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1FINGER.ZIP 12671 12-26-89 Allows One finger operation of CTRL-ALT-SHIFT
ALTBRN12.ZIP 36186 08-05-90 ALTBRNCH v1.2 Allows ALT key to be used
ANSIKY21.ZIP 11189 11-20-89 redefine keyboard plus lotsa info on Ansi.Sys
ATESC.ZIP 21450 03-07-91 Utility to return keyboard scan codes, useful
BSBID.ZIP 4129 10-12-90 Screen blanker & keyboard alarm
CLEANKEY.ZIP 4311 01-14-86 How to clean an IBM keyboard
CLEARKEY.ZIP 3352 01-21-90 Utility to clear the keyboard buffer.
CLICK_CO.ZIP 1159 03-16-90 add noise to your keyboard ketstrokes
DISPBUF1.ZIP 15063 04-19-90 Keyboard buffer status utility
DKEY2.ZIP 19105 01-29-88 Macro maker like Superkey or Prokey
DMOVE4.ZIP 25190 10-22-89 Dmove v4.0 - configurable, network-compatible
DOSKEYNU.ZIP 12743 07-28-87 HotKey/ProKey.... Shareware
FASTKEY2.ZIP 3411 03-20-89 Speed up AT keyboard - TP/TC source
FAST_AT.ZIP 587 02-16-90 Speed up keyboard on AT class computers
FINPUT.ZIP 5538 07-08-90 screen input that tells key pressed on exit
FKEYLBL.ZIP 18178 01-01-80 function key label maker for your IBM
FKEYSSET.ZIP 2685 02-13-90 Redifine Function Keys - THE EASY WAY
FLIP104.ZIP 7443 12-26-89 Toggle Caps/Numlock on/off.
FUNCKEY.ZIP 26714 11-20-90 Redefine function keys
HKEY.ZIP 24532 02-14-88 Hurry KEY keyboard speedup/screen saver. TSR.
INT9FX.ZIP 9726 02-17-91 Keyboard interrupt handler for INT #9.
KBD.ZIP 10227 11-17-90 combines the functions of many keyboard utils
KBD10.ZIP 10227 11-17-90 Set cap lock, num lock, and scroll lock keys.
KBDFIX.ZIP 928 12-26-89 Keyboard buffer up to 128 chars
KBFIX2.ZIP 10284 12-26-89 Keyboard buffer + lots more
KBSPEED.ZIP 3437 02-06-90 speeds up keyboard on AT compatibles. bug fix
KEY2.ZIP 389 07-23-90 Change status of CapsLock and ScrollLock
KEYBOARD.ZIP 1595 07-16-90 Functions to control CAPS,INS,NUM by MNT
KEYBUF1.ZIP 6229 04-19-90 Device Driver for expanding keyboard buffer
KEYFAST.ZIP 136 10-13-90 Makes keyboard faster - For AT's onl
KEYSET12.ZIP 26619 02-13-91 KeySet v2.1 Keyboard setup utility for CAPS/
KEYSTICK.ZIP 1532 03-10-91 Causes Ctrl, Alt & Shift keys to act as
KILBREAK.ZIP 5031 07-24-88 replace Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Brk w/secret keypress.
KILL_KBD.ZIP 6133 08-10-88 kill kbd for X seconds from 1 sec to 1 hour.
KYBDEXT.ZIP 2789 12-11-89 C code, detect presence of enhanced keyboard
LOCK.ZIP 1936 11-19-88 password protection program that locks KYBD
LOCKIT13.ZIP 7436 09-14-90 Lock keyboard to prevent unauthorized use
MAKESPCL.ZIP 56813 11-05-90 Makes COM file to turn on/off special keys
MOUSEKEY.ZIP 403 04-14-89 Use keyboard instead of mouse
MSTRKY17.ZIP 97513 07-30-90 similar to Norton's
NEWKEY54.ZIP 220864 10-28-90 Keyboard enhancer/macro generator
NOREPEAT.ZIP 1339 02-13-87 Disable key repeat PCMAG 0287
NORTHGAT.ZIP 1803 08-07-90 Warning! Northgate Omnikey 102 keyboard
NOSCRLPC.ZIP 684 04-12-88 use scroll lock to pause/continue screen
NOSTOP.ZIP 1673 10-14-90 put in CONFIG.SYS to disable: CTRL-ALT-DEL,
NUML.ZIP 5484 02-15-88 turn numberlock on/off from batch
PANDORA.ZIP 13975 11-07-90 PC Mag's utility v1.4 automate keyboard entry
PB10.ZIP 20386 10-06-90 Makes COM files to playback keystrokes
PB13.ZIP 24091 12-21-90 PlayBack v1.3 TSR to capture keystrokes.
PB14.ZIP 24537 01-08-91 Playback v1.4 keystroke save to file. May be
PK191.ZIP 34531 03-07-89 Many featured keyboard-cursor enhancer
PMK31.ZIP 221476 11-23-90 Professional Master Key V3.1, like Norton's
PMK32.ZIP 205580 02-25-91 Professional Master Key 3.20-Norton like
PMK_3.EXE 222278 05-21-90 Professional Master Key - like Nortons
POP.ZIP 11002 02-14-90 powerful little TSR popup menu, stuffs KYBRD
PROKEY4.ZIP 73342 05-13-87 PROKEY Version 4
PWRKIT.ZIP 16726 10-22-87 allow redefinition of keys in config & more
RDFINE10.ZIP 6245 09-11-90 TSR redefines ALT-number keys to strings of
REDEF101.ZIP 15618 03-29-86 Redefine any keyboard key (uses ANSI.SYS)
SCROLL.ZIP 2277 07-12-87 enables scroll lock key
SETANSI.ZIP 1249 12-26-89 Assign character strings to function keys
SETF.ZIP 11310 03-31-90 program all 40 DOS function keys, with source
SETF21.ZIP 11310 03-31-90 Program all 40 DOS function keys w/sce v2.1
STACKEY.ZIP 355267 03-25-90 STACKEY - util to stack keystrokes etc.
STUFFKB2.ZIP 5548 11-18-90 Non-TSR Keyboard Stuffer for Batch Files
TANDY.ZIP 3770 07-16-89 Makes Tandy KBD +- act like ibm grey keys
TCKEY.ZIP 19835 06-08-90 Keyboard handling routines with source
TL263.ZIP 58598 10-17-90 Timelock v 2.6.3 - automatically lock your
TSRFIX.ZIP 742 11-29-90 Fix TSR's that won't run on AT/101KBD system
VISITYPE.ZIP 739 03-01-90 80-character visible buffer (Vol 5, No 18)
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