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224 lines
By Ejber Ozkan (STORM)
Hello!,This editor was designed just for myself at first but everytime
I added something to it, it just grew and grew!.And so I have made it
available to you !...If it gets enough followers I would then try
to make Version 2 have icon/menu driven system,Block sizing from 8 by 8
to 32 by 32,A bigger screen area (for scrolling games),A proper sprite
block Editor And loads more options!...
Who knows Prehaps This Utilitiy will be better than TOME! in later
Anyway for the time being read the instructions for Version 1.0...
The game I made required blocks of a 16 by 8 standard,This is why this
version is only capable of this size (sorry promise to improve!).
When the program loads you are presented with a blank screen and an
information panel at the bottom.
On this panel you can see the TITLE!,the X and Y co-ordinates of the
cursor,The current image number,The number of the image under the cursor,
free,chip and total available memory.
There is a cursor above with which you use to move and edit the screen
and also just above the info bar is the current image block that is in use.
To place a block simply move the cursor using the joystick and press fire
at required point...Voila!..Pressing F1-F2 changes the current block!
This is the Basic principle behind the editor!,You can then go on to
make as complicated or simple screens as you want!.
--QUICK START to show what SED can do!
Load program...once done:-
Press F5 to load an .ABK file from the DEMOS draw.
Press "L" to Load a .SED file from the DEMOS draw.
And you can see the image come up onto to screen like magic!.
You can now Mess about with the screen or you can edit the sprite bank
using the image editor (F9)
Change Image Block (F1 - F2)
This can be done by using the F1 and F2 keys.
Pressing F1 moves up the image table
Pressing F2 moves down the image table
Clear Whole Screen (F3)
This is done by pressing the F3 key.
A word of WARNING this erases everything that had being previously
edited on to the screen!!
Clear Block Under Cursor position (F4)
This Puts a Transparent image block under the cursor position so acting
as a "Eraser".The Image Number of the "0" or transparent block would
inputed by you (shown later on).
Load new sprite blocks (F5)
A file requester will pop up asking for a sprite bank file to load.
Select an .ABK file of your choice to replace the old sprite bank.
Please note that the editor uses sprite image number 1 as the cursor and
so i would advise you when creating sprites via SPRITEX V1.3 to leave this
Remember that you will delete the old sprite bank!.
Once loaded you can now edit the screen with your own images!.
Save sprite blocks (F6)
This option is here so that new sprite blocks can be saved in one go,And
then loaded into your own program ready for use.
Again use the file requester to save your .ABK file to disk.
Fill Screen with Current Image (F7)
This option simply fills the whole screen with the current image block!
Be warned that everything else will be deleted on the screen!
Grab Sprites from an IFF file (F8)
I had trouble implementing this because i was restricted to 16 by 8 blocks.
Choose an Iff file to load using the requester.
After the screen has loaded You will be shown the files dimentions and asked
how many block across and down the screen the image grabber will grab from.
IF you only wanted two block along but 10 blocks down this would be done
1 2
1 [ ][ ]
2 [ ][ ]
3 [ ][ ]
... ....
10 [ ][ ]
This would be the way you would have to set it out in your IFF file.
Or if you wanted to grab 18 blocks along and two block down you would set
it out like so:-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 18
1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]...[ ]
2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]...[ ]
A wide range of choice is available.
When creating an IFF file like this i find it best to set gridding 16 by 8
in Deluxe Paint in So making It easier..
You can ofcourse Use the example file as a Template!.
Image editor V1.0 (F9)
Please note that this editor was written for my own laziness because i
could not be bothered to load in spriteX!.As a result this is very basic
Use the mouse to draw your image in the box above.Pressing the left
button to put down a pixel!.
Once your happy...
F1 will ADD the image to memory for you and you can move on to the
next block!.
F2 will GET an image from the sprite bank!.
F5 will clear the block in the current colour!.
F6 will call up the palette editorv1.0 (see later!)
F10 will return back to screen ed with the screen untouched!.
The arrow up and arrow down keys change the current colour of the pixel
To the right of the screen you can see the box move!
The arrow left and arrow right keys change which image you wish to GET.
Save current screen data (F10)
A requester will come up asking whether you would wish to either save
the screen as a data file (ASCII) or an example demo file (also ASCII).
This will save an ASCII file to disk so that it can be merged into your
own programs!.The file will takes up the format of DATA statements which
you then READ.
This is for the people who wish to get the screen up'n running
Once this ASCII file is saved all you do is merge it into AMOS as a
program (clean mem is adviced).Then load your .ABK sprite file
LOAD "filename.ABK",1
And run the program,And VOLIA! a screen to do what you want with!.
Palette editor v1.0 (from image ed - key F6)
Move the cursor with the left and write arrow keys to choose colour.
To change colours use Numeric keys...
4 5 6 -
1 2 3 +
This will change respective Red,Green and Blue hues
Because of the way the editor works..There are some special function
just for the editor.Because You cant Merge BACK an ASCII file to the
editor i made a special format for the editor to save and load files from.
These are called ".SED" files which can only be loaded by the editor.
It is therefore advised for you to save the screen data as a SED file so
that you can load it back when ever you wish!,And then save your merge
ASCII file! so that you have a record of it!.
Keyboard 'S' asks for a name for the file and saves it to disk
Keyboard 'L' loads a .SED file and processes to screen!
Keyboard 'F' Toggles flash!(changes to RED you will have to bear this
in mind!)
Keyboard 'E' Erase current Sprite bank(if your desperate!)
Keyboard 'Help' Brings up a short help screen! handy hey?!
Keyboard 'Esc' Do ya wanna quit??...Well Choose this!.
I hope you have fun with this utility and bear with its faults because
admitedly it does have them (NOT BUGS mind you!).If you would like the
listing for this or any other AMOS UTILS/DEMOS made by me then write to
me enclosing a disk full of P.D and i will copy the P.D disk and send the
disk back with your requests on it! (fair or what!??).
Also if you find any bugs,required improvements,critisms! then also write
to the address below!.
Oyeah...do not blame me please if this program eats a disk,ruins a chip,
breaks a mouse or any other disaster that might and probably occur!.
P.S make TOME LICENCEWARE, After buying the compiler and 3d its pointless
dishing out more money for just a few more commands!.
Copyright 1992 Ejber Ozkan STORM Soft.
Ejber Ozkan
222 Tunnel ave,
SE10 opl
Enjoy...STORM 1992