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12XBEEP.ZIP 1814 03-16-87 change your PC's beep to any tone
34INSTAL.ZIP 3235 01-03-90 install port addresses for COM3 & COM4 in DOS
AMPLIF4.ZIP 1553 01-17-91 A 16 watt amplifier for your PC's sound
BAUD_11.ZIP 4768 09-19-90 Determines baud rate serial port was last at
BAUD_TST.ZIP 5344 07-09-90 Test serial port setting and return code
BREAKBX2.ZIP 7672 11-08-90 Onscreen breakout box for comm ports - V2.0
CAMP10.ZIP 17114 07-04-90 monitors two serial ports
COM1XOFF.ZIP 239 07-21-90 Enables XON/XOFF for COM 1 port,serial
COM34FIX.ZIP 1604 07-01-90 allows com3-4 on some comm pgms (needs DOS2+)
COM3_4.ZIP 13084 08-16-89 drivers for serial ports 3 & 4
COMCHK12.ZIP 12388 11-17-90 Commchk v1.2: used to analyze information on
COMHEX42.ZIP 31751 03-19-91 Serial Port diagonstics aid
COMM1_34.ZIP 24400 03-19-91 Add support for upto 34 comm ports on PC
COMMSET.ZIP 2485 06-11-88 makes COM3 and COM4 available to DOS
COMPORT2.ZIP 8656 10-26-90 Petrakis- Finds installed com ports & mouse
COMSET52.ZIP 13360 03-19-91 ComSet v5.2 Modem/UART setup utility
COMSETT.ZIP 2870 10-16-90 allows use of COM3 and COM4 with programs
COM_MGR.ZIP 64911 07-23-90 Utility to manage COM ports
CSHOWMS.ZIP 27398 02-19-91 Mouse support add-on for CSHOW.
DATACOM.ZIP 112281 06-10-90 EIA rs232c tutorial GREAT!!!; pimental
DIRCOP35.ZIP 40274 07-08-90 From Dvorak's book;Comm util must have!
DRVR410.ZIP 25847 10-16-89 Logitech Mouse Driver v4.10
DRVR501.ZIP 32244 01-29-91 Logitech mouse driver v5.01
DSP207.ZIP 117373 12-21-90 DSP v2.07 Print Spooler. Includes 4 versions
DWS.ZIP 11911 10-16-87 Doctor Mouse serial mouse driver
FIXCOM2.ZIP 28265 07-16-90 Enables comm ports on systems where BIOS only
GENIUS90.ZIP 40083 08-05-90 Genius mouse drivers for 1990
GMOUSE.ZIP 68039 02-25-91 Version 9.06 of Genius mouse driver & docs.
GPIBLPT.ZIP 14769 10-22-90 Modify a parallel printer adapter to work as
HANDSC.ZIP 37603 06-26-90 drivers for all hand scanners...nice
HOOK_UP.ZIP 23137 12-03-87 A helpfull manual for com ports etc.
IOVIEW.ZIP 6129 03-19-91 Utility to view I/O ports on IBM/compatibles.
IPUPDATE.ZIP 1735 05-29-90 updates for Interface Plus
IRQS.ZIP 3934 05-01-88 Checks system for IRQ,s currently in use
JOYSET.ZIP 20004 11-23-90 joystick adjustment program - center it
JOYSTC30.ZIP 25157 12-04-89 Align your joystick v3.0
LFTMOUSE.ZIP 1393 11-19-89 Converts right handed mouse to left handed
LOCKER12.ZIP 18559 11-05-90 unlock your comm port speed for BBS doors
LOGI.ZIP 2289 10-07-88 Logitech mouse driver for IBM Writing Asst.
LOGI410.ZIP 25847 10-16-89 LOGIMOUSE Mouse drivers v.4.1. Fixes display
LOGICOLR.ZIP 22065 08-01-90 menus show all 128 color combs. for Logitech
LOGILIST.ZIP 9749 10-18-89 Logitech mouse drivers for List 70a.
LPTSWAP.ZIP 1736 12-26-89 printer swap
LPTX60.ZIP 20988 03-21-87 Redirect ports 1,2,3 to disk simultaneously
LPTZV300.ZIP 23807 11-04-90 LPTZ ver 3.00 - Redirect printer output
LSTMNU7C.ZIP 5560 11-08-89 Logitech mouse menu for List 7.1 with Color
LSTMNU7M.ZIP 5562 11-22-89 Logitech mouse menu for List 7.1 with
MAPLPT.ZIP 7038 12-26-89 Maps parallel print output to a serial port
MB33.ZIP 30529 04-04-90 MBBIOS TSR for interrupt driven COM ports.
MODTEST.ZIP 40584 11-29-90 Flawless modem/serial setup diagnostic
MOUSE2.ZIP 4375 04-19-90 neat mouse SW for Borland's SW & display menu
MOUSE704.ZIP 111537 03-15-90 Microsoft Mouse Drivers, For DOS, Windows 3.
MOUSER.ZIP 11485 10-16-88 cursor, enter, & escape key for the mouse
MOUSER7.ZIP 10847 09-03-90 Allows use of mouse with keyboard-based pgms
MOUSTOOL.ZIP 101250 03-20-90 MouseTools ... Mouse Utils in TP 5.0
MSMOUSE1.ZIP 86170 09-27-90 MS Mouse programmers' reference. 1/2
MSMOUSE2.ZIP 106688 09-27-90 MS Mouse programmers' reference. 2/2
NC30MCI.ZIP 789 01-06-91 patch Norton Commander 3.0 to use COM3/4
NEWBELL.ZIP 877 10-25-86 change the sound of your computers bell
NOPRINT.ZIP 2150 02-12-87 Disable Printer Output
NO_INT.ZIP 33676 12-08-90 Polling util to resolve serial port conflicts
PARPRTXF.ZIP 18904 03-19-91 Utility to use Parallel port for PC-to-PC
PASSCOM.ZIP 9177 05-20-90 TSR DOS communications util. to pass all
PCTMOUSE.ZIP 12452 02-03-90 PCtools 4.x Logitech Mousemenu...VERY nice
PF253.ZIP 26182 12-07-90 Port Finder v2.53 DIsplays computer type,
PMMOUSE.ZIP 13121 12-26-89 Use joy stick for mouse
PORTST11.ZIP 44437 02-17-91 Port Test v1.1 Comprehensive diagnostic
PRINTSW.ZIP 637 12-26-89 Switch between LPT1: and LPT2: as default
PRN_UTIL.ZIP 29733 02-17-90 Verify parallel port operation and wiring
PSCRNM.ZIP 3181 03-26-90 A Logitech menu driver file for p-screen v3.1
QDOSMENU.ZIP 1549 09-18-88 QDOS II Logitech mouse DEF, MNU file
QMOUSE2.ZIP 8715 12-25-87 MS Mouse for Quattro
QUIKNMSE.ZIP 4093 12-26-89 Logitech mouse menu for Quicken versions 2
RIO11.ZIP 25161 09-10-90 Log input/output of your system
RS.ZIP 5735 03-26-90 VG RS-232 port status utility.
RS232TUT.ZIP 80761 06-24-88 RS232c tutorial.
SERIALAT.ZIP 1087 11-27-86 Make your own serAT serial cable .
SERPORTS.ZIP 6303 10-23-89 Display info on all serial and mouse ports
SFC30B.ZIP 58496 01-15-91 Serial File COpy v3.0 Copies files at up to
SLEDMOUS.ZIP 3758 04-03-90 Mouse support for the SLED.COM text editor.
SMOUSE.ZIP 6237 05-29-87 Summagraphics Summasketch mouse emulator
SPA.ZIP 37310 07-14-90 serial port analyzer!
SPOOL10.ZIP 17368 08-02-90 Small printer spooler. TSR uses 2K of memory
SPORTT.ZIP 39690 05-20-90 Serial port test utility.
SWPRT.ZIP 6453 12-26-89 switch printer ports
SWPTR.ZIP 1974 08-26-85 Swap LPT1/LPT2 & back from DOS
THECOP1.ZIP 59474 04-05-90 The C.O.P. Annunciator V1.1
TPASJOY.ZIP 8403 12-26-89 calibrate your joysticks
TPRAT.ZIP 10385 01-14-88 Turbo Pascal Mouse Driver
TS122.ZIP 779 08-14-90 use LogiTech mouse with IBMDOS v 4.0
UARTS14.ZIP 5484 08-16-90 UARTS real-time (TSR) serial & COM port
VGAPINS.ZIP 811 02-16-90 Pinout of VGA plug
VPRINT.ZIP 15066 03-23-88 Redirect lpt or com port output to file.
VSPOOL01.ZIP 20563 03-20-90 Versa Spool v1.01 - spool,redirect,mult. prn.
WATCH_IO.ZIP 6860 07-19-88 watches all file I/O; pop-up debugging tools
WHTPRT38.ZIP 7251 12-16-90 WhatPort v3.8 Serial Port/Mouse installation
WIZ_301.ZIP 61364 11-30-90 hard connect transfer of files thru RS-232
XPORT.ZIP 14960 07-19-90 serial communications software....
XTMOUSE.ZIP 3008 09-06-90 3 button Logitech mouse driver for XTPRO
ZCOMOUS1.ZIP 2179 03-19-91 Mouse def for ZCOMM
ZIP144.ZIP 18298 09-12-90 ZIP v1.44 PC-to-PC serial port file transfer
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