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RADD! 1.9
Remote Access Direct Dial.
Written By Mike Wilson
For QuickBBS
Remote Access
Special thanks go out to :
Ruurd Pels of 2:512/23 for his bit fiddling lecture :)
Steve Gabrilowitz, Richard Crieghton and Andrew Millner for
writting the BBS packages!
Bill Wynne, David Balnites ,Les Diefenbach, David Reed,
Steve Mitchell,Hugh Bell, James Ray, Mike Ehlert, Scott
Lentz, Gary Murphy, Aaron Davis, James Thompson, Ken Givens
and CR Hamilton for their debugging help.
Tracy Perry for help with the "Multi-Node" RA BUG(s)!
* Coding *
RADD was written using Turbo Pascal v6.0. All the coding was created by
myself with suggestions from Steve Gabrilowitz, Ruurd Pels and Trevor
Carlson. I am very grateful for their help.
As usual, the author (Mike Wilson) provides no warranties, written or
implied, for the software, nor assumes any liability for any implied
damages--inconsequential or consequential--resulting from the use of
this software.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Registration <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
RADD uses the ShareWare policy (30 trial period) a small fee to register
if you continue to use RADD after the initial 30 days. The cost to register
RADD is 10 US dollars. If you use RADD, and after the 30 days you would
still like to use RADD, you must register or stop using it.
I will need some information about your system to create a key just
for your system. Print out REGISTER.TXT and fill out the needed
information, inclose check or money order.
Send your registrations to :
Mike Wilson
201 Mockingbird
Springtown TX 76082
(Make Checks payable to Mike Wilson)
If possible I will then file-attach your key to your system as soon
as possible. If no fido address if given I will attempt to call your
BBS and upload the KEY file. If the call to your system is not
possible I will mail your key on a 360k floppy disk via the US Mail
*** Once registered with RADD, you will always be registered with RADD.
What is RADD?
RADD (Remote Access Direct Dial) is a Call Back Verifier (CBV)
built for QuickBBS,SuperBBS and Remote Access BBS. RADD reads
information from the Exitinfo.BBS file and retrieves a users
voice and or/data phone number(s). RADD then asks the user which
number it should call (if there's more than one number in the
Exitinfo.BBS file). RADD will then call the number given by the
user and connect to the users computer. After the connect is
made (RADD will try 3 times) it will prompt the user for his/her
password. If the password is entered correctly (RADD will allow
four attempts) the users access is updated to the security level
as defined in the RADCFG?.DAT file and a message is posted to
the sysop telling him that the user has been upgraded. Then
the user is returned to the BBS.
RADD Requirements :
1) Computer. At this time 8086 or above. XT's are not supported.
2) Modem and phone line.
3) 100+k of disk space.
4) Fossil Driver MUST be loaded or the program will terminate with
error level 254 unless in LOCAL mode.
5) 200k of memory (More is better)
6) Suggest Dos version 3.3 or higher.
7) QuickBBS 2.7x+ or Remote Access version 1.xx+
(Tested with QuickBBS 2.76 Gamma-1 and RA 1.11)
or SBBS 1.1+ (Tested with 1.15 and 1.16)
8) If running multi-node SHARE MUST be loaded.
RADD Files :
The RADD archive may contain 3 RADD executables, RADDRA.EXE, RADDQ.EXE
abd RADDS.EXE. RADDRA is for Remote Access, RADDQ is for QuickBBS and
RADDS.EXE is for SuperBBS.
RADDCFG EXE : Configuration program for RADD, must be run first!
< more later >
RMAINT EXE : A new tool (testing) that should create a foneinf.dat
that matches your USERS.BBS phone number list.
NOTE : Running this will delete your current FONEINF.DAT
and create a NEW one. (See RMAINT.DOC for more info)
1TO1_5 EXE : Convertion utility for 1.0 to 1.5 convertions! Read
1to1_5.DOC for instructions.
RADDSTR 002 : Stucture for RADCFG?.DAT files. (For some programmer
that wants to make a more elaborate config program).
FONESTR 002 : Structure for FONEINF.DAT. Possibly create new user
reports? More info (users) could be added if so....
PHONE# CTL : Phone number control file <more later>
PHFORMAT CTL : Phone number format file <more later>
SPECIAL# CTL : Special numbers (phone) <more later> <not required>
RADCFG? DAT : RADD control file where ? is the node number, see
COMMAND LINE parameters.
RADD LOG : Simple log file kept by RADD.
VALIDATE TXT : Text file containing message text to be posted
in BOARDNUMBER if the user is validated to
the SysOp.
NEWUSER TXT : * Text file posted to a newuser after he is validated.
This message is from the SysOp (Name if Config file)
and should contain welcome messages and such.
BLACKUSR TXT : * Text file posted to the SysOp of the BBS showing the
users name and that his records contain a BLACK listed
phone number.
SAME# TXT : * Posted to the sysop if a user attempts a CALLBACK
at a number already in use in the USERS.BBS
OLDNUM TXT : * Posted to the SysOp if a user attempts a CALLBACK
at a number already used in the FONEINF.DAT.
FONEINF DAT : File that contains USED phone numbers.
(These numbers WILL NOT be called again!)
BLACK LST : This contains a list of phone numbers that RADD
will NOT call. Good for police numbers and "Chat" (976)
line numbers. < More later >
RADDERR LOG : Log file of all system errors in RADD.
NEW MNU : Sample menu for RADD. Run under a QuickBBS/RA
environment. Should work for SBBS also.
* This notes for REGISTERED users only.
These files must be located in the BBS PATH dir:
CONFIG RA : If running RA This will be needed by RADD.
SCONFIG BBS : If Running SBBS this will be needed by RADD.
CONFIG BBS : If Running SBBS this will be needed by RADD.
QUICKCFG DAT : If Running QuickBBS this will be needed by RADD.
This file should be located in the Read/Write Exit Path (RADDCFG.EXE)
EXITINFO BBS : Used by RADD to retrieve user information.
These files should be in the normal text path used by QuickBBS/SBBS or RA.
They can optionally be located in the RADD start up directory or use /C to
define the path.
RADRAPAS ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when they are prompted for
a password to use for this verification. This was used
because of the new CRC checking in RA to keep all
passwords as secure as possible.
RADSTART ASC : Shown to non-ansi users at start of RADD.
RADCALL ASC : Shown to non-ansi users right before calling them
RADPASS ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when a connect is made -
asking for password.
RADVAL ASC : Show to non-ansi users if they have been
RADNOVAL ASC : Shown to non-ansi users if they have NOT been
RADOLD ASC : Shown to a non-ansi users if they request a CBV
when the numbers entered have already been used.
RADSAME# ASC : Shown to Non-Ansi users when thier number is already
located in the Users.BBS file.
RADNOLD ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when their phone number
contains a LDCode in the first position IF Toll Calls
are disabled.
RADDROP ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when RADD is configured to drop
carrier after verification (J command in RADDCFG)
RADHISEC ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when there security level
is equal to or greater than the Validated security
RADBLACK ASC : Shown to non-ansi users when thier phone number record
when it contains a number in the BLACK.LST file.
RADLDTIM ASC : Shown to non-ANSi users when the TIME Zone is not when
the sysop allows LD calls.
RADRAPAS ANS : Shown to ansi users when they are prompted for a
password to use for this verification. This was used
because of the new CRC checking in RA to keep all
passwords as secure as possible.
RADVAL ANS : Shown to ansi users is they have been validated.
RADCALL ANS : Shown to ansi users before the system calls them
RADSTART ANS : Shown to ansi users at start up of RADD.
RADNOVAL ANS : Shown to ansi users if the user wasn't validated.
RADPASS ANS : Shown to ansi users before the user enters his/her
RADOLD ANS : Shown to ansi users when they request a CBV when
the numbers entered have already been used.
RADSAME# ANS : Shown to Ansi users when thier number is already
located in the Users.BBS file.
RADNOLD ANS : Shown to ansi users when their phone number
contains a 1 in the first position IF Toll Calls
are disabled.
RADDROP ANS : Shown to ansi users when RADD is configured to drop
carrier after verification (J command in RADDCFG)
RADHISEC ANS : Shown to ansi users when there security level is
equal to or greater than the Validated security
RADBLACK ANS : Shown to ANSI users when thier phone number record
when it contains a number in the BLACK.LST file.
RADLDTIM ANS : Shown to ANSi users when the TIME Zone is not when
the sysop allows LD calls.
*************** ANSI and ASC files ****************
To produce a text file that will show a users information you may
use these commands in the text file :
~N = User Name
~C = User City Information
~P = Users Password
~D = Date
~M = <CR>
~S = Pause
Sample :
Date : ~D
Hello : ~N you are calling from : ~C and your system
password is ~P.
At this time these commands are only used for the ANS/ASC files and
NOT for the text files posted to the users/sysop.
****************** PHONE#.CTL ***********************
This file is used to make this program as compatible as possible
with as many phone numbers as possible. Here's a sample :
817-732- 1-817-732
817-748- 1-817-748-
817-897- 1-817-897-
214-263- 214-263-
214-299- 214-299-
214-988- 214-988-
214-251- 214-251-
214-445- 214-445-
214- 1-214-
Examples :
|Users Entered Number | Radd Returns with above control file |
817-732-6157 | 1-817-732-6157
817-444-0155 | 444-0155
817-748-2323 | 1-817-748-2323
214-333-1212 | 1-214-333-1212
214-251-3456 | 214-251-2456
817-523-7413 | 523-7143
If the users Phone number was <817-111-1111> RADD would replace
it as <111-1111> BUT if the number was <817-732-1111> RADD would
replace it as <1-817-732-11111.>
* If you run Front Door you can import the nodelist control file
* (fdnode.ctl) and remove the everything except the phone number
* dial translations (PHONE#.CTL does not support commenting!)
* and you should be safe.
Remember that RADD matches the FIRST prefix that matches the
users phone number. So make sure you get all the correct numbers
first and then do a "Catch" all as I did ( the last 817- ).
Radd will add a 1- (Configurable in RADDCFG) if the users phone
number is NOT found in the phone#.ctl file. Thus it will be
considered long distance.
*************** PHFORMAT.CTL **************************
This file is use so you can force the users to enter a
number formated in fashion you like. This makes it
alot easier for the PHONE#.CTL files...
Your control file should look something like this :
-------- PHFORMAT.CTL ---------
------- EOF ------------------
Place X's where you would normally have a digit and -'s where
you want a dash - if anyother character is used it will be assumed
to be a seperator and force the user to use that character in the
phone number format.
The X's are where numbers should be and the rest is matched
as the format. Thus 817-732-6157 would match line number 1.
If the number does not match any format it will be called a
bad number format (if FORCE FORMAT is enabled) and force the
user to correct the problem.
PHFORMAT.CTL can contain as many formats as you like.
****************** SPECIAL#.CTL ***********************
---------- WARNING ---------------------------------------------
This is generally not needed for most sysops, so be careful in
using this control file! Numbers located here could cause LD calls
when you don't want them!
Special#.ctl is used for numbers that may seem to be long distance but aren't.
The format for Special#.ctl is the same as Phone#.ctl, but numbers here, NO
MATTER WHAT, will NOT be considered Long distance.
For example if 1-817-732-6157 was NOT considered LD I would add :
817-732- 1-817-732-
And RADD would assume that the number was not LD and would dial out using
the translated number with all other considerations as a LOCAL call.
Normally this file will not be needed for most areas, but some areas require
this file. If you are not sure, DON'T use it, this could cause you to have
a Long Distance bill you do not want.
*********** BLACK.LST ******************
Format is this:
If the users account contains the number 817-732-6157 ANYWERE the
user will be shown RADBLACK.* and placed back at the BBS. If the users
record contained 900-976-1111 it would also act as above. Place as
many numbers as you like here.
*********** RADD SETUP *****************
Here is the main control file for RADD although all others
are REQUIRED this one is the most important.
RadCfg?.DAT is created by running RaddCfg.EXE. You MUST run
RaddCFG.EXE to create this file or Radd will terminate with a
error level 254. To create your new RADCFG?.DAT type RADDCFG.
You will then be given a menu with a list of avalible changes
you can make. If you are running RADD in a multi-node environment
you can define the node data file to create use /n2 (for node 2)
or /n3 (for node 3) ect...RaddCfg defaults to Node 1.
Here is a sample of the menu.
Welcome to RADD; Remote Access Direct Dial CBV.
1) Modem ComPort : 2
2) Modem Init : ATZ|
3) Modem Dial : ATM1X7S11=50E0DT
4) Modem Dial Suffix : |
5) LD Dialing Code : 1-
6) Toll Calls : [■] 7) Quit after LD Calls : [■]
8) Duplicate phone Check : [■] 9) Check ALL User Numbers : [ ]
0) Allow Number Edit : [■] F) Force USA Phone format : [■]
J) Always Drop Caller : [ ]
*) BBS Path : D:\QBBS\
@) Radd LogFile Name : D:\QBBS\SYSTEM.LOG
+) Message Board : 2
M) Message base path : D:\QBBS\
#) Write/Read Path to Exit: D:\QBBS\
T) Start/EndTime LDCalls : 01:00 - 23:59
!) Validated Sec : 50
A) Aflag : XX??????
B) Bflag : X???????
C) Cflag : ????????
D) Dflag : -???????
Select ; Q)uit :
1 = The comport that RADD will be running under. 1-4 is avalible.
2 = Modem init string. | are translated as <CR> and ~ are translated
as 500 mil seconds delay. You may do several different things here.
You may either take the modem OFF hook (with the correct
AT command) or you can use the standard init feature.
**************** NOTE ********************
If you have problems such as "No dialing out" or commands
not getting sent to the modem add the ~ charater between
the charaters to slow it down a bit. This has been
known to cure almost all the problems in the inits.
3 = Modem Dial prefix string. Normally ATDT, DO NOT ADD '|' after PREFIX!
4 = Modem dial suffix. Sent to modem after the dial+ the users phone number.
Normally | (CR).
5 = Ld dialing code is the code added to numbers NOT FOUND in the phone#.ctl
file. Normally 1- (for US).
6 = Are Long distance calls allowed? See "More information about Toll
7 = Log user OFF after a Long distance call? (Enabled by default.)
if a LD call is made and a validation is successful RADD will
show Radldrop.* and disconnect.
8 = If enabled will force RADD to check the Foneinf.DAT and the Users.BBS
file to see if the users number is a duplicate number on this system.
RADD will only check the number being called back unless option '+'
is enabled. If disable, forces RADD to NOT check for duplicate
numbers anywere!
9 = If enabled (along with '*' option) RADD will check BOTH the users
numbers to see if the numbers are located in the USERS.BBS file.
This means that if a user enters a work number that is also used by
another person, but uses the CBV to call his home number he would not
be allowed to do so. This was added so that people using the built in
CBV in QBBS would still have that feature if they wished. I however
consider checking the number being called back more than sufficient.
0 = Are the users allowed to EDIT their phone numbers? (All changes are
made to the BBS records also!).
* = Path to QuickCFG.DAT for QuickBBS or Config.RA for Remote Access or
@ = Path and Name of the RADD logfile. C:\BBS\RADD\RADD.LOG
+ = This is the message base RADD will place "reports" on users.
See Validated.TXT and "EXTRA information on BoardNumber".
# = This is the location to read and write the EXITINFO.BBS. Be sure
this is the correct location.
F = Forces the USA style of phone numbers (XXX-XXX-XXXX). This was added
as a kludge for RA as it does not have a FORCE US format as QBBS/SBBS
J = Forces RADD to drop carrier after the caller is verified. This can
be used to drop all calls after verification, or you can use "7" to
drop carrier ONLY if they where a toll call.
T = This is the time "Zone" that Ld calls are allowed (only when TollCalls
are enabled) are allowed. You can configure when LDcalls are allowed,
such as between 7:00pm and 11:00pm (Military time 1900 - 2300).
M = This is the directory to the MSG*.BBS files. This should clear up
so of the multi-node problems alot of systems are having.
! = This is the security level given to a user if the Validation was
A = Which flags should be turned on or off. Use 1 to turn ON and
0 to turn OFF or ? to LEAVE the flag as is.
B = Same as Aflag.
C = Same as Aflag.
D = Same as Aflag.
Radd is very simple to setup (and should be more so in the future).
To run RADD under QuickBBS/SBBS and RA setup a type 7 menu command (or
type 15 if you like) and make the data line similar to this :
*c /c radd.bat *m
( SBBS requires *s instead of *m AND a *E
i.e. "*c /c radd.bat *S *E " )
(The *m will make QBBS 2.75+ and RA swap to disk, *S makes SBBS do simular)
Make a batch file, similar to this (using your dirs of course)
########################### RADD.BAT ########################
Special parameters for RADD :
Default to present Directory.
Path to : Phone#.CTL,Special#.CTL, Foneinf.DAT,Black.Lst and *.TXT files
and *.ANS/&.ASC . RADD defaults to the present directory for the CTL files.
Path to USERS.BBS file. This can be used to define where the USERS.BBS file
is held.
Node = the node RADD is running under. If node 1 no command
line is required. If node 2 then "Radd.exe /n2" would work.
Starts DEBUG mode. This will cause some "extra" information to
be placed into the log file and the the screen output. Not needed
unless you are tracking down a problem.
After RADD.exe is executed and if a validation is made, the
Exitinfo.BBS file will be written into the write/read directory so the
new information will be read in. Radd will run just as well in a local
environment. In local mode however, no outgoing calls are made.
******** Extra Information about BoardNumber *************
If the board number is defined as 2 and the user is validated it will
place the text file Validate.txt in the BoardNumber message base.
Here is a sample message posted.
TO : Sysop Name HERE
From : Radd Report
Subj : Radd Report on Validated User Name HERE
Date : XX/XX/XX
The subject user completed the call back verification
completely and has had his/her access level upgraded to
a validated user.
Remember you can write your OWN Validate.TXT file. One is sent in
the RADD*.ARJ packet as a default message. To disable this feature place
a number 0 in the board number and RADD will NOT place the message
message base.
NEWUSER.TXT will be posted to a user upon validation. This is for
Registered sysops only. I use NEWUSER.TXT to give the users a little
information about the BBS. I force a Check For Waiting Mail at the
newuser menu with a ^A char as the first command, BUT be sure that the
^A is for the Validated security level only otherwise the users will be
forced into the Check for waiting mail EVERY TIME they hit the enter key.
I include NEW.MNU for you to use, however I run QuickBBS so this
may or may not work under the RA environment.
* Read your BBS MENU documentation about ^A and the check for waiting mail
menu type.
I have tried as much as possible to make RADD share aware. BUT there are
some programs (tossers/scanners) that ARE NOT share aware. Radd will
attempt to LOCK the MsgBase files to write to the msgbase. If an error
occurs RADD will not post the message. BE warned about this possible
problem, it is not RADD.
******** Extra information about TOLL CALL ****************
Radd will check to see if the number LDCODE (defined in the RADDCFG)
is in the first position in the users phone number. If so the user
is considered a Long Distance caller. This is used for the Hang up
after LD caller and also if you have LD calls disabled. Special#.CTL
phone numbers do not apply here.
********* RADDERR.LOG ************
RADD reports system errors in this file. If you are having trouble and
RADDERR.LOG is created this will help me to track down the problem that
your system is having. If this file DOES show up please feel free to send
it to me via netmail or post in the support echos so that I can quickly
determine what the problem is.
########################### SYSOP KEYS ########################
ALT-H : Drop Carrier.
ALT-G : Simulate Line noise (Hehehe...);
ALT-W : Wake up call, sends continuous stream of
ASCII 7 (BELL) to remote site until key is pressed
(local or remote)
>>>>>>>>>>> VERSION 1.5 ADDTIONS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
o Added Time zone LDCall support.
o Added forced Phone number format.
o Added support for 16800BPS connects. Shows 9600 but is set
to correct BPS rate as 16800 is a locked rate.
o Added configurable path and name of the RADD logfile
o Added configurability of forcing USA format.
o Reworked some of the call back codes.
o Added collision support.
o The last and greatest reason for a new release is
the support of SuperBBS!
1.5d Fixes
o Black.Lst was not working, corrected.
o Special#.CTL was incorrect, should work.
o Can now have ' ' (blank) LD Dialing code (OverSeas)
o Can now configure 00:01 - 24:00 for Ld calls
o Fixed "Drop After Ld" bug that would loop for about
10 hours...was nasty!
1.5e Fixes
o Checks for USERS.BBS in MAIN BBS dir and MSGBase dir.
o Fixed random Floating point error.
o Added new Checks for BUSY and NODIAL (actually they where there
just did not work very well).
o Added message base directory config. Solves the multi-node
problems with some systems. ('M' command in RADDCFG.EXE)
o Fixed phone number dupe checking bug.
o Added support for RA 2.0 Gamma.
o Added drop carrier after any call.
o Added more checking for MESSAGES.RA.
o Added/Created a new RMaint utility to update the
foneinf.dat to match your USERS.BBS
That's it! If you have any questions I can be reached through the
QuickBBS, QuickPRO, RA_Util,SBBS echo or via 1:130/28 FidoNet.
If you have questions or suggestions I'd be glad to see them. Once
again you can send NetMail to Mike Wilson 1:130/28 with any
(God forbid) bug reports or suggestions.
You can always get the newest version of RADD from these fidonet
address's :
Fidonet Address SysOp Name BPS/Modem FileName
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ MagicName
1:130/28 Mike Wilson 14.4k USR D/S RADD
1:130/402 Bill Wynne 14.4k USR D/S RADD
1:130/63 Les Diefenbach 14.4k USR HST RADD
1:124/8002 James Ray 14.4k USR D/S RADD
1:2260/7 James Thompson 9600 v.32 RADD
1:14/643 Steve Mitchell v32BIS CSP RADD
1:102/1001 Mike Ehlert 14.4k USR D/S RADD
1:130/405 Gary Murphy 2400BPS RADD
1:273/918 Scott Lentz 2400BPS RADD
1:124/2213 Ken Givens 14.4k USR HST RADD
1:355/10 Hugh Bell 9600 v.32 RADD
1:384/13 Mark Thornton 9600 v32/v42bis RADD
1:365/156 Bill Marshall 9600 USR D/S RADD
6:700/443 Simon Ma ???????????? RADD