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- /* Copyright (C) 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsimage2.c */
- /* Additional image procedures for Ghostscript library */
- /* This file is logically part of gsimage.c; we have split it out */
- /* to reduce the code working set. */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gscspace.h"
- #include "gspaint.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h" /* requires gsstate.h */
- #include "gzcolor.h" /* requires gxdevice.h */
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gxcolor.h"
- #include "gxcpath.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h"
- #include "gximage.h"
- /* ------ Unpacking procedures ------ */
- void
- image_unpack_1_spread(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- register byte *bufp, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register int spread = penum->spread;
- int left = dsize;
- register const byte *map = &pmap->table.lookup8[0];
- while ( left-- )
- { register uint b = *data++;
- *bufp = map[b >> 7]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 6) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 5) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 4) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 3) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 2) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 1) & 1]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[b & 1]; bufp += spread;
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_2_spread(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- register byte *bufp, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register int spread = penum->spread;
- int left = dsize;
- register const byte *map = &pmap->table.lookup8[0];
- while ( left-- )
- { register unsigned b = *data++;
- *bufp = map[b >> 6]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 4) & 3]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(b >> 2) & 3]; bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[b & 3]; bufp += spread;
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_8_spread(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- register byte *bufp, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register int spread = penum->spread;
- register int left = dsize;
- register const byte *map = &pmap->table.lookup8[0];
- while ( left-- )
- { *bufp = map[*data++]; bufp += spread;
- }
- }
- void
- image_unpack_12(const gs_image_enum *penum, const sample_map *pmap,
- register byte *bufp, register const byte *data, uint dsize, uint inpos)
- { register int spread = penum->spread;
- register int left = dsize;
- register const byte *map = &pmap->table.lookup8[0];
- /* We have to deal with the 3 cases of inpos % 3 separately. */
- /* (In fact, this is the only reason inpos is passed to */
- /* the unpacking procedures at all.) */
- /****** DOESN'T DO MAPPING RIGHT. ******/
- /* Let N = inpos / 3. */
- switch ( inpos % 3 )
- {
- case 1:
- /* bufp points to byte 2N, which was already filled */
- /* with the leftover byte from the previous call. */
- bufp += spread;
- *bufp = *data++ << 4;
- if ( !--left ) return;
- case 2:
- /* bufp points to byte 2N+1, which was half-filled */
- /* with the second leftover byte from the previous call. */
- *bufp = map[*bufp + (*data++ >> 4)];
- --left;
- case 0:
- /* Nothing special to do. */
- ;
- }
- /* Just drop the low 4 bits of each 12. */
- while ( left >= 3 )
- { *bufp = map[*data];
- bufp += spread;
- *bufp = map[(data[1] << 4) + (data[2] >> 4)];
- bufp += spread;
- data += 3;
- }
- switch ( left )
- {
- case 2: /* dddddddd xxxxdddd */
- bufp[1] = data[1] << 4;
- case 1: /* dddddddd */
- *bufp = map[*data];
- case 0: /* Nothing more to do. */
- ;
- }
- }
- /* ------ Rendering procedures ------ */
- /* Rendering procedure for handling color images. */
- typedef union {
- byte v[4];
- ulong all;
- } color_samples;
- int
- image_render_color(gs_image_enum *penum, byte *buffer, uint w, int h)
- { gs_state *pgs = penum->pgs;
- fixed dxx = penum->fxx, dxy = penum->fxy,
- dyx = penum->fyx, dyy = penum->fyy;
- int skew = penum->skewed;
- fixed xt = penum->xcur;
- fixed ytf = penum->ycur;
- int yt = penum->yci, iht = penum->hci;
- gs_color_space *pcs = pgs->color_space;
- cs_proc_remap_color((*remap_color)) = pcs->type->remap_color;
- gs_client_color cc;
- int device_color = penum->device_color;
- cmap_proc_rgb((*map_rgb)) = pgs->cmap_procs->map_rgb;
- cmap_proc_cmyk((*map_cmyk)) = pgs->cmap_procs->map_cmyk;
- gx_device_color devc1, devc2;
- gx_device_color _ss *spdevc = &devc1;
- gx_device_color _ss *spdevc_next = &devc2;
- #define pdevc ((gx_device_color *)spdevc)
- #define pdevc_next ((gx_device_color *)spdevc_next)
- int spp = penum->spp;
- int i;
- fixed xl = xt;
- const byte *psrc = buffer;
- fixed xrun = xt; /* x at start of run */
- int irun = fixed2int_var_rounded(xrun); /* int xrun */
- fixed yrun = ytf; /* y ditto */
- color_samples run; /* run value */
- color_samples next; /* next sample value */
- byte *bufend = buffer + w;
- bufend[0] = ~bufend[-spp]; /* force end of run */
- if_debug5('b', "[b]y=%d w=%d xt=%f yt=%f yb=%f\n",
- penum->y, w,
- fixed2float(xt), fixed2float(ytf), fixed2float(ytf + dyy));
- run.all = 0;
- next.all = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < spp; i++ )
- cc.paint.values[i] = penum->map[i].decode_base;
- (*remap_color)(&cc, pcs, pdevc, pgs);
- while ( psrc <= bufend ) /* 1 extra iteration */
- /* to handle final run */
- { next.v[0] = psrc[0];
- next.v[1] = psrc[1];
- next.v[2] = psrc[2];
- if ( spp == 4 ) /* cmyk */
- { next.v[3] = psrc[3];
- psrc += 4;
- if ( next.all == run.all ) goto inc;
- if ( device_color )
- { (*map_cmyk)(byte2frac(next.v[0]),
- byte2frac(next.v[1]),
- byte2frac(next.v[2]),
- byte2frac(next.v[3]),
- pdevc_next, pgs);
- goto f;
- }
- else
- { decode_sample(next.v[3], cc, 3);
- }
- }
- else /* rgb */
- { psrc += 3;
- if ( next.all == run.all ) goto inc;
- if ( device_color )
- { (*map_rgb)(byte2frac(next.v[0]),
- byte2frac(next.v[1]),
- byte2frac(next.v[2]),
- pdevc_next, pgs);
- goto f;
- }
- }
- decode_sample(next.v[0], cc, 0);
- decode_sample(next.v[1], cc, 1);
- decode_sample(next.v[2], cc, 2);
- (*remap_color)(&cc, pcs, pdevc_next, pgs);
- f: if_debug7('B', "[B]0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x -> %ld,%ld,%d\n",
- next.v[0], next.v[1], next.v[2], next.v[3],
- pdevc_next->color1, pdevc_next->color2,
- pdevc_next->halftone_level);
- /* Even though the supplied colors don't match, */
- /* the device colors might. */
- if ( devc1.color1 != devc2.color1 ||
- devc1.halftone_level != devc2.halftone_level ||
- (devc1.halftone_level &&
- devc1.color2 != devc2.color2) ||
- psrc > bufend /* force end of last run */
- )
- { /* Fill the region between */
- /* xrun/irun and xl */
- gx_device_color _ss *sptemp;
- int code;
- if ( skew )
- { /* Parallelogram */
- code = gz_fill_pgram_fixed(xrun, yrun,
- xl - xrun, ytf - yrun, dyx, dyy,
- pdevc, pgs);
- xrun = xl;
- yrun = ytf;
- }
- else
- { /* Rectangle */
- int xi = irun;
- int wi = (irun = fixed2int_var_rounded(xl)) - xi;
- if ( wi < 0 ) xi += wi, wi = -wi;
- code = gz_fill_rectangle(xi, yt, wi, iht, pdevc, pgs);
- }
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- return_if_interrupt();
- sptemp = spdevc;
- spdevc = spdevc_next;
- spdevc_next = sptemp;
- }
- run.all = next.all;
- inc: xl += dxx;
- ytf += dxy; /* harmless if no skew */
- }
- return 1;
- }