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LORD 300 is released.
LORD 302 is released with the following changes:
*Bug fixed with multi-node setup ups, it was not reading the correct
BTYPEX.CFG. This is THE reason this fix was released.
*CLOAK.TXT menu View Your Stats changed to Your Stats.
*Added a portion to the Trouble Shooting section of the docs on what to do
if it says people are online when they aren't. (if they don't want to wait
for LORD to automatically fix it the next day)
*Took out the text window in END.RIP.
*Took out the "Do you want to view the status bar"? And "Do you want tiny
text?" options from LORDCFG.EXE.
*Added "Hints & Tips On Running LORD" chapter to the LORD.doc file.
*LORD now shows what BTYPEX.CFG file it is attempting to load to the LOCAL
side when it starts. You need to look quick tho, this, and the function
that tells you what Multi-tasking envirement it detects are set to appear
for only about half a second everytime it is run.
LORD 303 is released with the following changes:
*"Negetive Strike" bug was fixed, instead of saying "You missed" in player
battles, it would say how much you missed by, and add that much to your
enemys hit points. This is the main reason this version was released.
*Player listing looks normal, even if some players have no classes. This
phenomena happened when upgrading from 2.1, players who have not played
the new version yet do not have classes.
*If a player hangs up, or is logged off in Multi-node combat, the other
player will be informed instantly.
*If you (L)earn about an enemy who has no class, it won't give tell you
something weird now.
*If LORD runs out of memory loading GSZ.EXE it now tells you.
*If a user just presses <ENTER> for his name, it WON'T throw him to the main
menu with absolutely NO stats. (He is forced to enter a longer name instead)
*(Y)our Stats option in Cloak.TXT works.
*"Return To Town" changed to "Return" in heal.TXT and heal.RIP.
*If you give a bad PATH or NAME of the ASC or ANS score files, it won't
runtime error in the middle of logging off, it will runtime error when it
is done, therby not creating any problems.
*It gives the name and path it is creating for the score files on the local
side only while it is doing it - Sysops can see why it run time errors if it
*Tiny bit of text added to the "How to run LORD successfully" chapter in the
*A few more problems and fixes added to the Trouble Shooting Section.
*Support.DOC contains more support sites. Sorry to the ones who I keep
leaving out, you will eventually all find your way in that file! Just
remind me!
*Fixed the command prompt in Ye Olde Bank to reflect the (T)ransfer funds
*"Exhile" is now "Exile".
*LORDCFG will not create a batch file for you if the BTYPEX.CFG of the
same number does not exists, and directs you to use the (S)etup a node
*The ASC and ANS score filename function in LORDCFG.EXE now gives an example
when you change it.
*You won't see "You blew your master away" when beating a user, or anything
weird like that beating a dragon either.
*FILE_ID.DIZ is taken out of the RIPLORD.ZIP file, it was confusing some
BBS, having imbedded descriptions. Only LORD303.ZIP's description is
included now.
LORD 315 is released with the following changes:
* Over 200K (zipped) of custom RIP art has been intergrated into the game - A
lot to download, but the quality of these RIPS are UNBELIEVABLE! (By Ina)
(Some with hidden clicking values! (Try Violets legs... ;> )
* New file locking routines, faster and more reliable.
* Completly rewritten file routines, can now support 150 players at once.
(Old limit was 39)
* Updated com routines.
* Player Charm Status 'looks ranking'. Funny!
* Romantic Message System, for players to flirt with other players (fun!)
* Females can now have kids, be paid alimony/ect.
* More hidden stuff.
* LORD will now put a good portion of the program into EMS automatically if
* New Forest Events
* 303TO315.EXE included for an easy and instant upgrade.
* Quote Message Feature - It's smart, it will not quote a quote.
* Added TriBBS drop file support.
* LORDCFG.EXE was updated, many options now let you use the arrow keys, and
smart line editting when changing a string.
* You can set how many times a player can transfer gold a day, and the max
* Keeps tracks of player kills.
* After winning the game the players experience is now dropped to 10 instead
of 1. Had trouble with them being deleted the next day if they didn't play
because LORD automatically deletes all players with only 1 experience point.
* After dying, the player does not get any "You are dead so press a key"
prompts until the game has fully killed him and saved.
* Added Multi-node support On/Off toggle option. It can speed up systems
that don't require continious updating of scores and such.
* Added option to thank a user for registering the game. It only shows
up in LORDCFG.EXE after it is registered. (Somehow left out before)
* "Attack So and So? [Y]" prompt in the Inn now returns Y if enter is
* Powerfull is now powerful in a few spots.
* Finnaly is now Finally in one spot.
* One keypress omitted after beating a master.
* Typo after winning the game fixed.
* Q and R and Enter will all exit the flirting screens now.
* Q and Enter will now also exit the Talk To Bartender screen.
LORD 315a is released with the following change.
* Fixed bug in LORDCFG.EXE.
LORD 3.20 is released with the following changes.
* You can now lockout players you don't like. Just put their name in the
LOCKOUT.DAT file. LOCKOUT.TXT will be shown to them, then it will boot
* Fixed a problem where for several drop files the baud rate was being
read into an integer, which caused HAVOC for people locked at 38400 or
* Changed AsyncSelectPort, should stop some lockups people were getting when
it tried to close comport 0.
* Fixed 'Flirt Once In your lifetime only' bug.
* Fixed 'Get married repeatedly' bug.
* Fixed 'Can't get unmarried' bug.
* Corrected a bug that would only let someone quote SOME messages
* In LORDCFG.EXE, it won't crash just because you don't have a LORD.CFG
file now.
* Hitting backspace now won't play with the word wrap.
* Added switch in the Node Setup function in LORDCFG.EXE, if you were
having trouble with ASCII callers still getting ansi this will fix it.
* Added another switch in the Node Setup function in LORDCFG.EXE, if you were
having trouble with it not giving you line feeds when you played locally
FROM YOUR BBS, this may fix it. (Direct screen write toggle)
* Fixed pallete for two RIP screens - It was unfair to the artist to not
display them the way they were meant to be displayed.
* Added a 'Comment to the press' option for when a player gets killed or
kills another player. (Unlimited daily log text!)
* If you are completely healed, the old woman will give you a hit point
for a gem.
* Male players now don't get notes from the Bard.. Sorry 'bout that guys.
* You can now list players in the Inn (when you are about to attack) more
than once.
* Also updated that RIP screen to follow suite with the rest. (was old
* Other undocumented things. ;>
LORD 3.20a is released with the following changes.
* Serious mail writing bug fixed.
Related problems this fixed:
* (Y)elling when in an online battle bug fixed.
Online battle did not work if someone logs on and challenges before
player gets "so and so enters" message.
* Bug fixed when player 0 married.
* Fixed problem with player number 0 marrying Violet.
* "You look file to us!" fixed.
* Fixed multiple "So and so exits the realm" problem.
* Wary travelers changed to Weary travelers in Dark Cloak, it just sounds
* Bar Conversation AI bug fixed, and most responces were rewritten.
LORD 3.25 WIDE BETA is released with the following changes.
* Game can be finished!
* MAIL.DAX missing error fixed
* Added "In Game 3rd Party Module" support
* Lots of new mail codes - for 3rdparty developers
* LORDSTRC.PAS included with this archive now
* The Bard can be married
* Players can marry other players
* (C)onjugality list keeps track of marrages
* Colors can be used in names
* Added commas to rankings
* New intros
* Fairy Event added
* You can own a horse
* LORDBOOT.EXE created
* Hit (E) from the main menu for Expert Mode
* Hit 3 to toggle ANSI
* Oh, ASCII support now actually works - 315+ had lost it somehow
* START.BAT included <- You MUST use this to execute LORD now!
* 89 misspellings fixed. (Thanks Kitty!)
* 3 files are now Read Only, this fixes file locking problems with Lantastic
LORD 3.26 is released with the following changes.
* Color changes can now be used in regular messages!
* "Flower Arranging" added
* "Hammer Rock" event added
* Married couples can have kids
* High ascii chars no longer allowed - Especially that annoying bell!
* Double menu bug fixed
* Tight file access is now used in the daily log procedures
* LORDBOOT.EXE is smarter - will clean up after 'crashes'
* Intro ansis now are optional - the toggle is in LORDCFG.EXE
* New number representation used in more places
* LORD is easier to run - Just 'START.BAT 1' for node one, ect
* Marriage fixer added to LORDCFG.EXE
* A few small online battle problems were fixed
* Returning from an In Game Module now does not unregistered the game, or
leave the player online all day
* Conjugality listing is now much faster
* Ascii support is better. Had a 'color changing to black' problem with it
* Red Dragon Encounter apparent 'lock up' was fixed
* Fully compatible with 320a+ addons/In Game Modules/data files
* Beefed up the Red Dragon - he has four different weapons now
* Color Spacing fixed in the 'Hero's rankings'
LORD 3.26a is released with the following changes.
* Chat bug fixed
* Changing name bug fixed
* RIP detect is better
* Women do not breed like rabbits
* 'Player X deleted' error fixed
* More error checking added, incase 3rd party mods do crazy things
* All 286 specific code removed, should work on an XT now in theory