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296 lines
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Version 1.06
Copyright (C) Dale K Maupin & Renegade Software
All Rights Reserved
Remote Access 2.xx or 2.50.g1 File Tagger and Sender
Private File Transfers for Preferred Users
RASendit is a little utility program for tagging and sending
files to users as they log onto your BBS. This allows for quick
on-off operation of getting files. It will allow for group tagging
which is handy for programmers to send beta files out to beta testers
without the beta testers having to do the complete log on procress
and then go to files and so forth, sure a message can be left to get
this file or that file. RASendIt takes out the guess work and has
the file waiting for ther users as they log on.
I got this idea from the Spitfire BBS system which I used to
run until switching to RA. I am friends with the Spitfire author
and so I have moved this idea on to RA.
The archive consists of two executable files: CfgSend.Exe and
RaSendit.Exe. CfgSend is executed by the sysop and it allows him
to select a desired file and place it on hold for a particular user.
It also holds the configuration information used by the entire
program. Upon exiting CfgSend, it will automatically set a user flag
in the appropriate user's account to allow the program to run
seamlessly. Other BBS users will never know the program is there.
RaSendit is run automatically from RA's top menu. Beyond the
original installation in RACONFIG, the sysop never touches it again.
When the selected user logs on, he will see the RaSendit screen and be
asked if he wants to pick up his file(s). He then selects the desired
transfer protocol and downloads the file(s). He then is given the
option of continuing on to the bbs or logging off immediately.
RaSendit will then reset his flag so that he won't go through the door
again until the sysop desires.
Unpack the archive into your RA home directory. RASendIt requires
the config.ra file to operate. RASendIt is completely multi-node and
uses file and record locking to accomplish this task. Two programs
are included in this archive. RASendIt.Exe which is the file sender
and CfgSend.Exe which is the config program to set up the file tags.
A data file named RASendit.dat will be created in the RA directory,
this file has all the data from CfgSend. A log is created with the
name you specify in the setup program. A copy of DSZ.Com must exist
in the directory where you place RASendit. The RASendit data files
must reside in the RA directory and also it's key file if you have
one must also reside in that directory. The Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def
file needed to operate will be found in the directory you specify
on the command line.
Two display files are provided for use with RASendIt and will be
displayed as the user logs on to RASendIt. The names of these files
must be the same as the ones provided:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If these files are not found in the same directory
as RASendit (RA) then a default display will appear. Do NOT place
the ansi and asci screens in the \txtfiles subdirectory.
You can run RASendIt from anywhere within RA but I suggest you
run it from the TOP menu as that way it works as a log on-off program.
Set it up as a Type 7 Menu.
RASendIt requires two parameters to run:
Single Line
Example RASendit.Bat:
cd \ra\node1
rasendit 1 c:\ra\node1 the 1 = the comport
The *M is optional but will allow the program to run faster with
more memory. All the other parameters are required. For more info
on the parameters see your RA 2.xx documents.
Failure to provide the parameters will cause the program to abort
back to RA.
Multi-line example using a bat file
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
│ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
│ ;
│ *C /C d:\sf\ra\node*N\rasendit.bat *M
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7)
│ Display
│ OptData
│ HotKey
│ AutoExec Yes
│ Colour Colour example
│ MinSec 25 TimeUsed 0 FlatCost 0
│ MaxSec 0 TimeLeft 0 TimeCost 0
│ A flags X------- Age 0 Terminal Any
│ B flags -------- MinSpeed 0 Nodes
│ C flags -------X MaxSpeed 0 Groups
│ D flags -------- Credit 0 DayTimes
Single-line example...
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
│ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
│ ;
│ d:\sf\ra\rasendit.exe *P *M
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7)
│ Display
│ OptData
│ HotKey
│ AutoExec Yes
│ Colour Colour example
│ MinSec 25 TimeUsed 0 FlatCost 0
│ MaxSec 0 TimeLeft 0 TimeCost 0
│ A flags X------- Age 0 Terminal Any
│ B flags -------- MinSpeed 0 Nodes
│ C flags -------X MaxSpeed 0 Groups
│ D flags -------- Credit 0 DayTimes
To hold files for a particular user, you must run CfgSend first.
This will set up the parameters: which file to send, and to whom, as
well as other configuration information. See CFGSEND.DOC for further
Once the user logs on and moves into the Door he will be presented
with a screen displaying the ansi/ascii/default screens and then it
will move to check to see if the user has a file waiting. If the
user has a file waiting then he will be presented with a display
like this:
■ Retrieving user data ... Please wait...
■ Hello Dale Maupin
■ Following file waiting for Download
■ Filename: RASND_14.ZIP
■ Description: Remote Access Filetag and Send v 1.00
If this is a group send then you see this:
■ This is a Group Send File...
If the user has already received the file then they see:
■ Sorry..., You have already received this file...
■ Proceeding to next file if any...
After all of the above is decided then if you can D/l it you see:
■ Do you wish to D/L it now Y/N?
If you pick Y then you see:
■ Pick the number of the preferred transfer protocol:
<1> Zmodem
<2> Ymodem
<3> Xmodem
<4> Quit
NOTE: All the file transfers are accomplished using DSZ.COM,
as such, this file must be in your path or in your RA
home directory.
If Local you get:
<C>ontinue to copy
Once all the file transfer are completed the program will
end and require the user to press Return to move on.
After moving on the user can Hang-Up or move on to the BBS.
Registration will remove some of the nag-ware delays and screens
and also allow you to receive free upgrades to the program. The
registration is accomplished via a key system, similar to other
systems. The Fee for registration is $ 20.00.
Make sure the RASendit.Key file is in your RA Directory !!!
Please send all registrations to the following address:
Dale K Maupin
11168 Wharf Cove
EL Paso, Texas 79936
Needed in the reg info are the following: See RASendit.Reg
Reg can be done by: Check, M/O & Credit Card
Also available for RA:
RAWelc10.Zip : Welcome screen rotater
RAGdby10.Zip : Goodbye screen rotater
RAUSR210.Zip : RA 2.xx user editor
RANEWS14.Zip : RA News bulletin creator
plus much more
Call the BBS:
The Renegade BBS (915)-592-9687 2400 - 28800 V.34
FidoNet: 1:381/149
Internet: DMaupin435@AOL.Com or renegade@dzn.com
Online registration is now available... :-)
- Mike Woltz who wrote Spitfire BBS for the idea.
- Jay Hanig who made corrections and wrote these docs for me. Thanks Jay.
Call Jay's Mean Machine (1:379/41) at: (704)-552-8801 V.34
Jay Hanig - Jay's Mean Machine (1:379/41) at (704)-552-8801 V.34 (RA)
Steve Watson - The Golden Saber BBS (1:128/235) at (719)-576-8227 V.34 (PB)
Robert Szarka - Sea of Noise (1:320/42) at (860)-886-1441 (RA)
David Hickey - The North Star (1:261/1108) at (410)-974-9305 (RA)
Mike Roark - The Beachcomber (2:2490/7009) at (49)-9827-4766
Arthur Stark - Tops Diamond Mine I & II (1:395/670) at (817)-542-8783
Tom Barstow - Little America (1:271/290) at (804)-564-9013
The Golden Saber Jay's Mean Machine The BeachComber
Steve Watson Jay Hanig Mike Roark
Colorado Springs, CO. Charlotte, NC. Langenloh, Germany
(719) 576-8227 (704) 552-8801 (49)-9827-4766
Fidonet: 1:128/235 Fidonet: 1:379/41 Fidonet: 2:2490/7009