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FETool - FastEcho value added Tools
Joerg Michael, ║ 2:244/1129@fidonet ║
===== FETool Features ========================================================
FETool will be most useful to node sysops, but at least one function
will also be convenient for points using the FrontDoor or InterMail
mailer and its editor.
* For FrontDoor/InterMail users: automatic maintenance of your
FOLDER.FD/.CFG file beyond FastEcho's auto create feature.
Deletes areas from FrontDoor's/InterMail's setup when they have
been deleted in FESetup. Adds areas you have created manually to
your mailer's setup. Also checks for crosslinked areas.
* Create echo area lists for different purposes. Command line
switches let you define the listing by 'groups' and 'read security'
levels. The available formats are:
- 'human readable'
- FastEcho AreaFix compatible, used for FastEcho's area request
forwarding feature.
- simple list containing only area tags, perfect input files
for delareas and fakereq commands.
- list of "passive" areas. Some people like to kill these.
- list of area tags ordered by group letters
- list of connected areas for a specific system
- Yuppie! point system compatible [Yuppie! is a german point
package based on a modified Binkley with a proprietary mail
base (programmed in Clipper) topped off with a really neat
editor). This list will be turned into a nice area-request
menu at the Yuppie-point.
* For nodes: create a list of passthru areas with only one link
('empty' areas)
* For nodes: create 'fake' AreaFix requests from your downlinks
to *your* AreaFix to connect them to echo areas, to send them
area setup information or the help file. Simply: create requests
on behalf of your downlinks.
* "Delete" echo areas from FastEcho by command line or list file.
This function will only delete areas with exactly one link and will
automatically create areafix-unlink requests to shut down these
===== FETool License =========================================================
YOU may ...
- use this release of FETool free of charge in a non-commercial
- distribute non-beta versions of FETool to your friends or
via public BBS systems as long as the complete archive file
is passed on.
- keep both parts if FETool breaks :-), but you may also
- send bug reports to the author.
YOU may NOT ...
- use this version of FETool in a commercial environment without
prior arrangements with the author.
- charge any amount of money for the distribution of FETool.
I will ...
- not assume any responsibility for whatever FETool may do to
you, your system, your family or your wordly possessions.
- consider implementing changes and features requested by users
but in no way commit myself to any kind of support activity.
Joerg Michael,
===== Requirements ===========================================================
FETool supports/requires:
FastEcho Tosser Version 1.25 or later (minimum is 1.21)
FrontDoor 2.02 or later w/ QBBS/FIDO message base for MAINT function
InterMail 2.21 or later w/ QBBS/FIDO message base for MAINT function
===== Usage ==================================================================
Basically, run FETOOL.EXE without parameters and take it from there.
Use "FETOOL <command> ?" for help about specific commands.
The remainder of this document will only list information not found
in the help screens. Nevertheless, you should still read it, because
it explains some special things to look out for ...
FETool uses the following logic to find FASTECHO.CFG:
- if the FE environment variable is set, look in the directory pointed
to by FE.
- if the FE variable is not set, look in the current directory.
- if not found, scan the directories in PATH for fastecho.cfg
If FASTECHO.CFG cannot be found by this method, FETool will abort with
an appropriate message.
For all commands to create area lists (AREAS, AFIXLIST, EMPTY, GROUPS,
PLAIN, MEMBER, YUPPIE) please note that you MUST also specify at least
the '-Sec' parameter or you will probably get an empty list since by
default only areas with security level 0 are listed. All groups are
selected by default. For the GROUPS list, any security level you specify
will be ignored - all areas will be listed regardless of security levels.
You may also shorten these options to "-g" and "-s".
If you specify ' -Groups * ', areas in all groups will be listed. This
may be useful to override a default groups option in the environment
The following settings may be set as default in the FETOOL environment
variable and will be used by several functions:
lists: SEC=nnn
GROUPS=<list of group letters>
NOHELP will skip the areafix metacommands inserted at
the top of the Yuppie!-type area listing.
maint: AUTO (*)
FORCEIM is intended for use in InterMail systems that
also use tools which require the FD variable to be set.
Normally, if both FD and IM are set, FETool will use
"FD" and look for SETUP.FD. You can use FORCEIM to
force FETool to look for IM's FD.SYS.
(*) these can not be overriden from the command line.
separate them with commas, as in
Will only work with FrontDoor or InterMail mailer.
MAINT does the following 5 steps:
1 - for all FD/IM QBBS folders, check if an area with the same QBBS board
number exists in FE. if not, delete the folder from FD/IM.
2 - for all FE QBBS areas, check if a folder with the same QBBS board
number exists in FD/IM. if not, create the folder in FD/IM.
+--3 - for all FD/IM *.MSG areas without FD's 'local' flag, check if an area
| with the same name exists in FE. if not, delete folder from FD/IM.
+--4 - for all FE *.MSG areas, check if an area with the same name exists
| in FD/IM. if not, create *.MSG folder in FD/IM.
| 5 - check for any crosslinks in the area configuration.
+--> *.MSG folders are not yet supported by FastEcho.
For QBBS, please consider: if you delete a qbbs-area from FE and
immeditately create a new area using the same qbbs board number,
MAINT will not update FOLDER.FD with the new area title, because
to MAINT, there has been no change - the board number is present
in both setups. Run MAINT before adding new areas.
Note that any other folders you define in FDSETUP/IMSETUP should have
the local flag set to make sure FETool will never delete them because
they are not defined in FESetup. 'local' is used as 'safety device'.
Before FETool rewrites FOLDER.FD/.CFG, the current version is renamed
For areas added to FOLDER.FD/.CFG, FETool will attempt to find an AKA
in the mailer's setup that matches the zone used for that area in FESetup.
Note: if you have more than one aka for one zone, make sure the one
you want to use for echomail is listed first in FDSetup.
Also note that '-Comment' and '-Tags' options are never applied to
FIDO style *.MSG folders. The tag will always be used. The area name
should never be changed in FDSETUP for *.MSG areas.
This command creates a list of "empty" echomail areas. An area must be
qualified by security and group as in other lists. To be "empty", an
area must match all of the following criteria:
- area is PASSTHRU, i.e. *not* stored in your message base
- area has only *one* link address for export, i.e. your uplink
- area is *not* set 'passive'
As you can see, it really does not make sense to poll these areas, as
*you* don't read them (passthru) and none of your downlinks want them.
You may just want to feed this list into DELAREAS :-)
This command is used to delete an entire list of areas from FastEcho and
to automatically create unlink requests for these areas.
FETool will rename your current FASTECHO.CFG to FASTECHO.BAK before
re-writing the file.
Remember to run FETOOL MAINT after DELAREAS to update your FD folder
setup as well. Also note that you will end up with 'messages in undefined
boards' if you delete areas that you also have in your messagebase.
This is normal and nothing to worry about. FEUTIL PURGE -DELETE will
'fix' this for you.
DELAREAS will process a maximum of 300 areas in one run.
Of course, worst case: let's assume you DELAREA an area. It no longer
exists in your setup. Life is beautiful and you feel happy. Then, when
your system calls your uplink to deliver the unlink request, it picks
up a mail bundle containing mails in the deleted area .... -> see
'badmail' and 'auto-area create' in FastEcho :-) Such is life.
FETool will return specific errorlevels to DOS in certain situations.
You may want to check for these in batch files.
0 no error, normal exit
1 command line error, invalid command or parameter
2 no error, help was displayed. nothing was done.
3 FD environment variable not set for MAINT command
4 invalid address given for FAKEREQ command
5 other error (currently: FastEcho.cfg revision level
not supported, i.e. pre 1.20)
11 error opening a file
12 error reading from a file
13 error writing to file
14 memory allocation error (not enuff :-)