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FDROPT - FrontDoor Route.Fd Optimizer // Absolute Solutions
Copyright 1993, 1994 Mats Wallin; All rights reserved.
FDROPT is a small utility that can make your life with
ROUTE.FD a little bit simpler.
It does a number of things:
1) It "optimizes" your ROUTE.FD, e.g. makes it smaller,
which will decrease the time FD needs to process the
netmail folder.
2) It verifies ROUTE.FD, and will let you know if it
finds any errors.
3) For multiline users, it makes it possible to have one
single route file for all lines, even if there are
differences needed between the different tasks. This
makes it easier to maintain your routing.
4) It adds macro capabilities, e.g. you can define macros
and use them instead of nodenumbers, flags, or anything
5) It adds support for ? in nodenumbers. A ? will be
expanded to all digits (0-9).
All these things put together will hopefully make your
routing life easier.
FDROPT requires the following to run:
* FrontDoor 2.11 or later
* The environment variable FD pointing to the directory
where SETUP.FD is located, or SETUP.FD in the current
* For multiline users, the environment variable TASK
containing the task number.
FDROPT doesn't require a normal installation. The only thing
needed is the source routing file in FrontDoor's system
directory. When it exists, you can start to use FDROPT.
The source routing file should be named ROUTE.FDR (note
the trailing R).
If you only have one ROUTE.FD file, it's very easy to create
ROUTE.FDR, just copy your ROUTE.FD file, since the format
is exactly the same.
If you have multiple routing files, e.g. you're running a
multiline installation, you have to decide which one of your
ROUTE?.FD files that should be the original source file.
Copy that one to ROUTE.FDR. You can then modify this file
to contain the contents of all ROUTE?.FD files, see below
for more information.
How to use it
When the ROUTE.FDR file is created, you only have to run
FDROPT. It will then create a ROUTE.FD file.
If you're running multiline, and have different routing
configurations in ROUTE.FDR, you have to run FDROPT for
each task, and changing the TASK environment variable
between each run. The easiest thing is to run FDROPT in
each task.
The ROUTE?.FD files that FDROPT creates are optimized,
to minimize the time it takes for FD to parse them. When
optimizing, FDROPT will do the following things:
*) All comments are removed
*) Commands that doesn't have to be in a specific order
are rearranged, so that the same commands are directly
after each other. (Only inside each schedule block).
*) If two lines directly after each other contains the
same command, and this command only have a list of
nodes (e.g. no target), the list of nodes on the second
line are appended to the first line.
*) As much data as possible are put on one line, e.g. the
maximum line length FD supports are used (254 characters).
The ROUTE.FDR file is a standard ROUTE.FD file, with a
few additions:
*) There are a few FDROPT commands that can be added. A
FDROPT commands begins with a # character. See below.
*) Macros can be used anywhere in the ROUTE.FDR file. A
macro is defined with one of the FDROPT commands.
*) ? characters can be used in nodenumbers. A ? character
will be replaced with every digit. As an example, it's
possible to specify 2:20?/*, which will be expanded
to 2:200/* 2:201/* 2:202/* 2:203/* 2:204/* 2:205/*
2:206/* 2:207/* 2:208/* 2:209/*. If two ? characters
are used in the same nodenumber, e.g. 2:2??/*, it
will be expanded to all addresses between 2:200/* and
There is one thing in ROUTE.FD that FD supports, but are
not supported by FDROPT, and that is the macros MYPOINTS,
MYNET and MYZONE. Since these macros doesn't work very
well when beeing a member of multiple networks, they are
not supported. If something similiar is required, it's
possible to define macros that can behave like these.
The FDROPT commands that can be used are:
#macro NAME TEXT
This FDROPT command defines a macro, that later
can be used in ROUTE.FDR.
NAME is the name of the defined macro. A macro
can then be used in the ROUTE.FDR file, and
will be translated to TEXT.
TEXT is what NAME will be translated to.
A macro can then be used anywhere in the ROUTE.FDR
file. To use it, just enter %[NAME] (replace NAME
with the macro name).
#task TASK [TASK [TASK [...]]]
This FDROPT command defines a section of ROUTE.FDR
that only should be included for certain tasks.
TASK The tasknumber for the task, which should
have the following lines included. To return
back to normal, e.g. include lines for
all tasks, enter a 0 for TASK.
More then one TASK number can be specified,
with a space between each number.
If this FDROPT command is used, FDROPT will create
ROUTE%TASK%.FD files, instead of the normal
ROUTE.FD file.
This FDROPT command tells FDROPT that it should
expand all following short form addresses that it
founds in the ROUTE.FDR file. This expansion is done a
little bit different then the expansion FD does. FD
always uses your main AKA as the default address when
expanding a short form address. FDROPT will instead
always use the previous address found in ROUTE.FDR as
the default address, which is the way most users
assume FD does it too.
I would recommend to use #expandmacros in the
beginning of the ROUTE.FDR file.
Legal notice
FDROPT is provided to you as is, without warranty of any
kind. In no event shall Mats Wallin be liable to you or
anyone else for any damages or costs arising from the use
or inability to use this program.
FDROPT is protected by copyright laws, and may not be
modified, reversed engineered, sold or distributed in any
way that would involve some sort of trade, without written
permission from Mats Wallin.
FrontDoor is a registered trademark of Joaquim Homrighausen.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holder.
You're allowed to use FDROPT for a trial period of 30 days,
free of charge. But if you contiue to use FDROPT after this
trial period, you're required to register it. See the file
REGISTER.DOC for details.
The unregistered version of this program has a short pause
built in, that can be bypassed if you press any key. The
registered version does not have this pause.
Bug reports, suggestions, etc.
If you find any bugs, or have suggestions or comments on
this program, I would appreciate if you would let me know.
Send the information to me at:
2:270/19@fidonet or mw@abs.lu