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- /*
- * PageOnCall
- *
- * Copyright © 1993 by Christopher A. Wichura (caw@miroc.chi.il.us)
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This script will read the pager:schedule file to try and determine
- * who is on call. It will then call SpoolPage to send the page text
- * to the person or persons indicated.
- *
- * If URGENT is the first word on the command line, PageOnCall will operate
- * in urgent mode. This means it will continue looking through multiple
- * schedules until it can satisfy the request. Thus, it is possible
- * have a 'normal duty' schedule and an 'emergency duty' schedule in
- * the same schedule file. When the URGENT switch is used, SpoolPage
- * will also be started in URGENT mode.
- *
- * The text of the message to be sent will be read from stdin if it is not
- * provided on the command line.
- */
- scheduleFile = 'PAGER:schedule'
- /*
- * No general user modifiable code is found below this point.
- * Make changes here at your own risk.
- */
- /*
- * First we want to figure out what the date and time is so we know
- * where to look in the schedule file.
- */
- weekDay = date('Weekday')
- select
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'SUN' then weekDay = 0
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'MON' then weekDay = 1
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'TUE' then weekDay = 2
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'WED' then weekDay = 3
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'THU' then weekDay = 4
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'FRI' then weekDay = 5
- when upper(left(weekDay, 3)) = 'SAT' then weekDay = 6
- end
- halfHour = time('Minutes') % 30
- /*
- * Look at the command line we got and see if we are in urgent mode
- * or if we have the page text specified, etc.
- */
- parse arg pageText
- if upper(word(pageText, 1)) = 'URGENT' then do
- urgentMode = TRUE
- parse var pageText . pageText
- end
- else
- urgentMode = FALSE
- pageText = strip(pageText)
- /*
- * Now open the schedule file and start looking for a match.
- */
- if open(fh, scheduleFile, 'R') then do
- want = weekDay
- exitVal = 0
- do until eof(fh)
- line = readln(fh)
- if left(line, length(want)) = want then do
- if want = weekDay then do
- who = substr(line, halfHour + 2, 1)
- if (who ~= '' & who ~= '-') then
- want = who'='
- else if urgentMode = FALSE then
- leave
- end
- else do
- exitVal = doPage(substr(line, 3), urgentMode, pageText)
- want = ''
- leave
- end
- end
- end
- call close(fh)
- if want = weekDay then do
- say 'No one scheduled at this time. Message not sent.'
- exitVal = 1
- end
- else if want ~= '' then do
- say 'Couldn''t find '''want''' target list identifier. Message not sent.'
- exitVal = 2
- end
- end
- else do
- say 'Couldn''t open' scheduleFile'.'
- exitVal = 5
- end
- exit exitVal
- /*
- * The doPage procedure takes a list of comma separated names and
- * builds the command line to call SpoolPage with.
- */
- doPage: procedure
- theCommand = 'spoolpage'
- targetList = arg(1)
- if targetList = '' then do
- say 'Empty target list found. Message not sent.'
- return 3
- end
- do while targetList ~= ''
- index = pos(',', targetList)
- if index > 0 then do
- target = left(targetList, index - 1)
- targetList = substr(targetList, index + 1)
- end
- else do
- target = targetList
- targetList = ''
- end
- theCommand = theCommand '"'target'"'
- end
- if arg(2) = TRUE then
- theCommand = theCommand 'URGENT'
- if arg(3) ~= '' then
- theCommand = theCommand 'MESSAGE' arg(3)
- address command theCommand
- if rc ~= 0 then
- return 4
- else
- return 0