^B{^#!16!14 October^N! National Day of Madagascar. Feast day of St Callixtus I, St Angadiama, St Justus of Lyons, St Burchard of Wⁿrzburg, St Manaccus, St Manechildis, and St Dominic Lauricatus.
^B{1066^B} The Battle of Hastings was fought on Senlac Hill, where King Harold was slain as William the Conqueror's troops routed the English army. ^B{1884^B} Photographic film was patented by US entrepreneur and inventor George Eastman. ^B{1920^B} Oxford degrees were conferred on women for the first time. ^B{1947^B} The first supersonic flight (670 mph) was made in California by Charles Yeagar in his Bell XI rocket plane. ^B{1971^B} The US spacecraft ^I{Mariner 9^I} transmitted the first close-up TV pictures of Mars to Earth. ^B{1982^B} The largest mass wedding took place in Seoul, South Korea, when 5,837 couples were married simultaneously.
^B{^I{^#!14!Born ^N}William Penn, Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, ^B{1644^B}; ╔amon de Valera, Irish statesman, ^B{1882^B}; Dwight D Eisenhower, 34th US president, ^B{1890^B}; e e cummings, US poet, ^B{1894^B}; Lillian Gish, US film actress, ^B{1899^B}; Cliff Richard, English singer, ^B{1940^B}.
^B{^I{^#!14!Died ^N}Erwin Rommel, German field-marshal, ^B{1944^B}; Errol Flynn, Australian actor, ^B{1959^B}; Edith Evans, English actress,1976^B}; Bing Crosby, US singer and film actor, ^B{1977^B}; Leonard Bernstein, US conductor and composer, ^B{1990^B}.