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Filelist and Filearea Header generator for Ezycom 1.02
(TEzyList is copyright 1993 Thomas Holmström)
(Manual written by Thomas Holmström and David Morris)
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Table of Contents
CONDITIONS OF USE....................................1
TZYSETUP - HOW DO I SET UP TEzyList..................4
Banner file........................................4
Output list filename...............................4
"New files" list name..............................5
Days in Newfiles...................................5
Top downloads list.................................5
Entries in list....................................5
Minimum Security Required..........................6
Filegroups Included................................6
Area Numbers.......................................6
Area Headers.......................................7
REMARKS ABOUT AREAS..................................7
TEzyList - HOW DO I USE THE MAIN PROGRAM.............7
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 1
* TEzyList is the copyrighted materials of Thomas Holmström Frandzen.
"TEzyList" refers to the executable files, the documentations and the key
files in the TEzyList package.
* TEzyList is classified as ShareWare. That permits you to try out TEzyList
for 45 days. After that period you must either register TEzyList, or you
MUST stop using it.
* TEzyList may NOT be used in any kind of illegal environment, including
BBS's that distributes cracked, or illegally altered programs on purpose.
* In using this program, you agree that in no event shall Thomas H. Frandzen
be liable for any indirect, direct, incidental, consequential, special, or
exemplary damage or lost profits, even if Thomas H. Frandzen have been
advised of the possibility of such damages or lost profits. You further
agree that if for any reason Thomas H. Frandzen is found to be liable to
you as a result of your use of the program and software, that as partial
consideration of Thomas H. Frandzen granting you this license, you agree
that Thomas H. Frandzen, sole and exclusive cumulative liability to you
or others shall be no greater than the amount of any registration fee paid
by you. If no such registration fee was paid, then Thomas H. Frandzen shall
not be liable for any amount.
* Thomas H. Frandzen is in no way obligated to provide support for the
current or any future versions of TEzyList.
* Registration of TEzyList entitles you to the use of the current version of
TEzyList. Any future versions may have new conditions of use, which may
change the terms of your current licensing agreement.
Included with the TEzyList package, in the archive called REGISTER.ARJ is
REGISTER.TZY. It contains information on how to register, and it contains
also a registration form.
If you live in Sweden or Finland use REGISTER.FIN instead.
If you live in United Kingdom use REGISTER.UK
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 2
The following products are copyrighted to the following people or companies.
DesqView Quarterdeck Office Systems
Ezycom Peter Davies
IBM International Business Machines
MS-DOS Microsoft
TEzyList Thomas Holmström Frandzen
Turbo Pascal Borland International
FidoNet is a registered trademark belonging to Tom Jennings
I would like to thank the following persons and companies, without whom
TEzyList wouldn't have been made.
My mother and father For bringing me to this world
Borland International For making Turbo Pascal
Magnus Jacobsen,
Peter Grundl,
Flemming Engström
and Jan Meldtoft For being my FidoNet uplinks & friends
Peter Davies For making Ezycom
Lars Eriksson For his great work in testing TEzyList
David Morris For his many suggestions, and his
The latest Version Of TEzyList Is Available From The Following BBS Sites:
THF's EzyBoard System (Authors board)
Speeds: V32bis/V42bis/ZYX
BBS-Number: +45-31-635330
SysOp: Thomas Holmström
FidoNet 2:234/127, EzyNet 150:4501/1
Octopus BBS (UK Rego. site)
Speeds: V32bis/V42bis
BBS-Number: +44-706-874802
SysOp: David Morris
FidoNet 2:250/131, EzyNet 150:4401/1
Sunny Island Ezycom System (Sweden & Finland Rego. site)
Speeds: V32bis/V42bis/HST
BBS-Number: +358-28-41992
SysOp: Lars Eriksson
FidoNet: 2:20/211, EzyNet 150:3581/1
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 3
In order to use TEzyList you need a PC-compatible computer, running under some
kind of MS-DOS compatible operative system. The system has also been tested
successfully in a DOS box under OS/2.0, in LILO under Linux 0.99 and
running under Qemm 2.41 & DesqView 6.01.
In order to use TEzyList in a sensible way, you must have an installed
version of Ezycom on your harddisk, and an environment variable called
EZY pointing to the directory where your Ezycom configuration files are
Unlike many other BBS related programs, TEzyList is easy to install.
Just do the following things:
1. Unpack/move all the files in the TEzyList package to one single
directory. It doesn't matter if the directory isn't empty.
2. You run the program called TZYSETUP (which should have been in the
TEzyList package). (See page 4 for the usage of TzySetup.)
3. When you have made a/some usable configuration file(s), you are ready to
being to start TEzyList by following step 4, which is:
4. Type TEzyList (followed by a parameter from the configuration file) on
the command line, and you should be running.
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 4
In order to use TEzyList you need one (or more) configuration files. There's
one configuration file for each type of file-list you want. It might sound a
bit ridiculous, but it isn't. In fact that makes it much easier to make
several filelists.
So, you start TZYSETUP with one parameter. The parameter is the letter or
number you want the configuration file you are about to make to be called.
Well, sort of - all configuration files are called TEzyList.CF? - the
parameter which you state replaces the ?.
Of course it doesn't matter what the path is named. So, the example will
make a configuration file called TEzyList.CFA - logic isn't it? You can make
as many different configuration files as possible from A to Z and 0 to 9.
Okay, when you start TZYSETUP (with a parameter) you'll see a screen with a
window in the upper middle. The window is the place that keeps the
information. The highlighted (Purple) line is the one you're at, and you can
change lines by using the up/down arrows on the keypad. (Remember to set
Num Lock OFF) You don't have to press enter after each question. The line is
saved even if you use the arrow keys. You can get some help on each question
by pressing function key 1 (F1). You can save the final configuration file by
pressing Control (CTRL) and END (on the keypad) at the same time. Okay, let's
describe each question:
Banner file: (optional)
This is the name of an ASCII file, containing a header if that is what you
want. The file will then be placed first thing in the filelist. This may be
a BBS commercial and/or some additional information about your filebase.
Leave this field blank if you don't want any header in the filelist created
by this configuration.
Banner file: C:\EZY\TXT\BBSAD.ASC
This will place the file C:\EZY\TXT\BBSAD.ASC in the top of the filelist.
Output list filename:
This one is the name of the filelist created by the configuration you are
editing. In fact this is the only field you MUST write something in.
Output list filename: C:\FREE\FILELIST\MYBBS.LST
This example will write the output filelist to a file called:-
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 5
TZYSETUP - HOW DO I SET UP TEzyList? (cont.)
"New files" list name: (optional)
This is the name you want the "New Files" list to be called. This will write
all files which are less than ** days old, where ** is the number you defines
on the next line of the configuration (Days in Newfiles), to the filename
stated here. Just leave it blank if you don't want any "newfiles" list.
"New files" list name: C:\FREE\FILELIST\MY30DAYS.LST
The example will write the new-files list to a file called:-
Days in Newfiles: (Optional)
This is the maximum number of days that a file may be to be included in the
Newfiles list. The name of the newfiles list is stated at the line above this
entry ("New Files" list name). Just leave blank, or type 0 if you don't want
any newfiles list.
Days in Newfiles: 30
The example will write all filenames which are less than 30 days old to the
newfiles list.
Top downloads list: (Optional)
This is the name you want the "Most Downloaded Files" list to be called.
This will write the ** most downloaded files to the filename stated here.
** is a number from 1 to 99 which you define in the next line
(Entries in list).
Top downloads list: \EZY\TXT\TOP15DL.ASC
The example will write the ** most downloaded files to a file called
Entries in list: (Optional)
This is the number of files you want in the "Most Downloaded Files" list.
This can be anything from the one (1) most downloaded file, to the 100 most
downloaded files. Just type 0 if you don't want any "Most Downloaded" list.
Entries in list: 15
The example will write the 15 most downloaded files to the filename stated
on the line above this one (Top downloads list).
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 6
TZYSETUP - HOW DO I SET UP TEzyList? (cont.)
Minimum Security required.: (Optional) (Also see page 6 "Remarks about areas")
Only file-areas which need this (or a lower) security level are included in the
file list. Just leave blank or type 65000 to ignore the security levels.
Minimum Security required: 5
The example will ignore all areas that needs a higher security level that 5.
Minimum Security required.: (Optional) (Also see page 6 "Remarks about areas")
Only file-areas which need this (or a lower) security level are included in
the file list. Just leave blank or type 65000 to ignore the security levels.
Minimum Security required: 5
The example will ignore all areas that needs a higher security level that 5.
Filegroups included: (Optional) (Also see page 6 "Remarks about areas")
Only filegroups stated here are included in the file list. Leave blank to
ignore file groups, and include all areas. Valid file-groups are letters from
A to Z and *
Filegroups included: AOPD*
The example will exclude all areas not in the filegroups A, O, P, D or *
Area numbers:- (Optional) (Also see "Remarks about areas" on this page)
Only filegroups inside the area range stated here are included in the
filelist. You can write one single area (124) or area ranges (1-15). You can
not write multiple single area numbers like "124 200 234 235". Leave blank to
ignore area numbers.
Area numbers: 50-75
The example will exclude all areas below 50 and all areas above 75.
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
Page 7
Area Headers:- (Optional - For Ezycom Fileareas Only, Not File Lists)
TEzyList will also now create filearea headers, these are filearea
Example:- TEzyList /HEADER /NOUPL
Will tell TEzList produce the filearea headers only, without thanking the user
for uploading the best downloaded file. Where as :- TEzylist /HEADER would
produce the header, and also show the users name in the header of the best
downloaded file for that area. i.e.
---> This header was produced by: TEzyList v1.20 (C) Thomas Holmstrom <---
│ Area: Ezycom BBS Utilities │ Area number: 071 │
│ Most popular file in this area (which was downloaded 3 times) is: │
│ TLIST120.ARJ 24980 TEzyList v1.20. THE! Ezycom filelist generator │
│ Thanks goes to Thomas Holmstrom for uploading this file │
│ Total files in area: 44 Total size of files: 1624kb │
Example:- TEzyList 1 /HEADER
Will tell TEzyList to produce the filearea headers for all fileares and the
filelists as defined in Tzysetup 1.
Example:- TEzyList 1
Will tell TEzyList to produce the filelists defined in Tzysetup 1, and not
produce any filearea headers
File areas will only be included if it slips through all given conditions.
So, if you write "Minimum Security required.: 500", "Filegroups included: AD"
and "Area numbers: 4-99", only areas which fulfils all conditions (needs
security level 500 or below, are in filegroup A or D, and has an area number
between 4 and 99) and at the same time is stated as "Include in filelist"
(In the Ezycom configuration) are included in the filelist. Of course, you
can leave all fields blank if you want a list including all areas. The
"Special" list functions, like "newfiles" and "most downloaded files" is also
affected by the conditions stated in the configuration.
Well, this is in fact the easiest thing of all. You simply write TEzyList
followed by the letter of the configuration file you wish to run. For example, if
you have made a special configuration file called "E", which writes a list of all
your Amiga areas (Could be Filegroups ABC in the range 50-90) then you type
TEzyList E - if you've made a configuration file called "G" which should be
generating a master list of all your file areas you write TEzyList G, and it is
processing. Easy isn't it?
C:\EZY\TEzyList> TEzyList E
Will read the configuration file TEzyList.CFE, and make a file-list from the
information given by the configuration file.
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │
This version was publicly released on Saturday 27. March 1993
│ THF's Ezycom FileList Generator v1.20 - Copyright Thomas Holmström Frandzen │