Loadstar 32
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Commodore BASIC
120 lines
0 n$="":sp$=" "
1 dimvt$(24),ht$(40):vt$(1)="":ht$(1)=""
2 fori=2to24:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
3 fori=2to40:ht$(i)=ht$(i-1)+"":next
10 remtext
15 printchr$(147);
40 d$=chr$(4)
70 printvt$(2);
100 printht$(9);
130 printchr$(18);
160 print": [194]ingo card printer :"
190 printchr$(146);
220 print
250 printht$(2);
280 remprint"(for the [199]emini 10x & first cousins)"
310 print
315 print
340 printht$(6);
370 print"(c) 1985 [194]arney [202]. [198]ontenot"
400 print
405 print
430 print"[155] [212]his program prints out sets of 3 "
460 print" different bingo cards on a standard"
490 print" 11 x 8.5 sheet of printer paper."
520 print
550 print" [208]lease hit 'q' to quit now; any other"
580 print" key to boldly go where no bingo cards"
610 print" have gone before... (whoosh!) -> ";
640 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
645 printit$
670 ifit$="q"then3070
700 remprinterstuffbelow
850 h1=10
880 h2=15
910 h3=20
940 h4=25
970 h5=30
1000 x1=1
1005 x2=1
1010 x3=1
1015 x4=1
1020 x5=1
1030 rem
1060 dimd(75),b(15),ii(15),n(15),g(15),o(15)
1120 printvt$(20);
1150 printht$(10);
1180 print": [211]huffling 'em up :"
1210 remrandomize
1240 num=rnd(peek(160))
1330 fori=1to75:d(i)=i:next
1345 k=0
1360 fori=1to75
1390 j=int(rnd(.)*75)+1
1395 t=d(i):d(i)=d(j):d(j)=t
1425 next
1450 printvt$(20);
1480 printht$(10);
1510 remcall-868
1540 print": [208]icking 'em out :[146]"
1600 fornn=1to75
1630 ifd(nn)<16thenb(x1)=d(nn):x1=x1+1:goto1780
1660 ifd(nn)>15andd(nn)<31thenii(x2)=d(nn):x2=x2+1:goto1780
1690 ifd(nn)>30andd(nn)<46thenn(x3)=d(nn):x3=x3+1:goto1780
1720 ifd(nn)>45andd(nn)<61theng(x4)=d(nn):x4=x4+1:goto1780
1750 ifd(nn)>60theno(x5)=d(nn):x5=x5+1
1780 nextnn
1785 printvt$(20)" [211]et print head at top of page"
1786 printvt$(21)"'[209]' quits now. [193]ny other key continues.";
1787 poke198,0:wait198,1:getp$:ifp$="q"then3070
1788 printvt$(19)" "
1789 printvt$(20)" ";
1790 printvt$(21)" : [208]rinting :[146] "
1795 printvt$(22)" "
1810 open15,4,15:close15:ifst=.then1840
1820 print"[197][210][210][207][210]: [208]rinter [206]ot [207]nline."
1825 fora=1to2000:next
1830 print"[145] "
1835 goto1785
1840 open4,4,7
1850 print#4
1870 foruu=0to10step5
1905 print#4,n$sp$" [194] ";
1935 print#4,n$" [201] ";
1965 print#4,n$"[160][206] ";
1995 print#4,n$" [199] ";
2025 print#4,n$" [207]"
2110 print#4:print#4
2140 form=1to5
2170 u=uu+m
2200 printht$(1);
2230 ifb(u)<10thenprint#4,n$" ";
2260 print#4,n$sp$b(u);
2290 printht$(2);
2320 print#4,n$ii(u);
2350 printht$(3);
2380 ifu=3oru=8oru=13thenprint#4,n$" ** ";:goto2440
2410 print#4,n$n(u);
2440 printht$(4);
2470 print#4,n$g(u);
2500 printht$(5);
2530 print#4,n$o(u)
2560 print#4
2590 print#4
2620 nextm
2650 print#4
2680 print#4
2710 print#4
2740 nextuu
2770 print#4
2775 print#4
2830 close4
2860 printchr$(147);
2890 printvt$(5);
2920 print"[215]ould you like to run off another set? ";
2950 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
2980 ifit$="y"thenrun
3010 ifit$="n"then3070
3040 goto2950
3070 clr:load"bingo",8