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FrontDoor To FTP Version 0.81ß
Khile Klock
The Computer Hotline!
(503) 928-9535
300 - 14,400 Bps
FidoNet 1:357/1
FidoNet 1:357/2
FamilyNet 8:7706/0
Documentation Updated 4/14/96
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page ii
Important Information - Please Note:
This version of FD2FTP is the ROUTING ßeta! Please review the
REVISION.TXT file for what's changed since the last release. What's
that mean? Well, I've tested it enough to ensure it works on my
system, and I'm currently running three FTPMail links using this
software. Also the αlpha/ßeta team can't seem to break it any more!
Before you install this software, it is recommended that you first
make a backup of your hard disk, or at least all your configuration
I don't say this because I expect problems, but I have no idea
whether this software will function on your system. If it does,
I can't guarantee what it will do. I DO know what it SHOULD do,
and let's hope it does.
If you are running this software, I expect to hear from you so I
know who is running it! I also expect you to send me bug reports so
I can fix the bugs and improve the software. If you wish to send in
a feature request, please send it to any of the addresses listed at
the end of this documentation, along with complete descriptions of
what your bug or feature request is, and how it might be implemented.
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 1
What is FD2FTP?
FD2FTP (FrontDoor to FTP) is a program designed to take care
of the problem of getting FrontDoor or InterMail (or ANY NetMail /
File Attach Style Mailer) in it's native mode to interface with
FTPMail setups.
If you're running D'Bridge, you need to get a copy of DBQ2FTP since
D'Bridge has a completely unique mail handling setup, i.e. NetMail
and Echomail are managed via a series of queue files generated by
D'Bridge, and are NOT anything like standard FidoNet Mail handling
formated files. All of the current MOVEMAIL type programs available
today simply do NOT work when it comes to D'Bridge. (In fact, I was
told "Good Luck!" when I first started looking into setting up a FTP-
Mail system. And also eagerly asked to write a version for FrontDoor
when I started talking about this project!
FD2FTP simply bridges the gap between any *.Msg based Echo/NetMail
System and a program like KA9Q for FTP transport of the files.
This in turn allows one to make use of FTP Type programs for manag-
ing FTPMail. I use KA9Q for my setup, and will use that for my
examples in this documentation.
Legal Stuff
Not that anything should go wrong, but there are no implied war-
ranties, or guarantees that come with this program. If you choose to
use it, you take all responsibility for whatever happens if some un-
natural act should happen.
The author of FD2FTP can NOT be held liable for ANY damages caused
by your intrest in using this product. Should it break something of
yours, I guarentee you can keep all the pieces!
Necessary Stuff
You will need to be running a *.Msg based Echo / NetMail system,
usually this is FrontDoor or InterMail, although there are other
lesser known systems out there that use the same style mail delivery
mechanisms, and there's an assumption that you are looking at this
documentation so you can get your system interfaced with a program
like KA9Q for FTPMail transfer.
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 2
New in Version 0.81ß
This is the second "official" Wide ßeta of FD2FTP! Given the proper
configuration file, FD2FTP will scan your netmail for outbound Net-
mail Messages & File Attaches looking for messages destined for
the configured destination node. More than one node can be configured
simply by creating more than one BEGIN/END FTPFeed block within the
configuration file (See Configuration File Examples for more info).
For completely different setups, you can create separate configuration
files and specify the alternate configuration file and/or path to the
configuration file on the command line.
This release of FD2FTP (in ßeta form), now has provisions
for routing NetMail/Files to the FTPFEED address defined in your
configuration files.
How Does it Work?
Once FD2FTP is installed, everything is automatic, but of course,
at first you have to set the bugger up yourself.
FD2FTP takes a look at all the messages in your NETDIR directory
and looks for messages for your configured FTPFEED System(s). This
includes message that are ROUTED to your FTPFEED system with the
ROUTE-FOR configuration parameter. Once the messages are found,
FD2FTP will handle the generation of FTSC Type-2 packets and movement
of ArcMail and File Attach (This includes misc items such as ".TIC"
files and their associated file echo files). Although generally
speaking routing of files is not allowed within FidoNet. FD2FTP will
ignore most messages that files attached to them, yet qualify for
To set up FD2FTP, you will need to edit the supplied FD2FTP.CFG
configuration file using your favorite text editor, like QEdit, or
vi for you unix folks <Grin>.
Just follow the examples, and you'll have FD2FTP configured in re-
cord time! Here is what you'll see when you enter the configuration
Example Configuration File:
Look for the file named FD2FTP, this is your example.
Configuration Definitions:
; Anything following a semi-colon is considered a comment
and will be ignored. (Blank lines are also ignored.)
SYSOP This should be self explanitory. If not, ask your mom!
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 3
ADDRESS Enter your fully qualitied 4 dimentional FidoNet Address
after this KEY WORD. (If you don't want to use 4D
addressing, we'll drop back to 3D with a warning and
assume point = 0.)
LOGFILE Enter the full path and filename of the file you wish to
have runtime info logged into. If you only specify the
log filename itself, the log will be created in the
directory you run FD2FTP from.
NETDIR Enter the full drive and path to your *.Msg NetMail
FTPIN Enter the full drive and path to your inbound FTP
directory where your KA9Q (or other application) scripts
will receive your FTPMail into. If you have separate in-
bound directories for each of your FTPFeed addresses,
don't specify this here! Instead, place this KEY WORD
between the BEGIN/END block pairs described next.
Note: This KEY WORD is currenty looked for, but
implemention is not yet complete. FD2FTP current-
ly doesn't do anything for you in regards to in-
bound FTPMail.
(Stay tuned for future releases!)
BEGIN This KEY WORD marks the BEGINing of the FTPFeed block.
Between this BEGIN key word, and the END keyword, you
will define your FTPFeed information. Multiple BEGIN/END
pairs can be defined for multiple FTPFeeds.
FTPFEED Enter the fully qualitied 4 dimentional FidoNet Address
of your FTPMail feed after this KEY WORD. (If you don't
want to use 4D addressing, we'll drop back to 3D with a
USE_AKA Send to this FTPFeed, using what AKA to send as?
(Optional) If USE_AKA is not specified, the address defined
for the ADDRESS key word is used.
Ex: FTPFEED 1:396/1.0 USE_AKA 1:357/1.0
PASSWORD For security, what PKT password? (First 8 Characters are
used). If you specify a PASSWORD within the BEGIN/END
blocks, the defined password will be used in generating
outbound packets for that FTPFEED. In cases where your
FTPFEED runs a secure inbound only, you will need to
send your FTPFeed secure PKTs, by specifying your
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 4
FTPOUT Enter the full drive and path to your outbound FTP
directory. This is the directory that will be uploaded
to your FTP feed by your KA9Q (or other application)
scripts. When FD2FTP is run, anything found / generated
for this FTPFeed will be placed in this outbound
IGNORE_DIR Don't send messages marked DIRECT! By default, FD2FTP
will send messages that are addressed to your FTPFEED
address, and are marked DIRECT, since typically your
FTPFEED will directly pick up the PKTs you place on the
FTP System for them. If you do not want this activity,
use this option within the BEGIN/END block, and these
messages will be ignored.
SEND_CRASH Send Messages marked CRASH. By default, messages marked
with a CRASH priority are not processed by FD2FTP,
leaving them in place for your mailer to deliver via
regular telephone calls to your FTPFeed. Using this
option will tell FD2FTP to pack CRASH messages as well.
SEND_IMM Send Messages marked IMMediate. By default, messages
marked with an IMMediate priority are not processed by
FD2FTP, but left alone to be delivered by your mailer,
via regular telephone calls to your FTPFeed. Using this
option will have FD2FTP pack these messages up also.
ROUTE-FOR Messages destined for included systems in your ROUTE-FOR
statement will be packed up and routed via the FTPFeed
address in this BEGIN/END block. Note that some wildcard
key words are allowed.
MYZONE indicates the same zone used in your ADDRESS
MYNET indicates the same net you used in your ADDRESS
ALL By itself, it indicates everything... Also used
as a NET/NODE wildcard. i.e. 1:356/ALL or 2:ALL
Exclude specific systems by using the EXCEPT key word.
Anything after the EXCEPT key word is part of the
exclusion. Additional ROUTE-FOR lines may be used.
END This marks the END of the BEGIN/END FTPFeed block.
Between this END key word, and a previosuly defined
BEGIN keyword, you will define your FTPFeed information.
Multiple BEGIN/END pairs can be defined for multiple
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 5
Now you will need to edit the batch file that you use to export
your FTP outbound Net/Echomail and associated files. (i.e. Areafix
Requests, Files attaches, etc)
Editing your batch file
You will need to have FD2FTP running from the batch file that you
import your echomail from. Here are some examples of some batch
files that deal with incoming mail and call FD2FTP in a standard
In standard mode, FD2FTP recognizes " FD2FTP.CFG" as the default
configuration file and expects that file to reside in the same drive
and directory you executed FD2FTP from. If you place FD2FTP in
some out-of-the way place that is in your path (like "C:\Utility"),
when you execute FD2FTP, the program is going to expect the default
configuration file, " FD2FTP.CFG", to reside in the same place.
FD2FTP has optional command line parameters, that allow you over-
ride the default configuration file as well as the location of
your configuration file(s).
-C This command line parameter allows you to over-ride the default
configuration file name. Example: -CSSTRBONE.CFG
-D This command line paramater instructs FD2FTP to display "DEBUG"
information as it's processing your NETDIR message directory.
-H Displays these command-line options so you don't always have
to read these DOCS.
-P This command line parameter allows you to over-ride the default
location of the configuration file(s). Example: I:\NOS
-T This command line paramater instructs FD2FTP to run in "TEST"
mode. This means that FD2FTP will not mark SENT or KILL any
netmail it processed, nor will it DELETE or TRUNCATE any files
that were attached to the NetMail messages. Note however that
the files WILL be copied and the FTSC Type-2 packet WILL
be created.
Warning: If you run in this mode, you CAN create DUPLICATES,
which could get you in trouble with your feed.
-V This option will LOG the debug information to your log file.
If you use the standard mode of operation configuration filename
( FD2FTP.CFG), you may omit the "-C" parameter, although you may
still wish to indicate it's location with the "-P" parameter.
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 6
cd \nos
Rem Move Zstar outbound archives from FrontDoor/InterMail
Rem outbound to ftp transfer directory
FD2FTP -cSSTRBONE.CFG «─ Call FD2FTP w/Config parameter
Rem If you wish to copy your outbound files before sending,
Rem you need to insert something here!
Rem Start Internet connection
Rem Use direct screen writes, verbose mode off
net15b -d\nos rgn17.net
Rem Inbound pre-processing and copying...
call rgn-in.btm
What will it look like?
FD2FTP now uses a FrontDoor<tm> style log format.
FD2FTP will append to the configured LOG file as follows:
---------- Fri 15 Apr 96, FD2FTP 0.81ß
04:50:02 Primary address................: 1:357/1.0
04:50:02 System Operator................: Khile Klock
04:50:02 Network mail path..............: C:\BP\FD2FTP\MESSAGE
04:50:02 FTP inbound path...............: I:\DB\FILES-IN\FTP-IN
04:50:02 FTP Feed address # 1 ..........: 1:138/146.0
04:50:02 Using AKA.................: 1:357/1.0
04:50:02 FTP outbound path..............: I:\FD\FTP-OUT\RGN17
04:50:02 Messages marked DIR for FTPFeed will be ignored.
04:50:02 Messages marked IMMediate will be sent.
04:50:02 FTP Feed address # 2 ..........: 1:396/1.0
04:50:02 Using AKA.................: 1:357/1.0
04:50:02 FTP outbound path..............: I:\FD\FTP-OUT\SSTRBONE
04:50:02 Messages marked DIR for FTPFeed will be ignored.
04:50:02 Messages marked CRASH will be sent.
04:50:02 Network mail directory contains: 15 messages
04:50:02 numbered 10 to 233.
: 04:50:04 Message #226 1:357/1.0 1:138/146.0 : KILLED
04:50:04 From: Khile Klock To: Marc Blakely
: 04:50:04 Message #232 1:357/1.0 1:396/1.0 : KILLED
04:50:04 From: Khile Klock To: John Souvestre
+ 04:50:04 Processing temporary packets
* 04:50:05 Outbound Packet: I:\FD\FTP-OUT\RGN17\15045049.PKT
* 04:50:05 Outbound Packet: I:\FD\FTP-OUT\SSTRBONE\15045051.PKT
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 7
If the -V option is specified, additional DEBUG information will be
logged to the log file as well. Below is a small sample of that
! 04:50:03 Debug: Msg# 225 From=Khile Klock@ 1:357/1.0
! 04:50:03 Debug: Msg# 225 To=John Souvestre@ 1:396/1.0
! 04:50:03 Attribs: KILL DIR IMM
! 04:50:03 Debug: Msg# 226 From=Khile Klock@ 1:357/1.0
! 04:50:03 Debug: Msg# 226 To=Marc Blakely@ 1:138/146.0
! 04:50:03 Attribs: KILL IMM
: 04:50:04 Message #226 1:357/1.0 1:138/146.0 : KILLED
04:50:04 From: Khile Klock To: Marc Blakely
Now What?
Nothing else needs to be done! Once you get echomail coming in
and going out via FTPMail link(s), FD2FTP will do the rest as far as
getting your mail from FrontDoor/InterMail to the FTP Directory!
FD2FTP may be run from any directory you wish, but it is always
advised that you run it from your main NOS, FD or IM directory.
Error Level Exits:
FD2FTP will normally exit with an error level = 0, unless something
goes wrong, or there is need to warn the user about something.
The following is a breakdown of the various errorlevel exits, and
what they mean:
0 = Everything went ok, something was moved
1 = Warnings exist, Something was moved.
2 = Everything went ok, nothing was moved.
3 = Everything ent ok, but can't move to outbound directory/name.
Leaving packet in current directory!
89 = Run-Time error occured, check FD2FTP.ERR for info on error.
245 = Error in BEGIN/END Matching for FTPFeeds.
253 = Unable to create/build temporary packet file.. Nothing Done!
254 = Configuration file incomplete!
255 = Configuration file missing!
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 8
Registration Cost:
Evaluation Period:
FD2FTP is being released as "Share Ware". I'll share my work with
you, and you can try it out. If you find that this suits your needs,
then you are requested to send the author a check to help support
the future of this software. Future versions will be released as time
permits and the need arrises. If you already sent in your registra-
tion check, then you're already registered for the next release!
It's assumed that 30 - 60 days is more than enough time to "evaluate"
this product, after wich you either make a decision to send in a
registration check, or perform the graceful act "DEL FD2FTP*.*".
(Although I won't hold my breath!)
Standard Site:
Standard registration of FD2FTP is $10.00 US Funds (See FD2FTP.REG
file). Laser printed documentation, and official software diskette,
can be obtained for an additional $5.00, simply to cover the cost of
manual production, diskettes, shipping and handling.
Commercial Site:
Commercial registrations of FD2FTP run $25.00 which includes laser
printed documentation, software on disk in either 5.25" or 3.5"
format, and a certificate of registration.
All funds should be sent to:
Around the Klock Software
Att: Khile Klock
626 SW 3rd Ave.
Albany, Oregon 97321-0509
Make checks payable to: Khile T. Klock
Be sure to fill out the registration form " FD2FTP.REG" enclosed in
this package. It will help to insure that your registration will be
processed correctly and as quickly as possible.
FD2FTP v0.81ß Page 9
If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions please direct
them to:
Khile Klock
The Computer Hotline!
(503) 928-9535
(503) 928-7330
300 - 14,400 Bps
FidoNet 1:357/1
FidoNet 1:357/2 (28.8 KBps)
Network 8:7706/0
I am hosting a mailing list here at hotlin.fidonet.org. For more
information, send E-Mail to listserv@hotlin.fidonet.org or to auto
subscribe, send E-Mail to fd2ftp-s@hotlin.fidonet.org. Messages
should be posted to fd2ftp@atksoft.hotlin.fidonet.org.
I also have the FD2FTP echo area, if you wish to feed that way.
Look for new versions of FD2FTP on the web at the following URL:
http://www.proaxis.com/~hotline. You may also find copies via
ftp at ftp.island.net, ftp.sstar.com, or ptmudge.westsound.com.
1) Marc Blakely - For reworking KA9Q to allow FTPMail!
And putting up with my numerous test
4) Hardy Rosenke - He's the only one brave enough to use the
early versions on a regular, unattended
And Breaks Toys very easily! <Grin>
3) John Mudge - Rumagin' through my documentation.
(He also was pushin' for a version
for FrontDoor when I was writting the
D'Bridge version!)
4) John Souvestre - Puttin' up with my test messages!
5) FD & IM Users - For testing this stuff out for me!
6) My Wife! - Just plain putting up with me!