Fresh Fish 10
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Text File
130 lines
The first requirement is that a list of past data must be entered in
the Data Window and kept up to date.
The next step is to examine the data list to find the most promising
numbers to bet with (and eliminate the weak ones). This is accomplished
in the Prediction Window where three different sets of numbers can be
generated and compared. The best can be saved for use in the Bet Window.
The last step is to combine the selected set of numbers into a list of
bets. This is accomplished in the Bet Window where three different
listings can be produced and compared. The best list can be saved for
marking onto the game cards.
When the published results become available, you type them into the
Data Window and enter the Results Window to check for winning tickets.
1.1 Project/Select Game
Choose "Select Game" if you want to run a different game. The game
window will be displayed (same as program entry) in which you can
select another system and/or game.
1.2 Project/Print Text...
Select "Print Text..." if you want to send data to your printer. A
window will be displayed in which you can print game data, prediction
data, bet data, or result data.
1.3 Project/Reverse Date
Select "Reverse Date" if you want to change the way the date is shown
in the program (dd mm yy or mm dd yy). The date will be reversed
every time you make this selection.
1.4 Project/About...
Select "About..." if you want to get general information about the
author or program version. A window will open to display this
1.5 Project/Quit...
Select "Quit..." if you want to exit the program. A requester will be
displayed in which you can confirm your choice to quit. It is also a
reminder to save text in which case the "print text" window will be
displayed (same as 1.2 above).
2.1 Auto/Select Auto...
Choose "Select Auto..." if you want to run the program automatically.
A window will be displayed in which you select a prediction type
(Computer, Random or Rotate) and a bet type (Random, Optimised or
Wheeled). When you then select "check & run", another window will be
opened in which you check/change the displayed sizes and run/cancel.
When run, the program will run your prediction choice and save the
result, then these values will be used in your bet choice and the
resulting bet list saved. Please note that an Optimised bet can take
a very long time if it has not previously been run and saved.
3.1 Config/Config File...
Select "Config File..." if you want to run the program in another
language, assuming that another language version is available in the
config directory. A file requester will be displayed in which you
can select available language versions.
The original file is config_def (default english). If you want to
change it to another language then copy it (from 'config' directory)
into your text editor, rename it, replace the english text & save it.
3.2 Config/Config Font...
Select "Config Font..." if you have loaded a config file and want to
change its' font. A file requester will be displayed showing all the
fonts you have available. Your selected font will be shown in the
program after you press "o.k.".
3.3 Config/Config On Entry
Select "Config On Entry" if you have loaded a config file and want to
use it automatically each time you enter the program.
3.4 Config/Default On Entry
Select "Default On Entry" if you have selected "Config On Entry" and
want to revert back to the original. The english version will then
be displayed each time you enter the program.
4.1 Display/Change Colour/
"Adjust" will display a colour requester in which you can change the
display colour scheme.
"Default1" or "Default2" are predefined colour schemes which will
be displayed on selection.
"2 Colours", "4 Colours" or "8 Colour" will change the number of
colours available on the display.
4.2 Display/Print Screen...
Select "Print Screen" if you want to print the displayed window to a
graphics capable printer. A window will be displayed in which you
can make various printer options before printing.
4.3 Display/Change Pattern >>
"Pattern0" will show the windows in plain background, and the others
"Pattern1...4", will display a patterned background.
4.4 Display/Change Pointer >>
"Original" will use the original pointer that was used before the
program was entered, while "Pointer1...4" provide alternatives.
5.1 Help/ShowHelp...
You're reading it now.
5.2 Help/Show Past...
Select "Show Past..." if you want to see which predictions and bets
were used in past results.