The Datafile PD-CD 3
Text File
234 lines
Version 1.50
File Transfer and Utilities Program
Atari 680x0 --- Psion Series 3/3a
by Keith Baines
Copyright (c) Keith Baines, March 1993, May 1994
S3-ST provides a graphical file-manager with features familiar
from the Atari GEM desktop. You can use it to:
- Copy files from the Atari to the Psion and vice-versa;
- View files on either machine on the Atari screen;
- Print files on either machine using a printer connected to
the Atari's printer port;
- Delete files on either machine;
- Create new folders (or sub-directories) on either machine.
S3-ST uses a small companion program, STCOMMS.OPA, which can be
installed as an application on the Series 3 or 3a. (The Series 3a
version uses the enhanced facilities of that model.) The Psion
3-Link(PC) hardware is required.
Version 1.50 is a major update. Key changes include:
* movable windows;
* Tidier main window with the icons grouped in a toolbar;
* Non-modal help screens in their own window (previous
versions used dialogues);
* Support for Psion Series 3a;
This version of S3-ST should let you work in the way which suits
you - whether you prefer using menus, keyboard shortcuts, or
using the toolbar icons.
The S3-ST program, its support programs and text and data files
are copyrighted. You may use S3-ST free of charge on condition
that your use is at your own risk. You may give away copies of
ST-S3 provided that you include all of the files in the package
and that you do not alter it in any way.
S3-ST may not be sold either alone or as part of a larger
package. Clubs and software libraries may include S3-ST in
their catalogues and may make a small charge (not more than four
pounds sterling) to cover distribution and administration costs.
S3-ST may not be included in any commercial product or on any
magazine cover disk except by prior agreement with, and written
permission from, the author.
Please register S3-ST if you use it regularly. This is entirely
optional and free - the only cost to you will be the postage.
The advantage is that I get your feedback on how you want to see
the program enhanced, and if you send a reply-paid envelope (or
international reply coupons from outside the UK) I will let you
know when a new version is available.
Please also send any bug reports. If you don't report it, it
won't get fixed. If you do report it, it might get fixed some
time! Obviously, you won't get the same level of support as
you should expect for a commercial or shareware program, but
I do use the program regularly myself, and so I prefer it to
work properly.
There are just two files in this distribution of S3-ST:
S3-ST150.DOC .................... This file.
S3-ST150.PRG .................... A self-extracting archive
program containing all the
other S3-ST files.
Running S3-ST150.PRG
Check that your master disk is write-protected (tab open).
S3-ST can be installed on a floppy disk or on a hard disk
partition. It requires approximately 380 Kbytes of disk space.
(Installation on a floppy disk is probably best. Many of the
files will only be needed once; you can copy the main program
files onto a hard disk later if you wish.)
Double-click on S3-ST150.PRG on the master disk. The program
will display a GEM dialogue in which you can specify the drive
to which all the files will be written.
Type in the letter of the drive on which S3-ST should be
installed. (On single drive systems, you can change disks at
this point.) Finally click on "OK" or press the Return key.
The program will display names of files as they are created.
All the files are written in a folder named S3-ST1.50, and
are arranged as follows:
S3-ST.PRG } The main program
S3-ST.HLP } and its help
S3-ST.RSC } and resource files
MANUAL.PRG } Program to print the manual
MANUAL.RSC } and its resource and printer
TEST.GEM } alignment test file
MANUAL.TXT Text only manual
MANUAL2.GEM } Graphics manual
ASSIGN.SYS Example assign.sys file for
printing the graphics manual
REGISTER.TXT For your feedback on how
S3-ST should be improved.
BUGREPRT.TXT For your bug reports.
SERIAL.BUG\ Patches for TOS RS232 bugs
INSTALL.PRG } Program to install server software
INSTALL.RSC } on Series 3, and its resource and
INSTALL.TXT } data files.
ST-COMM1.OPA Series 3 server program
ST-COMM2.OPA Series 3a server program
ST-I.OPL Temporary series 3 program
used by install.prg.
Further Installation instructions are in the manual.
Print the manual by running MANUAL\MANUAL.PRG.
To print the graphics version, you need to have GDOS installed
with a printer driver and the Atari Dutch (Times Roman) font in
8, 10, 12, and 18 point sizes. See the example assign.sys in the
MANUAL folder for minimum requirements - you are not meant to
use this assign file; you should use one that matches your own
set-up. The graphics version of the manual is a 16 page A5
booklet, printed double-sided on 4 A4 sheets.
The program will print side 1 of the manual pages and then pause
with an alert before starting on side 2. The sheets should be
rearranged if necessary so that they are in the same order as
that in which side 1 was printed.
You can also use the program to print the text version of the
manual in either single or double-sided format. The text manual
is 14 pages long (i.e. 7 sheets if double-sided). You can also
print it as a single-sided document in the usual way from the
GEM Desktop.
Hints & Tips
A mixed bag of ideas that may help you get the most out of using
S3-ST. These are in no particular order, and are best read as a
supplement to the manual.
- Copying to or from a RAM disk on the Atari will be much
quicker than copying to or from diskettes.
- If you want to print several copies of a file o