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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsstate.c */
- /* Miscellaneous graphics state operators for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxrefct.h" /* early for gscie.h */
- #include "gxcolor.h" /* for gscolor2.h, gscie.h */
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h"
- #include "gscspace.h"
- #include "gscolor2.h"
- #include "gscie.h"
- #include "gzcolor.h" /* requires gxdevice.h */
- #include "gzht.h"
- #include "gzline.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- /* Imported values */
- /* The following should include a 'const', but */
- /* the Watcom compiler won't accept it. */
- extern /*const*/ gx_color_map_procs *cmap_procs_default;
- /* Forward references */
- private gs_state *alloc_gstate(P3(const gs_memory_procs *, const gs_state *,
- const char *));
- private int alloc_gstate_contents(P1(gs_state *));
- private void free_gstate_contents(P1(gs_state *));
- private void copy_gstate_contents(P2(gs_state *pto, const gs_state *pfrom));
- /* The structure for allocating (most of) the contents of a gstate */
- /* all at once. */
- typedef struct gs_state_contents_s {
- gx_path path;
- gx_clip_path clip_path;
- line_params line_params;
- halftone_params halftone;
- gs_color_space color_space;
- gs_client_color ccolor;
- gx_device_color dev_color;
- } gs_state_contents;
- #define gstate_contents(pgs) ((gs_state_contents *)((pgs)->path))
- /* Allocate and free a structure */
- #define alloc_struct(pgs,typ,cname)\
- (typ *)(*(pgs)->memory_procs->alloc)(1, sizeof(typ), cname)
- #define free_struct(pgs,ptr,cname)\
- (*(pgs)->memory_procs->free)((char *)(ptr), 1, sizeof(*(ptr)), cname)
- /* ------ Operations on the entire graphics state ------ */
- /* Allocate and initialize a graphics state. */
- private float
- null_transfer(const gs_state *pgs, floatp gray)
- { return gray;
- }
- gs_state *
- gs_state_alloc(const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- { register gs_state *pgs =
- alloc_gstate(mprocs, (gs_state *)0, "gs_state_alloc");
- if ( pgs == 0 ) return 0;
- pgs->saved = 0;
- /* Initialize things not covered by initgraphics */
- gx_path_init(pgs->path, pgs->memory_procs);
- gx_cpath_init(pgs->clip_path, pgs->memory_procs);
- gx_alloc_ht_cache(pgs);
- pgs->halftone->width = pgs->halftone->height =
- pgs->halftone->order_size = 0;
- gs_sethalftonephase(pgs, 0, 0);
- /* Initialize things so that gx_remap_color won't crash. */
- gx_set_black(pgs);
- pgs->overprint = 0;
- pgs->black_generation = 0;
- pgs->undercolor_removal = 0;
- pgs->cmap_procs = cmap_procs_default;
- { gx_transfer *ptran = &pgs->transfer;
- rc_alloc_struct_n(ptran->gray, gx_transfer_map, mprocs,
- return 0, "gs_state_alloc", 4);
- ptran->red = ptran->green = ptran->blue = ptran->gray;
- ptran->gray->proc = null_transfer;
- ptran->gray->values[0] = frac_0;
- }
- gs_nulldevice(pgs);
- gs_settransfer(pgs, null_transfer);
- gs_setflat(pgs, 1.0);
- gs_setstrokeadjust(pgs, 1);
- /****** What about the font ? ******/
- pgs->in_cachedevice = pgs->in_charpath = 0;
- pgs->show_gstate = 0;
- pgs->level = 0;
- pgs->fill_adjust = float2fixed(0.25);
- pgs->client_data = 0;
- if ( gs_initgraphics(pgs) < 0 )
- { /* Something went very wrong */
- return 0;
- }
- return pgs;
- }
- /* Set the client data in a graphics state. */
- /* This should only be done to a newly created state. */
- void
- gs_state_set_client(gs_state *pgs, char/*void*/ *pdata,
- const gs_state_client_procs *pprocs)
- { pgs->client_data = pdata;
- pgs->client_procs = *pprocs;
- }
- /* Get the client data from a graphics state. */
- char/*void*/ *
- gs_state_client_data(gs_state *pgs)
- { return pgs->client_data;
- }
- /* Free a graphics state */
- int
- gs_state_free(gs_state *pgs)
- { free_gstate_contents(pgs);
- free_struct(pgs, pgs, "gs_state_free");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Save the graphics state */
- int
- gs_gsave(gs_state *pgs)
- { gs_state *pnew = alloc_struct(pgs, gs_state, "gs_gsave");
- if ( pnew == 0 )
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- *pnew = *pgs;
- if ( alloc_gstate_contents(pgs) < 0 )
- { *pgs = *pnew; /* undo partial alloc */
- free_struct(pgs, pnew, "gs_gsave");
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- }
- copy_gstate_contents(pgs, pnew);
- /* Make pnew, not pgs, have the newly-allocated client data. */
- { char/*void*/ *pdata = pgs->client_data;
- pgs->client_data = pnew->client_data;
- pnew->client_data = pdata;
- }
- pgs->saved = pnew;
- if ( pgs->show_gstate == pgs )
- pgs->show_gstate = pnew->show_gstate = pnew;
- pgs->level++;
- if_debug2('g', "[g]gsave -> 0x%lx, level = %d\n",
- (ulong)pnew, pgs->level);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Restore the graphics state. */
- int
- gs_grestore(gs_state *pgs)
- { gs_state *saved = pgs->saved;
- char/*void*/ *pdata = pgs->client_data;
- char/*void*/ *sdata;
- if_debug2('g', "[g]grestore 0x%lx, level was %d\n",
- (ulong)saved, pgs->level);
- if ( !saved ) return gs_gsave(pgs); /* shouldn't happen */
- sdata = saved->client_data;
- /* Swap back the client data pointers. */
- pgs->client_data = sdata;
- saved->client_data = pdata;
- if ( pdata != 0 && sdata != 0 )
- (*pgs->client_procs.copy)(pdata, sdata);
- free_gstate_contents(pgs);
- *pgs = *saved;
- if ( pgs->show_gstate == saved )
- pgs->show_gstate = pgs;
- free_struct(pgs, saved, "gs_grestore");
- return (pgs->saved == 0 ? gs_gsave(pgs) : 0);
- }
- /* Restore to the bottommost graphics state. */
- int
- gs_grestoreall(gs_state *pgs)
- { if ( !pgs->saved ) return gs_gsave(pgs); /* shouldn't happen */
- while ( pgs->saved->saved ) gs_grestore(pgs);
- return gs_grestore(pgs);
- }
- /* Allocate and return a new graphics state. */
- gs_state *
- gs_gstate(gs_state *pgs)
- { gs_state *pnew = alloc_gstate(pgs->memory_procs, pgs, "gs_gstate");
- if ( pnew == 0 ) return 0;
- copy_gstate_contents(pnew, pgs);
- pnew->saved = 0;
- return pnew;
- }
- /* Copy one previously allocated graphics state to another. */
- int
- gs_copygstate(gs_state *pto, const gs_state *pfrom)
- { /* This is the same as currentgstate. */
- return gs_currentgstate(pto, pfrom);
- }
- /* Copy the current graphics state to a previously allocated one. */
- int
- gs_currentgstate(gs_state *pto, const gs_state *pgs)
- { /* We have to copy both the scalar and composite parts */
- /* of the state. */
- gs_state sgs;
- sgs = *pto;
- *pto = *pgs;
- /* Put back the composite part pointers. */
- #define gcopy(element)\
- pto->element = sgs.element
- gcopy(path);
- gcopy(clip_path);
- gcopy(line_params);
- gcopy(halftone);
- gcopy(color_space);
- gcopy(ccolor);
- gcopy(dev_color);
- gcopy(cie_render);
- gcopy(transfer.red);
- gcopy(transfer.green);
- gcopy(transfer.blue);
- gcopy(transfer.gray);
- gcopy(device);
- gcopy(client_data);
- #undef gcopy
- copy_gstate_contents(pto, pgs);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Restore the current graphics state from a previously allocated one. */
- int
- gs_setgstate(gs_state *pgs, const gs_state *pfrom)
- { /* The implementation is the same as currentgstate, */
- /* except we must preserve the saved pointer and the level. */
- gs_state *saved = pgs->saved;
- int level = pgs->level;
- int code = gs_currentgstate(pgs, pfrom);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pgs->saved = saved;
- pgs->level = level;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Swap the saved pointer of the graphics state. */
- /* This is provided only for save/restore. */
- gs_state *
- gs_state_swap_saved(gs_state *pgs, gs_state *new_saved)
- { gs_state *saved = pgs->saved;
- pgs->saved = new_saved;
- return saved;
- }
- /* ------ Operations on components ------ */
- /* Reset most of the graphics state */
- int
- gs_initgraphics(register gs_state *pgs)
- { int code;
- gs_initmatrix(pgs);
- if ( (code = gs_newpath(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_initclip(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setlinewidth(pgs, 1.0)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setlinecap(pgs, gs_cap_butt)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setlinejoin(pgs, gs_join_miter)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setdash(pgs, (float *)0, 0, 0.0)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setgray(pgs, 0.0)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setmiterlimit(pgs, 10.0)) < 0
- ) return code;
- return 0;
- }
- /* setflat */
- int
- gs_setflat(gs_state *pgs, floatp flat)
- { if ( flat <= 0.2 ) flat = 0.2;
- else if ( flat > 100 ) flat = 100;
- pgs->flatness = flat;
- return 0;
- }
- /* currentflat */
- float
- gs_currentflat(const gs_state *pgs)
- { return pgs->flatness;
- }
- /* setstrokeadjust */
- int
- gs_setstrokeadjust(gs_state *pgs, int stroke_adjust)
- { pgs->stroke_adjust = stroke_adjust;
- return 0;
- }
- /* currentstrokeadjust */
- int
- gs_currentstrokeadjust(const gs_state *pgs)
- { return pgs->stroke_adjust;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Allocate a graphics state object and its contents, */
- /* optionally initializing it from an existing object. */
- /* Return 0 if the allocation fails. */
- private gs_state *
- alloc_gstate(const gs_memory_procs *mprocs, const gs_state *pold,
- const char *cname)
- { gs_state *pgs =
- (gs_state *)(*mprocs->alloc)(1, sizeof(gs_state), cname);
- if ( pgs == 0 ) return 0;
- if ( pold != 0 )
- *pgs = *pold;
- else
- pgs->transfer.red = pgs->transfer.green =
- pgs->transfer.blue = pgs->transfer.gray = 0,
- pgs->cie_render = 0,
- pgs->cie_joint_caches = 0,
- pgs->client_data = 0;
- pgs->memory_procs = mprocs;
- if ( alloc_gstate_contents(pgs) < 0 )
- { free_struct(pgs, pgs, cname);
- return 0;
- }
- return pgs;
- }
- /* Allocate the contents of a graphics state object. */
- /* Return -1 if the allocation fails. */
- /* Note that the contents have been smashed in this case. */
- private int
- alloc_gstate_contents(register gs_state *pgs)
- { gs_proc_alloc_t palloc = pgs->memory_procs->alloc;
- static const char cname[] = "alloc_gstate_contents";
- gs_state_contents *cont =
- (gs_state_contents *)(*palloc)(1, sizeof(gs_state_contents), cname);
- if ( cont == 0 ) return -1;
- #define gset(element)\
- pgs->element = &cont->element;
- gset(path);
- gset(clip_path);
- gset(line_params);
- gset(halftone);
- gset(color_space);
- cont->color_space.type = &gs_color_space_type_DeviceGray; /* for cs_adjust_count */
- gset(ccolor);
- gset(dev_color);
- #undef gset
- #define galloc(element,type,fail)\
- if ( (pgs->element = (type *)(*palloc)(1, sizeof(type), cname)) == 0 )\
- goto fail
- #define gtalloc(element,fail)\
- rc_allocate_struct(pgs->element, gx_transfer_map, pgs->memory_procs,\
- goto fail, cname);
- gtalloc(transfer.red, utr);
- gtalloc(transfer.green, utg);
- gtalloc(transfer.blue, utb);
- gtalloc(transfer.gray, uty);
- galloc(device, device, ud);
- #undef galloc
- #undef gtalloc
- if ( pgs->client_data != 0 )
- { if ( (pgs->client_data =
- (*pgs->client_procs.alloc)(pgs->memory_procs)) == 0
- )
- goto ucd;
- }
- rc_increment(pgs->cie_render);
- rc_increment(pgs->cie_joint_caches);
- pgs->device_is_shared = 0;
- return 0;
- /* Undo partial allocations if an allocation failed. */
- #define gunalloc(element) free_struct(pgs, pgs->element, cname)
- ucd: gunalloc(device);
- ud: gunalloc(transfer.gray);
- uty: gunalloc(transfer.blue);
- utb: gunalloc(transfer.green);
- utg: gunalloc(transfer.red);
- utr: free_struct(pgs, cont, cname);
- return -1;
- #undef gunalloc
- }
- /* Free the contents of a graphics state, but not the state itself. */
- private void
- free_gstate_contents(gs_state *pgs)
- { gs_proc_free_t pfree = pgs->memory_procs->free;
- static const char cname[] = "free_gstate_contents";
- if ( pgs->client_data != 0 )
- (*pgs->client_procs.free)(pgs->client_data, pgs->memory_procs);
- #define gfree(element)\
- (*pfree)((char *)pgs->element, 1, sizeof(*pgs->element), cname)
- gx_cpath_release(pgs->clip_path);
- gx_path_release(pgs->path);
- if ( !pgs->device_is_shared )
- gfree(device);
- rc_decrement(pgs->transfer.gray, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- rc_decrement(pgs->transfer.blue, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- rc_decrement(pgs->transfer.green, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- rc_decrement(pgs->transfer.red, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- rc_decrement(pgs->cie_render, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- rc_decrement(pgs->cie_joint_caches, pgs->memory_procs, cname);
- cs_adjust_count(pgs, -1);
- (*pfree)((char *)gstate_contents(pgs), 1, sizeof(gs_state_contents),
- cname);
- #undef gfree
- }
- /* Copy the composite parts of a graphics state. */
- private void
- copy_gstate_contents(gs_state *pto, const gs_state *pfrom)
- { static const char cname[] = "copy_gstate_contents";
- cs_adjust_count(pto, -1);
- *gstate_contents(pto) = *gstate_contents(pfrom);
- cs_adjust_count(pto, 1);
- #define gcopy(element)\
- *pto->element = *pfrom->element
- #define rccopy(element)\
- rc_assign(pto->element, pfrom->element, pto->memory_procs, cname);
- rccopy(transfer.gray);
- rccopy(transfer.blue);
- rccopy(transfer.green);
- rccopy(transfer.red);
- rccopy(cie_render);
- rccopy(cie_joint_caches);
- gcopy(device);
- #undef gcopy
- #undef rccopy
- if ( pfrom->client_data != 0 )
- (*pfrom->client_procs.copy)(pto->client_data, pfrom->client_data);
- gx_path_share(pto->path);
- gx_cpath_share(pto->clip_path);
- }