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421 lines
CopyRight (C) 1994, DiaLaval Eric Carriere
║ ............................TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................. ║
What is CIDPHONE....................................................... 3
Software Requirements.................................................. 3
Hardware Requirements.................................................. 3
Installation........................................................... 3
with RemoteAccess................................................... 3
Parameters.......................................................... 4
Configuration file.................................................. 4
Miscellaneous.......................................................... 5
Where to contact me.................................................... 6
Disclaimer............................................................. 6
Registration........................................................... 7
History................................................................ 7
║ ............................WHAT IS CIDPHONE............................... ║
CIDPHONE is *FreeWare* software. It allows you to check the
authenticity of the user's phone number. It will compare the phone
number provided by the phone company with the two phone numbers
in the user's record (voice and Data). CIDPHONE will also
ckeck to see if the phone number is a duplicate of one already in
your user's database
So, you will now have bigger security for your Bulletin Board system.
║ ..........................SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS............................ ║
CIDPHONE will only work with these software:
- RemoteAccess 2.0x only. (I don't know if I will support other
BBS software in a futur version)
- A mailer which support Caller-Id logging. (ex: FD 2.12+,
FD 2.20 commercial, BinkleyTerm)
║ ..........................HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS............................ ║
CIDPHONE will only work with these hardware:
- Caller-Id service activated on your phone line.
- A modem which is able to get hold of the Caller-Id information
the phone company sends. (ex: ZyXEL, SupraFaxMode)
║ ...............................INSTALLATION................................ ║
1. Installation with RemoteAccess
You must create a directory to put both files (CIDPHONE.EXE and
CIDPHONE.CFG) for correct operation of CIDPHONE
You must call CIDPHONE in one of your menus (I suggest the
Type 7:
C:\RA\CIDPHONE\CIDPHONE.EXE [Parameter] (If one node)
C:\RA\CIDPHONE\CIDPHONE.EXE /N*N [Parameter] (if Multinode)
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2. Parameters
CIDPHONE supports the following parameters:
/N# Node number if running on MultiNode system.
/F CIDPHONE will work in FRENCH mode on the user's side.
/S To always have the SatusLine..
/H If your modem only supports Hex phone format
(ex: SupraFaxModem)
3. Configuration File
The configuration file which CIDPHONE uses is CIDPHONE.CFG,
and *must* be in the same directory as CIDPHONE.EXE
Here is the description of the keywords recognized by CIDPHONE
in the configuration file.
MAILERLOG Directory of the mailer log where to
search for the Caller-Id.
CALLERNUMBER Word(s) after which caller-id info.
should be found.
AREA Area code of your city.
ex: AREA 514
MAXLINES How many lines to read in reverse from the
end of your mailer log
(default: 5, maximum: 25)
A Which flag(s) to change.
ex: A ????*-X?
CIDPHONE recognizes these characters for
? : Don't touch this flag.
* : Toggle flag (if ON, so OFF; if
OFF, so ON)
- : Flag to OFF.
X : Flag to ON.
B See "A".
C See "A".
D See "A".
SEC New security level.
ex: SEC 15
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Here is an example of my configuration file (CIDPHONE.CFG):
A -*X-X-X-
B ????????
C ????????
D --????XX
SEC 15
AREA 514
CIDPHONE will update the user to level 15 and turn
flags A3,A5,A7,D7,D8 ON; flags A1,A4,A6,A8,D1,D2 OFF;
will toggle flag A2, and will not touch the other
CIDPHONE will search the caller-id in the mailer log FD.LOG
in the directory "C:\LOG".
Will find the caller-id next to "CALLER NUMBER:"
If the area code is not provided, CIDPHONE will add 514
to the phone number provided by the Caller-id.
It will find the caller-id in the last 5 lines of your
mailer log.
Simple, isn't it?
║ ...........................MISCELLANEOUS................................... ║
CIDPHONE will log all its activities in the RemoteAccess log, and
it will also support MultiNode logging (ex: RA1.LOG).
CIDPHONE was made using TurboPascal 7.0.
CIDPHONE uses the JPDoor Kit from McSoft Corp. for all of its
communication and information access procedures.
You *must* have the Caller-Id service activated on your phone
You must also set the environment variable RA (SET RA=C:\RA), if
not, CIDPHONE will not be able to log its activity to the
RemoteAccess log, and will not be able to do its dupe checking.
Latest version of CIDPHONE is always available at DiaLaval
BBS (1:167/605@fidonet) via FREQ with the magic name: CIDPHONE
CIDPHONE is able to recognize caller-id given in HEX format or
in North America Format.
HEX: 030739373530363731 or 030A35313439373530363731 (if LD)
Normal: 9750671 or 15149750671 (if LD)
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║ ...........................WHERE TO CONTACT ME............................. ║
If you have comments, suggestions or problems, you can contact me
at one of the below places:
On my BBS: DiaLaval, 1-514-975-0671
Via Netmail: 1:167/605@fidonet
Or by snailmail:
A/S Eric Carrière
1900 René-Laennec, appt #7
Laval (Qc), Canada
H7M 3K3
║ ...............................DISCLAMER................................... ║
CIDPHONE is copyrighted material by DiaLaval.
The author of this software is Eric Carriere.
This software and accompanying materials are distributed "as is"
without warranty, express, implied or statutory, including but not
limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose.
In no event shall the author or anyone involved with the creation and
production of this product be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this
Your use of this program constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer
and your release of the author from any form of liability or litigation.
The only thing guaranteed is that it will occupy disk space on your
DiaLaval and/or Eric Carriere is not obligated in any way to provide
future versions of or support of CIDPHONE.
In the event that future versions of CIDPHONE is released,
DiaLaval and/or Eric Carriere reserves the right not to release them
under FreeWare concept, but under ShareWare.
DiaLaval is a corporate name registered by Eric Carriere, at the Law
Courts, Montreal District, Superior Court of Canada.
Registration number: 500 15-037540-926
All trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their
respective owners.
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║ ..............................REGISTRATION................................. ║
CIDPHONE is a *FreeWare* software, so no charge is asked for its
utilisation, but I will always accept voluntary contributions ;-)
The only thing that I ask, is that you send me a Post Card of your
area, or a NetMail saying that you use it and you like it.
║ .................................HISTORY................................... ║
V1.0 - March 11th, 1994
- First public version.
V1.01 - March 13th, 1994
- Fixed some bug in the Hex translation.
- Fixed some errors ;-) in the English Documentation
(Thanks to Stefan Colmer, 1:107/427)
V1.01a - March 15th, 1994
- Forgot to put the right English Documention in the Archive.
- Fixed some grammar errors in the software itself
(Don't forget that my native language is not English!)
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