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- Professional Point System
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- Copyright (c) 1994 Harvey Parisien
- Box 323 Station A, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7M 6R2
- FidoNet 1:249/114
- U S E R S G U I D E
- P P o i n t
- An FTSC compatible e-mail system
- U S E R S G U I D E
- Copyright (c) 1994 Harvey Parisien
- Box 323 Station A, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7M 6R2
- FidoNet: 1:249/114
- Internet: harvey.parisien@f114.n249.z1.fidonet.org
- PPoint - Copyright (C) 1994, Harvey Parisien
- To run PPoint, enter PPOINT at a DOS prompt, or select it from
- a system menu. You will first see a title screen, (or password
- prompt if that feature is implemented) and then the main
- pulldown menu interface.
- If your system is just being installed, it will prompt you for
- setup information like your name, email address, etc. Details
- on setup are provided at the end of this document under SETUP
- The use of pulldown menus has been implemented to organize your
- access to various functions at different times, and to organize
- them into separate related areas.
- The first pulldown menu is the set of functions that relate to
- HOST connections, and management. The next pulldown menu
- contains functions related to MAIL management. This is the
- menu you first arrive on when you run PPoint, since it's the
- area most commonly used. The other two menus are OPTIONS,
- where some not so common functions are made available. The
- Setup menu contains all of the various user definable options,
- and settings required to operate and maintain PPoint.
- A typical PPoint session might start where you would choose
- HOST TRANSFER on the HOST pulldown menu. This will transfer
- any outstanding mail created by your system to your Host, and
- process any incoming mail or files from your Host. Your system
- automatically dials your Host, connects, and transfers
- information. It is not necessary to have mail to send in order
- to connect to your host. You can Poll for mail when ever you
- wish to see if there is any new mail or files waiting for you
- on the host system.
- At this point, you have the option to set a timer to Poll at a
- future time. You can just press enter to continue to Poll now.
- If you choose to use the timer, the screen will display the
- Poll time, and current time. Pressing Esc aborts the Poll,
- any other key starts immediately. After 60 seconds (or
- pressing the space bar) of waiting, the screen will blank,
- all except for the timer display. If you use the Timer,
- then after the Poll is completed the screen will go blank
- again after 60 seconds, to preserve your hardware.
- - 1 -
- PPoint - Copyright (C) 1994, Harvey Parisien
- When a Host transfer is complete, and if you have received
- mail, you will find yourself on the MAIL pulldown menu, on the
- selection READ NEW MAIL. This is the next logical choice you
- would make when mail is received. If there was no mail, you
- will remain on the HOST transfer selection. In addition, if
- you received files, there will be a blinking message at the
- bottom left of your screen informing you.
- By selecting READ YOUR NEW MAIL, the system checks all message
- areas for mail addressed to you. You can check your whole
- message database, or just UNREAD mail. When you are finished
- reading and/or replying to your mail, you will return to the
- pulldown menus.
- The READ YOUR NEW MAIL system works the same as The FIND & READ
- MESSAGES function. This allows you to search one or all
- message areas for a match to any search text in the message
- header (the To, From, and Subject fields), or complete message.
- Once a FIND/SEARCH has been requested, just use the normal keys
- to review all finds ie: Right Arrow Key or ENTER causes a FIND
- When you run PPoint you will normally be sitting on the SELECT
- MESSAGE AREA menu prompt. This displays a list of all the
- current message areas, or sometimes called conferences, on the
- system. PPoint will bring you to the area selected, where you
- can use the following keys to READ, REPLY TO, or ENTER mail.
- From this point you will be able to list and/or change areas at
- any time by pressing A. You can list all messages in this area
- by pressing M, as well as export or print messages, etc. This
- chart shows all active command keys and their functions...
- Online help has been implemented throughout the system. You
- can press F1 for help any time. To create an up-to-date User
- Reference Guide, press F1 for a help screen. Select Help
- Index and select the last choice which is Print User Reference
- Guide. This will print a complete function by function guide
- to running PPoint. This guide contains the complete contents
- of your online Help System.
- - 2 -
- PPoint - Copyright (C) 1994, Harvey Parisien
- Basic Navigation:
- A=Display the AREAS LIST (or Del)
- M=Display a MESSAGE LIST (or Ins)
- Right/Left Arrow keys=move to next or previous messages
- PgDn=page down one screen at a time to the bottom of a
- message
- Home=Go to the First message in the current area.
- End=Go to the Last message in the current area.
- The Esc key or Mouse Button 2 exits this area.
- Editing:
- R=Reply to the current message.
- E=Enter a message.
- C=Change/Edit a message (only if it was from you).
- K=Kill the current message, K toggles Delete on/off.
- P toggles Private on/off.
- Other keys:
- ENTER=like PgDn but will go to the next message when at
- the bottom of a message.
- F=Find messages based on search text match.
- +=Initiate a Find based on Subject.
- Space Bar=Mark messages on the message list
- Space Bar=moves to Marked messages, in the reading area
- Ctrl and E=Export current message to a text file.
- Ctrl and P=Print current message.
- Ctrl and R=Resends a message (only if it was from you).
- Ctrl and S=Toggle internal network addressing
- information.
- Ctrl and F=Forward or Move the current message to any
- area.
- Alt and F=Freeze Message (can't be deleted or packed)
- F10 SHELLS TO DOS (and clears the screen).
- - 3 -
- PPoint - Copyright (C) 1994, Harvey Parisien
- Misc Topics
- For details on topics not covered here, create an up-to-date
- User Reference Guide as described earlier in this guide.
- Sending Files
- To send a file (sometimes called a file attach), enter a
- netmail message to the User who is to receive the file and
- then, on the subject line of the message, put the following
- information...
- /SEND c:\trash\oldstuff.lzh
- ... and the file will be sent. Notice the forward slash and no
- space after it, followed by the send command followed by a
- space, and then the full drive:\path\filename.ext of the file
- as it appears on your system. The person who receives the file
- will only see the file name on his/her subject line, excluding
- your path information.
- If you have an address book in place (the system creates this
- for you) it can be accessed by pressing F4 when you are
- ENTERING a message, and placing text in the TO: field. Your
- address book is built by the system. Every time you enter a
- NETMAIL message, it prompts you as to whether or not you would
- like to add the current entry to the address book. It will
- only prompt you for entries that do not currently exist. This
- way you build an address book while you use the system, as
- opposed to sitting down and typing in 50 names. You can
- however add to your address book manually, see online help or
- your reference manual for details.
- Setup Instructions <from a disk>
- Place disk in drive A: (or B:)
- Type A: (or B:) then press ENTER.
- Type SETUP then press ENTER.
- The setup program will automatically suggest where to install
- ppoint, and prompt you to proceed. Once the installation is
- finished, it will prompt you to run PPOINT by pressing ENTER.
- Press ENTER, and PPoint will continue it's setup process and
- - 4 -
- PPoint - Copyright (C) 1994, Harvey Parisien
- ask the following questions:
- Setup Questions
- 1) Is this a POINT setup or QWK setup. Choose POINT unless you
- are connecting to a QWK specific host or network. If you do
- not know, choose POINT.
- 2) Do you want a FAST setup?... Answer YES to this. A more
- detailed setup is not necessary, and can always be modified
- later using the SETUP menu on your pulldown menus.
- 3) Your First and Last name? This will be your name as
- presented in all your outgoing mail, and the name you expect to
- receive mail to.
- 4) Your point address (Zone:Network/Node{.Point}) ie: 1:20/30.1
- Enter this address: _________________________
- 5) Your BOSS ROUTE address (Zone:Network/Node). Press ENTER to
- accept the suggested address, or enter a route address if this
- was requested by your host.
- 6) Your Origin line? This is your own personal system title
- line which shows in each message. Press ENTER to accept the
- default, or be creative and enter something else.
- 7) Your Serial Com Port? This is the communications port your
- modem is connected to.
- 8) Your Modems Baud Rate? This should be the fastest speed
- which your modem can support (only enter valid speeds suggested
- at the prompt in this section).
- 9) Your Phone line type Tone or Pulse? Default is T.
- 10) Your Host phone number? This should be exactly the way you
- would have to dial it if it were a manual call.
- Enter this number: __________________________
- 11) Your Host session password: __________________
- Further setup parameters can be modified from your pulldown
- menus under the section called SETUP. You might want to change
- your text editor, or identify the type of printer you are
- connected to.
- NOTE: Information on blank lines is provided by your HOST.
- - 5 -