Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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259 lines
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│ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ │
│ NetSTATi Version 2.2 │
│ Pc-Board / UUPCB Bulletin creator │
│ │
│ Written By: Ian Gerada (c) 1993-1994 │
│ ian.gerada@netline.proxima.alt.za │
│ │
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What is NetSTATi ?
NetSTATi will run in conjunction with UUPCB to create a PCBoard blt file that
gives you statistics on your last mail runs.
What a weird name NetSTATi !!!
NetSTATi - = Net [All my progs have NET] STAT [Statistical prog] i [Internet]
Charges (Registration)
This programe is free !!!
In order for you to get a registration number for your BBs you have a couple
of ways of doing this:
A: Give Netline Flagship a call on +27-11-789-6085/6/7/8 and open door
NETREG (6) NetReg will give you a registration number on-line.
B: Fax me the following details and I will fax you back with your
registration number (My Fax: +27-11-789-6081)
I require the following :
Your Full Name
Your BBs Telephone Number
Where you got NetSTATi from
Your BBs Name [As typed in your CFG file]
Your return fax number
C: Post me the above information to : NetSTATi Registration
C/O Fincompt Technologies
Att: I. Gerada
P.O.Box 4472
South Africa
I will mail back a registration card with your serial number
D: Leave me a message ON INTERNET EMAIL with the following information :
Your Full Name
Your BBs Telephone Number
Where you got NetSTATi from
Your BBs Name [As typed in your CFG file]
Email : ian.gerada@netline.proxima.alt.za
Quick install :
A: Make a directory on your hdd called NetSTATi
B: Unzip the contents of Netstati.Zip to that area
C: Create a CFG file to have the following lines
o:\uupcb\admin\net..............Full name and path to your NET
file (generated by UUPCB)
o:\uupcb\uupcb.dbf..............Full name and path to UUPCB.DBF
o:\uupcb\admin\leave.out........Exeption file ie: those newsgroups you dont
want listed in the PCBoard BLT file
14..............................Amount of entries to log
Netline Flagship BBS............Name of your BBS
0000000.........................Registration number
netstati.pcb....................Output file (BLT)
Y...............................Y = Yes I want NewsGroup Reporting
N = No I do not want News Group reporting
Files included in this zip file:
NetSTATi.EXE................................Main COM file
NetSTATi.DOC................................This documentation
Leave.out...................................Sample exeption report
FILE_ID.DIZ.................................Description file for Pc-Board
NetSTATi.CFG................................Sample CFG file
NetSTATi.PCB................................Sample PCBoard BLT file
Net.........................................Sample NET file from UUPCB
Files not in the ZIP or that will be created by NetSTATi.EXE
NetSTATi.ERR.......................Error log report file, if
there is an error with
NetSTATi, it will create this
log file with the error
number. (See end of document
for error number explanation)
How to run this program
NetSTATi Netstati.cfg
Error codes and there meanings:
52 BAD FILE NUMBER ie : I duffed and tried to open a file number
incorrectly, you cannot fix this problem
exept by letting me know as soon as
61 DISKFULL ie : Your disk is full, delete some old files
to create more space for NetSTATi to work
62 END OF FILE ie : End of file reached, I duffed again
64 BAD FILE NAME ie : The log file you have named in your CFG
cannot be created by NetSTATi, make sure
it is a valid dos name and if you are on
a network that you have the correct
53 NO FILE ie : NetSTATi is trying to open a file that is
not there, ie the HELP file is not there
70 PERMISSION DENIED ie : Check your network rights
71 DISK NOT READY ie : Looks like you got a problem with your
disk drive (call your dealer)
75 PATH FILE ERROR ie : The combination of path and file naming
is wrong.
76 PATH NOT FOUND ie : Simple - the path is not found !
72 DISKMEDIA ERROR ie : Seek error, Data error... All those
nasty problems will generate this error
number. Looks like your hard disk drive
is not that healthy.
Thats it, all you have left to do now is setup Pcboard to include NetSTATi
as one of your doors..
This program is provided "as is" with no warranties
whatsoever, either expressed or implied, including without
limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and
performance of the program is with you. Should this program
be defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary
servicing, repair or correction.
Quick basic (R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
PCBoard (R) is a registered trademark of Clark Development Company (CDC)
MS-DOS (R) is a registered trademark of MICROSOFT Corporation
UUPCB (R) is a registred trademark of Ed T. Hopper 1992, 1993
This programe is FREEWARE I charge no money for it, however if you wish
to drop me a line regarding the door, feel free to contact me on any
of the following numbers:
Netline Flagship BBs
+27-11-789-6085/6 (HST DUAL STANDARD)
mhshubname FCSJHB
Workgroup FINCOMPT
username IGERADA
Tel +27-11-789-6082
Internet : ian.gerada@netline.proxima.alt.za
Netline is also part of ■ILINK■ and Internet
■Netline Flagship BBs■
■Official home for Pc-Board and Sparkware in South Africa■
Kind Regards
Ian Gerada
History of NetSTATi
Released in house only
Fixed logging - allowed you to log a specific amount of events
rather than allow you to log the entire NET file, now leaves the NET
file intact.
Added Newsgroup support, ie: NetSTATi now tells you which newsgroup
is in which conference
Bug Fix, if too many errors during transmission the Net file from
UUPCB would go out of sync, NetSTATi was not picking this up, FIXED
Bug Fix - - - - - Memory allocaton problem
Bug's fixed -
Overflow problem FIXED !!! - at last (Thanks Paul Giraud)
No longer need to take out CHR$(0) out of your DBF files - NetSTATi will
now do it for you (Thanks Bob Emerson)