The Datafile PD-CD 3
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135 lines
V0.4 (42nd of April)
- 'Reset terminal' with Psion-R now works and does:
- Clears the screen
- Resets the cursor to the upper left corner
- Resets fontstyle to normal text
- Resets scrolling-region to 1;25
- Turns cursor on
- Reset-terminal through ESCc works too.
- Commands to switch cursor on and off implemented:
- [?25l and [?50l to switch it off
- [?25h and [?50h to turn it on again
- Added code to convert FreeVT into an application.
- FreeVT now has a very nice icon!
Thanks for this go to Ajai Khattri (ajai@ffast.att.com)!
- Save and load of settings works.
- Loading of settings via commandline argument, i.e. file selection from
system-screen, works too.
- Saved settings are the following:
- baudrate
- parity
- databits
- stopbits
- handshaking
- preferred protocoll
- Portparameters are now displayed in the right corner of the status-bar.
- Fixed all erasing commands (i.e. ESC Pn J and ESC Pn K)
- Tab stops should work properly now (Tabs are set at every 8th char)
- New menu "Modem", does not do anything fancy by now; but that'll change :-)
- VT100 interpretation will only take 2 secs. max. I.e. because some not yet
implemented VT100 commands caused FreeVT to hang in intervt:!
- Menu is now nearly fully functional. Only up-/downloads are missing.
Anyone able to write the up-/download procedure??? I would be very glad if
someone else could do this!
- Scrolling-regions for 'normal' operation still missing.
V0.3 (24th of March)
- Rudimentary implementation of scrolling-region. Most texteditors do run
now (tested with vi and joe using LINUX)
- Procedure-cache now used => drastically increased performance!
- All menu-functions concerning the port work now.
- Cursor adressing changed. Should be more waterproof now.
- Still any optimization for speed is very welcome!
- Other VT100 functions, like graphic-chars, keypad-mode, have to be done.
V0.2 (20th of March)
- A menu has been added. Not much functionality in it, but it is working.
Call is done by the "Menu"-button.
Function for the menu is called
PROC vtmenu:
- Hotkeys for some of the submenus are working.
- Portparameters are settable, only handshake is still hardcoded in the
source (at the moment I do not understand how this parameter can be
calculated from four boolean values).
- Source is included under the terms of the Gnu copying license (also
- Major missing feature is the VT 'set scrolling region'. Any volunteers?
- Lots of optimizations have to be done; interpretation of VT100 sequences
is still too slow.
At the moment FreeVT only supports 19200 baud, 8 databits, no parity,
1 stopbit with XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS handshake. These parameters are set
using the rsset: routine from the Psion programming manual.
To exit FreeVT press Psion-x (like in most other applications too).
After startup you should see a little (still unnused) statusbar in the
bottomline. From the top of the display down to the statusline is the
display window for all VT100 operations (called w1% in the source, w2% is
the statusbar window). The display is configured to be 80x25 characters (OK,
original VT100 has only 24 rows, but this should be no problem and gives the
user one more line to display data).
The program is divided into several parts:
PROC freevt: the main procedure at the moment
PROC intervt: interpretation of VT100 commands (when ESC was
detected in the inputstream by freevt:)
PROC delete:
PROC backspace: procedures to handle backspace and delete
(identical at the moment)
PROC mat: procedure to position the cursor in the graphics-
PROC lread$: reads a single char from the serial port, if one
is waiting in the buffer; returns NULL-string if
nothing is to read.
PROC lreadl$: reads a complete line af text from the serial port
until a char < 32 is received or there are more than
80 chars to read; returns NULL-string if nothing is
to read.
PROC rsset: the procedure to set RS232 parameters (see OPL
programming manual for details).
Screen I/O is done using a graphic window and direct pixel-addressing all
positions. This may make the whole thing slow, but it is necessary for some
VT100 commands. Not all features could be done without :-(
At the moment the most "popular" implemented VT100 commands are:
(preceeding ESC ommitted)
[J = erase from cursor to end of screen
[1J = erase from beginning of screen to cursor
[2J = erase whole display
[7m = select inverse characters
[4m = select underline characters
[m = deselect character options
[A - [D = cursor movements
[Pn;PnH = position cursor (in the Pn'th column and Pn'th row)
[K = erase from cursor to end of line
[1K = erase from beginning of line to cursor
[2K = erase complete line
[PnL = insert Pn lines
M = reverse index (i.e. scroll up)
E = next line (scroll forward)
Also sending of the cursor keys is implemented in freevt:.
That's it. I don't know what to write further. Best would be, you send me
some questions :-)
CU soon