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DATELINE version 2.2
Copyright 1994,1995
Louis H. Nemec
Lachen Creations
DATELINE is a full feature event database. This will output a calendar file
in ASC and ANS (and in the near future RIP). The sample output files
show the layout and hardcoded color scheme.
FEATURES: (! = new this version)
DATELINE will ...
! + Allow the user to specify the sort order of entries.
! + Allow the user to specify options to use on setup.
+ Store and read the setup automatically (DATELINE.CFG)
+ Load all data from existing datafile. (DATELINE.DAT)
+ Output ASC and ANS and RIP version of the bulletins.
+ Allow sysops to specify the output filename.
+ Allow personalize Colors for the desktop and the output files.
+ Delete event listings as they become outdated. (DATELINE /MAINT)
DATELINE is ....
+ Easy to use!
+ Compatible with ANY BBS software.
+ Self maintaining. (All you do is add the events.)
+ Small! Requires little memory and disk space!
+ Inexpensive to register!
DATELINE.EXE - The main program.
DATELINE.CFG - The main Configuration datafile.
DATELINE.DAT - Calendar item database.
DATELINE.PAL - Desktop color datafile.
COLORS.DAT - ANSI Output datafile.
UPGRADE.EXE - The upgrade conversion program. (see upgrade.doc)
There are several options available from the setup menu.
! The first configuration menu is the Start-Up Options:
This allows the user to specify whether the calendar and or
the item list should be shown when starting the program.
One note here. If you start up with the list, the menu bar is
disabled and all functions are controlled by the list box buttons
until the list box is closed.
Next is the OPTIONS menu:
REGISTRATION: the registration code
$ NAME: Your name
$ BBS Name: Your BBS
ASC OutPut : The ASCII file that DATELINE will write.
ANS OutPut : The ANSI file that DATELINE will write.
! RIP OutPut : The RIP file that DATELINE will write.
$ ASC Addon : The ASCII file that will be appended to the ASC file.
$ ANS Addon : The ANSI file that will be appended to the ANS file.
The third configuration menu is EXTRAS menu:
Stop Char : This is the character which stops the BBS from showing
a textfile. This is only used by RIP graphic files.
BBS Pause : This is the string or character which forces the BBS
to prompt MORE or press enter, pausing the textfile.
Prompt String: This is the string that you want the user to see
before the BBS pauses the screen. If your BBS software
automatically puts MORE or some other string, this may
be blanked out.
Lines per page: The number of lines be for the pause character will be
added to the output files.
! Sort Order : Changes sorting from Ascending to Descending.
$ There are also options that allow you to change the colors for the .ANS
files and for the Dateline Desktop.
$ - indicates options used only by the registered version.
! - NEW this version!
Normal operation - For Data Input and maintenance.
Simply run DATELINE from the command prompt.
Maintenance Mode - DATELINE /MAINT
1. Deletes old events (based on the system clock).
2. Updates Datafiles and Output files.
*** Note: the parameter /MAINT must be in ALL CAPS.
It is recommended that DATELINE be kept in a separate directory.
All files needed (*.DAT and *.CFG) must be in the current
directory with DATELINE.
If YOU have any ideas that you would like to see in DateLine, PLEASE send
me a note via the RA_UTIL Fidonet echo. OR send me netmail at the
Lighthouse II via 1:135/404, on CompuServe (user id 72134,476) or from
the Internet via 72134,476@Compuserve.COM or on American Online
Registration is still only $15!
Orders may now be placed on Credit Cards!
Help support the development of fine BBS software by registering.
Registration will ...
+ eliminate messages about registration.
+ allow customized output files.
+ support the development of file BBS software.
+ be valid on all future versions of DATELINE.
+ allow use of the color features.
+ allow use of the Addon appending files.
See Register.DOC for more information!
The Lighthouse II BBS is the proud home of Lachen Creation Software.
305-364-0420 FidoNet 1:135/404