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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsimage1.c */
- /* Image procedures for Ghostscript library */
- /* This file is logically part of gsimage.c; we have split it out */
- /* to reduce the code working set. */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gscspace.h"
- #include "gspaint.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h" /* requires gsstate.h */
- #include "gzcolor.h" /* requires gxdevice.h */
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gxcolor.h"
- #include "gxcpath.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h"
- #include "gximage.h"
- /* Process the next piece of an image */
- int
- gs_image_next(register gs_image_enum *penum, byte *dbytes, uint dsize)
- { uint rsize = penum->bytes_per_row;
- uint pos = penum->byte_in_row;
- int width = penum->width;
- uint dleft = dsize;
- uint dpos = 0;
- gs_state *pgs = penum->pgs;
- gx_device *save_dev = 0;
- fixed xcur_save, ycur_save;
- int y_save;
- int code;
- /* Accumulate separated colors, if needed */
- if ( penum->plane_index == 0 )
- penum->plane_size = dsize;
- else if ( dsize != penum->plane_size )
- return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- penum->planes[penum->plane_index] = dbytes;
- if ( ++(penum->plane_index) != penum->spread )
- return 0;
- penum->plane_index = 0;
- /* Save the dynamic state components in case of an error. */
- xcur_save = penum->xcur;
- ycur_save = penum->ycur;
- y_save = penum->y;
- /* We've accumulated an entire set of planes. */
- if ( !penum->never_clip )
- { /* Install the clipping device if needed. */
- gx_device *dev = (gx_device *)&penum->clip_dev;
- save_dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- penum->clip_dev.target = save_dev;
- gx_set_device_only(pgs, dev);
- }
- while ( dleft )
- { /* Fill up a row, then display it. */
- uint bcount = min(dleft, rsize - pos);
- byte *bptr =
- penum->buffer + (pos << 3) / penum->bps * penum->spread;
- int px;
- for ( px = 0; px < penum->spread; px++ )
- (*penum->unpack)(penum, &penum->map[px], bptr + px, penum->planes[px] + dpos, bcount, pos);
- pos += bcount;
- dpos += bcount;
- dleft -= bcount;
- if ( pos == rsize ) /* filled an entire row */
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['B'] )
- { int i, n = width * penum->spp;
- dputs("[B]row:");
- for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- dprintf1(" %02x", penum->buffer[i]);
- dputs("\n");
- }
- #endif
- if ( !penum->skewed )
- { /* Precompute integer y and height, */
- /* and check for clipping. */
- fixed yc = penum->ycur, yn;
- fixed dyy = penum->fyy;
- fixed adjust = penum->adjust;
- if ( dyy > 0 )
- dyy += adjust << 1,
- yc -= adjust;
- else
- dyy = (adjust << 1) - dyy,
- yc -= dyy - adjust;
- if ( yc >= penum->clip_box.q.y ) goto mt;
- yn = yc + dyy;
- if ( yn <= penum->clip_box.p.y ) goto mt;
- penum->yci = fixed2int_var_rounded(yc);
- penum->hci =
- fixed2int_var_rounded(yn) - penum->yci;
- if ( penum->hci == 0 ) goto mt;
- }
- code = (*penum->render)(penum, penum->buffer, width * penum->spp, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) goto err;
- mt: if ( ++(penum->y) == penum->height ) goto end;
- pos = 0;
- penum->xcur += penum->fyx;
- penum->ycur += penum->fyy;
- }
- }
- penum->byte_in_row = pos;
- code = 0;
- goto out;
- end: /* End of data */
- code = 1;
- goto out;
- err: /* Error or interrupt, restore original state. */
- penum->plane_index = penum->spread - 1;
- penum->xcur = xcur_save;
- penum->ycur = ycur_save;
- penum->y = y_save;
- /* Note that caller must call gs_image_cleanup */
- /* for both error and normal termination. */
- out: if ( save_dev != 0 ) gx_set_device_only(pgs, save_dev);
- return code;
- }
- /* Clean up by releasing the buffers. */
- void
- gs_image_cleanup(register gs_image_enum *penum)
- { if ( penum->buffer )
- { gs_free((char *)penum->buffer, 1, penum->buffer_size,
- "image buffer");
- penum->buffer = 0;
- }
- if ( penum->line )
- { gs_free((char *)penum->line, 1, penum->line_size,
- "image line");
- penum->line = 0;
- }
- }
- /* ------ Unpacking procedures ------ */
- void
- image_unpack_1(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- byte *bptr, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register ulong *bufp = (unsigned long *)bptr;
- int left = dsize;
- register const ulong *map = &pmap->table.lookup4x1to32[0];
- register uint b;
- if ( left & 1 )
- { b = data[0];
- bufp[0] = map[b >> 4];
- bufp[1] = map[b & 0xf];
- data++, bufp += 2;
- }
- left >>= 1;
- while ( left-- )
- { b = data[0];
- bufp[0] = map[b >> 4];
- bufp[1] = map[b & 0xf];
- b = data[1];
- bufp[2] = map[b >> 4];
- bufp[3] = map[b & 0xf];
- data += 2, bufp += 4;
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_2(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- byte *bptr, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register ushort *bufp = (unsigned short *)bptr;
- int left = dsize;
- register const ushort *map = &pmap->table.lookup2x2to16[0];
- while ( left-- )
- { register unsigned b = *data++;
- *bufp++ = map[b >> 4];
- *bufp++ = map[b & 0xf];
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_4(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- register byte *bufp, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register int spread = penum->spread;
- int left = dsize;
- register const byte *map = &pmap->table.lookup8[0];
- while ( left-- )
- { register unsigned b = *data++;
- *bufp = map[b >> 4]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[b & 0xf]; bufp += spread;
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_8(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *ignore_pmap,
- byte *bufp, const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { if ( data != bufp ) memcpy(bufp, data, dsize);
- }
- /* ------ Rendering procedures ------ */
- /* Rendering procedure for ignoring an image. We still need to iterate */
- /* over the samples, because the procedure might have side effects. */
- int
- image_render_skip(gs_image_enum *penum, byte *data, uint w, int h)
- { return h;
- }
- /* Rendering procedure for a monobit image with no */
- /* skew or rotation and pure colors. */
- int
- image_render_simple(gs_image_enum *penum, byte *buffer, uint w, int h)
- { byte *line = penum->line;
- uint line_size, line_width;
- gx_device *dev = penum->pgs->device->info;
- dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono)) = dev->procs->copy_mono;
- int ix = fixed2int_rounded(penum->xcur);
- const int iy = penum->yci, ih = penum->hci;
- gx_color_index
- zero = penum->icolor0.color1,
- one = penum->icolor1.color1;
- int dy;
- if ( penum->map[0].table.lookup4x1to32[0] != 0 )
- zero = penum->icolor1.color1,
- one = penum->icolor0.color1;
- if ( line == 0 )
- { /* A direct BitBlt is possible. */
- line = buffer;
- line_size = (w + 7) >> 3;
- line_width = w;
- }
- else
- { fixed xl = penum->xcur + fixed_half - int2fixed(ix);
- const fixed dxx = penum->fxx;
- const fixed dxx_4 = dxx << 2;
- const fixed dxx_8 = dxx_4 << 1;
- register const byte *psrc = buffer;
- byte sbit = 0x80;
- byte *endp = buffer + (w >> 3);
- const byte endbit = 1 << (~w & 7);
- byte data;
- line_size = penum->line_size;
- line_width = penum->line_width;
- if ( dxx < 0 )
- ix -= line_width,
- xl += int2fixed(line_width);
- /* Invert the bit following the last valid data bit. */
- if ( endbit == 0x80 ) *endp = ~endp[-1] << 7;
- else if ( *endp & (endbit << 1) ) *endp &= ~endbit;
- else *endp |= endbit;
- data = *psrc;
- memset(line, 0, line_size);
- /*
- * Loop invariants:
- * data = *psrc;
- * sbit = 1 << n, 0<=n<=7.
- */
- do
- { int x0, n, bit;
- byte *bp;
- static const byte lmasks[9] =
- { 0xff, 0x7f, 0x3f, 0x1f, 0xf, 7, 3, 1, 0 };
- static const byte rmasks[8] =
- { 0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe };
- /* Scan a run of zeros. */
- while ( ~data & sbit )
- { xl += dxx;
- sbit >>= 1;
- }
- if ( !sbit )
- { while ( (data = *++psrc) == 0 )
- xl += dxx_8;
- if ( data > 0xf )
- sbit = 0x80;
- else
- xl += dxx_4,
- sbit = 0x08;
- while ( ~data & sbit )
- { xl += dxx;
- sbit >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if ( !(psrc < endp || sbit > endbit) )
- break;
- x0 = fixed2int_var(xl);
- /* Scan a run of ones. */
- while ( data & sbit )
- { xl += dxx;
- sbit >>= 1;
- }
- if ( !sbit )
- { while ( (data = *++psrc) == 0xff )
- xl += dxx_8;
- if ( data < 0xf0 )
- sbit = 0x80;
- else
- xl += dxx_4,
- sbit = 0x08;
- while ( data & sbit )
- { xl += dxx;
- sbit >>= 1;
- }
- }
- /* Fill the run in the scan line. */
- n = fixed2int_var(xl) - x0;
- if ( n < 0 ) x0 += n, n = -n;
- bp = line + (x0 >> 3);
- bit = x0 & 7;
- if ( (n += bit) <= 8 )
- *bp |= lmasks[bit] - lmasks[n];
- else
- { *bp++ |= lmasks[bit];
- if ( n > 64 )
- { int nb = (n >> 3) - 1;
- memset(bp, 0xff, nb);
- bp += nb;
- n &= 7;
- }
- else
- { n -= 8;
- while ( (n -= 8) >= 0 )
- *bp++ = 0xff;
- }
- *bp |= rmasks[n & 7];
- }
- } while ( psrc < endp || sbit > endbit );
- }
- /* Finally, transfer the scan line to the device. */
- for ( dy = 0; dy < ih; dy++ )
- (*copy_mono)(dev, line, 0, line_size, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- ix, iy + dy, line_width, 1, zero, one);
- return_check_interrupt(1);
- }
- /* Rendering procedure for the general case of displaying a */
- /* monochrome image, dealing with multiple bit-per-sample images, */
- /* general transformations, and arbitrary single-component */
- /* color spaces (DeviceGray, CIEBasedA, Separation, Indexed). */
- /* This procedure handles a single scan line. */
- int
- image_render_mono(gs_image_enum *penum, byte *buffer, uint w, int h)
- { gs_state *pgs = penum->pgs;
- const int masked = penum->masked;
- const fixed dxx = penum->fxx;
- fixed xt = penum->xcur;
- gs_color_space *pcs = pgs->color_space;
- cs_proc_remap_color((*remap_color)) = pcs->type->remap_color;
- gs_client_color cc;
- cmap_proc_gray((*map_gray)) = pgs->cmap_procs->map_gray;
- gx_device_color *pdevc = pgs->dev_color;
- /* Make sure the cache setup matches the graphics state. */
- /* Also determine whether all tiles fit in the cache. */
- int tiles_fit = gx_check_tile_cache(pgs);
- #define image_set_gray(sample_value)\
- { pdevc = &penum->dev_colors[sample_value];\
- switch ( pdevc->halftone_level )\
- { default: /* halftone */\
- if ( !tiles_fit ) gx_color_load(pdevc, pgs); break;\
- case -1: /* not computed yet */\
- if ( penum->device_color )\
- (*map_gray)(byte2frac(sample_value), pdevc, pgs);\
- else\
- { decode_sample(sample_value, cc, 0);\
- (*remap_color)(&cc, pcs, pdevc, pgs);\
- }\
- case 0: ; /* pure color */\
- }\
- }
- fixed xl = xt;
- register const byte *psrc = buffer;
- byte *endp = buffer + w;
- fixed xrun = xt; /* x at start of run */
- register byte run = *psrc; /* run value */
- int htrun = /* halftone run value */
- (masked ? 255 : -2);
- *endp = ~endp[-1]; /* force end of run */
- if ( penum->slow_loop )
- { /* Skewed, or imagemask with a halftone. */
- const fixed
- dxy = penum->fxy, dyx = penum->fyx,
- dyy = penum->fyy;
- fixed ytf = penum->ycur;
- fixed yrun = ytf;
- int code;
- for ( ; ; )
- { if ( *psrc++ != run )
- { /* Fill the region between xrun and xl. */
- if ( run != htrun )
- { if ( run == 0 )
- { if ( masked ) goto trans;
- }
- htrun = run;
- image_set_gray(run);
- }
- code = gz_fill_pgram_fixed(xrun, yrun, xl - xrun,
- ytf - yrun, dyx, dyy,
- pdevc, pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- trans: if ( psrc > endp ) break;
- yrun = ytf;
- xrun = xl;
- run = psrc[-1];
- }
- xl += dxx;
- ytf += dxy; /* harmless if no skew */
- }
- }
- else /* fast loop */
- { /* No skew, and not imagemask with a halftone. */
- const fixed adjust = penum->adjust;
- fixed xa = (dxx >= 0 ? adjust : -adjust);
- const int yt = penum->yci, iht = penum->hci;
- gx_device *dev = pgs->device->info;
- dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_proc)) = dev->procs->fill_rectangle;
- dev_proc_tile_rectangle((*tile_proc)) = dev->procs->tile_rectangle;
- dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono_proc)) = dev->procs->copy_mono;
- dev_proc_copy_color((*copy_color_proc)) = dev->procs->copy_color;
- /* If each pixel is likely to fit in a single halftone tile, */
- /* determine that now (tile_offset = offset of row within tile). */
- int tile_offset =
- gx_check_tile_size(pgs,
- fixed2int_rounded(any_abs(dxx) + (xa << 1)),
- yt, iht);
- /* Fold the adjustment into xrun and xl, */
- /* including the +0.5 for rounding. */
- xrun = xrun - xa + fixed_half;
- xl = xl + xa + fixed_half;
- xa <<= 1;
- for ( ; ; )
- { /* Skip large constant regions quickly, */
- /* but don't slow down transitions too much. */
- while ( psrc[0] == run )
- { if ( psrc[1] == run )
- { if ( psrc[2] == run )
- { if ( psrc[3] == run )
- { psrc += 4, xl += dxx << 2;
- continue;
- }
- else
- psrc += 3, xl += (dxx << 1) + dxx;
- }
- else
- psrc += 2, xl += dxx << 1;
- }
- else
- psrc++, xl += dxx;
- break;
- }
- psrc++;
- { /* Fill the region between xrun and xl. */
- int xi = fixed2int_var(xrun);
- int wi = fixed2int_var(xl) - xi;
- int tsx, code;
- gx_bitmap *tile;
- if ( wi <= 0 )
- { if ( wi == 0 ) goto mt;
- xi += wi, wi = -wi;
- }
- switch ( run )
- {
- case 0:
- if ( masked ) goto mt;
- if ( !color_is_pure(&penum->icolor0) ) goto ht;
- code = (*fill_proc)(dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, penum->icolor0.color1);
- break;
- case 255: /* just for speed */
- if ( !color_is_pure(&penum->icolor1) ) goto ht;
- code = (*fill_proc)(dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, penum->icolor1.color1);
- break;
- default:
- ht: /* Use halftone if needed */
- if ( run != htrun )
- { image_set_gray(run);
- htrun = run;
- }
- /* We open-code gz_fill_rectangle_open, */
- /* because we've done some of the work for */
- /* halftone tiles in advance. */
- if ( color_is_pure(pdevc) )
- { code = (*fill_proc)(dev, xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc->color1);
- }
- else if ( tile_offset >= 0 &&
- (tile = pdevc->tile,
- (tsx = (xi + pgs->phase_mod.x) % tile->rep_width) + wi <= tile->size.x)
- )
- { /* The pixel(s) fit(s) in a single tile. */
- byte *row = tile->data + tile_offset;
- code = (color_is_color_halftone(pdevc) ?
- (*copy_color_proc)
- (dev, row, tsx, tile->raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- xi, yt, wi, iht) :
- (*copy_mono_proc)
- (dev, row, tsx, tile->raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- xi, yt, wi, iht,
- pdevc->color1, pdevc->color2)
- );
- return_if_interrupt();
- }
- else
- { code = (*tile_proc)(dev, pdevc->tile, xi, yt, wi, iht,
- pdevc->color1, pdevc->color2,
- pgs->phase_mod.x, pgs->phase_mod.y);
- }
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- mt: if ( psrc > endp ) break;
- xrun = xl - xa; /* original xa << 1 */
- run = psrc[-1];
- }
- xl += dxx;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }