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Pirate's Cove
Program now uses Door Patch 3.8 (other versions used GAPQBDR
from GAP) and supports the following BBS drop file formats: DOOR.SYS,
and CHAIN.TXT. Compatible with at least these BBS systems: PCBoard
14+, GAP 4+, RBBS-PC 17+. WILDCAT 2+ and Spitfire 3+. Also supports
baud rates up to 115,200 BPS. Runs on only one node at a time.
My programs may be on various BBSes around the country under
different archive extensions and types. This is the state of all the
BBSes around the country.
If you are currently running a version earlier than 5.00 you
must delete all existing data and start over with the contents of
this archive. This will prevent extra files remaining on your system,
deleting any wrong files, format incompatibly with earlier versions,
etc. Some file names have been changed starting with 5.00.
The archive file should contain the following files:
PCOVE.EXE.....................: Main program
PCMAINT.EXE (new).............: Daily maintenance program
PCMAINT.CFG (new).............: Rollover file
PCEDIT.EXE (FIXPC.EXE)........: Pirate's Cove Editor
PCOVE.CFG (new format)........: Sample .CFG file
PCOVE.DOC.....................: This file
PCOVE.SCR/PCOVEG.SCR (new)....: Pirate's Cove screen mono /
PCOVE.HLP/PCOVEG.HLP (PCHELP).: Help file mono/color
HELLO.TXT.....................: Sample start up messages
READ.ME.......................: Update messages, etc.
SYSOP.DOC.....................: Docs provided by Door Patch
author contains additional
information about DP setup
SUPPORT.TXT...................: BBS and network where I can be
reached other than my home
FILE_ID.DIZ...................: BBS file description
This door comes with an example PCOVE.CFG. It is supplied to
show you how to set up the configuration file. The file may be
modified to suit. Please try and not exceed PCBoard's name length of
twenty-seven characters (total length) for Sysops name. The sixth
line is for registration serial number. If you change the
"Unregistered BBS" name or serial number it will still come up in the
door as "Unregistered BBS" until you get a valid registration serial
number. No bulletin is generated until registered.
There has been a major change in the format of the PCOVE.CFG
file starting with version 5.00, which follows:
(1) C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS <BBS drop file
(2) Unregistered BBS <changes only take effect with reg.
(3) Sysop first name <sysop first name
(4) Sysop last name <sysop last name
(5) Your Sysop <donor's name, not used
(6) 0000 <reg. number, must be 0000 or valid #
(7) PCOVE.BLT <ASCII/PCBoard bulletin
(8) PCOVEG.BLT <ANSI bulletin
(9) PCB <type of bulletin(s)
See the SYSOP.DOC for details on lines 1 through 5 and must be
populated. These entries are required by the Door Patch 3.8 software.
My requirements follow, which also must be populated:
Line 6 is where your serial number goes when the door is
registered. Changes here only take effect with valid serial numbers.
Line 7 is for the ASCII or PCBoard versions of the bulletin
(only generated with registered doors).
Line 8 is for the ANSI bulletin. These two lines (7 and 8) can
be any file name you want and may include path statements. If you are
using "PCB" or "ASCII", which only generates one bulletin you still
have to populate Line 8 (not used).
Line 9 can be "ANSI", "PCB", or default "ASCII" file with no
extended IBM graphic codes and no color. If you choose "PCB" or
"ASCII" then only the Line 7 bulletin is generated. The Line 8
bulletin is for "ANSI" coded version only. PCBoard (PCB) uses only
one file to show mono and color displays and ASCII only needs one.
Every line must be populated whether the entry is used by the
program or not. The program expects to find each entry exactly where
it is located in the configuration file.
I have removed the maintenance routines from the main program,
trying to make the main program smaller. This program should be put
in your daily event. If added to your event make sure you change into
the Pirate's Cove directory to run the program. If you are not
running a daily event then you can put it in your calling batch file
and before you call PCOVE.EXE. An example follows:
echo off
CD \
The program is very quick for normal maintenance, but if a
rollover takes place this time could be lengthy depending on the
number of players. If it has already run it does an instant exit with
no harm done. The caller will see nothing on their screen.
The maintenance routine deletes players that have not played for
more than 30 days. Team messages are checked and messages over 14
days old are deleted. As messages are erased new ones are inserted
into the blanks. If the message base contains only blank entries the
program will erase the file. If it gets too large you can also delete
it without hurting the rest of the program. Players that have
remained on the island for more than two consecutive days are
randomly placed on rows 14 or 15. A new set of Galleons are also
initialized during maintenance.
If there are any unknown errors, internal or external, the
errors are written to a file called PCMAINT.ERR with date and time
stamp. If PCMAINT.ERR exists then there has been at least one error.
Additional errors are appended to the end of the file. If you have a
lot of errors and you are pressed for space this file may be deleted
without any harm.
This is a rollover file. The default is 90 days. The sample file
included in the archive is as follows:
(1) 90 <Number of days between rollovers
(2) 01-01-1993 <Rollover date. Always on First of month
If you delete PCMAINT.CFG when PCMAINT.EXE is run it will create
a new one like the sample with a rollover three months later on the
1st of the third month (not 90 days). When this is done, if HELLO.TXT
exits, it will append the end of the file with three rollover
messages. If HELLO.TXT does not exist it will create one with three
lines in it. (see Rollover Messages)
If you do not want a rollover change to the following:
(1) NO <Do not roll over door program
(2) <optional line not needed here
Valid days are 30, 60 or 90. If less than 30 becomes 30, if
greater than 90 becomes 90. Rollovers always take place on the first
day of month that PCMAINT.EXE is run, normally on the 1st day. Date
is the date you want the program to rollover the first time. After
the first rollover (unless auto configured) the PCMAINT.EXE supplies
the date based on the number of days (months). (see Rollover
Rollover means that all data in the data files are reset to new,
but any team information is retained. If a player is on a team before
the rollover the player is still on the same team after rollover.
Only points, treasure, etc. are reset. The player is then randomly
placed on the grind any place except on the island.
Any bulletin(s) that have been created are not updated by
rollover and are changed when the first player enters and exits the
door. PCMAINT.EXE does not alter any existing bulletin(s). The
bulletins actually reflect the last play in the door and even after
rollover this is still true (until the first player uses the
The system date is vital to the operation of Pirate's Cove and
must be as accurate as possible since it is used for user deletions,
messages and message deletions, penalties, rollover and etc.
This is a maintenance program that allows the you to edit most
files in the database. Since most of the data is interconnected more
than one file might have to be changed during an edit routine. The
editor works with the main data file PCOVE.PCD, WHO.PCD, TEAM.PCD and
PIRATES.PCD, adjusting the data where needed. If you try to alter
data in a way other than the way it must be handled warning messages
are displayed. If you try to alter a record so the player has
treasure on board when there is no treasure you get a warning about
your procedure and you are returned without changing any data. In
this case you must add the treasure before you change the other flags
(most are changed for you automatically).
An example of adding a person to a team is to change record <K>
to whatever team you want to put the player on or return to that
team. You just type in the record number and press <ENTER>. The
program looks up the team name, inserts it in the player's records
and updates the team data to reflect the changes in the current
status. If the player has a score this is added to the Team data. You
can delete a person from a team or you can change teams using the <K>
option from the Player List.
The team information that is directly changeable is the team
name, password or delete all data from the team record. What the
deletion means is to delete all members from the team but to keep the
team name and password intact.
The editor is a very complex program and it might still contain
problem areas. It is difficult to test all circumstances under all
conditions. If the editor needs an option(s) please contact me. It is
my hopes that no one has to use the editor. It's main function is to
let you change players names once they are entered which the players
cannot do from inside the main program. The other function is to
restore data that might become corrupt for unknown reasons without
having to delete the database (erase *.PCD) and start over again.
Some of the data in the editor uses defaults and if you choose
an option that uses defaults do not think that nothing has changed.
An example of this is the date the user was last on, option <G>. If
you press "G" the current date is put into the current data. If you
give a player treasure the program automatically sets the maturity
date for three days (current day + 2).
If you have to use the editor and it is too confusing please let
me know and I will try to write more detailed instructions. At this
time it seems pretty straight-forward with the menus and options
clearly displayed. Or so I believe! (grin)
If scores are getting too high you can just "ERASE *.PCD" and
delete all current user data. It would seem to me that if the program
is real active you might consider a monthly rollover, if not, set it
up as a quarterly rollover. This gives newer players a chance to
start even with other players. Of course how you handle the program
on you BBS is up to you. These are only suggested guidelines.
There is an optional message routine that can be initiated by
the sysop(s). Please see the included sample file HELLO.TXT. A
maximum of 97 lines. I had to put some kind of limit on it since
PCMAINT.EXE may use it depending on your setup. You can display one
line messages during entry into the door. They appear just before the
"Welcome back" is displayed after user data is loaded into memory.
Any word processor that can produce an ASCII file (DOS text file) can
be used including EDLIN. The first four digits are the date (MMDD),
maximum length for the data is 79 characters. If you exceed this
length the extra characters will be ignored. Here is an example of an
entry for Christmas Day;
1225Merry Christmas
This would display "Merry Christmas" on the 25th of December.
The entries can be in any sequence. The program scans all records in
the file and looks for matches for the current month and day (MMDD).
The file must be named "HELLO.TXT." It is named .TXT so that if you
do a roll-over and delete all the *.PCD files you do not delete your
messages as well. If the file is not present in the default directory
the routine is ignored.
FILE, but under the following conditions: If you want to use a comma
inside of your text make sure that you put a quotation mark as the
first and last character:
"0101Hello, Joe, nice to have you back"
This makes the record as if it were written using BASIC's WRITE
command. Using a comma within the text, without a quotation mark as
the first and last characters in the string, the data after the comma
is ignored and considered part of the next record. Without a leading
date it is also ignored as a next record.
If you have a message you want repeated each day use 9999 and it
is displayed everyday. This is can also be used in text that has
quotation marks.
"9999Good hunting, pirates. Keep your powder dry!"
This message would appear everyday. Say you are running a
quarterly contest giving away six month subscriptions. You could put
a message telling people the contest is on, perhaps telling them when
it is going to start or end, even tell people when the program is
going to roll over (this can now be automated).
"9999The program rolls over on the 1st"
And then on the first you can remove this message. You can have
more than one "9999" dated message. You must press (ENTER) after each
message line. It might make multiple line messages seem somewhat
strange but I had to do this because the displays that followed, or
many messages, could scroll messages right off the screen. Pressing
(ENTER) controls the scrolling.
Rollover Messages
If you are not using HELLO.TXT the option is skipped, but if you
are using the ROLLOVER option PCMAINT.EXE will create a HELLO.TXT
when the first rollover is executed. If you are using the HELLO.TXT
option PCMAINT.EXE on rollover will add three lines to the file.
These will be dated the month before the next rollover on the 15th,
20th and 25th of the month. This will inform the users when the next
rollover is going to take place. There is no need for the sysop to
add a rollover messages unless the sysop wants to.
When PCMAINT.EXE performs the rollover it reads in HELLO.TXT and
looks for "Rollover" following the four character date. If found it
deletes the line from the file. When finished rewrites out the
original file plus three new lines with the rollover message. Sample:
0215Rollover on March 1, 1993
0220Rollover on March 1, 1993
0225Rollover on March 1, 1993
This message would then be displayed on the 15th, 20th and 25th
of February. If you want a similar message to come up on your first
rollover you have to add it yourself using the above format or use
the auto-configure if you want the default 90 days and the HELLO.TXT
file created/updated. After the first rollover PCMAINT.EXE will
delete and add lines as needed using your preset value (30,60 or 90).
I have tried to automate as much of the program as possible so
that the sysop, who has enough to do, does not have to worry about
this door. If there is something you want added please let me know.
Pirate's Cove is a multi-player program where you play as an
individual as well being able to play on teams. Play is on a 16x16
grid, the island is 12x12 grid. The object of the game is to sink as
many Treasure Galleons as you can, bury the treasure on Pirate's Cove
Island for three days, dig it up and transfer it to grid row one
where it is converted into points. You also get bonus points for
sinking other pirates plus any treasure they might be carrying.
You get 18 turns per day, 5 if you are carrying treasure. Your
ship is diminished by 10% each time it is hit by a galleon or another
pirate. When you fire at another ship, pirate or galleon, you can be
hit, the other can be hit, both can be hit or both miss. If you reach
0% you are sunk. When you are sunk you cannot play until the next
The other pirates may fire at you when you come across them. The
odds are 50x50 on all options and in the following order: They do
nothing, they shoot and miss, or they shoot and hit you. If there are
more than one pirate in a sector each one, in turn, may take a shot
at you.
There is even a British Fleet that is randomly placed on the
playing grid each time the user enters the program. The British Fleet
always attacks you causing 20 percent damage. This was to add a
little more randomness to the play.
You can go gambling on Pirate's Cove Island at Rosa's Casino
where most anything can, and often does, happen. A pirate has to
watch their back here all the time...
With registration you receive a serial number that disables the
"Unregistered BBS" and enables the bulletin. The bulletin is a two
part display. Part one is ALL players, points and current status; the
second part is the team standings. Now written out in color and non-
color versions. What follows is an example of the bulletin that is
generated for the BBS.
Pirate's Cove Standings as of 19:18, 11-26-1992
Pirate's Name Individual Points Team # Status
Cap'n Blight......................16000........3 afloat
Capt Squid.........................7300........3 dead, 11-18
Captain Hook.......................4500........1 afloat
Long John Pewter...................2500........2 afloat
Leng Deng Duc......................1500........2 sunk, 11-19
Long John Silver......................0........0 afloat
There are currently 6 pirates on the grid
Team Name Total Team Points Team #
Gold Diggers.......................4500........1
The Blue Falcon....................4000........2
There is a current player standings option inside the program so
that players are not at a complete loss if your version is not yet
registered (bulletin option disabled). The internal display only
shows players and their current status in sorted order. An example of
the internal display follows:
Pirate's Cove Player Standings as of 19:18:34, 11-26-1992
Cap'n Blight.......................16000
capt squid..........................7300
Captain Hook........................4500
Long John Pewter....................2500
Leng Deng Duc.......................1500
Long John Silver.......................0
The program is hard coded for a maximum of 48 players and 12
teams with a maximum of four players per team. The program, including
Door Patch uses up to buffer five.
What is needed to run the program is its own directory; If you
are tight for space you can delete the *.DOC files and READ.ME.
HELLO.TXT is optional. All other files are needed. PCOVE.EXE and
PCMAINT.EXE generate all other necessary files. Any file ending in
.CFG can be used (PCOVE PCOVE.CFG).
If you have comments on the program, please feel free to contact
me. Also, if program errors develop, please contact me at once so
that corrections can be made.
Usable idea's for door programs (games or anything else) will
provide the donor BBS with a free, registered, copy of that
particular program. This is my way of saying "Thank you" for your
program ideas.
At this time the programs are written to work on any computer
with an eighty column screen. These are my current doors: Music
Review for entering reviews on music recorded on any medium: Software
Review that is used to do reviews on Public Domain, Freeware and
Shareware programs; Movie View where reviews are done on all kinds of
movies; BBS Review where users enter reviews on various BBS systems;
Book Review where users can enter reviews on any kind of books;
Community Service (Public Service Announcements) that is used to list
local and nearby activities; Restaurant Review for doing reviews on
your favorite eateries; Wine Review for doing reviews on your
favorite wines, goes hand in hand with Restaurant Review; BBS Door
Review for viewing BBS doors (mainly for users to use); The Rime List
Door for viewing the worldwide RelayNet nodes; GT Power List for
viewing the worldwide GT Power BBS network.
I have a game called Gotcha! where the user tries to see how
many doors can be picked before they are caught. As of this writing
this is now an enhanced version.
Registration is for one BBS/Network configuration! More than one
copy may run on the same BBS/Network at the same location. If the
program changes new holder must pay an update fee, which may include
a new serial number (if BBS name is different), most current release,
and registration name changed in my records.
Also please supply me with your BBS data telephone number as
well as voice telephone number. This is for my records. Several
people have registered doors and never given me any telephone
numbers. I would imagine it difficult to have a BBS without a
software with a heart
James Huckabey
3621-A Fraser Street
Bellingham, Washington 98226
| Registration of Pirate's Cove (PCOVE.EXE) | 20.00 |
| For current copy of software U.S. please add | 2.00 |
| Outside U.S. please add | 4.00 |
| Please check disk type below. | |
| Upgrade from earlier version to current | FREE |
| version send diskette with return postage. | |
| Registration of any two to three doors | 35.00 |
| at one time ($17.50 each). | min. |
| Registration of four or more doors at | 60.00 |
| one time ($15.00 each). | min. |
| 1 set of all door software on your diskettes | FREE |
| in your postage paid mailer. | |
(prices are subject to change) SUBTOTAL |
(Washington state residents please add 7.6%) SALES TAX |
(U.S. funds only) GRAND TOTAL |
check or money order payable to James Huckabey
Please supply name of BBS to be added to program(s). It may include other
data up to forty-five characters. This is to be on one line of code and must be
legible. I cannot be responsible for unreadable data. Please print. Case
Example: "Jim's Graphics BBS". In the program it comes out:
This program is registered to
Jim's Graphics BBS
1.44 meg [ ] 720K [ ] 1.2 meg [ ] 360K [ ]