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│ X R C o n f i g / W i n X R C f g --- version 1.04 │
This versions should do everything it is supposed to do! It reads your old
CONFIG.XRS file (and find it on the "PATH" if necessary), and creates a new
one in the current directory if none is found. It replaces your old
CONFIG.XRS with the new version if you select "OK" and discards your changes
if you pick "Cancel" or reset the Defaults. For now any item in your old
CONFIG.XRS (if any) that is not "recognized" is just copied to the new file -
that way any new options (or XCS/XAP/XUC/etc options XRS itself doesn't use)
that XRConfig doesn't "know" are just preserved and not changed or eliminated.
Note that comments on_parameter_lines that XRConfig *does* know are always
removed when you save a new configuration file. Also note that XRConfig saves
any new CONFIG.XRS in mostly sorted format - except the parameters which
aren't recognized (they 'float to the top'). One more thing - XRConfig makes
parameters consistent: all path names are written out with a trailing slash
(which are optional), and each parameter is written in NameCase per the
example in "CONFIG.DMO" that comes with XRS.
There are several options that are not included in XRConfig: XRSColor (you
must use the <ALT+F7> function hot-key inside XRS itself), Twiting, AutoTags
and AutoMatches, Attribution Lines and Macros. Some of these might be added
later - for now, you will have to manually edit "CONFIG.XRS" to change them.
Also, neither "EmptyBag x" nor "FirstDo x" are allowed, since XRConfig has
no way of knowing which XRS native language you are using (and therefore it
doesn't know if any 'x' you enter is allowable for that option or not).
Only <ALT_SPACE> e<X>it or <ALT_F4> or <TAB>ing to one of the exit buttons
allows you to exit the program using only the keyboard. Of course, with the
mouse, everything is *much* simpler! For a more complete explantion of
navigating the screen without a mouse, see the "Keyboard Help" routine under
the 'Help' menu-bar pull-down.
If you want to try XRConfig.Exe from inside XRS itself (which is supported
under version 4.99 or later!), just put XRCONFIG.DAT and XRCONFIG.EXE on the
PATH somewhere (it is no longer required to put 'XRCONFIG.DAT' persistant
object in the subdirectory where you will be running the program!). XRS will
'notice', and offer to call XRConfig from the <F4> hot-keyed configuration
window (by hitting <F4> again). XRS should handle the transition to and from
graphics mode, including the mouse pointer! Note that there is a bug in all
versions prior to 5.02 (non-alpha) that doesn't reset the video mode correctly
after XRS calls XRConfig if it is in an 8x8-character font other than CGA 25-
line mode. This is corrected in the 5.02 "Wide Beta" release or later.
To crank it up as a 'free-standing' configuration utility, just type XRCONFIG.
XRConfig is totally object-oriented. (and is my first major undertaking in
100% object-oriented C++ instead of structure C programming) This extends
even to the 'function overloading' by entering them from the command-line!
Currently, the only overload XRConfig recognizes is forcing a text display
instead of the graphics interface (accomplished by typing "XRCONFIG +t").
This overload may be especially useful for DesqView users on a '286 machine,
where the virtualization of graphics is not supported (XRConfig is graphical
even under DOS!). Also, CGA users may prefer text mode, since the graphics
is much too 'chunky', IMHO.
This 1.04 release should fix the out-of-view buttons in HERC graphics mode!
Also fixes default motion (sequence of <TAB> & <BackTAB> keys between groups).
Also, note that XRConfig has an atypical SAA/CUA interface: all three of the
buttons along the bottom are exit functions - the first one, "OK" saves your
changes, the second "Defaults" resets your existing CONFIG.XRS file to the
original defaults provided in CONFIG.DMO with the 5.02 version of XRS, and
the last one - "Cancel" discards your changes and exits (all three exit the
program!). You can exit the program with <ALT_F4> (under DOS or Windows)
and XRS will prompt you whether or not to save the configuration file (the
default being "Yes").
Beware, however (if you're not used to it) that XRConfig/WinXRCfg *does*
follow CUA guidelines in the string editing windows: hitting a non-motion
key blanks any existing data in the field. To change existing data, always
use an arrow key or other motion key first. Hitting <ESC> during any field
(any <P>ath, <B>uffers or <N>umbers pull-down menu items) will return the
original value and quit the edit instead of saving your changes. Using the
Close pull-down or <ALT_F4> hotkey does *NOT* save changes! Note that there
is "pro-active" error-checking going on inside the method which accepts the
numeric input (i.e. hitting a non-numeric printable character key will give
you an immediate "Error Report" dialog box with a description of the error
and only an "OK" option available - and the non-numeric key will be ignored.
The range of each numeric parameter is checked when you complete entry with
the <Enter> or <GrayEnter> key - and skipped is you <ESC>ape or <ALT_F4>
(Close) the window instead (as well as discarding changes in both cases) -
if the number you entered does not fall within a reasonable range, XRConfig
will display an error message and reject your entry. To delete any existing
numeric parameter, set it to zero. String fields are not checked during key
entry, but each sub-directory or file that should exist is checked to see if
it is really there - if not the entry is rejected. Again - if you have a
string-type parameter set, and want to delete it, simply blank out the
existing string for the parameter - <BackSpace><Enter> should do it!
One important note: Windows programs I release will only run in standard or
enhanced mode on a '286 or higher computer - they will not run on an 8086/8
or V20/V30! (XRConfig.Exe is a 'generic' DOS app which runs on any DOS-
based computer in both text and graphics modes.)
The "Defaults" (if you pick the 'Defaults' button) currently are:
<INS> <F9> Reversed Always Buffer 8192
Help Palette Hide Search Internal Editor
Jump Headers Nuke Garbage One Tear
Pause 2 PreLoad Summary Quote Header
Swap Thread only To Name Prompt