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- /* Copyright (C) 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevxxf.c */
- /* External font (xfont) implementation for X11. */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "x_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gdevx.h"
- #include "gsutil.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxxfont.h"
- extern gx_device_X gs_x11_device;
- extern const byte gs_map_std_to_iso[256];
- extern const byte gs_map_iso_to_std[256];
- /* Declare the xfont procedures */
- private xfont_proc_lookup_font(x_lookup_font);
- private xfont_proc_char_xglyph(x_char_xglyph);
- private xfont_proc_char_metrics(x_char_metrics);
- private xfont_proc_render_char(x_render_char);
- private xfont_proc_release(x_release);
- private gx_xfont_procs x_xfont_procs = {
- x_lookup_font,
- x_char_xglyph,
- x_char_metrics,
- x_render_char,
- x_release
- };
- /* Return the xfont procedure record. */
- gx_xfont_procs *
- x_get_xfont_procs(gx_device *dev)
- {
- return &x_xfont_procs;
- }
- /* Define a X11 xfont. */
- typedef struct x_xfont_s x_xfont;
- struct x_xfont_s {
- gx_xfont_common common;
- gx_device_X *xdev;
- XFontStruct *font;
- int encoding_index;
- int My;
- int angle;
- };
- /* Look up a font. */
- private gx_xfont *
- x_lookup_font(gx_device *dev, const byte *fname, uint len,
- int encoding_index, const gs_uid *puid, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *) dev;
- x_xfont *xxf;
- char x11template[256];
- char *x11fontname = NULL;
- XFontStruct *x11font;
- x11fontmap *fmp;
- int i;
- double height;
- int size;
- int xwidth, xheight, angle;
- Boolean My;
- Boolean scalable_font = False;
- if (!xdev->useXFonts) return NULL;
- if (pmat->xy == 0 && pmat->yx == 0) {
- xwidth = fabs(pmat->xx * 1000) + 0.5;
- xheight = fabs(pmat->yy * 1000) + 0.5;
- height = fabs(pmat->yy * 1000);
- if (pmat->xx > 0) angle = 0;
- else angle = 180;
- My = pmat->xx > 0 && pmat->yy > 0 || pmat->xx < 0 && pmat->yy < 0;
- } else if (pmat->xx == 0 && pmat->yy == 0) {
- xwidth = fabs(pmat->xy * 1000) + 0.5;
- xheight = fabs(pmat->yx * 1000) + 0.5;
- height = fabs(pmat->yx * 1000);
- if (pmat->yx < 0) angle = 90;
- else angle = 270;
- My = pmat->yx > 0 && pmat->xy < 0 || pmat->yx < 0 && pmat->xy > 0;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Don't do very small fonts. Font metrics are way off due to rounding */
- if (xwidth <= 4 || xheight <= 4) return NULL;
- if (!xdev->useFontExtensions && (My || angle != 0)) return NULL;
- if (encoding_index == 0 || encoding_index == 1) {
- int tried_other_encoding = 0;
- fmp = xdev->regular_fonts;
- while (fmp) {
- if (len == strlen(fmp->ps_name) &&
- strncmp(fmp->ps_name, (char *)fname, len) == 0) break;
- fmp = fmp->next;
- }
- if (fmp == NULL) return NULL;
- while (True) {
- if (encoding_index == 0) {
- if (fmp->std_count == -1) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s%s", fmp->x11_name,
- "-*-*-*-*-*-*-Adobe-fontspecific");
- fmp->std_names = XListFonts(xdev->dpy, x11template, 32,
- &fmp->std_count);
- }
- if (fmp->std_count) {
- for (i = 0; i < fmp->std_count; i++) {
- char *szp = fmp->std_names[i] + strlen(fmp->x11_name)+1;
- size = 0;
- while (*szp >= '0' && *szp <= '9')
- size = size * 10 + *szp++ - '0';
- if (size == 0) {
- scalable_font = True;
- continue;
- }
- if (size == xheight) {
- x11fontname = fmp->std_names[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!x11fontname && scalable_font &&
- xdev->useScalableFonts) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s-%d%s", fmp->x11_name,
- xheight, "-0-0-0-*-0-Adobe-fontspecific");
- x11fontname = x11template;
- }
- if (x11fontname) break;
- }
- if (tried_other_encoding) return NULL;
- encoding_index = 1;
- tried_other_encoding = 1;
- } else if (encoding_index == 1) {
- if (fmp->iso_count == -1) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s%s", fmp->x11_name,
- "-*-*-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1");
- fmp->iso_names = XListFonts(xdev->dpy, x11template, 32,
- &fmp->iso_count);
- }
- if (fmp->iso_count) {
- for (i = 0; i < fmp->iso_count; i++) {
- char *szp = fmp->iso_names[i] + strlen(fmp->x11_name)+1;
- size = 0;
- while (*szp >= '0' && *szp <= '9')
- size = size * 10 + *szp++ - '0';
- if (size == 0) {
- scalable_font = True;
- continue;
- }
- if (size == xheight) {
- x11fontname = fmp->iso_names[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!x11fontname && scalable_font &&
- xdev->useScalableFonts) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s-%d%s", fmp->x11_name,
- xheight, "-0-0-0-*-0-ISO8859-1");
- x11fontname = x11template;
- }
- if (x11fontname) break;
- }
- if (tried_other_encoding) return NULL;
- encoding_index = 0;
- tried_other_encoding = 1;
- }
- }
- } else if (encoding_index == 2 || encoding_index == 3) {
- if (encoding_index == 2) fmp = xdev->symbol_fonts;
- if (encoding_index == 3) fmp = xdev->dingbat_fonts;
- while (fmp) {
- if (len == strlen(fmp->ps_name) &&
- strncmp(fmp->ps_name, (char *)fname, len) == 0)
- break;
- fmp = fmp->next;
- }
- if (fmp == NULL) return NULL;
- if (fmp->std_count == -1) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s%s", fmp->x11_name,
- "-*-*-*-*-*-*-Adobe-fontspecific");
- fmp->std_names = XListFonts(xdev->dpy, x11template, 32,
- &fmp->std_count);
- }
- if (fmp->std_count) {
- for (i = 0; i < fmp->std_count; i++) {
- char *szp = fmp->std_names[i] + strlen(fmp->x11_name)+1;
- size = 0;
- while (*szp >= '0' && *szp <= '9')
- size = size * 10 + *szp++ - '0';
- if (size == 0) {
- scalable_font = True;
- continue;
- }
- if (size == xheight) {
- x11fontname = fmp->std_names[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!x11fontname && scalable_font && xdev->useScalableFonts) {
- sprintf(x11template, "%s-%d%s", fmp->x11_name, xheight,
- "-0-0-0-*-0-Adobe-fontspecific");
- x11fontname = x11template;
- }
- if (!x11fontname) return NULL;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (xwidth != xheight || angle != 0 || My) {
- if (!xdev->useScalableFonts || !scalable_font) return NULL;
- sprintf(x11template, "%s%s+%d-%d+%d%s",
- fmp->x11_name, My ? "+My" : "",
- angle*64 , xheight, xwidth,
- encoding_index == 1 ? "-0-0-0-*-0-ISO8859-1" :
- "-0-0-0-*-0-Adobe-fontspecific");
- x11fontname = x11template;
- }
- x11font = XLoadQueryFont(xdev->dpy, x11fontname);
- if (x11font == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Don't bother with 16-bit or 2 byte fonts yet */
- if (x11font->min_byte1 || x11font->max_byte1) {
- XFreeFont(xdev->dpy, x11font);
- return NULL;
- }
- xxf = (x_xfont *) (*mprocs->alloc) (1, sizeof(x_xfont), "x_lookup_font");
- if (xxf == NULL)
- return NULL;
- xxf->common.procs = &x_xfont_procs;
- xxf->xdev = xdev;
- xxf->font = x11font;
- xxf->encoding_index = encoding_index;
- xxf->My = My ? -1 : 1;
- xxf->angle = angle;
- if (xdev->logXFonts) {
- fprintf(stdout, "Using %s\n", x11fontname);
- fprintf(stdout, " for %s at %g pixels.\n", fmp->ps_name, height);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- return (gx_xfont *) xxf;
- }
- /* Convert a character name or index to an xglyph code. */
- private gx_xglyph
- x_char_xglyph(gx_xfont *xf, gs_char chr, int encoding_index,
- gs_glyph glyph, gs_proc_glyph_name_t glyph_name_proc)
- {
- x_xfont *xxf = (x_xfont *) xf;
- if (chr == gs_no_char)
- return gx_no_xglyph; /* can't look up names yet */
- if (encoding_index != xxf->encoding_index) {
- if (encoding_index == 0 && xxf->encoding_index == 1)
- chr = gs_map_std_to_iso[chr];
- else if (encoding_index == 1 && xxf->encoding_index == 0)
- chr = gs_map_iso_to_std[chr];
- else
- return gx_no_xglyph;
- if (chr == 0) return gx_no_xglyph;
- }
- if (chr < xxf->font->min_char_or_byte2 ||
- chr > xxf->font->max_char_or_byte2)
- return gx_no_xglyph;
- if (xxf->font->per_char) {
- int i = chr - xxf->font->min_char_or_byte2;
- XCharStruct *xc = &(xxf->font->per_char[i]);
- if ((xc->lbearing == 0) && (xc->rbearing == 0) &&
- (xc->ascent == 0) && (xc->descent == 0))
- return gx_no_xglyph;
- }
- return (gx_xglyph) chr;
- }
- /* Get the metrics for a character. */
- private int
- x_char_metrics(gx_xfont *xf, gx_xglyph xg, int wmode,
- gs_int_point *pwidth, gs_int_rect *pbbox)
- {
- x_xfont *xxf = (x_xfont *) xf;
- if (wmode != 0)
- return gs_error_undefined;
- if (xxf->font->per_char == NULL) {
- if (xxf->angle == 0) {
- pwidth->x = xxf->font->max_bounds.width;
- pwidth->y = 0;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 90) {
- pwidth->x = 0;
- pwidth->y = -xxf->My * xxf->font->max_bounds.width;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 180) {
- pwidth->x = -xxf->font->max_bounds.width;
- pwidth->y = 0;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 270) {
- pwidth->x = 0;
- pwidth->y = xxf->My * xxf->font->max_bounds.width;
- }
- pbbox->p.x = xxf->font->max_bounds.lbearing;
- pbbox->q.x = xxf->font->max_bounds.rbearing;
- pbbox->p.y = -xxf->font->max_bounds.ascent;
- pbbox->q.y = xxf->font->max_bounds.descent;
- } else {
- int i = xg - xxf->font->min_char_or_byte2;
- if (xxf->angle == 0) {
- pwidth->x = xxf->font->per_char[i].width;
- pwidth->y = 0;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 90) {
- pwidth->x = 0;
- pwidth->y = -xxf->My * xxf->font->per_char[i].width;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 180) {
- pwidth->x = -xxf->font->per_char[i].width;
- pwidth->y = 0;
- } else if (xxf->angle == 270) {
- pwidth->x = 0;
- pwidth->y = xxf->My * xxf->font->per_char[i].width;
- }
- pbbox->p.x = xxf->font->per_char[i].lbearing;
- pbbox->q.x = xxf->font->per_char[i].rbearing;
- pbbox->p.y = -xxf->font->per_char[i].ascent;
- pbbox->q.y = xxf->font->per_char[i].descent;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Render a character. */
- private int
- x_render_char(gx_xfont *xf, gx_xglyph xg, gx_device *dev,
- int xo, int yo, gx_color_index color, int required)
- {
- x_xfont *xxf = (x_xfont *) xf;
- gx_device_X *xdev = xxf->xdev;
- char chr = (char)xg;
- gs_int_point wxy;
- gs_int_rect bbox;
- int x, y, w, h;
- int code;
- if (dev->dname == gs_x11_device.dname) {
- code = (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics) (xf, xg, 0, &wxy, &bbox);
- if (code < 0) return code;
- set_fill_style(FillSolid);
- set_fore_color(color);
- set_function(GXcopy);
- set_font(xxf->font->fid);
- XDrawString(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, xo, yo, &chr, 1);
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- x = xo + bbox.p.x;
- y = yo + bbox.p.y;
- w = bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x;
- h = bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y;
- fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
- x_update_add(dev, x, y, w, h);
- }
- return 0;
- } else if (!required)
- return -1; /* too hard */
- else {
- /* Display on an intermediate bitmap, then copy the bits. */
- int wbm, raster;
- int i;
- XImage *xim;
- Pixmap xpm;
- GC fgc;
- byte *bits;
- dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono)) = dev->procs->copy_mono;
- code = (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics) (xf, xg, 0, &wxy, &bbox);
- if (code < 0) return code;
- w = bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x;
- h = bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y;
- wbm = round_up(w, align_bitmap_mod * 8);
- raster = wbm >> 3;
- bits = (byte *) gs_malloc(h, raster, "x_render_char");
- if (bits == 0) return gs_error_limitcheck;
- xpm = XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, w, h, 1);
- fgc = XCreateGC(xdev->dpy, xpm, None, NULL);
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, fgc, 0);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xpm, fgc, 0, 0, w, h);
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, fgc, 1);
- XSetFont(xdev->dpy, fgc, xxf->font->fid);
- XDrawString(xdev->dpy, xpm, fgc, -bbox.p.x, -bbox.p.y, &chr, 1);
- xim = XGetImage(xdev->dpy, xpm, 0, 0, w, h, 1, ZPixmap);
- i = 0;
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- char b = 0;
- for (x = 0; x < wbm; x++) {
- b = b << 1;
- if (x < w)
- b += XGetPixel(xim, x, y);
- if ((x & 7) == 7)
- bits[i++] = b;
- }
- }
- code = (*copy_mono) (dev, bits, 0, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- xo + bbox.p.x, yo + bbox.p.y, w, h,
- gx_no_color_index, color);
- gs_free((char *)bits, h, raster, "x_render_char");
- XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xpm);
- XFreeGC(xdev->dpy, fgc);
- XDestroyImage(xim);
- return (code < 0 ? code : 0);
- }
- }
- /* Release an xfont. */
- private int
- x_release(gx_xfont *xf, const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- {
- x_xfont *xxf = (x_xfont *) xf;
- /* The device may not be open. Cannot reliably free the font. */
- /* XFreeFont(xxf->xdev->dpy, xxf->font); */
- if (mprocs != NULL)
- (*mprocs->free) ((char *)xf, 1, sizeof(x_xfont),
- "x_release");
- return 0;
- }