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- /*
- * main.c V1.1
- *
- * Crazy Clock main entry point
- *
- * (c) 1992-1993 Holger Brunst
- */
- #include <CClock.h>
- /* Version string */
- static const char version[] = "\0$VER: CrazyClock "VERSION"."REVISION" ("DATE")\r\n";
- /* Use 3D look */
- static const UWORD new3d[] = {~0};
- static ULONG displayID = HIRES_KEY;
- /* Garnet font pointer */
- static struct TextFont *grntFont;
- /* Main entry point of Crazy Clock */
- LONG main(void)
- {
- BOOL goOn = TRUE;
- ULONG idcmpSigMsk;
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- /* Get garnet-Font */
- if (grntFont = (struct TextFont *) OpenDiskFont(&GrntAttr)) {
- /* NTSC monitor available? */
- if (!ModeNotAvailable(NTSC_MONITOR_ID))
- /* Yes, add NTSC-ID to displayID */
- displayID |= NTSC_MONITOR_ID;
- /* Open clock screen */
- if (Screen = OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_Title, GAME_NAME,
- SA_Width, 640,
- SA_Height, 200,
- SA_DisplayID, displayID,
- SA_Depth, 4,
- SA_PubName, GAME_NAME" Screen",
- SA_Pens, new3d,
- SA_Font, &GrntAttr,
- SA_ShowTitle, FALSE,
- TAG_DONE)) {
- /* Get visual info */
- if (ScreenVI = GetVisualInfo(Screen, TAG_DONE)) {
- /* Open clock window */
- if (idcmpSigMsk = OpenClockWindow()) {
- /* Increase task priority (not necessary) */
- SetTaskPri(FindTask(NULL), 1);
- /* Get highscore */
- LoadHighScore();
- /* Input event handling */
- while (goOn) {
- /* Wait for IDCMP signals */
- Wait(idcmpSigMsk);
- /* Read IDCMP messages */
- while (msg = GT_GetIMsg(IDCMPPort)) {
- void *data;
- HandleIDCMPFunc *func = msg->IDCMPWindow->UserData;
- /* Handle IDCMP message. Window closed? */
- if (data = (*func)(msg))
- /* Yes. Update window? */
- if (UpdateWindow)
- /* Yes, update window */
- (*UpdateWindow)(data);
- else
- /* No, quit */
- goOn = FALSE;
- else
- /* No, reply message */
- GT_ReplyIMsg(msg);
- }
- }
- /* Free resources */
- SaveHighScore();
- CloseClockWindow();
- }
- FreeVisualInfo(ScreenVI);
- }
- CloseScreen(Screen);
- }
- CloseFont(grntFont);
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* WB entry point */
- int wbmain(struct WBStartup *wbs)
- {
- return(main());
- }