Loadstar 210
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Text File
136 lines
by Lance Thomas
DOTS is a two player game, played
on a 5x5 grid. The object of the game,
is to "take" thirteen squares, before
your opponent does. You take a square
by "drawing" the last line to complete
a square. If you take a square, you
must draw another line. You do not
have to take a square (unless there is
no alternative). The two players are
Blue and Red. Blue draws the first
The pointer can be moved by a
mouse in port 1, or a joystick in port
2, or the keyboard cursor keys.
For the joystick, the FIRE button
and [F7] are used as the left and
right mouse buttons, respectively.
For the keyboard, [SPACE] and
[RETURN] can be used as the left mouse
button, and [F7] as the right mouse
The left mouse button, or its
equivalent, is used to make a
selection. A selection can also be
made with an indicated [KEY]. While
the program is "busy", the pointer
will be yellow. The program will not
process clicks or key presses while
the pointer is yellow. So if you want
to select something while the pointer
is yellow; press a key and wait, or
hold down the left mouse button, or
its equivalent, and wait.
Note: [STOP] has been disabled.
[Game Screen:] To draw a line, click
on two valid dots. The first dot will
change color. When you click on the
second dot, the line will be drawn.
You can cancel the first dot by
clicking it again. Once you click the
second dot, you cannot cancel your
[Help Screen:] You can use the right
mouse button, or its equivalent, to
page up and down. For the keyboard,
use [CRSR] [Left/Right] to page up and
There are four command buttons on
the game screen; Play, Edit, Help and
[PLAY] starts a new game using the
current setup options. You must click
on the PLAY button to begin a game.
[EDIT] brings up the setup screen,
and allows you to edit the setup
options. The options can be changed
during play. If you want to start a
new game, you must use the PLAY
[HELP] brings up the help screens.
[QUIT] brings up the quit screen. You
must confirm you want to quit DOTS.
You will be returned to LOADSTAR or
BASIC. If you go to BASIC, the top of
BASIC will be at 13760(192+53*256)
instead of 40960(0+160*256).
[Human] Use this option to control
which players are human. The default
is Blue.
[Level] Use this option to control
the computer's level of play. Both
levels use the same logic for take
plays, the only difference is for the
"give" plays. The computer looks at
"xo" patterns for Level 2, versus "x"
patterns for Level 1. Be patient, if
you select Level 2. The default is
Level 1.
[Pause] Use this option to control
the duration of the built-in pauses.
The default is 1 second.
The options take effect when you
quit the setup screen.
To create this program, I used the
following tools: SYSRES(tm) by Don
Lekei from Hands-on Software Inc.;
FONT STUDIO by Anthony Rose; STAR
LINKER 1.2 and STAR PACKER 1.2 by Lee
Novak; ZIP BASIC 2.0 by Rick Nash; MR.
EDSTAR by Dave Moorman; and
This program incorporates the
following tools: MR. MOUSE 2.1 and
MOUSE MATE by Lee Novak.