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│ (c) copyright 1988-1995 by Santronics Software │
This is a checkoff list for proper installation and operation of Silver
Xpress. Print this documentation and go through each item.
┌──┐ Make sure utilities such as PKZIP, ARJ, LHA are available
└──┘ in a directory defined in the PATH statement.
To see if this is set up correctly, make a temporary directory
called JUNK, off the Xpress directory. Switch to this directory
and attempt to run PKZIP, PKUNZIP, ARJ, LHA or any other utility.
If DOS says "Bad Commmand or File Name", the utilities are not
on the PATH.
Check the XPARCH.CTL file and make sure the definitions are
correct for your system.
Please note that we define two options for PKZIP, new and old
compression. The old definition assumes you have a copy of the old
pkzip available. In XPARCH.CTL, we named it OPKZIP.EXE Please review
┌──┐ Make sure the XPRESS.BAT (XPRESS for PCBOARD) is correct for your
└──┘ setup. Make sure it is switching directories and/or drives
┌──┐ Make sure the BBS will call the XPRESS.BAT (XPRESS for PCBOARD)
└──┘ correctly. Do this by calling Xpress via the BBS.
┌──┐ Do you want users to request file downloads with Silver Xpress?
Check the SETUP/MISC options. Set the file request amount to
zero, if you want to turn this off. If you want to set it on a
per user basis, edit the user flags.
The same is true with file uploads.
┌──┐ If you are not part of Fidonet, skip this. As a FIDO sysop,
└──┘ you may be offering netmail to your users. Check the Netmail
information section and make sure the netmail attributes are
set to what you want.
┌──┐ File Scanner: Make sure you only allow the scanned areas to
└──┘ be secured by you. In other words, look at the file areas
picked up by Xpress, and make sure the high security areas are
not scanned by simulating a user login and usage of Xpress (Log
in as a user).
┌──┐ Check the XPPROT.CTL. This file now defaults to using the internal
└──┘ file transfer protocols in Silver Xpress. If you have some reason
why you prefer to use an external protocol, modify this file.
Note: The old XMT, a home grown program with XYZ modem capabilities,
is now obsolete.