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- /*
- * highwindow.c V1.1
- *
- * highscore window handling
- *
- * (c) 1992-1993 Holger Brunst
- */
- #include <CClock.h>
- /* HighScore structure */
- struct HighEntry {
- char name[HIGH_STRLEN+1];
- ULONG time;
- };
- #define HIGH_ENTRIES 10
- struct HighScore {
- struct HighEntry entry[HIGH_ENTRIES];
- long checksum;
- };
- /* Window data */
- #define WIN_X 128
- #define WIN_Y 38
- #define WIN_W 384
- #define WIN_H 124
- static struct Window *win;
- static struct RastPort *rast;
- /* Highscore data */
- static struct HighScore score;
- static struct TextExtent textex;
- static char time[8];
- static char *numbers[10] = {
- " 1.", " 2.", " 3.", " 4.", " 5.",
- " 6.", " 7.", " 8.", " 9.", "10."
- };
- /* Calculate & draw a highscore list */
- static void DisplayHighScore(void)
- {
- short i, yoffset = 24, len;
- long sec;
- SetAPen(rast, 1);
- /* Draw highscore list */
- for (i = 0; i < HIGH_ENTRIES; i++) {
- /* convert seconds to time string */
- sec = score.entry[i].time;
- /* Last entry if time less than 0 */
- if (sec == ~0) break;
- sprintf(time, "%01ld:%02ld:%02ld", sec/3600, sec/60 - (sec/3600) * 60, sec % 60);
- /* Cut off names that are too long */
- len = TextFit(rast,
- score.entry[i].name,
- strlen(score.entry[i].name),
- &textex, NULL,
- +1, 240, 9);
- /* Draw highscore */
- Move(rast, 40-TextLength(rast, numbers[i], 3), yoffset);
- Text(rast, numbers[i], 3);
- Move(rast, 48, yoffset);
- Text(rast, score.entry[i].name, len);
- Move(rast, 296+(62-TextLength(rast, time, 7))/2, yoffset);
- Text(rast, time, 7);
- yoffset += 10;
- }
- }
- BOOL OpenHighWindow(void)
- {
- /* Open Window */
- if (win = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left, WIN_X,
- WA_Top, WIN_Y,
- WA_Width, WIN_W,
- WA_Height, WIN_H,
- WA_Title, GAME_NAME" Highscore",
- WA_PubScreen, Screen,
- TAG_DONE)) {
- /* Get rast-port */
- rast = win->RPort;
- /* Show highscore */
- DisplayHighScore();
- /* Set IDCMPPort */
- win->UserPort = IDCMPPort;
- win->UserData = HandleHighWindowIDCMP;
- /* Ok. */
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /* failure */
- return (FALSE);
- }
- static void CloseHighWindow(void)
- {
- CloseWindowSafely(win);
- }
- void *HandleHighWindowIDCMP(struct IntuiMessage *msg)
- {
- switch (msg->Class) {
- case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: /* First reply message */
- GT_ReplyIMsg(msg);
- CloseHighWindow();
- return (TRUE);
- break;
- case IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW: GT_BeginRefresh(win);
- GT_EndRefresh(win, TRUE);
- break;
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Ask whether a score is a highscore or not */
- BOOL AskHighScore(ULONG time)
- {
- /* Highscore? */
- if (time < score.entry[HIGH_ENTRIES-1].time)
- /* Yes */
- return (TRUE);
- /* No */
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* Insert a highscore */
- void InsertHighScore(char *name, ULONG time)
- {
- short i = HIGH_ENTRIES, ins;
- /* Find position to insert highscore */
- while ((i > 0) && (time < score.entry[i-1].time)) --i;
- /* Is it a highscore? */
- if (i < HIGH_ENTRIES) {
- /* Yes, craete space by shifting worse scores down */
- ins = i;
- for (i = HIGH_ENTRIES-1; i > ins; i--) {
- strcpy(score.entry[i].name, score.entry[i-1].name);
- score.entry[i].time = score.entry[i-1].time;
- }
- /* Copy new entry to correct postion */
- strcpy(score.entry[ins].name, name);
- score.entry[ins].time = time;
- }
- }
- /* Load highscore list */
- void LoadHighScore(void)
- {
- short i;
- struct FileHandle *doshandle;
- /* Open highscore */
- if (doshandle = (struct FileHandle *) Open(HIGH_NAME, MODE_OLDFILE)) {
- /* Read highscore */
- if (Read((BPTR) doshandle, &score, sizeof (score)) == sizeof (score)) {
- Close((BPTR) doshandle);
- return();
- }
- Close((BPTR) doshandle);
- }
- /* Default highscore */
- sprintf(score.entry[0].name, "Holger Brunst");
- score.entry[0].time = 40;
- for (i = 1; i < HIGH_ENTRIES; i++) {
- score.entry[i].name[0] = NULL;
- score.entry[i].time = ~0;
- }
- }
- /* Save highscore list */
- void SaveHighScore(void)
- {
- struct FileHandle *doshandle;
- /* Open highscore */
- if (doshandle = (struct FileHandle *) Open(HIGH_NAME, MODE_NEWFILE)) {
- /* Write highscore */
- Write((BPTR) doshandle, &score, sizeof (score));
- Close((BPTR) doshandle);
- }
- }