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Polyphonic Music Compiler 1.10
Polyphonic Music Player
Copyright (c) 1989 GrigaSoft Productions
/ \
-*> UPDATE.TXT <*-
-*> MANUAL <*-
[call collect if you have to!]. For more
personal info see section 7.5 of this maunal.
Welcome to the world of polyphonic music! Recently several
programmers working seperately have discovered and implemented
the amazing ability to play three (count 'em) independent voices
on the cheap IBM PC/AT/Clone speaker. Why is this amazing? Well,
for years any IBM "Music" program was laughed at by experts simply
because all the software could do was drone out a simple (not to
mention, dull) melody. Lately the techniques to play three notes
at a time, allowing true chords and harmony, has been developed.
This package exemplifies the continued refining of these
Steve Muenter: wrote the original assembly algorithm
for playing three notes at once,
Ted Holden: informed me of this algorithm and his program
VMUSIC inspired all my work
Subject Section
------- -------
What's included ......................................... 1.0
What is Polyphonic Music? ............................... 2.0
MakePoly Compiler ....................................... 3.0
Explanation .......................................... 3.1
Use .................................................. 3.2
Requirements ...................................... 3.21
Starting MakePoly / Command Line .................. 3.22
Text File Format / Syntax ......................... 3.23
PlayPoly Player ......................................... 4.0
Explanation .......................................... 4.1
Use .................................................. 4.2
Requirements ...................................... 4.21
Starting PlayPoly / Command Line .................. 4.22
Other Polyphonic Music Programs ......................... 5.0
AutoHarp ............................................. 5.1
LoopPoly ............................................. 5.2
SoundEff ............................................. 5.3
TimeCHK .............................................. 5.4
Using the Polyphonic C library .......................... 6.0
The Library Routines ................................. 6.1
Using the Polyphonic Music Library ................... 6.2
How to use the Library Routines ...................... 6.3
Author's Note ........................................... 7.0
Program Development .................................. 7.1
Program Features ..................................... 7.2
Program Info ......................................... 7.3
Future Enhancements .................................. 7.4
Author's Corner ...................................... 7.5
Included in this current version of Polyphonic Music are the
following files:
MAKEPOLY.EXE -- The textfile to polyfile compiler
PLAYPOLY.EXE -- The polyfile player
LOOPPOLY.EXE -- The polyfile player which repeats until
a key is pressed
AUTOHARP.EXE -- The executable version of an example of
how to use the Polyphonic Music C interface.
SOUNDEFF.EXE -- A sound effect program which uses the Poyphonic
Music C interface.
TIMECHK.EXE -- The executable version of an example of
how to use the processor speed-checking functions
of the Polyphonic Music library.
AUTOHARP.C -- The source code of AUTOHARP.EXE.
SOUNDEFF.C -- The source code of SOUNDEFF.EXE.
TIMECHK.C -- The source code of TIMECHK.EXE.
POLYCOMP.BAT -- An example compilation batch file for
a C program calling the Polyphonic Music functions
POLY.H -- The header file for the Polyphonic Music C
POLYCHRD.H -- The header file for defining the array constants
of lots of chords
POLY.LIB -- The Polyphonic Music C interface library.
NPOLY_S.OBJ -- The UPDATED C extended function poly() (small
memory model)
NTRIT_S.OBJ -- The UPDATEED C extended function tritone() (small
memory model)
POLYFUNC.OBJ -- The other C functions in the Polyphonic Music
SIMPTEST.PLY -- A polyfile song that is probably the first three-
voice song ever heard on an IBM (see 7.1 -
TRIPTEST.SNG -- An example song file that displays use of
simulated triplets
POLY.DOC -- The documentation file you are reading
*.SNG, *.PLY -- Various song files to play
The Polyphonic Music programs are an innovative system
for allowing three voice music to be played on the IBM PC and
compatibles. The package provides several uses of Polyphonic
Music for the user. These are:
o A command line controlled jukebox, in which the user simply
compiles (MakePoly.exe) and plays (PlayPoly.exe) his/her
o A batch file enhancer, which can play three part music while
waiting for a keypress, and
o A C programming language enhancer, which allows three voice
music to be played within a C program until a keypress is
[See section 7.4 - Future Enhancements for uses soon to be
The Polyphonic Music programs use two techniques to play
music. The first is the ability to compile a text file with
commands similar to the IBM BASIC PLAY statement into a ".ply"
file format which can be directly played from the command line,
batch files, or even from within your C programs themselves.
The second technique is only usable within C programs. It involves
defining the music to be played within the program (in array form).
This second method may be preferrable if the song is short or
if the programmer doesn't wish to access external files.
The MAKEPOLY.EXE file, when run, compiles text (ascii)
files into files in a ".PLY" format which can then be directly
read by other Polyphonic Music programs. This program is necessary
to translate a file of ascii music commands into the raw
frequencies that the computer can play.
3.2 USE
The MAKEPOLY.EXE program will run in MS-DOS (and
compatibles) 2.0 or later. It needs less than 80K of
memory depending on the size of the text file being
compiled (usually needs 15K to 64K). It can be run from
either a floppy diskette or a hard disk. To work
properly, a text file of music commands (see 3.23 - TEXT
FILE FORMAT / SYNTAX) is required. (For more information
on errors, see 3.24 - MAKEPOLY ERRORS.)
To run MakePoly, make sure you are in the directory
where MAKEPOLY.EXE resides. Enter the following command
at the DOS prompt:
MAKEPOLY <file1> [<file2>]
<file1> = the name of the text file which contains
the Polyphonic Music commands (see 3.23 -
This is the file to be compiled.
<file2> = the name of the output ".ply" file which
contains the raw music (frequencies, and
durations) which can then be played by
other Polyphonic Music routines, such as
PLAYPOLY.EXE (this name is optional)
Note: If no extension is given on <file1> and/or <file2>,
MAKEPOLY assumes ".SNG" (song) for <file1>,
and ".PLY" (poly or play) for <file2>.
Also, if the <file2> parameter is not given,
MAKEPOLY will attempt to add the ".PLY" extension
to <file1>.
to compile a file named "SIMPTEST.SNG":
MAKEPOLY simptest
to compile a file named "ODE"
MAKEPOLY ode. ode.ply
MAKEPOLY compiles a file in a special format.
The file is made up of ascii text with certain ascii
characters representing certain music commands.
The commands can be in upper or lower case.
The commands have been derived directly from recent
versions of the IBM BASIC "PLAY" command (although a few
new commands have been added).
Here is a list of the commands that MAKEPOLY will
On -- Sets the octave of subsequent note output. Any
integer n is allowed, but values between 0 and
6 are recommended. The value 3 is the octave
containing middle C (the only C written without
ledger lines in the Treble Clef). Octaves n < 3
are lower in pitch, while those with n > 3
are higher in pitch. Each octave contains
the notes from C to B (ascending).
(note: if not specified MAKEPOLY assumes 3)
Example: O4 -> sets subsequent note output to
the octave above middle C
Ln -- Sets the default note length. The integer n
can be one of the following:
1 -- representing a whole note
2 -- half note
4 -- quarter note
8 -- eigth note
16 -- sixteenth note
32 -- thirty-secondth note
64 -- sixty-fourth note
(note: n can be other values between 1 and 64, see
7.2 - PROGRAM FEATURES (discussion on
triplets) for details)
The number n is the length any subsequent note
which doesn't have an explicit length following it
will be assigned. (This is useful when a piece
comprises largely of one type of note length.)
(note: if not specified MAKEPOLY assumes 4)
Example: L4 -> sets default note length to quarter
Changes the current tempo for all subsequent notes.
See the file: UPDATE.TXT
This command, as well as the K command, can be
embedded in any voice. The tempo of all three voices
is changed at the point the Tn command is found.
>,< -- Raise current octave up, down. The command > raises
the current octave set by the O command, while the
command < lowers it. The current octave is raised
or lowered by 1.
Vn -- Set subsequent notes to be played by voice n.
The integer n can ONLY have the values 1, 2, or 3.
All the following notes will be programmed to play
in voice n, until another Vn is found with a different
value for n.
(note: an error occurs when you attempt to play
notes before setting which voice to play them
on; no voice is assumed as default)
Any combination of the three voices is allowed,
including ommission of 1 or more of them.
Example: V1 -> sets up voice 1 to play the
subsequent notes
K -- Check the keyboard for a keypress. This command
will abort the playing of the song if a key has
been pressed. The playing routine will only abort
in the place where the K command is specified.
This command can be in any place in the song and
it causes the player to check if a key pressed,
and abort if so, at that point in the song.
Example: V1EEKEF -> check for a keypress
after playing two 'E' notes
(if no key pressed, play 'EF')
*..* (UPDATED)
Allow a user comment. All text in between two
asterixes is ignored by the compiler.
This is useful if the music scorer needs to mark a
section of music or explain something about what he
is scoring.
Example: *voice1:* V1O3 AB -> The words "voice1:"
are ignored (skipped
over) by MAKEPOLY
Notes are entered in the following manner:
<N>[#,+,-][n][.[.[. etc.]]]
<N> = the name of the note. This may be one of
the following letters ONLY:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G -- musical notes
P,R -- rests (pauses, silences)
[#,+,-] = optional note modifier.
#,+ -- makes the note "sharp"
- -- makes the note "flat"
(note: B# (or B+) = C, E# (or E+) = F,
and C- = B, F- = E)
[n] = the optional note length. Can be of the possible
values described under the L command. If n is not
included, MAKEPOLY assumes the default note length
set by the last L command.
[.[.[. etc.]]] = the optional dots on the note. Each dot
modifies the note's length by adding
1/2 of the current value. There is no
limit to the number of dots modifying
any given note.
e -- play note 'e'
f#4 -- play 'f sharp' for a quarter note length
a+8. -- play a dotted 'a sharp' eighth note
b- -- play 'b flat' for default duration
specified by last L command
The PLAYPOLY.EXE file, when run, plays a ".ply" file
in polyphonic (three voice) sound. The ".ply" file is a special
file format that cannot be adjusted or modified directly; it
is only for use by the Polyphonic Music playing routines.
4.2 USE
The PLAYPOLY.EXE program will run in MS-DOS (and
compatibles) 2.0 or later. It needs less than 80K of
memory depending on the size of the ".ply" file being
played (usually 15K to 64K). It can be run from
either a floppy diskette or a hard disk. To work
properly a ".ply" file must be specified. This file
must be in a specific machine-readable format.
To run PlayPoly, make sure you are in the directory
where PLAYPOLY.EXE resides. Enter the following command
at the DOS prompt:
PLAYPOLY <file1> [tval,/c,/s]
<file1> = the name of the ".ply" file which contains
the Polyphonic Music in raw form. Such a
file can only be created by the MakePoly
This is the file to be played.
One of the following optional 2nd parameters may be used:
tval = the tempo you would like to set PlayPoly
to play at. If not given, PLAYPOLY assumes
1024. This can be any positive number ranging
up to 65535. The lower the number, the
faster the tempo. Included in the Polyphonic
Music package is a program called TIMECHK.EXE
which will approximate a good tempo value for
your system (see 5.4 - TIMECHK).
/C = the song's starting tempo is determined
by a processor speed determining routine.
/S = same as /C, except the status line "PLAYPOLY.EXE:
Checking processor speed..." is not displayed.
Note: If no extension is given on <file1>,
PLAYPOLY assumes ".PLY" (for "poly" or "play").
to play a file named "SIMPTEST.PLY":
PLAYPOLY simptest
to play a file named "ODE.JOY"
PLAYPOLY ode.joy
to play a file named "INVENT13.PLY" at tempo = 512
PLAYPOLY invent13 512
to play a file named "INVENT13.PLY" and set the tempo
according to the processor speed
PLAYPOLY invent13 /c
As you may have noticed, several other mysterious programs
have reared their ugly heads in this package. The first one,
AUTOHARP is an interesting attepmt to breathe creativity into the
PC speaker.
Run it by entering AUTOHARP at the DOS prompt (in the drive/
directory where AUTOHARP.EXE is located). The keyboard layout
screen comes up.
To use this program, play your favorite chord progression
by pressing the keys representing the chords you want. The top
row of the keyboard (numbers) will play all your major chords.
The next row plays minor chords, and the third plays diminished
chords. By pressing <Shift> along with any key used plays a
seventh of the chord in question. For instance, to play a G7 chord
(that's G DOMINANT 7, to be specific), press <Shift '-'>.
One other note: the tempo of the chord was set in the
POLYCHRD.H include file and its a good speed for an IBM PCXT but
may be way too fast for a quick processor. If you wamt to change
the tempo modify the source code and recompile it.
Side note: the way in which all those chords were defined is
kind of nasty (they're defined in POLYCHORD.H). A much better
solution for chord playing would be to have some sort of template for
the form of each chord, and then make a key change appropriately.
A discussion of the procedures called in AUTOHARP.C can be found
This program is identical to PLAYPOLY.EXE in every way except
that at the end of a song it plays it over if a key has not been
pressed. This is useful in batch files while waiting for user input.
One other note, the ascii value of the key pressed which
ended the program is returned in the DOS variable "errorlevel", and
can be accessed in batch files.
This program just uses the Polyphonic Music library function
"tritone()" to sound as much like an airplane (with a propellor)
(or something else very peculiar) as it can.
TIMECHK.EXE is a very useful tool in the Polyphonic Music world.
Not only will it benchmark your computer, but it gives you an
accurate tempo value to set playback of your ".ply" files.
You run TIMECHK.EXE by typing TIMECHK at the DOS prompt and
pressing enter. After a few seconds of processor intensive checking
routines, TIMECHK returns the number of hundredths of a second that
your processor completed these tasks in. Also it evaluates an
approximate Polyphonic Music tempo value from this count.
Just for comparison, I ran this on some of the machines around
the office:
Hund. of Secs. Poly. Tempo
IBM original PC 45 465
Turbo XT clone 20 1024
IBM original AT 14 1462
IBM PC + 286 charge card 13 1706
IBM PS2 model 50 8 2560
286 machine 6 3413
386 machine 3 6820
The best use for this value is in making a batch file for
your player files. For instance, if you had the 386 machine, you
could call PLAYPOLY with a batch file PLAY.BAT that looks like
the following:
PLAYPOLY %1 6820
Note: If your computer is so fast that the hundredths of a
second value is 2 or lower, you may have to experiment with large
tempos (7000 or above) to find the correct value for your computer.
A discussion of the C functions used in the source code
of TIMECHK can be found in section 6.1 - THE LIBRARY ROUTINES.
The Polyphonic library consists of several functions that
can be directly accessed within your C program source code and
can be then linked in to your executable modlues. Since not all
C compilers are the same, I've included both the .LIB file
(POLY.LIB) containing all the enhancement functions, and its
component .OBJ files.
All the functions are defined in the header file POLY.H, and
are supported in POLY.LIB. Within this package only near pointers are
accounted for. Any LARGE structures will probably not work. You can
order the Large memory model versions of these functions (see the
text file included in this package: REGISTER.TXT).
Here are descriptions of the Polyphonic Music functions:
#include <poly.h>
int playpoly(plyfilename, defaulttempo)
char *plyfilename; -- DOS path to play
int defaulttempo; -- beginning tempo
Object module: polyfunc.obj+poly.obj
The playpoly routine, when passed a legal filename (of the
proper ".ply" type), and a beginning tempo, will play the three-
voice song defined by the data in the ".ply" file.
The playpoly routine can only read files of the type created by
the MAKEPOLY.EXE program.
If a file extension is not specified in the string plyfilename,
a ".ply" is assumed.
The default tempo must be in the range of 1 (very fast) to 65535
(very slow). This value is the starting tempo of the music
file when played. (UPDATED)
This routine will allocate memory and read in the file. If successful,
it will close the file and play the entire file until completion.
Then the allocated memory is freed.
A keypress may abort the playing if such an action was provided for
in the text version of the song (see 'K' command, section 3.23 -
Return value:
playpoly() returns a 0 (zero) if no errors occured during play.
If an error does occur, an appropriate message is written to stderr,
and a value of -1 (0xFF) is returned.
See Also: looppoly(), polytempo()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <poly.h>
printf(" 'Ode to Joy'. Press any key to stop repititions.... ");
while (!kbhit())
playpoly( "ode", polytempo(10,250) );
#include <poly.h>
int looppoly(plyfilename, defaulttempo)
char *plyfilename; -- DOS path to play
int defaulttempo; -- beginning tempo
Object module: polyfunc.obj+poly.obj
The looppoly routine, when passed a legal filename (of the
proper ".ply" type), and a beginning tempo, will play the three-
voice song defined by the data in the ".ply" file. It will play
the song reptitively until a key has been pressed.
The looppoly routine can only read files of the type created by
the MAKEPOLY.EXE program.
If a file extension is not specified in the string plyfilename,
a ".ply" is assumed.
The default tempo must be in the range of 1 (very fast) to 65535
(very slow). This value is the starting tempo of the music
file when played. (UPDATED)
This routine will allocate memory and read in the file. If successful,
it will close the file and play the entire file until completion.
If a key has not been pressed, it will start playing again.
When a key press is detected, the allocated memory is freed.
The keyboard is only checked every time the song ends!
A keypress may abort the playing DURING the song if such an action
was provided for in the text version of the song (see 'K' command,
section 3.23 - TEXT FILE FORMAT / SYNTAX).
Return value:
looppoly() returns the ascii/scan value (getch()) of the keypress
detected. If an error occurs, an appropriate message is written to
stderr, and a value of -1 (0xFF) is returned.
See Also: playpoly(), polytempo()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <poly.h>
printf(" 'Ode to Joy'. Press any key to stop repetitions.... ");
looppoly( "ode", polytempo(10,250) );
#include <poly.h>
unsigned timetest(sizechk)
int sizechk; -- number of nodes to test
Object module: polyfunc.obj+poly.obj
The routine timetest() is used to determine the current processor's
speed. The function itself does several processor intensive tasks
on an array of size sizechk, and returns the amount of hundredths
of seconds required by the processor.
The sizechk parameter determines the size of a mallocated array
and thus the complexity and length (in time) of the test. The larger
this value is, the longer the test will take, the more memory it
will require, and the more accurate the return value will be.
Return value:
timetest() returns the number of hundreths of a second required to
complete several processor intensive routines.
On fast machines, sizechk values below 300 can often return 0.
See also: processval(), polytempo()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <poly.h>
int numnodes;
printf("How many nodes to test? ");
scanf("%d", &numnodes);
printf("Test completed in %d hundreths of a second.\r\n",
#include <poly.h>
unsigned processval( times, nodes )
int times; -- number of times to run test
int nodes; -- number of nodes to use
Object module: polyfunc.obj+poly.obj
This routine runs the timetest() routine the number of times sent
in the 'times' parameter using arrays of 'nodes' size. It then
returns the average of all the tests to give a processor dependent
value which can be used to portably move your programs from computer
to computer, adjusting program speed by means of a ratio of processor
value to your original value.
This technique was used in the PlayPoly routines.
Return value:
The amount of hundreths of a second, on average, the processor took
to do the timetest() function 'times' times, with 'nodes' nodes.
See also: timetest(), polytempo()
Example: SEE the included file TIMECHK.C for an example of this
#include <poly.h>
unsigned polytempo( times, nodes )
int times; -- number of times to run test
int nodes; -- number of nodes to use
Object module: polyfunc.obj+poly.obj
This routine runs the timetest() routine the number of times sent
in the times parameter using arrays of nodes size. It then returns
an approximate value which is the optimum polyphonic tempo for
the current processor to play at. This function allows portability
of all the PlayPoly routines that require a tempo value, as the
processor which is about to do the playing can be tested for speed
This technique was used in the PlayPoly routines.
Return value:
The approximate optimum tempo for the PlayPoly routines to play at.
(note: this function involves division and if the processval()
function returns a 0 because of a very fast processor,
this function will cause a division by zero error)
See also: timetest(), processval()
Example: SEE the included file TIMECHK.C for an example of this
#include <poly.h>
void poly( song ) (UPDATED)
int *song; -- array of ".ply" format music to play
Object module: npoly_s.obj
This routine plays the array of integers pointed to by song.
This routine drives the PC speaker. The integer array is in a
special format. Each value in the array means a specific command
to the function.
The constant values below are defined in the POLY.H file.
The value that accompanies each comand is ORed (|) into the
low 13 bits of the integer.
A value of: Means:
TCHANGE modify the starting tempo (see UPDATE.TXT
with value being equivalent to the n in
the updated version of the Tn command)
V1 set the frequency of voice 1 to value
V2 set the frequency of voice 2 to value
V3 set the frequency of voice 3 to value
KBCHECK check the keyboard buffer to see if a key
has been pressed
DUR play the three voices (set by V1..V3) for
a duration of DUR * Current_Tempo
STOP quit playing, return to calling program
A song is played by setting the tempo, setting the three voices, and
setting the duration (which then plays the three voices), until a
STOP value is encountered.
Return value:
There is no return value.
See also: tritone(), playpoly()
Example: SEE the included file AUTOHARP.C and POLYCHRD.H for an
example of this routine.
#include <poly.h>
void tritone(tempo, v1, v2, v3, duration)
int tempo; -- the tempo to play at
int v1, v2, v3; -- the three voice frequencies
int duration; -- the duration of the 3 voices
Object module: ntrit_s.obj
This function plays three notes simultaneously on the speaker.
The tempo value is usually an static variable which applies
throughout the program and is processor dependent. For best
results in frequencies, use the defined values in the POLY.H
This function can be used for music or sound effects.
Return value:
There is no return value.
See also: poly(), playpoly(), polytempo()
Example: SEE the included file SOUNDEFF.C for an example of this
In order to use the Polyphonic C routines, insert them as you
normally would into your source code (for an example, see any of the
".c" files included in this package).
Next, compile your source code to object modules (".obj" files).
In other words, compile WITHOUT linking.
Finally, if you are using Microsoft C, link your object modules
to the POLY.LIB library (as well as to the standard library).
This step may not work with other brands of C compilers, so I've
included the .OBJ files included in POLY.LIB. If you can't use
the POLY.LIB or it doesn't work, link your C source files to
the necessary object files (each function's necessary object files
are listed before their description in section 6.1 - THE LIBRARY
ROUTINES). This usually involves using a '+' command with your
For example: (taken from the file POLYCOMP.BAT)
cl /c myprog.c --> compiles without linking (Microsoft C)
link myprog,,,+poly; --> links myprog.obj with standard library
and also uses poly.lib (Microsoft Linker)
myprog.exe --> runs myprog
If you use just the object files:
cl /c myprog.c --> say myprog calls playpoly()
link myprog+polyfunc+poly_s; --> link necessary object files
myprog.exe --> run program
These functions need a legitimate ".ply" file to play.
First, type in the music you want to play in the text format
outlined in section 3.23. Make sure you place the 'K' command
wherever necessary (to abort on keypress). It is suggested that
you use the 'K' command in rests or at the end of phrases or
measures, since it may take a small time interval to scan the
keyboard (but usually this is not noticable). Also, be generous
with them because your program user probably does not want to
have to wait until the end of several measures for the program
to continue.
Second, compile the text file to a ".ply" file format using the
included program MAKEPOLY.EXE.
Third, use the path of the file in a call to the playpoly()/
looppoly() functions (see section 6.1 - THE LIBRARY ROUTINES).
Fourth, compile and link your C program as described above (section
This function needs a legitimate array whose members are
a list of integers in the ".ply" format.
There are two ways to make this integer array. One is to load the
array from a ".ply" file into memory (see PlayPoly/LoopPoly above
for how to obtain the file). The second way is to hard code the
music into your source code. Using this method has the advantage
that the music takes up no external files, it is stored within the
executable program itself.
The way this second method is implemented is as follows:
1. Define an integer array,
2. Fill it with the ".ply" values making up your
song (this involves a certain amount of derivation),
3. Call poly() with the array pointer as a parameter.
The way in which you fill the array with ".ply" values (step 2
above) is as follows:
1. Use the defined values created in the POLY.H file.
2. Set the tempo by plugging a tempo value into the
array (an unsigned integer in the range of 1 to 65535).
3. Set the voices by plugging (Vn | voicefreqency) into the
array (where 'n' is '1', '2', or '3'). You can use
the frequency values defined in POLY.H. They are set
up by nameofnote_octave, e.g. C sharp in the middle
octave (the one with middle C in it) = CSHA_M. Set these
defines according to your usage. Note: multiplying these
numbers by 2 raises one ocatve, and dividing by 2 lowers
one octave.
4. Set the duration of the notes by plugging (DUR |
notelength) into the array. This will play the last
defined voice values for the duration given. If any voice
was not defined it will use the last frequency given.
If there was never any value defined for any one voice
it will play 0 (silence) for that voice.
5. Check for keypresses at any point by plugging (KBCHECK)
into the array
6. Continue steps 3 - 5 (use TCHANGE | changeval as described
in UPDATE.TXT to change the tempo in the middle of the
song) until the song is completely hard coded.
7. Plug the last value (STOP) into the array
For an example of this, see the header file POLYCHRD.H which defines
the play of several three-note chords as if they were songs.
Use this function exactly as you would Poly, except send
the VALUES of tempo, v1, v2, v3, and duration as parameters, NOT
as an array. This function does not check for a keypress and
a STOP value is not necessary since it stops once the duration
Use these functions to test the speed of a processor. They
should be self-explanatory.
The idea for this program first came the time I excitedly
downloaded PIANOMAN.ARC from my favorite bulletin board. I
impatiently loaded up the program waiting to see what one
unknowingly deceiving uploader penned as "Plays polyphonic
music!". When it loaded up I was sorely disheartened, as the
pianoman was as far from a piano as a computer could be (well,
next to having no speaker at all).
Then one day I noticed a file that said VMUSIC.ARC "plays
notes simultaneously". I had to check it out. And sure enough, it
did what it claimed. It did not "simulate" three voices by playing
three notes real fast through one voice. All three voices were there!
This interested me and I played a little with the program.
The time came when I wanted to use the possibility of three
voices in a program I was writing. VMUSIC couldn't help me because
it was unable to be accessed from C easily and quickly (not to
mention it was copyrighted!), so I called up Ted Holden, the
writer of VMUSIC. He didn't give me any code, but he referred me
to the work of Steve Muenter. This was the guy who wrote the low-
level technique for three voices. So, I got a copy of this assembly
code and I hooked it up to C.
I thought that a music compiler (putting the music into
raw form for quick playing) would be a good idea, so I wrote
MakePoly. I wrote it so that the three voices could be implemented
into C.
Basically this is the end result. The C enhancement
routines provided in this package expand on the original concept
and applications of three-voice music. And there is even more in
the works (from Mr. Holden as well as myself -- see 7.4 - PROGRAM
Every thing in this package was written in either C or
assembly (here's your free plug, Microsoft (5.1 to be exact)).
* Three voice technology first started with Steve Muenter (as
far as I know). He created a cryptic BASIC interface with a
function similar to the poly() function in this package.
His program played the song contained in the file SIMPTEST.PLY.
The form it is in now is not very far from the original form
in was in!
Ted Holden crystalized this idea by allowing imitation BASIC
commands in ascii text files to be played. *
Both MAKEPOLY/PLAYPOLY and VMUSIC use the Basic-like commands
to read and play three-voice music. They both are good music
writing/composition tools.
In the latest version of VMUSIC which is propogating around
the nation's bulletin boards, Richard Pierce scored lots of Bach
pieces and offered some comments to Ted Holden. In one of the
README files Ted responds directly to Richard Pierce's suggestions.
I'd like to do the same (my comments delimited by **'s):
"There are some obvious ways (to me, at least) vmusic could
be enhanced. This is contradictory to the concept of vmusic as,
really, a toy program (with no intention on my part to denegrate
it or the authors efforts). Many of the suggestions I have would
be satisfied by MIDI sequencer programs. I doubt that the author
had any inkling that vmusic would be put to such efforts as I
have here. Be that as it may...
Check!> Tempo
Implementation of the Basic "play" command for tempo 't'
would be very useful. Several of the pieces performance
style could hve been immeasurably helped by being able to
implement even incremental changes of tempo, much less true
accelerando and ritardando.
** Incremental tempo changes are supported in this version...
(see UPDATE.TXT) **
Check!> Triplets
True triplet notes (where three notes are played in two
beats) could have made some of the pieces far easier, and
would have encouraged me to try others. One way that this
could be noted in the music source would be some convention
that would group the triplets together, such as:
v1o4 (efe)3 (ded)3 c4
v2o3 c<b >cd e4
where the triplet eighth notes like "efe" are played three
against the normal two eighth notes "c<b" in a normal 3/4
time measure. The extension of this to sixth groupings
"(......)6" and even seventh groupings "(.......)7" would
enable many other pieces to be simply coded (the latter
being true for the first movement of Bach's Partita #6).
** MAKEPOLY will allow "simulated" triplets. The manner in which
this is accomplished is the following:
Every note length in the <textfile> is first converted to
a real time value. Specifically,
Note Length: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
- is converted to -
Real Time Duration: 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
(the formula is RTD = 64 / NL)
So, if you time your triplets in real time, and then set
your note length accordingly, you can fake them.
For instance, say you want a triplet for eighth notes.
This would be equivalent in real time to 2 eighth notes, i.e.
real time = 8+8 = 16, so your three notes would need to add up
to 16. Let's use 5, 5, and 6. Since NL = 64 / RTD, and 64/5 =
12.8, and 64/6 = 10.67, use the notelengths, 13, 13, and 11,
which add up to (when applied through the original formula, and
rounded) 16. This works only because MAKEPOLY rounds the RTD
derived from the formula. Try it!
This example is realized in the file TRIPTEST.SNG. They sound
like triplets to me! **
More voices
Simply said...
** It is possible. I tried four (have capability for up to five)
but the noise level was too much. I'll continue work on this! **
Platform independence
It would be nice to be able to detect the speed of the
machine, then set the tempo and pitch parameters automati-
cally (or at least scale them) so that the same piece would
sound the same on different hardware.
Check!> ** PLAYPOLY currently offers this capability (see the command line
parameter /C, section 4.22 - STARTING PLAYPOLY / COMMAND LINE)
for playing songs which don't change tempo internally. This
option has not been fully tested to see whether it reproduces
pitches perfectly or just scales them (most likely the pitches
are only scaled). A better speed detector would be nice
(one that plays silence for instance!) **
Syntax checking
A more intelligent parser would help debugging. For
example, if vmusic had some knowledge of the measure
length, it could detect missing or excessive notes in each
** MAKEPOLY simply plays silence for a voice when a voice's
info runs out. If you know what the piece sounds like, you
should be able to detect slips in the voices. Although, an
idea is in the works which, when implemented, will inform
the user that one voice is shorter than another.
Also: use the comment delimiters to section off pieces of
the music. This allows focusing in on certain parts and
you can then easily determine what's wrong. Never thought
I'd be debugging an opera! **
Note Style
Implementing the Basic "play" command for setting note
style, such as legato, portamento and staccato, would make
coding easier.
** One possible alternative is to play half of the value of the
note and then rest the other half (staccato). I beleive these
styles are possible. Explain what exactly the terms mean, and I'll
have a go at them in upcoming versions **
Check!> Equal voices
In some of the more complex pieces (such as the trio
sonata), the second and third voices get lost beneath the
more predominate first voices. All voices should have equal
** 'This version of MAKEPOLY doesn't account for this but I have
some ideas of ways to attempt this. Hopefully the next
version will have conquered this problem.' - I said last (1.00)
And it has... see UPDATE.TXT for details on equal voices ** ."
MakePoly was written entirely in Microsoft C 5.1.
In its finished form it is rougly 20K of source code.
PlayPoly was written in Microsoft C 5.1, and linked to
and external function written in Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1.
Both programs use dynamic memory for note storage, so the
only limitation to song length is the amount of available memory.
(Large memory model only, the small memory model has an upward
limit of about 64K).
Updated versions will be produced even if the amount of user
feedback is minimal (in other words, PLEASE FEED BACK! Your comments
are greatly wanted/apprieciated!).
Other than the enhancements mentioned in the discussion with
Richard Pierce in section 7.2 - PROGRAM FEATURES, I personally
am dedicated to see the following enhancements come to the world
of three voice IBM music:
* Functions to add three voice capability to:
PASCAL, and any other requested languages
(Note: the poly() function, in its present form, may
may very well work for Pascal. I have yet to
try it, but I ask anyone who uses Pascal to
feel free to explore! I will attempt this
if and when I get Turbo Pascal 5.5!)
* The ability to work appearantly simultaneously
while other functions are doing their thing (this
is the "DOS-world-possibility" mentioned in section
* For AUTOHARP type programs, a sensitive assembly key-
board parser which plays a chord until a key is released
(not just repeating the key).
* A simple sequencer-type program that let's you
edit a ".ply" file without knowing how to read music!
(the keyboard would have to have assembly-type instructions
as described for AUTOHARP above so the program could
sense when keys were pressed and released.)
* What would be really great is to be able to tune
the player to concert pitch.
Let me just tell you a little about myself...
I am 19, a Computer Science Major at the University of Texas.
I also work for the Department of Verteran's Affairs, working with
(what else) PC's. I am a programmer, and a serious musician.
I play the guitar primarily, but I also have a great love for
piano and the drums (trapset). I can't deny but that the Lord has been
very instrumental and creative in my life. He has given me peace, joy,
and love I never knew before I knew Him (and believe me, I searched!).
Not only that but He has specifically answered my prayers and spoken
through me. I give every waking moment to Him, and He satisfies me
more than the world ever did!
So if you have any comments, questions, advice, suggestions, or
obscene remarks about what is present in this package, PLEASE
contact me!
Edward ("Eddie") Grigassy
2304A Riverside Farms Rd.
Austin, TX 78741
On Compuserve: 73207,3140
Here is the address of Ted Holden, author of VMUSIC (obtainable
on Compuserve {go ibmnew, music section}):
Ted Holden
HT Enterprises
1947 Storm Dr.
Falls Church, Va. 22043
703 760-9713
And here is the address of Richard Pierce, the arranger of the
many Bach music files (playable through MAKEPOLY and the other
Polyphonic Music play routines presented here) included in the latest
VMUSIC package (some were reproduced here):
Richard Pierce
17 Sartelle Street
Pepperell, Ma 01463
Technical Stuff:
If you enjoyed, used, or even loved this package, please consider a
contribution of $20 or of any size. This package has been designated as
ShareWare by the author (E. Grigassy); it serves as a demo for the
more powerful later versions of Polyphonic Music, the Large
memory models of the poly.lib functions. (see REGISTER.TXT), and
the registration releasing full rights to the registeree
(is that a word?).
Registration Information:
Polyphonic Music is distributed as User-Supported software. You are free
to copy and distribute this software freely, however, if you find it of
use to you, you are encouraged to register your copy. Registering your
copy of the software helps the author continue to provide professional
quality software at very reasonable prices.
The Basic Registration is $5.00 and includes royalty-free use of library
functions, unlimited technical support, and information about low-cost
All materials are shipped on 5.25-inch floppy diskettes. If you require
3.5-inch floppies instead, there is an additional $2.00 charge covering
the cost of the diskette itself.
Non-U.S. orders need to include $5.00 extra to cover additional shipping
and handling charges. Checks and money orders must be drawn on a U.S.
bank. Please send all payments payable in U.S. Dollars.
Print the registration form, REGISTER.TXT, or include on a piece of
paper your name, address, phone number, and requested items, and send
it along with your payment to:
Edward Grigassy
GrigaSoft Productions
2304A Riverside Farms Rd.
Austin, TX 78741
Microsoft(R), MS(R) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM(R) is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines
All versions of VMUSIC (vm0389.exe is latest as of writing) are Copyright
HT Enterprises / Ted Holden
any of the original source code not mentioned above
are Copyright (c) 1989 Edward P. Grigassy / GrigaSoft
Productions. None of these files or procedures may
be used in any commercial software nor may they be
bought or sold without the explicit written permission
of Edward P. Grigassy / GrigaSoft Productions.
Polyphonic Music (TM) is a trademark of GrigaSoft Productions.
Edward Grigassy / GrigaSoft Productions is not responsible for any
damage or loss of property caused by the software in this package. This
package is provided AS IS and no guarantee is made by the author/owner
for the safety of the user's property.
All the documentaion included in this package is subject to change at any
time and in no way reflects any commitment on the part of the author/owner.