Loadstar 32
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Commodore BASIC
255 lines
0 poke53280,.:poke53281,.:print"[147]"
1 dimvt$(24),ht$(40):vt$(1)="":ht$(1)=""
3 bk$="[164]"
4 fori=2to24:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
5 fori=2to40:ht$(i)=ht$(i-1)+"":next
6 dimd(75),hi(75)
7 dimbl$(5),bn$(10)
8 gosub5000
10 remtext
15 printchr$(147);
35 s=54272
40 lx=0:ct=0:lf=0
45 printchr$(147);
70 d$=chr$(4)
100 gosub4000
370 printvt$(10);
375 printht$(4);
400 print" [215]ould you like a short intro? ";
430 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
435 ifit$<>"[147]"thenprintit$
440 ifit$="y"thengosub4000:gosub2920:goto490
460 ifit$<>"n"then370
490 gosub4000
495 printvt$(10);
500 printht$(10);
505 rem
520 print": [211]tirring the pot :"
550 printchr$(146);
580 rem
610 remrandomize
700 num=rnd(peek(160))
710 fori=1to75:d(i)=i:next
750 k=0
760 fori=1to75
790 j=int(rnd(.)*75)+1
795 t=d(i)
800 d(i)=d(j):d(j)=t
825 next
850 printvt$(10);
855 printht$(10);
860 printchr$(18);
880 print": [208]ot stirred :"
910 printchr$(146);
940 printvt$(16);
970 print"[155][206]umber of seconds delay [6]:";bk$;
971 mo=2:nc=2:gosub60500:ifa$=""thena$="6"
972 ns$=a$
973 if(len(ns$)>2)or(len(ns$)<1)then940
974 ifasc(ns$)>57orasc(ns$)<48then940
975 ns=val(ns$)
1000 ifns<0thengoto940
1020 ifns>59thengoto940
1030 remns=ns*55
1040 printvt$(20)"[215]ould you like a tone between calls?";
1050 gettb$:iftb$<>"y"andtb$<>"n"then1050
1060 printchr$(147);
1090 forn=1to75
1120 ifd(n)>60thenca$="[207]"+str$(d(n)):goto1270
1150 ifd(n)>45thenca$="[199]"+str$(d(n)):goto1270
1180 ifd(n)>30thenca$="[206]"+str$(d(n)):goto1270
1210 ifd(n)>15thenca$="[201]"+str$(d(n)):goto1270
1240 ifd(n)>0thenca$="[194]"+chr$(abs((d(n)<10))*32)+str$(d(n))
1270 rem
1300 printvt$(1);
1305 printht$(5);
1310 rem
1330 print"[157][149][193]nd the next number is ... ";
1360 printchr$(18);
1365 print" ";ca$;" "
1370 printchr$(146);
1390 gosub4500:gosub5500:gosub1660
1420 printvt$(21);
1425 remcall-868
1450 gosub2860
1480 ti$="000000":getke$:ifke$="[133]"then1570
1485 poke198,0
1490 tq=val(ti$):printvt$(13)ht$(29)"[129][212]imer: [149]";:ifns-tq<10thenprint" ";
1495 printns-tq
1497 getke$:ifke$<>""then1570
1500 iftq<nsthen1490
1570 ifke$="[133]"thenke$="":gosub2680
1630 nextn
1660 if lx=1then1750
1670 lx=1
1690 printvt$(3);
1700 ifke$="[133]"thengosub2680
1720 print" [194] [201] [206] [199] [207]"
1725 print:fori=1to15:print" . . . . .":next:print"[129]";
1750 ifn>75then2350
1760 ifke$="[133]"thengosub2680
1780 nu=d(n)
1840 v=int((nu-1)/15)
1870 vt=v*4+8
1900 h=15*v
1930 h=nu-h
1960 printvt$(h+4);
1965 printht$(vt);
2080 print"[157][129]"nu
2170 ct=ct+1
2175 lf=75-ct
2200 printvt$(11);
2205 printht$(29);
2230 print"[129][195]alled:[149]";
2235 ifct<10thenprint" ";
2240 printct
2260 printvt$(12);
2265 printht$(29);
2290 print"[129][204]eft: [149]";
2295 iflf<10thenprint" ";
2300 printlf
2320 return
2350 remallnumberscalled
2380 printvt$(21);
2385 printht$(1);
2410 print"[149] [193]ll numbers have been called!"
2440 print:print" [215]ould you like to play again? ";
2470 poke198,0:wait198,1:getan$
2475 printan$
2500 ifan$="y"thengoto40
2530 ifan$<>"n"then2380
2560 printchr$(147);
2565 printvt$(10);
2590 printht$(11);
2620 print"[195]ome again soon !!!"
2650 rempr#0
2655 remin#0
2660 remcall1002
2665 pokes+24,0
2670 clr:load"bingo",8
2680 rempause
2710 printvt$(21);
2740 print"[151]'[209]' [209]uits; [193]ny other key resumes -> "
2750 print"[151] "
2770 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
2800 ifit$="q"then2440
2830 printvt$(21);
2835 remcall-868
2860 print"[149][208]ress [198]1 to pause; any other key "
2870 print"[149]to call the next number."
2890 return
2920 reminstructions
2950 printvt$(10);
2980 print"[129]'[194]ingo caller[129]' is an automated version"
3010 print"of a bingo hopper and guy or gal"
3040 print"calling out those magical numbers to a"
3070 print"crowd of anxious participants. [208]rovis-"
3100 print"ions are made at the beginning of each"
3130 print"game for a player-selected pause of"
3160 print"approximately how many seconds to wait"
3190 print"between calls (default is about six"
3220 print"seconds). [208]lay may be paused (then"
3250 print"restarted) during the fill-in process"
3280 print"of the scorekeeper's board by pressing"
3290 print"the <[198]1> key."
3310 printvt$(23);
3340 print"([208]ress any key) -> ";
3345 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
3350 printit$
3370 gosub4000:printvt$(10);
3375 remcall-958
3400 print"[193]dvantages: [129][212]he program frees at least"
3430 print" one other person to play"
3460 print" along, and provides a "
3490 print" scapegoat (the [195]-64) for"
3520 print" [200]aving a '[194][193][196]' caller!"
3550 print
3555 print
3580 printht$(8);
3610 print"[204]et's play [194]-[201]-[129][206]-[156][199]-[149][207] [129]!!!"
3640 printvt$(23);
3670 print"([208]ress any key) -> ";
3675 poke198,0:wait198,1:getit$
3680 printit$
3700 remcall928
3705 remcall-958
3710 return
4000 print"[147]"vt$(3);
4010 printht$(12);
4020 print" "
4030 printht$(12);
4040 print": [194]ingo [195]aller :"
4050 printht$(12);
4060 print" "
4070 print
4080 printht$(6);
4090 print"(c) 1985 [194]arney [202]. [198]ontenot"
4099 return
4500 bl$=left$(ca$,1)
4510 bn$=right$(ca$,2)
4520 fori=1to5:ifbl$=mid$("[194][201][206][199][207]",i,1)thenbl=i:goto4540
4530 next
4540 bn$=right$(str$(val(bn$)),len(str$(val(bn$)))-1)
4550 nb=len(bn$)
4555 printvt$(3)ht$(31)el$
4556 printvt$(15)ht$(30)en$
4560 printvt$(3)ht$(31);"";bl$(bl)
4565 print"[154]";
4570 ifnb=1thenprintvt$(15)ht$(32)bn$(val(bn$)):return
4580 fori=1to2:printvt$(15)ht$(26+i*4)bn$(val(mid$(bn$,i,1)))
4590 next
4599 print"[129]";:return
5000 bl$(1)=" [146][187][157][157][157][157][157] [157] [157] [146][161][157][157][157][157][157] [157] [157] [146][190][145][157][157][172]"
5010 bl$(1)=bl$(1)+" [145][157][157][146][188] [145][145][157][157][146][172] [145][157][157][146][188] [146]"
5020 bl$(2)=" [157][157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157][157] [146]"
5030 bl$(3)="[161] [157][157][157][157][157] [146][187] [157][157][157][157][157] [146][187] [157][157][157][157][157] [146][188] [146][187] [157][157][157][157][157] [146][188] "
5040 bl$(3)=bl$(3)+"[157][157][157][157][157] [146][188] [157][157][157][157][157] [161]"
5050 bl$(4)="[172] [146][187][157][157][157][157][157] [146][190][188] [157][157][157][157][157] [157] [146][162][162][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157]"
5060 bl$(4)=bl$(4)+" [146][187][172] [157][157][157][157][157][146][188] [146][190]"
5070 bl$(5)="[172] [146][187][157][157][157][157][157] [146][190][188] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157]"
5080 bl$(5)=bl$(5)+" [146][187][172] [157][157][157][157][157][146][188] [146][190]"
5090 bn$(1)=" [157][157] [157] [157] [157][157] "
5100 bn$(2)=" [157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157] "
5110 bn$(3)=" [157] [157][157] [157] [157][157][157] "
5120 bn$(4)=" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157] [157] "
5130 bn$(5)=" [157][157][157] [157] [157] [157][157][157] "
5140 bn$(6)=" [157][157][157] [157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] "
5150 bn$(7)=" [157] [157] [157] [157] "
5160 bn$(8)=" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] "
5170 bn$(9)=" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157] [157][157][157] "
5180 bn$(0)=" [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] [157][157][157] "
5185 el$=" [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157]"
5186 el$=el$+" "
5190 en$=" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] "
5199 return
5500 iftb$="n"thenreturn
5510 poke s+24,12:pokes+3,8
5520 poke s+5,11
5530 poke s+6,8
5540 pokes+1,