It was a * day on the lazy * ranch[ so the boys decided to * into * for a tall glass of *. They saddled up their *s[ and before long all * of them were=
sitting behind the bar at the * saloon.] Suddenly[ a loud noise came from *. 'Gunshots!' cried *[ who was the most * of the ranch boys. '*!' agreed=
the others.] *[ the saloon doors swung open[ and in came the most * * * in the west -- none other than Bad * himself!] '*[' * growled *[ with a * l
ook in his eye. 'Give me a * and make it *!' While he waited for his order[ the desperado proceeded to * with each of the boys until they were complete
ly *.] The bartender called 'yer * is ready[' so Bad * left the boys[ who were quick to * out of the saloon as * as possible. They could hear * laugh
ter behind them as they galloped away to *[ and swore to drink nothing but * from then on.