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508 lines
This file describes functionality changes other than minor bug fixes.
Changes in the current version of EDDY are described first. Changes to
versions prior to 8a have been deleted, as there isn't a lot of interest
in ancient history among the user base, and the file was getting pretty
big. If you have one of the older versions, and feel that you need this
information, I'll be glad to send it to you. Just ask.
Version 8h
.. The values assigned to the Synchronization Controls when you set
them by pressing [Del] are now N,C,Y,C,Y,Y -- meaning: Tag for
"Delete" all files in the working directory which have the same or
newer versions in the target.
.. When doing a "Where's that file?" search, with option /D on, /D is
ignored during the search, making it MUCH faster.
.. Disk-image copying for Iomega ZIP drives now supported.
.. Bug fixed for registered version, which was acting as though
Version 8g
.. For a variety of reasons, some people find it difficult to use many
programs, including earlier versions of EDDY, which use multiple,
simultaneous keypresses. EDDY now offers "Touchdown Keys" (TM) to
ensure that this problem doesn't keep anyone from using all the
facilities of the program. "Touchdown" refers specifically to the
three types of "shift" keys -- [Ctrl], [Alt] and [Shift]. When you
TOUCH one of them, it effectively remains DOWN until the rest of the
keys needed to complete the key combination have been pressed. This
is similar to Windows 95's "StickyKeys" feature.
.. Another feature has been added, to complement the HyperText linking
added in the previous release, to make navigating around EDDY.DOC
easier: a "KeyWord-In-Context" (KWIC) index. See Appendix D.
.. Two excellent utilities from ARCaine Technologies for saving paper
and storage space when printing are JETCOL, for laser printers, and
2COL, for dot matrix, inkjets, bubblejets and deskjets. You can
print up to 10 (with JETCOL) or 8 (with 2COL) clear, readable pages
on one side of a sheet of paper, and you can of course print on both
sides. Particularly useful for printing lengthy documents such as
EDDY.DOC, these utilities are now available on request to registered
EDDY users. They may also be found on many BBSs and Internet sites.
.. Once in a while you're likely to run across a text file that has
lines longer than your editor can handle. While there are a number
of utilities that address this problem -- often very elegantly --
there's a quick-and-dirty way to handle it with EDDY. LOOK at the
file and turn line-wrapping on. Next, "print" to a file ([^p]). The
resulting file will contain the text with lines that are a maximum
of 80 bytes long (just as they appear in the LOOK mode display).
Some lines will undoubtedly be broken in the middle of words, but at
least you'll now have a file your editor can work with.
.. You may now rename multiple files (for example, give them all the
same extension) as a group, not requiring typing each file's name
separately. See EDDY.DOC, Section 4.2.2.
.. The new EDDY.INI parameter "keypad" controls the way [NumLock] is
handled when EDDY starts executing.
.. The new EDDY.INI parameter "packing" controls whether deleted
directory entries are "packed" by zeroing the first byte or by
completely obliterating the entry.
.. "packing" also controls whether "slack" bytes in copied files are
zeroed-out, or not.
.. You can permanently "sort" your directory to "Unsorted" sequence.
All this actually does is give you a way to pack the directory
(delete all directory entries for previously-deleted files, and
ensure that the minimum number of clusters needed are used) without
having to change the rest of the directory sequence.
.. When using the "std" security option for DESTROY, you are given a
choice of value to be used to overwrite the disk areas concerned.
.. If the working directory is a CD-ROM, the target may also be a CD-ROM.
While of course you can't copy, move or delete files in this case,
this does allow file comparisons.
.. When RAM disks or Iomega ZIP drives are detected, the display will
show "-RAM-" or "-ZIP-", respectively, rather than "Drive".
.. When customizing, to correct mis-identified CVFs, use [Shift+F11].
Previously, this was handled by [F12].
.. EDDY now requires at least version 3.1 of DOS.
.. EDDY.AUX is now required to be in the same directory as EDDY.COM.
.. EDDY_FIG.DOC is no longer part of the EDDY distribution package. The
figures in EDDY.DOC include high-ASCII line-drawing characters, which
are a much more accurate representaion of the screens. If you have a
printer that chokes on these, please let me know. I'll be happy to
send you the pure-ASCII versions of the pages involved.
.. My old PC/XT has finally given up, and has taken its rightful place as
a boat anchor. Thus, while I will try to keep everything working for
that platform, I no longer will be able to test it specifically. If
you encounter problems with using EDDY on older hardware, please let
me know; I will try to fix any such problems where practical.
Version 8f
.. EDDY.DOC, when LOOKed at with EDDY, has HyperText links to make
viewing the references to other sections easier, without losing your
place in the document. To see how this works, move the cursor to
EDDY.DOC and press [Enter] twice.
.. Recognition and handling of files on network drives is much improved
(bug fixes + cosmetic enhancements).
.. When looking at a directory on a network drive, there normally is no
".." entry, even when it is a subdirectory. Previously, to get to
the parent, you had to press [Alt+w], [.], [.], [Enter]. This still
works, but now there's a shortcut: press [\] to get the drive list
display, and then press [-] (which is shown in the list when there
IS a parent) to get to the parent.
Version 8e
.. The "bytes" figure on the 3rd line of the display does not include
bytes in any files tagged as "Ignore". If there are some ignored
files, there's a "+" between the byte count and "bytes".
.. The "delete" Synchronization Control is enhanced to set common
values for the other Controls automatically, if you press [Del]
after [Alt+c]. Also, the state of this control is checked before
proceeding with a [^F5]/[^F6] tagging operation.
.. The rules associated with "find any text", as described in EDDY.DOC
Section 17.4, have been changed.
Version 8d
.. A history of directory usage -- working and target -- is maintained.
This allows you to return to earlier directories easily from the
dialog boxes, by pressing [Up]/[Down], similar to DOSKEY.
.. The old directory recall functions -- [Shift+F10]/[Shift+^F10] --
are no longer used.
.. Swap file handling/usage has been revised. EDDY.DOC, Section 15.3
.. The modifier "!" is no longer used by EDDY.USE, nor when using the
DOS Shell.
.. You may specify -- by customizing -- a "trashcan" directory, into
which deleted files will be moved rather than deleted completely.
[Del] is used to override use of the trashcan.
.. Identification of compressed drives (e.g., Stacker) has been made
more aggressive, to redu