MathMania was designed and programmed by Martin Goldberg and is Copyright ⌐ M. Goldberg/Topologika 1995.
MATHMANIA is a maze game in which children have to escape from a maze by answering questions on: NUMBER (the four rules); TIME (12hr, 24hr clock and related questions); MEASUREMENT (metric measurements and units); ANGLES (bearings, properties, etc); SHAPE & SPACE (shapes, areas, volumes and properties); and LUCKY DIP (the computer chooses).
Questions can be at four difficulty levels, levels 1 and 2 corresponding to Key Stage 2 , and Levels 3 and 4 to Key Stages 3 and 4. Once children have escaped, they can tackle a puzzle before moving on on to the next maze. Puzzles can also be attempted away from the game.
The program is designed to cover various different attainment targets (ATs) in Mathematics across the above Key Stages. This may sound ambitious, but the questions and gameplay have been carefully constructed to appeal to all ages. This appeal has been shown during extensive testing of the software.
MathMania is compatible with RISC OS 2 or 3. It will run from the CD or you can copy it onto a floppy disc or onto your hard drive.
Double click on !MANIADEMO in the usual way. To see the configuration options, click Menu over the icon when the program is installed on the icon bar.
Once the game is running MathMania takes over the whole machine and uses a screen mode which means that on newer machines the screen is elongated horizontally. Use your monitors vertical and horizontal width controls (if it has them) to compensate for this.
Use the arrow keys to move around the screen.
To quit the maze or problem screen, hold down <Ctrl> while pressing <X>. To quit the game, do that, then click on the 'DeskTop' icon.
You can only play one maze and one puzzle at level 2. Number questions are restricted to addition.
The full version (see Manual) has five more mazes, four more puzzles, hundreds more questions and can be used to test addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and allows movement around the maze with the mouse.
There are four levels in all, providing an application that can be used over a wide range of abilities - Keystage 2 to Key Stage 4.
The full Acorn RISC OS version costs ú25 plus VAT plus ú2.50 p & p, total ú31.88). A PC Windows version is also available for the same price. Please contact Topologika if you want a demo or approval copy of the PC version.