Fresh Fish 10
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2,033 lines
; $VER: GoldED Install 2, Copyright ©1995 Dietmar Eilert
(delopts "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
(complete 0)
; --- English (default) strings ---
(set #introduction (cat "\n"
"Programmer's Editor, All Rights Reserved. \n"
" \n"
"GoldED ©1995 Dietmar Eilert \n"
"Reqtools ©1991-1995 Nico François \n"
" \n"
"GoldED is NOT 'freely distributable'. Please\n"
"have a look at the licence file before \n"
"installing GoldED; installing this software \n"
"means accepting that licence. Thank you. \n"
(set #badkick "\n Sorry, this package requires OS v2.04 or better.\n")
(set #error (cat
" Some error has occurred. Please inform a GoldED \n"
" support site (e.g. dietmar@tomate.tng.oche.de) \n"
" AFTER having tried a different Installer release:\n"
" 1.24 is known to work fine. \n"
" \n"
" The following information is required: error code\n"
" (above), last error message, the percentage done \n"
" (window title) and your log file. If available: \n"
" a SnoopDos report. Thank you ! \n"
(set #assign_found "\nGOLDED: assign detected...\n")
(set #assign_found_help (cat "\n"
" If you decide for updating your old installation\n"
" you won't be asked for directories. Directories \n"
" of your previous installation will be used. \n"
" \n"
" If you decide for removing your current GoldED \n"
" installation this script will try to delete \n"
" files introduced by a former GoldED installation\n"
" However, this utility is not able to remove all \n"
" files related to GoldED. For example it won't \n"
" remove the reqtools library since this library \n"
" might be used by other applications, too. It \n"
" won't remove the QuickStarter since it doesn't \n"
" know where it has been placed. \n"
" \n"
" If you ever run into troubles related to this \n"
" install script (which certainly is not perfect),\n"
" remove your outdated GED copy (use the 'remove' \n"
" option) before attempting a completely new \n"
" installation. \n"
" \n"
" Backups of your presets (if available) are made.\n"
" \n"
" Libraries are not overwritten unless they are \n"
" outdated (depends on version/revision number). \n"
(set #new "install new")
(set #update "update existing GoldED")
(set #remove "remove GoldED from your system")
(set #remove_ged "remove 'GoldED:' assign ?\n")
(set #remove_hs "remove 'HiSpeed:' assign ?\n")
(set #remove_ed "remove quickstarter access ?\n")
(set #remove_gmk "remove 'GUIMake:' assign ?\n")
(set #must_remove "You should have this assign/reference removed !")
(set #removed "; (removed)")
(set #pref_icons "Select preferred icon type")
(set #medres " med-res icons (pixel ratio 1:2)")
(set #hires " hi-res icons (pixel ratio 1:1)")
(set #pref_icons_help (cat "\n"
" Select med-res if the pixel ratio of your preferred\n"
" screen resolution is approx. 1:2 (e.g. in 640*200 \n"
" mode the pixel width is half of pixel height). \n"
" \n"
" Select hi-res if the pixel ratio of your preferred \n"
" resolution is approx. 1:1 (eg. 640*400 or 800*600).\n"
(set #where " Where do you want to have the package installed ? \n")
(set #where_help (cat "\n"
" Simply select a directory (a root directory is \n"
" fine, too). I'm going to create a new directory \n"
" called 'GoldED' within the directory you specify.\n"
" You should select a directory which has an icon \n"
" attached to it (e.g. SYS:Utilities). \n"
" \n"
" The GoldED directory will keep several support \n"
" files/tools as well as the main editor. ARexx \n"
" macros related to GoldED are usually kept in a \n"
" subdirectory of GoldED. Furthermore the manuals \n"
" reside in GoldED's directory. \n"
(set #bad_path "Sorry, can't install to RAM disk")
(set #drive_space (cat "\n"
" This installation requires at least 1.2 MB free\n"
" disk space. Please make this space available \n"
" and start again. \n"
(set #gold_lib "Installation of GoldED.library ...")
(set #gold_lib_help (cat "\n"
"This library is required by the unregistered version\n"
"only. Registered users recieve a keyfile instead. \n"
(set #what_catalog "\n What catalogs do you want to have installed ?\n")
(set #what_catalog_help (cat "\n"
" Catalogs are required by OS2.1 or better to localize\n"
" GoldED, i.e. to make the editor use the language \n"
" selected by the locale preferences program (however \n"
" menus are not loacalized since menus are not part of\n"
" the editor itself). \n"
(set #what_manuals "\nWhat manuals do you want to have installed ?\n")
(set #what_manuals_help (cat "\n"
" Each manual (ie. AmigaGuide file) consumes approx.\n"
" 300K disk space \n"
(set #add_ged_assign "Add 'GoldED:' assign to 's:user-startup' ?\n")
(set #add_ged_assign_help (cat "\n"
" The main editor does need this assign to find its \n"
" files (libraries, presets, macros). \n"
(set #quickname " Choose a name for the QuickStarter")
(set #other_name "(other)")
(set #quickname_help (cat "\n"
" The QuickStarter is a small (4 KB) GoldED front- \n"
" end. You can use it AS IF it were a real editor. \n"
" For example you might type 'ed letter' to edit the\n"
" file letter if the QuickStarter were named 'ed'. \n"
" The big advantage of a QuickStarter is its abilty \n"
" to pass a new job to an already runnning instance \n"
" of GoldED (if there is any). This happens FAST. \n"
" \n"
" The QuickStarters default name is 'ED' but feel \n"
" free to choose any name you like. Personally, I \n"
" prefer to use 'ED' (replacing Commodore's ED). \n"
(set #enter_name " Enter a name:\n")
(set #enter_name_help (cat "\n"
" Any name (GED, ED, ...) will do. Existing files are \n"
" overwritten. If you decide for 'ED', the original ED\n"
" is replaced. \n"
(set #place_quick (cat "\n"
" Now let's place the QuickStarter within a valid\n"
" command directory. Select a directory: \n"
(set #place_quick_help (cat "\n"
" You should select one of these directories if you\n"
" want to run the editor simply by typing its name,\n"
" no matter what your current path is: \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" If you choose ED as default name, you must either\n"
" place the quick starter into c: or delete the old\n"
" ED from c: to prevent unpredictable behaviour. \n"
(set #resident "\n Make QuickStarter resident ?\n")
(set #resident_help (cat "\n"
" I would suggest to make the QuickStarter (4 KB)\n"
" resident - it will work faster. \n"
(set #backup_presets "Creating backup of old presets ...")
(set #backup_macros "Creating backup of old macros...")
(set #bak_done (cat "\n"
"Backups of your old preferences have been written\n"
"to directory:\n\n"
(set #what_menu "\n Choose default menu definition file:\n")
(set #what_menu_help (cat "\n"
" GoldED is localized (i.e. uses th