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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevxini.c */
- /* X Windows driver initialization for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h" /* for gx_bitmap; includes std.h */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "x_.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gdevx.h"
- extern char *getenv(P1(const char *));
- private XtResource resources[] = {
- {XtNbackground, XtCBackground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, background),
- XtRString, (XtPointer)"XtDefaultBackground"},
- {XtNborderColor, XtCBorderColor, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, borderColor),
- XtRString, (XtPointer)"XtDefaultForeground"},
- {XtNborderWidth, XtCBorderWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, borderWidth),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)1},
- {"dingbatFonts", "DingbatFonts", XtRString, sizeof(String),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, dingbatFonts),
- XtRString, "ZapfDingbats: -Adobe-ITC Zapf Dingbats-Medium-R-Normal--"},
- {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, foreground),
- XtRString, (XtPointer)"XtDefaultForeground"},
- {XtNgeometry, XtCGeometry, XtRString, sizeof(String),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, geometry),
- XtRString, NULL},
- {"logExternalFonts", "LogExternalFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, logXFonts),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False},
- {"maxGrayRamp", "MaxGrayRamp", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, maxGrayRamp),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)128},
- {"maxRGBRamp", "MaxRGBRamp", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, maxRGBRamp),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)5},
- {"palette", "Palette", XtRString, sizeof(String),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, palette),
- XtRString, "Color"},
- /* I had to compress the whitespace out of the default string to
- * satisfy certain balky compilers.
- */
- {"regularFonts", "RegularFonts", XtRString, sizeof(String),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, regularFonts),
- XtRString, "\
- AvantGarde-Book:-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-R-Normal--\n\
- AvantGarde-BookOblique:-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-O-Normal--\n\
- AvantGarde-Demi:-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Demi-R-Normal--\n\
- AvantGarde-DemiOblique:-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Demi-O-Normal--\n\
- Bookman-Demi:-Adobe-ITC Bookman-Demi-R-Normal--\n\
- Bookman-DemiItalic:-Adobe-ITC Bookman-Demi-I-Normal--\n\
- Bookman-Light:-Adobe-ITC Bookman-Light-R-Normal--\n\
- Bookman-LightItalic:-Adobe-ITC Bookman-Light-I-Normal--\n\
- Courier:-Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--\n\
- Courier-Bold:-Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--\n\
- Courier-BoldOblique:-Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal--\n\
- Courier-Oblique:-Adobe-Courier-Medium-O-Normal--\n\
- Helvetica:-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--\n\
- Helvetica-Bold:-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--\n\
- Helvetica-BoldOblique:-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-O-Normal--\n\
- Helvetica-Narrow:-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Narrow--\n\
- Helvetica-Narrow-Bold:-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Narrow--\n\
- Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique:-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-O-Narrow--\n\
- Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique:-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-O-Narrow--\n\
- Helvetica-Oblique:-Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-O-Normal--\n\
- NewCenturySchlbk-Bold:-Adobe-New Century Schoolbook-Bold-R-Normal--\n\
- NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic:-Adobe-New Century Schoolbook-Bold-I-Normal--\n\
- NewCenturySchlbk-Italic:-Adobe-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-I-Normal--\n\
- NewCenturySchlbk-Roman:-Adobe-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--\n\
- Palatino-Bold:-Adobe-Palatino-Bold-R-Normal--\n\
- Palatino-BoldItalic:-Adobe-Palatino-Bold-I-Normal--\n\
- Palatino-Italic:-Adobe-Palatino-Medium-I-Normal--\n\
- Palatino-Roman:-Adobe-Palatino-Medium-R-Normal--\n\
- Times-Bold:-Adobe-Times-Bold-R-Normal--\n\
- Times-BoldItalic:-Adobe-Times-Bold-I-Normal--\n\
- Times-Italic:-Adobe-Times-Medium-I-Normal--\n\
- Times-Roman:-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal--\n\
- ZapfChancery-MediumItalic:-Adobe-ITC Zapf Chancery-Medium-I-Normal--"},
- {"symbolFonts", "SymbolFonts", XtRString, sizeof(String),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, symbolFonts),
- XtRString, "Symbol: -Adobe-Symbol-Medium-R-Normal--"},
- {"useBackingPixmap", "UseBackingPixmap", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useBackingPixmap),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"useExternalFonts", "UseExternalFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useXFonts),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"useFontExtensions", "UseFontExtensions", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useFontExtensions),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"useScalableFonts", "UseScalableFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useScalableFonts),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"useXPutImage", "UseXPutImage", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useXPutImage),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"useXSetTile", "UseXSetTile", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, useXSetTile),
- XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
- {"xResolution", "Resolution", XtRFloat, sizeof(float),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, xResolution),
- XtRString, (XtPointer)"0.0"},
- {"yResolution", "Resolution", XtRFloat, sizeof(float),
- XtOffsetOf(gx_device_X, yResolution),
- XtRString, (XtPointer)"0.0"},
- };
- private String
- fallback_resources[] = {
- "Ghostscript*Background: white",
- "Ghostscript*Foreground: black",
- };
- /* Define constants for orientation from ghostview */
- /* Number represents clockwise rotation of the paper in degrees */
- typedef enum {
- Portrait = 0, /* Normal portrait orientation */
- Landscape = 90, /* Normal landscape orientation */
- Upsidedown = 180, /* Don't think this will be used much */
- Seascape = 270 /* Landscape rotated the wrong way */
- } orientation;
- /* Forward references */
- private void gdev_x_setup_colors(P1(gx_device_X *));
- private void gdev_x_setup_fontmap(P1(gx_device_X *));
- /* Catch the alloc error when there is not enough resources for the
- * backing pixmap. Automatically shut off backing pixmap and let the
- * user know when this happens.
- */
- private Boolean alloc_error;
- private XErrorHandler oldhandler;
- private int
- x_catch_alloc(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *err)
- {
- if (err->error_code == BadAlloc)
- alloc_error = True;
- if (alloc_error)
- return 0;
- return oldhandler(dpy, err);
- }
- int
- x_catch_free_colors(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *err)
- {
- if (err->request_code == X_FreeColors) return 0;
- return oldhandler(dpy, err);
- }
- /* Open the X device */
- int
- gdev_x_open(register gx_device_X *xdev)
- {
- XSizeHints sizehints;
- char *window_id;
- XEvent event;
- XVisualInfo xvinfo;
- int nitems;
- XtAppContext app_con;
- Widget toplevel;
- Display *dpy;
- int zero = 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (gs_debug['X']) {
- extern int _Xdebug;
- _Xdebug = 1;
- }
- #endif
- if (!(xdev->dpy = XOpenDisplay((char *)NULL))) {
- char *dispname = getenv("DISPLAY");
- eprintf1("gs: Cannot open X display `%s'.\n",
- (dispname == NULL ? "(null)" : dispname));
- exit(1);
- }
- xdev->dest = 0;
- if ((window_id = getenv("GHOSTVIEW"))) {
- if (!(xdev->ghostview = sscanf(window_id, "%d %d",
- &(xdev->win), &(xdev->dest)))) {
- eprintf("gs: Cannot get Window ID from ghostview.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (xdev->ghostview) {
- XWindowAttributes attrib;
- Atom type;
- int format;
- unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
- char *buf;
- Atom ghostview_atom = XInternAtom(xdev->dpy, "GHOSTVIEW", False);
- if (XGetWindowAttributes(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, &attrib)) {
- xdev->scr = attrib.screen;
- xvinfo.visual = attrib.visual;
- xdev->cmap = attrib.colormap;
- xdev->width = attrib.width;
- xdev->height = attrib.height;
- }
- /* Delete property if explicit dest is given */
- if (XGetWindowProperty(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, ghostview_atom, 0,
- 256, (xdev->dest != 0), XA_STRING,
- &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
- (unsigned char **)&buf) == 0 &&
- type == XA_STRING) {
- int llx, lly, urx, ury;
- int left_margin = 0, bottom_margin = 0;
- int right_margin = 0, top_margin = 0;
- /* We declare page_orientation as an int so that we can */
- /* use an int * to reference it for sscanf; compilers */
- /* might be tempted to use less space to hold it if */
- /* it were declared as an orientation. */
- int /*orientation*/ page_orientation;
- float xppp, yppp; /* pixels per point */
- nitems = sscanf(buf,
- "%d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %d",
- &(xdev->bpixmap), &page_orientation,
- &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury,
- &(xdev->x_pixels_per_inch),
- &(xdev->y_pixels_per_inch),
- &left_margin, &bottom_margin,
- &right_margin, &top_margin);
- if (!(nitems == 8 || nitems == 12)) {
- eprintf("gs: Cannot get ghostview property.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (xdev->dest && xdev->bpixmap) {
- eprintf("gs: Both destination and backing pixmap specified.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (xdev->dest) {
- Window root;
- int x, y;
- unsigned int width, height;
- unsigned int border_width, depth;
- if (XGetGeometry(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, &root, &x, &y,
- &width, &height, &border_width, &depth)) {
- xdev->width = width;
- xdev->height = height;
- }
- }
- xppp = xdev->x_pixels_per_inch / 72.0;
- yppp = xdev->y_pixels_per_inch / 72.0;
- switch (page_orientation) {
- case Portrait:
- xdev->initial_matrix.xx = xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.xy = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yx = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yy = -yppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.tx = -llx * xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.ty = ury * yppp;
- break;
- case Landscape:
- xdev->initial_matrix.xx = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.xy = yppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yx = xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yy = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.tx = -lly * xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.ty = -llx * yppp;
- break;
- case Upsidedown:
- xdev->initial_matrix.xx = -xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.xy = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yx = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yy = yppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.tx = urx * xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.ty = -lly * yppp;
- break;
- case Seascape:
- xdev->initial_matrix.xx = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.xy = -yppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yx = -xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.yy = 0.0;
- xdev->initial_matrix.tx = ury * xppp;
- xdev->initial_matrix.ty = urx * yppp;
- break;
- }
- /* The following sets the imageable area according to the */
- /* bounding box and margins sent by ghostview. */
- xdev->l_margin = (llx - left_margin) / 72.0;
- xdev->b_margin = (lly - bottom_margin) / 72.0;
- xdev->r_margin = xdev->width / xdev->x_pixels_per_inch -
- (urx + right_margin) / 72.0;
- xdev->t_margin = xdev->height / xdev->y_pixels_per_inch -
- (ury + top_margin) / 72.0;
- } else {
- eprintf("gs: Cannot get ghostview property.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- } else {
- Screen *scr = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(xdev->dpy);
- xdev->scr = scr;
- xvinfo.visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr);
- xdev->cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr);
- }
- xvinfo.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(xvinfo.visual);
- xdev->vinfo = XGetVisualInfo(xdev->dpy, VisualIDMask, &xvinfo, &nitems);
- if (xdev->vinfo == NULL) {
- eprintf("gs: Cannot get XVisualInfo.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Get X Resources. Use the toolkit for this. */
- #if !defined(XtSpecificationRelease) || XtSpecificationRelease < 5
- /* R4 and earlier toolkits may cause a Bad Access on XFreeColors. */
- oldhandler = XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_free_colors);
- #endif
- XtToolkitInitialize();
- app_con = XtCreateApplicationContext();
- XtAppSetFallbackResources(app_con, fallback_resources);
- dpy = XtOpenDisplay(app_con, NULL, "ghostscript", "Ghostscript",
- NULL, 0, &zero, NULL);
- toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, "Ghostscript",
- applicationShellWidgetClass, dpy, NULL, 0);
- XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel, (XtPointer) xdev,
- resources, XtNumber(resources), NULL, 0);
- XtDestroyWidget(toplevel);
- XtCloseDisplay(dpy);
- XtDestroyApplicationContext(app_con);
- #if !defined(XtSpecificationRelease) || XtSpecificationRelease < 5
- oldhandler = XSetErrorHandler(oldhandler);
- #endif
- gdev_x_setup_colors(xdev);
- gdev_x_setup_fontmap(xdev);
- if (!xdev->ghostview) {
- XWMHints wm_hints;
- XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
- gx_device *dev = (gx_device *)xdev;
- /* Take care of resolution and paper size. */
- if (xdev->x_pixels_per_inch == FAKE_RES ||
- xdev->y_pixels_per_inch == FAKE_RES) {
- float xsize, ysize;
- xsize = (float)xdev->width / xdev->x_pixels_per_inch;
- ysize = (float)xdev->height / xdev->y_pixels_per_inch;
- if (xdev->xResolution == 0.0 && xdev->yResolution == 0.0) {
- float dpi, xdpi, ydpi;
- xdpi = 25.4 * WidthOfScreen(xdev->scr) /
- WidthMMOfScreen(xdev->scr);
- ydpi = 25.4 * HeightOfScreen(xdev->scr) /
- HeightMMOfScreen(xdev->scr);
- dpi = min(xdpi, ydpi);
- while (xsize*dpi > WidthOfScreen(xdev->scr)-32 ||
- ysize*dpi > HeightOfScreen(xdev->scr)-32) {
- dpi *= 0.95;
- }
- xdev->x_pixels_per_inch = dpi;
- xdev->y_pixels_per_inch = dpi;
- } else {
- xdev->x_pixels_per_inch = xdev->xResolution;
- xdev->y_pixels_per_inch = xdev->yResolution;
- }
- if (xdev->width > WidthOfScreen(xdev->scr)) {
- xdev->width = xsize*xdev->x_pixels_per_inch;
- }
- if (xdev->height > HeightOfScreen(xdev->scr)) {
- xdev->height = ysize*xdev->y_pixels_per_inch;
- }
- }
- sizehints.x = 0;
- sizehints.y = 0;
- sizehints.width = xdev->width;
- sizehints.height = xdev->height;
- sizehints.flags = 0;
- if (xdev->geometry != NULL) {
- /*
- * Note that border_width must be set first. We can't use
- * scr, because that is a Screen*, and XWMGeometry wants
- * the screen number.
- */
- char gstr[40];
- int bitmask;
- sprintf(gstr, "%dx%d+%d+%d", sizehints.width,
- sizehints.height, sizehints.x, sizehints.y);
- bitmask = XWMGeometry(xdev->dpy, DefaultScreen(xdev->dpy),
- xdev->geometry, gstr, xdev->borderWidth,
- &sizehints,
- &sizehints.x, &sizehints.y,
- &sizehints.width, &sizehints.height,
- &sizehints.win_gravity);
- if (bitmask & (XValue | YValue))
- sizehints.flags |= USPosition;
- }
- gx_default_get_initial_matrix(dev, &(xdev->initial_matrix));
- xswa.event_mask = ExposureMask;
- xswa.background_pixel = xdev->background;
- xswa.border_pixel = xdev->borderColor;
- xswa.colormap = xdev->cmap;
- xdev->win = XCreateWindow(xdev->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(xdev->scr),
- sizehints.x, sizehints.y, /* upper left */
- xdev->width, xdev->height,
- xdev->borderWidth,
- xdev->vinfo->depth,
- InputOutput, /* class */
- xdev->vinfo->visual, /* visual */
- CWEventMask | CWBackPixel |
- CWBorderPixel | CWColormap,
- &xswa);
- XStoreName(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, "ghostscript");
- XSetWMNormalHints(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, &sizehints);
- wm_hints.flags = InputHint;
- wm_hints.input = False;
- XSetWMHints(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, &wm_hints); /* avoid input focus */
- }
- xdev->ht.pixmap = (Pixmap) 0;
- xdev->ht.id = gx_no_bitmap_id;;
- xdev->fill_style = FillSolid;
- xdev->function = GXcopy;
- xdev->fid = (Font) 0;
- /* Set up a graphics context */
- xdev->gc = XCreateGC(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, 0, (XGCValues *) NULL);
- XSetFunction(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, GXcopy);
- XSetLineAttributes(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, 0,
- LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
- gdev_x_clear_window(xdev);
- if (!xdev->ghostview) { /* Make the window appear. */
- XMapWindow(xdev->dpy, xdev->win);
- /* Before anything else, do a flush and wait for */
- /* an exposure event. */
- XFlush(xdev->dpy);
- XNextEvent(xdev->dpy, &event);
- } else {
- /* Create an unmapped window, that the window manager will ignore.
- * This invisible window will be used to receive "next page"
- * events from ghostview */
- XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
- attributes.override_redirect = True;
- xdev->mwin = XCreateWindow(xdev->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(xdev->scr),
- 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, CopyFromParent,
- CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
- CWOverrideRedirect, &attributes);
- xdev->next = XInternAtom(xdev->dpy, "NEXT", False);
- xdev->page = XInternAtom(xdev->dpy, "PAGE", False);
- xdev->done = XInternAtom(xdev->dpy, "DONE", False);
- }
- xdev->ht.no_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, 1, 1,
- xdev->vinfo->depth);
- XSync(xdev->dpy, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Allocate the backing pixmap, if any, and clear the window. */
- void
- gdev_x_clear_window(gx_device_X *xdev)
- {
- if (!xdev->ghostview) {
- if (xdev->useBackingPixmap) {
- oldhandler = XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_alloc);
- alloc_error = False;
- xdev->bpixmap =
- XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win,
- xdev->width, xdev->height,
- xdev->vinfo->depth);
- XSync(xdev->dpy, False); /* Force the error */
- if (alloc_error) {
- xdev->useBackingPixmap = False;
- eprintf("Warning: Failed to allocated backing pixmap.\n");
- if (xdev->bpixmap) {
- XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->bpixmap);
- xdev->bpixmap = None;
- XSync(xdev->dpy, False); /* Force the error */
- }
- }
- oldhandler = XSetErrorHandler(oldhandler);
- } else
- xdev->bpixmap = (Pixmap) 0;
- }
- /* Clear the destination pixmap to avoid initializing with garbage. */
- if (xdev->dest != (Pixmap) 0) {
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->background);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc,
- 0, 0, xdev->width, xdev->height);
- } else {
- xdev->dest = (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0 ?
- xdev->bpixmap : (Pixmap) xdev->win);
- }
- /* Clear the background pixmap to avoid initializing with garbage. */
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- if (!xdev->ghostview)
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, xdev->bpixmap);
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->background);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->bpixmap, xdev->gc,
- 0, 0, xdev->width, xdev->height);
- }
- /* Initialize foreground and background colors */
- xdev->back_color = xdev->background;
- XSetBackground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->background);
- xdev->fore_color = xdev->background;
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->background);
- xdev->colors_or = xdev->colors_and = xdev->background;
- }
- #if HaveStdCMap
- /* get Standard colormap if available */
- private XStandardColormap *
- x_get_std_cmap(gx_device_X *xdev, Atom prop)
- {
- int i;
- XStandardColormap *scmap, *sp;
- int nitems;
- if (XGetRGBColormaps(xdev->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(xdev->scr),
- &scmap, &nitems, prop))
- for (i = 0, sp = scmap; i < nitems; i++, sp++)
- if (xdev->cmap == sp->colormap)
- return sp;
- return NULL;
- }
- #endif
- /* Setup color mapping. */
- private void
- gdev_x_setup_colors(gx_device_X *xdev)
- {
- char palette;
- palette = ((xdev->vinfo->class != StaticGray) &&
- (xdev->vinfo->class != GrayScale) ? 'C' : /* Color */
- (xdev->vinfo->colormap_size > 2) ? 'G' : /* GrayScale */
- 'M'); /* MonoChrome */
- if (xdev->ghostview) {
- Atom gv_colors = XInternAtom(xdev->dpy, "GHOSTVIEW_COLORS", False);
- Atom type;
- int format;
- unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
- char *buf;
- /* Delete property if explicit dest is given */
- if (XGetWindowProperty(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, gv_colors, 0,
- 256, (xdev->dest != 0), XA_STRING,
- &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
- (unsigned char **)&buf) == 0 &&
- type == XA_STRING) {
- nitems = sscanf(buf, "%*s %d %d", &(xdev->foreground),
- &(xdev->background));
- if (nitems != 2 || *buf != 'M' && *buf != 'G' && *buf != 'C') {
- eprintf("gs: Malformed ghostview color property.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- palette = max(palette, *buf);
- }
- } else {
- if (xdev->palette[0] == 'c') xdev->palette[0] = 'C';
- else if (xdev->palette[0] == 'g') xdev->palette[0] = 'G';
- else if (xdev->palette[0] == 'm') xdev->palette[0] = 'M';
- palette = max(palette, xdev->palette[0]);
- }
- /* set up color mappings here */
- xdev->color_mask = 0xffff - (0xffff >> xdev->vinfo->bits_per_rgb);
- xdev->half_dev_color = 1 << (15 - xdev->vinfo->bits_per_rgb);
- #define num_rgb (1 << xdev->vinfo->bits_per_rgb)
- #if HaveStdCMap
- xdev->std_cmap = NULL;
- #endif
- xdev->dither_colors = NULL;
- xdev->dynamic_colors = NULL;
- xdev->dynamic_size = 0;
- xdev->dynamic_number = 0;
- xdev->color_info.depth = xdev->vinfo->depth;
- if (palette == 'C') {
- xdev->color_info.num_components = 3;
- xdev->color_info.max_gray =
- xdev->color_info.max_rgb = num_rgb - 1;
- #if HaveStdCMap
- /* Get a standard color map if available */
- if (xdev->vinfo->visual == DefaultVisualOfScreen(xdev->scr)) {
- xdev->std_cmap = x_get_std_cmap(xdev, XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP);
- } else {
- xdev->std_cmap = x_get_std_cmap(xdev, XA_RGB_BEST_MAP);
- }
- if (xdev->std_cmap) {
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray =
- xdev->color_info.dither_rgb =
- min(xdev->std_cmap->red_max,
- min(xdev->std_cmap->green_max,
- xdev->std_cmap->blue_max)) + 1;
- } else
- #endif
- /* Otherwise set up a rgb cube of our own */
- /* The color cube is limited to about 1/2 of the available */
- /* colormap, the user specified maxRGBRamp (usually 5), */
- /* or the number of representable colors */
- #define cube(r) (r*r*r)
- #define cbrt(r) pow(r, 1.0/3.0)
- {
- int ramp_size =
- min((int)cbrt((double)xdev->vinfo->colormap_size / 2.0),
- min(xdev->maxRGBRamp, num_rgb));
- while (!xdev->dither_colors && ramp_size >= 2) {
- int max_rgb = ramp_size - 1;
- int r, g, b;
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray =
- xdev->color_info.dither_rgb = ramp_size;
- xdev->dither_colors =
- (x_pixel *) gs_malloc(sizeof(x_pixel), cube(ramp_size),
- "gdev_x_rgb_cube");
- if (xdev->dither_colors == NULL) {
- ramp_size--;
- goto no_cube;
- }
- for (r = 0; r < ramp_size; r++) {
- for (g = 0; g < ramp_size; g++) {
- for (b = 0; b < ramp_size; b++) {
- if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) {
- xdev->dither_colors[0] = xdev->foreground;
- } else if (r == max_rgb && g == max_rgb &&
- b == max_rgb) {
- xdev->dither_colors[cube_index(r, g, b)] =
- xdev->background;
- } else {
- XColor xc;
- xc.red = (0xffff * r / max_rgb) &
- xdev->color_mask;
- xc.green = (0xffff * g / max_rgb) &
- xdev->color_mask;
- xc.blue = (0xffff * b / max_rgb) &
- xdev->color_mask;
- if (XAllocColor(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap, &xc)) {
- xdev->dither_colors[cube_index(r, g, b)] =
- xc.pixel;
- } else {
- eprintf3("Warning: failed to allocate %dx%dx%d RGB cube.\n",
- ramp_size, ramp_size, ramp_size);
- ramp_size--;
- if (cube_index(r, g, b) - 1 > 0) {
- oldhandler =
- XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_free_colors);
- XFreeColors(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap,
- xdev->dither_colors + 1,
- cube_index(r, g, b) - 1, 0);
- /* Force any errors */
- XSync(xdev->dpy, False);
- oldhandler =
- XSetErrorHandler(oldhandler);
- }
- gs_free((char *)xdev->dither_colors,
- sizeof(x_pixel), cube(ramp_size),
- "gdev_x_rgb_cube");
- xdev->dither_colors = NULL;
- goto no_cube;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- no_cube: ;
- }
- if (!xdev->dither_colors) {
- goto grayscale;
- }
- }
- /* Allocate space for dynamic colors, do at most 256 */
- /* If there are more avaiaible, we ask the X server */
- xdev->dynamic_size = min(256, xdev->vinfo->colormap_size -
- cube(xdev->color_info.dither_rgb));
- if (xdev->dynamic_size) {
- xdev->dynamic_colors =
- (XColor *) gs_malloc(sizeof(XColor), xdev->dynamic_size,
- "gdev_x_dynamic_colors");
- if (xdev->dynamic_colors == NULL) {
- xdev->dynamic_size = 0;
- }
- }
- #undef cube
- } else if (palette == 'G') {
- grayscale:
- xdev->color_info.num_components = 1;
- xdev->color_info.max_gray = num_rgb - 1;
- #if HaveStdCMap
- /* Get a standard color map if available */
- if (xdev->std_cmap = x_get_std_cmap(xdev, XA_RGB_GRAY_MAP)) {
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray = xdev->std_cmap->red_max +
- xdev->std_cmap->green_max +
- xdev->std_cmap->blue_max + 1;
- } else
- #endif
- /* Otherwise set up a gray ramp of our own */
- /* The gray ramp is limited to about 1/2 of the available */
- /* colormap, the user specified maxGrayRamp (usually 128), */
- /* or the number of representable grays */
- {
- int ramp_size = min(xdev->vinfo->colormap_size / 2,
- min(xdev->maxGrayRamp, num_rgb));
- while (!xdev->dither_colors && ramp_size >= 3) {
- int max_gray = ramp_size - 1;
- int i;
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray = ramp_size;
- xdev->dither_colors =
- (x_pixel *) gs_malloc(sizeof(x_pixel), ramp_size,
- "gdev_x_gray_ramp");
- if (xdev->dither_colors == NULL) {
- ramp_size--;
- goto no_ramp;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ramp_size; i++) {
- XColor xc;
- xc.red = xc.green = xc.blue =
- (0xffff * i / max_gray) & xdev->color_mask;
- if (i == 0) {
- xdev->dither_colors[i] = xdev->foreground;
- } else if (i == max_gray) {
- xdev->dither_colors[i] = xdev->background;
- } else {
- if (XAllocColor(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap, &xc)) {
- xdev->dither_colors[i] = xc.pixel;
- } else {
- eprintf1("Warning: failed to allocate %d level gray ramp.\n",
- ramp_size);
- ramp_size /= 2;
- if (i - 1 > 0) {
- oldhandler =
- XSetErrorHandler(x_catch_free_colors);
- XFreeColors(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap,
- xdev->dither_colors + 1, i - 1, 0);
- XSync(xdev->dpy, False); /* Force any errors */
- oldhandler = XSetErrorHandler(oldhandler);
- }
- gs_free((char *)xdev->dither_colors,
- sizeof(x_pixel), ramp_size,
- "gdev_x_gray_ramp");
- xdev->dither_colors = NULL;
- goto no_ramp;
- }
- }
- }
- no_ramp: ;
- }
- if (!xdev->dither_colors) {
- goto monochrome;
- }
- }
- /* Allocate space for dynamic colors, do at most 256 */
- /* If there are more avaiaible, we ask the X server */
- xdev->dynamic_size = min(256, xdev->vinfo->colormap_size -
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray);
- if (xdev->dynamic_size) {
- xdev->dynamic_colors =
- (XColor *) gs_malloc(sizeof(XColor), xdev->dynamic_size,
- "gdev_x_dynamic_colors");
- if (xdev->dynamic_colors == NULL) {
- xdev->dynamic_size = 0;
- }
- }
- } else if (palette == 'M') {
- monochrome:
- xdev->color_info.num_components = 1;
- xdev->color_info.max_gray = 1;
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray = 2;
- } else {
- eprintf1("gs: Unknown palette: %s\n", xdev->palette);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* Setup X11 font mapping. */
- private char *
- get_ps_name(char **cpp, int *len)
- {
- char *ret;
- *len = 0;
- /* skip over whitespace and newlines */
- while (**cpp == ' ' || **cpp == '\t' || **cpp == '\n') {
- (*cpp)++;
- }
- /* return font name up to ":", whitespace, or end of string */
- if (**cpp == ':' || **cpp == '\0') {
- return NULL;
- }
- ret = *cpp;
- while (**cpp != ':' &&
- **cpp != ' ' && **cpp != '\t' && **cpp != '\n' &&
- **cpp != '\0') {
- (*cpp)++;
- (*len)++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private char *
- get_x11_name(char **cpp, int *len)
- {
- char *ret;
- int dashes = 0;
- *len = 0;
- /* skip over whitespace and the colon */
- while (**cpp == ' ' || **cpp == '\t' ||
- **cpp == ':') {
- (*cpp)++;
- }
- /* return font name up to end of line or string */
- if (**cpp == '\0' || **cpp == '\n') {
- return NULL;
- }
- ret = *cpp;
- while (dashes != 7 &&
- **cpp != '\0' && **cpp != '\n') {
- if (**cpp == '-') dashes++;
- (*cpp)++;
- (*len)++;
- }
- while (**cpp != '\0' && **cpp != '\n') {
- (*cpp)++;
- }
- if (dashes != 7) return NULL;
- return ret;
- }
- private void
- gdev_x_setup_fontmap(gx_device_X *xdev)
- {
- char *ps_name;
- char *x11_name;
- int ps_name_len;
- int x11_name_len;
- x11fontmap *font;
- char *cp;
- if (!xdev->useXFonts) return; /* If no external fonts, don't bother */
- cp = xdev->regularFonts;
- while (ps_name = get_ps_name(&cp, &ps_name_len)) {
- if (x11_name = get_x11_name(&cp, &x11_name_len)) {
- font = (x11fontmap *)gs_malloc(sizeof(x11fontmap), 1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font == NULL) continue;
- font->ps_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), ps_name_len+1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->ps_name == NULL) {
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->ps_name, ps_name, ps_name_len);
- font->ps_name[ps_name_len] = '\0';
- font->x11_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), x11_name_len,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->x11_name == NULL) {
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->x11_name, x11_name, x11_name_len-1);
- font->x11_name[x11_name_len-1] = '\0';
- font->std_names = NULL;
- font->iso_names = NULL;
- font->std_count = -1;
- font->iso_count = -1;
- font->next = xdev->regular_fonts;
- xdev->regular_fonts = font;
- }
- }
- cp = xdev->symbolFonts;
- while (ps_name = get_ps_name(&cp, &ps_name_len)) {
- if (x11_name = get_x11_name(&cp, &x11_name_len)) {
- font = (x11fontmap *)gs_malloc(sizeof(x11fontmap), 1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font == NULL) continue;
- font->ps_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), ps_name_len+1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->ps_name == NULL) {
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->ps_name, ps_name, ps_name_len);
- font->ps_name[ps_name_len] = '\0';
- font->x11_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), x11_name_len,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->x11_name == NULL) {
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->x11_name, x11_name, x11_name_len-1);
- font->x11_name[x11_name_len-1] = '\0';
- font->std_names = NULL;
- font->iso_names = NULL;
- font->std_count = -1;
- font->iso_count = -1;
- font->next = xdev->symbol_fonts;
- xdev->symbol_fonts = font;
- }
- }
- cp = xdev->dingbatFonts;
- while (ps_name = get_ps_name(&cp, &ps_name_len)) {
- if (x11_name = get_x11_name(&cp, &x11_name_len)) {
- font = (x11fontmap *)gs_malloc(sizeof(x11fontmap), 1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font == NULL) continue;
- font->ps_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), ps_name_len+1,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->ps_name == NULL) {
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->ps_name, ps_name, ps_name_len);
- font->ps_name[ps_name_len] = '\0';
- font->x11_name = (char *)gs_malloc(sizeof(char), x11_name_len,
- "gdev_x_setup_fontmap");
- if (font->x11_name == NULL) {
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- continue;
- }
- strncpy(font->x11_name, x11_name, x11_name_len-1);
- font->x11_name[x11_name_len-1] = '\0';
- font->std_names = NULL;
- font->iso_names = NULL;
- font->std_count = -1;
- font->iso_count = -1;
- font->next = xdev->dingbat_fonts;
- xdev->dingbat_fonts = font;
- }
- }
- }