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The following chart describes where you can find each of the appendices
provided with LAN Inventory:
A Equipment Database LIref.txt
B Troubleshooting LIref.txt
C Using Brequest Btrieve.txt
D Btrieve Status Codes Btrieve.txt
E NMS Smart-Launch Support NMS.txt
F Introduction to Crystal Reports Crystal.txt
G Using Crystal Reports Crystal.txt
H Practical Crystal Reports Crystal.txt
LIREF.TXT Headings:
10.0 Appendix A Equipment Database
10.1 Equipment Inventory Records
11.0 Appendix B Troubleshooting
11.1 Error Messages
10.0 Appendix A Equipment Database
This appendix discusses and provides examples of the following:
o equipment inventory record types and their contents
o information collected by the EQUIP.EXE program
10.1 Equipment Inventory Records
Equipment inventory records are displayed by choosing the Inventory command
from the View menu.
The detailed inventory information that displays for each record depends on
the record type. Record types consist of file server, MAC, PC workstation,
and spare parts. The fields displayed for each type are listed below:
o Fields Displayed For File Servers
- Computer Information (Serial Number, Network Operating System,
CPU, Memory)
- Volumes
- Physical Drives
- LAN Adapter Information
- Software Applications
- Miscellaneous Equipment
o Fields Displayed For MACs
- Computer Information (Appletalk Version, CPU, Finder Version,
Floating Point Unit, Keyboard, Memory, Model, ROM Size, ROM Version,
System Version)
- Slot Adapter/Drivers
- Monitors
- Floppy Drives
- Mounted Volumes
- SCSI Devices
- Software Applications
- Miscellaneous Equipment
o Fields Displayed For PC Workstations
- Computer Information (Model, Bios, Bios Date, Brand, BUS, CMOS,
Clock Frequency, CPU, Operating System and Version)
- Mass Storage
- Keyboard/Display
- Ports
- Network Adapter
- Memory
- Software Applications
- System Files
- Miscellaneous Equipment
o Fields Displayed For Spare Parts
- Computer Information (Memory, CPU, Serial Number, Network
Operating System)
-Miscellaneous Information
11.0 Appendix B Troubleshooting
Appendix A provided information about LAN Inventory's equipment databases.
This appendix provides a listing of LAN Inventory's error messages and their
11.1 Error Messages
Add Inventory - This Field Cannot be Left Empty
The Site field must contain information.
Audit Not Completed On Site
The audit was not successfully completed.
Btrieve Error
All Btrieve errors are reported by a number. Refer to Appendix D to
discover the reason for the error.
Cannot Copy File - Source File
The source file names for saving the baseline may not be set
properly; there may not be enough disk space; you may not have
sufficient rights to the destination directory; or the files might
be flagged as Read Only.
Cannot Create File - Target File
The target file(s) for saving the baseline could not be created.
Check rights and disk space/directory entries.
Cannot Delete a Pre-Defined Report
The reports that are provided with BrightWorks cannot be deleted.
Cannot Initialize Btrieve
Btrieve failed to initialize; check available memory.
Cannot Initialize Libraries
DATALIB and/or WNCFS DLL's are missing. Check available memory.
Cannot Re-Define this Report
The reports that are pre-defined and provided with this product
cannot be re-defined. Try saving the report under a different name.
Could Not Access Shell Network Information
Your network is not responding. You must reboot the machine and
retry the operation..
Could Not Create ID File
The file that generates IDs for stand-alone equipment could not be
created. Check that the diskette is not write protected.
Could Not Login to Server
The name/password you entered is invalid.
Delete Unidentified Software - This Item is in the Transfer List -
Delete it First.
A software title that is included in the transfer list was selected
to be deleted. It must first be removed from the transfer list.
Entry Is Reserved for Fusion Use, Cannot Edit Entry
Some Categories, Classes and Types are reserved for BrightWorks use
and cannot be edited or deleted. The following fields cannot be left
Product Name
For PC and MAC Software Lists, the following fields cannot be left
Product Name
File Name/File Creator
File Size
Version Number
Error # Deleting Report
The system encountered the specified error attempting to delete a
Error #: Server "server name"
A network error occurred on the specified server. Consult NetWare
documentation for a description of the error number.
Error Allocating Global Memory
This product could not allocate extra memory to store system files.
Error Reading Audit Parameters
The file WAUDCFG.DAT, which contains the Audit parameters, could not
be read.
Error Removing Alert Timer
The system was unable to remove the timer for alerting.
Error Removing Audit Timer
The system was unable to remove the timer for an automatic audit.
Field Type Do Not Match
The BrightWorks field format (character or numeric) and the field to
be imported format differ.
File 'WEQTRNA.DXT' Could Not be Found
The path specified to load stand-alone equipment from does not
contain this file, which is needed for the stand-alone hardware.
Invalid Hour Entry
Entry must be in the range 12 AM - 12 PM.
Invalid Minutes Entry
Entry must be in the range 0 - 59.
Local Site Already Has This Name
The name you entered is already assigned to the local site. Select
a different Site name.
Local Site Cannot be Deleted
The Site name you wish to delete is the name of the local site and
cannot be deleted.
Local Transaction Files Could Not be Found
The directory from which BrightWorks is running does not have the
local transaction files to which stand-alone information should be
loaded. To solve this, you need a search drive set up to BrightWorks.
Login Name Cannot Be Left Empty
The Login Name field cannot be empty when specifying access to a
Macintosh Update Aborted
The Macintosh update was aborted at user's request.
Memory Allocation Error
The system was unable to allocate memory for the specified operation.
Close one or more applications and try the operation again.
NetWare Error
Could not attach to server due to one of the following:
a hardware error
the 8 server slots are in use
the maximum number of users for the server has been reached
No Data For This Report
There was no data satisfying the filtering conditions set in the
No Fields Selected
At least one field must be selected to print for the Custom Report
or the Detailed Equipment Report.
No Fileservers Specified
No servers were included in the Audit.
No Sites Specified
No sites were specified in the Scope of Audit.
Not Enough Disk Space Available
The collector diskette does not have the space needed for stand-alone
Option Available Only from Menu Bar (Delete Component)
When creating new equipment components, bringing up the list of
components, the user cannot delete an existing component.
Path Name Cannot be Left Empty - Edit Site
The Path Name must contain information when editing sites.
Path Name is Already in Use
Sites must be assigned unique path names.
Product has Not been Installed
BrightWorks needs to be properly installed following the instructions
in Chapter 2 of this manual. If the program has been properly
installed, run CIN.EXE to re-enable BrightWorks.
Required Fields Are Missing
One or more of the fields that uniquely identify a workstation are
missing: site - nodeid_1 - nodeid_2 - name.
Selected Fields Will Not Fit on Page
Using the current page set-up, the fields that have been selected
for printing will not fit across the page. Either select a smaller
font, set a smaller maximum field width, select the "One Field Per
Line" option, or select fewer fields to print.
Server Update Aborted
Server update aborted at user's request.
Server Update Not Completed
File Server information was not updated in the transaction file due
to one of the following reasons:
The file WSERVER.DAT (containing the list of servers) could
not be read
No servers were included in the Scope of Audit
No unique ID could be determined for that server
Site Name Cannot be Left empty - edit site
When editing a Site, the Site field must contain information.
Source File Not Specified
When backing up the baseline, the source baseline file must be
Supervisor Rights Required
Supervisor rights or equivalent are needed to run an audit on a
System Files To Audit - This is Not a Valid File Name
A valid file name is up to 14 characters long; the period is
The Transaction File Is Empty
The transaction file is empty due to one of the following reasons:
EQUIP has not been run
MAC files were not loaded into the transaction files
Stand-alone equipment has not been loaded
The file server information update failed
There is no Audit Selected
When running the Audit Results Report, a specific audit must be
Transfer Unid Software as Group - Base Name / Version No. Already In Use
The combination of base name / version no is in use by another
software title.
Unable to Configure Printer
The system was not able to initialize the printer. Make sure that a
printer is set up for Windows and the correct driver is present in
the Windows system directory. If necessary, delete the file WLAI.INI
from the Windows directory and try to print again.
Unable to Create Timer Window
The system was unable to create the timer window for an automatic
audit or alerting. This is probably due to low memory or system
resources. Close one or more applications and try the operation again.
Unable to Create Window
The system was unable to create a window. This is probably due to
insufficient memory or system resources. Close one or more
applications and try the operation again.
Unable To Determine Unique ID
The file that stores the unique file server ID, which is in the
SYS:SYSTEM dir as a hidden file called LAIID.CFG, could not be
created or opened. If the hidden file is zero bytes, delete it and
try again.
This message might also appear if the number of files in use exceeds
the maximum number specified in the CONFIG.SYS file (usually when
the user is running other Windows or DOS applications).
Unable to Initialize NetWare Structures
Your network is not responding. You must reboot the machine and
retry the operation.
Unable to Initialize Timer
The system was unable to initialize the internal timer used to track
automatic audits and alerts. This is probably caused by other
applications using all system timers. Close an application that uses
a timer and try the operation again.
Unable to Open Export File
The user must have write/create rights, and there must be enough
disk space to create the export file. If you are trying to export to
a root directory, try exporting to a sub-directory instead.
Unable to Open File
The system was not able to open the specified file. Make sure that a
valid directory was specified and that the user has sufficient
rights to this directory.
Unable to Open Import File
The file selected to be imported could not be opened. The file could
be corrupted.
Unable to Open Report Files
The system was not able to open the files which contain the data
being reported.
Unable to Retrieve Report Information
The system was not able to open or read one or more of the files
required to run the specified report. Before creating reports, you
must run an audit and have data in your baseline.
Unable to Write to Temporary File
There is not enough disk space for the temporary file. Free up some
space, and then run the report again.