The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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[ THouse10.Doc ]
<L>egend <O>f the <R>ed <D>ragon
--*> IGM <*--
---=== Turgon's House v1.0 ===---
A release from -SKI- Software
Programmed by -SKI + Locutus-
L.O.R.D. 3.26a
[0.0] *** TABLE OF CONTENTS ***
-=< 0.0 >=- Duh!
-=< 1.0 >=- Special Thanks to:
-=< 2.0 >=- Programs Used
-=< 3.0 >=- THouse10.Exe Parameters
-=< 4.0 >=- Installation
-=< 5.0 >=- Turgon's House File Notes
-=< 6.0 >=- SomeThing's Wrong!
-=< 7.0 >=- Registration
[1.0] ---=== SPECIAL THANKS TO: ===---
-*> Seth Able for making <L>egend <O>f the <R>ed <D>ragon!
-*> Joseph Masters for giving his source file to Aragorn's Timer
with his FREEWARE Program and letting others use his routines!
-*> Bob Dalton + Steve Lorenz releasing DDPlus 7.1
-*> SySops who put this on their Board!
-*> You for DownLoading it!
[2.0] *** PROGRAMS USED ***
-*> Borland Turbo Pascal v7.0
-*> Joseph Masters's Routines Included with Aragorn's Timer
-*> Bob Dalton's DDPlus v7.1
[3.0] *** THouse10.Exe PARAMETERS ***
* - Node# <'*' is Replaced by Node#
Passed by Lss<node#>.Bat>
/Config - THouse Configuration
Install + UnInstall
/Pxxxxx - Path to the BBS Drop File
Do not include Trailing BackSlash!
/V - No Local PrintOut
Good for MultiTasking
<* PARAMETER NOTE: The top two were programmed in *>
<* by me. But the bottom two are programmed by *>
<* DDPlus. I have deleted the other Parameters *>
<* manually in the Unit files, so they will not work. *>
[4.0] *** INSTALLATION ***
- You must Place THouse10.Exe in the L.O.R.D. Directory
- Then type 'THouse10 /Config'
- That's IT!
- Turgon's House changes users stats in the 'Player.Dat' file.
There is always a chance of a screw-up, so backup often.
- Turgon's House has been Extensively tested through many
different Procedures and Circumstances.
[6.0] *** SOMETHING'S WRONG!! ***
- In LordCfg under 'Setup Nodes With BBS', Don't put a Trailing
BackSlash at the End of the 'Path to BBS Drop File'!
- In Multiple Nodes you can't use a drop file that changes with
what node your on. You will have to use another drop file.
I will try and fix it in a later, updated version.
- If you try and not run this through L.O.R.D. it will not find
the Info.<Node#> or the Node<Node#>.Dat Files.
- If Lss<Node#>.Bat doesn't pass the Node# to Turgon's House then
it will wait for a Local KeyPress. So if it is running through
the BBS then they will be forced to hang up or wait until someone
presses a key on the Local Console.
- If you run these Locally without a BBS then you will have to create
a drop file and define it in LordCfg Under 'Setup Nodes With BBS'.
[7.0] *** REGISTRATION ***
- Turgon's House is SKIWare! <A.K.A. FREEWare>
- You do not have to register this program!
<For those of you who are slow>
- If you want to give my money you can, but since you don't have
my address....Don't Worry About It!!
- This is Dedicated to all those SySops who are TIRED of getting
IGM's that are trashy and not FREEWare. Then the Programmer has
the Audacity to charge an Arm and a Leg for their Trash!
- I have nothing against Programmers like that, I just ask that
they make better IGM's and other programs, or at least not charge
for them!
- See Ya...