The Datafile PD-CD 1B
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245 lines
Version 1.0
Copyright 1991 - W. Raymond Alderman
Bitmeister is a bitmap graphics editor for the Psion Series
3. This program allows you to open up to two different new or
previously saved bitmaps, edit pixel by pixel, draw filled boxes
or borders, cut, copy, and insert areas of one bitmap to itself
or another. Also, you can toggle on and off a "View" window and
"Status" Window, close bitmaps while staying in the program, and
clear the entire current bitmap.
IF no bitmaps are open, the program menu will appear. The
user needs to Open or create a New bitmap for editing. Any other
menu option (with the exception of Exiting the program) will
cause a error message to appear. Once a bitmap is opened the
Bitmap is loaded into the "Edit" window and a cursor appears.
When editing a bitmap, the user is always in the "Edit"
window, which is a magnified window of the bitmap where each
pixel of the bitmap is enlarged four times. IF the user wanted
to see what the bitmap looks like in a real size window, they can
toggle on and off the "View" window, by pressing Psion-V. All
changes to the "Edit" window will show in the "View" window, but
the user can never edit the "View" window directly. Also
available is a "Status" window, which will show the current
cursor position in the bitmap, the name of the bitmap, the width and
height of the bitmap, and which bitmap it is of the two possible
open bitmaps. To toggle the "Status" window on and off, press
the Psion-U key.
The cut, copy, filled box, and empty box commands all need
an area "highlighted" before they can do anything. This is done
just like highlighting text in the Psion applications, by holding
down the Shift key and the arrow keys at the same time. The area
highlighted blinks as the cursor. If you highlight an area and
then move the cursor (without the shift key) the highlighted area
goes away and the cursor is at the current position.
The cursor can be moved from bit to bit by using the arrow
keys. The bit that the cursor is on blinks on and off. To see
if that bit is "set" (black) or "cleared" (white), you may need
to move to the next bit over to check. IF you go off the edge of
the screen, Bitmeister will make the current position the edge of
the screen. Currently, Bitmeister does not recognize the Page
Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys. Further versions of
Bitmeister probably will.
To toggle a pixel from set to cleared, or visa versa, just
hit the space bar. If you have the "View" window on, you can see
the dot change from black to white, or from white to black.
Editing a pixel does not work if you are "highlighting" an area.
Cutting of a highlighted area is not a menu command. To do
this just press the Delete key. Anything in the clipboard is
lost, and all bits in the highlighted area are copied to the
clipboard. In the bitmap all bits in the highlighted area are
NEW FILE (Psion-N) - Creates and opens a new bitmap. A dialog
box appears asking you for the name of the bitmap, the
width, and the height of the bitmap. Currently, Bitmeister
allows a bitmap with a width of 240 and height of 80 pixels
maximum. This is the size of the Psion Series 3 screen.
The bitmap is loaded, made the current bitmap (if another is
already loaded), and the cursor is put at position 1,1 in
the edit window. The view window is off. If the status
window is already visible, it stays visible. Only two
bitmaps may be opened at a time, so if you want to create a
new bitmap with two already open, close one of the bitmaps
(See Close Bitmap) and create the new bitmap.
OPEN FILE (Psion-O) - Opens an existing bitmap. A dialog box
appears asking for the name of the bitmap. Like in NEW
FILE, the bitmap is loaded, made the current bitmap (if
another is already loaded), and the cursor is put at
position 1,1 in the edit window. The view window is off.
If the status window is already visible, it stays visible.
Only two bitmaps may be opened at a time, so if you want to
open another bitmap with two already open, close one of the
bitmaps (See Close Bitmap) and open the bitmap.
SAVE AS (Psion-A) - Save the current bitmap as a bitmap file. A
dialog box appears asking for the name to save this bitmap
as. WARNING! This overwrites a bitmap already saved, so if
you use the same name, the older bitmap is lost.
SAVE (Psion-S) - Saves the current bitmap with the name used to
create or open it. All edit changes will be saved, and the
older version (if opened, not created) will be lost.
CLOSE BITMAP (Psion-L) - Closes the current bitmap. The current
bitmap is closed WITHOUT saving it beforehand. Bitmeister
does not keep track if a bitmap has been changed since its
last save. If you close a bitmap without saving it, all the
changes since the last save will be lost.
COPY (Psion-C) - Copies the highlighted area to the clipboard.
Anything that was in the clipboard already is lost.
Whatever is in the highlighted area will be copied to the
clipboard, and can be inserted elsewhere later. To highlight
an area, see HIGHLIGHTING AN AREA earlier in this manual.
INSERT (Psion-I) - Inserts whatever is in the clipboard into the
current bitmap at the current position. If nothing is in
the clipboard, an error message will appear. If something
is in the clipboard, a dialog box will appear, asking how
you want to insert the clipboard at the current position.
Your options are:
Set Bits - Inserts only the set bits in the clipboard into
the current bitmap. Basically it overlays the set (black)
bits in the clipboard onto the current bitmap, not changing
any bits already there.
Clear Bits - All the set bits in the clipboard will be
inserted as cleared bits. Cleared bits in the clipboard
will have NO effect.
Invert Bits - All the set bits in the clipboard will be
inverted, and this image will be inserted into the current
bitmap. The cleared bits in the clipboard will NOT be
inverted, and have no effect.
Copy Bits - Copy the entire clipboard to the current bitmap,
with set bits in the clipboard being set, and cleared bits
in the clipboard being cleared.
Once you have chosen an insert option, the program will
bring up a BUSY message until the edit window is redrawn.