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Copyright 1988,1989 By Douglas Hay
All Rights Reserved
Created By
Douglas Hay
Eclipse Technologies
1675 Berkshire Dr.
Elm Grove, WI 53122
Distributed By
7545 N. Port Washington Rd.
Glendale, WI 53217
(414) 352-3670
SD.EXE is a shareware product. If you find SD.EXE to be fast and
easy to use, a registration of $35.00 is suggested. With each registration
of $35, you will receive the next update of SD.EXE free of charge. Please
mention any features you would like added to SD, and the version you are
currently using.
Send registrations to:
Eclipse Technologies
1675 Berkshire Dr.
Elm Grove, WI 53122
You can leave a message for me on the PKWARE BBS.
The PKWARE BBS phone number is 414-352-7176 (1200/2400 N81). You can
order SD with Mastercard or Visa from the PKWARE BBS.
My most current versions will be on the PKWARE BBS and EXEC-PC BBS.
EXEC-PC's number is 414-964-5160. The PKWARE BBS is free.
Feel free to distribute SD.EXE to other BBS's, but please distribute the
self extracting .EXE file that includes SD.DOC.
Registered users of SD will receive an update of this version as soon as
all the bugs are ironed out.
Thanks to Phil Katz for all of his programming tips, and to Dennis Meilicke
for helping me beta test the software.
PKWARE will be offering a menu driven interface for PKZIP/PKUNZIP with many
more features. You can contact PKWARE at (414) 352-3670.
StupenDOS Shortcut list
Function Key
-------- --------
copy F1 or C or Alt D,C
move F2 or M or Alt D,C
delete tagged D or Alt F4 (no confirmation)
delete global *.bak Alt D,G
delete local *.bak Alt D,L
specified delete Alt D,S
change drive F5 or V
type highlighted F8 or Y
type all tagged Alt D,T
edit highlighted E or Alt D,E
edit all tagged Alt D,I
mkdir Alt D,K
rmdir Alt D,R
rename Alt D,N
sort by name S,N or Alt S,N
sort by extension S,E or Alt S,E
sort by date/time S,D or Alt S,D
sort by size S,S or Alt S,S
sort - unsorted S,U or Alt S,U
tag all files Alt T,T
clear all tags Alt C or Alt T,C
batch tag Alt T, B
batch clear Alt T, L
tag today's files Alt T, D
find a file Alt F or Alt O,F
change attribute Alt A or Alt O,A
change filespec Alt O,C
dos call Alt O,D
os shell Alt O,O
locate file / or Alt O,L
execute file X or Alt O,X
new dir N or Alt O,N
change colors Alt O,H
make list a file @ or Alt O,T
unzip files Alt U or Alt O,U
zip files Alt Z or Alt O,Z
view a zip file Alt V or Alt O,V
display a GIF file ALT G or Alt O,G
Print files P or Alt O,P
turn mouse on Alt O,M
help screen H, F10
about sd Alt H,A
display tree T or Alt R,T
reread tree R or Alt R,R
exit to current dir Alt X,Alt X
exit to start dir Ctrl X
Page 1
Basics .................................................. 2
Alt key combinations used ............................... 3
Ctrl key combinations used ...............................3
Quick key combinations used ............................. 3
Setup ................................................... 4
Mouse usage ............................................. 5
Pull down menu usage .................................... 5
Copy files .............................................. 6
Move files .............................................. 6
Delete files ............................................ 7
Change drive / directory ................................ 8
Sort files .............................................. 9
Tree display of disk ................................... 10
Type, view, edit a file (see setup) .................... 10
Make a directory ....................................... 11
Remove a directory ..................................... 11
Dos call ............................................... 11
OS shell ............................................... 11
Change search argument ................................. 11
Find a file ............................................ 11, 12
Rename a file .......................................... 11
Help screen ............................................ 11
Change attributes ...................................... 12
Clear file tags ........................................ 12
Reread file list ....................................... 12
Tag all files .......................................... 12
Tag todays files ....................................... 12
Display .GIF pictures .................................. 12
Exit to DOS ............................................ 13
Delete files immediately ............................... 13
Change screen colors ................................... 13
Make a LIST file ....................................... 13
Unzip a PKWARE .ZIP file ............................... 13
Print tagged files ..................................... 13
Page 2
Use UPARROW, DOWNARROW, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn to browse through the files.
To tag or untag a file, press Enter. You can also press SPACE.
Pressing Enter on a subdirectory will change to that subdirectory. To tag
a subdirectory (the only reason to do this is to change its attribute or
name) you must press the SPACE bar. To select an option such as DELETE or
HELP simply press the appropriate function key. If no mouse is installed,
the column to the right of where the files are displayed contains helpful
information. The highlighted letter is the shortcut key for that function.
From DOS, you may type SD or you may specify the filespec. To display only
.BAT files, you would type SD *.BAT. To use the Pull Down Menus, press
the TAB key, LEFTARROW, RIGHTARROW, or ALT + the capital letter on the
top of the screen. Arrow to the desired item, and press Enter to execute
that option. If you wish to toggle the value (like in the sort menu),
press the Space bar. Use the Esc key to exit from pop up windows or sub
menus. Press F10 to display the SD help screen for quick help. You can
tell SD which files you want to see when you run the program. To view
only the *.DOC files in the C:\WORD directory, run SD c:\word\*.doc.
To tag a file, locate the mouse on top of that file and press the
leftmost mouse button. The leftmost mouse button always acts the same
as Enter. The rightmost mouse button always acts as Esc. If you have
a 3 button mouse, the middle button acts the same as the rightmost button.
To change to a different subdirectory, locate on top of that subdirectory
and click the leftmost button. When a mouse is installed, a mouse menu
appears to the