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User's Manual for
EDit DirectorY
If you're viewing this with EDDY, and you wonder why there's a highlight
here, press [Enter] to read Section 6.3, which describes HyperText links.
Press [SpaceBar], then [Enter], to skip the Table of Contents, directly to
Section 1. If you're NOT viewing this with EDDY, you should try it!
Another aid to finding your way around in this document is in Appendix D,
the "KeyWord-In-Context" (KWIC) index.
| EDDY (TM) |
| File and Directory Editor |
| Copyright (C) 1987-1997 |
| by John Scofield |
| All rights reserved |
| CompuServe: 70162,2357 |
Member, Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP)
For United Kingdom: The author has asserted his moral rights.
NOTE: A "|" in the first column of a line flags the fact that there has
been something added or changed in that line since the last release.
Changes flagged in this way include revisions of wording that may or may
not change the meaning of the material, as well as entirely new material.
Typo corrections, page number changes, and changes to existing section
numbers -- including references to those sections -- due to insertion,
deletion or reorganization of material are not flagged.
In the case of changes to figures (screen shots), the "|" is on the identi-
fying line underneath; e.g., "| ... Figure 1-2".
* TWDGU: The World's Greatest Disk Utility!
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page i
EDDY is dedicated to the memory of Dean W. Anschultz, a good friend and a
GOOD man, in every sense of the word. His ideas, encouragement, and uncanny
abilities as beta-tester have been the major driving forces for the
continuing development and improvement of EDDY.
Dean, you are missed. R.I.P.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page ii
EDDY (TM) and Touchdown Keys (TM) are trademarks of John Scofield.
(For more information on Touchdown Keys, see Sec 3.3.)
IBM (R) and PC-DOS (R) are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
MS-DOS (R) and DoubleSpace (R) are registered trademarks and Windows (TM)
is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
NetWare (R) is a registered trademark of Novell Incorporated.
Stacker (R) is a registered trademark of Stac Electronics.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page iii
1. Introduction to EDDY ............................................ 1-1
1.1 Hardware Requirements ....................................... 1-1
1.2 Installation ................................................ 1-2
1.2.1 INSTALLATION IS NOW COMPLETE! ......................... 1-2
1.2.2 Un-Installation ....................................... 1-2
1.2.3 Printing the Manual (this file) ....................... 1-2
a. Page Format .......................................... 1-3
b. Paper Size Considerations ............................ 1-3
c. Pretty Pictures ...................................... 1-3
1.3 Using EDDY With Windows ..................................... 1-3
1.4 EDDY's Display .............................................. 1-5
1.4.1 Working and Target Directory .......................... 1-7
1.4.2 Sequence & Sorting .................................... 1-7
1.4.3 Number of Files ....................................... 1-8
1.4.4 File Sizes, Available Space & Wasted Space ............ 1-9
1.4.5 Directory Sizes ....................................... 1-10
1.4.6 How About a Date? (non-USA date formats) .............. 1-11
1.5 What You See Is What You Edit (WYSIWYE?) .................... 1-11
2. EDDY's DOS Command Line ......................................... 2-1
2.1 [work] & [target] Directories ............................... 2-1
2.1.1 Multiple, Simultaneous File Specifications ........... 2-1
2.1.2 Single File Spec, No Wildcards ....................... 2-2
2.2 Options ..................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Option Definitions .................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Changing Options While Running EDDY - [Alt+o] ......... 2-5
2.3 Other Command Line Parameters ............................... 2-5
2.4 Response Files .............................................. 2-5
3. Telling EDDY What To Do ......................................... 3-1
3.1 Moving Around ............................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Using the Keyboard .................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Using a Mouse ......................................... 3-2
a. Changing the Mouse Button Command - [Alt+m] .......... 3-2
b. If You're Left-handed ................................ 3-2
c. Mouse Sensitivity - [Alt+Shift+m] .................... 3-3
3.1.3 Using the Scroll Bar .................................. 3-3
3.1.4 Double-Click Shortcuts ................................ 3-4
3.2 Commands .................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Hot Keys .............................................. 3-5
3.2.2 Pull-Down Menus - [Alt+F1] ............................ 3-6
3.2.3 Dialog Boxes .......................................... 3-7
3.2.4 List Boxes ............................................ 3-8
3.3 Touchdown Keys (TM) - Assistance for the Disabled ........... 3-8
3.3.1 Touchdown Display ..................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Using Touchdown Keys .................................. 3-10
3.3.3 Special Key Combinations .............................. 3-10
a. Numeric Keypad - [Alt+number] ........................ 3-10
b. Three-finger Salute - [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] ............. 3-11
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page iv
4. Editing Directory Entries ....................................... 4-1
4.1 Selecting a File or Directory (Speed Search) ................ 4-1
4.2 Renaming Files .............................................. 4-2
4.2.1 Renaming Current File - [Ins] ......................... 4-2
4.2.3 Renaming All Files - [Esc], [^letter] ................. 4-2
4.3 Changing Timestamps ......................................... 4-3
4.4 Changing File Attributes .................................... 4-3
4.4.1 Attributes Style #1 ................................... 4-3
4.4.2 Attributes Style #2 ................................... 4-4
4.4.3 "Network-shareable" Attribute ......................... 4-4
5. Moving to a New Directory ....................................... 5-1
5.1 Dialog Boxes or Tree Diagrams - Your Choice ................. 5-1
5.1.1 How to Choose ......................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Performance Considerations ............................ 5-2
a. Memory is Always Up-to-Date .......................... 5-2
b. Save a Tree - [F5] ................................... 5-2
5.2 Directory Selection via Dialog Box .......................... 5-3
5.2.1 History Recall - [Up] / [Down] ........................ 5-4
5.2.2 Working Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+w]/[Alt+w] .. 5-4
5.2.3 Target Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+t]/[Alt+t] ... 5-5
5.2.4 Target Tracking - [=] ................................. 5-6
5.2.5 Cancel Target - [.] ................................... 5-7
5.3 Directory Selection from Tree Diagram ....................... 5-7
5.3.1 Tree Display Format ................................... 5-7
5.3.2 Moving the Tree Highlight (Speed Search) .............. 5-7
5.3.3 Moving to a New Drive - [^letter] / [^\] .............. 5-8
5.3.4 Working Directory Tree - [Alt+w] ...................... 5-9
5.3.5 Target Directory Tree - [Alt+t] ....................... 5-9
5.4 Directory Selection from Drive List - [\] ................... 5-9
5.5 Exchange Working & Target Directories - [Alt+x] ............. 5-10
5.6 Where's That File? - Option /W and [^w] ..................... 5-10
5.6.1 Found It! Make a List File - [Alt+l] / [^l] .......... 5-11
5.7 Working With SUBST'ed Directories ........................... 5-11
5.7.1 From the Command Line ................................. 5-11
5.7.2 Interactively ......................................... 5-12
6. HELP When You Need It - [F1] .................................... 6-1
6.1 HELP for Warnings and Other Messages ........................ 6-1
6.2 Topic Search by Keyword ..................................... 6-1
6.3 EDDY.DOC has HyperText ...................................... 6-3
6.3.1 Follow the Trail ...................................... 6-3
6.3.2 HyperText Command Summary ............................. 6-3
7. UNDO Command - [F2], [^F2] ...................................... 7-1
7.1 Partial UNDO ................................................ 7-1
8. LOOK Command - [F3], [^F3] ...................................... 8-1
8.1 LOOK at Directory ........................................... 8-1
8.2 LOOK at File Contents (in Working Directory) ................ 8-3
8.2.1 Commands in LOOK Mode ................................. 8-3
a. Hex/ASCII Format Control - [Tab] / [Shift+Tab] ....... 8-3
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page v
b. Printing a File - [Alt+p] / [^p] ..................... 8-3
c. EGA/VGA Screen Control - [e] ......................... 8-3
8.2.2 ASCII Format Display .................................. 8-4
8.2.3 ASCII Format Commands ................................. 8-5
a. TAB Expansion - [#] / [Alt+#] ........................ 8-5
b. Bit-stripping - [b] / [Alt+b] ........................ 8-5
c. Ruler Line Display - [r] / [u] / [d] ................. 8-6
d. Jump to New Line - [j] ............................... 8-6
e. Line Wrapping - [l] / [Alt+l] ........................ 8-6
8.2.4 Hex Format Display .................................... 8-7
8.2.5 Hex Format Commands ................................... 8-8
a. Printability - [p] ................................... 8-8
b. Bit-stripping - [b] / [Alt+b] ........................ 8-8
c. Jump to New File Offset - [j] ........................ 8-8
d. Word-oriented Display - [w], [W] ..................... 8-9
8.2.6 LOOK Mode With a Mouse ................................ 8-9
8.3 LOOK at File Contents (in Target Directory) - [Alt+F3] ...... 8-9
8.4 LOOK at RAM (or ROM, or ???) ................................ 8-10
8.5 LOOK at Entire Disk ......................................... 8-10
8.6 Mark Data ................................................... 8-11
8.6.1 Jump to Marked Area - [Alt+m] ......................... 8-12
8.6.2 COPY Marked Area - [F5] ............................... 8-12
8.6.3 COPY Unmarked Area - [Alt+F5] ......................... 8-12
8.7 Compare Directory Entries - [Shift+F3], [Shift+^F3] ......... 8-13
8.8 Compare Files - [Alt+Shift+F3] .............................. 8-13
9. PATCH Command - [F4], [^F4] ..................................... 9-1
9.1 Changing a File's Length .................................... 9-2
9.1.1 Appending Bytes to a File - [Alt+z] ................... 9-2
9.1.2 Deleting Bytes From a File - [Alt+y]/[Alt+a]/[Alt+b] .. 9-2
9.2 Updating in PATCH - [Enter] or [^Enter] ..................... 9-2
9.3 PATCHing RAM ................................................ 9-3
9.4 PATCHing Disks by Sector .................................... 9-3
10. Synchronization Controls - [Alt+c] .............................. 10-1
10.1 Controls for COPY/MOVE ..................................... 10-1
10.2 Tagging Confirmation Process ............................... 10-2
10.3 Synchronizing / Reconciling Directories .................... 10-3
10.4 Controls for DELETE/DESTROY ................................ 10-3
11. COPY Command - [F5], [^F5] ...................................... 11-1
11.1 COPY a File - [F5] ......................................... 11-2
11.2 COPY Multiple Files - [^F5] ................................ 11-2
11.3 COPYing Files With Disk Errors ............................. 11-2
11.4 COPY a Directory - [F5] .................................... 11-3
11.5 CONVERT File Data .......................................... 11-3
11.5.1 Expand TABs - [Alt+#] ................................ 11-3
11.5.2 Bit-stripping - [Alt+b] .............................. 11-4
11.5.3 Breaking Long Lines .................................. 11-4
11.6 Make a Copy in Working Directory ........................... 11-4
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page vi
12. MOVE Command - [F6], [^F6] ...................................... 12-1
12.1 MOVE a File - [F6] ......................................... 12-1
12.2 MOVE Multiple Files - [^F6] ................................ 12-2
12.3 MOVE a Directory - [F6] .................................... 12-2
12.4 Fast Directory Move ........................................ 12-3
12.4.1 What Makes It Fast? .................................. 12-3
12.4.2 Had a Problem? Don't Panic! .......................... 12-3
13. DELETE Command .................................................. 13-1
13.1 The Trashcan ............................................... 13-1
13.2 Deleting Files - [F7]/[^F7] or [Del]/[^Del] ................ 13-2
13.3 Deleting Directories ....................................... 13-2
13.4 Logical DELETE (Ignore) - [Alt+F7], [Alt+^F7] .............. 13-3
13.5 DESTROY - [Shift+F7], [Shift+^F7] .......................... 13-3
13.5.1 Standard DESTROY Method .............................. 13-4
13.5.2 High-Security DESTROY ................................ 13-5
13.5.3 DESTROY a DRIVE! ..................................... 13-5
14. The EDDY.USE File ............................................... 14-1
14.1 Point & Shoot Commands ("Associations") - [Shift+F9] ....... 14-1
14.1.1 Modifiers ............................................ 14-3
14.1.2 Replaceable Parameters ............................... 14-3
14.1.3 Selecting an Association ............................. 14-5
14.1.4 "*.*-ish" Selection .................................. 14-5
14.1.5 Multi-File Operations - [Shift+^F9] .................. 14-6
14.2 Default Command ............................................ 14-7
14.2.1 Select Default Command - [Shift+F8] .................. 14-7
14.2.2 Editing the Default Command .......................... 14-7
14.2.3 Multi-file Operations - [Shift+^F8] .................. 14-8
14.3 Printer Control - [Alt+9] .................................. 14-8
14.3.1 Printer Command Format ............................... 14-9
14.3.2 Printer Command Selection ............................ 14-9
15. DOS Gateway ..................................................... 15-1
15.1 The DOS Shell - [F9] ....................................... 15-1
15.2 Execute .COM, .EXE or .BAT File - [Alt+F9] ................. 15-1
15.3 Using a Swap File .......................................... 15-2
15.4 Environment Space .......................................... 15-3
16. QUIT Command - [F10], [Esc] ..................................... 16-1
16.1 Exit to Directory - [Alt+F10] .............................. 16-1
16.2 EGA and VGA Display Control - [^F10] ....................... 16-1
16.3 Final Screen ............................................... 16-2
17. FIND and/or REPLACE String in File, Disk or RAM ................. 17-1
17.1 Entering New FIND Strings - [Alt+f] ........................ 17-2
17.2 Global Match Character - [Alt+g] ........................... 17-3
17.3 "Don't Match" Attribute - [Alt+k] .......................... 17-3
17.4 FIND "Any Text" ............................................ 17-4
17.5 FIND String in All Files - [^f] ............................ 17-5
17.6 FIND and REPLACE - [Alt+r] ................................. 17-5
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page vii
18. File Selection by Filtering ..................................... 18-1
18.1 Filtering by Attribute ..................................... 18-1
18.1.1 Attribute Selection from the Command Line ............ 18-1
18.1.2 Attribute Selection in EDDY - [Alt+a]................. 18-2
18.2 Filtering by Timestamp...................................... 18-2
18.2.1 Timestamp Selection from the Command Line ............ 18-2
18.2.2 Timestamp Selection in EDDY - [Alt+q] ................ 18-3
18.3 Exclusion - [*] ............................................ 18-3
19. Playing With RAM ................................................ 19-1
20. Volume Identifiers .............................................. 20-1
20.1 Volume Labels - [Alt+v] .................................... 20-1
20.2 Volume Serial Numbers - [^v] ............................... 20-1
21. Printing ........................................................ 21-1
21.1 Print a Copy of What's Displayed - [Alt+p] / [^p] ......... 21-1
21.2 Printer Control ........................................... 21-1
a. Formfeed / Linefeed - [Alt+0] / [Alt+1] .................. 21-1
b. Printer Commands in EDDY.USE - [Alt+9] ................... 21-2
22. List Files - [Alt+l] / [^l] (that's "ell", not "one") .......... 22-1
22.1 Single-directory List Files - [Alt+l] ..................... 22-1
22.2 "Persistent" List Files - [^l] ............................ 22-2
23. Tracking Directory Changes with "Snapshots" ..................... 23-1
23.1 Take Snapshot - [Shift+F5] ................................. 23-1
23.1.1 Snap Working Directory Only .......................... 23-1
23.1.2 Snap Working Directory Subtree ....................... 23-2
23.2 Compare Directories with Snapshots - [Shift+F3] ............ 23-2
23.2.1 Working Directory Snapshot Comparison ................ 23-3
23.2.2 Subtree Snapshot Comparison .......................... 23-4
23.3 Interrupting Snapshot Processing - [^c] .................... 23-4
24. Disk Jockey's Delight (format-level disk functions) ............ 24-1
24.1 LOOK at Entire Disk - [F3] ................................. 24-1
24.1.1 Jumping Around ....................................... 24-2
a. Jump to Sector - [j] ................................. 24-2
b. Jump to Cluster - [Alt+j] ............................ 24-2
c. Jump to Working Directory - [Alt+w] .................. 24-2
d. Jump to Target Directory - [Alt+t] ................... 24-2
e. Jump to Starting Cluster - [Alt+s] ................... 24-2
f. Jump to Next Cluster - [Alt+n] ....................... 24-3
g. Jump to Unallocated Cluster - [Alt+u] ................ 24-3
h. Jump to "Bad Spot" - [Alt+b] ......................... 24-3
24.1.2 Displaying Directory Entries - [Alt+d] ............... 24-4
24.1.3 Who Owns That Cluster? - [Alt+o] ..................... 24-5
24.1.4 COPY Unallocated Sectors ("Snoop") - [^u] ............ 24-6
24.2 LOOK at Boot Sector - [^Home] .............................. 24-6
24.3 LOOK at Partition Sector / Master Boot Record (MBR) - [@] .. 24-7
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page viii
24.4 PATCH Anything on a Disk - [F4] ............................ 24-8
24.5 That's Too Dangerous! ...................................... 24-8
24.6 FIND Strings Anywhere on a Disk - [Alt+f] .................. 24-8
25. Working With Disk-Image Data .................................... 25-1
25.1 COPY Disk Image - [Shift+F5] ............................... 25-1
a. Upload / Download Entire Disks ........................... 25-1
b. Make Multiple Copies Quickly ............................. 25-2
c. Reduce Disks Needed for Backup ........................... 25-2
d. No-Hassle Hard Disk Backup ............................... 25-2
25.2 Disk-Image Restore - [Shift+F5] ............................ 25-2
25.3 COPY Selected Disk Areas ................................... 25-3
25.3.1 Mark Sectors (System Area) - [m] ..................... 25-3
25.3.2 Mark Clusters (Data Area) - [m] ...................... 25-4
25.3.3 Jump to Marked Area - [Alt+m] ........................ 25-4
25.4 Data Recovery .............................................. 25-4
26. Directory Optimization .......................................... 26-1
26.1 Sorting a Directory ........................................ 26-2
26.2 Shuffling a Directory - [Alt+F6] ........................... 26-3
26.3 Packing a Directory ........................................ 26-4
26.4 Had a Problem? Don't Panic! ................................ 26-4
27. Wasted Space .................................................... 27-1
27.1 Reclaiming Wasted Space .................................... 27-2
27.2 Choosing a Partition Size - [F11] .......................... 27-2
27.3 Partition Possibilities .................................... 27-3
28. "Compressed" or "Extended" Drives (CVFs) ........................ 28-1
28.1 CVF Identification - [Shift+F11] ........................... 28-1
28.2 CVF Space Usage ............................................ 28-2
28.3 Hazardous Operations ....................................... 28-3
29. UPDATE Mode - [Enter], [^Enter] ................................. 29-1
29.1 UPDATE With a Trashcan ..................................... 29-2
29.2 Applying Changes ........................................... 29-3
29.3 Target Capacity Check ...................................... 29-4
29.4 Error Recovery ............................................. 29-6
29.4.1 Data Errors .......................................... 29-6
29.4.2 Cross-linked Files ................................... 29-7
30. Batch Operations ................................................ 30-1
30.1 Commands Available ......................................... 30-1
30.2 Display Sequence ........................................... 30-1
30.3 Synchronization Controls ................................... 30-1
30.4 ERRORLEVEL ................................................. 30-2
31. EDDY's Default Settings are Lousy! .............................. 31-1
31.1 Customizing - "EDDY/0" ..................................... 31-1
31.1.1 Features Checklist ................................... 31-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page ix
31.1.2 Finishing Touches .................................... 31-3
a. CVF Identification ................................... 31-3
b. Sector Patching ...................................... 31-3
c. Customizing Complete ................................. 31-4
31.2 Rainbow Selection - [Alt+r] ................................ 31-5
31.3 EDDY.INI ................................................... 31-6
31.3.1 Configuration Parameters ............................. 31-7
a. [administrivia] ...................................... 31-7
b. [screen] ............................................. 31-8
c. [keyboard] ........................................... 31-9
d. [mouse] .............................................. 31-9
e. [printer] ............................................ 31-10
f. [EDIT mode] .......................................... 31-10
g. [LOOK mode] .......................................... 31-11
h. [UPDATE mode] ........................................ 31-12
i. [DOS Gateway] ........................................ 31-13
31.3.2 Defining a Key - [Alt+k] ............................. 31-14
31.4 How Do I Get Rid of the *$#^&! "UNREGISTERED" Message? ..... 31-14
31.5 And How About the Blinking "REGISTER?" ..................... 31-15
32. Registration is FOREVER! ........................................ 32-1
32.1 Pricing .................................................... 32-1
32.1.1 Payment .............................................. 32-2
32.1.2 Updates .............................................. 32-2
32.2 Registration by Credit Card ................................ 32-2
32.3 Registration by Mail ....................................... 32-3
32.4 Registration via CompuServe - GO SWREG ..................... 32-3
32.5 "The License" .............................................. 32-3
32.6 Pass a Copy to a Friend ("de-personalized") ................ 32-3
32.7 EDDY is NOT Free and NOT Public Domain! .................... 32-4
33. Distribution and Support / Disclaimer ........................... 33-1
33.1 Technical Support .......................................... 33-2
33.2 How Can I Get in Touch With You? ........................... 33-3
33.3 Where Can I Find the Latest Version? ....................... 33-4
33.4 A.S.P. Ombudsman ........................................... 33-4
Appendix A - Command Reference (Keys: Shiftless and Otherwise) ...... A-1
I. Function Keys .............................................. A-1
II. Letters .................................................... A-3
III. Numbers .................................................... A-5
IV. Miscellaneous Keys ......................................... A-6
Appendix B - What Does That Message Mean? ........................... B-1
Appendix C - Mouse Problems (Technical Note) ........................ C-1
I. Reset Method ............................................... C-1
II. Driver Versions ............................................ C-1
Appendix D - KeyWord-In-Context (KWIC) Index ........................ D-1
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-1
1. Introduction to EDDY
Modestly billed as "THE WORLD'S GREATEST DISK UTILITY", EDDY lets you do
just about ANYTHING you ever wanted to disks, directories and files, plus a
lot of things you probably never thought of! Common stuff (find, copy,
rename, patch, view, zap, etc.) is generally easier than with other tools;
features you seldom need are LIFESAVERS when you do. Reviewers say:
"clean, easy to use, well-written", "quality [like] we've seen from Peter
Norton", "the interface is elegant", "excellent documentation".
Just a quick note on the "excellent documentation" quote: for REALLY easy
and effective viewing of this document, take advantage of the HyperText
capabilities described in Section 6.3, and the KWIC index -- Appendix D.
EDDY is ALL of these...
Full-screen directory editor
Disk and directory manager
DOS shell
Sector editor
RAM editor
File finder (by name, attributes and/or timestamp)
File viewer/patcher/comparer
File backup utility
String finder/replacer (hex and/or ASCII)
Data recovery utility
Printer setup utility
...and MUCH more!
Most of what EDDY does isn't new; the program was developed as a test of
the "Build a better mousetrap..." theory of economics. However, it often
provides a "new twist" on approaches to old problems.
EDDY is also cheaper (but NOT free! It is not in the public domain.) EDDY
is "shareware", sometimes known as "user-supported" software. Distribution
and use of EDDY are subject to the conditions described in Sec 33. For
more info on shareware, see EDDYREAD.ME.
1.1 Hardware Requirements
EDDY needs the following hardware and software:
- IBM PC, one of its descendants, or close compatible
- A monitor that can accommodate 25x80 text mode display
- 256K of available, conventional memory
- PC- or MS-DOS level 3.1 or later
If your monitor has more than 25 lines, EDDY can use them (up to a maximum
of 66 lines -- see Sec 31.3.1b, the "max lines" parameter, for information
on customizing EDDY for this).
If your keyboard doesn't have function keys 11 and 12, EDDY can simulate
them. See Appendix A, Sec I.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-2
1.2 Installation
To install, copy (or decompress) the EDDY files into any directory.
That's all there is to it.
Getting acquainted with the program is simple, too. Just type "EDDY"
(without the quotes) and then [Enter].
EDDY doesn't need to be in its own directory, nor even in the PATH. It'll
find its files as long as at least the following are in the same directory:
EDDY.COM, EDDY.AUX, EDDY.USE, EDDY.INI. If you are tight on disk space,
the only files that are ABSOLUTELY required are EDDY.COM and EDDY.AUX.
There are extensive, context-sensitive HELP facilities -- press [F1] -- and
pull-down menus -- [Alt+F1]. HELP includes all of the basic information
needed to use EDDY. There is no danger of damage to your disk data,
because no changes will be made to any of your directories or files until
you tell EDDY to do so.
If EDDY's display is blurred, unreadable, or strange-looking, try "EDDY/M".
If it's OK, create a customized copy (see Sec 31) with option /M ON.
1.2.2 Un-Installation
If you decide not to continue using EDDY, and want to get rid of it from
your disk, just type "DEL EDDY*.*" and [Enter]. If you DO do this, please
let me know what it is you don't like. In a number of cases, I have been
able to modify EDDY to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction.
1.2.3 Printing the Manual (this file)
Many users like to print a copy of the manual. It's ALMOST all plain ASCII
text (but see Sec 1.2.3c) with formfeeds to keep the paging straight, so
most any print utility will do the job. DOS's PRINT command is OK.
However, if you'd like to save paper and storage space, there are a couple
of excellent utilities produced by ARCaine Technologies: JETCOL, for laser
printers, and 2COL, for dot matrix, inkjet, bubblejet and deskjet printers.
With these, you can print up to 10 (JETCOL) or 8 (2COL) clear, readable
pages on one side of a sheet of paper, and you can print on both sides.
JETCOL and 2COL may be found on many BBSs and Internet sites. They are
also available to any registered user of EDDY upon request. These programs
are shareware, requiring registration for continued use, just as with EDDY.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-3
a. Page Format
The manual pages are formatted to fit on 8-1/2 x 11 paper, using 10
characters per inch ("Pica") type pitch -- the default for most printers.
Page length is 59 lines or less, and MOST lines are a maximum of 78
characters wide. There is a 3 character left margin for punching holes,
and a 2 character right margin.
There are a few pages that contain screen samples, which require 80
characters per line. An example is Figure 1-1, in Sec 1.4.
Also, Appendix D, the "KWIC" index to this manual, uses 80-character lines
as well. This is to make as much context as possible available for the
keywords in the index.
b. Paper Size Considerations
For European users' convenience, the page layout also accommodates printing
on A4 paper -- EXCEPT for the pages with screen samples, and Appendix D.
To get the complete manual printed neatly (on 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 paper), I
suggest you set your printer to use 12 characters per inch ("Elite") type
pitch, and set the left margin to 6-8 to get the lines roughly centered on
the page. This also handles "print screen" output neatly, so you might
consider making these printer settings your default. (Nothing to do with
EDDY; just a suggestion).
On many printers, these settings can be made from the control panel. If
not, most printers accept command strings via software to accomplish the
same thing. EDDY provides printer setup capabilities to do this, too.
For more info on this, look at the examples and explanations in the
EDDY.USE file, and see Sec 14.3.
c. Pretty Pictures
There are a number of "screen shots" included in this document, and they
have characters in them that are not in the standard ASCII set -- e.g.,
line-drawing characters. If you have a printer that chokes on these,
please let me know. I will be happy to send you a file containing a set of
replacement pages, in which the non-ASCII characters are all replaced by
similar(-ish) standard ASCII characters that any printer can handle.
1.3 Using EDDY With Windows
Two files are supplied to make using EDDY with MS Windows more familiar to
Windows users: EDDY.PIF and EDDY.ICO. These are the standard, Windows-
format Program Information File and an Icon file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-4
The steps listed below __ARE_NOT_REQUIRED__ to run EDDY under Windows, but
may be used if you want the interface to EDDY from Windows to be more
direct (i.e., by clicking on an icon).
For explanation purposes, assume that EDDY will be installed in a directory
called C:\UTIL\EDDY. If you use a different directory, just substitute
yours in steps 1, 7 and 9. To install EDDY in Windows...
-1) Copy the files to C:\UTIL\EDDY (or whatever).
-2) Choose the group you want EDDY in (click on any icon in that group).
-3) In Program Manager, click on "File", then "New", then "Program Item".
-4) Click on "OK".
-5) Type the program description ("EDit DirectorY", or whatever you want).
-6) Click on "Command Line".
-7) Type C:\UTIL\EDDY\EDDY.COM (or whatever).
-8) Click on "Working Directory".
-9) Type C:\UTIL\EDDY (or whatever).
-10) Click on "Change Icon". If you see a "no icons" message, click "OK".
-11) Click on "Browse", and select the drive and directory where you have
installed EDDY.
-12) Double-click on "EDDY.ICO", then click on "OK".
-13) Click on "OK" again.
You may now run EDDY simply by double-clicking on the EDDY icon. When you
exit from EDDY, there will be a brief delay to allow you to view the
screen. If you don't want to wait for that, press any key to return to
Windows immediately. This delay does not occur with a registered copy.
If you switch from running EDDY to some other Windows task, the EDDY icon
will be displayed, to remind you that EDDY is still running. There is a
"hot key" defined in EDDY.PIF -- [Alt+^F9] -- that you may use to switch
quickly back to EDDY. This may be changed by using the Windows PIF Editor.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-5
1.4 EDDY's Display
This is a sample of a typical EDDY display, which might have resulted from
entering the command "EDDY C:"
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of C:\*.* ░
Drive C: [John's Disk] 25 files, 450560 bytes, 104267776 bytes free ░
58619 bytes wasted, cluster = 4096 ░
BAT <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:18p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
ETC <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:24p ...D.. ║ MENU ║ ░
SYS <DIR> 12-23-95 5:30:50p ...D.. ╚══════╝ »
TEMP <DIR> 12-25-95 5:35:12p ...D.. [Alt+F1] ░
UTIL <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:30p ...D.. ╔═══╗ ░
WINDOWS <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:36p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ║ R ║ ░
AUTOEXEC BAT 137 11-19-95 10:55:20a ....A. ║ HELP ║ ║ E ║ ░
CED CFG 180 11-19-95 2:30:40p ....A. ╚══════╝ ║ G ║ ░
CED COM 7562 7-24-91 2:50:02p ....A. [F1] ║ I ║ ░
CMOSRSTR COM 821 3-31-93 10:00:00a ....A. ║ S ║ ░
CMOSSAVE COM 1270 3-31-93 10:00:00a ....A. ╔══════╗ ║ T ║ ░
COLDBOOT COM 5 3-27-90 1:10:00a ....A. ║ LOOK ║ ║ E ║ ░
COMMAND COM 55777 11-17-94 1:00:00p ...... ╚══════╝ ║ R ║ ░
CONFIG SYS 535 1-07-96 7:39:58p ....A. [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
DOUBLE EXE 192816 12-29-95 8:02:00a ....A. [Alt+z] ░
EDDY COM 62704 12-30-95 10:01:54p ....A. ╔══════╗ ░
ENVEDT EXE 5102 12-30-95 10:01:56p ....A. ║ QUIT ║ ░
RANDY COM 6364 12-29-95 8:02:00a ....A. ╚══════╝ ░
WOMBAT EXE 9203 9-27-90 12:39:12a ....A. [F10] ░
Target: none ░
-EDIT- seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE [F7]:DELETE [F9]:DOS▄
Figure 1-1
For drives that are recognized as being "compressed volume files" (CVFs),
network (LAN) drives, CD-ROMs, RAM drives, or Iomega "ZIP" drives, the
third line of the first screen will show "-CVF-", "-Net-", "CDROM",
"-RAM-", or "-ZIP-", respectively, instead of "Drive". See Sec 28 for more
about CVFs.
You may notice a brief delay after the first display appears, when EDDY
doesn't respond to the keyboard. Some initialization processing is being
done at that time. The delay is mostly due to mouse initialization (see
Sec 31.3.1d). The delay is shorter with a registered copy of EDDY.
Figure 1-1 is the default display style (attributes style=1). There is
another style for displaying attributes, shown below in Figure 1-2. You
may toggle between these two styles by pressing [Tab].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-6
If you prefer the style in Figure 1-2 (attributes style=2), you may
customize EDDY to make that style the default. See Sec 4.4 and Sec
31.3.1f (the "attributes style" parameter) for more information.
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of C:\*.* ░
Drive C: [John's Disk] 25 files, 450560 bytes, 104267776 bytes free ░
58619 bytes wasted, cluster = 4096 ░
BAT <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:18p nnnynn ╔══════╗ ░
ETC <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:24p nnnynn ║ MENU ║ ░
SYS <DIR> 12-23-95 5:30:50p nnnynn ╚══════╝ »
TEMP <DIR> 12-25-95 5:35:12p nnnynn [Alt+F1] ░
UTIL <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:30p nnnynn ╔═══╗ ░
WINDOWS <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:36p nnnynn ╔══════╗ ║ R ║ ░
AUTOEXEC BAT 137 11-19-95 10:55:20a nnnnyn ║ HELP ║ ║ E ║ ░
CED CFG 180 11-19-95 2:30:40p nnnnyn ╚══════╝ ║ G ║ ░
CED COM 7562 7-24-91 2:50:02p nnnnyn [F1] ║ I ║ ░
CMOSRSTR COM 821 3-31-93 10:00:00a nnnnyn ║ S ║ ░
CMOSSAVE COM 1270 3-31-93 10:00:00a nnnnyn ╔══════╗ ║ T ║ ░
COLDBOOT COM 5 3-27-90 1:10:00a nnnnyn ║ LOOK ║ ║ E ║ ░
COMMAND COM 55777 11-17-94 1:00:00p nnnnnn ╚══════╝ ║ R ║ ░
CONFIG SYS 535 1-07-96 7:39:58p nnnnyn [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
DOUBLE EXE 192816 12-29-95 8:02:00a nnnnyn [Alt+z] ░
EDDY COM 62704 12-30-95 10:01:54p nnnnyn ╔══════╗ ░
ENVEDT EXE 5102 12-30-95 10:01:56p nnnnyn ║ QUIT ║ ░
RANDY COM 6364 12-29-95 8:02:00a nnnnyn ╚══════╝ ░
WOMBAT EXE 9203 9-27-90 12:39:12a nnnnyn [F10] ░
Target: none ░
-EDIT- seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE [F7]:DELETE [F9]:DOS▄
Figure 1-2
The rectangles on the right side of the screen are used as "click" buttons
with a mouse; clicking on them results in the indicated action. They are
actually displayed as neat boxes with double outlines, but those characters
don't show up well on many printers. Although primarily intended for use
with a mouse, they may also be used with the keyboard.
If you "click" in the blank area near the rectangles, the last command (if
any) that was executed by using the menu will be repeated. This is useful
for tagging several files for the same action, such as COPY or DELETE, e.g.
When you have used the "Update" function 3 times, the "REGISTER?" click
button will be highlighted and "[Alt+z]" will blink, as a reminder that
registration might be appropriate. The "REGISTER?" click button does not
appear if you are using a registered copy of the program.
At the right edge is a scroll bar The scroll bar is intended mainly for
mouse use (see Sec 3.1.3), but may be used with the keyboard, too.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-7
1.4.1 Working and Target Directory
The directory displayed by EDDY is referred to as the "working directory".
If any files are copied or moved, they are put in the "target directory".
The working directory path you use may have a file specification (wildcards
allowed) appended to it. If it does, only files that match that file
specification are included in the display; if not, "*.*" is used. You may
also press [*], to tell EDDY to EXCLUDE any files that match, and include
only those that DON'T match the file specification. See Sec 18.3.
The working and target directories may be given on the DOS command line
when you execute EDDY. They may be changed at any time (see Sec 5). If
the command line doesn't specify any directory, the DOS default directory
on the default drive will be the initial working directory.
If you start EDDY with a working directory on a disk that EDDY can't tell
positively whether it is a compressed drive (CVF) or not, you'll be asked.
Perhaps annoying, but it won't happen any more if you customize. See
Sec 28 for more about CVFs.
The target directory, if any, is shown in the lower right hand corner of
the display, on the next-to-last line. If "target tracking" is used (see
Sec 5.2.4), the display will show "Target=" instead of "Target:".
If a directory path is very long, it may not fit in the available screen
space, so the path will be "abbreviated". An abbreviated path string has
"\***\" where a single directory has been omitted, or "\*#*\" if two or
more directories have been omitted from the string. The "#" is actually a
digit, showing how many directories have been omitted.
1.4.2 Sequence & Sorting
The information in this section concerns the sequence of the display on the
screen; you may also sort the directory permanently, on the disk. Refer to
Sec 26.1 for more details on this.
EDDY's starting display is sorted by file name. The sequence is indicated
on the last line of the display. In Figure 1-1 the last line shows the
notation "seq=N", indicating sort by NAME. Possible values of "seq" are:
"D" - sorted by DATE, time, name & extension
"E" - sorted by EXTENSION & name
"H" - sorted by HOUR & minute
"N" - sorted by NAME & extension
"S" - sorted by SIZE, name & extension
"U" - UNSORTED; i.e., in the sequence stored on the disk by DOS
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-8
EDDY builds the first display in name sequence. If you would prefer a
different initial sequence, refer to Sec 2.2.1 for information on the use
of option /1 to change the sort sequence for the initial display.
To change the sequence, press [Alt+d], [Alt+e], [Alt+h], [Alt+n], [Alt+s]
or [Alt+u]. The directory will be re-sorted in the sequence requested, and
the "seq" field on the bottom line will be updated.
Directories are an exception: except for UNSORTED sequence, all
directories are grouped at the top of the display, before any file entries.
This is to make it easier to move around the disk, from directory to
directory, using the LOOK command (see Sec 8.1).
To invert the order of the display (e.g., to get the files with the most
recent dates at the top), press [Alt+i]. When the display is inverted, an
up-and-down arrow appears just to the right of the "seq" field.
Once the display has been inverted, it remains that way until [Alt+i] is
pressed again; [Alt+i] is a toggle. Thus, if the display is by date,
inverted (i.e., newest date first) and you press [Alt+s], the resulting
display will be by size, inverted (biggest files first).
Inverting is different from sorting. Inverting just reverses the order of
the list of files currently displayed, and makes any later sort produce an
inverted list. Inverting does not cause the directory to be reprocessed.
Under some unusual circumstances, you may see the following warning message
when you enter a command to re-sort:
"Sorting cancels changes not UPDATEd. Sort (y/n)?"
This occurs when you have very little memory available for EDDY's use, and
there are lots of pending changes when you enter the command. EDDY will
always handle at least 160 pending changes without this problem.
1.4.3 Number of Files
EDDY can display up to a limit of 800 or so directory entries, depending on
available memory. This is a limit on the display, not on the size of
directories. If you had, say, 1500 files in directory "\BIGDIR", and you
wanted to work with assembler source files, typing "EDDY \BIGDIR\*.ASM"
would yield a display of all .ASM files (up to around 800).
If EDDY's display limit is exceeded, the number of files indicated on the
third line ("25 files" in Figure 1-1) will be replaced by two numbers.
First is the number of files displayed; second is the additional number of
files which would have been displayed if there had been enough room. In
Figure 1-1, if the directory had contained 930 entries, the "25 files"
would be replaced by "800+0130 files", as shown in Figure 1-3, below.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-9
When EDDY finds too many files to display at once, files are "dropped off"
the end of the list according to the current sequence. For example, if the
sequence is by date, inverted, the files with the oldest dates would be
dropped. Sorting again will reprocess the entire directory, dropping those
files which come at the end of the list according to the new sequence.
(Inverting will redisplay the current list in the opposite order.)
It is possible to display up to double EDDY's limit, by first displaying
the files in one sequence and then inverting and re-sorting. Suppose a
directory had 1500 entries, and was displayed in "Name" sequence. The
first 800 files would be displayed. To see the rest of the files in this
directory, press [Alt+i]. This would show the rest of the files, starting
from the opposite end, in inverted name sequence.
1.4.4 File Sizes, Available Space & Wasted Space
The display also shows the number of bytes used by the files in the
directory, the number of free bytes left on the disk, wasted space (for
more on this, see Sec 27), and the cluster size used by the disk.
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of C:\*.* ░
Drive C: [John's Disk] 800+0130 files, 2506752+bytes, 104267776 bytes free ░
58619 bytes wasted, cluster = 4096 ░
BAT <4096> 2-23-95 5:39:18p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
ETC <4096> 2-23-95 5:39:24p ...D.. ║ MENU ║ ░
SYS <4096> 2-23-95 5:30:50p ...D.. ╚══════╝ »
TEMP <4096> 2-25-95 5:35:12p ...D.. [Alt+F1] ░
UTIL <8192> 2-23-95 5:39:30p ...D.. ╔═══╗ ░
WINDOWS <16384> 2-23-95 5:39:36p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ║ R ║ ░
AUTOEXEC BAT 137 11-19-95 10:55:20a ....A. ║ HELP ║ ║ E ║ ░
CED CFG 180 11-19-95 2:30:40p ....A. ╚══════╝ ║ G ║ ░
CED COM 7562 7-24-91 2:50:02p ....A. [F1] ║ I ║ ░
CMOSRSTR COM 821 3-31-93 10:00:00a ....A. ║ S ║ ░
CMOSSAVE COM 1270 3-31-93 10:00:00a ....A. ╔══════╗ ║ T ║ ░
COLDBOOT COM 5 3-27-90 1:10:00a ....A. (Ignore) ║ LOOK ║ ║ E ║ ░
COMMAND COM 55777 11-17-94 1:00:00p ...... ╚══════╝ ║ R ║ ░
CONFIG SYS 535 1-07-96 7:39:58p ....A. [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
DOUBLE EXE 192816 12-29-95 8:02:00a ....A. [Alt+z] ░
EDDY COM 62704 12-30-95 10:01:54p ....A. ╔══════╗ ░
ENVEDT EXE 5102 12-30-95 10:01:56p ....A. ║ QUIT ║ ░
RANDY COM 6364 12-29-95 8:02:00a ....A. ╚══════╝ ░
WOMBAT EXE 9203 9-27-90 12:39:12a ....A. [F10] ░
Target: none ░
-EDIT- seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE [F7]:DELETE [F9]:DOS▄
Figure 1-3
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-10
Space occupied by directories normally is not included in the display, but
it may be, as illustrated in Figure 1-3. This is controlled by the setting
of option /D, as explained in the next section.
If you tag some files as "Ignore" (see Sec 13.4), the bytes used by
those files will not be included in the bytes-used amount. If some files
are ignored, a "+ will appear after the amount on display line 3, as shown
in Figure 1-3.
If the directory has more files than EDDY can display, the "bytes" figure
is the total for all files (i.e., the "800+0130 files" in Figure 1-3).
The number of free bytes is the figure reported by DOS, with one exception:
With compressed drives (CVFs), only an estimate of the free space is
provided. It is calculated by the compression tool, based on the expected
compression ratio. See Sec 28 for more about CVFs.
1.4.5 Directory Sizes
Normally, for a directory, you'll see "<DIR>" in the size field, and the
space occupied by the directories won't appear in the "bytes used" summary.
However, these directories do occupy space on the disk. A single entry
(file or subdirectory) in a directory requires 32 bytes; thus, 128 entries
fit in a typical 4096-byte cluster. If a directory has more entries than
can fit in a cluster, more clusters are allocated to the directory.
If you'd like to see how much space is actually occupied by the directories
on your disk, use option /D (see Sec 2.2.1 for a discussion of options).
But be prepared to wait longer for the display to be built; DOS does not
report directory sizes through its normal services. EDDY must interpret
low-level format and FAT information directly, reading the relevant sectors
of the disk to get this information. The sizes are shown between "<" and
">" brackets (e.g., "<4096>", so directories are still easily
differentiated from files in the display.
When displayed, directory sizes (except for the "." and ".." entries) are
included in the "bytes used" summary. The size of the "." entry is the
size of the working directory; it is not part of the space allocated to the
files in that directory. The ".." entry is also not included in the
summary figure. If the ".." entry is actually the root directory, you will
see "<ROOT>" instead of a size. The root size is fixed when you format; it
does not occupy space that would otherwise be available for file storage.
If you delete entries, the directory space is NOT released; directories
always stay as large as the most space that was ever required for them,
even if there are NO files currently in the directory. With standard DOS
facilities, the only way to free up unused directory space is by deleting
the directory itself. EDDY offers another way, allowing you to free up
space wasted in this way; see Sec 26.3 for more information on this.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 1-11
1.4.6 How About a Date? (non-USA date formats)
EDDY will use the date format of your choice. The column heading above the
date will indicate which format is being used, showing "mmddyy", "ddmmyy"
or "yymmdd", accordingly.
There are two ways to specify the date format you wish to use. Usually,
this is done by use of "COUNTRY.SYS" in your CONFIG.SYS file. Or you may
customize EDDY to use the format you prefer. (See Sec 31.3.1f).
If you customize, the format you choose will always be used, even if it
conflicts with COUNTRY.SYS. If neither customization nor COUNTRY.SYS is
used, the dates will be displayed in USA style, as mm-dd-yy.
1.5 What You See Is What You Edit (WYSIWYE?)
EDDY starts by displaying the entries in the working directory. You may
edit those entries, including filename, date, time and attributes. Just
move the cursor to the field you want to edit, and type your changes.
You may also select files to be patched, copied, moved, deleted, etc. (For
more information on specific commands, see Sec 3.2) All changes will be
shown on the screen, but no changes will be made on disk until you tell
EDDY to do so. EDDY applies the requested changes to disk when you enter
UPDATE mode, by pressing [Enter]. EDDY will ask you to confirm that you
want to write to disk (by pressing [Enter] again), and will give you the
choice of returning to EDIT without making any changes.
At any time before writing changes to disk (in UPDATE mode), you may change
your mind and UNDO the changes. [F2] UNDOes changes to the current file,
[^F2] UNDOes all changes to all files.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 2-1
2. EDDY's DOS Command Line
The command line format is:
EDDY [/option...] [work] [target] [+attribute...] ["timestamp"]
The brackets -- "[" and "]" -- are not part of the format, and should not
be typed on the command line.
All parameters are optional. The last two parameters, "attribute" and
"timestamp", are for use in selecting files to be displayed by criteria
other than paths and filenames with wildcards. See Sec 18.
When EDDY is executed without any options, paths or filenames given on the
command line, the current DOS default drive and directory path are used.
If you make an error in the command format, the format description line
(above) will be displayed, with an arrow pointing to the part in error.
2.1 [work] & [target] Directories
On the command line, [work] defines the working directory, in normal DOS
format, just as used with the DIR command (i.e., d:\path\filename.ext).
Wildcard characters are supported. If no filename is given, *.* is
assumed. Paths may be specified using either "\" or "/", as you prefer.
Similarly, ";" is treated as ":" (EDDY assumes that you forgot to [Shift]).
[target] defines the target directory, to receive any files copied or
moved. No filenames are allowed in the [target] specification.
2.1.1 Multiple, Simultaneous File Specifications
You may provide up to FIVE different file specifications, either from the
command line or from the [Alt+w] dialog box. File specs are separated by
commas. Thus, to see all executable files in a directory, you could enter
You can use (and mix) file specs with and without wildcards; e.g.,
Multiple file specs may also be used with "where-is" file searches (see
Sec 5.6) and with the "file exclusion" feature (see Sec 18.3).
If you run a program via batch file, commas are ignored by DOS, and aren't
accessible to the program; all the program sees are spaces where the commas
were. So, if you want to use multiple file specs and run EDDY from a batch
file, an alternative is provided: "+". Any "+"s will be treated just the
same as commas. In the first example above, the command line would be:
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 2-2
The two versions would be treated identically. "+"s may not be used in the
[Alt+w] dialog box, however.
2.1.2 Single File Spec, No Wildcards
If you enter a single, unambiguous filename -- i.e., no wildcards -- EDDY
will go straight into LOOK mode for that file. When you exit LOOK, the
working directory will be "*.*".
For example, "EDDY c:\testdir\abc" would display all files in directory
"\abc" or, if there is no such directory, display the contents of file
"abc" in the "testdir" directory.
Similarly, "EDDY . C:" would display all files in the DOS default
directory on the DOS default drive, and any files copied or moved would go
to the DOS default directory on drive "C:".
2.2 Options
Options tell EDDY which of two possible actions you want used in various
situations. For example, you may choose option settings to determine:
- whether a file's "archive" attribute should be changed when the file is
- whether to interpret characters typed in the filename field as changes to
the filename or as a signal to search for a matching filename;
- whether to use color in the display or not.
The meaning/effect of each option is detailed in the next Section.
Options are given on the DOS command line, as with normal DOS commands;
e.g., "EDDY /A/K" tells EDDY to use options "A" and "K". (Or, if you
prefer, "EDDY -A-K" will have the same effect.) Case is not significant.
Options, if any, must be first, before any path or other specifications,
and must not be separated (e.g., by spaces). They must EACH be preceded by
either a "/" or a "-"; i.e., "/AK" or "-AK" will not be recognized. Most
options may also be set or changed during execution, by pressing [Alt+o]
(see Sec 2.2.2).
Options may be set either ON or OFF, with corresponding meanings described
below. Options (unless EDDY has been otherwise customized, as described in
Sec 31) are initially set to OFF, by default.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 2-3
2.2.1 Option Definitions
/A - Do not change the file archive (modify) attribute when copying or
moving files. Default (option /A OFF) action depends on the drives used...
- Floppy to floppy: copy's attributes set same as original
- Hard disk to hard disk: copy's attributes set same as original
- Floppy to hard disk: copy's archive attribute OFF, original unchanged
- Hard disk to floppy: copy's archive attribute ON, original OFF
- Remote (network) drives: attributes never changed
/B - Turn off the "beep" that normally sounds for errors or warnings.
/C - Do not change the cursor size. Default is to use a larger cursor in
EDIT mode, a full-height cursor in PATCH mode, and set it to a two-pixel
high underline at exit. If you start EDDY with this option OFF, and then
turn it on, EDDY will not reset the cursor at exit.
With /E and /C both ON, /C has no effect - i.e., the cursor will be changed
/D - Include directory sizes in the display. Disk space used by direc-
tories is normally not included in the EDIT mode display. With option /D
ON, all such space will be accounted for. However, gathering the infor-
mation is VERY time-consuming, particularly on lower-speed hardware, so you
may wish to use it only if it is really important to you.
Option /D has no effect on remote (network) drives.
/E - Set EGA or VGA monitor to use "extra-line" text display mode (43 or 50
lines). If the monitor is already in extra-line mode when EDDY starts, the
option display window -- [Alt+o] -- will show /E is ON. If you change /E
while in EDDY, the display mode will change immediately. If you were also
using option /C, that option is turned OFF when /E changes
/F - Turn on filename editing (i.e., renaming). When /F is ON, files may
be renamed by typing the new filename over the old. If /F is OFF, typing
in the filename field causes a "speed search" for a file with a matching
name. See Sec 4.1 for more on this.
With option /F turned OFF, pressing [Ins] in EDIT mode turns renaming ON
for that file only, until the cursor moves to another line. When option /F
is ON (file renaming enabled), a "." appears between the filename and
extension fields. If it is ON for only the current file (i.e., you pressed
[Ins]), then only that file's display has the ".".
/H - Files with "hidden" or "system" attributes are not normally displayed
unless they are explicitly requested by use of attribute filtering -- and
with filtering, ONLY files with those attributes will be shown. To include
these files by default, together with all other files, use option /H.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 2-4
/K - Some error and status messages are displayed briefly (about 3 seconds)
and then disappear. If you would rather have the messages remain until you
press a key (any key), use this option. In this case, if the key you press
is one of EDDY's command keys, the command will be executed.
/L - List control. Changes the scope of the [Ctrl]-shifted commands.
Normally, these commands affect all files listed, starting from the top of
the display (i.e., the first file). If you want EDDY to start from the
current cursor position (ignoring files higher up in the list), use /L.
/M - Monochrome monitor. Useful with mono monitor + Color Graphics
Adapter, and with some laptops. Other combinations do not need option /M,
although it will toggle between color and mono on any color monitor.
/R - RAM Editing. With this option turned ON, EDDY treats the PC's memory
as a file, which you may LOOK at, FIND strings in, PATCH or COPY.
/T - Touchdown Keys. Use of this option allows multi-key combinations, in
which the keys would normally be pressed simultaneously, to be pressed one
key at a time. For more information on this, see Sec 3.3.
/W - Set "Where's That File?" searching; move to next directory that has a
file which matches the current file spec and any timestamp and/or attribute
filter used. Search from working directory downward in the directory tree.
This option can be set by the user ONLY from the DOS command line, where
it tells EDDY to begin a "where's that file" search immediately. It is set
internally by EDDY when the [^w] command is used.
/0 - Execute in "customize" mode, to create a copy of EDDY with various
features tailored to your preference (see Sec 31). This option can be set
by the user ONLY from the DOS command line.
/1x - Override the normal startup display sequence. "x" must be one of the
sort sequence codes defined in Sec 1.4.2. If "x" is a capital letter, the
sequence will be in ascending order; if lowercase, in descending order.
This option can be set by the user ONLY from the DOS command line.
/2xxxxxx - Override the normal Synchronization Control settings, as
described in Sec 10. From 1 to 6 "x"s may be used. Each "x" must be "c",
"y" or "n" except "c" is invalid for the sixth one. Either case is O.K.
This option can be set by the user ONLY from the DOS command line.
/5, /6, /7, /8 - These batch mode options correspond to keys [^F5], [^F6],
[^F7] and [Shift+^F7] (COPY, MOVE, DELETE and DESTROY all files),
respectively. Only one of these options may be used at a time. When these
are used, the corresponding command is carried out in batch mode (See
Sec 30). These options can be set ONLY from the DOS command line.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 2-5
2.2.2 Changing Options While Running EDDY - [Alt+o]
Change option settings by pressing [Alt+o]. A list box will appear (see
Sec 3.2.4). Pressing any of the option letters (except /W) toggles the
option setting between ON and OFF. Or move the cursor to an option and
press [SpaceBar]. When the settings are the way you want them, press
[Enter]. Pressing [*] resets the options to the values they had when EDDY
started: i.e., the default values, as modified by any options you used on
the command line.
2.3 Other Command Line Parameters
Two other parameters may be entered on the command line: an "attribute
filter" specification and/or a "timestamp filter" specification. These
specifications are used to select files for display based on their file
attributes -- hidden, directory, etc. -- or date and time. They are
explained in detail in Sec 18.1.1 and Sec 18.2.1, respectively.
2.4 Response Files
If you often use similar, lengthy command lines -- e.g., lots of options,
long pathnames, multiple file specifications, and/or filters -- you may
want to consider using a "response file" rather than typing everything from
the command line every time.
A response file is identified to EDDY by preceding its filename with a "@".
Text from a response file is treated exactly as though it had been typed at
the command line. The "@filename" may be preceded or followed by other
normal EDDY command line parameters. For example, this command:
"EDDY /r @paths +A"
with the file "paths" containing the following text:
would run EDDY with option /R turned on, working directory "C:\UTIL",
target directory "D:\TEMP", only executable files displayed, and then only
if their Archive attribute is on.
Response files may be used alone, or in combination with parameters typed
directly from the command line, as illustrated by the preceding example.
The response file must be located in the current DOS directory, a directory
in the path, or in EDDY's "home" directory; i.e., where EDDY.COM is stored.
In our example, if there is a file or subdirectory in the current DOS
directory with the name "@paths", the name will be used as-is, rather than
as a response file.
You may use more than one response file in the same command line. Nested
response files are not supported.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-1
3. Telling EDDY What To Do
EDDY's basic display provides full screen editing capabilities -- just move
the cursor to the data you want to change, and type in the new data.
The cursor may be moved with the keyboard or by mouse. A "scroll bar" is
also available. By default, [NumLock] state (ON/OFF) is always ignored by
EDDY -- i.e., treated as OFF -- unless [NumLock] is pressed while EDDY is
running. Once it has been pressed, its state is recognized and treated
accordingly. If you prefer to have [NumLock]'s state respected in all
cases, use the "keypad" parameter for customizing (see Sec 31.3.1c).
Other capabilities of EDDY are called upon by using commands. Commands may
be entered in whichever of the following ways you find most convenient:
- Hot Keys
- Pull-Down Menus
- Command Line
3.1 Moving Around
Some fields on the screen, such as file size, can't be edited. These
fields are "protected" so that the cursor can't be moved to that position.
Instead, it will move to the next unprotected position.
3.1.1 Using the Keyboard
In this document, key names are enclosed in brackets -- "[" and "]".
The "arrow" characters are not printable in general, so the cursor control
keys are indicated by the word -- left, right, up, down -- for the
direction of the arrow that's printed on the key cap.
In key names, the prefix "^" means the key is pressed at the same time as
the [Ctrl] shift key. The notations [Alt+key] or [Shift+key] mean that the
[Alt] or [Shift] key is pressed at the same time as the indicated "key".
EDDY's cursor is moved around in the display as follows:
[Up] - move up 1 line [PgUp] - up 1 page
[Down] - move down 1 line [PgDn] - down 1 page
[Home] - move to top of page [End] - move to end of page
[^Home] - display first page * [^End] - display last page *
[Left] - left 1 column [Right] - right 1 column
[left bracket] - left 1 field [right bracket] - right 1 field
[^Left] - move to column 1 [^Right] - move to last column
[/] - move to date field [:] - move to time field
[.] - left edge, except in a filename field [.] moves to extension
[+] - move to attribute field (except in an attribute field, [+] turns
the attribute ON and moves to the next file)
* NOTE: Pressing [Home] twice in a row is the same as pressing [^Home], and
pressing [End], [End] is the same as pressing [^End].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-2
3.1.2 Using a Mouse
If you're having problems with erratic mouse behavior, see Appendix C.
At the far right edge of the screen you'll see a single, shaded column with
a solid square at either end; this is the "scroll bar". Somewhere on the
scroll bar is either a double arrowhead or a solid block. If you see the
solid block, no mouse driver has been detected by EDDY, and the mouse can't
be used. For more information on the scroll bar, see Sec 3.1.3.
EDDY reacts to mouse movement just as if you had used the arrow keys in a
corresponding way (UNLESS you have moved all the way right, past the end of
the highlighted area, to the scroll bar).
Pressing the left mouse button ("left clicking") in EDIT mode is the same
as pressing [F3]. With the cursor on a directory line, EDDY makes that the
new working directory; a left click on a file line LOOKs at that file.
This may be changed as described below.
When EDDY is waiting for confirmation that you want to proceed with some
action, a left click is the same as [Enter], meaning "Yes, proceed". A
right click is the same as [Esc], or "No, don't proceed".
Click the left mouse button while the cursor is on the "MENU" or "HELP"
click button at the right side of the screen to get the corresponding
display. Click the right mouse button to return to the main body (left
portion) of the display. You may move the cursor around elsewhere in this
area, but it has no effect.
a. Changing the Mouse Button Command - [Alt+m]
To change the command used for the left mouse button in EDIT mode (from
the default of [F3]), press [Alt+m]. Next, press the key for the command
that you prefer to use. Also, see the next section.
b. If You're Left-handed
After [Alt+m], clicking the right mouse button instead of pressing a key
swaps the use of the left and right mouse buttons, which is preferred by
some left-handed people. In that case, all descriptions of the right
mouse button actions actually apply to the left button, and vice versa.
The scroll bar, described in Sec 3.1.3, indicates the current state of
"handedness" of the mouse, and can also be used to switch that state, as a
shortcut instead of [Alt+m].
If your mouse is already configured as "left-handed" within its own driver
or by other software before running EDDY, you probably don't want to use
this feature: the result would be to swap the mouse buttons back to
"right-handed" usage.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-3
c. Mouse Sensitivity - [Alt+Shift+m]
If the mouse reacts too quickly (or slowly), you can adjust the sensitivity
(in Windows terminology, "Tracking Speed"). Press [Alt+Shift+m] to get a
graphical display showing the current speed relative to the maximum and
minimum possible. Move the mouse left to slow the mouse down or right to
speed it up. Left-click when the speed is the way you like it.
If you customize EDDY, the sensitivity you select will be the default in
the customized copy.
3.1.3 Using the Scroll Bar
The scroll bar's main purpose is to give you an easy way of moving the
display up or down with a mouse. You may use it with the keyboard, too.
The scroll bar also has either a right- or left-pointing double arrowhead,
or a solid block character somewhere on it (the "slider"). If the slider
is a solid block, no mouse driver has been detected by EDDY, and the mouse
can't be used. Otherwise, the arrowhead points to indicate whether the
mouse buttons are configured as right- or left-handed, respectively.
The position of the slider on the scroll bar gives you an approximate
indication of how much further you must scroll to get to the end of the
display. For example, with 90 files selected for display, and your cursor
on the 30th, the slider will be about 1/3 of the way down on the scroll
bar. If you're on the 90th file, the slider will be at the bottom.
To use the scroll bar, move the cursor to a position either above or below
the slider, and press the left mouse button (or [Enter]). The display will
scroll up if the cursor is above the slider, or down if below.
The amount of scrolling depends on exactly where on the scroll bar the
cursor is located. If on one of the solid squares at either end of the
scroll bar, the display will scroll a line at a time in the indicated
If you left click directly on the slider, the mouse's "handedness" -- as
described in Sec 3.1.2b -- will change from left- to right-handed, and
vice versa.
Elsewhere on the scroll bar, each click moves the display a page at a time.
Holding the left mouse button (or [Enter]) down causes the scrolling action
to repeat. If you are paging, this can cause the cursor to alternately be
above and below the slider, which alternates between the same two pages.
Click the right mouse button (or press [Esc]) to move quickly back to the
main body of the display. Or move the mouse or use the arrow keys for this
if you prefer.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-4
3.1.4 Double-Click Shortcuts
Several common functions with the mouse are made easier if you use "double-
clicking" appropriately. When the term "double-click" is used without
further qualification, it refers to two consecutive presses of the primary
-- by default, the left -- mouse button. Other types of double-clicks are
also recognized (two right button presses or a left and a right button),
but they are explicitly described when used.
The amount of time allowed between clicks for them to be recognized as a
double-click (in Windows terminology, "Double-Click Speed") may be
customized to be comfortable to you, as described in Sec 31.3.1d.
Here are some things you can do by using double-clicking:
- When EDDY asks for your choice between [Enter] or [^Enter] -- related to
how timestamps are handled on file updates -- a left click is the same as
[Enter], and a double left click is the same as [^Enter]. Examples of
this are when you're ready to UPDATE either from EDIT or PATCH.
- If you click both the left and right mouse buttons within the
double-click interval, the result is the same as if you pressed [F1].
- If you double-click on an entry in the EDIT mode directory display, the
cursor will move to the MENU click button.
- If you double-click on the MENU click button, the last command used by
selecting from the menu will be repeated. This is particularly useful
for tagging several files for the same action, such as COPY or DELETE.
- If you double-click on the HELP click button, HELP's keyword search
screen will appear, just as if you had pressed [Shift+F1].
- If you double-click on the LOOK click button, you will go directly to
PATCH the current file, just as if you had pressed [F4].
- If you double-click on the QUIT click button, you will QUIT to the
working directory, just as if you had pressed [Alt+F10].
3.2 Commands
Commands tell EDDY what to do to the files that are displayed. Generally,
they affect the current file, as selected by the cursor.
The most common commands are assigned to function keys. Other commands
generally are assigned to an [Alt+letter] combination.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-5
3.2.1 Hot Keys
All of EDDY's functions may be called upon by using the corresponding "hot
keys". The following (VERY incomplete!) summary is provided simply to
suggest how easy it is to use some of EDDY's most common commands.
Further details of use of the various keys and key combinations may be
found in the later sections of this document. A complete list of command
key usage is given in Appendix A.
Some common commands used in "EDIT" mode are:
[F1]: HELP
[F2]: UNDO changes on this file
[F3]: LOOK at data in file, LOOK at files in directory, or LOOK at disk
[F4]: PATCH data in file or on disk
[F5]: COPY file
[F6]: MOVE file
[F7]: DELETE file
[F9]: Exit to DOS temporarily (DOS shell)
[F10]: QUIT, return to original DOS default directory
[Alt+d]: Sort files by DATE/time [Alt+n]: Sort files by NAME
[Alt+e]: Sort files by EXTENSION [Alt+s]: Sort files by SIZE
[Alt+i]: INVERT display sequence
[Alt+f]: FIND string in file
[Alt+o]: inquire/change OPTIONS
[Alt+t]: inquire/change/create TARGET directory
[Alt+w]: change WORKING directory/file selection
[Alt+x]: eXCHANGE working & target directories
Many command keys may also be used together with the [Ctrl] key. [Ctrl]
(indicated in this document by "^") means "do the command for all files";
e.g., [^F5] means copy all files, and [^F2] means undo all changes on all
files. (Option /L changes the scope of the "^" -- see Sec 2.2.1.)
To interrupt one of the [^Fn] commands, press [^c] or [BackSpace]. Any
files tagged for copy, delete, etc. up to that point will stay tagged, but
no further action will take place. If you just want to pause temporarily,
to look at the screen or think about what's going on, press and hold
[ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. Release the key to continue.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-6
3.2.2 Pull-Down Menus - [Alt+F1]
Press [Alt+F1] and a pull-down menu panel is displayed, as well as a menu
bar across the top of the screen, with other menu topics to choose from.
The menu panel lists commands which may be executed by EDDY. To the right
of each command a "hot key" is shown. This key may be used to execute the
command directly from EDDY, without using the menu. To select a command
from the menu, you may:
-1) press the highlighted letter for that command; or
-2) move the cursor to the command and press [Enter] (or left click
your mouse); or
-3) press the indicated "hot key" for the command (unless the hot
key is shown enclosed by "< >", in which case the hot key cannot
be used from the menu).
Some lines on some panels show "(sub-menu)" instead of a hot key. If you
choose one of these, another panel will be displayed, with commands
relating to the subject you chose. These commands may be selected in the
same 3 ways described above.
If you don't want to choose a command, press [Esc] (or right click mouse).
To view the data in the display that has been covered by a menu panel,
press [PgUp]. This allows you to look at the display (except the top line,
which is covered by the menu bar) without exiting from the menu. To pull
down a menu panel, press the highlighted letter for the topic, or press
[Enter] (or left click) to pull down the panel for the topic that's
currently highlighted.
A list of other topics available is displayed across the top of the screen.
The topics are those which pertain to the type of display you are working
with. For example, in EDIT mode, you won't see topics that relate to LOOK
or PATCH modes. To view the panels for the other topics shown at the top
of the screen, press [Left] or [Right] (or move the mouse).
In EDIT mode, the choice of topics also depends on the line your cursor is
currently on. If it's on a file, you'll get a choice of commands that are
valid for files; if it's on a directory or disk line, you'll get choices
that are valid for those lines.
Similarly, in LOOK mode, some commands are valid only if the display is in
ASCII (text) format, and some only with hex format. Also, different
commands are available when LOOKing at a file, disk or RAM. The choices
you'll see in the menus depend on what you're doing.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-7
The first time a particular menu bar is loaded at the top of the screen,
EDDY makes a guess as to which panel from that menu bar you'll most likely
want to use, and displays that panel. On later calls which use that same
menu bar, the menu panel displayed will be the last one you used.
EDDY loads the MENU module from EDDY.AUX when you press [Alt+F1], if enough
memory is available (around 24K).
If you double-click on the MENU click button, the last command you have
used by selecting from the menu will be repeated; particularly useful for
tagging several files for the same action, such as COPY or DELETE.
The menus and HELP screens have their own color attributes, not tied to
those used for other EDDY screens (but menu colors are the same as HELP
colors). These colors may be customized as desired (see Sec 31.2).
3.2.3 Dialog Boxes
Some commands need more information in order to accomplish their functions.
For example, [Alt+Shift+t] is used to select a new target directory; press-
ing it displays a dialog box asking you to enter the required path.
For these boxes, just type the required information, and press [Enter] when
you are finished. EDDY will use the new information according to the type
of command involved. If you make a mistake, or decide not to continue,
press [Esc] and whatever you have typed will be discarded.
Dialog boxes are used with these commands:
[Alt+t]/[Alt+Shift+t]: inquire/change/create TARGET directory
[Alt+v]: change/create VOLUME label
[Alt+w]/[Alt+Shift+w]: change WORKING directory/file selection
[^w]: "Where's That File?" search for WORKING directory
[Shift+F9]: point & shoot
They may also appear as the result of some other commands, such as [F5] -
COPY file -- when no target directory has been given.
When a dialog box is displayed, the area into which to type data is
highlighted in reverse video (or underline, with monochrome monitors).
Text entry may be done in either "insert" mode, in which each keystroke
entered pushes everything right one character, or "replace" mode, in which
each keystroke overlays the character at the cursor. You may toggle
between insert and replace modes by pressing [Ins]. If you are in insert
mode, a "right arrow" will appear directly below the cursor. When the
dialog box is first displayed, replace mode is in effect.
If there is an initial string displayed, such as a path, you may edit it as
desired, and press [Enter] when the result is ready for use.
If the first key you press after the initial display is a character (i.e.,
not a cursor control key) in the first (leftmost) position, the initial
string will be erased, allowing a completely new string to be entered. In
addition, [^End] will always erase from the cursor to the end of line.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-8
If you want to redisplay the initial string after it has been erased, or
after you have modified it, move the cursor to the leftmost position and
press [Home].
NOTE: The dialog boxes associated with the commands...
[Alt+f]: FIND string in file
[Alt+r]: FIND and REPLACE string in file
do not follow these rules. Refer to Sec 17 for more information.
3.2.4 List Boxes
These boxes present a list of items for which state values may be selected
(e.g., "ON/OFF", "YES/NO/MAYBE"). List boxes are used with these commands:
[Alt+a]: file attribute filter selection
[Alt+c]: inquire/change controls for Copy & Move
[Alt+o]: inquire/change options
To set values for an item in the list, move the highlighted cursor bar to
the item and click the left mouse button or press [SpaceBar]. When all
values are set correctly, move the cursor to the "OK/Cancel" line, ensure
the "OK" box is highlighted, and left click or press [Enter]. The
highlight is moved between "OK" and "Cancel" by pressing [Left] or [Right].
If you click on this line or [Enter] while "Cancel" is highlighted, all
changes will be discarded. Changes may be discarded at any time by right
clicking or pressing [Esc] -- from any line.
To restore settings to the values they had when EDDY started executing --
the default values, possibly modified by settings made from the command
line -- press [*] or left click on the "*" line.
3.3 Touchdown Keys (TM) - Assistance for the Disabled
For a variety of reasons, some people find it difficult to press more than
one key at a time. This makes it hard for them to use many programs,
including earlier versions of EDDY. EDDY has many commands requiring two
and sometimes three keys to be pressed simultaneously; e.g., [Alt+Shift+F3]
which is the "compare file contents" command.
EDDY offers "Touchdown Keys" to ensure that this problem doesn't keep
anyone from using all the facilities of the program. "Touchdown" refers
specifically to the three types of "shift" keys -- [Ctrl], [Alt] and
[Shift]. When you TOUCH one of them, it effectively remains DOWN until the
rest of the keys needed to complete the key combination have been pressed.
This is similar to the "StickyKeys" function available with Windows_95.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-9
Thus, to use the "compare file contents" command mentioned above, with
Touchdown Keys ON, press and release [Alt], then press and release [Ctrl],
and last, [F3]. The order of pressing [Alt] and [Ctrl] is not important.
Although there are other products available that offer some facility of
this type, the only ones the author is aware of that run under DOS do not
allow use of more than two keys at a time -- e.g., [Alt+c] or [^F5].
TouchDown Keys lets you enter any combinations you may desire, including
special combinations recognized by the BIOS (see Sec 3.3.3).
Touchdown Keys mode is turned ON and OFF by option /T (see Sec 2.2.1).
Setting options from within EDDY requires pressing [Alt+o], which appears
to thwart the purpose of Touchdown Keys. This is not really a problem,
however; users who can't press the [Alt+o] combination may simply set
option /T from the command line. Also, you may customize your copy of EDDY
to have option /T always ON (see Sec 31.3.1f).
NOTE: When you use the DOS Gateway (see Sec 15) or Point & Shoot commands
(see Sec 14.1), EDDY does not keep control of the keyboard. Thus,
Touchdown Keys has no effect in these situations. When you return to EDDY,
either by "exit" from DOS or terminating a program executed via Point &
Shoot, if Touchdown Keys was ON, it will be ON again.
3.3.1 Touchdown Display
When option /T is ON, you will see a minor difference at the beginning of
the bottom line of the screen. For example, the normal EDIT mode line
looks like this:
-EDIT- seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE...
but with option /T turned ON it looks like this:
T(...) seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE...
This modified display provides the following information:
- The "T" at the beginning of the line tells you that option /T is ON.
- The "..." in parentheses tell you that none of the shift keys is
currently active. The first '.' corresponds to the [Ctrl] key, the
second to the [Alt] key, and the third to the [Shift] key (either right
or left).
A shift key is "active" when it has been pressed and released, but no
non-shift key has been pressed subsequently. If any of the shift keys is
active, the dot corresponding to that key will change as follows:
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-10
- [Ctrl]: the first dot will be replaced by a "^"
- [Alt]: the second dot will be replaced by a "@"
- [Shift]: the third dot will be replaced by an arrow pointing up
If [Ctrl] and [Alt] were active, but [Shift] was not, the display line
would look like this:
T(^@.) seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE...
3.3.2 Using Touchdown Keys
As mentioned, the shift keys are activated by pressing and releasing them.
If you want to deactivate a shift key, simply press it again. Its "dot"
will return to the display.
When the shift keys you need for the command are activated, press the
appropriate (non-shift) key to complete and execute the command. When a
non-shift key is pressed, EDDY checks to see whether any of the shift keys
are active. If so, the key code that is passed to the program is the same
as would have resulted from pressing all of those keys at once if not in
Touchdown Keys mode.
Once a non-shift key has been pressed, all shift keys are deactivated.
You may still use simultaneous key presses (e.g., [^F7]) when Touchdown
Keys mode is on. If you do so, any shift keys previously activated will be
deactivated, and will not affect the command that is executed.
3.3.3 Special Key Combinations
Certain combinations of keys, pressed simultaneously, have special meaning
to the BIOS. Touchdown Keys facilitate use of these in addition to EDDY-
specific commands.
a. Numeric Keypad - [Alt+number]
To enter values using [Alt] and the numeric keypad, press and release [Alt]
to turn on the "@" in the lower left corner of the screen. Then press and
release the numeric keys needed to construct the desired value, and then
press and release [Alt] again, to turn the "@" off. The resulting value is
handled by EDDY just as though it had been entered by pressing a single
key (if there were such a key).
Below is a description of the BIOS processing that EDDY simulates. If you
already know (or don't care) how the BIOS works, skip the rest of this
section. The description is of standard BIOS processing, and Touchdown
Keys do not have to be used in order to take advantage of it.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 3-11
When you hold [Alt] down, and press one or more number keys (one at a time)
from the numeric keypad, the BIOS handles the numbers pressed as a
cumulative decimal value, in a one-byte buffer. It passes the accumulated
result to the using program only when the [Alt] key is finally released.
For example, if you press and hold [Alt], followed by a press and release
of [1], [2] and then [3], the result is as if you had pressed [{], which
has the ASCII value 123 decimal (7Bh). More useful, of course, is the
ability this feature gives you to enter values which DON'T have a corres-
ponding key; e.g., pressing and releasing [2], [2] and [7] with the [Alt]
key held down, and then releasing [Alt], produces the Greek letter "pi".
The way this value is accumulated by the BIOS is as follows:
- When a key is pressed and [Alt] is not down, or a key other than one from
the numeric keypad is pressed while [Alt] is down, the one-byte buffer is
set to zero.
- When a keypad key is pressed while [Alt] is down, the BIOS multiplies the
current contents of the buffer by 10, and adds the value of the new key
to it. This continues for as long as [Alt] remains down.
- When [Alt] is released, the accumulated value is returned, just as though
it had been entered by pressing a single key (if there were one for that
- The maximum value that can be entered in this way is 255. If you enter a
larger value, only the lowest 8 bits of the value will be retained; i.e.,
the buffer overflows. Thus, if you entered [1], [1], [1] and [1] (1111
decimal = 457 hex), the value returned would be 87 decimal (57 hex).
b. Three-finger Salute - [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]
EDDY also allows this to be done one key at a time.
From DOS, pressing these keys simultaneously produces a "warm" reboot.
Because doing it one key at a time introduces the possibility of a mistake,
EDDY provides slightly modified functionality:
If you press and release [Alt] and then [Ctrl] (or vice versa), turning on
"@" and "^" in the lower left corner of the screen, and then press [Del],
the display in the corner will show "!!?", and it will blink. This serves
as notice that if the next key pressed is another [Del], the system will
reboot. If you don't want to reboot, just press any other key, and the
display will return to normal.
Thus, it takes two [Del]s to produce the reboot.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 4-1
4. Editing Directory Entries
To select a file for editing, move the cursor to the line of the display
for that file. The line with the cursor will be highlighted, and the
corresponding file becomes the "current file". Editing is then done by
simply typing the new information over the old on the screen.
The cursor will skip over fields which can't be edited, such as file size.
If you try to enter data which is not valid (e.g., letters in a date or
time field), EDDY will "beep" at you and ignore the entry.
It is possible to enter combinations of characters which result in invalid
data in a field. For example, "02" is a valid month and "31" is a valid
day, but together they are an invalid date. EDDY catches errors of this
type whenever you try to move the cursor off of the current file. EDDY
"beeps" and puts the cursor on the field where the error was detected.
When any editing has been done, an "*" will appear at the right end of the
line to indicate that changes have been made to that file.
4.1 Selecting a File or Directory (Speed Search)
There are two ways to move the cursor to the file (or directory) entry you
are interested in: by using the cursor keys ([Up], [Down], etc.), or
directly, by using the "speed search" feature (with option /F turned OFF).
With the cursor on the filename, typing any character that's valid for a
filename tells EDDY to move the cursor to the next entry in the display
with a name that matches. Matching is done from the first character of the
current filename up to and including the character just typed.
For example, consider the display shown in Figure 1-1 (Sec 1.4). If you
were positioned on "WOMBAT.EXE", with the cursor on the "W", and you
pressed [e], the cursor would move to the "ETC" directory entry, with the
cursor on the "T". If you then pressed [n], the cursor would move to the
"ENVEDT.EXE" filename, on the "V".
If you press [Shift] and type a letter, that letter will always be matched
against the FIRST letter of the file or directory name, regardless of which
byte of the name the cursor is currently positioned on.
Refer again to Figure 1-1. Suppose you were positioned at the top of the
file list, and held down [Shift] while pressing [e] three times in a row.
The cursor would move first to the "ETC" entry, then to "EDDY.COM", and
finally to the "ENVEDT.EXE".
Speed search is disabled when option /F is ON.
Speed search is also available for choosing directories from the directory
tree display, as described in Sec 5.3.2.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 4-2
4.2 Renaming Files
When you type a character while the cursor is in the filename or extension
field, the resulting action depends upon the setting of option /F (see Sec
2.2.1). If option /F is ON, renaming occurs. If it is OFF, speed search,
as described above, is used.
To rename a file, type the new name over the old on the screen. A "*" will
appear to the right of the extension, to remind you that a change has been
made. The file will be renamed on disk when you enter UPDATE mode.
Any valid characters for filenames may be entered, including spaces (except
the first character may not be a space). Valid characters are any in the
range 20h through 7Eh, except for these: [ . " / \ : | < > + = ; , ]
Lower case letters are converted to upper case by DOS. You can rename
files with EDDY so that they can't be used with normal DOS commands, by
using names containing embedded blanks.
When you rename a file, after UPDATE it will be moved to its proper place
in the display, according to the sort sequence then in effect.
When you rename a file, but you have not yet UPDATEd, the new name is used
in any situation involving comparison of directory entries in the working
and target directories. For example, when comparing timestamps for a COPY
command, the comparison process will use the entry (if any) in the target
with a name matching the NEW name shown for the current file.
4.2.1 Renaming Current File - [Ins]
To rename a single file without disabling speed search, first press [Ins].
This in effect turns option /F ON only while the cursor remains on the
current line, allowing renaming to be done; as soon as it moves to a new
line, option /F is reset.
4.2.3 Renaming All Files - [Esc], [^letter]
If you want to rename all files -- e.g., give them all the same extension
or a common suffix to the name -- first ensure that option /F is ON. Then,
with the cursor in the filename or extension field, press [Esc], followed
by a press of [^x] (for example).
All files in the display (except any that have previously been tagged
"Ignore") will have "X" appear in the column where the cursor is. Of
course, you are not restricted to using [^x]; the "x" can be any letter
key, or you can use [^-] or [^_] (the latter is [Shift+^-]).
Remember that [Esc] must always be used first, before EACH [Ctrl]-shifted
key you press, to signal this special usage. Without [Esc], the keys may
have other meanings; for example, [^p] for printing to a file, or [^f], to
find a string in all files.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 4-3
4.3 Changing Timestamps
Dates are displayed in mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd format, depending on the
use of DOS's "COUNTRY.SYS; times are displayed based on a 12-hour clock
with an "a" or "p" to show a.m. or p.m.
Only valid month/day/year combinations may be entered. Hours in the range
01 to 12 are accepted; minutes and seconds must be less than 60. Seconds
must be even numbers -- a DOS limitation. You can set the date and time to
all zeros. If you do this, the timestamp will not display when you use the
DOS "DIR" command. Useful to call attention to entries in a "DIR" listing.
EDDY keeps an internal timestamp. EDDY's internal timestamp is either the
current DOS date and time, or a date and time which was set by pressing
[Alt+=]. Pressing [Alt+=] freezes EDDY's timestamp at the date and time of
the current file or directory entry, until changed by another [Alt+=].
[Alt+minus] undoes the effect of a previous [Alt+=]; i.e., tells EDDY to
use the current DOS timestamp.
When the timestamp is frozen, an "=" appears in the display heading line,
next to the word "time".
Pressing [=] puts EDDY's internal timestamp on the file. Especially useful
for timestamping several files with the same value, as is often done when
preparing a software package for distribution.
When a change has been made to the date or time, an asterisk will appear in
the line to the right of the field changed.
4.4 Changing File Attributes
Attribute bit settings are displayed under the heading "RHSDAN", indicating
file attributes, respectively.
Attributes may be displayed in two different styles. Press [Tab] to toggle
between these styles. You may set the default style by customizing. See
Sec 31.3.1f, the "attributes style" parameter, for more information.
With either style, when the cursor is in the attributes field, pressing one
of the attribute letters [R], [H], [S] or [A] (case doesn't matter) toggles
the attribute setting between ON and OFF.
4.4.1 Attributes Style #1
In the display, a "." will appear in the column for an attribute that is
OFF, and the letter of the attribute will appear if it is ON. Figure 1-1
is an example of this.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 4-4
To change an attribute setting to ON, type "+" or "y" in the corresponding
column; to change the setting to OFF, type "-" or "n".
When you type "y" or "n" in an attribute field, the attribute is marked as
changed, and the cursor moves right, to the next attribute for that file.
When you type "+" or "-", the cursor moves down to the next file's
attribute field, in the same column.
When an attribute has been changed to ON, a "+" will appear in that column.
If it has been changed to OFF, a "-" will be shown.
You can also change an attribute for all files in the working directory
with a single command. Move the cursor to the column of the attribute you
want to change (the line the cursor is on doesn't matter unless option /L
is ON) and press [^y] or [^n].
4.4.2 Attributes Style #2
If you choose this style, a "y" indicates the attribute is ON for this
file; "n" means it is OFF. Figure 1-2 is an example of this.
Changing attribute settings works the same as for attributes style 1. The
only difference is, when a change has been made to an attribute bit, that
attribute will be displayed as a capital "Y" or "N" instead of lowercase.
4.4.3 "Network-shareable" Attribute
A number of users have asked about the "network-shareable" (formerly
referred to as the "shared") attribute, as it is not included in most DOS
reference books/manuals.
In Novell's Netware -- and in other network software -- files are assigned
a full 16-bit word of attributes. These include the standard DOS
attributes as a subset, using the corresponding DOS bit positions. One of
the network-unique attributes is "shared", and they use bit 7 of their
attribute word for that. To avoid conflict with the letter used for the
DOS "system" attribute, and to remind the user that it's related to
networks, EDDY calls it "network-shareable".
When you use the DOS interrupt 21h "get attributes" service, and the file
is on a networked drive, the "network redirector" mechanism returns the
low-order byte of the network attribute word. If the "network-shareable"
bit happens to be ON, then it's passed through from DOS in that state, and
thus reported by EDDY. It can't normally be modified from DOS. You COULD
sector-patch it with EDDY, if you really wanted to.
In systems where the shared attribute is used, it's a very important piece
of information. It means that the file is one which may be shared by
several users on a network.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-1
5. Moving to a New Directory
You can change EDDY's working directory and/or target directory at any
time. These may be on the same or different disks.
There are four methods available to move to a new directory:
- Typing a path name in a dialog box
- Selecting a path from a tree diagram
- Selecting a drive from a list
- Exchanging working and target directories
These are explained in Sec 5.2 through Sec 5.5, respectively.
5.1 Dialog Boxes or Tree Diagrams -- Your Choice
You have a choice of selecting directories from a graphical tree diagram or
by text entry, using a dialog box. The tree diagram is generally easier to
use, but the dialog box is needed in certain situations, described below.
Also, there is a delay associated with the tree diagram the first time a
disk is accessed (or each time, on a floppy).
The dialog box entry method is needed if you want to change the file
specification used to select files for inclusion in the working directory
display (e.g., you want to use "*.CPP" rather than "*.*"). It is also
needed if you want to create a new directory for use as the target.
5.1.1 How to Choose
To choose a new working or target directory, press [Alt+w] or [Alt+t],
respectively. [Alt+w] and [Alt+t] work identically, except for the
directory they refer to. For the remainder of this discussion (through
Sec 5.1.2) any reference to [Alt+w] and the working directory also applies
to [Alt+t] and the target directory.
The first time you press [Alt+w], you'll see the dialog box for entry of a
new working directory. Press [Alt+w] while this box is displayed, and EDDY
will switch to the tree diagram for working directory selection.
Once you have requested the tree diagram, it will be considered your first
choice for working directory selection. Anytime you press [Alt+w] from the
EDIT mode display, you will see the tree display, not the dialog box.
If you want to switch your choice back to the dialog box, press [Alt+w]
while the tree diagram is displayed.
[Alt+w] may be toggled in this way as often as you wish. If you customize
your copy of EDDY (see Sec 31), the default action for [Alt+w] will be
set to the action (tree or box) in effect when you customize.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-2
You may use the dialog box anytime you want, regardless of the action
setting then in effect for [Alt+w]; if you press [Shift] at the same time
-- i.e., [Alt+Shift+w] -- the dialog box will always be displayed. This
does not affect the action setting for [Alt+w].
REMEMBER: All references to [Alt+w] also apply to [Alt+t].
5.1.2 Performance Considerations
When EDDY scans a drive to determine the tree structure, you may save the
scanned data in a file for later use (by pressing [F5]). This has the
advantage of faster display creation, but may be inaccurate if you have
made changes to the directory structure since the file was created.
a. Memory is Always Up-to-Date
EDDY maintains the tree structure information for up to two drives in
memory. If a third drive's tree is requested, one of the memory areas will
be reused, and any later access to the previous drive's tree will incur the
initial delay again.
If a tree data memory area is needed to be reused, an area associated with
a floppy drive will be selected if possible. This minimizes extra delays,
as the tree data for floppy disks is refreshed with every reference anyway.
If you use the DOS Gateway or Point & Shoot functions, EDDY has no way of
knowing what changes may have been made. Therefore, the tree diagram
information will be refreshed the next time the tree diagram is requested,
and so you'll experience the delay again in this case, too. Also, if you
change the tree by creating new (target) directories, or by renaming,
moving or deleting directories, the tree information must be refreshed.
The limit on number of directories which EDDY can handle for one disk drive
is difficult to specify, as it depends on how long the directory names are
-- shorter names take less space. However, if your drive has all 12-byte
directory names (ffffffff.eee), 480 of them can be accommodated.
The tree data may also be overwritten if you call on functions that need
more memory, and the only way to get it is to use the memory where the tree
data is stored. Functions that MAY produce this condition are: LOOK,
b. Save a Tree - [F5]
If you have directory structures (trees) that don't change very often,
consider saving the tree data in a file. For subsequent tree displays, the
data from the file will be used, saving the normal scanning delay.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-3
Press [F5] while the tree diagram is displayed to save the data. It will
be saved in a file called "EDDYTREE.{x}", where "x" is the drive ID letter.
This file will be stored in the root directory of the drive involved. If
you press [F5] again later, the file will be overwritten by the new data.
When you ask for the tree diagram, the data from EDDYTREE.{x} will always
be used to create the display if the file exists (and has not been corrup-
ted). If the file is used, you'll see "EDDYTREE.{x}" at the lower left
corner of the screen.
If you suspect that the tree data from the file might be out-of-date, you
may refresh the display (a new tree structure scan) by pressing [^x], where
"x" is the drive ID letter of the currently-displayed drive.
Note that refreshing the displayed tree by pressing [^x] does NOT update
the tree data file automatically. Except when EDDY finds an already-
existing, but out-of-date version of EDDYTREE.{x}, the file is updated only
when you request it explicitly, by pressing [F5].
If EDDY finds that the tree file is out-of-date (e.g., tree file doesn't
include the DOS default directory on that drive), it will be rebuilt, and
automatically updated on your disk. Since the file was on your disk
already, EDDY assumes you still want it.
5.2 Using Directory Dialog Boxes
To request the dialog box for entering working or target directories, press
[Alt+Shift+w] or [Alt+Shift+t], respectively.
Then enter the full path including drive and/or root, or a partial path
that EDDY will interpret relative to the working or target directory, as
appropriate. If your entry includes a drive and root (e.g., "C:\WORK"),
EDDY will use the specification exactly as you enter it.
If you enter only a drive (e.g., "C:"), the DOS default directory for that
drive will become the EDDY's (working or target) directory. If the DOS
default is not the root, it will be displayed before it is used.
When typing a path, you may use [Ins] and [Del] to make changes to it.
If you are working with exceptionally long path strings, they may be
"abbreviated" in the display. (See Sec 1.4.1). If the path you want to
change (working or target directory) is abbreviated, it will not appear in
the dialog box.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-4
5.2.1 History Recall - [Up] / [Down]
Directory paths are stored in a history list as you use them (regardless of
the method used to specify them -- command line, dialog box, or whatever).
Separate lists are maintained for working and target directory paths.
If you want to go back to (recall) a directory you have already used, you
may bring the path of previously-used directories into the dialog box by
pressing [Up], for the most-recently used directory of that type (working/
target), or [Down] for the oldest. If there is no history, you'll just get
a "beep".
Subsequent presses of [Up]/[Down] continue moving through the history list
in the direction indicated. The list is "circular"; when you get to the
oldest or newest entry, it wraps to the opposite end. This process is
similar to the save/recall of commands handled by DOS's DOSKEY program.
5.2.2 Working Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+w] / [Alt+w]
The working directory may be changed by pressing [Alt+Shift+w] (or [Alt+w],
if that key is set to request the dialog box) and entering the new path,
according to the rules described above.
A file specification may also be entered, either with or without a path.
If you enter only a file specification (e.g., "*.BAT"), that file
specification will be used with the working directory.
Of course, History Recall, described in Sec 5.2.1, may be used.
EDDY tries to use your specification as a path. If no such path can be
found, what you have entered is used as a file specification.
If you start the name with a "\", EDDY interprets this as a directory path
starting from the root of the working directory's drive. If there's no
initial "\", EDDY appends the name you provide to the end of the working
directory path string, and uses that as the new directory.
For example: suppose your working directory is C:\UTIL and the DOS default
on drive D: is D:\WORK. After pressing [Alt+w], if you type...
"\" or ".." the new working directory will be C:\
"\FOO" ...................................... C:\FOO
"FOO" (or "C:FOO") .......................... C:\UTIL\FOO
"D:" ........................................ D:\WORK
"D:FOO" ..................................... D:\WORK\FOO
If you type only a [.], and [Enter], the working directory will be
unchanged, but the file specification will be set to "*.*".
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-5
Also see Sec 5.7 if you work with SUBST'ed drives.
If you change your working directory to the same as your target directory,
the target directory specification in EDDY will be set to "no target". If
you then enter a COPY or MOVE command, EDDY will ask you for a new target.
For other ways to change directories, see Sec 5.5 (Exchange Working &
Target Directories), Sec 5.6 (Where's That File?) and Sec 8.1 (LOOK at
5.2.3 Target Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+t] / [Alt+t]
The target directory may be changed by pressing [Alt+Shift+t] (or [Alt+t],
if that key is set to request the dialog box). EDDY will display the
target drive and path (or tell you that there is no target) and allow you
to change the target directory if you wish.
Of course, History Recall, described in Sec 5.2.1, may be used.
If you don't want to enter a new target directory after pressing
[Alt+Shift+t], press [Esc]. The target directory will remain unchanged.
No file specification may be used in the target directory path
specification; only a drive and path are allowed. The target directory
cannot be set the same as the working directory.
Partial path specifications are interpreted exactly as described above, for
working directories, if there is no target. If there is a target, partial
paths are interpreted relative to it.
If you start the name with a "\", EDDY interprets this as a directory path
starting from the root of the target directory's drive. If there's no
initial "\", EDDY appends the name you provide to the end of the target
directory path string, and uses that as the new directory.
For example: suppose your target directory is C:\TGT and the DOS default
on drive D: is D:\EASY. Then, after pressing [Alt+Shift+t], if you
"\" or ".." the new target directory will be C:\
"\MONEY" the new target directory will be C:\MONEY
"MONEY" (or "C:MONEY") the new target directory will be C:\TGT\MONEY
"D:" the new target directory will be D:\EASY
"D:MONEY" the new target directory will be D:\EASY\MONEY .
If you enter a target directory name that doesn't exist after pressing
[Alt+Shift+t] or [Alt+x], EDDY will normally ask if you want to create a
new directory. However, if any parts of the path preceding the name of the
directory are also invalid, you will just get an error message.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-6
5.2.4 Target Tracking - [=]
Target tracking allows automatic changes to the target directory in
synchronization with changes you make to the working directory.
This feature makes it easy to synchronize directories on different disks
when the disks have similar tree structures at upper levels, but differ at
deeper levels in the tree. For example, suppose you have a setup such as:
DRIVERS and a diskette
UTIL on which you have:
...and so on
If your working directory is C:\PERSONAL and your target is A:\, you could
use target tracking to synchronize corresponding directories. To select
target tracking, press [=] and then [Enter] while the target directory
dialog box is on screen. Note that you cannot select target tracking
unless there is a target directory in effect already.
Now, if you press [F3] (or [Enter]) on the ADDRESS entry in the EDIT mode
display, A:\ADDRESS will automatically become the new target. If you then
press [F3] on the ".." entry, the target will be A:\ again. Press [F3] on
the LETTERS entry, and the target changes to A:\LETTERS.
As long as you use [F3] (or [Enter]) to change working directories, AND
there are corresponding directories in the target disk's directory tree,
the target will follow ("track") the working directory changes.
If you select a new working OR target directory by using the dialog box or
tree selection methods, target tracking will be turned off. Similarly, it
will be turned off if you move to a working directory that doesn't have a
corresponding directory on the target disk (such as C:\PERSONAL\FINANCE in
the example above).
When target tracking is in effect, the display will show "Target=" in the
lower right-hand corner, instead of the normal "Target:".
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-7
5.2.5 Cancel Target
There are two ways to cancel a target directory:
- Make it your working directory, using any key (sequence) other than
[Alt+x] -- e.g., [F3], or [Alt+w], etc.
- Press [Alt+t] -- or [Alt+Shift+t], if you're set up to use the tree
diagram for target selection -- followed by [.] and [CR].
5.3 Directory Selection from Tree Diagram
To request the tree diagram for the working directory's drive, press
[Alt+w]; for the target directory's drive, [Alt+t]. If you get the dialog
box display, press [Alt+w] or [Alt+t], respectively, again.
5.3.1 Tree Display Format
In the tree diagram, four types of directories are distinguished:
- The DOS default directory is shown in "braces", like {THIS}.
- The working directory is shown enclosed in the special "double
angle-brackets" characters, and looks something like <<THIS>>.
- The target directory has solid triangle characters pointing to it on
either side. These characters are unprintable on many printers, and
are not shown here. They will be obvious in the display.
- Other directories have no special characters enclosing them.
The working/target directory will be highlighted when the tree is
displayed. To select a new directory, move the highlight to it and press
[Enter] (or left-click the mouse).
5.3.2 Moving the Tree Highlight (Speed Search)
The highlight may be moved with the mouse, the cursor keys, or by using the
"speed search" feature.
The mouse and cursor keys work generally as you'd expect. However, note
that a [Right] arrow or mouse move always moves to the next directory in
the tree. Repetitions of [Right] will eventually visit every directory in
the tree -- a complete "tree walk". When the highlight is on the last
directory in the tree, another [Right] will wrap back to the root.
A [Left] arrow or mouse move goes to the parent of the currently
highlighted directory. Repeated [Left]s will quickly return to the root.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-8
To move the highlight, just start typing the directory name you want to
select. This is the speed search feature. Speed search works the same way
it does for directory displays in EDIT mode, as described in Sec 4.1.
(Except that option /F has no effect).
A cursor within the highlight shows where the next character typed will be
placed (just as in EDIT mode). This cursor is not moved by using the
cursor keys; they move the highlight, as described above. The cursor moves
right one column for each character typed. Press [BackSpace] to move left.
After positioning the highlight, press [Enter] to select a directory as the
new work or target. Alternatively, press [Alt+F10]. [Alt+F10] tells EDDY
to terminate, leaving the selected drive/directory as the new DOS default.
5.3.3 Moving to a New Drive - [^letter] / [^\]
If you press [^\], you'll get a list of valid drives to choose from.
Either press a letter from the list, or move the cursor to the desired
drive letter and then [Enter] or left-click.
The actions resulting from using [^\] depend on what is on screen when you
press it, and whether you are currently using directory selection via
dialog box or via tree diagram.
-1) Tree diagram on screen. The drive list will pop up on top of the tree
display. When you choose a drive from the list, the tree for that
drive will be displayed.
-2) Working directory dialog box on screen. The tree diagram for the
working directory's drive will be displayed. You will now be in tree
diagram mode for any subsequent working directory selection. (This is
the same result as pressing [Alt+w] while the box is displayed). The
drive list will pop up on top of the tree display. When you select a
drive from the list, the tree for that drive will be displayed.
-3) Target directory dialog box on screen. The tree diagram for the
target directory's drive will be displayed. You will now be in tree
diagram mode for any subsequent target directory selection. (This is
the same result as pressing [Alt+t] while the box is displayed). The
drive list will pop up on top of the tree display. When you select a
drive from the list, the tree for that drive will be displayed.
-4) EDIT mode display on screen. [^letter] has no effect, [^\] is the
same as pressing [\], as described in Sec 5.4.
While the tree diagram is displayed, diagrams for other drives may be
displayed by pressing [Ctrl] and the drive letter identifier; e.g., to get
the tree display for drive C:, press [^c].
To go directly to the tree diagram for any valid drive from the dialog box,
press [^letter] while the working directory dialog box is on-screen; the
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-9
action is just as though you had pressed [Alt+w], followed immediately by
[^letter]. That is, you'll get the tree display for the drive, and any
subsequent use of [Alt+w] from EDIT mode will yield the tree display rather
than the dialog box. [^letter] pressed while the target directory dialog
box is on-screen works similarly.
5.3.4 Working Directory Tree - [Alt+w]
With the tree diagram displayed, move the highlight to the name of the
directory you wish to become the working directory, and press [Enter] (or
left-click). The highlighted directory will become the new working
If you change your working directory to the same as your target directory,
the target directory specification in EDDY will be set to "no target". If
you then enter a COPY or MOVE command, EDDY will ask you for a new target.
When you display the tree diagram for the working directory's drive, you
will NOT see the DOS default directory for that drive enclosed in "{ }".
This is because EDDY always changes the DOS default directory on the
working directory's drive to be the same as EDDY's working directory while
EDDY is in control. When you exit from EDDY, the DOS default directory
that was in effect when you started EDDY is restored as the default
(normally -- see Sec 16 for more information).
If you display the tree for another drive (e.g., by pressing [^c]) you WILL
see the DOS default directory on that drive. If the working directory is
on a SUBST'ed drive which is part of the new drive's tree structure, both
the {DEFAULT} and <<WORKING>> directories will be indicated.
5.3.5 Target Directory Tree - [Alt+t]
With the tree diagram displayed, move the highlight to the desired
directory name and press [Enter] (or left-click). The highlighted
directory will become the new target directory.
You may not select a target directory the same as the working directory.
If you press [Alt+t] with no target directory previously selected, the tree
diagram for the working directory will be displayed.
5.4 Directory Selection from Drive List - [\]
Press [\] from EDIT mode to display a list of valid drives. Choose a drive
from this list -- by typing the letter, or "clicking" on it -- and the
working directory will be changed as follows:
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-10
If the drive you choose is different from your working directory's drive,
the DOS default directory on that drive will be the new working directory.
If you choose the same drive, the root directory on that drive will be
used. (If you're already at the root, there'll be no change).
If you are not at the root, there will be a "-" at the end of the list of
drives. Press [-] to move to the parent directory; i.e., "..".
For a related process, refer to Sec 5.3.3.
5.5 Exchange Working & Target Directories - [Alt+x]
To exchange the working and target directories, press [Alt+x] (This turns
off option /W if it is on -- see Sec 5.6). When you exchange, EDDY will
"remember" your current file, and will return the cursor to that file if
you later exchange back (with no intervening changes of directory).
5.6 Where's That File? - Option /W and [^w]
To find the directory (or directories) a file is in, use option /W from the
command line and/or the [^w] command within EDDY.
For example, enter: EDDY/W C:\FOO*.* to search drive "C:" for any file
beginning with "FOO", with any extension. If a directory is found that
contains such a file, it will be set as the working directory. Press [^w]
to find the next such directory, if any.
If you enter: EDDY/W "+06/15/91" EDDY will search the directory tree
starting from DOS's default directory, and will stop when a file is found
that was created after the indicated date (see "Filtering by Timestamp").
Similarly, EDDY/W +H will find any "hidden" files.
See Sec 18 for more on filtering by timestamps and/or file attributes.
From the command line, using option /W causes EDDY to search the disk for
matching files, starting with the given working directory and continuing
downward in the directory tree. The directories are searched in "unsorted"
sequence; i.e., the order they actually are stored on your disk. The
working directory which will be displayed is the first one found which has
matching files. If there is no match, you'll get "File not found".
Pressing [^w] when option /W is OFF turns /W ON, and you will be asked for
a file specification to use in the search. EDDY then searches from the
working directory downward in the tree for a directory with one or more
files matching the current file, attribute and/or timestamp specifications
(i.e., if you want filtering to be used as part of your search criteria,
set the filters before pressing [^w]). If found, that directory becomes
the new working directory. If there are no matches, you'll get "File not
found", and /W is turned off.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-11
When beginning the search, if there are some subdirectories in the working
directory that you don't want to include in the search, tag those with
"Ignore", by pressing [Alt+F7] (see Sec 13.4), before pressing [^w].
Pressing [^w] when option /W is ON causes EDDY to continue searching the
directory tree for the next directory, relative to the working directory in
use when you first pressed [^w], which contains matching files. Using [^w]
again will display the next directory, if any, which has matching files.
Explicitly changing working directory (by using [F3], [Alt+x], [Alt+w],
or [Alt+Shift+w] will turn off option /W.
5.6.1 Found It! Make a List File - [Alt+l] / [^l]
In many cases, "Where's That File?" is even more powerful when combined
with the use of "list files". See Sec 22 for more details on list files,
and to supplement the following discussion.
If you have found the file(s) you're searching for, you may write the
filenames to a list file. If you don't plan to search in more directories
or if you want the filenames from each directory to be written to a
separate list file, press [Alt+l].
If you want to write the filenames and then keep searching, adding more
filenames to the same list file as you go, use [^l] in the first directory
(to open a "persistent" list file), and then press [Alt+l] to add filenames
in any other directories that are appropriate.
Within each directory where matching files are located, if there are some
selected filenames that you do not want to include in the list file, tag
those files as "Ignore" -- by pressing [Alt+F7] -- before pressing [Alt+l].
5.7 Working With SUBST'ed Directories
EDDY can switch freely between SUBST'ed drives and directories and their
un-SUBST'ed, fully expanded path equivalents.
5.7.1 From the Command Line
Suppose your current DOS default drive is actually SUBST'ed, and you are in
the highest level directory of that SUBST'ed drive (i.e., what is
effectively the "root" directory for that drive). In this case, if you
specify either the working or target directory as "..", the true drive and
path will be used.
For example, if you earlier used the DOS command "SUBST X: C:\FOO\BAR" and
your DOS default drive is "X:", using ".." will be interpreted by EDDY as
"C:\FOO". If your DOS default is "X:\WORK", EDDY would interpret ".." the
same way DOS does -- i.e., "X:\".
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 5-12
5.7.2 Interactively
Once EDDY is executing, if you change directories as described in Sec 5.1
through Sec 5.5, or by using [F3] as described in Sec 8.1, you have even
more flexibility with SUBST'ed drives.
Using ".." works the same as it does on the command line, as described in
the preceding section.
However, "." used from within EDDY is interpreted as the un-SUBST'ed, fully
expanded path string. Thus, using the example in the preceding section, if
your working directory is "X:\WORK" and you use ".", EDDY will interpret
this as "C:\FOO\BAR\WORK".
This is only a change in the way the directory is referenced; it is the
same physical directory no matter which string is used to refer to it.
Therefore, the display of files, bytes used, etc., will not be affected.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 6-1
6. HELP When You Need It - [F1]
When you have a choice to make as to how you want EDDY to proceed, you can
get relevant HELP information by pressing [F1]. The HELP screen you get
will be different, depending on what you were doing when you pressed [F1].
As an alternative to pressing [F1], you may use the mouse: click the left
and right mouse buttons within the double-click time interval.
Once you are in HELP mode, pressing [F1] displays the menu of available
topics. You may select from the menu, or press [PgUp] or [PgDn] to view
the screens sequentially. Or, if you choose the highlighted "Topic Search
by Keyword", you may search for HELP information on any topic you require.
See Sec 6.2 for more about keywords.
For the HELP function to operate, EDDY must be able to find the file
"EDDY.AUX" in the directory you executed EDDY from.
The initial HELP display, which appears when you type just "EDDY" with
nothing else on the command line, does not appear if you use a customized
or registered copy of EDDY (see Sec 31 and Sec 32), or if you run a copy
that has been renamed. However, if EDDY is run on a machine that appears
to be different from the one where the customizing was done, the initial
HELP is re-enabled.
EDDY loads the HELP module from EDDY.AUX when you press [F1], if there is
enough memory available (around 65K).
The HELP screens and menus have their own color attributes, not tied to
those used for other EDDY screens (but HELP colors are the same as menu
colors). These colors may be customized as desired (see Sec 31.2).
6.1 HELP for Warnings and Other Messages
Most of EDDY's messages can readily be understood from their wording and
context. For those that seem worthy of a bit more explanation, however,
Appendix B of this document offers further information. When there is more
information provided in Appendix B, a message to that effect will appear
beneath the warning or error message on the screen.
6.2 Topic Search by Keyword
When viewing HELP screens, pressing [F1] again displays the HELP Topic Menu
with "Topic Search by Keyword" highlighted. Press [Enter] and you'll get a
screen which allows you to enter keywords (maximum: 5) of your choice.
From other parts of EDDY, when you would normally press [F1] to get HELP,
you may use [Shift+F1] instead. If you do this, you will go directly to
the keyword entry screen, rather than to the HELP screen that would
normally be displayed in that situation (i.e., context-sensitive HELP is
overridden by pressing [Shift+F1]).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 6-2
If you double-click on the HELP click button, HELP's keyword search screen
will appear, just as if you had pressed [Shift+F1].
EDDY will use your keywords to search through the text of all of the (40+)
available HELP screens (screen titles are not included in the search). The
search is not case-sensitive; e.g., "Disk Image" = "disK imagE".
Keyword search is based on complete words, NOT strings (unlike EDDY's FIND
command in LOOK mode). This means, for example, that the keyword "direct"
would match only that word; it would not match "directory" or "direction".
EDDY will display the first screen that matches your keyword(s), and any
others that matched are available by pressing [PgDn] or [PgUp]. All lines
containing one or more of the keywords that were used will be displayed in
reverse video. After the first matching page is displayed, anytime you
display that same page again, a "beep" will sound.
If you separate your keywords by spaces or commas, the search will require
that ALL keywords be matched in order for a screen to be selected -- i.e.,
the keywords are AND'd. To OR the keywords, use "|" (the DOS "piping"
symbol) as a separator. Then, any one of the keywords matching is enough
to select the screen. ANDs and ORs may not be mixed.
Keywords you enter may contain any characters except space, comma or "|".
When searching the HELP screen text, in addition to spaces, commas and
"|"s, EDDY normally considers the following characters to be "separators",
which are not part of any word in the HELP text:
. : ; " ? / \ = + ! & % ( ) [ ] #
However, if you include any of these as part of a keyword you enter, it
will NOT be treated as a separator when searching the HELP text; i.e., if
you enter "sh+f8" or "[sh+f8]", the result will be the same. Also, if you
enter "sh f8", the same set of screens will be displayed, but more lines
would be in reverse video because some lines contain "sh" without the "f8".
Similarly, entering "eddy.use" will retrieve a subset of the screens that
would result if you entered "eddy" and "use" ("eddy use", without the
quotes). But if you entered "eddy" and "use" separated by the "piping"
symbol ("eddy | use"), you would get many more screens.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 6-3
6.3 EDDY.DOC has HyperText
If you are viewing this document by using EDDY's LOOK feature, you may be
wondering why there are highlighted section references scattered around the
pages displayed. These are HyperText links.
Another feature of this document is the KeyWord-In-Context (KWIC) index
(Appendix D), which is also HyperText-linked.
NOTE: If you've somehow gotten hold of a version of EDDY.DOC other than
the (unmodified) one that was distributed with this version of EDDY, the
HyperText capability will not be available.
6.3.1 Follow the Trail
When you see a highlighted section number or figure number, press [Enter]
and you'll see that section or figure displayed. Press [Shift+Enter] to
see the previous display again. Press [Enter] now, for example, to look at
Sec 6.3.2, which summarizes the HyperText-related commands; then press
[Shift+Enter], to return to this page.
You may visit as many links as you wish without losing your original place
in the document. Except as explained in the next paragraph, pressing
[Shift+Enter] moves you back to the immediately preceding screen. You may
follow this chain back to your original place -- with "side visits" if you
want to look at links along the way. To return directly to your original
place without going back through intermediate links, press [^Enter].
If you visit more than 20 links without returning to your original spot,
EDDY begins discarding link pointers starting with the next-to-oldest;
i.e., the first link you visited. Thus, when using [Shift+Enter], you may
not be able to revisit some of the earlier links in the chain. You will
always be able to get back to your original place however, as the pointer
to it is always retained.
Some screens have more than one link; only one is highlighted at a time.
The highlight indicates what will be displayed if you press [Enter]. If
you want to highlight the next link, press [SpaceBar], and the highlight
will move to the next one, whether it's on the current screen or a later
one. Press [BackSpace] to move the highlight backward. In any case, when
you press [Enter], you'll see the text for the highlighted link.
6.3.2 HyperText Command Summary
[Enter] Display text in highlighted section
[Shift+Enter] Return to previous display
[^Enter] Return to display at beginning of "chain"
[SpaceBar] Move highlight to next section reference
[BackSpace] Move highlight to previous section reference
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 7-1
7. UNDO Command - [F2], [^F2]
Any changes requested may be "Undone" as long as they have not yet been
written to disk by entering UPDATE mode. To undo changes on the current
file, press [F2]. To undo all changes for all files, press [^F2].
7.1 Partial UNDO
You may UNDO the COPY, MOVE, DELETE and DESTROY commands without affecting
other changes pending for the file. Just press the key for the same
command again; i.e., if a file is tagged for COPY, and you decide not to
COPY, press [F5] and the tag will disappear, but other changes will remain.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-1
8. LOOK Command - [F3], [^F3]
LOOK has three variations, depending upon where the cursor is. If the
current line has a directory, the request is interpreted as "look at the
contents of this directory". For normal files, LOOK means "look at the
contents of this file". If the "Drive X: is..." heading line is under the
cursor, LOOK means "treat the entire disk as a file, and look at it".
8.1 LOOK at Directory
When you LOOK at a directory, you change EDDY's working directory. To
do this, move the cursor to the display line of the directory you want to
LOOK at and press [F3]. Changing directories with [F3] turns off option /W
if it is on. For other ways to change working directory, see Sec 5.
Figure 8-1 might have been reached from the display in Figure 1-1, as
follows: 1) turn on option /R, to get " memory" in the display; 2) move
cursor to the directory "SYS", and press [F3].
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of C:\SYS\*.* ░
Drive C: [John's Disk] 11 files, 8192 bytes, 104247296 bytes free ░
3142 bytes wasted, cluster = 4096 ░
. <DIR> 12-23-95 5:30:50p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
.. <DIR> 12-23-95 5:30:50p ...D.. ║ MENU ║ ░
CARDWARE <DIR> 12-23-95 5:53:08p ...D.. ╚══════╝ »
CDROM <DIR> 12-23-95 5:54:00p ...D.. [Alt+F1] ░
DOS <DIR> 12-23-95 5:30:52p ...D.. ╔═══╗ ░
DUBLDISK <DIR> 12-23-95 6:08:14p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ║ R ║ ░
PCMCIA <DIR> 12-24-95 10:52:34a ...D.. ║ HELP ║ ║ E ║ ░
THINKPAD <DIR> 12-23-95 5:54:06p ...D.. ╚══════╝ ║ G ║ ░
RAMBOOST INI 3716 11-17-94 1:00:00p ....A. [F1] ║ I ║ ░
RAMSETUP INI 1334 11-17-94 1:00:00p ....A. ║ S ║ ░
memory 655360 1-19-76 1:08:29a ╔══════╗ ║ T ║ ░
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Target: none ░
-EDIT- seq=N [F2]:UNDO [F3]:LOOK [F5]:COPY [F6]:MOVE [F7]:DELETE [F9]:DOS▄
Figure 8-1
To go to the parent directory of the working directory, move the cursor to
the line containing ".." and press [F3] or [Home]. In our example, this
would produce the display of Figure 1-1 again.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-2
Using [F3] to change directories turns off option /W if it is on.
If you move to a new working directory with changes pending (renames,
copies, etc., which have not been through an UPDATE), the changes will be
discarded -- in effect, Undone. If there are pending changes, EDDY will
warn you and ask for confirmation before moving to the new directory.
Also see Sec 5.7 if you work with SUBST'ed drives.
If there are no changes pending, pressing [Enter] will have the same effect
as pressing [F3] if you are positioned on a file, directory or "drive"
entry in the display; i.e., you will LOOK at that entry. On other display
lines, you'll get the usual "Nothing to update" message. [Enter] always
initiates an UPDATE if changes are pending, or if you are customizing EDDY.
Note that the third click button on the right side of the screen shows
"LOOK" as the action corresponding to [Enter] if there are no changes
pending; if there are, the click button says "UPDATE".
If you don't like the use of [Enter] as an alternate way to LOOK, see the
description of the "easy look" configuration parameter in Sec 31.3.1f.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-3
8.2 LOOK at File Contents (in Working Directory)
To LOOK at the data contained in the current file, press [F3]. [^F3] LOOKs
at the data in ALL files in the directory, one at a time. Pressing [Esc],
or pressing [F3] a second time, returns you to EDIT mode.
8.2.1 LOOK Mode Commands
a. Hex/ASCII Format Control - [Tab], [Shift+Tab]
EDDY uses the first 512 bytes in a file to decide how to display the data
(hex or ASCII format). ASCII is used if at least 80% of the first 512
bytes are printable (20h - 7Eh), formatting control characters -- CR, LF,
FF, TAB -- or line/box-drawing characters. Otherwise, hex format is used.
[Tab] toggles between ASCII and hex display formats. If you don't like
that key, press [Shift+Tab]. EDDY will ask you to press the key you want
to use as a toggle. Any function key or [Alt]-shifted key that doesn't
conflict with other LOOK, PATCH or FIND usage is OK; e.g., [F6] and [F12]
are OK, but [F1] (the "HELP" key) is not; [Alt+h] is OK, but [Alt+b] (used
for bit-stripping) isn't. If [Tab] is not used to toggle, it may be used
in PATCH and FIND to enter TAB characters (see Sec 9 and Sec 17).
As a convenience to users accustomed to earlier versions of EDDY, [Ins]
works identically to [Tab]. [Ins] ALWAYS works, even if you have changed
the toggle key from [Tab] to something else.
b. Printing a File - [Alt+p] / [^p]
Pressing [Alt+p] prints the current file. Printing begins with the line at
the top of the screen, and continues until a key is pressed. With a
non-ASCII file, it's probably a good idea to ensure it's "printable", by
pressing [p] before [Alt+p]. See Sec 8.2.5a for more on this.
For more details on printing (or sending the print output to a file, using
[^p]), please see Sec 21.
One situation is treated specially: if line-wrapping is on (see Sec
8.2.3e) and you "print" to a file, the lines in the output file will be
broken in exactly the same way as they are on the screen.
c. EGA/VGA Screen Control - [e]
If you have an EGA (or VGA) monitor, you may switch between 25 lines per
screen and 43 (or 50) lines by pressing [e]. This is the same as turning
option /E ON or OFF (see Sec 2.2.1).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-4
8.2.2 ASCII Format Display
In ASCII format, a new line is initiated when either a CR or LF is
encountered (but a CRLF pair only counts as one line). The line number of
the line at the top of the screen is shown on the status line at the bottom
of the screen. The highest line number EDDY can display is 999,999.
The "arrow" (and related) keys work a little differently in LOOK mode. The
display may be thought of as a "window" which can be moved around to view
various parts of a file, while the file itself does not move.
The keys used to move the display window around in ASCII format are:
[Up] - move up 1 line [Down] - move down 1 line
[PgUp] - move up 1 page [PgDn] - down 1 page
[^Home] - first page* [^End] - last page*
[Left] - left 1 column [Right] - right 1 column
[left bracket] - tab left 20 columns [right bracket] - tab right 20 cols
[^Left] - left edge (col. 1) [^Right] - right edge (last column)
[Home] - same as [^Left] [End] - same as [^Right]
[^PgDn] - auto-scroll down [^PgUp] - auto-scroll up
[PgUp] and [PgDn] move a screen at a time, overlapping the previous screen
by one line. When paging in ASCII format through a long non-text file,
EDDY may spend a lot of time looking for CRs and LFs that aren't there. If
EDDY appears to be "hung up" after a [PgUp] or [PgDn], press [^c] or
[BackSpace] to interrupt the processing and display the file from wherever
EDDY has reached, and no further processing will take place.
If you just want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen or think about
what's going on, press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop.
Release the key to continue.
The effect of the [Up] and [Down] keys in LOOK mode may be modified by
pressing [s]. [s] toggles these keys between their normal scrolling effect
of one-line-per-keypress and half-page-per-keypress ("speed scrolling"). A
half page is defined by the number of text lines in the display, not the
physical lines available on your screen. Thus, the speed of scrolling will
vary, depending on the data you're LOOKing at.
Speed scrolling is of limited value unless you're using a mouse. With a
mouse, it gives a faster way of scrolling, without requiring use of the
keyboard to press [PgUp]/[PgDn].
Auto-scroll moves the display up or down continuously, without further key
presses. It is started by [^PgDn] or [^PgUp]. Pressing the same key again
speeds up the scrolling; pressing the opposite one slows it down. Any
other key stops auto-scroll.
* NOTE: Pressing [Home] twice in a row is the same as pressing [^Home], and
pressing [End], [End] is the same as pressing [^End].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-5
8.2.3 ASCII Format Commands
a. TAB Expansion - [#] / [Alt+#]
TABs expand to 8-character boundaries as a default. To change the TAB
expansion, press [#], then [0], [1],...,[8]. TABs will then expand to the
boundary you have selected. If you choose [0], TAB characters will be
shown as "blobs" on the screen, and no expansion will be done.
The default setting is used with each new entry to LOOK. You can change
the default setting by pressing [Alt+#], and then [0],...,[8]. (Actually,
[Alt+3] works too, but "#" seems more suggestive of the function.)
The current TAB expansion factor is shown at the bottom of the screen. If
this is also the default, it will be indicated by an "=" (e.g., "tab=8");
if it is a temporary setting, a ":" will be used (e.g., "tab:4").
b. Bit Stripping - [b] / [Alt+b]
With files that have lots of high-order bits set (e.g., WordStar) to
obscure the real meanings of the characters, try bit-stripping. Pressing
[b] causes EDDY to clear the high-order bit before the characters are
displayed. Press [b] again to toggle the bit-stripping action.
Bit-stripping is normally OFF when you enter LOOK mode, and "bits=8" will
be shown on the bottom line. The "=" means the displayed value is the
default, which will be reset at each entry to LOOK. If you press [b], you
will see the display "bits:7". This means that only the low-order 7 bits
are used from each byte for building the display, and the ":" indicates
that this is a temporary state, in effect only until you exit LOOK mode.
To change the default state for bit-stripping, press [Alt+b].
If you use [b] (or [Alt+b]) after the first line of the file, EDDY loses
track of the line number. To indicate this, the bottom line shows
"line:?". Returning to the top of the file restores the line number
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-6
c. Ruler Line Display - [r] / [u] / [d]
To determine what position a particular character in the display occupies
in its line, press [r]. You will see a line similar to this one:
21 ++++++^+++++++++^+++++++++^+++++++++^+++++++++^+++++++++^+++++++++^+++++
The number at the left is the column number in the file of the character
shown in column 1 of the screen. The "^" characters mark the columns which
are even multiples of 10 in the FILE (not necessarily the same as columns
on the screen). In this example, which is what you might see after a
[right bracket], the "^"s mark columns 30, 40, etc.
The ruler is moved up or down by pressing [u] or [d], respectively.
d. Jump to New Line - [j]
To move directly to any line in the file, press [j], type the line number
you are interested in, and press [Enter]. The requested line will be at
the top of the screen. If you type a number larger than any in the file,
you'll get a display of the last few lines.
After pressing [j], you'll see a field of 6 zeros, for entering the line
number to which you want to jump. The cursor starts in the third digit of
this field, on the assumption that line numbers entered will most
frequently be 9999 or less. However, you may use all 6 positions if
needed. Line numbers up to 999,999 are supported.
e. Line Wrapping - [l] / [Alt+l]
Line wrapping means all lines are "broken" if they are longer than 80
characters, with the remainder appearing on the next line of the screen.
Thus, the whole line is visible on the screen at once.
[l] is a toggle key which turns line wrapping alternately ON and OFF. Line
wrapping normally defaults to OFF on entering LOOK mode. In this case, you
would see the string "line=1" at the bottom of the display, which tells you
that line wrapping is OFF (the first character is "l"), this is the default
state for the toggle (the "=" sign) and we are at the first line of the
file. If you press [l] to turn line wrapping ON, a broken vertical line
(the DOS "piping" symbol) replaces the "l" in "line", and the string
displayed would be "|ine:1". The ":" shows that ON is a temporary state.
To change the default state for line-wrapping, press [Alt+l].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-7
Even though the lines are wrapped on the screen, EDDY still works with
complete logical lines, as determined by the presence of CR/LF characters.
When you move the display up or down, a line at a time or by paging, the
display moves in units of complete logical lines. The display will always
begin at the start of a logical line (except in some cases when toggling
between ASCII and hex formats). Movement of the display up or down is
based on the line at the top of the screen.
8.2.4 Hex Format Display
An example of a hex format display appears below (Figure 8-2). The number
under the heading "Offset" is the number of bytes from the start of the
file, in hex. Next comes the hex value of the data, followed by the
equivalent characters, under the "ASCII" heading.
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ASCII P
00000000 E9 ED 0E F5 01 92 06 B3 A4 23 2A 38 6C 38 0B 1B im.u...3$#*8l8..
00000010 1E 1E 43 59 43 43 4E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 09 ..CYCCN.......F.
00000020 00 00 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 4B 4D 50 52 54 57 03 ..ABCDEFIKMPRTW.
00000030 4E 06 00 00 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F N...????????????
00000040 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F ????????????????
00000050 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F ????????????????
00000060 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F ????????????????
00000090 CD CD B8 0A 24 B3 20 54 48 41 4E 4B 20 59 4F 55 MM8.$3 THANK YOU
000000A0 20 66 6F 72 20 75 73 69 6E 67 20 45 44 44 59 28 for using EDDY(
000000B0 74 6D 29 B3 0A 24 B3 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 tm)3.$3
000000C0 76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 35 2E 30 31 20 20 20 20 version 5.01
000000D0 20 20 20 20 B3 0A 24 B3 20 20 20 43 6F 70 79 72 3.$3 Copyr
000000E0 69 67 68 74 28 43 29 20 31 39 38 37 2C 38 38 2C ight(C) 1987,88,
000000F0 38 39 20 20 20 B3 0A 24 B3 20 62 79 20 4A 6F 68 89 3.$3 by Joh
00000100 6E 20 53 63 6F 66 69 65 6C 64 2C 20 42 6F 78 20 n Scofield, Box
00000110 34 37 31 33 36 20 B3 0A 24 B3 4D 6F 72 72 69 73 47136 3.$3Morris
00000120 6F 6E 20 48 69 6C 6C 20 50 2E 4F 2E 2C 20 48 6F on Hill P.O., Ho
00000130 6E 67 20 4B 6F 6E 67 B3 0A 24 B3 20 20 20 20 20 ng Kong3.$3
00000140 41 6C 6C 20 72 69 67 68 74 73 20 72 65 73 65 72 All rights reser
-LOOK- EDDY.COM bits=8 tab=8 line=1 [F1]:HELP [Alt+F1]/click:MENU
Figure 8-2
NOTE: If no mouse is present, there will be no reference to click on the
bottom line. See Sec 3.1.2 for information on using EDDY with a mouse.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-8
8.2.5 Hex Format Commands
The keys used in LOOK mode to move around in the hex-format display are:
[Up] - move up 1 line [PgUp] - up 1 page
[Down] - move down 1 line [PgDn] - down 1 page
[^Home] - display first page [^End] - display last page
[^PgDn] - auto-scroll down [^PgUp] - auto-scroll up
Additional commands available in hex format are described below, and in
Sec 8.6, "Mark Data".
a. Printability - [p]
Normally, the bytes displayed under the "ASCII" heading are the exact
equivalents of the hex data. However, many of the characters corresponding
to the hex values in the ranges 00h -- 1Fh and 7Fh -- 9Fh are interpreted
as printer commands by most printers. An attempt to use the DOS
[Shift+PrtSc] function on a screen containing these characters will result
in an assortment of form feeds, font changes, carriage returns, etc.,
rather than the screen print desired.
EDDY provides an option to accommodate screen printing of hex displays. If
you press [p], telling EDDY to format the screen for printing, the
characters in the troublesome ranges will be replaced by periods, and all
high-order bits will be turned off. The hex data part of the display is
unchanged. When [p] is pressed, a blinking letter "P" appears at the right
end of line 1 to remind you that "printability" is turned on. [p] is a
toggle key, and turns printability alternately on and off.
The example in Figure 8-2 has printability selected.
b. Bit Stripping - [b] / [Alt+b]
Bit stripping in hex format works as described in Sec 8.2.3b, above, but
affects only the ASCII portion of the display. The actual character
present in the file, with no bits stripped, is shown in the hex portion of
the display.
c. Jump to New File Position - [j]
To move directly to any position in the file, press [j] and then type the
8-digit hex offset which you are interested in. If you type too large a
value, you'll get a display of the last few lines of the file.
If you jump with the display in hex format, EDDY loses track of the line
number (but you get there faster).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-9
d. Word-oriented Display - [w], [W]
When LOOKing at a file in hex format, you may select the hex portion of the
display to be in words (as opposed to the normal bytes) by pressing [w].
If you want to see the words in inverted order (high-order byte first),
press [W]. Press the same key again to return to the normal byte display.
If you want the word display to start with the odd-numbered bytes, press
[t]. Press [t] again to revert to even-byte orientation.
When displaying inverted words, the heading at the top of the display shows
the inverted sequence of bytes.
8.2.6 LOOK Mode With a Mouse
In LOOK mode, ASCII (text) display format, a left click from anywhere
displays the menu.
When PATCHing, a left click anywhere except the indicated "click area"
(directly above the "up" arrows on the bottom line) means "update" (same as
[Enter]). A click within the click area displays the menu.
A right click returns to EDIT from LOOK, or to LOOK from PATCH.
8.3 LOOK at File Contents (in Target Directory) - [Alt+F3]
To LOOK at the contents of a file in the target directory which has the
same name as the current file, press [Alt+F3]. Remember, if the current
file has been renamed, even though not yet UPDATEd, the NEW name will be
used to decide which target file to LOOK at. If there is no target
directory, or there is no file with that name, you will be informed.
Otherwise, you will see a display identical to that described above, and
all the LOOK mode commands will work the same way.
When the file displayed is from the target directory, a "t" is shown on the
last line in column 8, thus:
. . .
00000100 24 B3 20 20 20 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 28 $ Copyright (
00000110 43 29 20 31 39 38 37 2C 31 39 38 38 20 20 20 B3 C) 1987,1988 |
00000120 24 B3 20 62 79 20 4A 6F 68 6E 20 53 63 6F 66 69 $| by John Scofi
00000130 65 6C 64 2C 20 42 6F 78 20 34 37 31 33 36 20 B3 eld, Box 47136 |
00000140 24 B3 4D 6F 72 72 69 73 6F 6E 20 48 69 6C 6C 20 $|Morrison Hill
-LOOK- t EDDY.COM bits=8 tab=8 line=1 [F1]:HELP [Alt+F1]:MENU
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-10
8.4 LOOK at RAM (or ROM, or ???)
To LOOK at your PC's memory (if option /R is ON) move to the " memory"
entry and press [F3]. RAM contents will be displayed in hex format, from
0000:0000 up to the limit of installed RAM. EDDY bases its assumption
about RAM size on the value in memory at 0040:0013 - 0040:0014h at the time
EDDY begins executing. If your system has 640K, for example, you will see
"80 02" in these locations.
EDDY refreshes the display between keystrokes, so you can watch various
locations in RAM as they change; e.g., the BIOS timer count at 0040:006Ch,
the diskette motor counter at 0040:0040h, or the keyboard buffer and
related data starting at 0040:0017h. (Not true for Color Graphics Adapters
-- too much screen "flicker". See the description of the "snow OK"
configuration parameter in Sec 31.3.1g if you have a CGA).
It's sometimes interesting to look at other parts of the PC address space,
such as ROMs and display memory. For example, if you press [j] and then
enter an offset of "F000:FFFF", the display will jump to the end of the
BIOS ROM, which usually has the copyright notice.
One curiosity: When accessing addresses that have no physical memory
equivalent, EDDY will usually show hex "FF" for those bytes; however, bytes
with other values sometimes appear. If you try to go back to display those
bytes after they have scrolled off the screen, they may have changed value
or even have disappeared. I can't explain why this happens, but it doesn't
appear to be a bug in EDDY. This also occurs with DEBUG and Turbo Debugger
when they are used to look at high memory.
8.5 LOOK at Entire Disk
LOOKing at an entire physical disk, regardless of file locations or
extents, is explained in detail in Sec 24.1.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-11
8.6 Mark Data - [m]
"Marking data" means to select a range of bytes, from within a file, any
address in RAM, or anywhere on a disk, to be highlighted in the LOOK mode
(hex format) display.
The information in this section applies to ANY data being LOOKed at. When
LOOKing at raw disk-image data, there are additional capabilities, which
are described in Sec 25.3.
When you have marked data...
... You can use the marks as a "place holder", allowing you to move the
display to view other areas and return to viewing the marked area easily
... You can copy the marked bytes to a file (e.g., extract bytes from one
file into another, or copy a loaded program from its RAM image to a file)
... You can use the highlighting as an aid for examining areas of interest
(such as the RAM BIOS area, where some bytes are counters that are
continually updated by the BIOS, as described in Sec 8.4)
There are three types of marks:
-1) "Byte" marks select a continuous range of bytes to be highlighted.
This is the normal style of mark. If EDDY doesn't ask you to choose a
style of mark -- as will be the case when you're LOOKing at a file --
byte marking is the style used.
-2) "Disk" marks are used only when LOOKing at raw disk image data, and
are used to select full disk sectors or clusters. Disk marks are
discussed in detail in Sec 25.3.
-3) "Column" marks are used only when LOOKing at RAM. They select a
rectangular column, or "box" of bytes, defined by the diagonally-
opposite corners of the box (i.e., upper left/lower right or vice
To mark data, press [m] while displaying the data you want to mark. EDDY
will ask which type of mark you want to use. Cursors will then be
displayed (just as in PATCH mode), to let you choose the byte to be marked,
by pressing [Enter]. That byte will then be highlighted in the display.
If you press [m] again, you may mark another byte, and those two marked
bytes together define the range of bytes to be highlighted.
To modify the marked range, press [m] again. If the new marked byte is
outside the currently marked area, the range will be extended to include
it (and all bytes in between). If the new byte is within the currently
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-12
marked area, you will be asked whether it is the start or end of the range
that you want to adjust, and the range will be shortened accordingly.
Pressing [F2] undoes all marks.
8.6.1 Jump to Marked Area - [Alt+m]
If you press [Alt+m], the display will show the first marked byte, if any,
at the top of the screen, unless it is ALREADY at the top of the screen.
In the latter case, if there are more marked bytes, the display will move
to the last one.
[Alt+m] has no effect if there are no marked areas.
8.6.2 COPY Marked Area - [F5]
When you have marked the range of bytes you want to copy, press [F5]. If
there is no target directory, you will be asked to specify one.
EDDY provides default filenames in the target directory to use for copying
marked data. You may specify other filenames if you wish. If the filename
to be used already exists in the target, you will be asked whether you want
to overwrite the existing file or append the new data to it. Appending
offers the capability of collecting more than one set of marked data in a
single file (by marking, then copying, then repeating those steps).
While the copy is in progress, you may cancel it by pressing [^c]. If you
do this, any data written up to that point will be in the target file.
8.6.3 COPY Unmarked Area - [Alt+F5]
[Alt+F5] works identically to [F5], except everything BUT the marked bytes
will be copied.
While the copy is in progress, you may cancel it by pressing [^c]. If you
do this, any data written up to that point will be in the target file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 8-13
8.7 Compare Directory Entries - [Shift+F3], [Shift+^F3]
To compare the directory entries of corresponding files in the working and
target directories, press [Shift+F3]. If files have been renamed, even
though not yet UPDATEd, the NEW name will be used for comparisons.
Press [Ctrl], [Shift] and [F3] simultaneously to compare working and target
directory entries (one at a time) of all files in the working directory.
After each comparison, the result is displayed and EDDY waits for a key to
be pressed before proceeding to the next comparison.
[^c] or [BackSpace] terminates a [Shift+^F3].
If you use EDDY's "snapshot" feature (see Sec 23), there is another way
to compare directories. You can compare a directory with the way it was at
some earlier time, or you can get a complete report on differences between
directories (as opposed to viewing the differences one-by-one as described
above). To do this type of comparison:
-1) Take a "snapshot" of the working directory
-2) Copy the snapshot to the target directory
-3) Press [Alt+x] to exchange working/target directories
-4) Move to the top line of the display ("DIR of..." entry)
-5) Press [Shift+F3]
-6) Answer [y] to the message warning that the snapshot is
for a different directory
-7) EDDY will produce a summary of differences, and a detailed
list of those differences, by category, file-by-file
8.8 Compare Files - [Alt+Shift+F3]
Press [Alt], [Shift] and [F3] simultaneously to compare the contents of the
current file and the corresponding file (i.e., same filename) in the target
directory. If files have been renamed, even though not yet UPDATEd, the
NEW name will be used for comparisons.
EDDY will tell you whether the file contents are identical or not. The
offset in the file where bytes do not match (if any) will be displayed,
along with the hex values of the bytes involved.
If the files are different lengths, the comparison will still be done.
This allows you to determine, for example, whether the files are identical
at least up to the length of the shorter one.
Successive [Alt+Shift+F3]'s on the same file tell you the next byte where a
difference exists. If there are no more differences, EDDY will tell you
that. (On files of different lengths, if the only difference is the extra
bytes in the longer one, only the first difference will be reported.)
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 9-1
9. PATCH Command - [F4], [^F4]
Normally, you will use LOOK or FIND before PATCH, in order to locate the
place in the file to PATCH. Once you have found it, press [F4]. If you
want to PATCH every file in the directory (one at a time), press [^F4].
Pressing [Esc], or pressing [F4] a second time, returns you to LOOK mode.
The PATCH mode display is similar to the LOOK mode hex format display with
"printability" turned off. It has two cursors -- one in the hex part of
the display and one in the ASCII part. These cursors move in unison, to
facilitate matching corresponding bytes in the two parts of the display.
One of the cursors will be blinking, the other not. The blinking cursor
shows where you may enter changes to the data. [Tab] toggles between hex
and ASCII data entry formats. (If you don't like [Tab] for this purpose,
see Sec 8.2.1a). If [Tab] is not the toggle key, it can be used to enter
TAB -- 09h -- bytes directly in ASCII format).
In ASCII data entry format, the cursor in the text part of the display
blinks and the hex cursor does not. The hex cursor also expands to cover
two hex digits, since entering a single text character affects both digits.
In either format, as you enter data in one part of the display the
corresponding data in the other part is updated and displayed accordingly.
Also, any data changed remains highlighted (reverse video) in the display.
You can move the cursors to the place you want to change data with the
"arrow" keys -- [Left], [Right], [Up] and [Down] -- and [Home] and [End].
If you go to PATCH right after a FIND, the blinking cursor will be on the
character at the start of the "found" string. The cursor will be in the
same mode (hex/ASCII) used to enter the search string when you did the
FIND. If you press any key except [F4] after the FIND, the cursor will be
placed on the first character of the display if you then PATCH.
Changes can be made to only one screen at a time. To UNDO, press [F2].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 9-2
9.1 Changing a File's Length
Press [Alt+z] to add bytes at the end of a file, or [Alt+y] to delete
bytes, either from the beginning or end of the file.
9.1.1 Appending Bytes to a File - [Alt+z]
Files may also be expanded using PATCH. With the cursor at the end of the
file, if there is unused space left on the screen, you can add a "^Z" (end-
of-file byte) after the last byte in the file by pressing [Alt+z]. You can
add as many bytes as you want, up to the limit of space on the screen (or
until the disk is full). Bytes that have been added can also be patched.
9.1.2 Deleting Bytes From a File - [Alt+y]/[Alt+a]/[Alt+b]
After a press of [Alt+y], EDDY asks whether you want to delete bytes BEFORE
or AFTER the cursor, and then waits for [b] or [a], respectively. Press
[Esc], if you decide not to delete anything after all.
Pressing [b] deletes from the beginning of the file up to the byte at the
cursor. [a] deletes everything in the file after the byte at the cursor.
The byte at the cursor is never deleted. If you press [b] with the cursor
on the first byte of the file, or [a] while it's on the last, EDDY won't
complain, but nothing will be deleted.
Pressing [Alt+a] is equivalent to [Alt+y] followed by [a], with no question
asked. [Alt+b] is equivalent to [Alt+y], then [b].
Note that deleting bytes from the beginning of a large file generally takes
a LOT more time than deleting from the end. This is because in the first
case all of the data following the bytes to be deleted must be rewritten,
while in the latter it's a simple truncate operation.
9.2 Updating in PATCH - [Enter] or [^Enter]
Write your changes to disk by pressing [Enter] twice. Normally -- after
[Enter] -- EDDY puts the current DOS date and time on a file that has been
patched. If you use [^Enter] to start the UPDATE, EDDY asks whether you
want to do this.
After UPDATE, EDDY will return to LOOK mode. In LOOK mode you may move to
another part of the file, and then press [F4] to go back to PATCH to make
more changes. Repeat the PATCH-UPDATE-LOOK-PATCH cycle as needed.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 9-3
9.3 PATCHing RAM
With option /R turned ON, you may change your PC's memory by using PATCH on
the " memory" entry in the display.
One thing that is almost SURE to hang up your machine is to mess with the
values in the BIOS keyboard buffer pointers (0040:001A - 0040:001D), so
EDDY will not allow these locations to be updated. EDDY won't complain if
you TRY to change them, and they'll appear to be changed right after
patching, but they'll really still be set to the values DOS has put there.
9.4 PATCHing Disks by Physical Sector
You may PATCH any bytes on a physical disk, regardless of file locations or
extents. This is explained in detail in Sec 24.4.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 10-1
10. Synchronization Controls - [Alt+c]
The Synchronization Controls affect operation of the COPY, MOVE, DELETE and
DESTROY commands, which are described in Sec 11 through Sec 13.
When copying, moving or deleting files, you'll often want to choose the
files to be operated on based upon whether they are in the target directory
or not, and also based on a comparison of their timestamps. Common cases
are when you'd like to give commands such as:
"Copy files that are newer than the corresponding files in the target"
"Delete files that are duplicates of those in the target".
The Synchronization Controls allow you to just that, as well as many other
10.1 Controls for COPY/MOVE
There is a Synchronization Control for each of the following cases:
-1) File not in target
-2) Target file older
-3) Target file NEWER!
-4) Target different size (date and time same)
-5) Same date,time & size
These Controls are always checked when a COPY or MOVE command is used.
The Synchronization Controls (1-5) may each have a setting of:
"Y" - Yes, tag the file if this statement is true,
"N" - No, don't tag the file if this statement is true, or
"C" - Confirm before tagging (i.e., ask before tagging)
Synchronization Controls set to "Y" or "N" only affect the operation of the
multiple-file COPY and MOVE commands -- [^F5] and [^F6]. They are NOT used
with and have NO EFFECT on single-file commands -- e.g., [F5].
Synchronization Controls set to "C" affect both single- and multiple-file
COPY and MOVE commands -- [F5], [^F5], [F6], [^F6]. A Control setting of
"C" means when that case is encountered, the target directory entry will be
displayed. EDDY then waits for you to confirm whether you want to tag the
file or not. This is explained further in Sec 10.2. ("C" works slightly
differently in batch mode; see Sec 30.3 for more information).
Thus, for the example...
"Copy files that are newer than the corresponding files in the target"
the corresponding Control settings would be N,Y,C,C,N.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 10-2
With these settings (N,Y,C,C,N), tagging will be done as follows:
-1) Any files not in the target won't be tagged.
-2) Any files newer than files with the same name will be tagged.
-3) If there is a file in the target that is newer than the one in the
working directory, the two files' directory entries will be dis-
played and EDDY will wait for your decision to tag or not.
-4) If the files in the working and target directories have the same
timestamps, but the files' sizes are different, EDDY will display
and wait, as with #3.
-5) Any files with identical timestamps and sizes won't be tagged.
The default Synchronization Control settings (1 - 5) are Y,Y,C,C,N. The
settings may be displayed and/or changed by pressing [Alt+c]. Select the
values for the Controls by pressing [y], [n], or [c], or by pressing
[SpaceBar]. Pressing [*] restores default settings.
There is one case where the "File not in target" control will be ignored.
If you COPY or MOVE when there is no target directory, you may create a new
directory to serve as the target (see Sec 5.2.3). If you have just created
the target, then obviously any file you want to copy will be "not in
target". In this case, Control #1 will be treated as "Y" as long as the
target directory remains the same.
In addition to the cases defined by the Synchronization Controls, some
other situations are also require confirmation:
- A COPY or MOVE must be confirmed if the corresponding file in the target
has the "read-only" attribute ON.
- A MOVE, DELETE or DESTROY must be confirmed if the file has the "read-
only" attribute ON.
10.2 Tagging Confirmation Process
During any (single- or multiple-file) COPY or MOVE, if EDDY encounters a
case where the working and target files meet the condition defined by a
Synchronization Control which is set to "C", the directory entries and the
following message is displayed:
"[F3]/[Alt+F3]:LOOK, [F5]:COPY, [F6]:MOVE, [F7]:DELETE, else [Esc]"
[F3] goes into LOOK mode, to examine the file contents in the working
directory, in case you need more information from the file in order to
decide what to do. [Alt+F3] LOOKs at the file contents in the target. In
either case, when you exit from LOOK, you will be at the same place in the
display, with EDDY still waiting for one of the other keys to be pressed.
[F5], [F6] and [F7] will tag the file for the normal action for that key.
[Esc] -- or any other key except [Alt+c] -- will leave the file untagged.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 10-3
In addition to the keys suggested in the confirmation display, you may
press [Alt+c], which will again display the Synchronization Controls
window, allowing you to change the settings at any point during a multiple-
file operation.
One situation can be tricky: if the confirmation display is because of
"Target file NEWER!", and you proceed to LOOK mode -- [F3] -- and from
there to PATCH -- [F4] -- your patching will (unless you use [^Enter]
rather than [Enter] to apply the patch) update the file's timestamp. Upon
return, EDDY will find that the condition requiring your decision no longer
exists (i.e., the timestamp is NOW), and will therefore automatically tag
the file for COPY or MOVE.
10.3 Synchronizing/Reconciling Directories
Often it is useful to be able to ensure that two directories have exactly
the same versions of the same files. If you are just interested in knowing
what the differences are, if any, refer to Sec 8.7. If you actually want
to make the directories identical (this is particularly handy when you are
working with more than one computer and using a floppy to carry data back
and forth), here's how:
With the Synchronization Controls set to their default values (Y,Y,C,C,N),
proceed as follows:
-1) Set one of the directories to be synchronized as working and the
other as target (it doesn't matter which is which).
-2) Press [^F5] to tag all files that need to be copied.
-3) Press [Enter] twice to start the copying (UPDATE) process.
-4) Wait for "UPDATE Complete" message.
-5) Press [Alt+x] to exchange the working and target directories.
-6) Repeat Steps 2, 3 and 4.
Synchronization of the directories is now complete. The only way there
could be any difference between them is if copies of a file existed
originally in both directories, and had the same timestamp and size, but
the files' contents were different.
10.4 Controls for DELETE/DESTROY
There is also a sixth Synchronization Control, which determines whether the
first 5 (explained in Sec 10.1) will be used to control the DELETE and
DESTROY commands, too:
-6) CONTROLS for [Del]ete
This Control may be set to either "Y" or "N" -- "C" is not applicable -- by
moving the cursor to this line and setting the value as for the other
Controls, or it may be set to "Y" by pressing [Del].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 10-4
When Control 6 is set to "Y", and you press [^F7] or [Shift+^F7] (as
described in Sec 13.2 and Sec 13.5), the files in the target will be
checked as specified by the settings of Controls 1 thru 5, and the tagging
will be done accordingly. If there is no target directory, Control #6 has
no effect.
Thus, for the example...
"Delete files that are exact duplicates of those in the target"
the Control settings (1 - 6) would be N,N,N,N,Y,Y (or N,C,C,C,Y,Y if you
want EDDY to tell you about any differences). Note that "duplicate" here
refers to the files' timestamps and sizes; no comparison is made of the
data contained in the files.
If you use [Del] to set this Control, the other Controls will be set as
well, to default values for the operation...
"Delete files older than or the same as files in the target"
| i.e., Controls 1 thru 5 are set to N,C,Y,C,Y.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 11-1
11. COPY Command - [F5], [^F5]
You may copy files and/or directories (and all their contents). The
Synchronization Controls (see Sec 10) work closely with the COPY command
to help you in deciding which files you want to copy.
When copying, EDDY has the capability of changing the new copy's data in
certain ways -- "converting" the file. The available CONVERT functions are
described in Sec 11.5.
EDDY also allows you to copy RAM to a file (see Sec 19), and to copy
raw disk-image data -- sectors, clusters, complete disks -- to and from
files (see Sec 25).
The COPY command actually just "tags" a file to indicate that it has been
selected. The word "Copy" (or "Copy+", if no file of the same name is
currently in the target directory) will appear, to show the file has been
tagged. The actual copy will be done when you enter UPDATE mode. After
UPDATE, "copied" will appear in the display for that file.
If you have indicated other changes to be made to the file's directory
entry (renaming, timestamping or attribute settings), these changes will be
made during the UPDATE process before the copying, so the target copy will
have the same settings as the working directory file after the update.
An exception to this is the archive attribute bit. Files copied will have
the archive attribute turned ON in the target directory (unless you are
using option /A, or the target is on a remote disk). For files copied from
a fixed disk (or RAM disk) to a floppy, the archive attribute is also set
OFF in the working directory. In all other cases, the archive attribute is
left unchanged in the working directory.
Also, if a file with the "network-shareable" attribute is copied, the
result in the target will not have that attribute.
Copied files normally receive the same date and time as the original; if
you want to put the current timestamp on copies, use [^Enter] to start the
UPDATE process, rather than [Enter]. If you use [^Enter], EDDY will ask
you whether or not you want new timestamps. (See also the discussion of
the "timestamp" configuration parameter, in Sec 31.3.1f).
Changing the target while files are tagged for copying will result in these
files being un-tagged. EDDY will warn you if this would occur.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 11-2
11.1 COPY a File - [F5]
Press [F5] to tag the current file for copying. If there is no target
directory, EDDY will ask for one. (See Sec 5 for more on this.)
If the target directory contains a subdirectory that has the same name as
the file you are trying to tag, EDDY will inform you of the conflict and no
tagging will occur on that file.
When a file is copied, the default behavior is to zero-out any "slack"
bytes in the allocated disk area for the new copy of the file. Slack bytes
are present when the file is not an even multiple of the target disk
cluster size; they are the bytes between the end of file and the end of the
last disk cluster assigned to that file.
If you don't want this zeroing-out to occur, customize with the "packing"
parameter set to "light" (see Sec 31.3.1h).
11.2 COPY Multiple Files - [^F5]
[^F5] will review all files in the working directory for copying, except
those already tagged for other operations. All files (but NOT directories)
which meet the criteria defined by the Synchronization Controls (see
Sec 10) will be tagged for copying.
At the start of the tagging operation, EDDY checks whether Synchronization
Control 6 -- "Control for Delete" -- is set to "Y". If it is, the other
Controls are most likely not set to yield the desired tagging result, so
EDDY warns you of this situation, allowing you a chance to review and
revise the Control settings before proceeding.
As the list of files is being reviewed, [^c] or [BackSpace] may be pressed
to terminate the process before all files have been reviewed. If you just
want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen or think about what's
going on, press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. Release
the key to continue.
If you want EDDY to check only those files from the cursor and further
down, turn on option /L before pressing [^F5].
Using option /5 on the command line is the batch mode equivalent of [^F5].
See Sec 30 for more information on this.
11.3 Copying Files With Disk Errors
If you have a file that's on a disk that has "bad spots", EDDY will often
let you save the "good" parts, by COPYing the file. See Sec 29.4 for more
information on this.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 11-3
11.4 COPY a Directory - [F5]
Press [F5] to tag the current directory for copying. If there is no target
directory, EDDY will ask for one. The target may be on a different drive
from the working directory.
If the target directory contains a file that has the same name as the sub-
directory you are trying to tag, EDDY will inform you of the conflict and
no tagging will occur on that subdirectory.
Also, the target must not be in a path which includes the directory to be
copied (i.e., you can't copy a directory to its own child or other
subordinate directory).
If there's a subdirectory in the target with the same name, you'll be asked
if you wish to overwrite it. If you do, the directory will be tagged for
copying. When you UPDATE, the subdirectory in the target, WITH ALL THE
FILES AND SUBDIRECTORIES IN IT, will be deleted first and then replaced by
the directory being copied and all ITS files and subdirectories. There is
no checking or comparison of file timestamps involved in this copy process;
it is a complete replacement of one tree by another.
Copied directories will have the same timestamp as the original directory.
If you want to do a file-by-file update of directories within a tree,
consider using the "target tracking" feature (see Sec 5.2.4).
11.5 CONVERT File Data
If you have a WordStar-like file, with lots of high-order bits obscuring
the text, you can make a readable copy by copying with bit-stripping. If
you want to get rid of TAB characters in a file, you can also do that.
11.5.1 Expand TABs - [Alt+#]
To get rid of TABs in a file, tag it by pressing [Alt+#]. (Actually,
[Alt+3] works too, but "#" seems more suggestive of the function.) The
file will be tagged for COPY, and EDDY will then ask you to enter a number,
"0" thru "8", to specify the desired TAB interval. When the COPYing is
done, any TABs in the file will be replaced with spaces to the next n-byte
boundary (n=0 thru 8, as you have chosen), generally resulting in a larger
file. This can possibly cause an out-of-space condition during the UPDATE,
as explained in Sec 29.3. n=1 replaces each TAB by a single space. n=0
deletes the TABs completely, resulting in a smaller file.
Files which have been tagged in this way will show the TAB expansion used
in parenthesis after the "Copy"; e.g., if you used n=4, you would see
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 11-4
"Copy (4)" to the right of that file's display. If bit-stripping was also
used (see next section), you would see "Copy (b4)".
As every byte must be scanned individually during the COPY process, TAB
expansion is much slower than other copying.
11.5.2 Bit-Stripping - [Alt+b]
To get rid of the high-order bits that obscure the text in some files, tag
the file(s) by pressing [Alt+b]. The new copy will have no high-order bits
in it after the UPDATE is done.
Files which have been tagged in this way will show "Copy (b)" to the right
of the file's display.
Any requested TAB expansion (see previous section) is done before bit-
stripping is performed. Thus, it is possible for the resulting file to
contain some TAB characters. This would occur if the original file had
some bytes with the value 89h -- which become TABs after stripping.
11.5.3 Breaking Long Lines
Once in a while you're likely to run across a text file that has lines
longer than your editor can handle. While there are a number of utilities
that address this problem -- often very elegantly -- there's a quick-and-
dirty way to handle it with EDDY. LOOK at the file contents and turn
line-wrapping on (see Sec 8.2.3e). Next, "print" to a file (see Sec
The resulting file will contain the text with lines that are a maximum of
80 bytes long (just as they appear in the LOOK mode display). Some lines
will undoubtedly be broken in the middle of words, but at least you'll now
have a file your editor can work with.
11.6 Make a Copy in Working Directory
To make a copy of a file in the working directory (under a different name,
of course), one way is to set up EDDY.USE (see Sec 14.1) to work with a
batch file that does the copy for you. To illustrate this, a file called
EDDYCOPY.BAT is provided, along with a corresponding entry in EDDY.USE
(Example 13). Read the comments in those two files for details.
If EDDYCOPY.BAT is missing from your EDDY package, here's what you need:
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 11-5
-1) @echo off
-2) if &%1==& goto err
-3) if &%2==& goto err
-4) if not exist %2 goto doit
-5) echo .
-6) echo File %2 already exists
-7) dir %2 /p
-8) choice /c:yn "Overwrite "
-9) if errorlevel 2 goto done
-10) :doit
-11) copy %1 %2
-12) goto done
-13) :err
-14) echo Syntax: EDDYCOPY file-to-be-copied filename-for-copied-file
-15) :done
Nothing fancy, but it does the job. Actually, you don't REALLY need more
than one line -- line 11 -- if you're the careful type.
If you are using a version of DOS that hasn't got a "CHOICE" command,
you might replace lines 8 and 9 above by something like this...
echo If you don't want to overwrite, press [^c]
While this capability COULD be implemented directly in EDDY, I think most
users will agree that more special keystrokes or new messages aren't
desirable when there's a simpler way to do things.
Actually, if you do this kind of copying often, I recommend that you make
your [Shift+F8] default command (see Sec 14.2) something like:
It's been left set up in EDDY.USE for ease and clarity of description.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 12-1
12. MOVE Command - [F6], [^F6]
You may move files and/or directories (and all their contents). The
Synchronization Controls (see Sec 10) work closely with the MOVE command
to help you in deciding which files you want to move.
Moving a file places its entry in the target directory and deletes it from
the working directory. This is the same as doing a COPY and then a DELETE.
The heading information showing the number of files in the display and the
number of free bytes on the disk will be updated.
The MOVE command actually just "tags" a file to indicate that it has been
selected. The word "Move" (or "Move+", if no file of the same name is
currently in the target directory) will appear, to show the file has been
tagged. The actual move will be done when you enter UPDATE mode.
After UPDATE, "moved" will appear in the display for that file. The
display of size, date, etc., will be cleared, indicating that the file no
longer exists in that directory. If you re-sort the display, or move to
another working directory and then return, files moved won't be displayed.
If you have indicated other changes to be made to the file's directory
entry (renaming, timestamping or attribute settings), these changes will be
made during the UPDATE process, before the move is done.
Files moved will normally have the archive attribute turned ON in the
target directory (unless you are using option /A, or the target is on a
remote disk).
Also, if a file with the "network-shareable" attribute is moved, the result
in the target will not have that attribute.
Moved files normally receive the same date and time as the original; if
you want to put the current timestamp on the moved files, use [^Enter] to
start the UPDATE process, rather than [Enter]. If you use [^Enter], EDDY
will ask you whether or not you want new timestamps. (See also the
discussion of the "timestamp" configuration parameter, in Sec 31.3.1f).
Changing the target while files are tagged for moving will result in these
files being un-tagged. EDDY will warn you if this would occur.
12.1 MOVE a File - [F6]
Press [F6] to select the current file to be moved. If there is no target
directory specified, EDDY will ask for one. Entering target directories is
explained in Sec 5.
If the target directory contains a subdirectory that has the same name as
the file you are trying to tag, EDDY will inform you of the conflict and no
tagging will occur on that file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 12-2
12.2 MOVE Multiple Files - [^F6]
[^F6] will review all files in the working directory for moving, except
those already tagged for other operations. All files (but NOT directories)
which meet the criteria defined by the Synchronization Controls (see
Sec 10) will be tagged for moving.
At the start of the tagging operation, EDDY checks whether Synchronization
Control 6 -- "Control for Delete" -- is set to "Y". If it is, the other
Controls are most likely not set to yield the desired tagging result, so
EDDY warns you of this situation, allowing you a chance to review and
revise the settings before proceeding.
As the list of files is being reviewed, [^c] or [BackSpace] may be pressed
to terminate the process before all files have been reviewed. If you just
want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen or think about what's
going on, press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. Release
the key to continue.
If you want EDDY to check only those files from the cursor and further
down, turn on option /L before pressing [^F6].
Using option /6 on the command line is the batch mode equivalent of [^F6].
See Sec 30 for more information on this.
12.3 MOVE a Directory - [F6]
This feature is sometimes called "prune and graft". Press [F6] to tag the
current directory for moving. If there is no target directory, EDDY will
ask for one. Entering target directories is explained in Sec 5. The
target may be on a different drive from the working directory.
If the target directory contains a file that has the same name as the sub-
directory you are trying to tag, EDDY will inform you of the conflict and
no tagging will occur on that subdirectory.
Also, the target must not be in a path which includes the directory to be
moved (i.e., you can't move a directory to its own child or other
subordinate directory).
If there is a subdirectory in the target with the same name, you will be
asked if you wish to overwrite it. If you do, the directory will be tagged
for moving. When you UPDATE, the subdirectory in the target, WITH ALL THE
FILES AND SUBDIRECTORIES IN IT, will be deleted first and then replaced by
the directory being moved and all ITS files and subdirectories. There is
no checking or comparison of file timestamps involved in this move process;
it is a complete replacement of one tree by another.
When a directory is moved, the timestamp will not be changed.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 12-3
12.4 Fast Directory Move
If the working and target directories are on the same drive, it is possible
to bypass the tedious file-by-file copying that is normally used in moving
a directory. As this is achieved by using techniques other than standard
DOS services, EDDY will ask your preference before beginning the move
process when you start the UPDATE. Fast move cannot be used if a directory
of the same name already exists in the target.
EDDY speeds up the directory move task by writing directly to the working
and target directories, and using DOS services where available. No direct
manipulation of the File Allocation Table (FAT) is involved.
12.4.1 What Makes it Fast?
This process has been exhaustively tested by the author and many users,
without any problems. However, some of us are hesitant (read
"intelligent") about using programs that mess with our disks in
non-standard ways. Therefore, the following information is offered.
The steps EDDY uses internally during a "fast" directory move are:
-1) Set the "directory" attribute OFF in the subdirectory's entry in
the working directory, making DOS think the subdirectory is a file
-2) Move the "file" to the target directory, with the standard DOS
"rename" command
-3) Turn the "directory" attribute back ON in the target directory
-4) Adjust the "cluster number" in the moved directory's ".." (parent)
entry to point to the target rather than the working directory
After a directory move, you may notice a lot of disk activity before the
EDIT display reappears. Don't be alarmed; the program is simply rereading
all the information in both the working and target directories, to ensure
that all the data displayed reflects the new tree structure.
12.4.2 Had a Problem? Don't Panic!
If there is a problem with any of the above steps (e.g., a power failure
during the update), recovery is straightforward.
- If the subdirectory is still shown as a directory entry in the working
directory, there's no problem.
- If you have think there might have been a problem, and the entry is shown
in the target as a directory, it's possible that step 4 was not completed.
Run "CHKDSK" on the disk. If CHKDSK displays the message "Invalid sub-
directory entry", AND NO OTHER ERROR MESSAGES, run "CHKDSK /F" to fix the
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 12-4
cluster number automatically. If other errors are indicated (e.g., lost
clusters, cross-linked files), they were present before EDDY ran, and
should be fully understood and thought out before taking further action.
- If there was a problem with step 3, the subdirectory will be shown as a
"file" (i.e., no "directory" attribute) in the target, with a length of
either one cluster -- typically, 4096 bytes -- or zero. Don't panic!
There's only one little bit that has to be changed. To fix this problem,
LOOK at the target, then LOOK at the disk to display the raw directory
data. Move the display until the entry for the "file" is at the top, and
PATCH offset 0Bh to "10h". Your directory is now restored.
- If the subdirectory is shown as a "file" in the working directory, LOOK
at the disk, and proceed as described in the previous paragraph.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 13-1
13. DELETE Command
To select the current file for deletion, press [F7] or [Del]. The
difference in effect of these keys is explained in the next section.
The file will be tagged for deletion when you press the key; the actual
deletion will take place only when you eventually decide to UPDATE (see
Sec 29).
No other changes may be made to a file that is selected for deletion.
13.1 The Trashcan
If you choose, you may specify a directory -- by customizing EDDY (see
Sec 31) -- to be used as a "trashcan". If there is a trashcan, all files
deleted by pressing [F7] will actually be moved to the trashcan directory,
rather than being removed entirely.
Using a trashcan allows you to get rid of unwanted files in your
directories, but still keeps a copy around in case you discover a need to
refer to the file later.
When [F7] is pressed, and there is a trashcan, "Delete" appears in the
display for that file. If there is no trashcan, "Delete!" appears instead,
to emphasize the finality of what you're about to do.
If you press [Del] rather than [F7], the file will be deleted completely,
whether or not there is a trashcan; the display will show "Delete!".
There are two cases where [F7] results in "Delete!", even though there is a
trashcan: 1) when the trashcan is your working directory, and 2) when the
trashcan is full.
If the trashcan becomes full, you'll be notified, and given the choice of
proceeding with the deletion or not.
A couple of ideas for using the trashcan:
- Assign it to a RAM disk (not the root directory!). This allows you to do
a disk cleanup, and at the end of the session, before shutting down your
machine (if you do), you have a chance to review everything that's been
deleted, and change your mind if you wish.
- Assign it to a floppy. This effectively gives you an automatic "archive"
of everything you delete. When one diskette fills up, you'll be warned,
as mentioned above, so you can insert a new diskette before proceeding.
For more information on the use and effect of a trashcan, see Sec 29.1.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 13-2
13.2 Deleting Files - [F7]/[^F7] or [Del]/[^Del]
Press [F7] or [Del], as explained above, to tag a file for deletion. In
the following discussion, references to [F7] and [^F7] should be taken to
mean either [F7] and [^F7] or [Del] and [^Del].
After a file has been deleted by the UPDATE process, either "trashcan" or
"deleted" will appear, as appropriate. All directory information (size,
date, etc.) will be blanked out, indicating that the file no longer exists
in that directory. The heading information showing the number of files in
the display and the number of free bytes on the disk will be updated.
Use [^F7] to tag multiple files for deletion. The way this command works
depends on the settings of the Synchronization Controls (see Sec 10.4).
If Synchronization Control #6 is set to "N" (the default), [^F7] tags all
files in the working directory for deletion, except those already tagged
for other operations.
If Control #6 is "Y", the other Controls determine which files will be
tagged by [^F7], based upon a comparison of working and target directories.
If Control #6 is "Y" and there is no target directory, you'll be asked for
one. If you don't enter a target, Control #6 will be treated as "N" for
processing the current [^F7] command.
This enables you to set the Synchronization Controls to do such things as
delete any files in the working directory which are older than (or have the
same timestamp as) files of the same name in the target. You can also ask
EDDY to call your attention to files which have the same name and time-
stamp, but are different sizes, so that you can decide whether to delete on
a case-by-case basis. The Control settings needed to do this are:
To interrupt EDDY after [^F7], press [^c] or [BackSpace]. If you just want
to pause temporarily, to look at the screen or think about what's going on,
press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. Release the key to
Using option /7 on the command line is the batch mode equivalent of [^F7].
See Sec 30 for more information on this.
13.3 Deleting Directories
Directories may also be deleted, even if they are not empty. EDDY will
warn you that the directory is not empty when you press [F7], and ask
whether you want to delete or not. If you choose to proceed, all files in
the directory, plus any subordinate subdirectories and all of their files,
will be deleted when you UPDATE. The trashcan is not used when deleting
entire directories.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 13-3
In this type of deletion, no check is made for read-only file attributes on
the files in the directory -- they are all deleted without further
question. Obviously, this type of deletion should be done only when you
are sure there's nothing important left in the directory.
As the deletions are being made, the full path and file name of each file
or directory being deleted will be displayed prior to its deletion. In the
display, directories are shown with a final "\" after the name, to
distinguish then from files.
As with other UPDATE actions, pressing a key during the UPDATE will suspend
activity until you decide how you want to proceed.
13.4 Logical DELETE (Ignore) - [Alt+F7], [Alt+^F7]
Pressing [Alt+F7] flags a file with "(Ignore)". It will then be ignored by
any of the repeating (i.e., [Ctrl]-shifted) commands. This lets you
eliminate files from a list that you want to do a repeated FIND on, for
example, not wasting time with files that are not of interest for the FIND.
[Alt+F7] also undoes any changes that may be pending on the file.
Pressing a key for any command which affects a logically deleted file
cancels the "(Ignore)". [Left] or [Right] also cancels the "(Ignore)".
[Alt+^F7] flags all files with "(Ignore)". Thus you can ignore all but a
few files when executing the next command, such as [^f], the multi-file
FIND, or [Shift+^F9], the multi-file Point-and-Shoot. It's easier to
"ignore all" and then UNDO the few, rather than ignoring one by one.
"Ignore" is also useful when creating list files. See Sec 22.
13.5 DESTROY - [Shift+F7], [Shift+^F7]
If you want to protect the contents of deleted files from being snooped
into by anyone, even using utilities designed for that purpose (such as
EDDY), use "DESTROY". DESTROYing means overwriting the file, thus wiping
out the data in it, and then deleting the file. Destroyed files are not
written to the trashcan (see Sec 13.1).
To select the current file for destruction, press [Shift+F7]. "Destroy"
appears next to the file. The actual overwrite and deletion will be done
when you enter UPDATE mode.
There are two methods available when DESTROYing a file: standard- and high-
security. These are explained in Sec 13.5.1 and Sec 13.5.2.
By default, EDDY will ask you which method to use each time you go to
UPDATE (if any files have been tagged for DESTROY). Or, you can customize
to use either the high- or standard-security method always. (See Sec
31.3.1h, the "security" parameter.)
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 13-4
If Synchronization Control #6 (see Sec 10.4) is set to "N" (the default),
[Shift+^F7] tags all files in the working directory for DESTROY, except
those already tagged for other operations.
If Control #6 is set to "Y", then the other Controls are used to determine
which files will be tagged by [Shift+^F7], based upon a comparison of
working and target directory entries. If Control #6 is "Y" and there is no
target directory, you'll be asked for one. If you don't enter a target,
Control #6 will be treated as "N" for processing the [Shift+^F7] command.
To interrupt EDDY after [Shift+^F7], press [^c] or [BackSpace]. If you
just want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen or think about what's
going on, press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. Release
the key to continue.
Using option /8 on the command line is the batch mode equivalent of
[Shift+^F7]. See Sec 30 for more information on this.
13.5.1 Standard DESTROY Method
If you have not customized EDDY to always use a particular security method,
EDDY will ask you which method to use at UPDATE time.
If you choose "standard", you'll also be asked what character you wish to
use for overwriting* the file(s). When you see the message:
"Use what character to overwrite file?"
press an ASCII key (i.e., not [Alt]-shifted, nor a function key, nor cursor
control, etc.) to select a character. Or, if you want to use a non-ASCII
value, you may enter from the numeric keypad by holding down the [Alt] key.
If you are not familiar with this technique, it is described in connection
with the Touchdown Keys feature, in Sec 3.3.3a.
The value you have selected will be written once* over the entire file
before deleting it. If you are a secret agent or a government scientist,
this may not be sufficient. For higher security, see the next Section.
If a file has previously had some data deleted from the end, it is possible
that some of that data is still physically on the disk, in the last disk
cluster of the file, beyond the current end-of-file. To ensure that this
data cannot be snooped into either, the entire cluster is overwritten as
just described, rather than stopping at the end-of-file. Of course, if the
file was once long enough that it had more clusters allocated, any data
left in those additional clusters won't be destroyed, as the information as
to which clusters were allocated is no longer available.
* NOTE: Some vendors' CVF drivers always write zeros over clusters that
are freed as a result of deleting files. In this case, even though the
DESTROY operation always overwrites with the value you have specified, that
value will be gone if you look at the raw disk after a DESTROY.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 13-5
If you want to ensure that any data remaining in the currently-unallocated
areas of the disk is also destroyed, EDDY provides for that, too. After
the first DESTROY is performed in an UPDATE, you will be asked whether you
wish to overwrite those areas. If you do, a temporary file is created with
a size sufficient to occupy all free disk space, and your chosen byte value
written to all of it. The file is then deleted, leaving the disk space
free for use (and free of useful information). See also Sec 13.5.3.
When the overwrite operation is complete, "destroyed" appears next to that
file (when you return to EDIT), and all directory information in the
display is erased. The counts of the numbers of files in the display and
the free bytes on the disk will be updated to reflect the deletion.
13.5.2 High-Security DESTROY
If you have unusually high security requirements, and need to be sure that
files you DESTROY cannot possibly be recovered, even with special-purpose
equipment designed to recover data that has been overwritten, EDDY can meet
your requirements.
"High-security" means conforming to the U.S. government's specification for
secure file destruction. This involves overwriting the file on disk SEVEN
times -- six times alternating with ones and zeros, the last time writing
the character 0F6h (the "division" symbol).
Of course, this method takes 7 times as long as a single overwrite pass.
If you use the high-security DESTROY method, it will also be used if you
choose to overwrite unallocated areas, described in the previous Section.
This sounds a bit drastic, but taken in context it can be useful. In
Sec 13.5.1 it was mentioned that after DESTROYing a file, you would be
given the option of wiping out unallocated areas of the disk as well. This
is fine, except there may be times when there aren't any files you want to
DESTROY, but you'd still like to wipe the currently-unallocated-but-maybe-
containing-sensitive-data areas of the disk clean.
To do this, just execute the DESTROY command (i.e., press [Shift+F7]) on
the "Drive..." line of the EDIT mode display.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-1
14. The EDDY.USE File
This file's primary purpose is to provide "Point & Shoot" functionality.
The EDDY.USE file may contain two types of information:
- File/application "associations" (similar to, but more powerful than the
MS Windows File Manager association function).
- Printer Setup Commands
EDDY.USE may be created or modified with any editor or word processor which
can produce a simple ASCII text file.
A sample EDDY.USE is part of the EDDY distribution package. This sample
has extensive explanatory comments. I hope it will suggest ways in which
EDDY can help your system be easier and more convenient to use.
EDDY.USE (if present at all -- it's optional, but you'll be missing a lot
if you don't use it!) must be in the same directory that you executed EDDY
from -- EDDY's "home" directory.
EDDY.USE may also contain comments if desired. A comment is defined by a
line with a semi-colon as the first non-blank character. Comments are
ignored by EDDY.
14.1 Point & Shoot Commands ("Associations") - [Shift+F9]
Point & Shoot refers to moving the cursor to a file you want to operate on
("point") and pressing a key ("shoot") to begin the operation. Windows
users will probably recognize this as "associating files with an
You may define any commands you wish to be associated with any files you
choose. An association is defined by a line in EDDY.USE. Association
lines are displayed for your selection when you press [Shift+F9].
The general format of an association line is:
[modifiers] file_specification command_string [redirection_string]
Examples of possible association lines are:
^| *.ZIP C:\UTIL\PKZIP -v %f | C:\DOS\MORE
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-2
An association line has up to four parts:
- Modifiers
These are optional, one-byte indicators that specify whether the
command applies to repeating commands and whether to pause after
execution. The modifiers are defined in Sec 14.1.1.
- File specification (required)
This defines the file or file type with which the command string is to
be associated. The file specification is in normal DOS format, and
will usually include wildcards; e.g., "*.*", "*.DOC", "???.X" and
"FOO.BAR" (all without the quotes) are some valid possibilities.
In addition, If you want to associate a program with directories, use
"<DIR>" instead of a file specification. (Although, if you feel you
need such a program when EDDY is available, either you're not familiar
with the full range of capabilities EDDY offers, or you probably have a
requirement that would be a candidate for an upcoming release of EDDY;
if so, please let me know.)
- Command string (required)
This string is what will be executed if you choose this line after it
is displayed in response to [Shift+F9]. The specification of the
program to be executed must include the complete PATH to the directory
where the program is stored.
The command string may also contain a variety of "replaceable
parameters" (similar to, but more powerful than the standard DOS batch
file parameters). These are explained in detail in Sec 14.1.2.
The most common one is "%f", meaning "substitute here in the string the
current filename.ext from EDDY's display".
- Redirection string
Redirection or piping is optional. If used, it is specified exactly as
it would be on the DOS command line.
An association line may be in either upper or lower case, or a mixture.
Case is not important, UNLESS it is meaningful to the command to be
executed. Some programs, for example, have switches with different
meanings depending on case.
In the following discussions, references to "Example n" indicate particular
commands set up in the sample EDDY.USE that illustrate the use of the
parameter involved.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-3
14.1.1 Modifiers
There are several, optional, one-byte codes which may be included in an
EDDY.USE association line to further define how that line is used. Any,
all, or none of them may be present. If present, the modifiers must be the
first thing on the association line, and they must be adjacent to each
other -- not separated by blanks, for example. The order of the modifiers
is irrelevant. A blank following the modifier string signals to EDDY that
the next non-blank is expected to begin the file specification.
Here are the modifiers and corresponding meanings:
| (piping symbol): Pause after executing the command string. This lets
you see what, if anything, has been displayed on the screen by the
program involved. EDDY will wait for a keypress before proceeding.
(Examples 1, 4, 5, etc.)
A pause will always be used, regardless of whether the "|" is
present, if you have edited the association line before selecting it.
In any case, after a command has been executed, the value of DOS's
ERRORLEVEL variable is checked. If it is non-zero, there will always
be a pause, and the ERRORLEVEL value will be displayed.
^ (caret): Don't use this association line when operating on ALL files in
the display (i.e., when EDDY.USE was accessed by [Shift+^F9] -- see
Sec 14.1.5 -- rather than by [Shift+F9]). (Example 7)
# (pound sign): This has a different effect than the other modifiers.
Rather than affecting behavior of the current line, it defines the
purpose of the current line, which in turn modifies the behavior of
lines that follow it. See Sec 14.1.4 for more information.
14.1.2 Replaceable Parameters
Replaceable parameters are two- or three-byte strings beginning with a "%".
When one of these is found within a command string from EDDY.USE, it is
replaced by the corresponding value before the command is displayed.
There is a comprehensive set of replaceable parameters provided for use
with EDDY.USE command strings.
In addition to the parameters described below, you may also include DOS
environment variables as replaceable parameters in your commands, exactly
as used in DOS batch files; i.e., enclosing the variable name within "%"s
results in the corresponding value from the DOS environment memory segment
being substituted (EDDY.USE, Examples 2, 4, 7).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-4
Available parameters are:
- %w = Path string of working directory (Examples 1, 10)
There is no terminating "\" at the end of the substituted string.
So if you want to append a filename, for example, to the path
string, you must use "%w\foo.bar" rather than "%wfoo.bar".
- %w: = Drive letter (and a ":", but no "\") of the working directory
- %t = Path string of target directory (Examples 1, 10)
Same rules as for "%w".
- %t: = Drive letter (and a ":") of the target directory
- %f = Current (i.e., highlighted in EDIT display) filename.ext.
(Examples 3, 4, 5, ...)
NOTE: For compatibility with earlier versions, "%1", or a
standalone "%", with a space on either side of it, is treated the
same as "%f". (Example 2)
- %n = "filename" portion of "filename.ext" (Examples 10, 11, 13)
- %e = "ext" part of "filename.ext"
Thus, "%n.%e" yields the same result as "%f".
At least one of these last 3 -- "%f", "%n" or "%e" -- should be
used in most command strings (unless the command doesn't need to be
told what files to operate on).
- %h = Path string of EDDY's "home" directory (Example 13)
Same rules as for "%w".
- %% = "%" required in command string
If you have a file with a name that includes a "%", or you need a
"%" in a command line, use "%%" to put a single "%" in the string.
- %@ = Cursor position (Examples 3, 10, 13)
This parameter is not actually replaceable, but instead marks the
spot within the command where you wish to have the cursor placed
when the command is displayed. This saves keystrokes when used
with commands that often need some editing before they are used.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-5
When you select an association line to execute, EDDY checks to be sure that
all replaceable parameters have actually been replaced. If not, you will
be warned and asked whether to proceed or not.
Examples of when this might occur are an environment variable that's not
defined, or use of "%t" when there's no target directory.
14.1.3 Selecting an Association
When an association line is displayed, you may edit it (except as described
in Sec 14.1.5), or use it as-is. Press [Enter], or [Shift+F9] a second
time, to select the association line. The current file will then be
operated on by the defined (possibly edited) command. Swapping will be
used, if possible (see Sec 15.3), to maximize available RAM.
For example, if EDDY.USE contains the line:
pressing [Shift+F9] with the cursor on EXAMPLE.ZIP will give the display:
and pressing [Enter] will list the contents of EXAMPLE.ZIP (assuming, of
course, that you have PKZIP in the UTIL directory).
EDDY.USE may contain more than one association line for a particular file,
including one or more "*.*" entries which will match all files (but see the
next section for a way to redefine "all").
When you press [Shift+F9], the first EDDY.USE line that matches the current
file will be displayed. If you press [Down], the next matching line in
the file, if any, will be displayed. [Up] returns to the preceding matched
line. If you press [Down] and there are no more matching lines in
EDDY.USE, EDDY's "default command" (see Sec 14.2) will be displayed.
If there are no matching lines at all in EDDY.USE, only the default command
will be displayed.
It's suggested, but not required, that you place your "*.*" lines at the
end, so that they're used as a "last resort" after the lines containing
more restrictive file specifications have been checked.
14.1.4 "*.*-ish" Selection
When "*.*" is used, you would normally expect it to match any filename.
However, EDDY tries to be a LITTLE selective: By default, any ".COM" or
".EXE" files will not cause a match, as most applications don't operate on
files of those types.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-6
If you DO want to associate such files with an application, you can do it
explicitly, with a file specification of "*.COM" and/or "*.EXE", or you can
override the default behavior.
To override, put a line in EDDY.USE that begins with a "#" and then list
the extensions, separated by commas, that you wish to exclude from matching
with "*.*" association lines. The extensions may include wildcards, and do
not necessarily have to be 3 bytes long. (Examples 8, 11, 12)
To include in the list files that don't have an extension, make the first
or last byte in the list a comma. (Example 11)
A maximum of 25 extensions may be included in the list.
You may use multiple "#" lines, which is useful when you have several "*.*"
association lines whose command strings work with different types of files.
Each "#" line overrides any that precede it.
To make "*.*" act like you'd normally expect -- i.e., match everything --
use a line that has ONLY a "#". This means nothing is to be excluded.
14.1.5 Multi-File Operations - [Shift+^F9]
Using [Shift+^F9] tells EDDY that the selected association line is to be
considered for use on EVERY file in the current working directory display,
STARTING FROM THE CURRENT FILE and moving down (just as though option /L
were ON with other repeating commands).
The matching of files to association lines is the same as with [Shift+F9],
EXCEPT if the association line contains a "^" modifier, it is ignored.
Any files tagged as "Ignore" will be skipped when processing a [Shift+^F9].
After selection, for each file in the working directory display, if it
matches because of a "*.*" file specification, and the current file's
extension is in the "excluded extensions" list, as described in the
preceding section, the file is skipped.
Association lines may NOT be edited when used in a multi-file operation.
After the command has been executed on a file, you may interrupt the
process if you wish, so it will not continue executing on the rest of the
files in the display. If there is a pause after execution ("Press a key"),
press [^c] to interrupt. If there is no pause, then you must be a little
quicker. In this case, press [^c] while the EDIT mode screen is displayed
between executions (you have approximately 1/4 second).
Swapping (see Sec 15.3) is not used with multi-file operations, unless you
confirm your association line selection by pressing [^Enter] rather than
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-7
14.2 Default Command
As mentioned above, when EDDY runs out of matching association lines in
EDDY.USE, after a [Shift+F9], the "default command" is displayed. While
the default command is not actually contained in EDDY.USE (it's stored
in EDDY.COM), it's so closely related that its description fits best here.
The default command format is the same as the "command string" field
described above for "association lines" in EDDY.USE, including the same set
of replaceable parameters. A "redirection string" may also be used.
Excluded file extensions defined by EDDY.USE (see Sec 14.1.4) do NOT apply
to the default command. It will be offered as a choice for execution on
any file.
You may also select the default command directly, without using EDDY.USE.
14.2.1 Select Default Command - [Shift+F8]
Press [Shift+F8] to get a dialog box showing the current default command.
This command may be used as-is, edited and then used, or replaced entirely
by whatever command you want to use on the current file. Press [Enter], or
[Shift+F8] again to execute the command.
(Actually, [F8] acts the same as [Shift+F8]. The latter form is used to
emphasize the similarity with [Shift+F9].)
An un-customized version of EDDY has a default of "C:\UTIL\DOS2UNIX %f".
The "%f" is the same replaceable parameter described in Sec 14.1.2, marking
the place in the command where the current filename will be inserted. This
is as an example only, and probably won't be suitable for your system.
14.2.2 Editing the Default Command
When you edit the default command from the display, EDDY will ask whether
you want to save it as the new default, and whether to pause after
executing it, to allow time for you to read anything that may have been
displayed on the screen as a result of executing the command.
If you save the command as the new default, it will remain in effect for
the rest of that execution, or until modified again. To make it a
permanent default, edit and save it when you are customizing (see Sec
31.1), or use the "command" parameter in EDDY.INI (see Sec 31.3.1i).
Default commands are shown with replaceable parameters (see Sec 14.1.2)
already replaced. If you edit and save the command, before it is saved it
is scanned to see whether any part of the command is equivalent to the
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-8
replaceable parameters "%w", "%t" "%f", "%n" or "%e". If so, the replace-
able parameter is used in the saved command, rather than the verbatim
string as displayed.
For example, if your working directory is C:\DOS, your target is D:\TEMP,
and the cursor is on the file CHKDSK.COM, you might have edited the command
to look like this:
If you save the command, your new default would actually be stored as:
C:\UTIL\BLETCH %w\%f %t
so that the name of the current file and working/target directory will be
replaced in the command for each new file you use it on. Your decision as
to whether to pause after executing the command is also saved.
14.2.3 Multi-file Operations - [Shift+^F8]
With [Shift+^F8], the command will by default be executed only on files
from the display that have the SAME extension as the current file.
However, you will be asked before execution starts whether you want to
operate on all files (i.e., "*.*").
As with [Shift+^F9], the command will be executed first on the current
file, and then on files below that in the EDIT display, with any files
tagged as "Ignore" being skipped.
The default command may NOT be edited when used in a multi-file operation.
To interrupt the processing of multiple files, use [^c] as explained in
Sec 14.1.5.
14.3 Printer Control - [Alt+9]
At the end of EDDY.USE, there is a section where printer control strings
(commands) may be defined, allowing you to configure your printer from
within EDDY.
This section starts with a line containing "[printer]" (without quotes).
If you are going to use printer commands in EDDY.USE, this line MUST be
present. It tells EDDY where "associations" (see Sec 14.1) end and printer
commands begin.
Some examples of typical printer commands:
ESC,':' ; Set 12 cpi pitch for Canon BubbleJet
ESC,'X',8,96 ; Set horizontal margins 8-96 for Canon BubbleJet
DC2,SI ; Set 17 cpi for IBM ProPrinter
ESC,'&k4s' ; Set 12 cpi for HP LaserJet
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 14-9
14.3.1 Printer Command Format
Printer commands in EDDY.USE are created according to the following rules:
-1) The standard ANSI names for the characters from 0 thru 32 (decimal)
are recognized; e.g., NUL, CR, SO, DC2, ESC, SP, etc. These names
should not be enclosed in quotes.
-2) Unquoted numbers are decimal, and must be in the range 0-255.
-3) Decimal numbers may be used instead of ANSI names or quoted
characters, if you prefer.
-4) Strings are terminated by a space or semi-colon which is not enclosed
in quotes.
-5) To include a space, comma or semi-colon as part of a command string,
enclose them in single quotes; i.e., ' ', ',' or ';'.
-6) Strings surrounded by single quotes are used as-is. To include a
single quote as part of a command string, use two single quotes in a
row within a quoted string. For example, 'ab''cd' is interpreted as
a string containing the following 5 bytes: ab'cd. If the single
quote is the ONLY character in a quoted string, use '''' -- that's
two consecutive single quotes within a quoted, one-byte string.
14.3.2 Printer Command Selection
To select a printer command, press [Alt+9] while in EDIT or LOOK mode.
Moving through the list of strings available is the same as for association
lines (see Sec 14.1.3), using [Down] and [Up]. When the command you wish
to use is displayed, press [Enter] to send it to the printer.
Unlike association lines, printer commands can't be edited when they are
After you send a command to the printer, the [Alt+9] window remains on
screen, allowing you to select additional commands as desired.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 15-1
15. DOS Gateway
EDDY allows you to exit to DOS (the DOS "shell"), execute other commands or
programs, and return to EDDY to pick up where you left off. All requested
changes and actions will still be in effect when you return.
You may also execute commands (files) from the current working directory.
15.1 The DOS Shell - [F9]
When you exit, EDDY loads a new copy of COMMAND.COM (or whatever command
interpreter you use, based on the "COMSPEC" environment variable -- e.g.,
4DOS), which will process your DOS commands normally. The screen is
cleared, followed by the command interpreter's usual announcement of its
presence, and then the DOS prompt.
When using the DOS Shell, EDDY always attempts to maximize the available
memory, by "swapping". See Sec 15.3 for more on swapping.
The DOS default directory will be EDDY's working directory. You may change
this if you wish. EDDY will restore it when you return.
When you're ready to return to EDDY, type "exit" at the DOS command prompt.
If you forget to exit, you may run short of memory later on, because memory
remains assigned to both EDDY and the extra copy of the command interpreter
To remind you to exit, EDDY changes the DOS prompt to end with "Exit>". If
you don't want this reminder added to your prompt, see the description of
the "prompt" configuration parameter in Sec 31.3.1i.
More information on EDDY's use of environment space is in Sec 15.4.
15.2 Execute .COM, .EXE or .BAT File - [Alt+F9]
When the cursor is on a file with an extension of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or
"BTM" if you're using 4DOS or NDOS), pressing [Alt+F9] executes that file.
The filename is first displayed in a dialog box, so that you may edit the
command line if you like, to add filenames, switches, redirection, or
whatever is appropriate for the file involved.
When you are ready to execute the file, press [Enter], or [Alt+F9] again.
When executing a file in this way, EDDY always attempts to maximize the
available memory, by "swapping". See Sec 15.3 for more on swapping.
When the program or batch file finishes, EDDY waits for a key to be
pressed. This pause allows time for you to read anything that may have
been displayed on the screen by the process which was just executed.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 15-2
If the ERRORLEVEL value was set to anything other than zero by the process,
that value is displayed also.
15.3 Using a Swap File
Swapping maximizes the memory available for use by other processes, such as
the DOS Shell or commands from EDDY.USE.
When swapping is used, EDDY copies parts of itself to a "swap file", and
releases control of the memory occupied by those parts back to DOS. Upon
return to EDDY, the necessary memory is reallocated, and the various parts
are read from the swap file.
The trade-off, of course, is execution time versus memory availability.
With swapping, the associated i/o takes an extra bit of time (although this
can be minimized by specifying a swap path on a RAM disk).
If you customize EDDY by including a "swap path" in EDDY.INI (see Sec
31.3.1i), the swap file will be created in the directory you have chosen.
If a swap path isn't given, the path indicated by the "SWAP", "TEMP" or
"TMP" environment variables (checked in that order), if any, will be used.
Specifying a swap path when you customize is the most efficient approach,
as there's no need to search for environment variables in that case.
Swapping is "possible" if a valid swap path is specified, either in
EDDY.INI or by one of the environment variables mentioned above, and it is
not expressly inhibited ("swap path=none" in EDDY.INI). If swapping is
possible, it will occur whenever you:
- exit through the DOS Gateway, using [F9],
- execute a .COM, .EXE or .BAT file, using [Alt+F9],
- execute a command from EDDY.USE, using [Shift+F9],
- select a repeating command from EDDY.USE -- by [Shift+^F9] -- and
press [^Enter] to confirm it (as opposed to confirming with [Enter]).
The reason a choice is given in the last case is that the delay involved
with reading and writing can be annoying, particularly when executing a
repeating command, especially if you have no RAM disk available to use for
the purpose. The other cases involve only a single swap, and thus there's
only a one-off delay that, in comparison to the two keystrokes needed to
initiate the action, is not quite so annoying.
The swap file name will consist of 8 apparently random letters generated by
DOS from the current system time, and guaranteed by DOS to be unique within
its directory.
The swap file is deleted when EDDY terminates.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 15-3
15.4 Environment Space
EDDY has an internal buffer of just over 10K bytes which is not easily
swappable, but is otherwise unused during DOS Gateway operations. Rather
than let it be wasted completely, it is normally set up as an unusually
large, simulated environment for the DOS Gateway or any child process,
including Point & Shoot. So you shouldn't often run out of environment
space when running under EDDY's control.
Within this buffer, the new prompt string is constructed, with "Exit$g",
which displays as "Exit>", appended (see Sec 15.1).
Only if you are already using a larger environment than this will EDDY use
the DOS default environment size, and in that case the "Exit>" would not be
used, either.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 16-1
16. QUIT Command - [F10], [Esc]
When you are through with EDDY, press [F10]. [F10] will restore your
DOS default drive and directory to the settings they had when you executed
EDDY. EDDY will terminate immediately and return to DOS.
If you have changes pending which have not yet been processed by UPDATE,
EDDY will remind you that there are such changes, and ask you to confirm
that you want to QUIT anyway.
One exception to this may occur when option /K is used. Pressing [F10]
when a message is displayed and waiting for a key press will only erase the
message (like any other key). You must press [F10] again to terminate.
Some users prefer to use [Esc] as a way to QUIT from EDIT. If you want to
QUIT by using [Esc], just press it twice, or press it and hold it down.
16.1 Exit to Directory - [Alt+F10]
[Alt+F10] exits from EDDY -- just like [F10] -- but leaves the working
directory as the DOS default.
[Alt+F10] may also be used from the directory tree diagram display (see
Sec 5.3.2). If you press [Alt+F10] in that case, EDDY will exit, making
the directory that is currently highlighted the new DOS default.
16.2 EGA and VGA Display Control - [^F10]
If you have an EGA or VGA monitor, EDDY normally resets the display to the
same number of lines that were in use when EDDY was executed. However, if
you use [^F10] to QUIT, the result is the same as [F10], except the display
will be left with the number of lines per screen you have set (by using
option /E) while in EDDY.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 16-2
16.3 Final Screen
When you exit from EDDY, with an unregistered copy you'll see a display
like this:
│ THANK YOU for using EDDY(tm) v.8h │
│ Copyright(C) 1987 thru 1997 │
│ All rights reserved │
│ by John Scofield │
│ 117, West Harrison Building │
│ 6th floor, Dept. S-678 │
│ Chicago, IL 60605 │
│ Internet:Scofield@ACM.org │
│ CompuServe:70162,2357 │
Figure 16-1
With a registered copy, the last three lines are replaced by:
"Registered to: <Your Name>"
If you have been using an unregistered copy often, for a lengthy period (a
combination of time and frequency), before the above display appears you'll
be asked to consider registering, and given a chance to print the
registration form.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 17-1
17. FIND and/or REPLACE String in File, Disk or RAM
To find a string, press [Alt+f] when the EDIT mode cursor is on that
display entry, or when in LOOK mode. (In LOOK mode, [/] or [\] have the
same effect as [Alt+f].) If you want to search through all files in the
working directory, press [^f] -- see Sec 17.5.
For example, suppose you were using EDDY to LOOK at this file ("EDDY.DOC")
and were positioned to the "Technical Support" section. If you pressed
[Alt+f], the display would be similar to Figure 17-1.
The second line in the window shows a series of "5F"s and underlines. The
underlines have no special significance. They only mark the place to enter
the string you want to FIND (maximum 16 characters -- see Sec 17.1).
When you have entered the string EDDY is to search for, press [Enter] for a
"close" match search or [^Enter] for an exact match.
* * * (text continues on next page) * * *
bug, surely!), if you take the trouble to report it, I'll try to solve it.
And I'll get back to you with a fix, if possible.
EDDY's PATCH command, using an area within EDDY reserved for this purpose,
makes it reasonably easy to fix minor bugs without having to wait for a whole
new version of the program.
With any problem report, please include the following information:
-1) Version number of your copy of EDDY (as shown on the logo which is
║ Enter new FIND string, or use this one... ║
║ 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F ________________║
║ ^ ║
║ [Enter] to FIND "close" match, [^Enter] for exact match ║
║ ║
║ Global match is:"?" [Alt+g] to change ║
-4) As complete a description of the problem as possible -
- what did you enter on the command line?
- [PrtSc] listings of the screen before and after the problem
- how was EDDY's output different from what you expected?
- any other information that seems relevant
-LOOK- EDDY.DOC bits=8 tab=8 line=1357 [F1]:HELP [Alt+F1]:MENU
Figure 17-1
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 17-2
A "close" match will ignore upper and lower case differences. One or more
blanks in the string will match any number of consecutive blanks, carriage
returns, line feeds or TABs (or any combination). A close match will also
find words that have been hyphenated and broken across two lines. If you
enter "bicycle" and then ask EDDY for a "close" match, it will find "bicy-
cle" (i.e., broken at the end of the line) as well as any other occurrence
of "bicycle".
An exact match requires that every character match completely, including
case and blanks. Exact match FINDs are faster than "close" matches.
Once you have entered a string, that string becomes the default for any
later FINDs, on the same file or any file you subsequently LOOK at. In
LOOK mode, press [f] or [/] to repeat the previous FIND, using the same
string and the same type of match (close or exact).
When EDDY finds the string, it goes to LOOK mode with the line containing
the string at the top. The first byte of the string is highlighted, and it
blinks. If there are long lines, and the string is off-screen, EDDY will
move the display window to show the string.
If the string begins with a carriage return or line feed, the display will
be in hex format, even if it was in ASCII when the search began. This is
because these characters are used as line break controls, and do not appear
in an ASCII display itself; therefore, hex format is used.
If the string was not found, EDDY will "beep", the message "Not found" will
be displayed, and the last page of the file will be shown.
You may interrupt EDDY's search by pressing any key.
NOTE: When FINDing strings in RAM, you might expect there'd be a copy of
the string somewhere in EDDY's address space, to match against. You're
right, but it (them, actually) is explicitly ignored, on the assumption
that you're not interested in the internal workings of EDDY.
17.1 Entering New FIND Strings
The dialog box for FIND (and FIND & REPLACE -- see Sec 17.6) is different
from other dialog boxes. This is because of the requirement to enter two
incompatible data formats (hex and ASCII) on the same line.
You may notice that the line where you enter strings looks a lot like
EDDY's PATCH mode display. In fact, the same data entry routines are used,
and you enter your string just as though you were patching this line.
Values 00 - 7Eh may be entered in ASCII format. 00h - 19h may be entered
by using the [Ctrl]-shifted keys: [^@], [^a], etc. In hex, all values may
be entered. [Tab] toggles between hex and ASCII; if you don't like [Tab]
for this purpose, see Sec 8.2.1a. If [Tab] is not the toggle key, it can
be used to enter TAB (09h) bytes in ASCII format.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 17-3
If any part of the string is entered in hex, or if the string has a hyphen
in it, matches to words broken over two lines will not be found.
Under the data entry line, marking the end of the string, is an up arrow
(shown in Figure 17-1 as "^"). This arrow normally points to the last
character entered, although you may move back to change a character if you
make a mistake, and the arrow won't move. To mark the end of the string at
another place, move the cursor to that place and press [End].
If you begin entering characters in the first (leftmost) position of the
string, EDDY erases whatever previous string was there and accepts your
input as a completely new string. However, if you move the cursor to some
position further to the right, and enter your first character there, you
can make changes to the previous string (including the first position).
You may also use [Ins] and [Del] to edit FIND strings.
Two other features provide a lot of flexibility for FINDing data: the
"global match" character and the "don't match" attribute.
17.2 Global Match Character - [Alt+g]
The global match character works like the "?" wild card in DOS. If a FIND
string has the global match character, that position in the string will
match any byte. For example, the FIND string "str?ng" will match "strxng",
"str@ng", "str ng", etc. The default global match character is "?".
If you want to search for a string which includes the character currently
used for global matching, you can specify any other character by pressing
[Alt+g] and then typing the new global match character. You may use any
character except space for global matching. The new global match character
remains in effect until changed by another [Alt+g].
17.3 "Don't Match" Attribute - [Alt+k]
You may give any character in the FIND string the "don't match" (or "match
anything BUT this") attribute. This means that the character in that
position in the string will match any character in the file EXCEPT the
actual character in the string. To give this attribute to a character,
press [Alt+k] and then type the character. The character will be high-
lighted on the screen to remind you it has the "don't match" attribute.
For example, if the second character in the string "xyz" were designated as
"don't match", the string would be a successful match to "x0z", "x=z",
etc., but would not match "xyz".
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 17-4
If your string contains a global match character, you may designate it as
"don't match". In this case, that character (in that string position only)
is no longer treated as a global match. For example, suppose the global
match character is "?", and you use the string "abc?" with the last
character as "don't match". Then EDDY would not find "abc?" if it occurred
in the file, but it would find "abc-" or "abcd", etc.
Similarly, if you designate a blank as "don't match", it will no longer
match multiple blanks, carriage returns, line feeds or TABs. Instead, it
will simply be treated as a match to any single character except blank.
Typing [Alt+k] again, or any ASCII character in a string position
previously marked as "don't match" removes the "don't match" attribute.
17.4 FIND "Any Text"
You might want to search a .COM or .EXE file to see what messages might be
lurking in it (such as "gotcha!" or "virus", for example). Or you might
want to see how many words in a document have more than "n" letters.
You can do this by entering a FIND string that has only "?"s (or whatever
global match character you are using). If your string has only "?"s, it
will FIND any string of text conforming to the following rules:
-1) All characters in the string must be letters or decimal digits, or one
of the following punctuation characters: exclamation point, comma,
period, apostrophe, underline, colon, semicolon, hyphen, question
mark, or space.
-2) If a character is a punctuation character from that list, there must
not be two or more consecutive such characters.
-3) The number of consecutive text and/or punctuation characters is at
least as long as the string of "?"s you entered.
Thus, the FIND string "?????" would match:
"abcde", "AbcDE", or "a c_e"
but would not match:
"ab&de", "Ab=DE", or "a de".
You can also use the "don't match" attribute ([Alt+k]) with strings of
"?"s. Don't match in this case means match only if the character is NOT
one of those defined by the rules above.
For example, if the middle "?" in the above FIND string were given the
"don't match" attribute, the string would match:
"ab&de", "Ab=DE", or "a de"
but would not match:
"abcde", "AbcDE", or "a c_e".
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 17-5
17.5 FIND String in All Files - [^f]
To search through all files for the given string, press [^f]. If the
working directory contains subdirectories, you will be asked whether you
wish to search the files in them as well.
The first file from your current display will then be displayed in LOOK
mode, and the FIND window will be ready for you to enter the FIND string.
If a match is found, the first character is highlighted in a LOOK mode
display, as for [Alt+f] or [f]. If there is no match in that file, the
search will proceed to the next file, continuing until there is a match or
there are no more files.
After a match, you have 4 choices:
-1) Pressing [f] searches the file for any more matches, and proceeds
to the next file if no match is found.
-2) You can press [Alt+f] to change the FIND string, and the new
string will used for matching from that point on.
-3) [Esc] exits from the current file without searching further, and
moves on to the next file.
-4) To stop the search and return to EDIT mode, press [^c] or
17.6 FIND and REPLACE - [Alt+r]
To replace occurrences of the FIND string with a new string (the "REPLACE
string"), press [Alt+r]. The FIND window will be expanded to allow entry
of a REPLACE string in the lower portion of the window. REPLACE strings
are entered exactly the same as FIND strings, and may be ASCII and/or hex.
Switching between the two parts of the window is done with the cursor keys:
[Up] moves from the REPLACE part to the FIND part, and [Down] moves from
To shrink the window back to normal FIND-only size, press [Alt+r] again.
If you begin the search with the REPLACE part of the window showing on the
screen, then the REPLACE string will be used whenever a match is found for
the FIND string. When you begin the search, you will be asked whether you
want EDDY to pause for you to confirm before replacing, or just to go ahead
and make the replacement automatically.
A FIND string may contain global match or "don't match characters, even
when used with a REPLACE string.
If the REPLACE string is shorter than the FIND string (e.g., with a "close"
match that includes white space), the REPLACE string will be padded with
trailing blanks as required to make the two strings the same length. A
REPLACE string may not be longer than its corresponding FIND string.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 18-1
18. File Selection by Filtering
You may choose to display only files which have particular attributes
(e.g., read-only) and/or particular timestamps (e.g., files with timestamps
later than 9 A.M. today). Filter values may be entered from the command
line or while executing EDDY. When filters are in use, they are shown in
the top line of the display.
Closely related to filters is the feature called "exclusion", which allows
you to specify files that are NOT to be included in the display. See
Sec 18.3.
If the working directory has files that are not displayed because a filter
is being used, a plus sign will appear just to the right of the file count
field in the display heading (e.g., "53+files" instead of "53 files").
When you set or change a filter and there are other changes pending, such
as renaming, copying, etc., EDDY checks to be sure that all files with
changes will still be included in the display after the new filter takes
effect. If not, you will be warned that some changes will be lost, and
given a chance to decide whether to proceed or not.
18.1 Filtering by Attribute
To filter the directory display so that it contains only files with
attributes you specify, use an attribute selection parameter.
18.1.1 Attribute Selection from the Command Line
A command line attribute selection parameter begins with a plus sign ("+")
to distinguish it from a path specification. The "+" is followed by one or
more letters for the file attributes you choose. The letters to use are
the same as the letters in EDDY's display heading: R, H, S, D, A or N.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 18-2
To select files which have the attribute ON, enter the letter in upper
case; for files with the attribute OFF, lower case. Thus, to select only
files which are "hidden", enter "+H"; for files which are read-only and not
modified since last backup (i.e., "archive" attribute OFF), enter "+Ra" or
"+aR" (the order makes no difference). If more than one attribute is
selected, all must match in order for a file to be selected.
If you specify an incorrect letter, or use the same letter in both upper
and lower case, EDDY will terminate with an "Invalid format" error message.
Attribute selections are shown in the display heading. The letters for the
selected attributes will blink, showing they're used for file selection,
and they will be the same case -- upper or lower -- as you specified.
18.1.2 Attribute Selection in EDDY - [Alt+a]
Press [Alt+a] for attribute selection while executing EDDY, then enter the
attributes to be used for filtering. [Esc] restores the attribute filter
previously in effect, if any.
To select an attribute, press the key for the corresponding letter -- [R],
[H], [S], [D], [A] or [N]. Pressing a key once selects "attribute ON",
twice selects "attribute OFF", and a third time deselects the attribute.
When you are satisfied with the selection, press [Enter].
Or select attributes by moving the cursor to an attribute and clicking the
mouse or pressing [SpaceBar].
18.2 Filtering by Timestamp
To filter the directory display so that it contains only files with
timestamps in a range you specify, use timestamp selection.
18.2.1 Timestamp Selection from the Command Line
A command line timestamp selection parameter is enclosed in double quote
marks. Immediately following the first quote must be one of the following:
"+", "-" or "=". These mean that the files to be selected for display must
have timestamps greater than, less than, or equal to the timestamp you use.
Next, you must provide the timestamp value. This may be a date, a time, or
both. Following the timestamp value is the closing quote mark.
Leading zeros must be used when entering dates if needed to make up a two-
digit value -- e.g., "5/31/88" would be rejected; "05/31/88" would be O.K.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 18-3
Times are based on a 12-hour clock, and must be in the form "hh:mma" for
A.M. times, or "hh:mmp" for P.M. Again, leading zeros are required.
If you wish to specify both date and time, the date and time must be
separated by one space.
Some examples of valid timestamp values are:
"+05/31/88 09:00p" - select files with timestamps later than this
"=07/23/86" - select files created at any time on this date only
"-10:30p" - select files created before this time, on any date
Normally, EDDY will re-sort the display when you use timestamp filtering.
When the filter includes a date, the display will be sorted by date. If
the filter has only a time, it will be sorted by time.
However, if you have explicitly changed the display sequence (by using
option /1 or one of the sort commands), then filtering by timestamp will
not cause a re-sort.
18.2.2 Timestamp Selection in EDDY - [Alt+q]
Press [Alt+q] for timestamp selection. Any timestamp filter in effect at
that time will be cancelled, the null timestamp "=00-00-00 00:00p" will
appear in the top line, and the cursor will move to the "=" sign. If you
don't want to enter a new timestamp value, press [Enter] while the null
timestamp is displayed, and no timestamp filter will be used.
Otherwise, the null timestamp may be edited just as though it was a normal
file timestamp in the body of the display. When you are happy with the
filter value, press [Enter]. If you enter an invalid timestamp, EDDY will
"beep" at you and move the cursor to the field in error.
18.3 Exclusion - [*]
Normally, if you append a file specification (including wildcards) to your
working directory path, any files that match that specification will be
included in your display, and all others will be excluded.
You may reverse this logic if you wish. Press [*] to turn on the exclusion
feature; i.e., exclude all files that match, and include only those that
DON'T match. Exclusion doesn't have any effect if your file specification
is set to "*.*" (unless you also have an attribute and/or timestamp filter
in effect, as described below). If exclusion is on and you change your
file specification to "*.*" (and no filters used), it will be turned off.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 18-4
When exclusion is turned on, the file specification on the "DIR of" line of
the display will be emphasized by reverse video.
Exclusion is applied before any attribute or timestamp filtering. First, a
file becomes a candidate for display depending on its name as compared with
your file specification. Next, if exclusion is on, candidates are
discarded and non-candidates become candidates -- EXCEPT, if the file
specification is "*.*" and there is a filter in use, nothing is discarded
at this point. Finally, any filtering in effect is applied to the
candidate. If a file is still a candidate after these steps, it is
included in the display.
[*] is a toggle; pressing it a second time turns exclusion off.
If you use the exclusion feature, be prepared for an occasional delay while
EDDY builds the display. To determine which files to include, ALL files'
directory entries must be read, and a byte-by-byte check made to see
whether their names match the given file specification(s).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 19-1
19. Playing With RAM
You may access your PC's main memory from EDDY, in much the same way as for
files. If option /R is turned ON, the display will include an entry with
the name " memory", showing the no. of bytes of RAM in your system (as
indicated by your system's BIOS), and the current DOS date and time.
This entry will appear at the end of the list of files in most displays,
with two exceptions: if the sort sequence is inverted, the " memory" entry
will be at the top; and if there are more files in the directory than EDDY
can display at once, the " memory" entry will not appear at all.
" memory" is not included in the display of number of files and bytes used.
You may LOOK at, FIND strings in, or PATCH the " memory" entry. For more
information on these, see the respective sections of this document.
Pressing [F5] while the cursor is on the " memory" entry tags RAM for
COPYing. When you UPDATE, the RAM data will be dumped into a file named
"-MEMORY-.@@@" (in the target). If such a file already exists, it will be
overwritten. The file will be as large as your PC's memory, so on floppy-
only systems you probably won't have enough room.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 20-1
20. Volume Identifiers
DOS offers two methods of identifying disks: volume labels and volume
serial numbers. EDDY provides services for both.
20.1 Volume Labels - [Alt+v] / [Alt+Shift+v]
To create or change a volume label on a disk, press [Alt+v]. Then type the
new label in the dialog box on the screen, and [Enter].
Labels may contain ANY characters you like, with one exception: the first
byte may not be 05 (hex). You may even enter a label of all blanks, if you
want, or labels containing characters such as: \ ; . , + * :
There is a price for all this flexibility: a lot of non-standard gyrations
are required, and these take extra time. This is particularly noticeable
on diskettes, where the label update can take over 10 seconds to complete.
But it DOES permit you to be as creative as DOS's 11 bytes will allow.
When creating a new label for an unlabelled disk, you'll get an error if
the disk's root directory already has the maximum number of entries (e.g.,
112 for a DSDD 5-1/4" floppy) allowed by DOS.
To delete an existing label, press [Alt+Shift+v].
20.2 Volume Serial Numbers - [^v]
To create or change a volume serial number on a disk, press [^v]. Then
type the new serial number in the dialog box on the screen, and [Enter].
The serial number consists of 8 hexadecimal digits ("0" - "9", "A" - "F").
There is also a hyphen displayed, but this is only for readability. The
hyphen is not part of the serial number.
For the curious, here is how DOS generates the four bytes of the serial
number (described by Neil Rubenking -- who calls it "bizarre", which seems
an understatement -- in "PC Magazine", 4/13/96, p. 222), left-to-right:
- current system month plus seconds part of system time
- day plus hundredths of seconds
- high byte of year plus hours
- low byte of year plus minutes
Not all disks have volume serial numbers -- specifically, those formatted
with a version of DOS earlier than 4.0, and some non-standard device-driven
disks, such as some RAM disks and compressed disks. If you use [^v] on one
of these, EDDY will complain.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 20-2
If you wish, you may PATCH 4 bytes in the boot sector, starting at offset
00000027h, with a serial number of your choice. If you want DOS to
recognize it (e.g., with the "DIR" command) then you must also PATCH the
byte at 00000026h to contain "29h"; this is a flag that tells DOS the boot
sector contains a serial number, and other data normally included only with
disks formatted by DOS 4 and later versions.
On most disks formatted by earlier versions, the serial number field
contains all zeros anyway, and there's no problem. Some however, have
other values for these bytes, and the meaning (or lack thereof) is unknown.
Patch at your own risk!
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 21-1
21. Printing
By default, EDDY will print to the device on LPT1 -- normally, a printer
connected to a parallel port. If your printer setup is different, you may
customize EDDY to use the correct device name instead, using the "port"
configuration parameter in EDDY.INI. See Sec 31.3.1e for details.
21.1 Print a Copy of What's Displayed - [Alt+p] / [^p]
EDDY's displays may be printed, by pressing [Alt+p]. The basic, EDIT mode
directory display, the LOOK mode file display (in either hex or text
format), and the list of files and actions involved in an UPDATE may all
be printed if you wish.
If you would prefer to send the print-formatted output to a file, press
[^p] instead of [Alt+p]. If you choose to "print" to a file, you will be
asked to specify the filename to be used (the default is "EDDY.PRN"). If
the file already exists in the working directory, you may choose either to
append the new data to it or overwrite it.
When printing, EDDY tries to ensure that characters that may be interpreted
as control strings by the printer are not sent to the printer. It does
this in a very simple-minded way, which is explained in Sec 8.2.5a. If
you send the output to a file, however, this is not a problem; EDDY sends
the bytes "as-is" (as-are?) to the file, with one exception -- any "^Z"s
will be written as spaces.
In EDIT and LOOK modes, pressing any key during the printing will stop the
printing operation. In UPDATE mode, you can turn printing off by pressing
[Alt+p] or [^p] again. Pressing any other key suspends the UPDATE process.
21.2 Printer Control
There are thousands of variations of printer commands, which differ by
manufacturer and model. Except for the most basic commands (advancing a
line or ejecting a page), you'll have to do a little research -- i.e.
take a look at the manual -- to find out what your printer uses. Once you
have this information, you can put it into the EDDY.USE file (see Sec
14.3), from where you can change your printer setup easily from then on.
a. Formfeed / Linefeed - [Alt+0] / [Alt+1]
A couple of simple, virtually universal, printer commands are defined in
EDDY. For anything more complex, see the next section.
Available commands (in EDIT and LOOK modes), and their hot keys, are:
- Send formfeed (page eject) [Alt+0]
- Send linefeed (advance 1 line) [Alt+1]
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 21-2
b. Printer Commands in EDDY.USE - [Alt+9]
Any commands that you want to use with your printer -- for example, to
change the type pitch (characters per inch) -- may be defined in a file
called "EDDY.USE".
A sample EDDY.USE is part of the EDDY distribution package. This sample
includes extensive explanatory comments, and I hope it will suggest ways in
which EDDY can help your system be easier and more convenient to use.
The details of the format used to specify printer control strings in
EDDY.USE are provided in Sec 14.3.
To make use of the printer commands in EDDY.USE, press [Alt+9] and follow
the directions displayed on the screen.
EDDY.USE may also contain "Point & Shoot" commands; their use is explained
in Sec 14.1.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 22-1
22. List Files - [Alt+l] / [^l] (that's "ell", not "ONE")
List files are ASCII text files containing filenames, one per line, with or
without path specifications. They may be used as input to other programs,
such as PKZIP, to tell those programs what files to operate on. They may
be edited into "response" files used by programs such as Borland's TLINK,
or edited (for example, into batch files) and used for any other purpose.
22.1 Single-directory List Files - [Alt+l]
To write information to a list file from the working directory, press
The default name for a list file is EDDY.LST; you may choose another name
if you prefer. If a file already exists with the same name, you will be
asked whether the file should be overwritten or whether the new data should
be appended to the existing file.
The list file will be created in the working directory, UNLESS the working
directory is on a write-protected disk or other read-only medium, such as a
CD-ROM. In this case, you'll be given the choice of putting the list file
in the target directory instead.
You have several ways of controlling exactly what is written to a list
- You will be given a choice of including the working directory path with
each filename written to the list file, or not.
- You will also be asked whether or not you want to include the names of
subdirectories of the working directory. Subdirectory names written to
the list file end with a "\", so they are easy to distinguish from file
- If there are filenames you don't want to include in the list file, tag
those files as "Ignore" -- by pressing [Alt+F7] -- before pressing
If you decide to add more to a list file, just press [Alt+l] again, anytime
you are working in that same directory. You'll have a choice of appending
more entries to what's already there, or starting entirely anew. Also,
since you have complete control over the filename used with each press of
[Alt+l], you may have multiple list files in the same directory.
Except as explained in the next section, a list file will be closed when
you change to a new working directory, and pressing [Alt+l] in the new
directory will create a new list file there.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 22-2
22.2 "Persistent" List Files - [^l]
When you want to create a "persistent" list file -- i.e., one that remains
open until you explicitly close it, rather than being closed when you
change to a new working directory -- start the process by pressing [^l].
[^l] is a toggle, opening a new persistent list file or closing an existing
one. No data is actually written to the list file until you press [Alt+l].
After a persistent list file has been created, but before any data has been
written to it, you'll see its entry in the working directory, with a file
size of zero; that's normal, and is not a problem.
When a persistent list file is open, you may add data to it from any
directory by pressing [Alt+l]. EDDY will remind you that a persistent list
file has already been created, and ask whether you want to add to it. You
may choose to create a new, single-directory list file at this time if you
wish. If you do this, the persistent list file will remain open
If you press [Alt+l] when you are in a directory that you reached by doing
a "Where's That File" search (see Sec 5.6), and there is a persistent list
file open, the data from that directory is written to the list file without
further query. This is useful for building lists of files that you want to
operate on in the same way, but which are in different directories.
For example, you might search for all "*.BAK" files, in all directories
(using [^w]) and build a complete list of them, including full pathnames.
Then you could edit the list file to include "del " at the start of each
line, and use the result as a batch file to clean up your disk. (Although,
in this example, it would be easier just to use EDDY's "Delete" command on
those files, when they are displayed after the [^w]).
If you use [^l] when there is an existing persistent list file, you will
be given the choice of closing the current list file or not. If you choose
not to close it, any subsequent [Alt+l] continues to add to the old one.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 23-1
23. Tracking Directory Changes with "Snapshots"
Some reasons for keeping track of changes to your directories:
- When installing a new software package (especially under Windows!), it's
usually VERY hard to identify all the files that have been added or
modified by the installation process. Of course, that makes it difficult
if you decide you want to uninstall the package later; you don't know for
sure which files are safe to remove.
- If you share access to files with others, it's often useful to know what
files the "others" may have messed with.
- Being able to tell which files have been changed after running a program
gives you a way to detect many virus infections.
EDDY offers a simple mechanism to allow you to keep track of changes. You
can take a directory "snapshot", which records the working directory data
in a file, and you can compare a previously-taken snapshot with the current
working directory data.
Snapshot processing may be interrupted, as described in Sec 23.3.
23.1 Take Snapshot - [Shift+F5]
With the cursor on either the "DIR of..." line (top line of display), or on
the "." line if the display is for a subdirectory, press [Shift+F5] to take
a "snapshot".
If the working directory contains subdirectories, you will be given a
choice of "snapping" the entire subtree (from the working directory down),
or snapping just the working directory.
Choosing to snap the entire subtree while in the root directory allows you
to easily and precisely track changes that may occur anywhere on your disk.
23.1.1 Snap Working Directory Only
The directory information for ALL files and subdirectories (except the "."
and ".." entries), hidden or otherwise, displayed or not, will be recorded
in a file named SNAPSHOT.{.} (Actually, the extension is a hex 0F9 enclosed
in brackets, but that won't print properly on many printers, and it looks
pretty much like a ".", anyway).
There is an exception to the above statement: SNAPSHOT.{.}'s directory
data will NOT be included in the snapshot. Also, SNAPSHOT.{.} will not be
automatically included in any of the "repeated" command processing; e.g.
it would not be tagged for COPY if you press [^F5], nor DELETE if [^F7].
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 23-2
A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) will be computed and stored for all files
(but not directories), so that changes to the files' contents may be
detected later. If you have really big files, such as DoubleSpace or
Stacker compressed volumes, the calculation can take a loonnngggg time!
Therefore, when calculating CRCs for files larger than a couple of
megabytes, EDDY displays the filename, and allows you to interrupt the
calculation for that file by pressing [^c].
If you interrupt, then no comparison can be done later on the CRC for that
file -- it will always be considered to have no change in CRC until you
later take a snapshot and allow the calculation to complete. For
compressed disks, there's probably not much point in calculating a CRC
anyway, as these files normally change every time you use your system.
23.1.2 Snap Working Directory Subtree
If you choose to include all subdirectories of the working directory in the
snap process, a separate SNAPSHOT.{.} file will be created in each of those
subdirectories. This works just as described above, for each directory in
the subtree.
The status line at the bottom of the screen will tell you which directory
is currently being snapped ("Analyzing..."). This may occasionally be
changed to identify large files as their CRCs are being calculated, as
described above. If you press [^c] while one of these filenames is being
displayed, the CRC calculation will be skipped, just as when snapping
single directories.
23.2 Compare Directories with Snapshots - [Shift+F3]
If the cursor is on the "DIR of..." line or the "." line, pressing
[Shift+F3] causes EDDY to compare the contents of the snapshot file with
the current working directory data.
If the working directory contains subdirectories, you will be given a
choice of comparing snapshots and directories in the entire subtree (from
the working directory down), or just the working directory and its
SNAPSHOT.{.} file.
In addition to the material below, another way to use the snapshot feature
for comparing directories is described in Sec 8.7.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 23-3
23.2.1 Working Directory Snapshot Comparison
If no differences are found, you will see a message to that effect. If
there are differences, you will see a screen (the "DELTA Summary) showing
the differences found, by category. The categories are:
-1) In DIR, not in Snapshot
-2) In Snapshot, not in DIR
-3) Timestamp newer than Snapshot
-4) Timestamp older than Snapshot
-5) Same except for attributes
-6) Same timestamp, different size
-7) No change since Snapshot taken
-8) Same size, different CRCs
A file will be counted only under one of categories 1 - 7. For files which
are still the same size as recorded in the snapshot, and are in categories
3, 4 or 5, the CRC is recomputed and compared with the value stored in the
snapshot. Any differences are counted under category 8, AND under category
3, 4 or 5 as appropriate. Thus, the total count may be greater than the
number of files in the directory.
For each category with a non-zero count, you may view the list of files in
that category. Categories 3 - 6 will show both the snapshot data and the
working directory information, for easy comparison. The display is in the
order that the directory entries are physically stored on the disk.
If the directory sequence is different from when the snapshot was taken,
"NOTE - Directory sequence changed"
will be displayed as the last line of the summary.
As when the snapshot was taken, you may interrupt the CRC comparison
process for big files if you don't want to wait for the calculation to
complete. If you do interrupt, the CRC for that file will be treated as
though it is identical to the CRC previously stored in the snapshot file,
regardless of its actual value.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 23-4
23.2.2 Subtree Snapshot Comparisons
If you choose to compare snapshots and directories throughout a subtree,
the operation for each directory is similar to the description in the
preceding section.
The primary difference is that if a subdirectory has no changes from its
snapshot (or no snapshot is present), no display will be generated for that
directory, and processing will continue immediately to the next directory
in the subtree when you finish looking at the display of differences.
23.3 Interrupting Snapshot Processing - [^c]
Taking and comparing snapshots can take quite a while, as every byte in
every file must be examined. In case you get impatient, you may press [^c]
at any point in the process.
If you interrupt the process while snapshots are being created for all the
directories in a subtree, any SNAPSHOT.{.} files created up to that point
will be left intact.
If you press [^c], you will normally be given a choice whether just to
bypass processing for the current directory, or cancel the snapshot process
entirely. An exception is if you press [^c] while the CRC of a big file
("big" means > 2MB) is being calculated. In that case, only the CRC
calculation for that file is interrupted, as described above.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-1
24. Disk Jockey's Delight (format-level disk functions)
These functions are not available when looking at remote (network) drives.
24.1 LOOK at Entire Disk - [F3]
If you press [F3] on the third line of the display ("Drive X: is..."), you
will enter LOOK mode for the entire disk, without regard to any file or
directory structure. In effect, the whole disk is treated as a single
file. The display will begin with the sector on the disk where the working
directory is located.
When LOOKing at the disk, the display is always in hex. However the
meaning of "Offset" is different; "Offset" specifies physical disk sectors
(normally 512 bytes each). Here's an example of this type of display:
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ASCII P
1B0 6F 6E 73 AC 20 77 68 69 63 E8 20 61 72 E5 20 A0 ??? ons, which are
1C0 63 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 E4 20 A0 61 75 74 6F 6D 61 ??? computed automa
1D0 74 69 63 61 6C 6C F9 20 8D 0A A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 ??? tically ..
1E0 A0 A0 A0 77 68 65 EE 20 65 6E 74 65 72 65 64 AE ??? when entered.
1F0 20 20 49 EE 20 63 61 73 65 F3 20 77 68 65 72 E5 ??? In cases where
0000193F 20 74 68 E5 20 64 69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 61 EC the dimensional
0633 010 20 77 65 69 67 68 F4 20 A0 69 F3 20 8D 0A A0 A0 weight is ..
020 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 67 72 65 61 74 65 F2 20 74 greater t
030 68 61 EE 20 74 68 E5 20 61 63 74 75 61 EC 20 77 han the actual w
040 65 69 67 68 74 AC 20 74 68 E5 20 53 79 73 74 65 eight, the Syste
050 ED 20 61 75 74 6F 6D 61 74 69 63 61 6C 6C F9 20 m automatically
060 8D 0A A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 E3 61 6C 63 75 .. calcu
070 6C 61 74 65 F3 20 64 69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 61 lates dimensiona
080 EC 20 77 65 69 67 68 F4 20 63 68 61 72 67 65 73 l weight charges
090 2E 0D 0A 2E 70 61 0D 7d A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 46 72 ....pa.. Fr
0A0 6F ED 20 A0 69 6E 66 6F 72 6D 61 74 69 6F EE 20 om information
0B0 A0 65 6E 74 65 72 65 64 AC 20 74 68 E5 20 53 79 entered, the Sy
0C0 73 74 65 ED 20 63 72 65 61 74 65 F3 20 A0 E1 20 stem creates a
0D0 A0 64 65 74 61 69 6C 65 E4 20 8D 0A A0 A0 A0 A0 detailed ..
0E0 A0 A0 68 69 73 74 6F 72 F9 20 A0 6F E6 20 65 61 history of ea
0F0 63 E8 20 73 68 69 70 6D 65 6E F4 20 72 65 63 6F ch shipment reco
-LOOK- Drive C:\ bits=8 tab=8 line= ? [F1]:HELP [Alt+F1]:MENU
Figure 24-1
The first line of each sector's display has the logical sector number in
the "Offset" field (0000193F in the example). The other lines for the
indicate the offset of the bytes from the beginning of the sector.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-2
If the sector is the first sector of a cluster, the second line also shows
the cluster number (0633 in the example). Numbering starts with cluster 2,
which begins with the first sector in the disk's data area. Sectors in the
DOS disk control area, which include the boot sector(s), File Allocation
Table(s), root directory, etc., do not have cluster numbers.
However, the starting sectors of the root directory and File Allocation
Table(s) have "ROOT" and "FAT" respectively, under the sector number.
You may notice the "???" strings in the first few lines of Figure 24-1;
this is the way EDDY indicates sectors on which DOS has reported that an
error has occurred while reading the data. The data may not be accurate.
24.1.1 Jumping Around
Several "shortcut" methods are available to move the display quickly to
various parts of the disk:
a. Jump to Sector - [j]
To move to a particular sector, press [j]. EDDY will ask you to enter the
sector number, in hex. When you have done so, the display will move
accordingly. If the number entered is larger than the last sector number
on the disk, the last sector will be displayed.
b. Jump to Cluster - [Alt+j]
To move to a particular cluster, press [Alt+j]. EDDY will ask you to enter
the cluster number, in hex. When you have done so, the display will move
accordingly. If the number entered is larger than the last cluster number
on the disk, the last cluster will be displayed.
c. Jump to Working Directory - [Alt+w]
Pressing [Alt+w] moves you to the first cluster of the working directory.
(This is automatic when you LOOK at disk, but can also be used any time.)
d. Jump to Target Directory - [Alt+t]
If there is a target directory, and it is on the same disk as the working
directory, it will be displayed if you press [Alt+t].
e. Jump to Starting Cluster - [Alt+s]
A directory entry contains a pointer (cluster number) to the first disk
area allocated to that file or directory. This pointer remains in the
entry even after the file has been deleted, until that entry is used again.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-3
To look at the data on the disk at the logical start of the area allocated
to a file or directory (the cluster), position the directory entry on the
first line of the screen and press [Alt+s].
f. Jump to Next Cluster - [Alt+n]
Space on the disk is allocated in clusters, and the record of space alloca-
ted is maintained in "chains" of cluster numbers, in the FAT. To view the
data in the next cluster in the chain for a file, press [Alt+n].
g. Jump to Unallocated Cluster - [Alt+u]
When [Alt+u] is pressed after entry to LOOK, the first cluster that has not
been allocated is displayed. After that, [Alt+u] displays the next
sequential unallocated cluster. When all unallocated clusters have been
displayed, there's a "beep" and the display returns to the first one.
h. Jump to "Bad Spot" - [Alt+b]
When [Alt+b] is pressed after entry to LOOK, the first cluster that was
marked as "bad" by the disk formatting process (or other utility) is
displayed. After that, [Alt+b] displays the next sequential "bad" cluster.
When all "bad" clusters have been displayed, there's a "beep" and the
display returns to the first one.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-4
24.1.2 Displaying Directory Entries - [Alt+d]
If you have a directory entry displayed at the top of the screen, such as
would be the case after an [Alt+w] or [Alt+t] command, described above, you
can use [Alt+d]. The result will be a display (nearly) like EDDY's EDIT
mode format for that entry. An example is given in Figure 24-2.
The attributes are shown by the letters "N_ADVSHR". These stand for:
Network-shareable, (system device), Archive, Directory, Volume, System,
Hidden, and Read only, respectively. They are listed in the same order as
the corresponding bits of the directory entry's attribute byte. The
"system device" bit should never be on, and will normally be shown as "_";
if it IS on for some reason, it will appear as a "+". An upper case letter
means attribute ON, lower case means OFF.
The "cluster" number is the starting cluster which is (or was, if the entry
has been deleted) allocated to the file or directory.
After displaying a directory entry, any keypress will clear it. If the key
used is also a valid command, it will be executed (e.g., if you press
[Alt+s], the starting cluster will be displayed).
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ASCII P
00000053 49 42 4D 42 49 4F 20 20 43 4F 4D 27 00 00 00 00 IBMBIO COM'....
ROOT 010 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 48 CA 10 02 00 DF 4D 00 00 .......HJ..._M..
║ IBMBIO .COM 19935 6-10-88 9:00:02a n_AdvSHR, cluster=0002 ║
050 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 48 30 11 1B 00 1C 63 00 00 .......H0....c..
060 44 4F 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 DOS .....
070 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 A2 3F 10 28 00 00 00 00 00 ......."?.(.....
080 54 4F 53 48 49 42 41 31 36 30 30 28 00 00 00 00 Toshiba1600(....
090 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 AC 9B 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......!,........
0A0 54 41 53 4D 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 TASM .....
0B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 63 B5 12 BE 02 00 00 00 00 ......'c5.>.....
0C0 E5 52 49 56 45 20 20 20 44 20 20 20 00 00 00 00 eRIVE D ....
0D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 0F 38 13 9A 26 12 C0 05 00 ........8..&.@..
0E0 55 54 49 4C 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 UTIL .....
0F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 AC 9B 12 66 01 00 00 00 00 ......1,..f.....
100 48 4D 41 56 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 HMAV .....
110 00 00 00 00 00 00 D6 AE 9B 12 A2 01 00 00 00 00 ......V...".....
120 4D 49 53 43 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 MISC .....
130 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A 7D CB 12 FD 08 00 00 00 00 ......:}K.}.....
140 47 41 4D 45 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 00 00 00 00 GAMES .....
-LOOK- Drive C:\ bits=8 tab=8 line=? [F1]:HELP [Alt+F1]:MENU
Figure 24-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-5
24.1.3 Who Owns That Cluster? - [Alt+o]
While LOOKing at the raw disk data, pressing [Alt+o] tells you what file
(or directory, or other disk structure) "owns" the displayed disk area. If
the display includes two sectors, the owner which is displayed will be for
the sector at the top of the screen.
If the sector is part of the system area at the beginning of the disk, a
message will tell you which part of the system area it is: boot sector,
FAT, root directory, or "reserved".
For other parts of the disk, particularly on a big one, finding the owner
can take a loonnngggg time! The DOS file system structures are not set up
to make this kind of search easy.
First, potentially all sectors in the FAT must be scanned to find the one
12- or 16-bit FAT entry, if any, which contains the current cluster number.
(That's NOT the FAT entry for the current cluster; it's the entry that
POINTS to the current cluster).
Then, that scan must be repeated for the entry just found, and then perhaps
again, until there is no FAT entry which points to the one being looked
for. That means we have found the first cluster in the chain.
Once the first cluster has been found, we've just started. Next, we must
scan the drive's "tree" of directories, looking at each file entry in each
directory to find the one that contains that "first cluster number" we
found by scanning the FAT.
So patience, please! Progress is shown throughout the process, first
displaying the FAT entry (cluster number) being searched for, and later
showing which directory is currently being checked. If you decide it's all
taking too long, just press a key to terminate the search.
When the owner is displayed, you may see that the first byte of the
filename is a "?", which of course is not a valid filename. This tells you
that the file has been deleted, but the associated disk clusters have not
yet been de-allocated.
This is because some vendors' implementations of DOS, and some compressed
disk drivers, do not de-allocate clusters when a file is deleted, but
rather wait until the space is needed and then do a "garbage collection".
If a cluster is marked as "allocated" in the FAT, but no owner can be found
in the directory tree, that cluster is "lost", and can be reclaimed by
running DOS's CHKDSK utility.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-6
24.1.4 COPY Unallocated Sectors ("Snoop") - [^u]
You may create a file containing all currently-unallocated sectors on a
disk (perhaps containing interesting -- to someone -- info from long-
deleted files): LOOK at the disk, and press [^u].
The file will be created on that same disk, and thus eats up all the
available space. You may browse (i.e., "snoop") in the file, or whatever
you like, but you'll eventually have to move it or delete it before you can
do much more with that disk.
EDDY will tell you the filename it used. The name will consist of 8
apparently random letters. Actually, these are generated from the current
date and time by DOS when it is requested to create a "temporary" file.
The name is guaranteed by DOS to be unique within its directory. There is
nothing really different about a temporary file except its name. It must
be opened and closed just like any other file, and it doesn't go away
automatically; if you want to get rid of it, you must explicitly delete it.
If you want to prevent anyone with a copy of EDDY from snooping around in
YOUR electronic dumpster, use the DESTROY Drive command (see Sec 13.5.3).
24.2 LOOK at Boot Sector - [^Home]
While LOOKing at the raw disk data, pressing [^Home] moves the display to
the boot sector. A formatted, readable display of the information appears.
The formatted display is cleared when any key is pressed. It may be
redisplayed by pressing [Tab].
Some data is not available with all disks -- it depends on the version of
DOS used to format the disk, NOT on the version of DOS currently being
used. Data that is not available in the boot sector being looked at is
indicated by "?" in the appropriate field(s) of the display.
Specifics such as the addresses of the individual fields, and which fields
go with which DOS versions are beyond the scope of this manual. Details of
the boot sector format variations are provided in many books, such as Ray
Duncan's classic "Advanced MSDOS Programming".
However, there are a few frequently-asked questions:
- What are "reserved sectors"?
Reserved sectors are sectors on the logical disk (partition) which
precede the first File Allocation Table area. There is always at
least one reserved sector: the boot sector itself.
- What are "hidden sectors"? Hidden sectors are sectors on the physical
disk that precede the first sector of the current logical disk
(partition). The number of hidden sectors is usually equal to or a
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-7
multiple of the number of sectors per track; i.e., the Master Boot
Record (see next section) is on sector one of track zero of the
physical disk, and the rest of that track is unused, with the first
logical partition starting on track one.
- What is the strange-looking "drive #"?
On disks whose format supports this field, you'll normally see "00",
"80" or sometimes "81" hex. "00" means this is not a physical hard
disk; it may be a floppy, a compressed disk, a RAM disk, or some other
driver-controlled device. "80", "81", etc. are assigned to physical
hard disks connected to the system, and these are used with the
physical, low-level disk i/o operations handled by BIOS interrupt 13h.
This interrupt requires a drive number to be in register DL, as many
books will tell you. What most of them DON'T tell you is that this is
a completely different drive number than the "0 = A, 1 = B, ..." that
most DOS services use. "80" means the first physical hard disk --
typically, your "C:" drive.
- Why doesn't the "volume label" match what I see in the EDIT display?
What EDDY (or the DOS "dir" command) displays is the value stored in
the root directory with the "volume" file attribute turned on. The
value in the boot sector (where the format supports it) is OFTEN the
same, but need not be. If you change the volume label (using [Alt+v]
in EDIT mode), only the value in the root directory is affected.
24.3 LOOK at Partition Sector/Master Boot Record (MBR) - [@]
When you are LOOKing at the disk, you may display the Master Boot Record
(also known as the "Partition Sector", which is more descriptive of its
function) either by pressing [@], or, if the disk display is showing the
disk's boot sector (offset 00000000h), by pressing [PgUp].
There's really not much to see there except the Partition Table (or
possibly some sneaky virus infection).
A readable display of the Partition Table is provided initially. You may
toggle between this and the raw, hex data display by pressing [Tab].
Only true, physical hard disks have MBRs. Floppies, RAM disks, compressed
disks (e.g., DoubleSpace, Stacker), and other non-standard device driver-
controlled disks (such as some external hard disks connected via the
parallel port) do not. Or at least, they don't have one that anything
other than that specific device driver knows how to get at. If the disk
you are looking at does not have an MBR that can be accessed, EDDY will
complain when you try to look at it.
When a physical disk has more than one partition, DOS treats each as a
separate logical disk. It is these logical disks that you LOOK at with
EDDY. From any of the logical disks on the same physical disk, pressing
[@] will display the same MBR -- there's only one per physical disk.
EDDY does not allow patching of the MBR, in the interest of not making your
hard disk data a totally unrecoverable loss!
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 24-8
24.4 PATCH Anything on a Disk - [F4]
You can patch disks without regard to logical or physical file structure
(except for the MBR, as explained above). This capability should be used
with caution, as it is quite possible to make a disk unusable by patching
the wrong byte(s). The first part of the disk (before cluster 0002)
contains formatting and space allocation information, and is the most
sensitive area. Therefore, EDDY will warn you and ask for confirmation
before patching there.
If this capability worries you, see the next section.
24.5 That's Too Dangerous!
These very powerful features can be extremely dangerous in the hands of an
inexperienced user, or worse, someone who is intent on doing damage. For
this reason, some users prefer not to have all the capabilities readily
available, especially on machines that may be used by more than one person.
By creating a customized version of EDDY, you can PERMANENTLY disable the
absolute sector patching feature. See Sec 31.1.2b.
24.6 FIND Strings Anywhere on a Disk - [Alt+f]
The FIND command works the same as with a file. Refer to Sec 17.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-1
25. Working With Disk-Image Data
You can copy entire disks -- boot sector, FAT, and all -- for backup or
other purposes. Some of the reasons you might want to do this are
described below.
You can also copy selected parts of a disk, which is primarily useful for
data recovery purposes in situations where other methods fail.
These functions are not available when LOOKing at remote (network) drives.
25.1 COPY Disk Image - [Shift+F5]
To copy an entire disk to a file, move the cursor to the "Drive" line of
the display and press [Shift+F5]. The target directory must be on a
separate disk, which must be larger than the disk being copied.
The resulting disk-image file will, by default, be named "DRIVE.{x}", where
"x" is the letter of the drive that was copied. You may choose a different
filename if you prefer. If a file with this name already exists in the
target directory, you'll get a warning message and EDDY will let you decide
whether to proceed or not. If you proceed, the existing file will be
This file will be an exact image of your disk.
This feature will not work with compressed volumes (CVFs), nor with
copy-protection schemes that use non-DOS formats for some or all parts of
the disk. Hidden files, non-standard directory structures, and unique boot
programs are no problem, however.
"That's interesting", you say, "but why would I want to do that?"
There are several possible uses for this feature:
a. Upload/Download Entire Disks
Sending entire disks electronically is difficult without EDDY. If you have
a disk you'd like to transmit via modem, use disk-image copying.
Then you can compress the resulting file, and transmit. (For maximum
compression, use a newly-formatted disk to create your original.) The
receiver doesn't necessarily need a copy of EDDY, so long as he has SOME
similar utility that can restore from an exact-image file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-2
b. Make Multiple Disk Copies Quickly
Another use for this feature is in making multiple copies of a single disk.
Using EDDY to do a disk-image copy and then doing repeated disk-image
restores, as described in Sec 25.2 below, is a lot faster than repeating
DOS's "diskcopy" several times. It's particularly effective if you copy
the disk image to a RAM disk.
c. Reduce Disks Needed for Backup
A lot of software packages have a LOT of disks (Borland C++ comes to mind).
Common sense tells us we should make backup copies of these disks, in case
the originals go bad someday (There's ANOTHER 33 disks to store!).
With EDDY, you can copy the original disks to image files, compress them
with PKZIP or whatever, and copy two (sometimes 3) of those compressed
files to one high-density disk. You've just cut your backup disk count at
least in half.
If you ever need the backup, just uncompress the file for the disk you
need, then use EDDY's disk-image restore, and you're ready to go.
d. No-Hassle Hard Disk Backup
If you have an older, smallish hard disk, and a second, larger one, you can
use disk-image copying to backup the smaller on the larger -- and it's MUCH
faster than other methods. I routinely backup my old laptop's disk to an
external hard disk. It takes about 6 minutes, with NO disk swapping or
other manual intervention, for a 20 MB (no, not a typo; just a VERY old
laptop) hard disk. And there are NO floppies to store and keep track of.
25.2 Disk-Image Restore - [Shift+F5]
This is the command that makes disk-image copying, described above, so
useful. This is how you rebuild identical-to-the-original, fully
functional disks from the disk-image files.
Pressing [Shift+F5] while the cursor is on a file previously created with
EDDY's disk-image copy capability tags that file for copying in image
format. This type of copy overwrites an entire physical disk, including
format, boot and file allocation information on the target disk. The
result is an exact copy of the disk originally used to create the file.
When this command is used, the display will show "Copy image" next to the
file involved. The actual copying will be done only when you enter UPDATE,
by pressing [Enter] as normal from EDIT.
Since the entire target disk will be overwritten by this operation,
[Shift+F5] cannot be used if any other COPY or MOVE operations are pending.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-3
25.3 COPY Selected Disk Areas
When LOOKing at a disk, you may select areas to be marked using either
"disk" or "byte" marks. See Sec 8.6 for more information about marks
in general. The following discussion specifically refers to "disk" marks.
The disk area mark/copy capability is particularly useful for recovering
lost or damaged data when other methods fail. This section describes the
commands available to copy raw, disk-image data selectively.
With these commands, you may copy all or parts of the DOS "system" area
(the boot sector, FAT, root directory and any "hidden" sectors that may be
part of your disk's format), or portions of the "data" area, where your
files are -- or were -- stored.
The resulting disk-image file will be named (by default) "SECTORS.{x}",
where "x" is the letter of the drive that was copied. You will be able to
choose a different filename if you wish.
If a file with this name already exists in the target directory, you'll get
a warning message and EDDY will give you a choice as to how you wish to
proceed: either by overwriting the file or appending the new data to it.
To COPY, you must first "mark" the areas desired. This process is
different, depending on which part of the disk is involved. Marking is
described in the next two sections.
When you have defined the portion of the disk you want to copy, by marking
it, press [Enter]. After you confirm -- as with other update-type
operations -- by pressing [Enter] again, the area you have selected will be
copied to the specified file in the target directory.
If both the system area and the data area are marked, both will be copied.
After copying is complete, EDDY unmarks all marked areas and remains in
LOOK mode. Mark additional areas as desired, and copy those areas as well.
Repeat as needed (as long as there is enough space in the target).
As long as you do not return to EDIT, all data copied will be added to the
end of the data in the "SECTORS.{x}" (or other specified) file. This lets
you build that file without respect to the order of clusters on the disk.
25.3.1 Mark Sectors (System Area) - [m]
In the system area, EDDY treats the data as three logical groups: 1) the
boot sector, plus any "hidden" sectors that may be present following it; 2)
the File Allocation Table(s); and 3) the root directory.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-4
Select any or all of these to be copied, by positioning the LOOK display
anywhere within the system area (e.g., by pressing [Home], [Home] to move
to the boot sector) and then pressing [m] (for "mark"). To "UNDO" marking
of data previously selected, press [F2].
EDDY will ask which of the logical groups you wish to include in the COPY
process. You will also be asked if you want to include "system area
descriptions" along with the copied data. If you choose to do so, a brief
text description will be placed in the file at the beginning of each
logical data group, making it easy to identify each part of the data.
Pressing [F2] (the "Undo" key) unmarks any sectors previously marked.
25.3.2 Mark Clusters (Data Area) - [m]
Clusters to be copied are marked by moving the LOOK display to the cluster
desired, and pressing [m]. If no clusters are currently marked, the single
displayed cluster will be marked. If one or more clusters are already
marked, the displayed cluster, plus all the clusters between it and the
currently-marked clusters will be marked. Thus, the marked area is always
a contiguous set of clusters.
Only areas of the disk which are formatted for file storage, i.e., cluster
#2 and beyond, can be marked in this way. Lower-numbered sectors (boot
sector, FAT, root directory, etc.) may be marked and copied as described in
the preceding section.
Pressing [F2] (the "Undo" key) unmarks any clusters previously marked.
25.3.3 Jump to Marked Area - [Alt+m]
If you press [Alt+m], the display will move to the first marked sector or
cluster, if any, unless it is already displayed. In the latter case, if
there are more marked clusters, the display will move to the last one.
[Alt+m] has no effect if there are no marked areas, or if the entire disk
is marked.
25.4 Data Recovery
When you accidentally delete a file, there are many excellent products to
help you recover your data. With luck, your file was allocated to contig-
uous disk clusters, its directory entry has not been re-used, and no part
of it has been overwritten. In this case, and even some more complicated,
these programs can often recover your file automatically. If this solves
your problem, congratulations! There's nothing easier.
However, normally Mr. Murphy has made his contribution by the time you
realize you have a problem. In this situation, EDDY offers facilities to
assist you in recovering your data as easily as possible, and SAFELY!
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-5
The job is made a little easier by some of the commands provided by EDDY.
It is safe because all writes are to the target disk, which normally is
physically separate from the one containing your data. Thus, there is no
chance of making things worse, by erroneously patching FATs or directories,
or by copying data you are trying to recover on top of data you will want
to recover later. You may override this -- i.e., have working and target
directories on the same disk -- if you choose.
The steps for file recovery are...
-1) Set your working directory to the directory which used to contain the
file which had the data you want to recover. Move to the "Drive X:
is..." line and press [F3].
-2) If you have a second hard disk, or you have only a few unallocated
clusters -- not more than a floppy's-worth -- on your disk, there is
an extra safety precaution you can take at this point. You may want
to create a "snoop" file, to ensure that whatever you do won't be
unrecoverable. The snoop file will contain your data SOMEWHERE. See
Sec 24.1.4 for more on this. After creating it, MOVE (not COPY) it to
another disk or diskette for safekeeping. After the MOVE, the
clusters it occupied will be unallocated again, and you can proceed
with the steps below (see Step 6 for an explanation of why the
clusters need to be unallocated). In case you make an error during
the recovery process, at least your data can still be found in the
snoop file.
-3) Press [Alt+w] to move to the area of the disk containing the working
directory. Continue with Step 4.
If the directory has been deleted too, start with the (former) parent
directory as your working directory, and use Steps 4 and 5 to move to
the disk area containing the deleted directory information. Then
begin with Step 4 from there.
-4) Move the display until the line containing your deleted filename (or
directory) is at the top of the display. Only the first byte of the
filename will be different: that byte will be either "E5" or "05"
hex; the rest of the name will be unchanged (Note that there is no "."
between the name and extension parts).
If you'd like a clear display of the directory entry at the top of the
display, press [Alt+d]. This can be particularly useful if there are
several entries that might be the one you're looking for, or if the
name was only one byte long, because you may be able to identify the
correct entry by the former size, date, time and/or attributes.
If you don't find the filename in the first cluster of the directory,
press [Alt+n] to move to the next cluster allocated to the directory,
and continue looking for the filename.
If you can't find the filename, go to Step 6, below.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 25-6
-5) When you have the filename at the top of the screen, press [Alt+s], to
display the starting cluster of the deleted file. If the data looks
like what you expected to find, proceed to Step 7.
If the data there doesn't look like it belongs to that file, the
cluster has probably been re-used by DOS to store another file. In
this case, continue with Step 6.
-6) This step is needed when you have to do things the hard way -- when
directory entries or data file space has been re-used, and things are
not so easy to find.
The task is to identify the first cluster containing data belonging to
your file. If you know what the data looked like, you may be able to
locate it by using the FIND command to locate some known string.
Otherwise, you'll have to scan through the clusters until you find one
that contains likely-looking data. This is not QUITE so hard as it
might be, because EDDY provides you with a way of looking only at
clusters which are currently unallocated, which is where any data from
deleted files will be found. (But see note at bottom of this page.)
Use [Alt+u] to look at the unallocated clusters, one after another.
This is still tedious, but at least it's better than deciphering the
FAT to locate these clusters.
When you've found the cluster you want to start recovering, proceed to
the next step.
-7) Mark the selected cluster, using [m].
-8) Look at the next cluster. If it looks like the next part of the file,
mark it, too. Repeat this step until the current cluster looks like
it's from another file, or from this one, but out of sequence.
-9) Write the marked cluster(s), by pressing [Enter].
-10) Find the next cluster that looks like it logically follows the last
one written, using FIND or [Alt+u], as appropriate (refer to Step 6
for an explanation of these).
-11) Repeat steps 7 - 10 until you feel you have all the data from your
file (or as much of it as is left, if other files have overwritten
some of the clusters previously used by your file).
-12) Your data will be found in the "SECTORS.{x}" file ("x" is the drive
where your data was stored) in the target directory.
NOTE: Some vendors' implementations of DOS, and some compressed disk
drivers, do not de-allocate clusters when a file is deleted, but rather
wait until the space is needed and then do a "garbage collection". This
makes recovery of a deleted file MUCH easier, as the cluster allocation
chain remains intact. Just restore the first byte of the filename in the
directory and Voila!, there's your file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 26-1
26. Directory Optimization
There are three main reasons for changing the order of directory entries on
disk: to improve access speed, to free wasted disk space, and/or to allow
directory information to be presented in some non-standard sequence that's
unique to a particular application or user's preference.
Access Speed
When DOS needs to access a particular file or directory, it does a
sequential search from the top of the directory, until it either finds
the entry it's looking for, a never-used directory slot, or the end of
the directory. Clearly, if the entry wanted is near the beginning,
and there are no directory slots present that are marked as "deleted",
it'll be found quicker.
Disk Space
Directories may grow as large as necessary to hold as many files
as are placed in them, up to the limit of available disk space --
except for the root directory, which has a size fixed at format-
ting time. Once they have grown, they NEVER shrink, even if you
delete all the files in them. The only way they get smaller is
when the entire directory is deleted -- OR use EDDY to erase
deleted entries and free the associated space (directory packing).
Non-standard Sequences
Many utilities offer a variety of sequences for sorting directo-
ries: typically filename, extension, size or timestamp. However,
sometimes there's a need to put directories in an arbitrary
sequence, which can't be handled by the usual sorting utilities.
This might be to get the directories in the desired order for a
disk optimizer, or just because you prefer to see them listed
that way. EDDY lets you put things in any order you please, by
using the "Shuffle" command (see Sec 26.2).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 26-2
26.1 Sorting a Directory
Directories are normally sorted for display purposes only (as described in
Sec 1.4.2) to group files in ways -- by name, date, etc. -- that make it
easier to work with them. Usually, displaying this way is enough, and
there's no need to keep the sequence permanently on disk.
When you do want to make the sequence permanent, however, just press
[Shift] at the same time as you press the regular sorting commands; e.g.,
press [Alt+Shift+n] for sorting by name, [Alt+Shift+d] for sorting by date,
etc. When the directory has been sorted by using the shifted commands,
the letter for the sequence code at the bottom of the screen will blink.
Regarding the use of [Alt+Shift+u], see Sec 26.3.
The blinking sequence code indicates that when you UPDATE, the directory
can be rewritten to disk in that sequence. After all file-related UPDATE
actions -- copy, move, delete, rename, etc. -- have been done, the
Write sorted directory to disk (y/n)?
...will appear, and EDDY will wait for your reply. If you answer "y", the
rewrite process will begin.
If the working directory display includes only some of the files in the
directory, due to a file specification used (e.g., "*.DOC"), or attribute
or timestamp filtering, then the entries for those files will be rewritten
first, before the remaining entries in the directory. The result will be a
directory display with two, separately sorted parts.
Any entries marked as "erased" by DOS will be moved to the end of the
directory, to minimize time wasted by DOS in searching through them when
using the directory later.
For a way to eliminate this wasted time altogether, refer to Sec 26.3.
Before starting the rewrite, a check is made to be sure no files are
currently open in the directory. Rewriting with open files is likely to
cause directory corruption, as DOS maintains pointers to absolute disk
locations for data about files that are open, and rewriting will probably
move that data during the process.
EDDY uses some undocumented data structures within DOS to check for open
files. If EDDY finds data there that doesn't look valid, and therefore is
unable to check for open files, this message...
Unsure if files open. Sorting not attempted
...will be displayed.
EDDY can sort directories with over 2000 entries (including any deleted
entries), depending on available memory.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 26-3
26.2 Shuffling a Directory - [Alt+F6]
EDDY lets you arrange your directories in any order* you wish. Rather than
sorting in the standard ways -- name, size, etc. -- you may move the
directory entries around to suit your own preferences, and then write them
permanently in that sequence.
This is useful to improve access speed to frequently-used directories and
files, by placing them at the beginning of their respective directories.
Shuffling is accomplished as follows:
-1) Move the cursor to the directory or file you wish to move, and
press [Alt+F6]. The action tag "Shuffle..." will appear next to
that entry.
-2) Move the cursor to the entry located where you want the tagged
entry to be placed, and press [Alt+F6] again. The tagged entry
will be moved to the position immediately after the current entry,
and the tag "Shuffled" will appear next to that entry.
These two steps may be repeated as often as desired, resulting in many
"Shuffled" tags.
An entry that is tagged for any other action, such as COPY or DELETE, may
not be tagged for "Shuffle...". If you do the second step on the same
entry as the first, the only effect is to cancel the "Shuffle..." tag.
If you UNDO a "Shuffle..." entry, ALL "Shuffle..." entries will be
untagged. Also, if you re-sort the directory (or use any of several other
commands that do a re-read of the directory without changing the sequence),
any pending "Shuffled" tags will be cancelled. You will be warned before
this is done, so that you don't lose the tags accidentally.
When one or more entries have been Shuffled, the sequence code shown at the
bottom of the screen will change to a blinking "?".
When you UPDATE, the directory will be rewritten in the order it is
displayed, and after the UPDATE the indicated sequence will be "U"
(unsorted). All entries that were moved as a result of the shuffling will
be shown as "shuffled" (the lowercase first letter indicating a completed
* NOTE: There are two exceptions to "any order": the "." and ".." entries
at the beginning of a subdirectory can't be moved, nor can the DOS system
files (IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM or similar name) at the beginning of a root
directory be moved.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 26-4
26.3 Packing a Directory
Erased directory entries are placed at the end of the directory by the
rewrite process. However, they still occupy space and they still waste
search time when a file is "Not found" (this can become significant with
long PATH statements). On the plus side, an erased entry MAY be used to
recover a file deleted by mistake.
If you're sure you won't need to recover any files deleted in a directory,
use EDDY to get rid of them ("pack" the directory). Depending on how many
there are, you may get some additional free space on your disk, as EDDY
will shrink the directory to the minimum size needed to hold the entries
remaining. You will also eliminate time wasted in searching through them.
When the directory rewrite process begins, if any directory slots are
marked as "deleted", an unmodified copy of EDDY will ask...
Erase ("heavy packing") deleted directory entries (y/n)?
If you answer "y", the directory will be "packed" as it is rewritten.
When packing directories there are two styles that may be used to "erase"
deleted directory entries: "light" packing zeros-out the first byte of
such an entry (leaving SOME possibility of recovery in case of mistake);
"heavy" packing wipes out all trace of the deleted entry. Packing style is
set by the "packing" configuration parameter, described in Sec 31.3.1h.
If you want to pack a directory without changing the sequence of the
directory entries that have not been deleted, sort the directory in
"Unsorted" sequence.
26.4 Had a Problem? Don't Panic!
This process has been exhaustively tested by the author and many users,
without any problems. However, some of us are hesitant (read
"intelligent") about using programs that mess with our disks in
non-standard ways. Therefore, the following information is offered.
Sorting and rewriting directories cannot be done using the standard DOS
application services. EDDY handles this by writing directly to the
directories, and using DOS services where available. No non-standard
manipulation of the File Allocation Table (FAT) is involved.
The steps EDDY uses internally to sort and rewrite a directory are:
-1) Set the "directory" attribute OFF in the subdirectory's entry in
the working directory. DOS now treats the subdirectory as a file.
-2) Read the "file", using standard DOS services.
-3) Sort the directory entries in memory, and rewrite the "file"
(packing it if appropriate), again using standard DOS services.
-4) Turn the "directory" attribute back ON in the directory.
If there is a problem with any of the above steps (e.g., a power failure
during the update), recovery is straightforward.
- If the subdirectory is still shown as a directory entry in its parent
directory, there's no problem.
- If there was a problem with step 4, the subdirectory will be shown as a
"file" (i.e., no "directory" attribute) in the parent directory, with a
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 26-5
length of zero. Don't panic! There's only one little bit that has to be
changed. To fix this problem, LOOK at the disk to display the raw
directory data. Move the display until the entry for the "file" is at the
top, and PATCH offset 0Bh to "10h". Your directory is now restored. Exit
from LOOK, and you'll see the result.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 27-1
27. Wasted Space
This section does not apply to compressed drives (CVFs), such as those
using Stacker or similar products. See Sec 28.
If you frequently see large numbers in the "bytes wasted" field (third
line) of EDDY's display, you are probably wasting more of your disk space
than you need to.
If you have lots of small files, the wasted space can easily be over half
the capacity of your disk. Look at a directory that contains mostly batch
files; you'll probably find that MOST of the space is wasted. The next
section offers a method for dealing with this.
If you're already familiar with the details of the DOS file system, you may
want to skip directly to the next section. For the best in-depth
discussion of this subject that I've found, see "Hard Disk Secrets", by
John Goodman, published by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 1993.
DOS allocates space for files in units called "clusters", which are powers-
of-2 multiples of disk sectors (a sector is usually 512 bytes). A typical
hard disk cluster size is 8192, with 16384 and larger becoming more common.
Physical disks may be divided into logical volumes (partitions) by using
DOS's "FDISK" command. Larger partitions have larger cluster sizes. The
actual number of clusters formatted for any given disk depends both on the
disk partition size and on the DOS version that was used to format it.
DOS's file system is limited to a theoretical maximum of 65,518 clusters
per partition (the number of clusters must be representable in no more than
16 bits, cluster numbers begin with 2, and some of the numbers at the end
of the range have special meanings; hence the strange maximum value).
Allocation by clusters means that a file with only one byte of data in it
will still occupy 8192 bytes (or whatever your cluster size is) of disk
space. The other 8191 bytes are completely wasted, and unusable for
storing any other data.
File sizes are the number of bytes of data in the files, rather than space
on the disk assigned to the files; thus, the "bytes used" is almost always
larger than the total of the file sizes. This difference is reflected in
the number indicated as "bytes wasted", on the third line of the display.
The calculation is:
bytes-wasted = (clusters-used * bytes-per-cluster) - sum-of-file-sizes.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 27-2
27.1 Reclaiming Wasted Space
While EDDY can't actually solve your wasted space problems, it does alert
to the situation, and gives you some help in deciding what to do about it.
The way to reclaim the space is by using DOS's FDISK command to divide your
disk into two or more smaller partitions, each with a smaller cluster size.
First, LOOK at your disk by pressing [F3] on the "Drive..." line of the
display, then press [@] to view the Master Boot Record (MBR), sometimes
called the "Partition Sector". If there is no MBR, as with RAM disks,
CVFs, and diskettes, no re-partitioning can be done, and you may as well
skip the rest of this discussion.
The obligatory caution statement: DO A FULL BACKUP BEFORE YOU USE FDISK,
The partition size you should choose depends on a variety of factors, such
as the average sizes of files to be stored, the version of DOS you are
using, and your willingness to deal with the complexity of multiple
partitions (e.g., remembering which partition a particular file is in).
27.2 Choosing a Partition Size - [F11]
If your keyboard doesn't have an [F11], see Appendix A, Sec I.
The choice of partition size is governed by how big you want the clusters
to be. More on this relationship in the next section.
Press [F11] to see what the effect would be of choosing various cluster
sizes. When you do this, the third line of the display changes to show the
space that WOULD be used IF you were to choose the cluster size shown.
The first time you press [F11], the number shown will be for a cluster
size of 512 bytes; this size can only be used with diskettes, and is shown
to let you consider whether you might want to store the files that way.
Subsequent presses of [F11] display bytes needed for other, larger
cluster sizes: 1024 (also diskette-only), 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, and
32768. One of these sizes -- the one actually in use on your disk -- won't
be shown, as it's the number already displayed on line two.
When the "cluster = 32768" is displayed, the next [F11] will return you to
the normal "bytes wasted" display.
The partition size you should choose is of course the one that has the
cluster size with the smallest space requirement (ignoring 512 and 1024).
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 27-3
Remember that the numbers you are looking at are for only a single
directory at a time. That directory may or may not be representative of
your entire disk. You should go through this process for most of the
largest directories (in terms of number of files) on your disk before
finally deciding on whether repartitioning is actually worth the trouble,
(i.e., can you save LOTS of space?) and if so, the best size to use.
In general, of course, smaller is better. The trade-off on a large hard
disk is that if you use smaller partitions in order to get smaller
clusters, you'll need more of them, making use of your system more complex.
27.3 Partition Possibilities
The following information is offered to help you in deciding what partition
sizes might be appropriate for your hard disk.
- DOS 2.x always uses a cluster size of 4096, and a partition can be a
maximum of 32 MB.
- DOS 3.x is also limited to 32 MB partitions, but cluster size may vary
according to the specific DOS version and the size of the File Allocation
Table (FAT) entries used (12- or 16-bit). FAT size is chosen by DOS,
based on partition size combined with day of the week (or some other
equally-unobvious factor).
. partitions up to 8 MB may have 2048-byte clusters with 12-bit FATs
. partitions of 8 to 15 MB may have 4096-byte clusters with 12-bit FATs
. partitions of 16 to 32 MB may have 2048-byte clusters with 16-bit FATs
- DOS 4.0 and above are able to handle disk partitions larger than 32 MB.
Partitions less than 16 MB may be given 12-bit FATS, and handled as
described for DOS 3.x, above. Partitions of 16 MB or greater always have
16-bit FATs, and the following cluster sizes:
16 - 127 MB: 2048-byte clusters
128 - 255 MB: 4096
256 - 511 MB: 8192
512 - 1023 MB: 16384
1024 - 2047 MB: 32768
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 28-1
28. "Compressed" or "Extended" Drives (CVFs)
There are many products on the market that use data compression techniques
to allow your disk to hold approximately twice as much data as its rated
capacity. Some of these products are: Stacker, DriveSpace, DoubleSpace,
DoubleDisk, and SuperStor.
Basically, they work by creating a (usually) hidden file on your disk, and
fooling DOS into thinking that file is actually a separate disk, by using
their own driver software. They provide on-the-fly compression and
decompression of data as it is stored and accessed.
The term "compressed volume file" (CVF) is used by some vendors to refer to
the files they use to simulate disks. "CVF" is used throughout this
document as a convenient way to refer to these files, regardless of which
vendor's product may be involved.
EDDY works well with these products. However, there are some things you
must take great care with, as the power of EDDY offers you the chance to
really screw up your data if you mess with the internals of these files
without fully understanding what you are doing.
This section points out the dangers, and describes some differences in
EDDY's behavior when working with disk compression products.
What it all boils down to is:
28.1 CVF Identification - [Shift+F11]
EDDY tries to identify CVFs automatically. If it can't decide whether a
drive is a CVF or not, you'll be asked...
Is <x:> a "compressed drive" - DoubleSpace, Stacker, etc (y/n)?
...and EDDY will treat that drive according to your answer for the rest of
that session. If you customize, the information as to which drives are
CVFs will be recorded permanently.
For CVFs, the third line of the first screen -- e.g., Figure 29-1 -- will
show "-CVF-" instead of "Drive".
In case a drive is identified as a CVF but it isn't, or vice versa, press
[Shift+F11] to tell EDDY to reverse the drive type designation.
If your keyboard doesn't have an [F11], see Appendix A, Sec I.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 28-2
28.2 CVF Space Usage
With CVFs, although usage is still expressed in clusters for compatibility
with DOS, the unused space in a cluster is managed internally by the
software, and very little is actually wasted.
In general, disk compression software would take a maximum of 1 sector (512
bytes) to store a 1-byte file, but DOS would still report a full cluster
used (e.g., 8192 bytes). Internally, the software would actually use the
remainder of the cluster (15 sectors, 7680 bytes) for storing other files.
Most products even use the slack space WITHIN a sector, resulting in still
more effective compression.
Actually, things are not quite this straightforward (are they ever?). The
disk compression software reports to DOS more free space on the disk than
actually exists, since it normally expects to compress files by about 2:1.
Reporting actual space would make DOS think the "disk" was full when there
was really space for more (compressed) files.
To calculate the TRUE space utilization for a CVF requires a detailed
knowledge of the algorithms and data structures, which are different for
each product. In most cases, the information is not generally available.
Thus the actual amount of wasted space (if any) is unknown for a compressed
disk. Therefore, the "wasted space" calculation is not done for CVFs, as
the compression products themselves have already optimized this number by
their own methods. Some of these products provide configuration parameters
(such as expected compression ratio) and/or extra-compression utilities
that you can use to squeeze the last bit of waste -- better than is
achieved by the on-the-fly methods -- out of files that don't get changed
or moved around. Short of changing to a different compression product,
there's not a lot you can do to improve on this.
In most cases, the tool does the calculation, reporting the results
transparently to using programs (such as EDDY) via the normal DOS
mechanisms. For DoubleSpace/DriveSpace CVFs, however, Microsoft has kindly
provided a different function, which instead reports the actual number of
uncompressed free sectors available. This is translated by EDDY into an
estimate of free bytes by using an expected compression ratio of 1.5. This
(or any other estimate, even if provided by the tool) may not be accurate,
so that some operations (e.g., COPY) COULD fail for lack of space.
In addition, regarding DoubleSpace/DriveSpace CVFs, Microsoft tells us:
"The fragmentation of the compressed drive affects the interpre-
tation of the free sector count. Although this function returns
the total number of free sectors, it does not specify the largest
number of contiguous free sectors. For some operations, there may
be enough free sectors to complete the operation but not enough
contiguous free sectors. In this case, the operation will fail."
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 28-3
28.3 Hazardous Operations
EDDY can do things to your disks that you probably shouldn't do if using
CVFs. Any of the directory optimization operations -- sorting, shuffling
and packing directories -- as well as patching disk sectors have the
potential to cause serious problems (i.e., your data may disappear!) if
you're not completely certain of what you're doing.
So EDDY will warn of the danger involved when any of these are used on a
CVF, and wait for confirmation before proceeding.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-1
29. UPDATE Mode - [Enter], [^Enter]
When you want to apply to disk the changes you have indicated in EDIT mode,
press [Enter] to go to UPDATE mode. EDDY will display the net change in
number of bytes used on disk which will result from your update. A "+"
means more bytes will be used, and a "-" means some bytes will be freed.
Before actually writing anything to disk, EDDY will ask you to confirm that
you want to proceed, by pressing [Enter] again. This is to avoid writing
to disk before you are ready because of touching a key by mistake.
Below is an example of what you might see (in this case, the target is on
the C: drive).
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of D:\*.* ░
-CVF- D: [DUBLDISK-F0] 54 files, 1122304 bytes, 2842624 bytes free ░
TEMP <DIR> 6-09-96 2:23:54a ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
A BAT 2775 3-24-96 1:34:40a ....A. ║ MENU ║ ░
ADDPATH BAT 1095 3-24-96 4:08:30p ....A. Copy+ ╚══════╝ ░
ALTKEYS XLT 1219 10-23-91 12:58:34p ....A. Move+ [Alt+F1] ╔═══╗ ░
BIOS MAC 2319 4-14-96 2:10:00p ....A. Delete! ║ R ║ ░
BIOS SEG 2869 1-23-93 1:06:56p ....A. ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
BOOT SEG 2030 4-08-96 6:16:38a ....A. ║ HELP ║ ║ G ║ ░
BPB DEF 1672 4-17-94 12:33:42p ....A. ╚══════╝ ║ I ║ ░
CHAR EQU 4249 4-23-96 10:38:06a ....A. [F1] ║ S ║ ░
COUNTRY DEF 1130 8-28-94 4:22:48p ....A. ║ T ║ ░
CRYPT MAC 4547 5-23-96 10:06:06a ....A. ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
CTRLKEYS XLT 1╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ║UPDATE║ ║ R ║ ░
CTRL_CHR XLT 1║ ║ ╚══════╝ ║ ? ║ ░
DEVICES DEF ║ Net change on D: -16384 bytes ║ [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
DEV_INFO DEF ║ Net change on C: +8192 bytes ║ [Alt+z] ░
DIR_DISK STR ║ ║ ╔══════╗ ░
DIR_DTA DEF ╚════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ QUIT ║ ░
DIR_DTA STR 742 2-01-93 6:14:16p ....A. ╚══════╝ ░
║ [^Enter]/[Enter] to UPDATE disk, else [Esc]/[F1] ║
╚════════════════════════ [Alt+p] / [^p] turns printing ON ════════════════════╝
Figure 29-1
If you use [^Enter] to start the UPDATE, EDDY will ask you whether to put
the current date/time on files copied. UPDATE normally -- after [Enter] --
leaves the timestamp unchanged on a file that has been copied. If you use
[^Enter] instead, EDDY will ask whether you want to do this or not. (See
discussion of the "timestamp" configuration parameter, in Sec 31.3.1f).
While EDDY is waiting for confirmation to proceed with an UPDATE -- i.e.,
after you have pressed [Enter] once, and before you press it a second time
-- you may tell EDDY to print the changes as they are made.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-2
Press [Alt+p] to print. Pressing [Alt+p] again turns printing off.
You may turn printing on during the UPDATE by pressing [Alt+p]. Printing
will begin with the next change.
29.1 UPDATE with a Trashcan
For details on use of a Trashcan, see Sec 13.1.
When a trashcan is used, and some files are being deleted, the confirmation
screen gets slightly more complicated. The reason is that there may be up
to three drives -- all with (possibly) different cluster sizes -- involved
in the update if the working directory, target, and trashcan are all on
different drives. Or the net result including the trashcan may be all on a
single drive.
Below is an example of an update confirmation screen where there are three
drives involved. Working directory on X:, target on C:, trashcan on D:.
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
-CVF- X: [InfraStruct] 185 files, 5365760 bytes, 233906176 bytes free ░
. <DIR> 12-29-95 5:12:32a ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
.. <DIR> 12-29-95 5:12:32a ...D.. ║ MENU ║ ░
C BIN 21008 6-09-96 1:57:44p ....A. Copy+ ╚══════╝ ░
C MAP 37471 6-09-96 1:57:42p ....A. Move+ [Alt+F1] ╔═══╗ ░
C SYM 9940 6-09-96 1:57:44p ....A. Delete ║ R ║ ░
E BIN 38976 6-09-96 1:57:24p ....A. Delete! ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
E MAP 68896 6-09-96 1:57:24p ....A. ║ HELP ║ ║ G ║ ░
E SYM 18228 6-09-96 1:57:26p ....A. ╚══════╝ ║ I ║ ░
EDDY 4DS 2236 4-08-96 2:36:14a ....A. [F1] ║ S ║ ░
EDDY EQU 5147 5-27-96 11:52:36a ....A. ║ T ║ ░
EDDY KEY 17╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
EDDY MSG 3║ ║ ║UPDATE║ ║ R ║ ░
EDDY SHR 23║ Net change on X: -98304 bytes ║ ╚══════╝ ║ ? ║ ░
EDDY VER ║ Net change on C: +65536 bytes ║ [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
EDDY XTN ║ "Trashcan" on D: +16384 bytes ║ [Alt+z] ░
EDDY# ASI 8║ ║ ╔══════╗ ░
EDDY#CHK ASM ╚════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ QUIT ║ ░
EDDY#CHK OBJ 755 4-29-96 7:14:46p ....A. ╚══════╝ ░
║ [^Enter]/[Enter] to UPDATE disk, else [Esc]/[F1] ║
╚════════════════════════ [Alt+p] / [^p] turns printing ON ════════════════════╝
Figure 29-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-3
In the above example, the change on X: (working directory) is the result of
moving C.MAP and deleting C.SYM and E.BIN. The change on C: (target) is
the result of copying C.BIN and moving C.MAP. The change on D: (trashcan)
is the result of deleting C.SYM -- which is effectively the same as a move
of C.SYM from X: to D:. Deletion of E.BIN has no effect on the trashcan.
When the trashcan is on the same drive as the working or target directory,
the effect is different. To illustrate, Figure 29-3 is an example where
the trashcan and the target are on the same drive.
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
-CVF- X: [InfraStruct] 186 files, 5373952 bytes, 233897984 bytes free ░
. <DIR> 12-29-95 5:12:32a ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
.. <DIR> 12-29-95 5:12:32a ...D.. ║ MENU ║ ░
C BIN 21008 6-09-96 1:57:44p ....A. Copy+ ╚══════╝ ░
C MAP 37471 6-09-96 1:57:42p ....A. Move+ [Alt+F1] ╔═══╗ ░
C SYM 9940 6-09-96 1:57:44p ....A. Delete ║ R ║ ░
E BIN 38976 6-09-96 1:57:24p ....A. Delete! ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
E MAP 68896 6-09-96 1:57:24p ....A. ║ HELP ║ ║ G ║ ░
E SYM 18228 6-09-96 1:57:26p ....A. ╚══════╝ ║ I ║ ░
EDDY 4DS 2236 4-08-96 2:36:14a ....A. [F1] ║ S ║ ░
EDDY EQU 5147 5-27-96 11:52:36a ....A. ║ T ║ ░
EDDY KEY 17╔════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
EDDY MSG 3║ ║ ║UPDATE║ ║ R ║ ░
EDDY SHR 23║ Net change on X: -98304 bytes ║ ╚══════╝ ║ ? ║ ░
EDDY VER ║ Net change on D: +81920 bytes* ║ [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
EDDY XTN ║ * ("Trashcan" included) ║ [Alt+z] ░
EDDY# ASI 8║ ║ ╔══════╗ ░
EDDY#CHK ASM ╚════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ QUIT ║ ░
EDDY#CHK OBJ 755 4-29-96 7:14:46p ....A. ╚══════╝ ░
║ [^Enter]/[Enter] to UPDATE disk, else [Esc]/[F1] ║
╚════════════════════════ [Alt+p] / [^p] turns printing ON ════════════════════╝
Figure 29-3
In this example, the change on X: (working directory) is the result of
moving C.MAP and deleting C.SYM and E.BIN (same as previous example). The
change on D: (target and trashcan) is the result of moving C.MAP to the
target and deleting C.SYM -- which is effectively the same as a move of
C.SYM from X: to D:. Deleting E.BIN doesn't affect the target or trashcan.
29.2 Applying changes
As each file is processed, its EDIT mode display line is displayed,
allowing you to monitor UPDATE's progress through the directory. If a
file's display line is not yet shown, nothing has been done to that file.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-4
After each file has been processed, EDDY checks to see if you have pressed
a key. If so, updating will be suspended. All processing for the file
being worked on will be completed, but no work will start on the next file.
When UPDATE has been suspended, it may be resumed by pressing [Enter] (or
[^Enter], if you want to change the way timestamps on any further copied
files are treated). If you press [Esc], EDDY returns to EDIT mode, leaving
intact any requests for changes not yet processed by UPDATE; these changes
may be UNDOne if desired, or UPDATEd later.
UPDATE does Deletes and Destroys first. After deletions, a second pass is
made to apply any other requested changes.
If there are errors during UPDATE processing, (read or write problems,
e.g.) EDDY reports the error as indicated by DOS and suspends the UPDATE at
that point. You may resume the UPDATE or return to EDIT.
After a successful UPDATE, pressing any key returns to EDIT. If the key is
one of EDDY's commands, it will be acted on.
After an UPDATE, any files moved or deleted from the working directory will
be shown grouped together at the end of the directory display, rather than
in their original locations before the UPDATE.
If there are more files in the directory than can be displayed by EDDY,
files deleted or moved will not be shown; instead, additional files from
the working directory will be displayed.
29.3 Target Capacity Check
EDDY checks to be sure there is enough room on the target directory disk to
satisfy any COPY or MOVE requests you made before starting the UPDATE. If
there is, EDDY proceeds as described above.
However, when there is not enough room, you'll see the following:
Not enough room on X:
Additional bytes needed: nnnnnnn
"X:" is the target disk drive. The number of additional bytes needed is
calculated from the file sizes in the working directory and the cluster
size of the target directory disk, and takes into account that EDDY does
deletions first while updating.
After the two lines above, there'll be two more, which vary depending on
the situation.
-1) If SOME copies or moves can be done:
Can't do all COPY/MOVEs
[Enter] to do what space allows
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-5
-2) If no copies or moves can be done, but there are other changes pending
(e.g., renaming or timestamp changes):
Can't do any COPY/MOVEs
[Enter] to apply other changes
3) If no copies or moves can be done, and no other changes are pending:
Can't do any COPY/MOVEs
Press a key...
To make room on the target disk, you must delete or move files occupying
clusters equal to the total "bytes needed". (Most files' sizes are not
even cluster multiples, but the space allocated to them by DOS always is.)
During the UPDATE process, each file will have any renaming, timestamp
changes, or attribute setting applied. Then, if they are tagged for COPY or
MOVE they'll be checked be sure there is enough space for that operation.
If not, the following message will appear under the display for that file:
Skipped...not enough room in target
and processing will continue with the next file. The COPY or MOVE tag will
remain on the file when you return to EDIT mode.
There is no attempt to maximize or optimize the files copied or moved; they
are processed in the order displayed when you started the UPDATE.
In some cases, EDDY may run out of disk space at some intermediate stage
during COPY/MOVE operations, even though the summary indicates there is
enough space. This may happen in three situations. First, when all of
these conditions occur:
-1) Two or more files, for which there are files with the same name in
the target directory, are being copied or moved.
-2) Some of the files from the working directory use more clusters
than their namesakes in the target directory, and some use fewer.
-3) The files that need more space in the target are copied or moved
before the ones requiring less.
In this case, all free space could be filled before space is freed by the
copying or moving of the smaller files. If this happens, the copy or move
will be "skipped", as described above. When the UPDATE has completed, any
files that were skipped will still be tagged. UPDATE again to copy those.
A second situation that can cause the computed space requirement to be
inaccurate is when copying is done with TAB expansion (see Sec 11.5.1).
TAB expansion (using a TAB interval 2 - 8) results in a file larger than
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-6
the original. As EDDY does not scan the file first to count the actual
number of TABs in the file and calculate the number of additional bytes
that will result from the TAB expansion, it is possible to run out of space
on the target disk.
Finally, this may occur on a compressed disk, when the compression software
fails to achieve the compression ratio it expected. In this case, you'll
see the message:
Compressed disk appears to be full. COPY/MOVE aborted
which is explained further in Appendix B.
29.4 Error Recovery
29.4.1 Data Errors
If a read error is encountered on a disk during a COPY or MOVE operation,
EDDY offers five alternatives:
-1) Abort the copy/move process. In this case the DOS error code will
be displayed, and no new copy will be produced. EDDY will continue
with any other updates that may have been requested for other files.
-2) Retry. If you choose this option, EDDY will start the copy
process again from the beginning of the file.
-3) Write a sector of "#" bytes in the new copy of the file in place
of the sector that cannot be read. The new copy will be the same
length as the original. All data which was in disk sectors that
did not have a problem will of course be copied intact.
To see where the errors were, you might do a FIND on a string with
several "#"s in a row. (EDDY writes a full sector, minus 4 bytes,
of "#"s -- the "#"s are preceded and followed by a CR,LF pair.)
NOTE: If you'd rather use some character other than "#", EDDY can
be customized; see the "copy error" configuration parameter,
described in Sec 31.3.1h.
-4) Copy the data actually read, even though DOS has indicated it is
-5) Skip the sector entirely, and write the next good block
immediately after the previous block in the new copy. This
obviously results in a new copy that is shorter than the original.
When this alternative is used, there is nothing in the new file to
indicate where sectors have been deleted.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-7
SUGGESTION: Select alternative 3, then rename the original and copy it
again, this time choosing 4. This allows you to see where the bad data is,
by looking at the first copy, and to see just how "bad" the data is, by
looking at the second copy.
After the copy or move, the message displayed for the file(s) involved will
be "copied(?)" or "moved(?)", to indicate that the new copy is not exactly
the same as the original. Also, the date and time on the new copy will
always be the current date and time in this case.
If multiple errors occur on a file, all will be treated in the same way,
according to the alternative you select when the first was encountered.
29.4.2 Cross-linked Files
When EDDY copies a file, the number of bytes actually read is compared to
the file size contained in the file's directory entry. If there is a
difference, you will see the message: "Size shown in directory incorrect".
The most probable cause of this is that you have two files which have
somehow had the same disk cluster assigned to them by DOS (This is NOT a
problem caused by EDDY!). You can verify that this is the case by running
CHKDSK; CHKDSK will tell you which cluster is the overworked one, and would
also normally tell you that there are some "lost allocation units". Under-
standing the situation is fairly straightforward; finding the cause is not!
If you have a single cross-linked cluster, what this means is that you have
the beginning of both files intact, up to the cluster where they are
cross-linked. After that cluster, you have the rest of ONE of those files.
The rest of the other file, minus whatever was stored in the problem
cluster, is most likely to be found in the "lost allocation units".
EDDY doesn't offer any special capabilities to help you, beyond providing a
way to look at file contents and truncate files as required, but the
following discussion is offered in the hope that it may help someone
confronted with this problem for the first time.
If you have this problem, to salvage what you can, do the following:
-1) Copy both files to the target directory. One of them will be
correct (call this one "GOODFILE" for purposes of this discussion).
You'll probably have to LOOK at them or try running them to figure
out which one that is.
-2) Run CHKDSK /F to convert the "lost" bits to a file. CHKDSK will
give it a name like "FILE000n.CHK". Multiple files will be created
if there is more than one group ("chain") of lost clusters.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 29-8
-3) If the file that was NOT correct after this step (call this one
"BADFILE") is a text file, LOOK at the ".CHK" file(s) to see if
you can identify some data that appears to belong with BADFILE.
If so, rename that .CHK file appropriately (say, "BADFILE.MOR").
If BADFILE is not a text file, there's probably not much you can
do, except proceed to step 6.
-4) You may then use your editor, word processor, EDDY or whatever to
chop off the erroneous data at the end of BADFILE. (This is data
that actually duplicates some of the correct data belonging to
-5) Then, using DOS's COPY command (or other tools as appropriate),
rejoin the two parts -- e.g., COPY BADFILE+BADFILE.MOR BETTER.FIL.
-6) Delete the remaining .CHK files after examining them to be sure
the don't contain anything useful.
If you have more than one cluster identified by CHKDSK as cross-linked, the
situation may not be so straightforward; it may be that several files are
interlaced, and it may not be possible to recover ANY of them!
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 30-1
30. Batch Operations
30.1 Commands Available
In batch mode, you may COPY, MOVE, DELETE or DESTROY files. The desired
command is specified on the command line, as a "numeric" option. The
numbers used correspond to function keys used interactively...
/5 - COPY files ([^F5]) /6 - MOVE files ([^F6])
/7 - DELETE files ([^F7]) /8 - DESTROY files ([Shift+^F7])
Other numeric options useful in batch mode are:
30.2 Display Sequence
Option /1x - "x" defines the sequence (E = extension, D = date/time, N =
name, etc.) in which files will be displayed. Lowercase inverts order.
30.3 Synchronization Controls
Option /2xxxxxx - the "x"s define Synchronization Control settings (see
Sec 10). If the default settings are correct, /2 is not required. Normal
defaults are Y,Y,C,C,N,N.
Thus, to COPY files newer than corresponding files in the target, enter a
command like...
To DELETE files that are duplicates of those in the target, enter...
Attribute and timestamp filters may be used to select files in batch mode.
Files with read-only, hidden or system attributes will not be processed in
batch mode unless they are explicitly selected by an attribute filter.
If a file to be copied or moved is "read-only" in the target, the command
will proceed only if the file is also read-only in the working directory.
Otherwise, the file name will be displayed with a message to inform you of
the situation, and the file will not be copied or moved.
NOTE: In batch mode the Control setting "C" works differently than it does
when you use EDDY interactively. If the condition is encountered corres-
ponding to a Synchronization Control which is set to "C", the file name and
the message describing the condition will be displayed for information
only, and the file will NOT be copied, moved, or otherwise acted upon.
When any of these messages are displayed, you'll hear a "beep". If there
are many such messages, so that they scroll off before you can read them,
remember you may press [ScrollLock] anytime to pause the display.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 30-2
Non-batch mode EDDY executions always leave DOS's ERRORLEVEL set to zero.
When a batch mode execution finishes, ERRORLEVEL will be set according to
the results, as follows:
If all updates were done successfully, ERRORLEVEL will be set to zero.
If updates were not done because no files qualified according to the
criteria given by the Synchronization Controls, ERRORLEVEL will be set
to 255.
Any error encountered will terminate EDDY, and ERRORLEVEL will be set
to the standard DOS error number as applicable (e.g., ERRORLEVEL = 2
for "File not found", 3 for "Path not found", etc.).
EDDY also provides informative displays of the ERRORLEVEL values returned
by child processes -- i.e, commands executed via Point & Shoot -- during
interactive (non-batch) operations. See Sec 14.1.1 for more on this.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-1
31. EDDY's Default Settings are Lousy!
You can't please all of the people all of the time. With this in mind,
EDDY is designed to be easy to "tailor" to your taste.
EDDY can be customized. This means writing a new copy of EDDY.COM with the
various parameters -- colors, options, controls, etc. -- set the way you
like them.
Option /0 is used to tell EDDY to execute in customizing mode.
The EDDY distribution package includes a file called "EDDY.INI". This is
an ASCII text file containing information, which you may edit as desired,
that may be used to set the default values for EDDY.COM. More on the use
of EDDY.INI in Sec 31.3.
Three methods are available for customizing EDDY:
- Execute EDDY/0 with no EDDY.INI present
Modify the default settings by using the normal commands to set the
options, colors, etc. to your preferences.
- Execute EDDY/0, with EDDY.INI in the same directory as EDDY.COM
After EDDY.INI has been read, EDDY displays the EDIT mode screen. You
may then modify the default settings by using the normal commands to
set the options, colors, etc. to your preferences.
- On each execution of EDDY, without option /0 but with EDDY.INI present,
set EDDY's defaults according to EDDY.INI.
This occurs if EDDY has previously been customized by the first method,
with the "configure" parameter in EDDY.INI set to "y". See Sec 31.3.1a
for more on this. When this method is used, a new EDDY.COM is not
created -- the EDDY.INI parameters apply only to the current execution.
31.1 Customizing - "EDDY/0"
When you use option /0, a new copy of EDDY.COM will normally be created.
Whenever a new EDDY.COM is created, a corresponding copy of EDDY.INI (see
Sec 31.3) is also produced.
When customizing, no editing, copying, patching or other changes to the
disk can be made. The only purpose for this mode is to let you set things
the way you want them, and then make a copy of EDDY with those settings.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-2
Whether or not EDDY.INI is available to initialize the settings for EDDY's
customizeable features, the subsequent process is the same: use the normal
commands to set things as you like them, and when you're finished, press
There is one command that is unique to customize mode: [Alt+r] brings up a
window that allows you to set the screen colors to your preferences. See
Sec 31.2 for details of this.
After you have pressed [Enter], you'll see a display of some of the common
features that may be customized while running EDDY (as opposed to using
EDDY.INI), to use as a final checklist. Press any key to clear this
display. With an unregistered copy, you'll be "nagged" a bit before the
checklist screen appears.
If you want to do further customization, press [Esc], and continue. If you
are happy with the settings, tell EDDY to create a new copy of itself with
those settings, by pressing [Enter] or [^Enter].
Normally, EDDY puts the current date/time on the new copy; if you want the
old timestamp on the new copy, use [^Enter]. (See also the discussion of
the "timestamp" configuration parameter, in Sec 31.3.1f).
After you have pressed [Enter] (or [^Enter]), there a few final bits of
processing needed to complete the customization. See Sec 31.1.2 for
more information.
31.1.1 Features Checklist
The customizable features that appear in the "checklist" screen described
above, and the ways to set them, are:
-1) Screen colors (see Sec 31.2)
- use [Alt+r] (note: [Alt+r] valid only during customizing)
-2) Options (see Sec 2.2.1)
- select via [Alt+o] or from the command line
-3) Synchronization Controls (see Sec 10)
- select via [Alt+c]
-4) Sort sequence (see Sec 1.4.2)
- use [Alt+d], [Alt+e], [Alt+h], [Alt+n], [Alt+s], [Alt+u] or [Alt+i]
NOTE: If you use any of the above sort commands, then sorting
by date/time when using a timestamp filter is not automatic.
-5) Default action for [Alt+w] and [Alt+t] (see Sec 5.1.1)
-6) Default point-and-shoot command (see Sec 14.2)
- use [Shift+F8], and enter desired command
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-3
-7) Attribute filter (see Sec 18.1)
- use [Alt+a], or from the command line, "+xx"
-8) Command key used with left mouse button (see Sec 3.1.2a)
- use [Alt+m], then press key for desired command
-9) Left- or right-handed mouse (see Sec 3.1.2b)
- use [Alt+m], then press right mouse button
-10) Mouse sensitivity (see Sec 3.1.2c)
- use [Alt+Shift+m], then move left or right
-11) LOOK mode bit-stripping, line-wrapping and TAB default settings
(see Sec 8.2.3)
- in LOOK mode, use [Alt+b], [Alt+l] and [Alt+number], respectively
-12) Hex/ASCII toggle key (see Sec 8.2.1a)
- in LOOK mode, [Shift+Tab] allows selection of the key to be used
-13) Auto-scrolling speed (see Sec 8.2.2)
- in LOOK mode, use [^PgUp]/[^PgDn]
31.1.2 Finishing Touches
There are two final bits of information that are needed to complete the
customization process:
- Identification of any compressed disks (CVFs) that may be present on
your system (see Sec 28)
- Enabling/disabling the absolute sector patching capability
a. CVF Identification
EDDY tries to identify CVFs automatically, and then presents a list of the
CVFs it THINKS it has found for your confirmation. If EDDY's analysis is
not correct, answer "no" to the displayed query. You will then be asked,
for each disk on your system (except diskettes), the following question:
"Is <x:> a 'compressed disk'...(y/n)?"
When you have answered this question for all disks, the results will again
be displayed for confirmation. This process may be repeated as often as
necessary, until the list is correct.
b. Sector Patching
As explained in Sec 24.5, sector patching can be dangerous. Therefore,
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-96 by John Scofield page 31-4
EDDY gives you the option of disabling it when you customize. You will be
asked the question:
"Allow disk PATCHing by sector in new EDDY (y/n)?"
Just answer "n" when this is asked, and the customized version will have
this feature disabled. If you answer "y", you can change ANYTHING on a
disk, including format data.
Even if you (or anyone else) customize again, using the disabled EDDY.COM
as the master copy, sector patching cannot be re-enabled. Your original
copy of EDDY.COM (or EDDY.OLD, after customizing), will still do sector
patching, however, so it should be kept safely tucked away where only you
can get to it.
c. Customizing Complete
The customized version will be written to the directory EDDY was executed
from, and will be named "EDDY.COM". The original copy of EDDY will be
renamed "EDDY.OLD".
During the process of writing the new, customized EDDY.COM, there could be
error conditions such as bad spots on the disk which cause the process to
abort; if this occurs, you may see an error message referring to "EDDY.NEW"
(e.g., "Error writing EDDY.NEW"). EDDY.NEW is the name given to the new
copy during the customizing process, until it has completed without error;
only then are the files renamed as described in the preceding paragraph.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-5
31.2 Rainbow Selection - [Alt+r]
In "customize" mode only, the [Alt+r] command is available to allow you to
select the color combination for EDDY that best suits your monitor and
preferences. [Alt+r] results in a display similar to Figure 31-1.
filename.ext size mmddyy time RHSDAN ▀
DIR of C:\*.* ░
Drive C: [John's Disk] 9 files, 77824 bytes, 102342656 bytes free ░
12124 bytes wasted, cluster = 4096 ░
BAT <DIR> 12-23-95 5:39:18p ...D.. ╔══════╗ ░
BOOT <DIR> ╔════════════════════════════════╗ ║ MENU ║ ░
UTIL <DIR> ║ ║ [Alt+F1] ╔═══╗ »
WINDOWS <DIR> ║ For next color on Press ║ ║ R ║ ░
AUTOEXEC BAT 142 ║ ----------------- ----- ║ ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
COMMAND COM 55777 ║ Headings [h] ║ ║ HELP ║ ║ G ║ ░
CONFIG SYS 432 ║ Text body [t] ║ ╚══════╝ ║ I ║ ░
WINA20 386 9349 ║ Cursor line [c] ║ [F1] ║ S ║ ░
║ Windows [w] ║ ║ T ║ ░
║ (Upper case for prev color) ║ ╔══════╗ ║ E ║ ░
║ ║ ║UPDATE║ ║ R ║ ░
║[Enter] when you like the colors║ ╚══════╝ ║ ? ║ ░
║ [*] to restore defaults ║ [Enter] ╚═══╝ ░
║ [Alt+F1] for menu/HELP colors ║ [Alt+z] ░
╚════════════════════════════════╝ ╔══════╗ ░
║ QUIT ║ ░
╚══════╝ ░
[F10] ░
Target: none ░
-CUST- seq=N [F3]:LOOK [F9]:DOS [Enter] writes new EDDY ▄
Figure 31-1
Pressing any of the indicated letters changes the color of the corres-
ponding part of the display, cycling through all the available colors as
you press repeatedly. Upper case letters cycle in the opposite direction.
When the colors are the way you want them, press [Enter]. Those colors
will then be used with the new, customized copy of EDDY you create.
While the above window is displayed, if you press [Alt+F1], you'll get a
menu panel (see Sec 3.2.2), which offers selections for modifying the
colors used for menus and help screens.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-6
Once you have customized your copy of EDDY, your custom configuration is
stored in a file called "EDDY.INI". Use of this file makes it easy to
upgrade to a new version of EDDY without having to go through the detailed
customization process again. It also allows easy transfer of your
registration information to the new version without having to go through
the patching process. More information on this in Sec 31.4.
The only information that is not saved between customizations is whether a
disk drive letter is actually a compressed volume. Since this can change
dynamically, the determination is made with each customization you do.
EDDY.INI is an ASCII text file which contains information ("configuration
parameters") to initialize EDDY's default values when you run "EDDY/0".
There is a line in EDDY.INI for every parameter which can be customized.
When you see EDDY's directory display, the initialization from EDDY.INI has
been completed. You may then proceed to customize EDDY further, if you
wish, using the commands and techniques described above. When you have set
up everything the way you prefer, and create your new, customized copy of
EDDY (by pressing [Enter]), an updated EDDY.INI, with the new configuration
parameters, will also be created. The parameters in this new EDDY.INI may
then be used as the basis for any more customizing you decide to do.
When EDDY.INI is updated, the new configuration data is appended to the
previous data in EDDY.INI, if any. Also, each new set of data has a
timestamp at the beginning. This gives you a record of your configuration
changes, and allows you to fall back to a previous configuration if you
want (by deleting lines from EDDY.INI that were added after the desired
configuration). EDDY processes all lines in the file sequentially, so your
latest configuration data will be the last applied.
If any errors are found while processing EDDY.INI, the line numbers where
the errors occurred will be listed, and those lines won't be processed.
All other lines will be processed, and the customizing will continue
normally. To determine why a line was rejected, refer to the description
provided in Sec 31.3.1 for the particular parameter involved.
EDDY.INI may be modified if you wish, using any tool that produces plain
ASCII text. If you have accumulated a lot of configuration data, due to
multiple customizations, you may want to delete some of the older data.
If you completely mess up EDDY.INI, or accidentally delete it, don't worry.
Customize with no EDDY.INI present, and a new one, fully commented and with
parameters set to the current values used by your copy of EDDY will be
EDDY.INI is NOT used to configure EDDY's settings during normal usage, as
the file access and interpretation slows down the startup process a lot.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-7
If you prefer to use EDDY.INI every time EDDY runs, set the "configure"
parameter to "y" in EDDY.INI, and execute "EDDY /0"; every subsequent run
of that customized copy of EDDY will use EDDY.INI to get its parameters.
31.3.1 Configuration Parameters
Configuration parameters in EDDY.INI consist of a one- or two-word
parameter identifier, followed by an "=" sign, and a parameter value, if
desired. Related parameters are grouped together as sections in the file,
and are alphabetical within sections. That grouping is also used in this
The sections, and some examples of the types of parameters in them, are:
[administrivia] - registration info
[screen] - colors, number of lines
[keyboard] - use of numeric keypad
[mouse] - sensitivity, "handedness"
[printer] - port name
[EDIT mode] - options, synchronization controls, filters
[LOOK mode] - tab settings, hex/text toggle key
[UPDATE mode] - handling of data errors, directory packing method
[DOS Gateway] - default command, supplementary prompt
In EDDY.INI, the sections are provided for readability only; the order of
the lines may be changed (or lines may be deleted) and the section headings
may be changed or deleted, too.
Anything following a ";" is treated as a comment. Comments may be added or
deleted as desired.
For parameters that have "yes/no" values, "n" and "no" are treated the
same, as are "y" and "yes". Use whichever you prefer.
a. [administrivia]
Set this parameter to "y" (i.e., "configure=y") if you want EDDY.INI
to be used to control the settings EVERY time EDDY is run, whether
customizing or not. This can be useful if you keep different
versions of EDDY.INI for use in different situations, copying the
appropriate one into EDDY's home directory at the time it is
required, before running EDDY.
(Obviously, this parameter will take effect only after you have run
EDDY/0 at least once with the "yes" setting). If you choose to do
this, expect EDDY to take a somewhat longer to display the first
directory. Default: "n"
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-8
The name of the person or organization to whom this copy of EDDY is
The registration serial number corresponding to "name". This is a
six-byte string, based on the "name", provided to all registered
b. [screen]
edit colors=
Colors used for edit, look, and update mode displays. These are
four 4-byte strings, separated by commas. If you want to change the
colors, doing it interactively during customizing (by using [Alt+r])
is much easier than trying to construct the parameter strings. This
parameter is primarily used as a means of recording the selected
colors, rather than as a way of changing them (although you CAN
change them this way, if you wish).
The first byte is a letter: "T" (for text), "H" (headings), "C"
(cursor line) or "W" (windows), defining the part of the display that
is to have this color. Next are two hexadecimal digits defining the
color to be used, and then an "h", which is really just a reminder
that the digits are hex.
The two hex digits represent one byte, which has the following
format (bit 7 is the leftmost bit):
bit 7: 1=foreground character blinks
bits 6-4: color for background
(000=black, 001=blue, 010=green, 011=cyan, 100=red
101=magenta, 110=brown or dark yellow, 111=white)
bit 3: 1=brighten foreground color
bits 2-0: color for foreground character
(values same as for bits 6-4)
The parameter line with EDDY's default color values would be:
"edit colors=T0Bh,H1Bh,C1Eh,W1Eh"
help colors=
Colors used for help and menu displays. These are expressed as three
4-byte strings, each in the same format as for "edit colors", as
described above. The first byte is one of: "T" (for text), "H"
(highlights), or "C" (cursor line).
The parameter line with EDDY's default color values would be:
"help colors=T07h,C0Eh,H70h"
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-9
max lines=
Normally, the physical capacity of a monitor, in terms of the number
of lines it can display, can be detected automatically by EDDY.
However, there are some special-purpose monitors that have more lines
than the BIOS settings indicate. In this case, EDDY's display would
use only part of the screen space actually available.
If you would like EDDY to use a different number of lines than are
indicated by the BIOS, you may override the BIOS value by setting
this parameter to that number (maximum value: 66).
For the vast majority of monitors, the "max lines" parameter should
be left with its default setting of "auto detect".
c. [keyboard]
"yes" means recognize [NumLock] state at startup, when numeric keypad
keys are pressed; "no" means use keypad keys for cursor control only,
as described in Sec 3. Default: "no"
d. [mouse]
Key press to be simulated when primary mouse button is clicked. See
Sec 31.3.2 for a description of how to specify a key to EDDY.
Default: [F3]
"left" or "right" identifies which mouse button is the primary one.
Default: "left"
double click=
Defines the maximum amount of time that may separate two consecutive
clicks and still have them recognized as a "double-click". It is
specified in 10ths of a second, with legal values 1 through 9.
Default: 4 (i.e., 4/10 of a second)
There are two ways to initialize the mouse to a known state: through
hardware functions, which is very reliable, but takes a long time
(more than a second); or through software only, which is almost
always OK, and is a lot quicker. For more on this, see Appendix C.
Values for reset are: "sure" or "quick". Default: "quick"
Two 3-byte strings, specifying the sensitivity of the mouse in
responding to movements. The first byte of the string is either "h"
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-10
or "v", indicating whether the string defines the "horizontal" or
"vertical" sensitivity component. Next are two decimal digits: "00"
is the least sensitive, "99" the most. Defaults: "h25,v25".
e. [printer]
The hardware port to which the printer is attached. Allowable values
are "LPT1" - "LPT4". Default: "LPT1"
f. [EDIT mode]
attributes filter=
If you want to use an Attribute Filter as the default setting, it is
specified by this parameter. The format is as described in Sec
18.1.1. Default: no filter
attributes style=
This parameter determines the "style" in which file attributes will
be displayed. Valid styles are "1" and "2"; Figure 1-1 and Figure
1-2 illustrate these styles. Default: "1".
Synchronization Controls (see Sec 10). Default: "YYNNCC"
date style =
Specifies the format in which dates are to be displayed (see Sec
1.4.6). Valid specifiers are: "mdy", "dmy" and "ymd". If used, this
parameter overrides the format defined by COUNTRY.SYS. Default is to
use the format specified by COUNTRY.SYS, if present, or USA standard
(mm-dd-yy) format if not.
easy look=
Default operation is that when [Enter] is pressed in edit mode, and
there are no pending updates, the action will be just as though [F3]
had been pressed -- i.e., you look at the current file or directory.
If you prefer to keep [Enter] dedicated for use only to applying
updates, set this parameter to "no". Default: "yes"
Options are described in Sec 2.2.1. An uppercase option letter means
the option is OFF; lowercase means ON. Default: all OFF
Sort sequence for EDDY's initial directory display: N)ame.
E)xtension, D)ate, S)ize, H)our, U)nsorted. Uppercase means
ascending order, lowercase means descending. Default: "N"
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-11
"box" or "tree" specifies whether target directory selection
([Alt+t]) is handled by the dialog box method or by tree display.
Default: "box"
Specifies how file timestamping is handled when [^Enter] (rather than
[Enter]) is used to initiate a copy, patch or customize update; i.e.,
does the file retain its existing timestamp, or get a new one? With
[Enter], the default actions are...
- copy: retain timestamp
- patch: new timestamp
- customize: new timestamp
Values allowed for this parameter are: "ask" or "auto".
With [^Enter], and this parameter set to "ask", you will be asked
how you want the timestamp to be handled; if set to "auto", no
question will be asked, and the opposite action from the default
described above will be used. Default: "ask"
"box" or "tree" specifies whether working directory selection
([Alt+w]) is handled by the dialog box method or by tree display.
Default: "box"
g. [LOOK mode]
auto scroll=
Defines the relative speed at which auto-scrolling (see Sec 8.2.2)
will occur. This is a decimal digit, 1 thru 9. Default: 3
bit strip=
If you want to have "bit-stripping" on as the default display mode,
set this parameter to "y". Default: "n"
hex toggle=
If you prefer some key other than [Tab] (the default) for switching
the look mode display between hex and ASCII text, set this parameter
to the key you want to use. The key you choose must be one that is
not used for other look mode functions. If there is a conflict, EDDY
will use [Tab]. See Sec 31.3.2 for a description of how to specify a
key to EDDY.
line wrap=
Setting this parameter to "y" causes line wrapping to be turned on
for look mode text displays. Default: "n" (off)
sector patch=
If you wish to disallow use of EDDY for direct patching of disk
sectors, set this parameter to "n". More information on this
parameter is in Sec 24.5.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-12
snow OK=
Used only with Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) monitors. EDDY displays
RAM (in LOOK mode) and updates the screen between keystrokes,
allowing you to watch what's really happening there; i.e., some
locations, such as the system clock, are constantly changing.
However, updating with this frequency causes screen flicker with a
CGA. Most people find this very annoying, and so this "real time"
display isn't normally done with a CGA. If you REALLY want to try
this, set "snow OK" to "yes", and have an aspirin ready.
This parameter specifies the number of bytes per Tab interval. Legal
values are 0 thru 8. Default: 8
h. [UPDATE mode]
copy error=
When EDDY finds data errors on a disk during a COPY operation, the
bad sectors may be written out to contain all "#" bytes. You may
choose some other byte value if you wish. Default: "#"
Defines the method used to erase deleted directory entries when a
directory is "packed" (see Sec 26.3), and also how "slack" bytes are
handled when files are copied (see Sec 11.1).
"light" means erase only the first byte of deleted directory
entries when packing, and don't do anything to slack bytes
when copying files.
"heavy" means zero-out all 32 bytes of the directory entry, and
also zero-out any slack bytes when copying files.
Default: "heavy"
Defines the method used to overwrite files tagged for DESTROY.
"ask" means ask for method to be used for each UPDATE
"std" means use standard method
"high" means use high-security method
The actions taken for the standard and high-security settings are
described in Sec 13.5.1 and Sec 13.5.2. Default: "ask"
If you choose "std", the value to be used for overwriting files that
you DESTROY will be set to 0F5h -- a tall, thin, "j"-like character.
If you prefer to use a different value, you may patch EDDY.COM at
offset 00000005 to any value you wish, and that will be used.
This parameter specifies the full path (including drive letter) to be
used as a "trash can" for deleted files. See Sec 13.1.
Default: none
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-13
i. [DOS gateway]
Pressing [Shift+F8] executes a default command. That command is
defined by this parameter.
If you want to pause after executing "command", in order to see
what's on the screen before EDDY resumes control, set this parameter
to "yes". Otherwise, set it to "no". Default: "yes"
This parameter defines an addition to the DOS prompt displayed to
remind you when you are using the DOS Gateway. If you do not want
any such reminder, set this parameter to "none". Any other string
(maximum length: 6 bytes) is used as the prompt. Default: "Exit$g"
swap path=
See Sec 15.3 for details about EDDY's use of a swap file.
This parameter specifies the full path (including drive letter) to be
used for creating a "swap file" for temporary storage. The swap file
will be create when/if needed, and deleted when EDDY terminates. For
efficiency, this path should point to a RAM disk if possible.
Leave the swap path blank and EDDY will attempt to use one of the
environment variables "SWAP", "TEMP" or "TMP" as the path specifier.
If neither the swap path nor any of those environment variables are
present, (or if you set "swap path=none") swapping will not occur.
On average, using the swap file makes about 120K more RAM available
for Point & Shoot processes. I recommend not using the "root" as the
path, although that will normally work; the problem is the root has a
fixed limit on the number of files that can be stored there, and if
there's no room, the swap file can't be created.
Default setting: blank
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-14
31.3.2 Defining a Key - [Alt+k]
Two configuration parameters -- "action" (Sec 31.3.1d) and "hex toggle"
(Sec 31.3.1g) -- allow you to choose keys that will be used for those
purposes. Keys are defined by strings in the same format as used in this
document, and as displayed by EDDY in various screens and messages.
If you are unsure of a key's name for use with EDDY, press [Alt+k] in edit
mode, and then press the key (or combination of keys) whose name you wish
to know. The corresponding string will be displayed.
Key definition strings for use with the configuration parameters are formed
as follows: If the key is to be [Alt]-shifted, include "Alt+" as part of
the string. If [Shift] is to be used, include "Shift+". If [Ctrl] is
involved, precede the base key name with a caret -- "^" (no plus sign).
Thus, if you wanted to use [Alt] and [Ctrl] with [F12], the definition
string would be "[Alt+^F12]". If you wanted to use [Shift] as well, the
string would be "[Alt+Shift+^F12]".
Base key names are generally as shown on the keycap. The "arrow" keys are
referred to as "[Up]", "[Down]", "[Left]", and "[Right]".
31.4 How Do I Get Rid of the *$#^&! "UNREGISTERED" Message?
That's an easy one: Register! See Sec 32 for details. If you've already
registered, read on...
When you register EDDY v.7u or later, your registration information (name
and registration serial number) is also stored in EDDY.INI. Anytime you
get a newer version, just run "EDDY/0", and the registration will be
automatically be applied to your new copy.
If you have registered a copy of EDDY v.6xx or older, drop me a line and
I'll send you the latest version, registered in your name.
If you registered between v.7a and 7t, you may find the name your copy is
registered to, and the associated serial number, by LOOKing at EDDY.COM.
The registered name is stored at offset 00000010h, and the 6-byte serial
number at 00000025h (00000054h in version 7a, 00000055h in 7b).
Write down the name and serial number exactly as they appear in EDDY.COM.
Then either use EDDY to patch them into the new EDDY.COM at offsets 10h and
25h, respectively, or enter them into the "name" and "serial" parameters in
EDDY.INI, and run EDDY/0.
Your new copy of EDDY will now display the "Registered to: (your name)"
message when you run it. If not, you have probably made an error entering
the name and/or serial number. Just repeat the process to correct it.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 31-15
31.5 And How About the Blinking "REGISTER?"
If you print out EDDY's registration form -- [Alt+z] followed by [m] and
then [y] or [Enter] -- the "REGISTER?" click button will disappear for the
remainder of that session with EDDY. If the click button is highlighted
(i.e., you have "updated" at least 3 times), pressing [Alt+z] without
printing will turn off the highlighting until the next update.
With a registered copy, the click button will not be displayed at all.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 32-1
32. Registration is FOREVER!
If you have registered an earlier version of EDDY, refer to Sec 31.4.
If you find EDDY to be useful and satisfactory after a reasonable trial
period (say, 30 days), and you continue to use EDDY, then you should
register. You may register by credit card, by mail, or by using the
CompuServe SWREG facility. See Sec 32.2 through Sec 32.4.
The low registration fee purchases a license, as described below. It also
entitles you to technical support as described in Sec 33.1, to receive
subsequent updates at cost of handling and distribution, as well as the
satisfaction of knowing you have done "the right thing". Also, the big
"Register" button on the EDIT mode screen will no longer be displayed, and
EDDY stops nagging you when you customize or do multiple updates.
When you register, you will receive the latest version, registered in your
name. Once you have registered, the serial number you receive will be
valid for all future releases of EDDY, as explained in Sec 31.4.
In addition, an outstanding compressed print utility (see Sec 1.2.3) is
available to registered users on request.
EDDY will (gently) remind you if your copy is not yet registered. However,
all versions, registered or not, are fully functional as delivered -- not
"crippled" in any way. All features are available to everyone. BUT, if
you use an unregistered copy of EDDY frequently, over an extended period of
time, certain features will no longer be enabled. In this case, you may
see this message:
Evaluation period expired! [function] not enabled.
See Appendix B for more details regarding this message.
32.1 Pricing
"Users" means the number of people, on a network or separately, who may be
using the program simultaneously.
If ordering more than one copy, please specify the individual or company
name(s) to whom the copies should be registered.
1 - 5 users ............................ each $29.95 *
6 - 25 users ............................ each $25.00
Larger quantity discounts and site licenses available.
* NOTE: If paying by non-US check, see Sec 32.1.1.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 32-2
32.1.1 Payment
All prices are expressed in US dollars. Checks should be drawn on a US
bank, payable in US dollars. Non-US checks, in convertible currencies, are
accepted at current international exchange rates, but a hefty additional
fee is charged by my bank to process them. Therefore, if paying by non-US
check, please add $15 (i.e., a single registration is $44.95).
32.1.2 Updates
For those who can't find EDDY on a BBS or other source, updates are
available to registered users at $5.00 per copy, to cover costs of postage
and handling.
When ordering, please specify the version you are currently using.
NOTE: "Handling charges" have always been an annoying thing to me, but in
the case of EDDY, there really is some "handling" other than putting things
in an envelope and mailing: each copy must have the registration info
inserted, and then the registered copy is tested to be sure the disk is OK
and no problems have been introduced in the process.
32.2 Registering by Credit Card
You can order with MasterCharge, Visa, American Express, or Discover from
PsL -- Public (software) Library -- by calling 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394
or by FAX to 713-524-6398 or by CIS Email to 71355,470. You can also mail
credit card orders to PsL at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
Please refer to item number 10740 when ordering by credit card.
Please DO NOT send credit card orders directly to the author. This will
only delay shipment. I am not able to process credit card orders, and
must send them back to you with a request to resubmit through PsL.
Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds,
registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts,
dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, must be directed to John Scofield, at
the address shown on the logo when you exit from EDDY.
To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify me via email the
day of your order, and I'll ship the latest version directly to you.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 32-3
32.3 Registering by Mail
To register by mail, use the form provided by running the "EDDY_REG.BAT"
file. Or print a copy of the form by pressing [Alt+z] from EDIT mode.
Then mail the form with your check to the address shown when you exit EDDY.
For checks drawn on a non-US bank, please don't forget the additional
US$15 -- see Sec 32.1.1.
32.4 Registering via CompuServe - GO SWREG
If you are a CompuServe user, you may register EDDY on-line. Just "GO
SWREG", and refer to product #4186.
32.5 "The License"
Registration purchases a license for the right to use the program -- NOT
the program itself. One registration fee entitles you to one ACTIVE copy
of the program at any time.
Here are the terms of the license:
If you need to use the software on more than one computer at a time, please
contact the author. Site licenses are available.
Thanks to Steven Hudgik for the form and most of the wording used in the
license and warranty disclaimers. His book, "Writing & Marketing Shareware"
(Windcrest Books, 1992), is highly recommended.
32.6 Pass A Copy to a Friend ("de-personalized")
If you would like to pass along a copy of EDDY for someone else to try,
that would be great! However, some users feel uncomfortable in giving out
a copy that shows their name every time it runs. If you would like to
"de-personalize" a copy before passing it on, just patch EDDY.COM at offset
00000025 hex to 00 hex (or any other value different from what's currently
there); that copy will become an "UNREGISTERED" copy. Don't forget to
remove your registration info from EDDY.INI, too.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 32-4
32.7 EDDY is NOT Free and NOT Public Domain!
Although EDDY is distributed in this way, it is not free. It is also
protected by copyright, and has not been released into the public domain.
EDDY is shareware. This means you are free to make copies, pass copies on
to anyone else who may be interested, and take a reasonable time to "try
before you buy" (I consider something on the order of 30 days to be
"reasonable"). You are, however, expected to honor the "buy" obligation if
the "try" is satisfactory.
If you would like further information about shareware, see EDDYREAD.ME,
which has answers to many frequently-asked questions (FAQ) on this topic.
Copies of the program may not be sold for more than the cost of the medium
they are copied on, plus reasonable handling charges.
EDDY and this User's Manual may be copied ad lib provided the author's
copyright notice and disclaimers of warranty are reproduced in full.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 33-1
33. Distribution and Support / Disclaimer
If you have a problem with EDDY, I'll do my best to help. However, before
we get to the specifics of such help, please consider the following:
If you have not yet done so, please read the "DISCLAIMER" that appears both
below and at the beginning of this file. In part, this disclaimer means
there is no representation that EDDY will do ANYTHING, whether or not the
author or the documentation states or implies that it will. Similarly,
there is no representation that the program will NOT do anything harmful or
annoying. Whatever it may do or not do, the author is not responsible for
the results. Any person using EDDY bears all risk as to the quality and
performance of the software, and the consequences of using it.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 33-2
33.1 Technical Support
Technical support is guaranteed to be available to any registered user for
at least six months from the date of registration. In practice, support is
available for an unlimited time; only if circumstances (e.g., illness) make
it impractical to continue would support ever cease.
In the unlikely event you (as a registered user) have a problem with EDDY
(not a bug, surely!), if you take the trouble to report it, I'll try to
solve it. And I'll get back to you with a fix, if possible.
With any problem report, please include the following information:
-1) Version number of your copy of EDDY (as shown on the logo which is
displayed when you exit from EDDY)
-2) Level of MS- or PC-DOS you are using
-3) Any resident programs being used -
- listings or copies of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS are very helpful!
-4) As complete a description of the problem as possible -
- what did you enter on the command line?
- what commands did you use just before the problem occurred?
(the last 4-5 keystrokes, if possible)
- how was EDDY's output different from what you expected?
- IMPORTANT! A listing of your EDDY.INI file contents
- [PrtSc] screen printouts before and after the problem (if possible)
- any other information that seems relevant
-5) Hardware used
(please provide the information from the following list that seems
related to your problem) -
- computer: brand name & model
- memory size, and whether Expanded or Extended Memory installed
- monitor: color or B/W, brand name & model, screen size (if not 25x80)
- display adapter: Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA or ???; brand name & model
- mouse, if any: number of buttons, brand name & model
- working directory disk drive: type & size, brand name & model
- target directory disk drive: type & size, brand name & model
- any other hardware
-6) Your name, address and phone number
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 33-3
33.2 How Can I Get in Touch With You?
I move around a LOT; both throughout the US and in various places around
the world. Mail eventually reaches me, but it sometimes takes a while
longer than people expect. Please try to be patient -- I WILL respond.
Please send all correspondence to: John Scofield
117 West Harrison Bldg.
6th floor, Dept. S-678
Chicago, IL 60605 USA
This address is a forwarding service. If quicker contact/response is
needed, and you have a modem, you may reach me via CompuServe: 70162,2357.
If you have access to the Internet, e-mail may be sent to me at:
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page 33-4
33.3 Where Can I Find the Latest Version?
EDDY is available on the Internet at:
and on CompuServe: GO PCUTIL (formerly IBMSYS), Lib 6; as well as many
BBSs. The following BBS offers programs from authors belonging to
Association of Shareware Professionals (which EDDY is) as free downloads:
Owen Hawkins
PO Box X
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Modem: 415-323-4199
Voice: 415-323-6693
33.4 A.S.P. Ombudsman
This program is produced by John Scofield, a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related
problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be
able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-1
Appendix A
Command Reference (Keys: Shiftless and Otherwise)
When a command applies only in a mode other than EDIT, the mode is
indicated in parentheses after the command description. If there is no
mode indicated, EDIT mode is assumed.
Some keys have different meanings, depending on the current mode and/or the
type of line the cursor is on. Although I have tried to minimize this,
there just aren't enough separate keys to go around for all of EDDY's
features; in line with the intention to minimize keystrokes required to get
the job done, I have reluctantly chosen this approach as the lesser evil.
Accordingly, the entries below to which this applies are indicated by the
phrase "Depends on context".
I. Function Keys
NOTE: If your keyboard does not have [F11] or [F12], the following
procedure may be used to simulate them for EDDY:
Press [Shift+Esc], release, then...
...press [F1] to simulate [F11], or [F2] to simulate [F12]
...press [F1] or [F2] together with [Ctrl], [Alt] or [Shift]
to simulate the equivalently-shifted [F11] or [F12]
Any other key pressed after [Shift+Esc] will be treated normally; i.e., as
though [Shift+Esc] had not been pressed. Also, [Shift+Esc] affects ONLY
the keystroke IMMEDIATELY following it; i.e., pressing [Shift+Esc], [F1],
[F1] is the same as pressing [F11] followed by [F1].
[F11] and [F12] with unused shift-key combinations are available if you
wish to use them for customizing, as described in Sec 31.3.2, for the
"button" and "hex toggle" parameters.
[Alt+F1] Display pull-down menus
[Shift+F1] Shortcut to keyword search in HELP screens
[^F2] UNDO on all files
[F3] LOOK at file, directory, disk or RAM
[^F3] LOOK at all files
[Alt+F3] LOOK at file in target directory
[Shift+F3] Depends on context:
- EDIT (cursor on file or directory)...
...compare directory entries in work and target
- EDIT (cursor on "DIR of" or "." line)...
...compare snapshot file to current working directory
[Shift+^F3] Compare all files' directory entries in work and target
[Alt+Shift+F3] Compare current file's contents in work and target
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-2
[F4] PATCH file or RAM, or disk -- if already LOOKing at disk
[F5] Depends on context:
- EDIT...tag file or directory for COPY
- LOOK...COPY marked area
[^F5] Tag all files for COPY
[Alt+F5] COPY unmarked area (LOOK)
[Shift+F5] Depends on context:
- EDIT (cursor on "Drive" line)...
...copy entire disk to file (disk-image copy)
- EDIT (cursor on file)...
...copy image file to disk (disk-image restore)
- EDIT (cursor on "DIR of" or "." line)...
...take snapshot of working directory
[F6] Tag file or directory for MOVE
[^F6] Tag all files for MOVE
[Alt+F6] Shuffle directory entries
[F7] Tag file or directory for DELETE
(Move to Trashcan, if there is one)
[^F7] Tag all files for DELETE
[Alt+F7] Logical DELETE (Ignore) - current file
[Alt+^F7] Logical DELETE (Ignore) - all files
[Shift+F7] Tag file for DESTROY (overwrite file, then delete)
[Shift+^F7] Tag all files for DESTROY
[F8] Execute default point & shoot command
[^F8] Execute default point & shoot command on all files
[Shift+F8] Execute default point & shoot command
[Shift+^F8] Execute default point & shoot command on all files
[F9] DOS gateway
[Alt+F9] Execute COM, EXE or BAT file
[Shift+F9] Execute command defined in EDDY.USE on current file
[Shift+^F9] Execute command defined in EDDY.USE on all files
[F10] QUIT to original DOS default directory
[^F10] Same as [F10]; if EGA/VGA, lines per screen unchanged
[Alt+F10] QUIT, set new DOS default = working directory
[F11] View disk space requirements for different cluster sizes
[Shift+F11] Toggle CVF/drive status for working directory drive
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-3
II. Letters
[Alt+a] Depends on context:
- EDIT...set ATTRIBUTE filter
- PATCH...truncate file AFTER cursor
[b] Toggle BIT-stripping state (LOOK)
[Alt+b] Depends on context:
- EDIT...copy with bit-stripping
- LOOK...(at file) toggle bit-stripping default state
(at disk) display "bad spot" as marked in FAT
- PATCH...truncate file BEFORE cursor
[^c] Cancel repeating command
[Alt+c] Set Synchronization CONTROLs
[d] Move ruler DOWN (LOOK)
[Alt+d] Depends on context:
- EDIT...sort by file DATE/time
- LOOK...(at disk) display DIRECTORY entry
[Alt+Shift+d] Sort permanently by file DATE/time
[e] EGA/VGA lines-per-screen toggle (LOOK)
[Alt+e] Sort by file EXTENSION
[Alt+Shift+e] Sort permanently by file EXTENSION
[f] Repeat previous FIND (LOOK)
[^f] FIND string in all files
[Alt+f] FIND string in file (EDIT/LOOK/FIND)
[Alt+g] Assign GLOBAL match character (FIND)
[Alt+h] Sort by file time (HOUR/minute)
[Alt+Shift+h] Sort permanently by file time
[Alt+i] INVERT display sequence
[Alt+Shift+i] INVERT permanently
[j] Depends on context:
- LOOK (at file, text) JUMP to line #
- LOOK (at file, hex) JUMP to file offset
- LOOK (at disk) JUMP to disk sector
[Alt+j] JUMP to disk cluster (LOOK at disk)
[Alt+k] Depends on context:
- FIND...set "don't match" byte in search string
- EDIT...show name for next key pressed
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-4
[l] Toggle LINE-wrapping state (LOOK)
[^l] Toggle "persistent" list file open/close
[Alt+l] Depends on context:
- EDIT...build list file
- LOOK...toggle line-wrapping default state
[m] MARK area to be copied (LOOK)
[Alt+m] Depends on context:
- EDIT...change command used for primary mouse key
- LOOK...jump to marked area
[Alt+Shift+m] Adjust mouse sensitivity
[n] Depends on context:
- cursor in filename/ext field: use as part of name
- cursor in attributes field: set file attribute OFF...
...and move right (if on Archive, no move)
[^n] Turn attribute (column under cursor) ON for all files
[Alt+n] Depends on context:
- EDIT...sort by file NAME
- LOOK (at disk)...jump to NEXT cluster in chain
[Alt+Shift+n] Sort permanently by file NAME
[Alt+o] Depends on context:
- EDIT...OPTION settings
- LOOK (at disk)...find "owner" of sector/cluster
[p] Make hex display PRINTABLE (LOOK)
[^p] same as [Alt+p], except printer output goes to file
[Alt+p] Depends on context:
- EDIT...PRINT directory
- LOOK...PRINT file contents
- UPDATE...PRINT changes as they are made
[Alt+q] Set timestamp filter
[r] RULER line display (LOOK)
[Alt+r] Depends on context:
- LOOK...toggle REPLACE state
- EDIT (when customizing)...RAINBOW (color) selection
[s] Toggle LOOK Mode action for [up]/[down] between...
...normal scrolling (1 line per keypress) and...
...speed scrolling (half screen per keypress)
[Alt+s] Depends on context:
- EDIT...sort by file SIZE
- LOOK (at disk)...jump to STARTING cluster
[Alt+Shift+s] Sort permanently by file SIZE
[Alt+t] Depends on context:
- EDIT...TARGET directory inquiry/change using tree or box
- LOOK (at disk)...display TARGET directory cluster
[Alt+Shift+t] TARGET directory inquiry/change using dialog box
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-5
[u] Move ruler UP (LOOK)
[Alt+u] Depends on context:
- EDIT...leave display UNSORTED...
- LOOK (at disk)...display next UNALLOCATED cluster
[^v] VOLUME serial number display/update
[Alt+v] VOLUME label add or change
[Alt+Shift+v] VOLUME label delete
[w] Toggle display between byte/word format (LOOK)
[W] Toggle display between word and...
...inverted word format (LOOK)
[^w] "Where's That File?"
[Alt+w] Depends on context:
- EDIT...WORKING directory change using tree or box
- LOOK (at disk)...display WORKING directory cluster
[Alt+Shift+w] WORKING directory change using dialog box
[Alt+x] eXCHANGE working and target directories
[y] Depends on context:
- cursor in filename/ext field: use as part of name
- cursor in attributes field: set file attribute ON...
...and move right (if on Archive, no move)
[^y] Turn attribute (column under cursor) ON for all files
[Alt+y] Delete bytes from beginning or end of file (PATCH)
[Alt+z] Depends on context:
- EDIT/UPDATE...view registration info
- PATCH...append ^Z to file
[^letter] From tree display or directory dialog box:
...select drive indicated
III. Numbers
[0] After [#] or [Alt+#]...TABs are deleted during copy
[1] - [8] After [#] or [Alt+#]...
TABs expand to next "n"-byte boundary during copy
[Alt+0] Send formfeed to printer
[Alt+1] Send linefeed to printer
[Alt+3] Same as [Alt+#], described below
[Alt+9] Send command from EDDY.USE to printer
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-6
IV. Miscellaneous Keys
[Enter] Depends on context:
- General use..."yes, do this", "select this item", etc.
- LOOKing at EDDY.DOC...go to highlighted section number
[^Enter] Depends on context:
- PATCH...allow update without using current timestamp
- UPDATE...allow copy using current timestamp
- LOOKing at EDDY.DOC...return to page where first link...
...to highlighted reference was taken
[Shift+Enter] When LOOKing at EDDY.DOC...return to previous page
[Esc] Depends on context:
- EDIT...two [Esc]s in a row same as F10 (i.e., quit)
- LOOK...return to EDIT
- PATCH...return to LOOK
- in response to "(y/n)?" message...same as [n]
- general...exit from current process
[Shift+Esc] - indicate that following keypress, if [F1] or [F2]...
...is to be treated as [F11] or [F12], respectively
[SpaceBar] When LOOKing at EDDY.DOC...highlight next HyperText link
[BackSpace] Depends on context:
- EDIT...Interrupt repeating command
- LOOKing at EDDY.DOC...highlight previous HyperText link
[Tab] Depends on context:
- EDIT...toggle attributes display style
- LOOK...toggle display between hex/text
- PATCH/FIND...toggle data entry mode between hex/text
[Shift+Tab] - LOOK/PATCH/FIND...set new key for hex/text toggle
[Ins] Enable file renaming for current file only
[Del] Depends on context:
- EDIT...Tag file for DELETE!, whether or not...
...trashcan available
- Synchronization Control setting: turn on "Control for...
...Delete", set other Controls accordingly
[^Del] Tag all files for DELETE!
[*] Toggle file exclusion state
[\] Select drive from list of valid drives (EDIT/TREE)
[.] Depends on context:
- cursor on filename: move cursor to extension
- cursor NOT on filename: move cursor to start of filename
- working directory dialog box: set file spec to "*.*"
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page A-7
[:] Move cursor to "hour" field
[+] Depends on context:
- cursor in attributes field: set file attribute ON...
...and move down 1 line
- cursor in other field: move to attributes field
[=] Depends on context:
- if [Alt+=] previously used:
...set file date/time to frozen timestamp
- if no [Alt+=]: set date/time to current DOS date/time
[Alt+=] Freeze timestamp at date/time of current file
[-] Depends on context:
- cursor in filename/ext field: use as part of name
- cursor in attributes field: set file attribute OFF...
...and move down 1 line
- cursor in other field: move to attributes field
[Alt+-] Unfreeze timestamp frozen by preceding [Alt+=]
[/] Depends on context:
- EDIT...Move cursor to "month" field
- FIND...Find next occurrence of search argument
[#] Choose tab expansion interval for current file (LOOK)
[Alt+#] Depends on context:
- EDIT...tag for copy, with tab expansion (or deletion)
- LOOK...choose tab expansion interval for all files
[right bracket] i.e., "]" -- TAB right (EDIT/LOOK)
[left bracket] i.e., "[" -- TAB left (EDIT/LOOK)
[ScrollLock] Interrupt processing temporarily. Resume when...
...[ScrollLock] is released.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page B-1
Appendix B
What Does That Message Mean?
The purpose of this Appendix is to explain some of EDDY's error and status
messages which may not be completely self-explanatory or clear from their
context. Messages are listed alphabetically.
When these messages are displayed on the screen, they are followed by a
reminder that more information about why the message appeared and what, if
anything, you should do about it, may be found in this Appendix.
If you find some other messages EDDY produces that need clarification,
please let me know, and I'll include them in the next update.
Can't adjust sensitivity
An error has been returned by the mouse driver. Probable cause is a
non-Microsoft compatible mouse being used.
Can't find Command Interpreter
After searching the DOS environment, EDDY has either failed to locate
the "COMSPEC" variable, which specifies where to find the command
interpreter (usually COMMAND.COM), or has looked for the interpreter
where COMSPEC said it was, but didn't find it there.
You won't be able to do any DOS Gateway or Point & Shoot operations,
but other EDDY commands will work correctly. When you quit EDDY,
though, you'll have a problem when DOS can't find COMMAND.COM either.
Can't patch this file
You have pressed [F4], but EDDY cannot get "write" access to the file.
This is not just a read-only file; in that case, EDDY would ask first,
and then remove the read-only status so that patching could proceed.
This may occur when running under Windows, and the file in use by some
other process, or on a network, if the file is part of a non-DOS file
system, such as UNIX, and you don't have permission for write access.
Can't proceed. EDDY.AUX problem #_, reference #_
If you see this message, EDDY will terminate immediately. Much of
EDDY's functionality is stored in the EDDY.AUX file, as a set of
overlays. If this file can't be located, can't be read, etc., there
really isn't much that EDDY can usefully do.
The "problem #" describes what's wrong:
-1) EDDY.AUX not found in same directory as EDDY.COM
-2) EDDY.AUX and EDDY.COM different versions
-3) Unable to open EDDY.AUX
-4) Read error while accessing EDDY.AUX
-5) -or higher number- Internal errors
(the programmer's famous "this can't happen" scenarios)
The "reference #" tells me (if you report it) exactly where in the
program the problem occurred, to help in isolating the problem.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page B-2
Can't restore from swapfile
You have just returned to EDDY after using the DOS Gateway, and an
error was encountered in trying to restore the data that was stored
there to make more memory available for Gateway processes. Without
restoring this data (and the corresponding memory allocations), EDDY
cannot proceed reliably. Therefore, the program terminates.
Compressed disk appears to be full. COPY/MOVE aborted
The target disk is a CVF, and it indicates space is available to do
the i/o operation requested. However, when writing to the target, not
all bytes requested were able to be written. The most likely reason
is that the disk compression software has based its estimate of space
available on an expectation of being able to achieve more compression
than actually possible for the data involved.
The operation was not completed, but whatever WAS able to be written
is still in the file in the target directory. However, the directory
entry most likely indicates a file size that is incorrect. To check
this situation, run CHKDSK against the target directory. To correct
it, run CHKDSK /F.
Directory is part of target path
You can't move a directory to its own "child", nor to any directory
subordinate to it; e.g., you can't move C:\UTIL to C:\UTIL\MISC; you
could, however, move C:\UTIL\MISC to C:\ if you wished.
DOS version problem
This message appears if you execute EDDY under a DOS version earlier
than 3.1.
Evaluation period expired! [function] not enabled.
After you have used EDDY for a month or so, and you have run it more
than 100 times, EDDY gets a bit heavier with its "nagging" at you to
register. Surely, if you use it THAT much, it must be worth the low
registration price to you? After so much use, in addition to nagging,
certain functions are no longer enabled in an unregistered copy:
. patching - [F4]
. EDDY.USE - [Shift+F9], [Shift+^F9] and [Alt+9]
. list files - [Alt+l], [^l]
. customizing - EDDY /0
File not found. [Ins] to rename.
You probably pressed a key by mistake, causing EDDY to go into speed-
search mode for a matching filename that wasn't there. If what you
really wanted to do was rename the file, either press [Ins] to turn on
renaming for that file, or set Option /F ON for all files.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page B-3
Keyboard interrupt WAS controlled by unknown process at [segment:offset]
This is just a warning, to help you to understand a situation that may
cause unusual behavior after EDDY terminates.
When EDDY runs, it intercepts ("hooks") the DOS keyboard interrupt
vector, in order to detect and process a [^c] keypress properly.
After processing a keyboard interrupt, control is passed to whatever
process had control of the keyboard vector before EDDY hooked it.
When you use the DOS Gateway functions, EDDY gives up control of the
vector, and hooks it again when you return from the Gateway. When
EDDY terminates, it restores this vector to the value it had before
EDDY took control of it the last time. In other words, EDDY is a good
MS-DOS citizen, and won't interfere with the workings of other good
citizens who need access to the keyboard interrupts.
However, if some ill-behaved process -- perhaps a TSR, or even a virus
of some sort -- takes over the vector WHILE EDDY HAS CONTROL of it,
then at termination time, EDDY can't be sure how to restore the
vector, removing EDDY from the keyboard interrupt process chain, while
still leaving the unknown process in control of the vector. If the
unknown process receives a keyboard interrupt, and tries to pass
control back to the previous process that had hooked it (i.e., EDDY,
which has terminated), your system will hang! To avoid that, EDDY
always restores the vector to the value it had before EDDY took
control, cutting the unknown process out of the chain.
Memory corrupted!
When EDDY temporarily gives up control to DOS for Gateway or Point &
Shoot functions, a checksum of EDDY's memory area is computed and
recorded. It is computed again when EDDY regains control. If there's
a difference, some process that has been executed outside of EDDY has
written to memory that belongs to EDDY. EDDY terminates immediately,
without attempting to restore any paths, colors, fonts, etc.
No target. Delete all (y/n)?
You have set the Synchronization Controls to specify that the files
in the target are to be compared with those in the working directory,
and the result used to determine which files will be tagged for
DELETE. But there is currently no target directory.
Not enough memory
This may appear when trying to use the DOS Gateway or Point & Shoot
functions, and there is not enough memory to load the requested
program. It may also occur if EDDY returns from executing one of
these functions, and finds that there is not enough memory available
to continue (and so EDDY terminates).
You might also see this message when you try to rewrite a sorted
directory to disk. It means there isn't enough room in memory for all
of the directory entries plus workspace for the sort process.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page B-4
Not enough room in root directory
Unlike subdirectories, the root has a maximum number of entries that
it can hold. This maximum is set by the FORMAT process. If the disk
has a label, that uses one entry. If you copy/move files to the root,
and files with those names are not already in the root (shown by
"COPY+" or "MOVE+"), a new directory entry is needed for each one. If
there are not enough entries available, you'll get this message.
Not supported for this disk
There are several conditions that can produce this message:
-1) The disk is a remote drive, accessed on a network, and you are
attempting some low-level operation, such as sector patching.
-2) EDDY has received conflicting data regarding the disk format. The
program always cross-checks this data by calling combinations of
BIOS and DOS functions, so that all critical data is treated to a
"second opinion". If there is disagreement, no low-level access
will be attempted by EDDY.
-3) A disk-image copy cannot be made of a compressed volume. To
accomplish the same thing, just do a regular COPY of the
underlying, hidden CVF.
-4) The disk is larger than 32 MB, and the version of DOS being used
can't handle it.
Path name too long
This one can really be puzzling (some users have reported it as a
bug). When you have a path with a long chain of subdirectories, EDDY
may refuse to move to a directory, giving this message. It means DOS
can't get to the directory, even though it's there. This can happen
if you rename a directory with a longer name, and the resulting path
is longer than 64 bytes. It can be even more obscure if you are using
a SUBST'ed disk, so that the path doesn't look too long; however, DOS
uses the total effective length, after expanding the SUBST path.
Press key for primary mouse button
EDDY is waiting for you to select -- by pressing -- a key to define
the command to be executed whenever you subsequently press the primary
(normally, the left) mouse button.
Same disk
You cannot copy an entire disk image to a file on that same disk.
Size shown in directory incorrect
Probable cross-linked file. Refer to Sec 29.4.2 of this document.
Timestamp frozen / Timestamp unfrozen
When the timestamp is frozen, it will remain set to the same value,
and that value will be used whenever [=] is pressed. When it's
unfrozen (or has never been frozen), the current DOS date and time
will be used when [=] is pressed.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page B-5
Unable to complete directory move
Refer to Sec 12.4.2 of this document.
Unable to complete directory rewrite
Refer to Sec 26.4 of this document
Unsure if files open. Sorting not attempted
Refer to Sec 26.1 of this document
WARNING! Memory allocation changed
When EDDY temporarily gives up control to DOS for Gateway or Point &
Shoot functions, the amount of free memory is recorded. If the same
amount of memory is not available when EDDY regains control, you've
most likely run some program which has TSR'd (terminated and stayed
resident). Even if your system doesn't "hang", this will probably
cause trouble when you finally quit, as there will be "holes" (small,
often unusable blocks of memory) that can only be eliminated by
rebooting. If you can remove the TSR program by using the DOS
Gateway, you should do so to avoid problems later.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page C-1
Appendix C
Mouse Problems (Technical Note)
I. Reset Method
EDDY performs a "reset" on the mouse driver at start-up and after use of
the DOS Gateway functions, to ensure that the mouse is in a known state for
subsequent operations. There are two types of reset available: the one
EDDY uses by default is all handled by software, and is relatively quick,
but may, in unusual circumstances, lead to erratic behavior; the other
reset uses hardware functions, ensures that all aspects are properly
initialized, but is MUCH slower -- well over a second, which produces a
very noticeable delay when EDDY begins execution.
I have never actually encountered problems with the "quick" reset method,
but the experts say it can happen. In case you're having mouse problems, a
configuration parameter is provided to let you choose the reset method that
works best for you; this is described in Sec 31.3.1d.
If you're using the hardware reset but still have problems, read on...
II. Driver Versions
Over the years, a number of users have reported major problems in trying to
use their mice with EDDY. The movement would be erratic, if not random,
and in some cases the mouse would either refuse to move, or move very
slowly and refuse to respond to changing the sensitivity with EDDY (using
the [Alt+Shift+m] command).
Most users, on the other hand, have no such problems. Until recently, I
have never been able to reproduce this behavior, and thus haven't been very
effective in getting it fixed.
At last I have encountered the problems myself, and have been able to do
some investigation.
When running Windows 3.1, and executing EDDY (prior to version 8a) in a DOS
box or from an icon, the mouse misbehaved terribly!
Running without Windows, everything works fine.
To get a mouse to work at all in the Windows DOS box, it is necessary to
include a command to load the mouse driver from either AUTOEXEC.BAT or
CONFIG.SYS, before starting Windows. This is independent of the mouse
driver used by Windows. It also has nothing to do with EDDY; any DOS
program that uses a mouse has the same requirement for a DOS-based driver.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page C-2
I used the Microsoft MOUSE.COM driver, version 9.01, that came with PC-DOS.
(This driver is 93,086 bytes, dated 12/31/93).
When I traced out the activity with my debugger, I found that the values
returned from mouse (interrupt 33 hex) function call number 11 -- "Read
Mouse Motion Counters" -- were VERY erratic; sometimes reporting correct
movement, but more often not.
After much experimentation, I began to suspect that I had a problem that
wasn't entirely EDDY's, but was somehow related to the hardware/software
platform I was running on. So, I tried using the Logitech mouse driver,
MOUSE.COM version 6.23, from another system (40,596 bytes, dated 03/10/93).
Suddenly, everything worked OK!
Apparently I'm one of the last people in the world to learn about this
problem! A couple of weeks after I found out the hard way, I came across
the book "Windows 3.1 Power Tools", by Geoffrey and William LeBlond. This
book, published by Bantam Books in 1992, devotes some six pages (!) to a
discussion of this and similar situations.
I HOPE this explains most, if not all, of the problems reported to me. Of
course, there's really no way to know, unless you share your experiences
with me. There are probably other hardware/software combinations which
produce similar problems with EDDY, and there are certainly lots of others
which run without a hitch.
I would especially appreciate any feedback from users experiencing trouble
in other situations, and I would also like to hear from any users who find
that a similar change of mouse drivers resolves their problems.
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-1
Appendix D
KeyWord-In-Context (KWIC) Index
This index is based on "keywords". For each keyword, as much of the sur-
rounding text as fits on a line is included, to give some help ("context")
in deciding whether the reference is worth checking out. The keywords are
centered on the page, making them easy to scan. At the right end of the
line, the page number where the text occurs is displayed.
Only words which are used in relation to topics judged likely to be of
interest are indexed, so not all references to a given term are included.
Thus, with "left" you'll find "left click" and "left mouse button",
but not "left out" or "left edge". Clearly, this is very subjective; any
comments regarding the choice of keywords for the index are welcome.
The indexed keywords are HyperText-linked (see Sec 6.3). When viewing the
index (with EDDY), the current keyword is highlighted. Press [SpaceBar]/
[BackSpace] to move the highlight to the next/previous keyword. [Enter] to
display the line with the current keyword, as used on the indicated page in
the body of the text, at the top of the screen.
* non-Alpha *
will be dumped into a file named "-MEMORY-.@@@" (in the target). If such 19-1
JETCOL, for laser printers, and 2COL, for dot matrix, inkjet, bubblejet 1-2
environment variable -- e.g., 4DOS), which will process your DOS comma 15-1
* A *
printed neatly (on 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 paper), I suggest you set your printe 1-3
path will be "abbreviated". An abbreviated path string has "\***\" wher 1-7
order with MasterCharge, Visa, American Express, or Discover from PsL 32-2
-1) The standard ANSI names for the characters from 0 thr 14-9
to overwrite the existing file or append the new data to it. Appending of 8-12
bit. Files copied will have the archive attribute turned ON in the targe 11-1
/A - Do not change the file archive (modify) attribute when copying 2-3
[Tab] toggles between ASCII and hex display formats. If you 8-3
by one line. When paging in ASCII format through a long non-text fil 8-4
in hex format, even if it was in ASCII when the search began. This is be 17-2
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dis 33-4
In addition, If you want to associate a program with directories, us 14-2
any commands you wish to be associated with any files you choose. 14-1
may contain more than one association line for a particular file, 14-5
when EDDY runs out of matching association lines in EDDY.USE, after a 14-7
when you have several "*.*" association lines whose command strings 14-6
may be included in an EDDY.USE association line to further define how 14-3
14.1 Point & Shoot Commands ("Associations") - [Shift+F9] 14-1
files matching the current file, attribute and/or timestamp specification 5-10
moves to extension [+] - move to attribute field (except in an attribute 3-1
explicitly requested by use of attribute filtering -- and with filterin 2-3
You can also change an attribute for all files in the working 4-4
file with the "network-shareable" attribute is copied, the result in the 11-1
-1) Set the "directory" attribute OFF in the subdirectory's entr 12-3
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-2
used (e.g., "*.DOC"), or attribute or timestamp filtering, then 26-2
will normally have the archive attribute turned ON in the target direct 12-1
change the file archive (modify) attribute when copying or moving files. 2-3
4.4 Changing File Attributes 4-3
only files which have particular attributes (e.g., read-only) and/or part 18-1
check is made for read-only file attributes on the files in the directory 13-3
is another style for displaying attributes, shown below in Figure 1-2. 1-5
4.4.1 Attributes Style #1 4-3
4.4.2 Attributes Style #2 4-4
executing EDDY, then enter the attributes to be used for filtering. [E 18-2
Auto-scroll moves the display up or down 8-4
* B *
displays the next sequential "bad" cluster. When all "bad" clusters ha 24-3
a file that's on a disk that has "bad spots", EDDY will often let you save 11-2
an extension of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or "BTM" if you're using 4DOS or 15-1
If you run a program via batch file, commas are ignored by DOS, 2-1
(see Sec 14.1) to work with a batch file that does the copy for you. 11-4
may be used to select files in batch mode. Files with read-only, hidden 30-1
/5, /6, /7, /8 - These batch mode options correspond to keys [^ 2-4
a date or time field), EDDY will "beep" at you and ignore the entry. 4-1
/B - Turn off the "beep" that normally sounds for errors or 2-3
of interest (such as the RAM BIOS area, where some bytes are counters 8-11
disk i/o operations handled by BIOS interrupt 13h. This interrupt requi 24-7
is to mess with the values in the BIOS keyboard buffer pointers (0040:001A 9-3
Below is a description of the BIOS processing that EDDY simulates. If 3-10
will jump to the end of the BIOS ROM, which usually has the copyrigh 8-10
that have more lines than the BIOS settings indicate. In this case, 31-9
a readable copy by copying with bit-stripping. If you want to get rid 11-3
meanings of the characters, try bit-stripping. Pressing [b] causes EDDY 8-5
If EDDY's display is blurred, unreadable, or strange-looking, 1-2
[^Home] moves the display to the boot sector. A formatted, readable disp 24-6
this is a flag that tells DOS the boot sector contains a serial number, an 20-2
You can copy entire disks -- boot sector, FAT, and all -- for backup 25-1
part of the system area it is: boot sector, FAT, root directory, or "re 24-5
of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or "BTM" if you're using 4DOS or NDOS), pres 15-1
of the screen are used as "click" buttons with a mouse; clicking on them 1-6
-1) "Byte" marks select a continuous range of 8-11
see large numbers in the "bytes wasted" field (third line) of EDDY 27-1
* C *
There are two ways to cancel a target directory: 5-7
is moved between "OK" and "Cancel" by pressing [Left] or [Right]. 3-8
match will ignore upper and lower case differences. One or more blanks in 17-2
(CVFs), network (LAN) drives, CD-ROMs, RAM drives, or Iomega "ZIP" dri 1-5
causes screen flicker with a CGA. Most people find this very annoyin 31-12
are expressed in US dollars. Checks should be drawn on a US bank, pay 32-2
for the DOS Gateway or any child process, including Point & Shoot. 15-3
step 4 was not completed. Run "CHKDSK" on the disk. If CHKDSK displays 12-3
is the case by running CHKDSK; CHKDSK will tell you which cluster is th 29-7
If you "click" in the blank area near the rectan 1-6
Times are based on a 12-hour clock, and must be in the form "hh:mma" 18-3
search for, press [Enter] for a "close" match search or [^Enter] for an 17-1
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-3
target directory -4) Adjust the "cluster number" in the moved directory's 12-3
ted is maintained in "chains" of cluster numbers, in the FAT. To view th 24-3
[Alt+s], to display the starting cluster of the deleted file. If the dat 25-6
[Alt+w] moves you to the first cluster of the working directory. (This 24-2
bytes needed for other, larger cluster sizes: 1024 (also diskette-only 27-2
sector is the first sector of a cluster, the second line also shows the 24-2
If you have a single cross-linked cluster, what this means is that you hav 29-7
the next sequential "bad" cluster. When all "bad" clusters have be 24-3
"cluster" number is the starting cluster which is (or was, if the entry 24-4
cluster. When all unallocated clusters have been displayed, there's a 24-3
to look at the unallocated clusters, one after another. This is sti 25-6
case, if there are more marked clusters, the display will move to the 25-4
although it will toggle between color and mono on any color monitor. 2-4
at 0040:0017h. (Not true for Color Graphics Adapters -- too much scre 8-10
for other EDDY screens (but menu colors are the same as HELP colors). Th 3-7
on a file with an extension of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or "BTM" if you're 15-1
Options are given on the DOS command line, as with normal DOS command 2-2
at any time (see Sec 5). If the command line doesn't specify any directo 1-7
2.3 Other Command Line Parameters 2-5
From the command line, using option /W causes EDD 5-10
EDDY.USE may also contain comments if desired. A comment is defin 14-1
Sec 23), there is another way to compare directories. You can compare a 8-13
used in any situation involving comparison of directory entries in the 4-2
There is no checking or comparison of file timestamps involved 11-3
In addition, an outstanding compressed print utility (see Sec 1.2.3) 32-1
that are recognized as being "compressed volume files" (CVFs), network 1-5
parameters (such as expected compression ratio) and/or extra-compress 28-2
software fails to achieve the compression ratio it expected. In this 29-6
on the market that use data compression techniques to allow your dis 28-1
a modem, you may reach me via CompuServe: 70162,2357. If you have acc 33-3
and on CompuServe: GO PCUTIL (formerly IBMSYS) 33-4
card, by mail, or by using the CompuServe SWREG facility. See Sec 32.2 32-1
you use, based on the "COMSPEC" environment variable -- e.g., 15-1
by use of "COUNTRY.SYS" in your CONFIG.SYS file. Or you may customize 1-11
your copy of EDDY, your custom configuration is stored in a file called 31-6
by the first method, with the "configure" parameter in EDDY.INI set to 31-1
to the keys suggested in the confirmation display, you may press [Alt 10-3
copy's data in certain ways -- "converting" the file. The available CON 11-1
operation of the multiple-file COPY and MOVE commands -- [^F5] and [^F6 10-1
Sec 10) work closely with the COPY command to help you in deciding whi 11-1
is used, the display will show "Copy image" next to the file involved. 25-2
the range of bytes you want to copy, press [F5]. If there is no target 8-12
EDDY also allows you to copy RAM to a file (see Sec 19), and to 11-1
to a file (see Sec 19), and to copy raw disk-image data -- sectors, clu 11-1
... You can copy the marked bytes to a file (e.g., 8-11
selected. The word "Copy" (or "Copy+", if no file of the same name is 11-1
[F5] to tag the current file for copying. If there is no target director 11-2
to tag the current directory for copying. If there is no target director 11-3
the target directory to use for copying marked data. You may specify ot 8-12
bypass the tedious file-by-file copying that is normally used in moving 12-3
the " memory" entry tags RAM for COPYing. When you UPDATE, the RAM data 19-1
you can make a readable copy by copying with bit-stripping. If you want 11-3
Please send all correspondence to: John Scofield 117 We 33-3
is to use the format specified by COUNTRY.SYS, if present, or USA standard 31-10
Usually, this is done by use of "COUNTRY.SYS" in your CONFIG.SYS file. 1-11
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-4
It is also needed if you want to create a new directory for use as the ta 5-1
Please DO NOT send credit card orders directly to the autho 32-2
functional as delivered -- not "crippled" in any way. All features are 32-1
If you have a single cross-linked cluster, what this means is 29-7
indicated (e.g., lost clusters, cross-linked files), they were present 12-4
Non-US checks, in convertible currencies, are accepted at current inte 32-2
corresponding file becomes the "current file". Editing is then done by 4-1
/C - Do not change the cursor size. Default is to use a larger 2-3
capabilities -- just move the cursor to the data you want to change, 3-1
There are two ways to move the cursor to the file (or directory) entry 4-1
/0 - Execute in "customize" mode, to create a copy of EDD 2-4
colors). These colors may be customized as desired (see Sec 31.2). 3-7
Three methods are available for customizing EDDY: 31-1
term "compressed volume file" (CVF) is used by some vendors to refer to 28-1
whether it is a compressed drive (CVF) or not, you'll be asked. Perhaps an 1-7
EDDY tries to identify CVFs automatically. If it can't decide 28-1
For DoubleSpace/DriveSpace CVFs, however, Microsoft has kindly prov 28-2
and then presents a list of the CVFs it THINKS it has found for your con 31-3
being "compressed volume files" (CVFs), network (LAN) drives, CD-ROMs, RA 1-5
With compressed drives (CVFs), only an estimate of the free spac 1-10
* D *
useful for recovering lost or damaged data when other methods fail. 25-3
features can be extremely dangerous in the hands of an inexperienc 24-8
files normally receive the same date and time as the original; if you wa 11-1
-- EDDY puts the current DOS date and time on a file that has been pa 9-2
move to last column [/] - move to date field [:] - move to time 3-1
EDDY will use the date format of your choice. The column 1-11
you whether to put the current date/time on files copied. UPDATE norma 29-1
Dates are displayed in mmddyy, ddmmyy, 4-3
after a [Shift+F9], the "default command" is displayed. While th 14-7
that you make your [Shift+F8] default command (see Sec 14.2) something 11-5
lines in EDDY.USE, EDDY's "default command" (see Sec 14.2) will be 14-5
EDDY always changes the DOS default directory on the working directo 5-9
and there is a trashcan, "Delete" appears in the display for that 13-1
EDDY asks whether you want to delete bytes BEFORE or AFTER the cursor, 9-2
"Delete files older than or the same as 10-4
"Delete files that are exact duplicates 10-4
file. If there is no trashcan, "Delete!" appears instead, to emphasize 13-1
Directories may also be deleted, even if they are not empty. ED 13-2
you will see a screen (the "DELTA Summary) showing the differences 23-3
need to be sure that files you DESTROY cannot possibly be recovered, ev 13-5
(such as EDDY), use "DESTROY". DESTROYing means overwriting the file, 13-3
5.2.2 Working Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+w] / [Alt+w] 5-4
5.2.3 Target Directory Dialog Box - [Alt+Shift+t] / [Alt+t] 5-5
press- ing it displays a dialog box asking you to enter the requi 3-7
5.1 Dialog Boxes or Tree Diagrams -- Your Ch 5-1
10.3 Synchronizing/Reconciling Directories 10-3
except for UNSORTED sequence, all directories are grouped at the top of th 1-8
to be able to ensure that two directories have exactly the same versio 10-3
EDDY will warn you that the directory is not empty when you press [F 13-2
it is the same physical directory no matter which string is used 5-12
entry (file or subdirectory) in a directory requires 32 bytes; thus, 128 1-10
/D - Include directory sizes in the display. Disk sp 2-3
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-5
the only way to free up unused directory space is by deleting the direc 1-10
[Alt+n], [Alt+s] or [Alt+u]. The directory will be re-sorted in the seque 1-8
of EDDY, you can PERMANENTLY disable the absolute sector patching fea 24-8
technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses 32-2
Visa, American Express, or Discover from PsL -- Public (software) 32-2
areas to be marked using either "disk" or "byte" marks. See Sec 8.6 for 25-3
that I've found, see "Hard Disk Secrets", by John Goodman, publishe 27-1
previously created with EDDY's disk-image copy capability tags that fil 25-2
(see Sec 19), and to copy raw disk-image data -- sectors, clusters, co 11-1
LOOKed at. When LOOKing at raw disk-image data, there are additional ca 8-11
The resulting disk-image file will be named (by defaul 25-3
copy and then doing repeated disk-image restores, as described in Sec 25-2
as "user-supported" software. Distribution and use of EDDY are subject 1-1
character in the FIND string the "don't match" (or "match anything BUT thi 17-3
EDDY allows you to exit to DOS (the DOS "shell"), execute other com 15-1
of commands handled by DOS's DOSKEY program. 5-4
3.1.4 Double-Click Shortcuts 3-4
You may now run EDDY simply by double-clicking on the EDDY icon. When 1-4
5.3.3 Moving to a New Drive - [^letter] / [^\] 5-8
file will, by default, be named "DRIVE.{x}", where "x" is the letter of 25-1
[^\], you'll get a list of valid drives to choose from. Either press a le 5-8
"Delete files that are exact duplicates of those in the target" 10-4
* E *
you have access to the Internet, e-mail may be sent to me at: 33-3
in the same directory: EDDY.COM, EDDY.AUX, EDDY.USE, EDDY.INI. If you ar 1-2
must be able to find the file "EDDY.AUX" in the directory you executed 6-1
Can't proceed. EDDY.AUX problem #_, reference #_ If you B-1
EDDY loads the MENU module from EDDY.AUX when you press [Alt+F1], if eno 3-7
to Windows users: EDDY.PIF and EDDY.ICO. These are the standard, Windo 1-3
don't worry. Customize with no EDDY.INI present, and a new one, fully 31-6
package includes a file called "EDDY.INI". This is an ASCII text file 31-1
default name for a list file is EDDY.LST; you may choose another name if 22-1
"Error writing EDDY.NEW"). EDDY.NEW is the name given to the new co 31-4
original copy of EDDY.COM (or EDDY.OLD, after customizing), will still 31-4
There is a "hot key" defined in EDDY.PIF -- [Alt+^F9] -- that you may us 1-4
more familiar to Windows users: EDDY.PIF and EDDY.ICO. These are the st 1-3
to be used (the default is "EDDY.PRN"). If the file already exists 21-1
is defined by a line in EDDY.USE. Association lines are display 14-1
are no more matching lines in EDDY.USE, EDDY's "default command" (see 14-5
examples and explanations in the EDDY.USE file, and see Sec 14.3. 1-3
%f %n%@ It's been left set up in EDDY.USE for ease and clarity of descrip 11-5
To illustrate this, a file called EDDYCOPY.BAT is provided, along with a 11-4
For more info on shareware, see EDDYREAD.ME. 1-1
will be saved in a file called "EDDYTREE.{x}", where "x" is the drive ID 5-3
the form provided by running the "EDDY_REG.BAT" file. Or print a copy of 32-3
the working directory. You may edit those entries, including filename, 1-11
To select a file for editing, move the cursor to the line of 4-1
[^Home], and pressing [End], [End] is the same as pressing [^End]. 3-1
as an unusually large, simulated environment for the DOS Gateway or any 15-3
you use, based on the "COMSPEC" environment variable -- e.g., 4DOS), whi 15-1
by the "SWAP", "TEMP" or "TMP" environment variables (checked in that 15-2
Any entries marked as "erased" by DOS will be moved to the end 26-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-6
problems, e.g.) EDDY reports the error as indicated by DOS and suspends 29-4
EDDY.COM, there could be error conditions such as bad spots on th 31-4
can be customized; see the "copy error" configuration parameter, describe 29-6
on which DOS has reported that an error has occurred while reading the dat 24-2
If a read error is encountered on a disk during a 29-6
informative displays of the ERRORLEVEL values returned by child proc 30-2
If the ERRORLEVEL value was set to anything oth 15-2
been executed, the value of DOS's ERRORLEVEL variable is checked. If it 14-3
a batch mode execution finishes, ERRORLEVEL will be set according to the 30-2
match search or [^Enter] for an exact match. 17-1
To exchange the working and target director 5-10
also press [*], to tell EDDY to EXCLUDE any files that match, and includ 1-7
string" may also be used. Excluded file extensions defined by EDDY 14-7
only those that DON'T match. Exclusion doesn't have any effect if you 18-3
to filters is the feature called "exclusion", which allows you to specify 18-1
file with an extension of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or "BTM" if you're using 15-1
by commas. Thus, to see all executable files in a directory, you cou 2-1
as a default. To change the TAB expansion, press [#], then [0], [1],..., 8-5
in a filename field [.] moves to extension [+] - move to attribute field 3-1
the list files that don't have an extension, make the first or last byte 14-6
the cursor is on a file with an extension of "COM", "EXE" or "BAT" (or 15-1
the marked bytes to a file (e.g., extract bytes from one file into another 8-11
* F *
If your keyboard does not have [F11] or [F12], the following procedure A-1
If your keyboard doesn't have an [F11], see Appendix A, Sec I. 27-2
keyboard does not have [F11] or [F12], the following procedure may be use A-1
when you start the UPDATE. Fast move cannot be used if a directory 12-3
copy entire disks -- boot sector, FAT, and all -- for backup or other purp 25-1
is marked as "allocated" in the FAT, but no owner can be found in the di 24-5
interpret low-level format and FAT information directly, reading the re 1-10
of the File Allocation Table (FAT) is involved. 12-3
Table(s) have "ROOT" and "FAT" respectively, under the sector numb 24-2
worse, by erroneously patching FATs or directories, or by copying data 25-5
the space is by using DOS's FDISK command to divide your disk into 27-2
4.4 Changing File Attributes 4-3
There is one case where the "File not in target" control will be igno 10-2
may provide up to FIVE different file specifications, either from the com 2-1
needed if you want to change the file specification used to select files 5-1
directory path you use may have a file specification (wildcards allowed) 1-7
take a loonnngggg time! The DOS file system structures are not set up to 24-5
with the details of the DOS file system, you may want to skip direct 27-1
5.6 Where's That File? - Option /W and [^w] 5-10
you enter a single, unambiguous filename -- i.e., no wildcards -- EDDY 2-2
[.] - left edge, except in a filename field [.] moves to extension [+ 3-1
If the directory has more files than EDDY can display, the "bytes" 1-10
later than 9 A.M. today). Filter values may be entered from the co 18-1
specifications (i.e., if you want filtering to be used as part of your sea 5-10
string has only "?"s, it will FIND any string of text conforming to th 17-4
that you want to do a repeated FIND on, for example, not wasting time 13-3
You may LOOK at, FIND strings in, or PATCH the " memory" 19-1
If you go to PATCH right after a FIND, the blinking cursor will be on the 9-1
becomes the default for any later FINDs, on the same file or any file you 17-2
is accessed (or each time, on a floppy). 5-1
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-7
on the drives used... - Floppy to floppy: copy's attributes set same as or 2-3
than one computer and using a floppy to carry data back and forth), he 10-3
a size sufficient to occupy all free disk space, and your chosen byte va 13-5
Professionals (which EDDY is) as free downloads: 33-4
software reports to DOS more free space on the disk than actually exi 28-2
[Alt+=]. Pressing [Alt+=] freezes EDDY's timestamp at the date and 4-3
When the timestamp is frozen, an "=" appears in the display he 4-3
If your keyboard doesn't have function keys 11 and 12, EDDY can simula 1-1
* G *
space is needed and then do a "garbage collection". 24-5
simulated environment for the DOS Gateway or any child process, including 15-3
If you use the DOS Gateway or Point & Shoot functions, EDDY 5-2
NOTE: When you use the DOS Gateway (see Sec 15) or Point & Shoot co 3-9
"str ng", etc. The default global match character is "?". 17-3
means conforming to the U.S. government's specification for secure fi 13-5
* H *
same as original - Hard disk to hard disk: copy's attributes set same as 2-3
1.1 Hardware Requirements 1-1
- If you double-click on the HELP click button, HELP's keyword search 3-4
are extensive, context-sensitive HELP facilities -- press [F1] -- and pul 1-2
to proceed, you can get relevant HELP information by pressing [F1]. The 6-1
entered. [Tab] toggles between hex and ASCII; if you don't like [Tab] 17-2
[Tab] toggles between ASCII and hex display formats. If you don't like 8-3
to accommodate screen printing of hex displays. If you press [p], telling 8-8
to select only files which are "hidden", enter "+H"; for files which are 18-2
EDDY/W +H will find any "hidden" files. 5-10
/H - Files with "hidden" or "system" attributes are not 2-3
disk (partition). The number of hidden sectors is usually equal to or a 24-6
FAT, root directory and any "hidden" sectors that may be part of your 25-3
can customize to use either the high- or standard-security method always 13-3
[b] causes EDDY to clear the high-order bit before the characters are 8-5
be replaced by periods, and all high-order bits will be turned off. The 8-8
see the words in inverted order (high-order byte first), press [W]. Pres 8-9
Directory paths are stored in a history list as you use them (regardless 5-4
in the path, or in EDDY's "home" directory; i.e., where EDDY.COM is 2-5
* NOTE: Pressing [Home] twice in a row is the same as pres 3-1
document, take advantage of the HyperText capabilities described in Sect 1-1
the pages displayed. These are HyperText links. 6-3
in hex, or if the string has a hyphen in it, matches to words broken ov 17-3
also find words that have been hyphenated and broken across two lines. 17-2
* I *
nor can the DOS system files (IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM or similar name) 26-3
the DOS system files (IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM or similar name) at the begin 26-3
Program Information File and an Icon file. 1-3
by double-clicking on the EDDY icon. When you exit from EDDY, there wi 1-4
Point-and-Shoot. It's easier to "ignore all" and then UNDO the few, rathe 13-3
in the search, tag those with "Ignore", by pressing [Alt+F7] (see Sec 5-11
If you tag some files as "Ignore" (see Sec 13.4), the bytes used 1-10
used, the display will show "Copy image" next to the file involved. The 25-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-8
cursor. You may toggle between insert and replace modes by pressing [In 3-7
To install, copy (or decompress) the EDDY 1-2
been added or modified by the installation process. Of course, that 23-1
an internal timestamp. EDDY's internal timestamp is either the current 4-3
EDDY is available on the Internet at: http://www.a-direct.com/ad- 33-4
i/o operations handled by BIOS interrupt 13h. This interrupt requires 24-7
When you use the DOS interrupt 21h "get attributes" service, 4-4
the values returned from mouse (interrupt 33 hex) function call number C-2
To interrupt one of the [^Fn] commands, pre 3-5
Keyboard interrupt WAS controlled by unknown proc B-3
To invert the order of the display (e.g., 1-8
If you want to see the words in inverted order (high-order byte first), 8-9
* J *
by ARCaine Technologies: JETCOL, for laser printers, and 2COL, fo 1-2
h. Jump to "Bad Spot" - [Alt+b] 24-3
b. Jump to Cluster - [Alt+j] 24-2
8.6.1 Jump to Marked Area - [Alt+m] 8-12
c. Jump to New File Position - [j] 8-8
d. Jump to New Line - [j] 8-6
f. Jump to Next Cluster - [Alt+n] 24-3
a. Jump to Sector - [j] 24-2
e. Jump to Starting Cluster - [Alt+s] 24-2
d. Jump to Target Directory - [Alt+t] 24-2
g. Jump to Unallocated Cluster - [Alt+u] 24-3
c. Jump to Working Directory - [Alt+w] 24-2
* K *
the keys needed to complete the key combination have been pressed. This 3-8
If you are unsure of a key's name for use with EDDY, press [Alt 31-14
respected in all cases, use the "keypad" parameter for customizing (see 3-1
on the HELP click button, HELP's keyword search screen will appear, just 6-2
* L *
To create or change a volume label on a disk, press [Alt+v]. Then ty 20-1
volume files" (CVFs), network (LAN) drives, CD-ROMs, RAM drives, or Iom 1-5
are handled on file updates -- a left click is the same as [Enter], and 3-4
that the new working directory; a left click on a file line LOOKs at that 3-2
Pressing the left mouse button ("left clicking") in 3-2
mouse is already configured as "left-handed" within its own driver or by 3-2
please contact the author. Site licenses are available. 32-3
EDDY can display up to a limit of 800 or so directory entries, de 1-8
The limit on number of directories which EDD 5-2
use all 6 positions if needed. Line numbers up to 999,999 are supported 8-6
the display, which tells you that line wrapping is OFF (the first characte 8-6
is treated specially: if line-wrapping is on (see Sec 8.2.3e) an 8-3
Some screens have more than one link; only one is highlighted at a time. 6-3
If you want to highlight the next link, press [SpaceBar], and the highligh 6-3
"ON/OFF", "YES/NO/MAYBE"). List boxes are used with these commands: 3-8
settings by pressing [Alt+o]. A list box will appear (see Sec 3.2.4). 2-5
you want to create a "persistent" list file -- i.e., one that remains open 22-2
directory (to open a "persistent" list file), and then press [Alt+l] to ad 5-11
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-9
Subdirectory names written to the list file end with a "\", so they are ea 22-1
of [Alt+l], you may have multiple list files in the same directory. 22-1
is also useful when creating list files. See Sec 22. 13-3
This is useful for building lists of files that you want to operate 22-2
moves in units of complete logical lines. The display will always 8-7
on. So, I tried using the Logitech mouse driver, MOUSE.COM version C-2
11.5.3 Breaking Long Lines 11-4
Path name too long This one can really be puzzling (so B-4
across a text file that has lines longer than your editor can handle. Whi 11-4
You may LOOK at, FIND strings in, or PATCH the 19-1
the entire disk as a file, and look at it". 8-1
the request is interpreted as "look at the contents of this directory". 8-1
For normal files, LOOK means "look at the contents of this file". If 8-1
To LOOK at the data contained in the curren 8-3
- If you double-click on the LOOK click button, you will go directly 3-4
X: is..."), you will enter LOOK mode for the entire disk, without 24-1
keys work a little differently in LOOK mode. The display may be thought 8-4
of [Enter] as an alternate way to LOOK, see the description of the "easy 8-2
commands are available when LOOKing at a file, disk or RAM. The cho 3-6
ANY data being LOOKed at. When LOOKing at raw disk-image data, there ar 8-11
current file, press [F3]. [^F3] LOOKs at the data in ALL files in the di 8-3
to decide what to do. [Alt+F3] LOOKs at the file contents in the target 10-2
tell you that there are some "lost allocation units". Under- standing 29-7
other errors are indicated (e.g., lost clusters, cross-linked files), they 12-4
This means that only the low-order 7 bits are used from each byte 8-5
EDDY will print to the device on LPT1 -- normally, a printer connected to 21-1
* M *
various places around the world. Mail eventually reaches me, but it somet 33-3
The manual pages are formatted to fit on 8-1 1-3
To COPY, you must first "mark" the areas desired. This process 25-3
and the arrow won't move. To mark the end of the string at another pl 17-3
Clusters to be copied are marked by moving the LOOK display to the 25-4
... You can copy the marked bytes to a file (e.g., extract by 8-11
[F5], except everything BUT the marked bytes will be copied. 8-12
disk, you may select areas to be marked using either "disk" or "byte" mar 25-3
"Marking data" means to select a range of 8-11
-2) "Disk" marks are used only when LOOKing at raw 8-11
-3) "Column" marks are used only when LOOKing at RAM. 8-11
... You can use the marks as a "place holder", allowing you 8-11
at the disk, you may display the Master Boot Record (also known as the "P 24-7
You can order with MasterCharge, Visa, American Express, or 32-2
and then typing the new global match character. You may use any charac 17-3
including case and blanks. Exact match FINDs are faster than "close" matc 17-2
you may designate it as "don't match". In this case, that character (i 17-4
in the FIND string the "don't match" (or "match anything BUT this") at 17-3
(or any combination). A close match will also find words that have bee 17-2
Sector". If there is no MBR, as with RAM disks, CVFs, and disket 27-2
does not allow patching of the MBR, in the interest of not making your 24-7
turned ON, EDDY treats the PC's memory as a file, which you may LOOK at, 2-4
FIND strings in, or PATCH the " memory" entry. For more information on 19-1
To LOOK at your PC's memory (if option /R is ON) move to the 8-10
- If you double-click on the MENU click button, the last command used 3-4
used for other EDDY screens (but menu colors are the same as HELP colors) 3-7
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-10
Press [Alt+F1] and a pull-down menu panel is displayed, as well as a me 3-6
that was executed by using the menu will be repeated. This is useful 1-6
-- press [F1] -- and pull-down menus -- [Alt+F1]. HELP includes all of 1-2
/K - Some error and status messages are displayed briefly (about 3 2-4
CVFs, however, Microsoft has kindly provided a differen 28-2
I used the Microsoft MOUSE.COM driver, version 9.01 C-2
may be present. If present, the modifiers must be the first thing on the 14-3
for EDDY that best suits your monitor and preferences. [Alt+r] result 31-5
If you have an EGA or VGA monitor, EDDY normally resets the displa 16-1
If your monitor has more than 25 lines, EDDY can 1-1
/E - Set EGA or VGA monitor to use "extra-line" text display 2-3
/M - Monochrome monitor. Useful with mono monitor + Col 2-4
If you have an EGA (or VGA) monitor, you may switch between 25 lines 8-3
there are some special-purpose monitors that have more lines than the 31-9
a. Changing the Mouse Button Command - [Alt+m] 3-2
used as "click" buttons with a mouse; clicking on them results in the 1-6
to pressing [F1], you may use the mouse: click the left and right mouse 6-1
If you see the solid block, no mouse driver has been detected by EDDY, 3-2
happen. In case you're having mouse problems, a configuration paramete C-1
as a test of the "Build a better mousetrap..." theory of economics. Howe 1-1
when you start the UPDATE. Fast move cannot be used if a directory of th 12-3
of the multiple-file COPY and MOVE commands -- [^F5] and [^F6]. They 10-1
or multiple-file) COPY or MOVE, if EDDY encounters a case where th 10-2
selected. The word "Move" (or "Move+", if no file of the same name is 12-1
by pressing [F7] will actually be moved to the trashcan directory, rather 13-1
copying that is normally used in moving a directory. As this is achieved 12-3
next command, such as [^f], the multi-file FIND, or [Shift+^F9], the mul 13-3
Keys. Use of this option allows multi-key combinations, in which the key 2-4
lots of options, long pathnames, multiple file specifications, and/or fil 2-5
2.1.1 Multiple, Simultaneous File Specificatio 2-1
only affect the operation of the multiple-file COPY and MOVE commands -- 10-1
* N *
(or "BTM" if you're using 4DOS or NDOS), pressing [Alt+F9] executes that 15-1
In Novell's Netware -- and in other network software 4-4
/D has no effect on remote (network) drives. 2-3
"compressed volume files" (CVFs), network (LAN) drives, CD-ROMs, RAM drive 1-5
means the number of people, on a network or separately, who may be using 32-1
is on a networked drive, the "network redirector" mechanism returns th 4-4
Also, if a file with the "network-shareable" attribute is copied, 11-1
Also, if a file with the "network-shareable" attribute is moved, 12-1
of users have asked about the "network-shareable" (formerly referred to 4-4
"N_ADVSHR". These stand for: Network-shareable, (system device), Arch 24-4
that mess with our disks in non-standard ways. Therefore, the follo 26-4
For checks drawn on a non-US bank, please don't forget the add 32-3
value, you may enter from the numeric keypad by holding down the [Alt] 13-4
enter values using [Alt] and the numeric keypad, press and release [Alt] 3-10
is also available. By default, [NumLock] state (ON/OFF) is always ignore 3-1
* O *
The highlight is moved between "OK" and "Cancel" by pressing [Left] or 3-8
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute 33-4
using CVFs. Any of the directory optimization operations -- sorting, shuf 28-3
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-11
When you use option /0, a new copy of EDDY.COM will 31-1
the display sequence (by using option /1 or one of the sort commands), 18-3
Using option /6 on the command line is the bat 12-2
Using option /7 on the command line is the bat 13-2
directory (unless you are using option /A, or the target is on a remote 11-1
directory (unless you are using option /A, or the target is on a remote 12-1
the directories on your disk, use option /D (see Sec 2.2.1 for a discussio 1-10
[e]. This is the same as turning option /E ON or OFF (see Sec 2.2.1). 8-3
per screen you have set (by using option /E) while in EDDY. 16-1
in Sec 4.1. (Except that option /F has no effect). 5-8
depends upon the setting of option /F (see Sec 2.2.1). If option 4-2
the "speed search" feature (with option /F turned OFF). 4-1
exception to this may occur when option /K is used. Pressing [F10] when 16-1
cursor and further down, turn on option /L before pressing [^F5]. 11-2
cursor and further down, turn on option /L before pressing [^F6]. 12-2
is on doesn't matter unless option /L is ON) and press [^y] or [^n]. 4-4
and moving down (just as though option /L were ON with other repeating 14-6
To LOOK at your PC's memory (if option /R is ON) move to the " memory" 8-10
the same way as for files. If option /R is turned ON, the display will 19-1
D:\TEMP" would run EDDY with option /R turned on, working directory 2-5
Keys mode is turned ON and OFF by option /T (see Sec 2.2.1). Setting optio 3-9
directories) a file is in, use option /W from the command line and/or 5-10
directories with [F3] turns off option /W if it is on. For other ways 8-1
Pressing [^w] when option /W is ON causes EDDY to continue 5-11
Change option settings by pressing [Alt+o]. A 2-5
Case is not significant. Options, if any, must be first, before 2-2
/1x - Override the normal startup display sequ 2-4
/2xxxxxx - Override the normal Synchronization Cont 2-4
will be asked whether you want to overwrite the existing file or append th 8-12
display includes two sectors, the owner which is displayed will be for the 24-5
* P *
use EDDY to get rid of them ("pack" the directory). Depending on how 26-4
-- sorting, shuffling and packing directories -- as well as patchi 28-3
variables as replaceable parameters in your commands, exactly as 14-3
no target. If there is a target, partial paths are interpreted relative 5-5
a physical disk has more than one partition, DOS treats each as a separate 24-7
Boot Record (also known as the "Partition Sector", which is more descrip 24-7
with the complexity of multiple partitions (e.g., remembering which part 27-2
locate the place in the file to PATCH. Once you have found it, press [F 9-1
change your PC's memory by using PATCH on the " memory" entry in the disp 9-3
may LOOK at, FIND strings in, or PATCH the " memory" entry. For more inf 19-1
Files may also be expanded using PATCH. With the cursor at the end of th 9-2
already used, you may bring the path of previously-used directories into 5-4
be used in the target directory path specification; only a drive and pat 5-5
working with exceptionally long path strings, they may be "abbreviated" 5-3
drive and/or root, or a partial path that EDDY will interpret relative 5-3
take place. If you just want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen 3-5
If you just want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen 8-4
reviewed. If you just want to pause temporarily, to look at the screen 11-2
to process them. Therefore, if paying by non-US check, please add $15 32-2
in effect, Undone. If there are pending changes, EDDY will warn you and 8-2
If you have changes pending which have not yet been processe 16-1
5.1.2 Performance Considerations 5-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-12
modified again. To make it a permanent default, edit and save it when 14-7
When you want to create a "persistent" list file -- i.e., one that 22-2
the first directory (to open a "persistent" list file), and then press 5-11
type of copy overwrites an entire physical disk, including format, boot an 25-2
LOOKing at an entire physical disk, regardless of file locati 8-10
You may PATCH any bytes on a physical disk, regardless of file locati 9-3
"80", "81", etc. are assigned to physical hard disks connected to the sys 24-7
be changed by using the Windows PIF Editor. 1-4
for example, to change the type pitch (characters per inch) -- may be de 21-2
because a filter is being used, a plus sign will appear just to the right 18-1
the DOS Gateway (see Sec 15) or Point & Shoot commands (see Sec 14.1), 3-9
If you use the DOS Gateway or Point & Shoot functions, EDDY has no way 5-2
primary purpose is to provide "Point & Shoot" functionality. 14-1
about 120K more RAM available for Point & Shoot processes. I recommend no 31-13
or any child process, including Point & Shoot. So you shouldn't often 15-3
time -- you may tell EDDY to print the changes as they are made. 29-1
of [Alt+p]. If you choose to "print" to a file, you will be asked to 21-1
end of line 1 to remind you that "printability" is turned on. [p] is a to 8-8
there is a section where printer control strings (commands) may 14-8
of the format used to specify printer control strings in EDDY.USE are 21-2
the same thing. EDDY provides printer setup capabilities to do this, 1-3
from where you can change your printer setup easily from then on. 21-1
an option to accommodate screen printing of hex displays. If you press 8-8
1.2.3 Printing the Manual (this file) 1-2
meanings; for example, [^p] for printing to a file, or [^f], to find a 4-2
Pressing [Alt+p] prints the current file. Printing begin 8-3
With any problem report, please include the follo 33-2
are the standard, Windows- format Program Information File and an Icon fil 1-3
you to exit, EDDY changes the DOS prompt to end with "Exit>". If you don' 15-1
If you want to protect the contents of deleted files fr 13-3
This feature is sometimes called "prune and graft". Press [F6] to tag the 12-2
Express, or Discover from PsL -- Public (software) Library -- by 32-2
32.7 EDDY is NOT Free and NOT Public Domain! 32-4
Express, or Discover from PsL -- Public (software) Library -- by calling 32-2
* Q *
- If you double-click on the QUIT click button, you will QUIT to the 3-4
prefer to use [Esc] as a way to QUIT from EDIT. If you want to QUIT by 16-1
However, if you use [^F10] to QUIT, the result is the same as [F10], 16-1
* R *
can watch various locations in RAM as they change; e.g., the BIOS timer 8-10
especially if you have no RAM disk available to use for the purpos 15-2
be a floppy, a compressed disk, a RAM disk, or some other driver-controlle 24-7
is on the " memory" entry tags RAM for COPYing. When you UPDATE, the 19-1
or copy a loaded program from its RAM image to a file) 8-11
EDDY also allows you to copy RAM to a file (see Sec 19), and to copy 11-1
NOTE: When FINDing strings in RAM, you might expect there'd be a copy 17-2
name will consist of 8 apparently random letters generated by DOS from the 15-2
To modify the marked range, press [m] again. If the new mark 8-11
LOOK at the disk to display the raw directory data. Move the display un 12-4
LOOK at the disk to display the raw directory data. Move the display un 26-5
will be gone if you look at the raw disk after a DESTROY. 13-4
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-13
have particular attributes (e.g., read-only) and/or particular timestamps 18-1
file in the target has the "read-only" attribute ON. - A MOVE, DELET 10-2
of deletion, no check is made for read-only file attributes on the files 13-3
to the file. This is not just a read-only file; in that case, EDDY would B-1
a file to be copied or moved is "read-only" in the target, the command wi 30-1
simultaneously produces a "warm" reboot. Because doing it one key at a ti 3-11
If you want to go back to (recall) a directory you have already use 5-4
you DESTROY cannot possibly be recovered, even with special-purpose equ 13-5
is particularly useful for recovering lost or damaged data when oth 25-3
case you make an error during the recovery process, at least your data can 25-5
of replaceable parameters. A "redirection string" may also be used. Ex 14-7
you should register. You may register by credit card, by mail, or by 32-1
might be appropriate. The "REGISTER?" click button does not appear 1-6
The delay is shorter with a registered copy of EDDY. 1-5
you'll be asked to consider registering, and given a chance to print 16-2
32.2 Registering by Credit Card 32-2
just run "EDDY/0", and the registration will be automatically be ap 31-14
if the current file has been renamed, even though not yet UPDATEd, th 8-9
[Shift+F3]. If files have been renamed, even though not yet UPDATEd, th 8-13
4.2.3 Renaming All Files - [Esc], [^letter] 4-2
4.2.1 Renaming Current File - [Ins] 4-2
to the file's directory entry (renaming, timestamping or attribute sett 11-1
- Turn on filename editing (i.e., renaming). When /F is ON, files may be 2-3
from a list that you want to do a repeated FIND on, for example, not wasti 13-3
whether the command applies to repeating commands and whether to pause 14-2
right one character, or "replace" mode, in which each keystroke 3-7
two strings the same length. A REPLACE string may not be longer than it 17-5
may also contain a variety of "replaceable parameters" (similar to, but 14-2
DOS environment variables as replaceable parameters in your commands, 14-3
including the same set of replaceable parameters. A "redirection 14-7
copy process; it is a complete replacement of one tree by another. 11-3
move process; it is a complete replacement of one tree by another. 12-2
There is always at least one reserved sector: the boot sector itself 24-6
EDDY performs a "reset" on the mouse driver at start-up C-1
you may want to consider using a "response file" rather than typing everyt 2-5
on. They may be edited into "response" files used by programs such as 22-1
need, then use EDDY's disk-image restore, and you're ready to go. 25-2
corresponding display. Click the right mouse button to return to the main 3-2
Any person using EDDY bears all risk as to the quality and performance 33-1
will jump to the end of the BIOS ROM, which usually has the copyright not 8-10
you'll get an error if the disk's root directory already has the maximum 20-1
area it is: boot sector, FAT, root directory, or "reserved". 24-5
If the ".." entry is actually the root directory, you will see "<ROOT>" in 1-10
c. Ruler Line Display - [r] / [u] / [d] 8-6
* S *
/L - List control. Changes the scope of the [Ctrl]-shifted commands. No 2-4
window that allows you to set the screen colors to your preferences. See 31-2
at either end; this is the "scroll bar". Somewhere on the scroll ba 3-2
At the right edge is a scroll bar The scroll bar is intended ma 1-6
these keys between their normal scrolling effect of one-line-per-keypres 8-4
Speed scrolling is of limited value unless you 8-4
what's going on, press and hold [ScrollLock]. All processing will stop. 13-2
enter: EDDY/W C:\FOO*.* to search drive "C:" for any file beginning 5-10
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-14
EDDY/W "+06/15/91" EDDY will search the directory tree starting from 5-10
using option /W causes EDDY to search the disk for matching files, star 5-10
as [Alt+f].) If you want to search through all files in the working 17-1
EDDY will use your keywords to search through the text of all of the (4 6-2
/W - Set "Where's That File?" searching; move to next directory that 2-4
/W is ON causes EDDY to continue searching the directory tree for the nex 5-11
moves the display to the boot sector. A formatted, readable display 24-6
sector's display has the logical sector number in the "Offset" field (000 24-1
If the sector is the first sector of a cluster, the second line als 24-2
will move to the first marked sector or cluster, if any, unless it is 25-4
EDDY.COM as the master copy, sector patching cannot be re-enabled. 31-4
PERMANENTLY disable the absolute sector patching feature. See Sec 31.1.2b 24-8
all currently-unallocated sectors on a disk (perhaps containing in 24-6
sectors"? Reserved sectors are sectors on the logical disk (partition) 24-6
sectors"? Hidden sectors are sectors on the physical disk that preced 24-6
file will be named (by default) "SECTORS.{x}", where "x" is the letter of 25-3
government's specification for secure file destruction. This involves 13-5
If you have unusually high security requirements, and need to be su 13-5
A command line attribute selection parameter begins with a plus 18-1
A command line timestamp selection parameter is enclosed in doubl 18-2
(or slowly), you can adjust the sensitivity (in Windows terminology, "Tr 3-3
it will NOT be treated as a separator when searching the HELP text; 6-2
can be rewritten to disk in that sequence. After all file-related UPDATE 26-2
in this section concerns the sequence of the display on the screen; 1-7
would prefer a different initial sequence, refer to Sec 2.2.1 for informa 1-8
at offset 00000027h, with a serial number of your choice. If you wa 20-2
To create or change a volume serial number on a disk, press [^v]. Th 20-1
belonging to Association of Shareware Professionals (which EDDY is) 33-4
like further information about shareware, see EDDYREAD.ME, which has an 32-4
in the public domain.) EDDY is "shareware", sometimes known as "user-sup 1-1
you to exit to DOS (the DOS "shell"), execute other commands or progr 15-1
questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registra 32-2
one or more entries have been Shuffled, the sequence code shown at the 26-3
operations -- sorting, shuffling and packing directories -- as 28-3
You may still use simultaneous key presses (e.g., [^F7]) 3-10
for the new copy of the file. Slack bytes are present when the file is 11-2
The position of the slider on the scroll bar gives you an ap 3-3
has no changes from its snapshot (or no snapshot is present), no 23-4
can compare a previously-taken snapshot with the current working direct 23-1
will be recorded in a file named SNAPSHOT.{.} (Actually, the extension is 23-1
be given a choice of comparing snapshots and directories in the entire 23-2
point. You may want to create a "snoop" file, to ensure that whatever you 25-5
space. You may browse (i.e., "snoop") in the file, or whatever you lik 24-6
of deleted files from being snooped into by anyone, even using utili 13-3
ensure that this data cannot be snooped into either, the entire cluster 13-4
anyone with a copy of EDDY from snooping around in YOUR electronic dumps 24-6
See the description of the "snow OK" configuration parameter in Sec 8-10
displayed, and makes any later sort produce an inverted list. Invertin 1-8
on the screen; you may also sort the directory permanently, on the 1-7
When the directory has been sorted by using the shifted commands, th 26-2
If you'd like to see how much space is actually occupied by the direct 1-10
To calculate the TRUE space utilization for a CVF requires a 28-2
and half-page-per-keypress ("speed scrolling"). A half page is defin 8-4
Selecting a File or Directory (Speed Search) 4-1
5.3.2 Moving the Tree Highlight (Speed Search) 5-7
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-15
in the filename field causes a "speed search" for a file with a matching 2-3
to use either the high- or standard-security method always. (See 13-3
pressed. This is similar to the "StickyKeys" function available with Wind 3-8
4.4.1 Attributes Style #1 4-3
4.4.2 Attributes Style #2 4-4
style=1). There is another style for displaying attributes, shown 1-5
Some lines on some panels show "(sub-menu)" instead of a hot key. If you 3-6
If the working directory is on a SUBST'ed drive which is part of the new 5-9
of registration. In practice, support is available for an unlimited ti 33-2
product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricin 32-2
EDDY copies parts of itself to a "swap file", and releases control of the 15-2
can be minimized by specifying a swap path on a RAM disk). 15-2
given, the path indicated by the "SWAP", "TEMP" or "TMP" environment varia 15-2
(possibly edited) command. Swapping will be used, if possible (see 14-5
button instead of pressing a key swaps the use of the left and right mous 3-2
register EDDY on-line. Just "GO SWREG", and refer to product #4186. 32-3
/2xxxxxx - Override the normal Synchronization Control settings, as des 2-4
10. Synchronization Controls - [Alt+c] 10-1
There is also a sixth Synchronization Control, which determine 10-3
This feature makes it easy to synchronize directories on different dis 5-6
/H - Files with "hidden" or "system" attributes are not normally disp 2-3
entry's attribute byte. The "system device" bit should never be on, 24-4
* T *
as a default. To change the TAB expansion, press [#], then [0], [1], 8-5
11.5.1). TAB expansion (using a TAB interval 2 - 8) results in a file la 29-5
thru "8", to specify the desired TAB interval. When the COPYing is done, 11-3
[F5], [F6] and [F7] will tag the file for the normal action for 10-2
applied. Then, if they are tagged for COPY or MOVE they'll be check 29-5
be repeated. This is useful for tagging several files for the same actio 1-6
The COPY command actually just "tags" a file to indicate that it has bee 11-1
The MOVE command actually just "tags" a file to indicate that it has bee 12-1
or moved, they are put in the "target directory". 1-7
There are two ways to cancel a target directory: 5-7
to compare working and target directory entries (one at a time) 8-13
directory to the same as your target directory, the target directory 5-5
[target] defines the target directory, to receive any files 2-1
at the contents of a file in the target directory which has the same name 8-9
allocation information on the target disk. The result is an exact cop 25-2
on the next-to-last line. If "target tracking" is used (see Sec 5.2.4) 1-7
directories. To select target tracking, press [=] and then [Ent 5-6
path indicated by the "SWAP", "TEMP" or "TMP" environment variables (ch 15-2
those areas. If you do, a temporary file is created with a size su 13-5
with monochrome monitors). Text entry may be done in either "insert 3-7
b. Three-finger Salute - [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del] 3-11
field [:] - move to time field [.] - left edge, except in a 3-1
puts the current DOS date and time on a file that has been patched. 9-2
as they change; e.g., the BIOS timer count at 0040:006Ch, the diskette 8-10
on the use of DOS's "COUNTRY.SYS; times are displayed based on a 12-hour 4-3
time will be cancelled, the null timestamp "=00-00-00 00:00p" will appear 18-3
(e.g., "*.DOC"), or attribute or timestamp filtering, then the entries fo 26-2
filter" specification and/or a "timestamp filter" specification. These 2-5
if you want to put the current timestamp on copies, use [^Enter] to sta 11-1
if you want to put the current timestamp on the moved files, use [^Ente 12-1
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-16
the new copy; if you want the old timestamp on the new copy, use [^Enter]. 31-2
current file, attribute and/or timestamp specifications (i.e., if you 5-10
-- after [Enter] -- leaves the timestamp unchanged on a file that has 29-1
When a directory is moved, the timestamp will not be changed. 12-2
4.3 Changing Timestamps 4-3
based on a comparison of their timestamps. Common cases are when you'd 10-1
read-only) and/or particular timestamps (e.g., files with timestamps 18-1
be selected for display must have timestamps greater than, less than, or 18-2
no checking or comparison of file timestamps involved in this copy process 11-3
by the "SWAP", "TEMP" or "TMP" environment variables (checked in 15-2
if you choose the highlighted "Topic Search by Keyword", you may search 6-1
in EDIT mode, you won't see topics that relate to LOOK or PATCH mode 3-6
EDDY offers "Touchdown Keys" to ensure that this prob 3-8
Target tracking allows automatic changes to the 5-6
(in Windows terminology, "Tracking Speed"). Press [Alt+Shift+m] 3-3
is A:\, you could use target tracking to synchronize corresponding di 5-6
working directory, target, and trashcan are all on different drives. 29-2
will actually be moved to the trashcan directory, rather than being re 13-1
is a complete replacement of one tree by another. 11-3
very often, consider saving the tree data in a file. For subsequent tre 5-2
5.3 Directory Selection from Tree Diagram 5-7
5.1 Dialog Boxes or Tree Diagrams -- Your Choice 5-1
continue searching the directory tree for the next directory, relative to 5-11
disks when the disks have similar tree structures at upper levels, but dif 5-6
in the tree -- a complete "tree walk". When the highlight is on th 5-7
satisfactory after a reasonable trial period (say, 30 days), and you con 32-1
* U *
be given the option of wiping out unallocated areas of the disk as well. 13-5
disk by entering UPDATE mode. To undo changes on the current file, press 7-1
pressing [m] (for "mark"). To "UNDO" marking of data previously selecte 25-4
EDDY uses some undocumented data structures within DOS 26-2
mind and UNDO the changes. [F2] UNDOes changes to the current file, [^F2 1-11
if you decide you want to uninstall the package later; you don't 23-1
When creating a new label for an unlabelled disk, you'll get an error if 20-1
If EDDY's display is blurred, unreadable, or strange-looking, try "EDD 1-2
to everyone. BUT, if you use an unregistered copy of EDDY frequently, ov 32-1
If you have been using an unregistered copy often, for a lengthy 16-2
are no longer enabled in an unregistered copy: . patching - [F4] . B-2
to clear this display. With an unregistered copy, you'll be "nagged" a 31-2
are an exception: except for UNSORTED sequence, all directories are 1-8
The directories are searched in "unsorted" sequence; i.e., the order they 5-10
may turn printing on during the UPDATE by pressing [Alt+p]. Printing wi 29-2
If you use [^Enter] to start the UPDATE, EDDY asks whether you want to do 9-2
[Enter] always initiates an UPDATE if changes are pending, or if you 8-2
When you rename a file, after UPDATE it will be moved to its proper pl 4-2
changes to disk when you enter UPDATE mode, by pressing [Enter]. EDDY 1-11
a file has been deleted by the UPDATE process, either "trashcan" or "de 13-2
timestamps are handled on file updates -- a left click is the same as 3-4
* V *
You can order with MasterCharge, Visa, American Express, or Discover from 32-2
EDDY v.8h User's Manual Copyright(C) 1987-97 by John Scofield page D-17
in the root directory with the "volume" file attribute turned on. The 24-7
To create or change a volume label on a disk, press [Alt+v]. 20-1
* W *
compressed disk. Therefore, the "wasted space" calculation is not done fo 28-2
EDDY's display, you are probably wasting more of your disk space than you 27-1
In many cases, "Where's That File?" is even more powerfu 5-11
that you reached by doing a "Where's That File" search (see Sec 5.6), 22-2
file specs may also be used with "where-is" file searches (see Sec 5.6) an 2-1
(i.e., d:\path\filename.ext). Wildcard characters are supported. If 2-1
may have a file specification (wildcards allowed) appended to it. If it 1-7
The extensions may include wildcards, and do not necessarily have 14-6
to, but more powerful than the MS Windows File Manager association functio 14-1
that, press any key to return to Windows immediately. This delay does no 1-4
to make using EDDY with MS Windows more familiar to Windows users: 1-3
recognized as a double-click (in Windows terminology, "Double-Click Speed 3-4
can adjust the sensitivity (in Windows terminology, "Tracking Speed"). 3-3
want the interface to EDDY from Windows to be more direct (i.e., by clic 1-4
function available with Windows_95. 3-8
portion of the display to be in words (as opposed to the normal bytes) 8-9
When displaying inverted words, the heading at the top of the dis 8-9
[F3] simultaneously to compare working and target directory entries (on 8-13
directory you wish to become the working directory, and press [Enter] (or 5-9
by EDDY is referred to as the "working directory". If any files are cop 1-7
command line, [work] defines the working directory, in normal DOS format, 2-1
If you move to a new working directory with changes pending 8-2
you to confirm that you want to write to disk (by pressing [Enter] again 1-11
* Z *
CD-ROMs, RAM drives, or Iomega "ZIP" drives, the third line of the first 1-5