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- /*
- * WatchForFailingSitesAndPage
- *
- * Copyright © 1993 by Christopher A. Wichura (caw@miroc.chi.il.us)
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This script will monitor the UUSPOOL:LOGFILE generated by AmigaUUCP
- * and keep track of how many times attempts to dial a site have failed.
- * If the number of failed attempts exceeds the maximum set for the
- * site (see configuration below) then a page will be spooled by
- * shelling out to 'spoolpage'.
- *
- * This script should be started in a fashion similar to:
- *
- * RunWSH >nil: watch UUSPOOL:LOGFILE | WatchForFailingSitesAndPage
- * or
- * Run >nil: watch >"APIPE:rx WatchForFailingSitesAndPage" UUSPOOL:LOGFILE
- */
- /*
- * This section contains configuration information for your particular
- * site. First you must supply the hostname of your machine. Then,
- * for each site that you dial, you must have an entry in the
- * pageFailLevel and pageWho stems. These tell this script a) how many
- * failures may occur for the site before a page is to be generated,
- * and b) who to send the page message to, respectively.
- */
- /* name of machine this script is running on */
- hostname = 'miroc.chi.il.us'
- /* this indicates how often we should send a warning page out. every
- pageFailLevel. failures a page will be generated. */
- pageFailLevel.clout = 3
- pageFailLevel.amiserv = 3
- /* the pageWho stem tells this script who to send pages to when it wants to
- send something out. you can specifiy multiple targets by separating
- then with spaces. */
- pageWho.clout = 'caw'
- pageWho.amiserv = 'caw brianv'
- /*
- * No general user modifiable code is found below this point.
- * Make changes here at your own risk.
- */
- do until eof(stdin)
- line = readln(stdin)
- call doLine(line)
- end
- exit
- /*
- * The doLine procedure actually looks at the line read from the logfile
- * and decides if anything needs to be done.
- */
- doLine: procedure expose hostname pageFailLevel. pageWho. siteFailCount.
- parse arg . prog','machine','who message
- /*
- * If the message wasn't generated by uucico then we can forget
- * about it.
- */
- if strip(prog) ~= 'uucico' then
- return 0
- /*
- * Get the variables we use into a clean state.
- */
- machine = strip(machine)
- machineUC = upper(machine)
- who = strip(who)
- message = strip(message)
- /*
- * Look for SUCCEEDED call messages. reset fail count when we
- * see one.
- */
- if left(message, 14) = 'SUCCEEDED call' then do
- siteFailCount.machineUC = 0
- return 0
- end
- /*
- * Look for FAILED call messages. If found, update the fail
- * count and send a page if needed.
- */
- if left(message, 11) = 'FAILED call' then do
- failCount = siteFailCount.machineUC
- if ~datatype(failCount, 'N') then
- failCount = 1
- else
- failCount = failCount + 1
- failLevel = pageFailLevel.machineUC
- if (failCount // failLevel) = 0 then do
- msg = 'This page was generated automatically by'
- msg = msg hostname ||'. Attempts by uucico to dial'
- msg = msg '`'machine'''' 'have failed' failCount
- msg = msg 'consecutive times in a row.'
- address command 'spoolpage' pageWho.machineUC 'message' msg
- end
- siteFailCount.machineUC = failCount
- return 0
- end
- /*
- * Not a message we are interested in so ignore it.
- */
- return 0