Crawly Crypt Collection 2
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------------------------ The Independent ----------------------------
INDY PAINT 2 is the art package they are working on at the moment,
so before the interview commences here are a few little details...
>>> Indypaint2 Facts
- Virtual screen
- Lots of resolutions
- Selfmade pulldown menu system(optional)
- True-, 256-, 16-, 4- and 2-color mode supported!!
( = 5 Paintprograms in one )
- Realtime and In-place magnifications to satisfy degas and Neochrome
- The Magnification runs in self-made windows. This means: Free
positioning, size and magnification. Design your own screen-layout
- Lots of special effects
- Lots of fileformats: GIF,JPG,TGA,BMP,TRU,PI9,PI1-3,...
- Own (optional) packed and/or crypted fileformat
- No Gem -> FAST routines.
PS: I am quite interested if there are people you know who are
doing something demo-like (or want to do...) mostly in
Britain. We are organising a BIG Falcon demo meeting during
the easter holidays in Bremen/Ger. It is quite a traditional
meeting. So if you know demo-groups that want to get in touch
with the demo-world and they are interested in coming there,
then tell them to write me...
Here's my Interview:
1) Your full name:
Harald Riegler
2) Your address (optional)
Beethoveng.52 A-2340 Mödling Austria
3) Your email address (optional)
None yet, March 95
4) Your age
5) A list of FALCON programs you have been responsible for and what part did
you play in their creation?
Autowaschen Verboten
Indymag Intros 1+2
Schlumpftro Partyinvitation
6) What development software do you use most? (ie DPaint, Devpac..) please
state the merits of these packages and why you would recommend them to my
Devpac 3,GFA-Basic,IndyPaint,Octalyzer
Devpac supports Macros and 68030 commands. When programming Proggys
that have long sourcecodes (more than 1 sourcefile) it is much easier
to use than Turboass (I used it a LONG time ago...)
7) What is your favourite 'relaxation' program, ie game, demo, music...
This does not have to be on the Falcon, if it's not then please state
which computer it is on (ie PC, Amiga, Mac) and why you like it so much.
Tempest 2000, AvP, Wolfenstein on the Jag-Just a LOT of fun!
8) What computers do you own at present?
Falcon, STFM
9) With unlimited resources which computers would you like to own and why?
Silicon Graphics (Iris Indigo), I want to do Terminator 3 ;-)
10) Do you see your computing as just a hobby or something you wish to
follow into the professional realms?
Maybe semi-professional
11) How would you rate Atari's support for the Falcon?
12) How would you rate the software industries support for the Falcon?
Could be better, but is ok.
13) Do you feel there is enough coverage given to the Falcon in the popular
Atari press (ie ST Format, ST Magazin, Atari User...)?
14) Which PD/Shareware programs would you recommend most of all? (name 3)
Indypaint 1.7 ;-)
15) Which PD/Shareware programs would you suggest avoiding at all costs?
None really, well, maybe DelmPaint (Hey MrCoke, please don't kill me)
16) Which commercial program would you suggest avoiding at all costs?
None really.
17) How long have you been in the Atari scene?
5 Years or so
18) Do you feel your prescence is important in the Atari scene?
Ährm no, not really...
19) Please give a detailed history about yourself and your computing life
including everything from Spectrum's to ST's. Concentrate mainly on
things that have influenced you in a noticeble way.
I owned an Atari 2600 long long ago, then switched to an c-128 where
I did my first steps in assembly language. About 5 Years ago I bought
an STFM where I started doing demos. A year after that I met the
rest of Lazer, well, and since 1 1/2 year I am programming on the
Falcon. I once had to code a copy program on a 8088 PC in assembly
language for school, and since then I will do anything to avoid
Intel products...
20) What kind of music do you enjoy?
Mostly Trance/Techno and Synthesizer music.
21) Name your favourite films of all time please
Star wars, T2
22) Who is/was your Atari idol? (ie AN Cool, Nic, Spaz, etc...)
Every good non-arrogant programmer
23) What do you look for in a demo that makes it really stand out?
Design, Originality, All self-made and most of all: Own ideas.
24) Name your favourite demos on any platform (ie Cuddly, 9 Fingers, etc)
Cycadelic Knockout, Second reality (PC), Agony
25) Do you attend Atari shows/conventions?
26) If yes to the above please state some of your most interesting experiences
some of the best people you met and some of the best things you've seen.
Atari Fair (Falcon premiere) and ProTOS 94 in Cologne/GER (Loads of inter-
esting people and things)
27) Which single program are you most happy with? (if you are a graphics
artist then you can quote a picture, or if a muscian a tune)
28) Which program are you ashamed of?!
A text-editor I programmed 5 years ago. REALLY ugly..
29) How do you feel the Atari community is changing?
Sadly enough, very few new people do demos for the Falcon. If it
continues this way, the Falcon scene will be dead in 2 years or so...
Come on guys(girls), try yourself in demo-coding! If you have questions
just write me...
30) Which is best- Atari/Amiga/PC?
I prefer Atari, even if it's a snail...
31) Please tell us something about your home town where you live.
Small town (~20000 People) near Vienna. We even had an Atari store here
some time ago, but the owner died and the shop went bankrupt...
32) Your all time favourite game? (arcade, console or computer)
Kick Off/Out-Run
33) Atari was recently quoted as saying they are putting 100% into the Jaguar
and nothing into the Falcon. Do you see the Jaguar being Atari's saving
grace? Or will it fail and Atari go under?
I guess they will make it.
33) Do you feel a Jaguar computer would be a good move?
34) What one thing would you most like to see on the Falcon?
More demos, games.
35) Please name one thing you feel everyone has WRONG about the Falcon
"I wont buy it, because it's not industry-standard ('combatibility')."
I can have fun on it so I don't care a thing about 'industry standard'.
Buy a Falcon and have fun! =====
36) Discuss the hardware merits of the Falcon
Great, but it should have become a 32MHz machine. The raw
memorymoving force of the 68030 in 16Mhz is too slow for the high
resolutions the Falcon provides. (Clearing the screen in 384*240
truecolor takes about 1 frame!)
37) Should the FPU have come as standard?
Doesn't really matter.
38) Do you use MultiTOS at all, if not do you use a multi-tasking system at
all? (ie Geneva, MagiC...)
39) What programs are you currently working on or have plans to start soon?
IndyPaint2, MusicCompile 3, a new demo and some other goodies...
40) Who do you most admire on the Falcon?
Every good programmer, and (partly) the hardware designers.
42) Finally, what is going to be the next BIG thing on the Falcon? (ie 24
track modules, True Colour games, etc...)
8-Channel music as standard? Demos with original design? Hopefully!
It seems as if even some games are coming soon...