The Datafile PD-CD 2
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Distribution License
This application is presently FREEWARE, but remains copyright Stuart Martin
1993. The only restrictions I place on its distribution are that it must be
distributed in its entirety, including the !Help file, the Docs directory and all
files contained within it, and no profit may be made from this distribution
without my consent. Permission may be granted for the application to be
distributed with a commercial product, for example on a magazine disk, but this
permission should be sought first. Public Domain libraries are free to hold this
application in their collections, but please keep me informed when doing this
so that I can keep you up to date with the latest release.
I may decide to make future releases of this application SHAREWARE, which
means that if you wish to use it you are supposed to send me some money.
Anybody who registers with me before this time will remain registered without
having to send the money, so please consider this an incentive to register
now !!
Regular users of this software might like to register themselves with me so
that I can keep you up to date with the latest version. Those of you with Email
access may contact me that way, and I will add you to a distribution list for
upgrades. Others can contact me by post, where for every two discs you send me,
I will return one with the latest version. (i.e. if you send 6 discs, you will
receive the next 3 Releases as and when they become available). I can't think
of a better way of doing this, unfortunately, without running into currency
problems, so I hope you think this is fair.
Addresses for correspondance are given in the !Help file.
Stuart Martin, 18th July 1993.