Amiga Plus Extra 1996 #3
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Text File
363 lines
Funkylady, the Othello contestor
Copyright © 1993 Ola Liljedahl, all rights reserved
Freely distributable
1. Introduction
2. Usage
3. Configuration
4. Position files
5. Othello goals and tactics
6. Implementation
7. Background
8. Thanks
9. Author
1. Introduction
Funkylady is a highly optimized Othello program with a simple text user
I think Funkylady is very good, in autumn 1993 it probably ranked among
the 10 best Othello programs in the world.
2. Usage
Funkylady must be started from the command line. Make sure the stack is
large enough, 16K is ok. The font in the console window ought to be of
fixed width and support bold characters nicely.
Command line options:
? Display the command line options.
-ccolor <color>
Specify the computer's disc color, must be one of 'black'
or 'white'. Default is white, i.e. human player (who is black)
-ttime <time>
Specify target time, the total time for the computer to
spend during the game, specified in minutes. It is possible
that the computer will exceed this time limit, game tree
traversal time is not easily predicted.
-load <filename>
Load a saved position, start playing where saved. Can be
combined/enhanced with the -from option.
-from <move number>
Specify from which move to start the game when restarting
from a loaded position. Moves are numbered from 1 till 64
(or even larger than 64, since passes count as moves).
-cachesize <number of elements>
Specify size (number of elements) of the evaluation cache.
The use of a (large) evaluation cache may speed up the
evaluation of positions and therefor speed up the search.
Should be a large value, probably also a prime number is
-deterministic <boolean>
Specify that Funkylady play deterministically. Normally
Funkylady tries to vary the (within limits) the playing even
when starting from identical positions. However when evaluating
newly implemented optimizations in the game tree traversal
algorithm determinism is absolutely necessary. Valid values
are 'true' and 'false'.
-opponent <name>
Specify the name of Funkylady's oppponent, usually the human
player (you).
-nodump Normally Funkylady dumps the resulting position in a file
named dump.<big number> when the game is over. When this
option is specified no position is dumped at the end of the
-pipe <inpipename> <outpipename>
Specify two filenames (names pipes) that Funkylady shall use
for reading the human's move and writing it's own move. Two
instances of Funkylady should be started, each in a separate
window and with the pipe names swapped.
Window 1 : 'funkylady -ccolor black -pipe pipe:x pipe:y'
Window 2 : 'funkylady -ccolor white -pipe pipe:y pipe:x'
Now these two instances play against each other. Can be used
to automate the process of evaluating two (different) versions
of Funkylady (or another Othello program).
Note that I had problems with named pipes, I had to open and
close the pipe before/after each read or write to make it work.
probably to overcome some buffering in AmigaDOS.
Commands (at the 'Enter your move:' prompt):
? Display available commands.
quit Quit Funkylady.
undo [numofmoves]
Undo specified number of moves, one move if none specified.
'undo 2' is required to correct a stupid move.
save [filename]
Save the current position to specified file. If none specified
a filename is prompted.
load [filename [frommove]]
Load a position from the specified file. If none specified a
filename is prompted. Optionally the move from which the saved
position should be played can be specified. This way a lost
game can be replayed from a selected position.
help [targettime]
Ask the computer to think for you and suggest a good move.
Optionally a search target time (in seconds) can be specified.
Moves are entered column first (a letter in the range 'a'..'h' or 'A'..'H')
followed by the row (a digit in the range '1'..'8'). If no move is possible
one has to pass and enters 'ps'. Pressing enter without any value prints
one's possible moves. However if only one or less moves are possible this
move or pass is automatically entered.
3. Configuration
At startup Funkylady initializes game parameters to builtin defaults. If
the file funky.param exists (in the current directory) it is read and game
parameters are adjusted accordingly. Last but not least options on the
command line affect the game parameters.
This is an example funky.param file:
#this is Funkylady's parameter file
computercolor white
computername Funkylady
targettime 1200
cachesize 0
deterministic false
potmobility 1
winloss 45
discdiff 49
The hash character '#' signifies that this line shall be ignored (is a
'computercolor' is the disc color of the computer, valid values are 'black'
and 'white'.
'computername' is the name of the computer (Funkylady).
'targettime' is the total time the computer shall spend during the game.
This value is specified in seconds (and not in minutes as on the command
line, a small piece of inconsistency).
'cachesize' is the size (number of elements) of the evaluation cache. If
specified it should be a large (>50000?) value and probably a prime
number. Use 0 for no cache.
'deterministic' specifies that Funkylady play deterministically. Valid
values are 'true' and 'false'.
'potmobility', 'winloss' and 'discdiff' are different evaluation funtions
used by the game tree traversal.
'potmobility 1' specifies that the potmobility evaluation should be used
from move 1. 'winloss 45' specifies that winloss evaluation should be
used from move 45. 'discdiff 49' specifies that discdiff evaluation
should be used from move 49 till the end. These values are suitable for
a 20 minute game (per player) on a 25 MHz 68030. For a slower computer
the following values could be used:
potmobility 1
winloss 51
discdiff 55
If the computer continuously violates the time target these values
should be increased.
4. Position files
The position file contains a snapshot of a position in the game or after
the games was ended. It can be used to start playing from the saved position
or (with the -from option) to restart the game at an earlier stage. A
position file is automatically written to the current directory when the
game has ended, this behaviour can be disabled with the -nodump option.
The position file contain the same fields as the parameter file (funky.param)
and additionally:
timestamp 798000556
humantime 32
computertime 17
turntomove black
passes 0
moves d3 c5 b6 e3 d6 c4
times 19 0 4 0 9 17
'board' obviously describes the board at the time the position was saved.
'timestamp' is a time stamp from the moment the game was started. Used to
enforce determinism (I think).
'humantime' is the number of seconds the human has spent thinking
'computertime' is number of seconds the computer has spent computing
'turntomove' is the color of the player to move.
'passes' is the number of passes in this position.
'moves' is followed by a list of the played moves. Passes are included.
'times' is followed by a list of the number of seconds the player spent
contemplating the position.
5. Othello goals and tactics
The goal of Othello is to have the most discs when the game is OVER. The
game is over when all discs have been placed on the board or no player
can place any disc. A move is legal if it (together with another of the
player's discs) encloses one or more of the opponent's discs. These discs
are then turned into the color of the player's disc.
During most of the game it is much more important for the player to have
the possiblity to place as many discs as possible (in as good positions
as possible of course, some positions are very bad). A good player has many
(good) moves in the end of the game whilst his opponent only has a few (bad)
moves or no moves at all. In reality this contradicts the ultimate goal (of
having the largets number of discs) during most part of the game.
Few discs during the game, ALL discs when the game is over, a transitional
period in the end where all discs are turned to your color.
Only heuristics that approximate the wanted result are known. Many exists,
few are good. One of the best is "potential mobility" as defined by the
British matematician/Othello player Joel F. Feinstein and is used in his
program 'Modot'. Modot has been used as a sparring partner to Funkylady
whose heuristics had to evolve to win against Modot. Differences in speed
mattered less.
Potential mobility is the quantity of opponent discs facing empty squares.
Subtract the quantity of own discs that face empty squares and use this
value as a measure of the goodness of the position. Simple.
6. Implementation
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs (Wirth)
Algorithms + Data Structures + Heuristics = A.I. Programs
(Somewhere we forgot the user interface, another important part these days)
Three design decisions are important for game playing programs:
1: datatype (for board)
2: game tree traversal algorithm
3: heuristics (board evaluation functions)
(in a probable, increasing order of importance)
Funkylady uses bitboards, i.e. boards are described by bit vectors, in
Funkylady's case 64 bit integers (long long). Bitboards are compact and
can be manipulated with bit operations. Whole boards are operated on at
once, for instance computing all legal moves with a few (?) bit operations.
Many ideas came from Desdemona's (rather simple) board operations which were
implemented in hardware.
To traverse the game tree efficiently Funkylady uses the alfabeta pruning
version of minimax with minimal window/scout presearch. These are standard
techniques, find a standard artificial intelligence text book.
The heuristics used are an evolution of Joel F. Feinsteins potential
mobility which could be called inverse combined potential mobility (???).
This heuristic is used for evaluation until the end game search starts.
Close to the end of the game Funkylady searches to the (bitter) end but
only evaluates the final position as a win, a loss or a draw. This makes
for faster searching since more possibilites can be pruned from the search.
Real close to the end Funkylady evaluates the disc difference at the end of
the game computing the exact utcome.
The code is written with GCC in mind, especially the use of long long and
of inlining of functions and even some inline assembly on 68K machines. It
is possible to compile it with other compilers supporting 64 bit integers
such as SunSofts SPARCCompiler. A native 64 bit CPU would be perfect.
7. Background
In the spring of 1993 I particiated in two seven week courses at the
Department of Computer Engineering headed by Prof. Lars Philipsson (at Lund
University), Design Methods for Computer Systems (KDS) and Computer Systems
Design (DSK).
The goals were:
KDS: create a project plan and a prototype of an Othello playing machine
DSK: build the Othello playing machine according to the plan
During KDS I worked with the prototype, designing the hardware that would
perform Othello operations. Our design - called Desdemona - (pipelined
design with 5 Actel-2 FPGA's and a commercial telephone switching circuit
from LSI Logic for move ordering) won (there were two teams competing).
During DSK I worked with the functional model that was to be the reference
for the actual hardware. It was also used in place of the hardware to test
the software of Desdemona before the hardware was finished.
We made it! (However not on time, who does?)
The full Desdemona machine consists of a 286 PC with 2 Megs of RAM, a VGA
graphics card and a not too big hard drive. In an extension slot sits our
custom designed 8 bit ISA board with the FPGA's (among other circuits). The
hardware runs at ~3.5 MHz and evaluates ~150,000 Othello positions per
second. That is enough for a 20 level end game search.
Desdemona participated in 1993's Othello Championship held in Paderborn
Germany and reached a joint 6:th position (of 12 participants) together
with Joel Feinstein's Modot. After the competition it was clear that
Desdemona used the brute force method (fast hardware, simple heuristics)
whilst the winner used advanced pattern evaluation techniques (complex
software and 60M (!) of precomputed evaluation tables). The future lies in
software running on a general purpose computer.
As a spinoff to the Desdemona project I had a fully functional prototype to
an Othello program. I spent several months optimizing the code and the
heuristics (position evaluation functions) and wrote my own user interface.
Result: Funkylady.
8. Thanks
Thanks go to:
Joel F. Feinstein for the source of Modot and many valuable insights into
Othello game playing.
Nils Berner, the Swedish Othello champion, for help with Desdemona's/
Funkylady's (rather simple) opening book and Desdemona sparring.
Ingvar Lindgren for being the prime Funkylady sparring partner (besides
Modot...). Those days were fun.
And some prominent members of the Desdemona project:
Lars Johansson, project head KDS
Torbjörn Andersson, prototype codesigner (KDS), project head DSK
Johannes Elg, chief silicon implementor (DSK)
If you ever meet them, they're bright, dedicated and hard working.
9. Author
My name is Ola Liljedahl. I have owned and used Amigas since 1987, coded
some demos (mostly unreleased vector graphics) and programmed a lot in C
and 68K. I (almost) hold a Computer Science/Engineering Master's exam from
Lund University Sweden. There still some minor things to finish...
Currently I am employed by Enea Data, a company that specializes in
consulting in the areas of real time systems, OO methods and quality
assurance (boring but necessary, I assure you). Enea also develops and
sells a family of real time operating systems, OSE. That is my job, OSE
My current computer system is an Amiga 3000 25 MHz, 4M fast and 2M chip RAM,
50M + 520M harddisk, Picasso II graphics board (excellent) and KS/WB 3.1.
I desperately need more RAM, but ZIP's are hard to find these days.
I am reachable with Internet mail at the address olli@enea.se. Feel free
to mail if you are having problems with Funkylady, have interesting views on
artifical intelligence, (computer) game playing etc. or if you can tell me
where to buy another 4M of static column ZIP RAM.