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-= PGPShell =-
Official Menu-Driven Shell of the 1996 Olympics!
Endorsed by the Saddam Hussein Downhill Ski Team, the
National Security Agency, and the Captain Midnight
"Secret Decoder Ring" Fan Club
(c) copyright by James Still 1993
of the Hieroglyphic Voodoo Machine BBS
in snowy Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
All Rights Reserved
PGPShell v 2.1 is released as freeware on May 21, 1993
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is (c) copyrighted 1990-1992
by Philip Zimmermann
A nifty little routine that created a first name list of all your public
key UserID's turned out to be not so nifty for a dozen or so people that
e-mailed me. Version 2.0 created its own output file by piping to a text
file using PGP's -kv argument. However it did cause some headaches for
the dozen or so people I mentioned, and they couldn't get PGPShell to run
on their machines at all. So for now (and since this is freeware!) I
pulled the routine out until I have time to implement a better list function
with a future version. For 99% of you, this bug never manifested itself
but now you know why the 2.1. Also thank you Professor Salmi of University
of Vaasa for keeping me honest and pointing out a few bugs that kept version
2.0 from being completely "idiot-proof." PGPShell 2.1 will give you a
warning message (instead of bombing) if you select something other than
an executable text editor when creating the PGPSHELL.CFG file.
Okay, on with the show...
Nope! Use at your own risk. James Still (and his evil twin Johannes
Kepler) disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including without
limitation, the warranties of use and/or fitness of PGPShell for any
purpose. James Still assumes no liabilities for damages, direct or
consequential, which may result from the use or misuse of PGPShell.
PGPShell is FREEWARE which means you may use it without charge for as
long as you want to, even on Mars, and 53 miles west of Venus if you
should so desire. However, James Still retains all rights to the
copyright of PGPShell versions 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1. When they make a
movie of it someday, I want to be there to say "No, no, the menu
structure didn't look like that at all!"
Create a C:\PGPSHELL directory and copy PGPSHELL.EXE into that directory.
Run PGPSHELL. Use the ESC, ENTER, arrow keys, and TAB key to manually
navigate around PGPShell, or use your mouse if it is installed.
PGPShell version 2.0 is a menu-driven front-end that makes Phil
Zimmermann's excellent program Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) easier to manage
and use. Use it instead of PGP to make your encryption life easier!
Improvements over the first version are too numerous to go into fully as
2.0 is practically a complete rewrite, but the biggies are: GUI and
mouse driver, full support of all PGP commands, expanded sub-menu for key
management with logically arranged "drop-down" menus, plaintext file
viewer, and a text editor interface.
For the public key encryption novice, PGPShell should be a perfect
introduction to the exciting and wacky world of (what Andy Hawks coined
in a recent Future Culture FAQ) "Cypherpunk." (Kinda catchy ain't it?
What'll they think of next...<g>)
You should make sure that the executable file is a good one by looking at
the date and time stamp. From the DOS prompt type "dir PGPSHELL.EXE" and
you should see this:
PGPSHELL EXE 120432 05-21-93 8:15p
If it says anything else I didn't compile it! Granted some ex-KGB agent
could set his computers date and time, and the file size, but hey who's
that paranoid? Nevertheless if you don't trust it, call up the
Hieroglyphic Voodoo Machine BBS at 1.303.443.2457 and download yourself a
fresh, clean copy. On the Internet ftp from the soda.berkeley.edu site in
directory \pub\cypherpunks\pgp.
These title heads are starting to look like an old WordPerfect manual eh?
PGPShell is DOS-only which means that I don't know how to port this to
UNIX. UNIX-guru's can write their own scripts in PERL and abhor the
heresy's of mouse drivers so I think its safe to assume that they won't
be joining us anyway. Okay to get things set up, from the root directory
(C:\) of DOS enter these commands:
md pgpshell
cd pgpshell
Then copy the PGPSHELL.EXE file and any other related docs, into the
PGPSHELL directory.
Type PGPSHELL at the DOS prompt to execute the program. If you have NOT
previously installed PGP on your system, PGPShell will bug you with some
questions. If you have never set the environment variables for PGP in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, PGPShell will not know where PGP is and get real
confused! PGPShell will ask you to point out your PGP directory so that
it can run correctly. If you want, PGPShell will even add those
environment variable lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you (first
creating a backup of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and calling it AUTOEXEC.PGP).
See the PGP documentation for more information about setting up the PGP
environment variables.
In the wonderful world of cryptography, text files or "messages" are of
two types: plaintexts and ciphertexts. Plaintexts are unencrypted and,
you guessed it, ciphertexts are encrypted.
The main menu consists of these options in handling plain/ciphertexts:
■ Compose a Plaintext for Encryption
■ View a Plaintext on Screen
■ Encrypt a Previously Written Plaintext
■ Decrypt a Ciphertext
■ Archive a File
■ Key Ring Menu
To write a message for encryption to someone, choose this option.
Assuming you have not deleted or moved your text editor, PGPShell
will bring up your text editor for use. By default it names your
message "MESSAGE.TXT" but it is likely you will want to save it by
another file name.
PGPShell contains a built-in viewer to allow you to read your
decrypted messages as long as they are less than 30K in size. The
reason for this is that bugaboo called 'memory.' PGP is a memory hog
(needs at least 300K of conventional mem) and PGPShell is another
memory hog with its new GUI facelift. I'm not sure just how large a
text file you can cram in there, but 30K seemed a nifty ceiling.
Besides if you sent a love letter that was over 30K, you'd bore him or
her to tears and they'd never speak to you again.
There are five options in an Encryption Dialogue box for you to choose
from when encrypting a plaintext file. I'll list them and the PGP
argument in parenthesis after:
1) Radix-64 ASCII e-mail format (-a)
2) Sign the plaintext with your secret key (-s)
3) Wipe or "shred" the original after encrytion (-w)
4) Convert plaintext to canonical text (-t)
5) Force recipient to view "on-screen" only (-m)
Consult the PGP documentation for more details on what these parameters
are used for when encrypting plaintexts from within the P