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█ ▄ ▀ █ █ SuperBBS Remote User Editor
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version 2.00
DOCUMENTS ════════════════ (C) Copyright 1992 by Pasi Talliniemi
■ Preface
RUE - SuperBBS Remote User Editor - is at its release date the
most versatile user editor for SuperBBS. It is completely menu
configurable and includes almost everything that you have ever
dreamed of. It has been designed mainly for remote use but
since there is no potential rivals at this moment I guess it
will be a lot used locally, too. There is, however, one thing
for which RUE cannot compete with local editors - speed. You
just have to live with it till I am able to release Sue.
■ Legal stuff
This software is copyrighted 1992 by Pasi Talliniemi. You are
not allowed to charge for this software, modify the files in any
way, or add files to the original distribution archive. This
program is only guaranteed to take up disk space, nothing else.
Use at your own risk.
RUE - SuperBBS Remote User Editor v 2.00 - is released under the
Shareware concept. This means that you can test the software for
30 days, before you either have to register or to stop using it.
Otherwise you are violating the Shareware concept. Registration
entitles you to use any version of this software!
Please support the Shareware concept. Through this concept it is
possible to test the software before paying for it.
How to register? Please check out file HOWTOREG.TXT for further
■ Some features:
- Edit user
- Search user(s)
- Global edit
- Validate new users
- View questionnaire file answers
- Delete user from .ASW
- View log files
- Add user to / Remove user from .CTL-files
- Select combined boards
- View security level limits
- Go to user
- Completely menu configurable; menu editor included
- Hot keys in menus
- Templates
■ How to setup?
∙ Quick Setup
Check out the file named START.TXT!
∙ Configuration file
You should modify RUE.CFG to fit your system with a plain
ASCII text editor. The file is pretty well commented so I do
not repeat everything here.
Note: All the configuration commands in RUE.CFG between
"KEYWORD" and "END" are used only if you define -K<keyword>
on the command line. "ELSE" is also supported.
For example, I needed an own configuration to set only the
combined boards so I put that configuration under keyword
"COMBINED". To use it I specify -KCOMBINED on the command
line. If I do not do so that configuration will not be used.
Very handy - you do not have to have several configuration
∙ Parameters
RUE.EXE -C<configfile> [-K<keyword>] [-L] *E
-C<configfile> This MUST be specified on the command line
- otherwise RUE will not even start.
-K<keyword> Specifies special configuration keyword;
Configuration specified under this keyword
will be used.
-L Forces to the local mode.
*E Must be included on the command line if
run from SuperBBS (as usual). (Enables
editing of user him/herself.)
∙ Included Menus
There are currently four different menus to RUE. And each of
them are taken to use just by changing parameter -K:s value.
-KNORMALMENUS These are very fast menus, contain all the
abilities that RUE has!
-KSUEMENUS These are SUE (SuperBBS User Editor) alike
menus, not very fast but still quite nice.
-KMEGAEDITMENUS MegaEdit is (C) by MegaGroup/Raimo Virta.
Raimo gave me his written permission to
use these nice ANSIs in RUE. Thanks.
-KCOMBINED Combined boards selection to your BBS.
Just disable SuperBBS's internal combined
boards selection and run this both in your
NEWUSER.Q-A and in menus (wherever it is
possible to select combined boards).
If you are able to make any new menus or ansis, please send
them to me, too. I would really appreciate that.
■ Edit user
∙ Keys available while editing:
ASCII 32 - ASCII 255 : Normal input (#32..#255)
Ctrl-P : Wait for special char;
next char can be also #0..#31
Delete : Delete current char
Backspace : Delete previous char
Ctrl-Backspace : Delete previous word
Ctrl-E : Delete chars to the end of the string
Ctrl-T : Delete next word
Ctrl-Y : Delete current string
Ctrl-V, Insert : Toggle insert mode
Home : Go to the start of the string
End : Go to the end of the string
Ctrl-S, Cursor Left : Go to previous char
Ctrl-D, Cursor Right : Go to next char
Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Left : Go to the start of the previous word
Ctrl-F, Ctrl-Right : Go to the end of the next word
Enter : Quit edit, accept changes
∙ Note:
1) First letters of alias may be capitalized.
- Magic config word: CAPITALIAS ON/OFF.
- Example: "the city manager of el paso" ->
"The City Manager Of El Paso".
2) First letters of city may be capitalized.
- Magic config word: CAPITCITY ON/OFF.
- Example: "eL pASO, fINLAND" ->
"El Paso, Finland".
3) User may not edit other users' passwords unless his/her
name is 'Sysop'.
- Magic config word: EDITPASSWORD ON/OFF.
4) User may not put too high a security level.
- Magic config word: MAXSECTOPUT <SECLVL>.
- Example: User is trying to change his/her security level
to 32000 but does not succeed in it because "maximum"
security level is lower than 32000.
- Note: If edited user has already higher security level
than this maximum one and the security level is changed
it cannot be restored with RUE!
5) User cannot edit users with "too" high a security level.
- Magic config word: MAXSECTOEDIT <SECLVL>.
- Example: User is trying to edit Sysop with security level
32000 but does not succeed in it because "maximum"
security level is lower than 32000.
- Note: Even that user has higher security level than this
maximum one he/she cannot edit users with higher security
level - not even him/herself!
6) All changes in user information will be saved in RUE.LOG.
- Magic config word: FULLLOGS ON/OFF.
- Examples: RUE.LOG:
Edited #0: Security level 32000 -> 0
Edited #130: Deleted Yes -> No
7) Flags can also be edited invidually when they are just like
attributes. (See menutype "Flags, Invidual".)
■ Search user(s)
∙ Note:
I beg your pardon that RUE is quite slow while searching or
editing globally but I wanted to include all user options and
I did not want to take any compability risks!
1) What to search?
A) String:
- Enter search string.
- Case will be ignored and the search string can be just a
part of a word or so.
- Example:
Search cities by "El" :
Found users from cities: "EL PASO", "Gargamel's Place"...
B) Number, Date, Time:
- Enter <method> and <number/date/time> to search.
- Methods are:
· "=" ie. SAME AS <searchstr>. Equation sign is default.
· "<" ie. LESS THAN or BEFORE <searchstr>.
· ">" ie. MORE THAN or AFTER <searchstr>.
- Examples:
· Search security levels by ">100" :
Found users with sec.lvls 100 or more.
· Search last login dates by "=12-31-91" (mm-dd-yy) :
Found users who have last logged in New Year's Eve.
· Search first login times by "<00:30" (hh:mm) :
Found users who logged in before 00:30 am at their
first call.
- Note: NO spaces are allowed in search strings!
C) Flag, Attribute:
- Enter <method> and <flag(s)/attribute(s)> to search.
- More than one flag to search can be entered.
- Methods are:
· "+" ie. flag/attribute is ON. Plus sign is default.
· "-" ie. flag/attribute is OFF.
- Examples:
· Flags, Search users by "A1+ B1+" :
Found users who have flags A1 and B1 ON.
· Attributes, Search users by "A0+ B3-" :
(attributes are shown on the screen so it is "a little"
easier to remember correct letters and numbers.)
Found all DELETED MALE users.
2) After confirm the search begins. You may stop the search by
pressing <Ctrl-C>. After search, RUE sorts found users.
(TP and C programmers, I need FAST double linked list sort
3) Selecting users. Found users are shown on the screen.
- <Cursor Up> and <Cursor Down> moves cursor.
- <Plus sign> or <Page Up> changes to previous page.
- <Minus> or <Page Down> changes to next page.
- <Space> chooses that user ie. quits select mode and jumps
to that user.
- <"S"> chooses user by number (there are numbers on the
left side of the screen, entering that number selects
that user).
4) Searching again.
- RUE will ask you if you want to search again with "found"
users or to clear the find user list.
· Clearing the list means that RUE will search wanted
things from the whole user base again.
· Without clearing the list you can search users by
SEVERAL different options.
- Example: User wants to find all users who have both flags
A1 and B1 set ON and whose security level is over 50 and
who live in New York. First he/she could search by those
flags. Then he/she WON'T clear the find user list because
he/she is going to search again, this time by security
level. At last, he/she searchs by city. Those who are
left match the search items.
■ New user validation
New user validation is based on the search by new user security
level. In addition, it is possible to view new user answers, set
new security level and templates directly in the "select users"
I recommend warmly using this menutype - it is very handy and it
really speeds things up!
■ Global edit
∙ How to edit globally?
A) String, date, time:
- Enter string to be replaced. Case will be ignored.
- Enter string to replace with. Case will not be ignored.
- If "string to be replaced" is left empty the whole field
is replaced with "string to replace with".
- If "string to replace with" is left empty "string to
be replaced" will be deleted.
- Examples:
· User wants to replace all "Sf" or "SF" or "sf" strings
with "Finland" in city fields.
Replace, city:
1) String to be replaced: "Sf"
2) String to replace with: "Finland"
· User wants to delete all "Not yet commented." strings
in comment fields.
Replace, comment:
1) String to be replaced: "Not yet commented."
2) String to replace with: "" (empty)
· User wants to change all comments back to "Not yet
commented." in comment fields.
Replace, comment:
1) String to be replaced: "" (empty)
2) String to replace with: "Not yet commented."
B) Number:
- Enter "method" and "number".
- Methods:
· "+" ie. ADD <number> to field's old value.
· "-" ie. SUBTRACT <number> from field's old value.
· "=" ie. REPLACE field's old value with <number>.
Equalisation sign is default.
- Example: User wants to increase security levels by 10.
Replace, sec.lvl: "+10"
- Note: NO spaces are allowed.
C) Flag, Attribute:
- Enter "flag/attribute" and "method".
- Several flags/attributes may be entered.
- Methods:
· "+" ie. turn flag or attribute ON. Equalisation sign is
· "-" ie. turn flag or attribute OFF.
- Examples:
· User wants to mark users as deleted.
Replace, attribute: "A0+"
· User wants to set flags D1 ON and D3 OFF.
Replace, flag: "D1+ D3-"
∙ How to select users to be edited globally?
RUE will replace only "found" users. Normally, it would be all
users, but it can be limited by normal search functions.
- User wants to mark flag A1 ON on all users who have security
level 10 or below.
1) Search, sec.lvl: "<11"
2) Replace, flags: "A1+"
- User wants to reduce maximum time in time bank (By the way,
who needs one when Unlimited Door Bank can be used) to 180
1) Search, time bank: ">180"
2) Replace, time bank: "=180"
- User wants to increase all users' netmail credit and pending
by 10.
1) Clear "find user" list (if necessary)
2) Replace, credit: "+10"
3) Replace, pending: "+10"
■ SysOp keys available from console
- Alt-C Line chat. The user or SysOp can change his/her text
color while in chat by pressing Ctrl-P and a number
between 0 and 7.
- Alt-H Hangup user.
- Alt-J Swap to disk or EMS and shell to OS.
- Ctrl-PgUp Increase user's time left.
- Ctrl-PgDn Decrease user's time left.
■ Password protection
You may define one to three passwords that are asked from the
user at the beginning. If passwords do not match, user will not
be let in the editor.
■ Questionnaire answers
You are able to view user's questionnaire answers in RUE - not
just the new user answers but the others, too. If needed, you
may define the string that separates users (as default it is
"** <username> answered on <date> at <time>"). RUE will show all
user's answers if answered more than once.
If you want, you may delete user's all, older or newer answers.
For example, if the user has given three times his/her new user
answers, you may delete them all from NEWUSER.ASW or save only
the oldest/newest answers.
■ Logs
You should be able to view any log file in RUE though the only
log files "officially" supported are SBBSUP.LOG, SBBSDOWN.LOG,
SYSTEM.LOG, CHAT.LOG and RUE.LOG. You can view all the user's
activity or all the activity today in log.
RUE keeps its own log, RUE.LOG. It is a plain ASCII file that
contains all activities in RUE. And if you have set "FULLLOGS"
on (log also changes in user base), it is even easier to see
what user has done in RUE.
■ .CTL-files
RUE can show you in which .CTL-files the edited user exists. For
example, if the user is in VIP.CTL and NOBCHECK.CTL, it will be
shown on the screen.
You are able to add the user to a .CTL-file or correspondingly
remove the user from the .CTL-file.
■ Combined board settings
Combined boards may be set with RUE, too. Boards may be set on
and off using cursor keys. Screens can be scrolled back- and
forward with plus and minus signs. In addition, at the bottom of
the screen is an edit line on which you may specify following
A) <num>[..<num>][:ON/OFF]
Board <num> or boards from <num> to <num> can be set on or off.
Examples: 1..100:ON Boards from 1 to 100 are turned on.
1:OFF Board 1 is turned off.
1 If board 1 is on, it is turned off and
vice versa.
B) [*]<str>[*][:ON/OFF]
Boards whose name start with <str> or contain <str> or is <str>
can be set on or off.
Examples: SF.*:ON All "SF." starting boards are turned on.
*:OFF All boards are turned off.
JOKES:ON Board "JOKES" is turned on.
*SYSOP:ON All boards whose name contains word
"SYSOP" are turned on.
Local, net mail and echo mail boards can be set on or off.
Examples: LOCAL:ON Local boards are turned on.
ECHO:OFF Echo mail boards are turned off.
■ Import file to message base
The user may send a text file as a message. RUE asks the name of
the text file, receiver's name ("All" or "*Everyone*" if for
everyone), subject, message board and if the message is private
or public.
■ Templates
It is possible to create templates which can be assigned to the
user or the group of users. Template contains: security level,
flags A to D and file name.
User's security level will be changed only if (s)he has lower
security level than in template unless "force" flag is on.
And the same with the flags: User's flags will not be turned off
unless "force" flag is on.
If file name is specified, that file will be imported to message
base to that user.
These templates are very handy when updating users and I really
recommend using them, at least when you are using many flags.
■ Move User, Swap two users
You are able to move a user in the user base to another location
there. Moving is still very slow operation but works properly so
do not worry if your hard drive is having hard time.
You may also swap locations of two users in the user base. This
is fast and preferable to 'move user' when, for example, moving
the system operator back to him/her place (in the beginning of
the user files).
■ Other menutypes
- Show About:
"SuperBBS Remote User Editor v2.00..."
- Show User Name:
"Record #<num>: <name>, <alias> [(new user)] [(deleted)]".
- Your Command: Shows the string defined in the config file.
The cursor will always be placed after that string.
- Show Time Left: Shows string "Time: " and user's time left.
- View Limits: Shows security level limits found in LIMITS.BBS
■ Information about creating menus
- First menu can be defined in config file ("TOPMENUFILE").
- Default menu can be defined in config file ("DEFMENUFILE")
(same as INCLUDE1.MNU in SuperBBS). "Move'n'edit" functions
are not available in this menu.
- Every menu command can be secured with security level and
flags (as in SuperBBS).
- Fields:
Type - Edit/File/Find/Global/Other
Key - Key needed to process this menutype (see below)
Info - File menutypes: Filename
Other menutypes: X and Y coordinates, colour
Edit menutype: also "Ed" which tells if this edit
field cannot be edited (just shown)
Func - Menutype's name
- Special keys in menutypes:
^S - Left, ^D - Right, ^E - Up, ^X - Down,
^W - Home, ^Z - End
^A - Execute this menutype automatically (for example, show
ansi file at the beginning of the menu)
^B - "Move'n'edit" function (only with EDIT menutypes)
- Move'n'edit: User may "walk" through edit menutypes with
cursor keys and edit by pressing Enter. All other keys are
processed normally.
- Keys available in menu editor (while not editing):
Alt-H, F1 - Show help
F2 - Show 'load automatically' Ansi screens
Ctrl-F2 - Disable selecting cursor positions from Ansi
Alt-S, F5 - Secure menutype: set sec.lvl and flags
F9, Shift-F10 - Load menu or New menu
F10 - Save menu
Alt-J - Swap to disk or EMS and shell to OS
Alt-M - Move line
Alt-C - Copy line to undelete buffer
Alt-U - Undelete line
Ins - Insert line
Del - Delete line
Enter - Edit menu type
Esc - Exit
■ Bugs - do they exist? And what about the future?
Well, I have tested this software far and carefully and in this
release version there should NOT be any bugs. If you still can
find one, please report to me!
I will continue developing this software if people show their
interest to this software by registrating their copies! I need,
however, a lot of new ideas and improving suggestions, and YOU
are the one who may help me.
What do you think about these documents? Could you write better
ones? I have almost no time for writing documents and all help
would be appreciated.
You may contact me by writing netmail or snailmail to me or by
calling directly to my BBS.
∙ Fidonet 2:220/297
Vnet 46:8616/80
Supernet 42:1200/311
Delightnet 105:13581/310
∙ Pasi Talliniemi
Tiilitie 3
SF-05200 Rajamäki
∙ EL PASO, +358-0-2903463 (Diana), 24H, v.32bis v.42bis
■ Thanks!
Yeah, to all registered users!
Special thanks go to Simo Tirri and Vesa Pajula for beta-testing
and giving a lot of ideas!
With best regards,
Pasi Talliniemi