escape key, otherwise
press RETURN to keep changes. Valid keys are "1234".
(H) - (M) 'LD Validated ...... '
These options work identically to their above counterparts but
are given to callers who sucessfully complete call back
verification and are long distance from the BBS. This includes
both callers long distance within and outside the local calling
(Q) `Quit to Main Menu '
This option will return you to the main menu.
(CBV160) 11
You only need to modify the values given in this section if you have
made changes to the size or layout of your user file. CBV uses the
name and SL fields to make sure that it has the correct user, it uses
the length field to see if the user file is of the correct length. To
obtain the values necessary for this section you will need to compile
and run the program "DISPLAY.C" and write down the values it lists.
(A) `Length of structure "userrec" ' [ 700 1024]
Enter the length of the your "userrec" structure. The default
value is 700, which is accurate for stock WWIV boards.
(B) `Offset to "userrec.name" ' [ 0 ] [ 0]
(C) `Offset to "userrec.phone" ' [ 59 ] [ 59]
(D) `Offset to "userrec.passwd" ' [ 72 ] [ 165]
(E) `Offset to "userrec.note" ' [ 99 ] [ 192]
(F) `Offset to "userrec.sl" ' [ 391 ] [ 584]
(G) `Offset to "userrec.dsl" ' [ 392 ] [ 585]
(H) `Offset to "userrec.exempt" ' [ 393 ] [ 586]
(I) `Offset to "userrec.ar" ' [ 444 ] [ 706]
(J) `Offset to "userrec.dar" ' [ 446 ] [ 708]
(K) `Offset to "userrec.restrict" ' [ 448 ] [ 710]
The above fields are the offsets from the beginning of the
structure "userrec" to the beginning of the field. If any of these
is not correct possible corruption of the user file is possible.
(L) `RESTORE.WWV - ACTSL offset ' [ 0 ] [ 257]
This one is very important. If you are running WWIV versions 4.20a
you may have to modify the value here. For all 4.20 versions the
value can be left at 0 or 265. WWIV version 4.21 should be 267.
You can find out the exact value by examining the source file
SHRINK.C which comes as part of the WWIV source file. Check the
procedure that writes RESTORE.WWV, and if the variable ACTSL is
the last variable written leave this setting at 0, else enter
its offset from the first value to be written. Refer to the
program GETACTSL.EXE and its documentation.
(M) `Configure using AUTOCBV.CFG '
Choose this option if you have compiled and run AUTOCFG.C. It will
auto-enter entries A-K. If the file is not found it will beep
when chosen and "(NOT FOUND)" will be displayed next to the entry.
(Q) `Quit to Main Menu '
This option will return you to the main menu.
(CBV160) 12
▐▐▐▐ MODEM
(A) `Seconds to delay from hangup to callback' ( 1 / 59 )
This is the time CBV will wait from sucessful disconnection before
attempting to make the call back. This default value is "3"
seconds, and rarely should it ever be increased beyond 10.
(B) `Seconds to keep DTR lowered for hangup ' ( 1 / 59 )
This is the time CBV will keep DTR "Data Transmit Ready" lowered.
This is the primary method CBV uses to disconnect a caller. This
may need adjustment if your modem in unusually slow to react to
changes in DTR settings. The default setting is "2" seconds.
(C) `Perform CTS-RTS flow control ' ( yes / NO )
Set this to "YES" if you are using a high speed modem where you
have the communications port locked to a specified speed.
Normally CBV simply uses XON/XOFF checking, but high speed modems
normally use this method to control when it is okay to transmit
(D) `Command to use for dialing ' ( ATDT )
Enter the command your modem uses to DIAL. You may use the tilde
character "~" for half-second delays.
(E) `Command to use to hangup ' ( +++~~~ATH0 )
Normally CBV uses direct DTR control to disconnect the user,
however some modems fail to respond to DTR control. This option
allows you to specify the command required to hangup your modem.
You may use the tilde character "~" for half-second delays.
(Q) `Quit to Main Menu '
This option will return you to the main menu.
(CBV160) 13
(A) `Perform In-AREAC LD Validation ' ( yes / {NO} )
Set this option to "YES" if you want CBV to verify callers who are
long distance from the BBS but within the local area code(s).
Caller will be disconnected to avoid unnecessary expense.
(B) `Perform Out of AREAC LD Validation ' ( yes / {NO} )
Set this option to "YES" if you want CBV to verify caller who are
long distance from the BBS and outside the local area code(s).
Caller will be disconnected to avoid unnecessary expense.
(C) `LD Validation WINDOW begins at ' ( 00:00 )
(D) `LD Validation WINDOW ends at ' ( 00:00 )
These two options if set control when CBV can make long distance
call back verifications. They have no effect if option "A" is set
to NO. The values are entered in military format, "00:00" to
"24:00". To leave the value unchanged press the Escape key else
press ENTER or complete the time field.
(F) `Long Distance ACCESS Code ' ( "1-" )
Important, normally most long distance calls are performed by
prepending a "1-" to the phone number. There are some types of
long distance services that require some type of special code to
use them. If you belong to one of these services then enter that
code here else leave it set to "1-".
(Q) `Quit to Main Menu '
This option will return you to the main menu.
(CBV160) 14
(A) `Using WWIV version 4.20+ ' ( yes or NO )
Set this to "YES" if you are using WWIV versions 4.20 or greater,
otherwise the user's SL will not be properly updated.
(B) `Compare phone numbers (logon/entry) ' ( yes or NO )
Set this to "YES" if you want CBV to notify you in the current
SysOp log if the number used by the user for verification was
different from the one they entered when initially logging onto
the BBS. If also using option C (below) the number placed in
the note field will be preceeded by "****". The user will also
be queried for the reason of the difference. If you are using
free-form phone numbers this may not work correctly.
(C) `Place phone numbers in "userrec.note" ' ( yes or NO )
Set this to "YES" if you want CBV to place the verification phone
number into the user's note field.
(D) `Auto-Update "CBVTRASH.DAT" file. ' ( yes or {NO} )
Set this to "YES" if you want CBV to place the verification phone
number into the trash file. This can be used to automatically
prevent users from obtaining mulitple accounts via CBV.
(E) `Use "CBVCALLS.DAT" Call Only File ' ( yes or NO )
Normally CBV determines if a call is long-distance by either
comparing the areacode entered by the user to the entries in the
"CBVAREAC.DAT" file or by asking the user. This helps prevents
incurring unnecessary expense. This option is ignored when call
is determined to be out of areacode long distance.
If this option is also set CBV will check to see if the
AREACODE-PREFIX combination exist in the Call Only File, if not
the user will be shown the "CANTCALL.CBV" message. This can be
used to insure that calls are made only to certain AREACODE-PREFIX
combinations. Please note, if the AREACODE-PREFIX combination
does not exist in the "CBVCALLS.DAT" file and this option is turned
on only those numbers matching will be called.
If you wish to simply lockout AREACODE-PREFIX combinations then
make the entry into the "CBVTRASH.DAT" file.
(CBV160) 15
▐▐▐▐▐▐ MISCELLANEOUS - Continued
(F) `Hangup after ALL verifications ' ( yes or NO )
If set to YES after any successful verification the caller will be
disconnected. You should inform the caller about this in one of
the user messages, preferably in "VERIFIED.CBV".
(G) `Perform DIRECT Screen Writes ' ( yes or NO )
Some multi-tasking operating systems lockup when programs write
directly to the screen, leaving this option set to "NO" can
alleviate this problem. Setting this option to "YES" will however
greatly increase local screen updates.
(H) `Operate in QUITE mode ' ( yes or NO )
If "YES" CBV will not beep on the local console UNLESS there is
a fatal error or warning. CBV normally sounds a "bell" whenever
the user makes invalid character entries, this option when turned
on will filter the "bells" from the local console.
(I) `Number of attempts to call back ' ( { 1 } / 10 )
This setting controls how many times CBV will attempt to call back
the user in one session.
(J) `Minimum time granted in CBV (min) ' ( 0 / 20 )
This option can be used to make sure a user has a minimum amount
of time to complete the verification process. If set to 0 then
the user will simply have their normal timeleft as defined by
the BBS, if set to any other value other than 0 then the users
time will be increased to that value but never decreased. Please
note that when the user exits the verification process that this
option will not change the BBS defined timeleft.
(K) `Time allowed between keystrokes (sec) ' ( 180 / 600 )
This option is used to define the remote/local keyboard timeout.
The minimum value is 90 seconds. This can be changed to suit
the needs of your users. If a character is not received either
from the modem or local keyboard within the specified number of
seconds since the lastone the user will be returned to the BBS.
(Q) `Quit to Main Menu '
This option will return you to the main menu.
(CBV160) 16
│▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐· APPENDICES ·▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌│
CBV when properly setup should not error. However not everything goes
right and CBV was written to take this into account. There are two
types of errors, FATAL and NOTICE.
FATAL errors are just what you expect, errors that in some way prevent
CBV from continuing. Usually these are caused by improper installation
and/or configuration of the program.
NOTICEs occur when CBV encounters something which the System Operator
should be made aware of. These usually involve problems with the user,
like being locked out or not wishing to use the door.
a) Verify that the %1 was entered as part of the filename
specification in CHAINEDIT.
b) If using a batch file to run CBV verify that actual call of CBV
uses the DOS SUBSITUTION variable %1.
2> UNABLE TO FIND FILE "filename.ext".
a) This error should only occur when CBV is executed from a batch
file that specifies the path/filename to CHAIN.TXT and that
specification is incorrect.
3> ERROR READING FILE "filename.ext".
a) Verify that the CHAIN.TXT file is not corrupted, or that the
file specified as being CHAIN.TXT really is.
a) If executing CBV from a batch file make sure that you switch to
the proper directory.
b) Run CBVCFG to create the config file.
a) Check to see if the config file is corrupted. If it is then
delete it and rerun CBVCFG.
(CBV160) 17
▐ A. ERROR MESSAGES - Continued
a) Delete the configuration file and run the configuration program
included within this package.
a) Verify that the communications port passed in CHAIN.TXT is
correct. If it is and you still receive this error then there is
a hardware incompatibilty and little can be done.
8> CANNOT FIND FILE *.CBV. (where * = paticular user message file)
a) If executing CBV from a batch file make sure that you switch to
the proper directory.
b) Recreate the proper user message file.
a) as per error #8
a) CBV obtains the path/filename for the file USER.LST by reading
the DATA pathname from CHAIN.TXT. Check to be sure that the
value for the data path in CHAIN.TXT is correct. (Line 17)
a) This will occur if filesize of the file USER.LST is not evenly
divisable by size of the userrec in the configuration. If you
have modified your systems userrec you must compile and run the
DISPLAY.C program included with the CBV archive file.
a) This will occur if the value entered for "userrec.name" offset is
incorrect. Compile DISPLAY.C with your current source code and
then run the program and write down the values it lists. Make
sure that these are the same as in CBVCFG menu USERREC.
a) Same as #12 but in reference to "userrec.sl".
a) Make sure your CHAINEDIT has SHRINK set to "YES" or "ON".
b) Make sure the CBVCFG entry for Main BBS Directory is correct.
(CBV160) 18
▐ A. ERROR MESSAGES - Continued
a) Simple, The caller's SL is higher than the CBVCFG option for
maximum SL allowed to use program.
a) This is reported whenever CBV attempts call back and cannot
reestablish the link.
There are other notices that CBV will output, most of all will appear
in the current SysOp log. Most of these notices are just for
informational purposes, there is usually no corrective action needed.
(CBV160) 19
CBV has a SysOp interface loosely based upon WWIV SysOp controls.
They are available through all parts of CBV EXCEPT during the actual
call back attempt. During that time CBV will not update the status
line nor will it respond to local key presses.
The status line appears at the bottom of the local display, it is
routinely updated throughout the duration of the session. It is
divided into five sections. The first part displays the user's user
number on the system, the second part displays their name. Section
three displays the current communication parameters to include the
current communications port and whether or not flow control is being
used. The last to sections display time used and time left.
The following keyboard commands are available during the session.
F5 = Hangup. - disconnects user from BBS
F7 = Decrease Time - lowers timeleft by 180 seconds
F8 = Increase Time - raises timeleft by 180 seconds
(CBV160) 20
Comments, suggestions, questions, and problems can be sent to the
author using the following methods.
U.S. Mail (the slowest)
Mr. Chris Holko
1029 Franklin Road Suite 4C
Marietta, GA 30067
E-Mail #3@4401 from any WWIVNet BBS.
(14401 - link)
(4401 - Ice)
Iconian Gateway WWIV (Reg #11238)
PcPursuit via GAATL
300-14400/MNP5 (v32/v32bis/CSP)
670 MB Online Storage / and soon a CDROM
E-Mail #3 "Chris"
REGISTRATION forms must be sent via U.S. Mail.
(CBV160) 21
The following is a list of restrictions that can be placed on users of
WWIV BBSes. This is provided so that you may accurately alter values
entered in the CBVCFG Security Validation Menu.
Restriction - Description
A - Automessage The caller cannot change the automessage.
C - Chat Caller won't be able to request chats with you.
E - E-Mail The caller cannot send e-mail.
L - Logons Limits the caller to 1 logon per day.
N - WWIVnet The caller cannot use WWIVnet on your board.
P - Posts The caller cannot post messages.
V - Voting The caller is not permitted to vote.
* - Anonymous The caller cannot post anonymously.
M - Messages Posts by the caller will not be accessible by your
other callers until either yourself or a co-sysop
have read and approved the message for public
Exemption - Description
1 Exempt from file ratio
2 Exempt from time (not sure)
3 Exempt from all (unknown)
4 Exempt from post/call ratio
(CBV160) 22
This structure of CBVCFG.DAT is provided for informational purposes
only, it should not be modified except by the CBVCFG program.
ConfigRec = RECORD
header : STRING[15];
use_note_field, (* place number in note field *)
compare_fons, (* compare userrec.phone 2 entry?? *)
update_trash, (* auto-update trash file *)
allow_ld, (* allow in-areac ld calls *)
allow_out_ld, (* allow out of areac ld calls *)
CTS_RTS, (* perform CTS/RTS checking *)
hangup_after, (* hangup after all verifications *)
wwiv_421, (* using wwiv 4.20a and above *)
use_callfile, (* CANCALL.DAT - ac-pr to only call*)
direct_write, (* perform non-bios screen updates *)
tbool1,tbool2 : BOOLEAN;
retry_attempts, (* call back attempts per session *)
delay_time, (* delay between hangup/callback *)
drop_delay, (* delay to keep DTR lowered *)
min_time, (* min time granted for door use *)
hang_time, (* no entry hangup time *)
max_SL, (* max sl to use door *)
LC_SL, (* New SL when validated *)
LC_DSL, (* New DSL when validated *)
LC_exempt, (* New Exempt when validated *)
LD_SL, (* New SL when Long-Dist validated *)
LD_DSL, (* New DSL when Long-Dist validated*)
LD_exempt : BYTE; (* New Exempt when LD validated *)
IRQLevel, (* not used *)
LC_AR, (* ARs when validated *)
LC_DAR, (* DARs when validated *)
LC_REST, (* Restrictions when validated *)
LD_AR, (* LD ARs when validated *)
LD_DAR, (* LD DARs when validated *)
LD_REST : WORD; (* LD Restrictions when validated *)
bbs_suffix : STRING[4]; (* BBS phone number *)
LD_PREFIX : STRING[20]; (* 1- or whatever *)
dialcommand, (* command to dial on modem *)
hangupcmd : STRING[30]; (* command to hangup the modem *)
bbsdirectory : STRING[60]; (* path to main BBS directory *)
loc_actsl, (* byte location in restore.wwv *)
userreclen, (* lenght of structure userrec *)
offset_name, (* offset for name field *)
offset_rest : WORD;
version1,version2, (* version checking - 2 flags *)
LastDate, (* NOT USED *)
LD_WIN_START, (* seconds since midnight timing *)
LD_WIN_STOP : LONGINT; (* for ld window *)